HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-06-30, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1949 ' HENSALL Mr, and M. Lloyd ,Hudson, of St. Marys were recent visitors with rel- atives and friends here. Miss Noma Snell of Exeter visit- ed during the past week with Mr., and Mrs. Melvin Moir and family. Mr, and Mrs, F. G. Bonthron visit- ed recently with Mr, and Mrs, Wolff near Trenton. Miss Barbara Michie of Ingersoll visited this week with Mrs. Roy Mac - Laren and Donald. 'Miss Helen Swan returned home after a pleasant Visit in Goderich. Scheel Picnic The Hensel] Public School picnic washeld at Lions Palk, Seaforth on Thursday afternoon, and was largely ,attehded, ,Theafternoon was• spent 'inswimming and sports. Foll6wing are'tlie results of the •races, pre- school children; Billie Shaddick, J. Stephan, B, Breale; girls 6 & 7, N. • Passmore, Ruth ' Donaldson,. Joyce, Faber; boys'6 and 7,= Jerry McClin-, they, Jerry Regele, Terry Forrest; girls 8 and 9, Joan Koehler, Joan Kerslake, Gwendolyn Spencer;'.boys 8 and9, Billie Kerslake, Murray Har- burn, Donnie Reid; girls 10 and 11, Margaret Reid, Judy Shaddick, Carol Mcblurtrie; boys 10 and 11, Gerald Flynn, Wayne Welsh, Thomas La- vender; girls -3-legged race, Audrey Walsh and Eudora Hyde, Ruth .Sol- der. and Marilyn Mousseau, Jean Bolden and Jean Lavender; boys 12 and over, Wheelbarrow race, • Ron Chuter and Ron Passmore, Bill Fink and LeRoy Peters, Ron and Ray Mc- Kenzie; ladies kick -the -slipper, Elaine Beer; toothpick race, Mrs. Kerslake's side; peanut race, Elaine Beer and Dolly Hildebrandt. During the sup- per hour Miss Brandon was present- ed with pen and pencil set by Beth Goddard. Jean Lavender read the ac-, companying address. Mis---EVaiuon made a fitii -- elliy. Mr. Russell Dennis_ , was presented with a "p clue case by Carol btcMurtrie. Joan Johnston read the accolnpany- ing address; ;lir. Dennison replied thanking the pupils. Dear Miss Brandon:— It is fitting that our good-bye's to you are made at such a happy occasion as a picnic on this sunny June afternoon, for during your five years in our school, you have mingled happiness and brightness with the lessons you taught. We may and no doubt will forget a great deal of the book - learning you have so patiently and conscientiously drilled into us, but we certainly shall never forget the brighter spots of our association with you. The extra help and encourage- ment you gave when needed, the activities you planned, and all the -many other things apart from school work for which you took time, will always be remembered. Although we shall miss you sincerely when the bell calls us all together again in September, we hope you will be happy in your new school. That you will be successful goes without say- ing, for we know you will give there the same quality of service you gave us. Will you please accept this small token of remembrance from all the boys and girls who have passed through your hands at Hensall Pub- lic School? Signed on behalf of the pupils of Hensall Public School. Dear Mr. Dennison :— On behalf of the boys and gills of your room we would like you to accept this gift as a remembrance of your year spent in Hensall. We have enjoyed the year very much and we trust that this gift will carry with it many happy memories. Signed—Pupils of Room 3. Mr .and Mrs. John Passmore visit - e c1 over the weekend with,Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Passmore at Salford. Mr. John Krueger of Los Angeles, Calif., is holidaying with his aunts Mrs. H. McMurtrie and Mrs. Agnes Farquhar and uncle Mr. Allen Co- chrane, Arnold Circle •Meets Mas. Wm.' Brown was hostess for the June meeting of the Arnold Cir- cle Evening Auxiliary with Mrs. Harold Bonthron, co -hostess. Mrs: Glenn Bell, president, presided and, the meeting opened with theworship period by Mrs. Charles Forrest. