HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-06-30, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1949
STOREpr Specials
For Thurs.June
2 PKGS. 27c
16 OZ. JAR .33c
3 TINS ...27c
3 BOXES.. , .....23c
2 Ige 30 -oz. bottles
Plus Deposit
We -Deliver
Art. Wright
3U. Sat,—July 2 -
It's Delicious
3 PKGS. 25c
16 OZ JAR 23c
2. FOR 25c
V2 LB. PKG 47c
PRUNE PLUMS -20 oz. Tins
2 FOR ....;...35c
Phone ' 77
New Machines
#30 Tractor —44 Tractor
M. H. Washing Machines
81/2' spring -tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch, power lift
Pony Tractor and Row Crop Cultivator
2 Horse Spreaders
All Crop Hayloaders
Power Mower 2 Hand. Scufflers
2 -Furrow Tractor Plow 1-8' tandem Harrow
7' & 6' Binder
4x/2' & 6' One Way Disc
12' self-propelled Combines
Gas Engine. 101/2" Grain Grinder
Water Pressure System
'Hay Cars - Track - Hay Forks - Rope
15 and 1.3 run Fertilizer Drill, P.L. & tractor hitch
10 cub. ft. deep freeze Box 16 cu. ft. Freezer
Thor Washers & Droners
102 Sr, r.c. Tractor
3 F. Tractor Plow
3 furrow Disc Plow
6' clipper combine With motor
6' Clipper with P.T.O.
Seaforth Motors
Thank You
I appreciate most sincerely the splen-
did support of the electors of Huron -Perth
on Monday
A. Y. McLean
Heather' Ilawkins, 22 months old
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Iiaw-
kin, was knocked down by a cal in
front of her !tome on Victoria street
on Monday night about ten o'clock,
and received injuries to her head.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick and
son and Mise Betty Fitzpatrick, Lon-
don, spent the week end at the hotne
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick.
Dr. and lilrs. F. J. Bechely have re-
turned after spending a few holidays
at Tobermory.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart are
holidaying at Huntsville.
The Order of the Eastern Star will
hold their annual picnic in the Lione
Park on' Wednesday,.July 6; supper
at 6.15 p.m., members to bring their
families, ,also lunch basket and
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham Jr. and
Bernard spent the week end in Galt.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P, J.
Reilly. Mrs. Hotham and Bernard are
remaining for a few days.
Mrs. Edward Fitzpatrick has re-
turned home after spending the past
two months in Detroit.
Was Marion McGavin, Reg.N., of
Stratford, spent a day last week -with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Zimmerman of Pembroke has
been spending a few days with her
daughter Mrs. 16, E. Smith.
Mr. George Charters underwent an
appendicitis operation at Scott Mem-
orial Hospital on Monday.
Mrs. W. . Klinkhamer, Detroit, is
visiting with her sister and brother-
in-law Mrs. C. P. Sills and Mr. Sills.
Mrs. George MacDonald, Stratford,
visited last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph McFaddin. •
Miss Ernestine White, Toronto, is
visiting with her mother Mrs. M.
Mrs. Thomas Williams, Windsor,
spent a few days last week at the
hone of 1111, and Mrs. Peter McIver.
Mrs. H. Clancy and son, Detroit,
and :lir. Donald Stewart, Windsor,
were week end visitors at the Monte
of Mrs. Charles Stewart.
Mr. John .McMann and his daugh-
ter Mrs. Tette, Chicago, are visiting
relatives in town.
Mrs. E. A. McMaster and daughter'
Karen visited in London last week.
Mrs. Trout has returned to the
home of her daughter Mrs. W. J.
Thompson, alter visiting in Brant-
ford. '
Mrs. Alex Lillie° and Miss Ena left
our Sunday for a motor trip to Van-
Misses Lorna Ellis and Shirley 'Mc-
Phee are holidaying in Sarnia and
Keswick -on -the -Lake.
Mr. D. Eastman the newly -appoint-
ed Principal of Seaforth=Public school,
paid a visit to the Mrs. Edythe 'Wallace oand Monday.
Monday to spend a few weeks' vaca-
tion with Mrs. Charles Petrie in Buf-
falo, N.Y.
Miss Alice Christie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Christie, met with
an unfortunate accident when she fell
oft a pony, breaking her right arm.
Master Paul McMaster leaves on
Thursday to attend the Presbyterian
Camp at Kintail.
Mrs. Bert Ferris of Provost, Al-
berta, • Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, Miss
Florence Taylor, R.N., and Mrs. Or-
ville Dale attended the trousseau tea
in honor of Miss Doris Lawson at
Constance recently. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Harmsworth and
Jinn, Mrs. R. E. Becktel, Bob and Lor-
deen, of Brampton, visited with Mr,
R. E. Becktel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dale, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Dale and family, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs Ernest Francis
at their- cottage on Burlington Beach
during the week end. c , and
Mrs. Terry Flannery, Dublin
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryan of St. Co-
lumban were in Detroit over the
weekend and attended the MacMillan
and Moore wedding on Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. Docherty of Con-
neaut, Ohio; Mrs. Dr. Coon and
daughter, Miss Margaret of Norfolk,
Virginia, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. Harburn, on Sunday.
The pupils and staff and the care-
taker, Mr. Robt. Joynt, of . Seaforth
public School presented their former
Principal, Mr. P. B. Moffat, before
the closing of school, with a leather
Wallet containing a sum of money.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cole of Russel-
dale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Campbell.
Mrs, Leslie Beattie and two child-
hildren have returned from spending
the winter in England.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor McMaster
and two children of Angus, Ont.,
spent the weekend at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. McMaster.
