HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-08-04, Page 2SALADA TSA Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour WEST OF THE SUN A Serial Story by JOSEPH CH DWICKI$ �V Is orSi>. The story thus far: Virginia Amos crosses the wild frontier country by rail pend stage to reach Santa Bonita, Ariz., where she expects to meet hoe fiance Phil Lawrence In response to his urgent letter. When the Lmumsa stage Is held up by it sneaked hand and robbed of in money box addressed to Steve Barron. gambling lunar of Sante Penile, and a cameo Din of Virginia's. Lt. Jim Randall takes up the investigation. Virginia hates 3'Im because of a meeting they once hod h, Washington but be finds himself falling in love with her. PhIt is gone from his ranch when Virginia arrives, so 3101 takes her to see Steve Barron with whom Phil has bed eerlou0 trouble. Barron agrees to looate Phil and to-do him no harm while Virginia e In the territory. CHAPTER VII. When Jim saw that his prisoner had sobered, he called a halt and they swung from the wagon road into the shade of a clump of cotton- woods. He eyes Pete Saba grimly. "All right, Saba -talk." "I got nothing to say, soldier." "You're going to prison for a long time, Saba. You'll get off light 1f you talk. We know you didn't plan the holdup -or the ones before it "There weren't any before it," Saba broke in, "This was the first" "For you maybe. But not for the masked man who led you. Who ie be, Saba?" The outlaw didn't answer. So Jim said, "You better save yourself a couple of years. It'll be tong enough" Saba's mouth worked. His eyes were scared. He said finally, his voice thick, "The other hombre is named Hank Muldane. The mask- ed man is named Phil Lawrence." Jim gave a start. "Are you sure?" Saba nodded. "I rode up to Lawrence's cattle spread some weeks back and asked for a job punching cows. But he cut me in on this holdup. He made ft plain that he was out to get money from Steve Barron, the gambler over at Santa Bonita, and nobody else. That's the way we worked it." * * * "How much did you get out of the holdup?" "Five hundred dollars. Hanle gut the same. Lawrence got the other thousand, After we split, they or- dered me to ride out of the coun- try. I sort of got bogged down in Lannasa." Jim's face had settled into grim lines. He said, "Give me what mon- ey you've got left." Saba handed over a leather pouch. Jim opened it and took out six $10 gold pieces. He eyed the bandit suspiciously. "Where'd you cache the rest?" "That's all I got left, soldier. So help me. I was drinking heavy, and a couple of hobres rolled me night before last" Jim glanced at Mel Scarlett, and the old man nodded. They rode on again, along the dusty wagon trail that led toward the post. An hour later, Jim reined in where the road branched off and headed south, He regarded Pete Saha thoughtfully. "You know where this road leads, Saha?" "To Mexico," "Ever been there?" "A couple of times, There's a senorita in San Carabio. I'm sort of fond of her." "Iike to see her again?" The bandit's eyes glittered. He didn't speak. Jim took the money pouch from his pocket and handed it to Saba. "Steve Barron wouldn't stoop to pick up such money," he said. He took the captured revolver from his belt, broke it and kicked the loads from the cylinder. He handed it to Saba. "There's one thing more before you go," he said. "Give me the cameo pin you took off the woman passenger." "I haven't got it now, soldier,' Saba said. He looked uneasy. "Law- rettco didn't know I had it until he caught me looking at It back in the Sarracca brakes when we made the split. He was plenty Bore when he saw it, and he made me hand it over." "That's the truth?" "I swear it, soldier. I wouldn't lie to you about that." Jim nodded. He raised his m and pointed along the south trail. "See that bayonet cactus? When you reach that I'nh going to start shooting. You're an escaped pris- oner, see?" Saba swalloyed and nodded. * * * "You've got a fast horse," Jim told him. "Head for Mexico, and don't ever let me catch you in the Territory." Saba swung his horse about, and galloped away. Dust swirled up behind him. He reached the distant stalk of Spanish bayonet then put his nimble -footed pony into a zig- zag lope that bounded hint off and on the trail dizzily. Jim drew his gun and opened fire. The blasts of his gun rolled away across the des- ert, but Pete Saba rode on. When Jim's glut was silent, Saba lifted his arm in farewell. Shortly, he was hidden behind a cloud of dust. Jim's face was frowning as he thrust fresh loads into his gun. He sighed heavily. He felt Mel Scar- lett's old eyes on him. "Curious, Scarlett?" "I. didn't ask any questions, lieu- tenant.'