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson gave the topic which was niost interesting. The roll call, was answered by "Communion". The' business followed and it was decided to hold the annual picnic July 29th at Lions' Park, Seaforth. Miss Jean McQueen read an interesting item from the Glad Tidings, written by Rev.' P. A. Ferguson. Mrs. Clark Kennedy read the iteral from the, Re cord. The meeting' closed by a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in. Unison. De- licious refreshments were served by the hostess, co -hostess, Mrs. E. Fink' W. H. GOLDING IS • and Mrs: J. McEwan. Mrs. John A. McEwan 'returned NAMED TO SENATE home after a pleasant visit in Tor- onto, Niagara Falls, while there at- tended Grand Lodge. During the month of July worship service will •be held in Carmel Pres- byterian Church at 11 a.an. only, conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Sun- day School at 10 a.m. Mrs. Mac Greer of London visited recently with her mother, Mrs. Bon- thron. Rev. P. A. Ferguson is having a month's vacation. DUBLIN • •'s' "son-i5urrs— Rev. ,V. Morrison, S.J„ Toronto, uncle of the bridegroom, officiated at a ceremony on Saturday, June 18, at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, unit- ing in marriage, Elizabeth Rose Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns, Staffa, to Mr. Joseph A. Morrison, Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaques Morrison, : ublin. Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L. assisted in the double -ring ceremony. For the occa- sion the church altar was decorated with white peonies and orange blos- soms. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a gown of white skinner satin, styled with sweetheart neckline, fitted Bodice and long sleeves extending in lily points over the hands. The full skirt gathered in- to a flowing train edged with lace. Her hand -embroidered silk net veil held in place by a halo of lace, fell into a train over that of the gown; she carried a prayer book adorned with white gardenias. Mrs. George Holtzhauer, Galt, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore a gown of blue net over taffeta, with elbow length sleeves, shoulder tip veil and matching headdress; she carried a nosegay of carnations, roses and sweet peas. Miss Mary Morrison, sister of the bridegroom was brides- maid, wearing a gown fashioned with a pink lace bodice extending over the hip line into a full nylon skirt over taffeta. A high sweetheart halo of pink net held her elbow snatching pink veil. She carried a nosegay sim- ilar to that of the matron of honor. Mr. John Morrison, Galt, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Fergus Burns and Mr. Vincent Morrison, youngest brothers of the bride and bridegroom. Mr. Daniel Burns Jr. sang an Ave Maria at the Offertory and 0 Sacred Heart, 0 Love Divine during the signing of the register, Mrs. William Lane, Dublin, presided Attention ! FRESH CARLOAD OF GYPROC GYPROC LATH, LIME, PARISTONE Quality Goods with Quality Service GEO. A. SILLS & SONS NS HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING Home Freezers 12 cu. ft., Zero or Lower 16 cu. ft. Capacity 4 cu. ft. (approx.) FOR STANDARD REFRIGERATION Keeping of Butter, Eggs, Cheese and other items that are kept in an ordinary refrigerator, You will be surprised at the low cost of this unit, Immediate delivery • RUG CUSHIONS Make your rug 'feel like new. Prolong the life of your rugs with these moth proofed hair felt pads. Conies by the yard, so any size available Floor Covering of all description Conga & Rexoleuln rugs, Con. 2 yd., Rexoleum Standard and Deluxe, Marboleuni and inlaids Box Furniture Store--Funera'l Service PHONE -DAY 43 NIGHT 595 W (London Free Press) William H. Golding, of Seaforth, former member of Parliament for Huron -Perth is to be congratulated upon his appointment to the Senate of Canada. Mr. Golding's elevation was an- nounced by Rt. Hon. Louise St. Laurent on Saturday, along with five others. The new Western Ont- ario senator has given his home con- stituency long and faithful service; has made a noteworthy contribution to the life of the Commons, especial - House in committee of the whole. As such, he served without remun- eration although this was offered. His appointment to the Senate comes as no surprise. During his Western Ontario campaign tour, Mr. St. -Laurent gave the hint direct by telling the people of Huron -Perth that although Mr. Golding had re- tired from the Commons, he hoped that Mr. Golding's services still would be available to Canada "in another sphere." Of the other appointees, probably Adelard Godbout, ex -premier of Quebec, is the best-known in this region. At least, Western Ontario is familiar with his name, and with the part he has played for many years. in Quebec politics. While there might be some criti- cism of Mr. St. Laurent making his announcement only two days before a national election— the appoint- ments could have had some bearing on the outcome of balloting in the affected districts — pre-election ap pointments to the Upper Chamber have been standard practice. Usually a prime minister likes to hand out these honors to party friends be- fore voting day just in case. The six new appointments boost Liberal representation in the 102 - seat Senate from 67 to 73. Over the years that the Liberal Government has been in office, it -has built up a top-heavy majority in the. Senate. This is so true that today the Upper House is representative of little other than the Liberal party. The new appointments—and those still to conte—underscore again the necessity for definite steps towards Senate reform. This situation is one which the newly elected 21st Parlia- ment of Canada might do well to study, and to rectify. The readiest approach would be through an all - party joint connnittee of the Senate and House. At Finnigans FOOD FOR THOUGHT The large -apples on the top of the basket are being held up by a lot oflittleones in the bottom •WEEK -END SPECIALS jello Pie Filler, 3 for , .25e Special Floor Wax, lb 25c Heinz Ketchup. 25c Freshie Drinks, 6 for 25c Red Rose Coffee, lb.: ,... , 55c Red Bii'd Matches, .3 for:19c In Stock— Fruit Jars W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF -THANKS Mr: and Mrs..' Campbell Eyre wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Kippen East W.I. and to Mr. A. Fjnlayson and, pupils of S.S, No. 10 and to all those who helped in any way and who' sent cards, flowers,treats, giftsand who made .inquiries and visits during Douglas's illness; also thanks to the doctors and staff of Clinton .hospital and the special nurse Mae, 0. Longman WANTED 25 Raspberry pickers. Apply to NORRIS S'ILLERY, RR3 Seaforth. 62843 Clinton FOR SALE Two crepe dresses, one white and one blue. Two sun dresses for a 14 -year-old, one red wool herring bone suit and .one navy blue herring bone skirt for a 14 -year-old. Phone 125-W, Seaforth .. FOR SALE 6 -tube Astra electric radio. Apply to News Office FOR SALE fteen acme of timothh. COLCLOUGH BROS. Seaforth RR2Apply to FOR SALE A good black horse, 6 years old, sound, ,Also a young York sow .bred two months.. Phone 805r21 tiTnnd i1l"� 91'k%1•knp2r FOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet panel half -ton truck in ex- cellent condition, motor overhauled, $676. W. FINLAYSON, c/o Henry Weiland, Eg- mondville on this Friday and Saturday only. STRAYED From Lot 18, Con, 9, McKillop, one grey steer with horns, weighing around 800 lbs.Anyone seeing this. east lease WILSON LITTLE, RR1bSeaforth. 845r5fy FOR SALE Good serviceable flat rack, can beseen at James Krauskopf Blacksmith Shop, Dublin, or apply to V. J. LANE, Seaforth RR 5. Phone 46-12 Dublin FOR SALE Massey -Harris Binder. 6 foot cut. GORDON MacDONALD, Seaforth • FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet in good condition. Phone 290 Seaforth. FOR SALE A quantity of square timber 10x12, hem- lock and maple. .Also a number of good hemlock sticks 0x7 and 16 ft. long. May be seen at the Kinburn United Church. For particulars phone 8001.24 or 500r4 FOR SALE Deering 7 -foot binder 'and a Massey -Harris hay loader. LESLIE BOLTON, Walton R13.1. Phone 8431,13 FOR SALE 1 .solid oak settee, folds out as normal bed. 1 MaClary Quebec stove with long deep fire box with oven. 1 table model coal -oil stove, good as new. 1 -16 -inch lawn mbwer in good shape. 1 Doherty' range with warming closet and reservoir, good as new. 1 iron pump with pipe and cylinder. Apply to JACK PETHICK, North Main street at the organ. A wedding breakfast was served at the Queen's Hotel, Stratford. A re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's 'none).