." They rode on for a full five miles. Jim reined in again, and faced the scout. "I'nh not telling you not to talk, Mel." "You don't need to, Jim," said the old man, "I guess we understand one an- other," Jim said. He laughed'bit- terly. "A man sure makes a fool of himself over a woman," Virginia had already spent four days in Santa Bonita. At first she had been eager but patient, expect- ing Phil Lawrence to appear at any time. But now, on the morning of the fifth day, she was gradually losing hope. It seemed that he wouldn't come at all. (Continued Next Week) CROSS';'` ORD PUZZLE 12. Permit 19. Place 20. Ruthenium (sym b.) 21. Rooted grotto >=_ .22. Print 23, Sewelry material 20. Dinner course 27. Sole of a plow 28. Crowd 30. Lair 32. 'Urchin 34, Solid heater ACROSS 1. Beetle 7. Helix '13. Distant 14. Hair ointment 15. Time unit lab.) 16, Steal 17. ?fountain 13. 1" y 10. 1-tingy 22. Flim ofSquid 24. Cask .25. Throw lightly 2a, Indian nolo 30. intricate 31. ,.and measure 82. Signs 30. Exclamation 87. T'!at 29..' rehltoct of t Ito Lincoln Memorial 90.:'ournful 141. Conspiracy 143. Light moisture 144, Commanded .45. Sonic 47, Crony 48. Impartial 183. Eyrie 8fi 7 ons 117Combining. arm for air a8.Negative09. Patiated 0, Chatterbox DOWN 3. Shout 2, ossesslvo pronoun d- Txist 4, 21,000n 1 5. Socket ' 0. Disprov 7. European country e. Horseback game 0. Ascribes 10. Sun god 11. County In Idaho 15. Dalry animal '28. Milk drink 40. Obeisance 42, Summit 44, Forbid 42. Is profitable 47. 'Body of water 48, Put on 49. Artificial ge 20. Olanguage 51,51. Dander ePerched D 52. Bender 53. Beverage . 5p• Week unit 1 2 3 4 5 8Zy, 7 0 0 10 11 12 3 Sy " 14 15 • n`A•1 !�:0:5 22 . •\;�1' A' 18 17 16 19 20 21 • X64 ?} y' 23 ?,i;( a29 24 lf,F'•. vti ss 6.•: 27e:: 20 1 02 33 34 35 '�4O 'N 0:30 37 3030 � 39 BI - 42 47, 44 40 49 50 51 52 - 53.54. 45s e0 Answer elsewhere n this Issue They're Going . Going. Three-year-old Byron Clarke looked like a little girl, realized that people actually thought he was a girl. go. It was a long sit in the barber chair, center, but approval of the result, right. Mom -Clarke just shook time to get used to it, I Gone . . left, until the day his mother suddenly She decided his 13 -inch curls would 'after the clipping, Byron beamed his her head, saying, It will take a little suppose." Where is the girl in her teens who hasn't worried her mother to distraction? Brought up in the knowledge of correct behavior and good taste, suddenly she departs from all her training, and for some- times a year or more she seems a stranger to her family. She is pert to her parents, even Impudent. She "knows what she's doing, and can take care of herself." She dates new boy friends, and doesn't bring them home to meet her family. She stays .out until mid- night, doesn't think to telephone, and says her mother is "crazy" to worry. Her new independence is reflec- ted in many ways. She uses heavy makeup, and dark nail -polish. She overdresses for all ocassions. Her hairdo is extreme, and her hats (when she'll wear any) are almost grotesque. She is making a spectacle of her- self, and her parents are usually helpless to do anything about it. Her mother and father discuss her endlessly. Fathers are apt to advise more discipline. Mothers are wiser; they fear that would drive her further from them. What these two suffer during this period, only other parents know. Often this change is due to new and wrong associations. Feeling older than she is, the girl apes the. dregs and deportment of other stu- dents in her school who have not had the same careful hone influ- ences. She sees how popular they are (with the wrong kind of boys) and in her ignorance she hopes for the same desired result. For a while, she does attract these les- ser lade, and this is when she pre- sents such a problem. Her parents can, sometimes, sway her from these associations by entertaining daughters and sons of their own friends -girls and boys she used to know, but now ignore. A year or so iri the teen ages make a great difference in a girl's tastes, and meeting them again she can 114IRST discover common interests which will atraet her to them. Parents also can make a point of inviting her new acquaintances to a party at home. The way they behave, against the background of her family, can make her see them tie the undesirable, people they are. I've known many a girl whose eyes opened so, and who there- after