- received otherreceived wearing a black and white gown of rayon taffeta with white ac- cessories. She was assisted by Mrs. Morrison, mother of the bridegroom, wearing a flowered silk crepe dress with white accessories. The corsages were of red roses. Supper was served to sixty guests on the spacious lawn. Assistants were Mrs. John MacDon- ald, Mrs. Edwin Dick, Mrs. Gilbert Murray and Mrs. Roland Kleinfeldt. Among the guests were the grand- mothers of the bride and bridegroom, MrstC. Kenny, London, and Mrs. M. Sullivan, Detroit, both more than 80 Years of age. Later Mx. and Mrs. 'Morrison left on a motor trip, both wearing match- ing suits of blue gabardine, the bride choosing white accessories and . a white gardenia corsage. Guests were present from, Detroit, Windsor, Galt, Toronto, London_ and Stratford. The bridal couple will reside in Windsor. A post -nuptial reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrison, re- cent newly-weds, was held in Dublin Parish hall on Friday night. A large crowd of friends and neighbors was present to extend good wishes to the bridal couple. An address was read by Martin Murray and presentation of a purse of .money was made by Norval Elliott. The bridegroom made a suitable reply. A social evening of dancing followed, music being sup- plied by the Harburn Orchestra. Lunch was served by a group of young ladies and their assistants. Mr. and Mrs. John Meaner enter- tained at a dinner on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mea- gher, recent newlyweds, Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, London, was a guest. Frank Melady and son, Parry Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lavailette and son, Calgary, Alta., with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy. FOR SALE 8 choice York pigs seven weeks old. THOS. BURNS, RR4 Mitchell Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & Furniture. On Lot 12, Con. 4, Mcliiltop Tp., 24 miles north of Seaforth and 81/4 miles east, on Saturday. July 2nd, at 12 o'clock dst 3 Work Horses IMPLEMENTS, ETC. — 1 .set bridles, 2 forks, 1 Viking cream separator, 1 oak bar- rel, 1 side rake, 1 hay loader, 1 plow, 1 binder, Irfoot, Massey-Harria; 1 cultivator; 1 fertiliee'O drill; 1 deck drill; 1 fanning mill; 1 cutting box; 1 moveable rack; 1 set scales; 6 cords hardwood; lawn mower; wire, 2 .rolls; chain; fence stretchers and gripe; 1 rubber tire buggy; 1 cutter; 1 work bench and vise; 1931 DeSoto car; 1 pump; 26 feet Pining; 1 step ladder ; 1 land. roller ; 1 muffler ; 1 wagon on steel; 1 stoneboat; 1 set sleighs; 1 electric motor; 1 pump Sank; 1 set harrows, 7 sections; 1 dump rake; 3, bunches shingles, ox; 1 manure spreader, New Idea; 2 mowers; 1 disc out -throw; 1 colony house; 1 plow ; 1 wheelbarrow ; large number of tools; 1 halter; 1 set of sockets; 3horse collars; 1 brace and large number of hies. GRAIN -160 bushels Oats FUO1NITURE-1 leather bottom arm chair - 4 leather bottom chairs ; 3 leather bottom and back chairs; 1 leather rocking chair; one tray ; one piano and stool ; 1 stand ; 1 hall rack; 1 Victrola; 1 rug, 15x12; 1 drosses; 1 bed, springs and mattress ; 1 chair ; 1 stand; 1 cane bottom rocking chair; 1 dress- er^, 1 cane top table; 1 small table; 1 drop head Singer sewing machine; 1 white bed, springsand mattress; 1 set beam scales; 1 crock ; 1 wnah tub ; 2•gallon crock ; sealers; 20 quart sealers of fruit; 1 electric radio.; 1 Renfrew cook stove; 1 couch; 2 -burner hot kitchenl chairs; radextensioishes ; 1 small reeking table screen ; 1 crock churn ; 1 table 1 extension table; 1 washing machine; 1 coal oil stove; 7 small 'table; 1 large dresser; 1 desk; 1 trunk ; 1 bed, springs and mattress; 1 dress- er; 1 wash stand ;. 1 caudle stand; V -broach ; 2 candlesticks, 2 sets log tongs, 60 tea towels, large amount table cloths and linens; 1 amt; 1 green rug, 3x6 ; 1 brown .rug 3s0 ; 1 red rug, 8x6 some antique dishes 1 oil cloth; 1 electric iron ; silver, forks, knives and spoons; 1 cake platter; 1 set shears; a full line of moking utensils; a large number of pillows and cushions; 1 silver tea pot; alarm clock; number of curtains; 1 large mirror. Terms—Cash ESTATE OF D. J. O'REILLY Michael B. Murray, Lewis P. Coyne, Executors Lew Rowland, Auctioneer Jas. Carlin, Clerk KIPPEN EAST The Kippen East Women's Insti- tute will hold their annual picnic in Lions Park, Seaforth, on Thursday afternoon, July 7 at 8 p.m. There will be sports, ball games and picnic supper. Everyone in the community is invited. Each family bring their own silverware and cups and picnic basket. Come and make it a real. get-together. HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR Opp. Library New Stock Sterling Work Shoes 7 different Styles & Prices to choose from including Arch Support Shoes RASPBERRIES FOR SALE • Orders taken now for raspberries. Place your order early and be sure of getting some. NORRIS SILLERY, Seaforth RRB. Phone 628r28 Clinton THE SEAFORTH NEWS • Snowdon Bros.. Publiahera Authorized as Second Class math Post Office Dept., Ottawa HELP WANTED Girl for general housework, capable of taking charge of two-year-old child. Good wages. Apply Box 127, The Seaforth -News LOST • One folding change purse which contained a stem of money. Apply to Seaforth News A baby buggy, 05. Phone 668r13 Seaforth FOR SALE 1936 Dodge coach in good condition, two practically new tires, heater,driven 61,000 miles. Apply MRS. CHARLETHEOBALD, Egmondville HARLOCK , Mrs. Wm. Mills of Blyth spent a few days the latter part of last week at the home of Mr. Wm. Murphy and Mrs. John Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell have their grandson of Detroit holidaying with them. Master, Jimmie Scott of Toronto celebrated his 15th birthday on Sat- urday, June 25, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colson. We wish you many happy returns of the, day Jimmie. There was a holiday at Harlock school Mbnday owing to the election. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Shepherd and girls moved on Monday. We hope they enjoy their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. CONSTANCE Tlae Constance church and com- munity will holcl their annual picnic next Tuesday afternoon, July 5, at the Lions park. Everyone welcome, FOR SALE 10 choice little Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply FRANK MALONEY, George St. BOX 3Ennrrat mitre 0 FOR SALE One blue roan mare seven years old, about 1800; one mare 6 years old, about 1000. One 11 year old mare about 1460; one redroan year old filly; one rubber tired wagon ; ADDIS to ALFRED BUCHANAN, lot 7 con. 7, Hullett, or phone 541x4 Seaforth FOR SALE 28 Madel A Ford. Apply to LESLIE PRYCE, phone 840-14 Seaforth FOR SALE Pure bred Aberdeen Angus bull 15 months old. Phone 31 on 833. J. W. THOMPSON, RR2 Seaforth FOR SALE 1942 International 34 ton Truck with stake rack, in good running condition. Phone 48r 26, Brussels central. MARK HAMILTON, Walton FOR SALE Two pure bred Shorthorn bulls of service- able age, by Elector's Mint bred by I{laymor Elector. GEO. L. REID, Varna, Ont. FOR SALE Holstein bull, sixteen months old. Priced to sell. WILLIAM SPARKS, Phone 08r32, Bayfield central Wool Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SIEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 8W & 3J AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W SUMMER FILL UP TIME IS HERE Two cars of nut here -this week WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 593-W Seaforth FOR SALE Saddles, new and used, Western, English and army. Also riding bridles and martin- gales. One lady's side saddle. DALE NIXON. phone 66104 Seaforth Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST,, SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fite Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEA'FORTH, ONT. Of[iceie—Praeide,it. O. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen ; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec. -Treat.. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors=Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; lfrnnk McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore. Seaforth RR3; Chris0Leonhardt,Bornholm: 11. J. Trewarthe. Clinton ;.John L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. McEwiag, Blyth 11111 ; Hugh Alexander.' Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich RR2 Agents—Sohn E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F: McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodbagen; George A. Watt. Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other bueineea. will be promptly attended to by applications to any of th above named officers addressed to their respective post offices Tenders Wanted North Side United Church Addition To Building Tenders will be received up to July 1601, by the undersigned, in writing, for the erection. of an addition to the rear of North Side United Church,' said addition to be approxi- mately 70' x 17', two storeys. Building to be of cinder block construction and faced with brick. Plans and specifications may be seen at Savauges' Jewellery Store any time after June 28th. Lowest or any tender not -neces- sarily accepted. SAN SCOTT Chairman of Committee Tenders Wanted North Side United Church Steam Heating; Plant Tenders will be received up to. July 15th, by the undersigned, in writing, for . the installation of ateam heating in North Side United Ohurch..Plans and specifications may be seen at Savauge's Jewellery Store, any time after June 28th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. SAM SCOTT Chairman of Committee NOTICE SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist 'P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday an4 Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor td Dr. W. 0. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER are, tar, Noce and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,: Mooreflel8'a Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals Commercial Hoteeoith, London, WAeeder in each month from'2 to 4 p.m. -63 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton. SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for' your. convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 411, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos, pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and holidays 66 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173. McConnell & Hays. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK ID. MoCONNELL II. GLENN RAYS. County Crown Attorney. SHAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M= V.S. Main St. Seaforth' Phone. 106 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton. Direbters William . H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colouhoun, Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. tallantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris. Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Tr Arthur Fraser, Exeter FOR SALE A frame double dwelling on Centrestreet with two acres of land Modern Dwelling on East .William St. Hard- wood floors, new furnace. earlypossession. Pastime farm near Varna with 50-60 acres. of improved land. Good water .supply Good farm 100 acres, . 21/4 miles north of Seaforth. Early possession. Creek poems through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William et. 11 storey, frame asphalt shingle covered. tre on South Main set,4e. atorth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seafort6 NOTICE - Brush and. spray painting, paper hanging, The Purebred Belgian Draft Stallion WEST varnishing and graining, ALBERT NORMAN, PINE SUPIIEME —5249— Enrolment - No. Mitchelh, Phone 299-W.Mitahell 3017. First Class. Form 1. FOR SALE The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion WINSTON V -E —29989— Enrolment No. 4588. Second Aygienla Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Class• Forme 2 postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price Route for 1949—Mon, & Tues., vicinity of list 6 eamBles 20o; 24, samples $1.00. Maii- Dungannon, Lucknow, Brussels. Blyth. Wed, - Order Dept. T-79, Nov -Rubber Co.,. Box 91. & Thurs., vicinity Seaforth. ()Anton Dublin Hamilton, Ont. Friday & Sat„ vicinity of Kippen, Hensall and - Zurich. Terms $17 to insure, payable March fat, 1060. T. J. MCMIOHAEL, Prop. and Manager Grade A --Premium No. 181. First Class Form 1. Enrolment No. 4316 The purebred Black Pereheran Stallion 5. ST. BLAIN MARQUIS Mon.—Tues.—Vicinity of Senfnrth andDublin Wed.-Thurs.—Vicinity of Exeter and 'Liman. Frf.-Sat Vm4nity Dashwood and Zurich Terms $2 down ; $12 April 1st, 1950 Phone 88124 Hensall ; or 14 r 14 Dublin WILLIAM COLD, Prop. and Manager FOR SALE Brick house, 3 Pc, bathroom, furnace, double garage, situated s/w corner of Wilson & Centre Ste. A lovely home. Prompt pee - session. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res, 220 Office 384