avoided them of her own accord. Families cannot get far with a girl of this age by any argument. If they provide other entertain- ment for her, she usually responds. It is not always easy to do, but many an imaginative parent has accomplished it. * TO "A MOTHER": Your girl * will outgrow these unfortunate * traits. Blood will tell, you know. * During this trying period, try * to keep her close to you. Praise * her when you can, let her know * how much you love her. Make * her feel important at home, and * ask her opinion on all family * matters. * Take her to a good beauty sal- * on.. There she will learn, through * tactful operators, how to apply * simple makeup and a new hairdo * suitable to her age. She will ac- * sept these opinions, where just * now she scorns yours. * Don't despair. Believe in her * goodness, and let her know you ? do. That will help most of all. It is useless to tell parents to stop worrying about their way- ward children. rt does ease the problenm"to tell some experienced person about it. Anne Hirst will help, if you write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St. New Toronto. Ont. Novice (at bridge party): You're an expert at bridge, Mr. Jones. IIow would you have played that last hand of mine? Mr. Jones: Under an assumed name. ISSUE 32 - 1949 -Customer: It's tough to pay 90 cents a pound for meat. Butcher: It's tougher when you ' pay 35 cents. "That's Too Much" A I3aby Austin driven ran out of gas on a country road. Along s.,e.. a- Cadillac, Its driver offered the' stranger a tow to the nearest eta- • tion. They were spinning along at 50 miles an hour when the Austinite • spotted a cop behind them. He honked his horn in warning The big car driver sized up the situation, increased his speed to 80 to give the -cop the slip . with the Austin man honking again, this time in terrified supplication to slow,-- down. Finally the cop did give up, , strode into the station, stripped off his badge and gun. "I'nh through" he announced. "I've seen every- thing. I might expect to be outrun by a Cadillac, but when there's an Austin behind him giving him the horn, that's too much.". Beauty of Thrift As soon As a squirrel Has gathered Its bin full, A hunter Stands' ready . To pepper Its skin full. i FAN TANS p Recipe Measure into large bowl; lukewarm water, 1 tap. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle .lowly 'With 1 envelope Fleisohmann's Royal Fut Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 min., THEN stir well. Scald 1 e.milk and Air in 6 tbs. granulated mar, 2 Wm. salt; cool tolukewarm. Add to yeast mixture end sib in hl sap lukewarm water. Beat In 8 ones -silted bread flour; bolt wall. Beat in 4 tis. melted shortening. Work in $ o. mon once -sifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and eiaetie; place in greased bowl end brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover end wt in warm place, free from draught. Let rise' until doubled In bulk: Punch down dough in bowl: grease top end let rise again until nearly doubled. Punch down dough and roll out, half ata time, into a rectangle • scant X. thick` lift dough, cover with cloth and let rest 6 min. Brush with melted butter or shortening; out into strips 134" wide. Pile 7 strips together; cut into 134" pieces. Place cut -side up its greased muf- fin pane; separate elites a little at the top. Cover and lot rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in hot oven, 400°, 16-20 min. Astive/ LT New Fasl-Aeling Dry Yeast Needs NO Refrlgerallen 1 It's a fact! Fleischmenn's Roysl`Fast MIs; ing Dry Yeast keeps for weeks and weeks on the shelf. And it's full-strength and fest-acting whenever you're ready to bekel {how bake at home -use this modernformot yeast for finest results in your breeds,roils and buns. Get Fleischmana's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast at your grocer's to -days e mot,at sUp */ i/ 4 SCIENCE 8t INDUSTRY On August 26th the curtain goes up on the greatest show of Its kind in the world the CNE. For fourteen days and nights of crowded hours all that art, Industry, agriculture and the sciences have to offer will be displayed amid a gala of color and music and gaiety. All that is new in fashioin, homemaking and transport ... international Livestock and Horse Showa .. all these things are yolrs to see and enjoy. Come and hear the music of HM Royal Marines Band and leading dance orchestras. Come and enjoy all of this terrific show. Col. K. R. Marshall Elwood A. Hughes President Canard Manager TRAILZR TRAINS OLSEN & JOHNSON 14