Northside United Church was the
scene of 3 pretty June wedding . at
high noon on Saturday, June 25,
when Grace MacDonald, daughter of
,ir. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald of
12cliillop, hecaine the bride of Ross
Allan Saral'as, son of Mrs. Sararas
of Cromarty and the late Simon Sar-
aras. Delphiniums, orange blossoms
and pink roses 'made a pretty floral
setting for the ceremony. Rev. R. A.
Brook of Hensel]. ` officiated, The
bride was given in marriage: by her
father. She was gowned in white net
over satin, full skirt with frilled hip-
line, matching shoulder cape, three-
quarter length veil caught up with
beaded' headdress and wore long mit-
tens to match. She carried a cascade
bouquet of pink butterfly roses and
olivet carnations. The maid of honor
was Miss Laura Jackson of Seaforth
who Wore a peach costume matching
that of the bride and had matching
long mittens. 'She carried a colonial
bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. The
bridesmaid was Miss Joyce Pfaff of
Hensall, wearing a blue costume'
matching that of the bride and wore
long matching mittens and had a;
colonial bouquet of Johanna Hill
roses. The ring bearer was little
Brian Bonthron of Hensall, nephew
of the bridegroom, wearing a white
costume. Mr. Harold Caldwell of
Kippen was best man. Ushers were
Earl Sararas and Gordon MacDon-
ald. The organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart,
played the wedding music. Mr.
James T. Scott, McKillop, was soloist
and sang "The Lord's Prayer" and
"For You Alone".
A reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents. The bride's
mother received, wearing a flowered
silk jersey dress with white acces-
sories and corsage of pink carna-
tions. The bridegroom's mother as-
sisted, wearing beige grey crepe with
black accessories and corsage of pink
A wedding dinner was served,
those assisting being Miss Loie Fell
of Staffa, Miss Mary Jackson and
Miss Bernice Wilson of Seaforth.
Later the bride and groom left to
spend their honeymoon in Toronto,
Niagara: Falls and New York. Tho
bride travelled in a blue silk noire
-costume a with white accessories. Mr.
and Mrs. Sararas will reside near
Guests were present from Toron-
to. Kitchener, Goderich, P,lyth, Hen -
sail, Flippen and Staffa.
Prior to her marriage the bride
was honoured at a miscellaneous
shower held by about fifty friends
and neighbors at the home of her
parents on Monday evening; June 20.
Community singing was enjoyed, led
by Mrs. H. McMillan and Mrs. R.
McMillan; contest led by Mrs. Fran-
cis Coleman. The guest of honour
was led to a decorated chair by Miss
Margaret Collins and Miss Gwen
Hugill read the accompanying ad-
dress while Lorraine Livingston and
Donna Fowler brought in -decorated
baskets of gifts.
Dear Grace; Centuries ago Shake-
speare wrote "Life is short, why
should ye speak long." A modern
version of this saying would go like
this "Get Up, Speak Up and Shut
Up". However brief as this greeting
from your old friends and neighbors
tna`y 'be, it is not lacking in warmth
or sincerity. Setting out on the
journey of life is the outstanding
event in the life of a normal human
being. Friends wish the travellers
good luck at the beginning of • a
journey so we wish you health
happiness and success as you stand
on the threshold of your matrimonial
voyage and as a tangible evidence of
these good wishes we ask you to
accept these gifts. We trust they
will help you in your household
duties and be a reminder of your
Roxboro friends. Once again we ex-
tend our warmest greetings and best
wishes to you and your prospective
life partner. Signed by ,vour friends
and neighbors. Grace ' fittingly re-
plied to the address. Lunch was serv-
ed at the close of the evening.
To the Electors of Huron -Perth
7 wish to express my thanks to all who supported me
at the polis on Monday. '
Special thanks to the Young Progressive Conservat-
ives and all workers.
Elgin McKinley
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In Stock
Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproo
Beaver -Board, Arborite,
Tentest Blocks
Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles,
Cooksville Bricks
Roll -Brick Siding, and Roll Roofing'
Loose, 2” Batts, 3" Batts
Lumber, Sash and Doors
Screens made to order
Custom Millwork
Seaforth Supply & fuel Ltd.
• "Where The Best Costs No More"
Lakeview Casino
Grand Bend
CBC Coast to Coast Broadcasting Orchestra
JULY 4th - 12.05 A.M.
Let's meet our hundreds of U.S. visitors for their July 4th holiday
JULY 1ST - 1.15 P.M.
2 games 01 7 innings in afternoon, Winners meet at 7 p.m, for final
9 innings game. 'Teams:
Pond Mills - London - Sandicottes - London
Manor Park London and Grand Bend
Silver Collection
Mrs. Herman Johnson and daugh-
ter Anna of London are visiting Mrs.
H. Penhale.
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan,
'Winthrop, will meet on Wednesday,
July 6th at Mrs. Harvey Dolmage's.
Circle 1 will have charge of the
Miss Karen Kidd is spending her
holidays in Sarnia.
BUTTERS—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on
on June 25, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas
Butters, Dublin, a son
H:ILLEBRECHT—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on June 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Hiilebrecht, RR4 Mitchell. a daughter
SMITH — At Scott Memorial Hospital. on
June 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith.
Seaforth a daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hastings of
Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Strong and Billy spent Sunday with
Mrs. T. Barton.
Mrs. Robt Doig, Andrew and Bob
and Teddy Morehead spent Sunday
at Ipperwash Beach.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. McNairn, Jimmie
and Ken Visited with Mr. and Mrs.
James Nott, Clinton.•
Mrs. Thos. Barton has gone to
Listowel . to spend a week with her
daughter, Mrs. Earl Hastings and
Mr. Hastings.
Mrs. John McGregor, Mrs, Alva
McGregor and Mrs. Winston Work-
man, were in Detroit on Saturday,
June the 18th attending the Jordan
—Pohl wedding. Mrs. John McGreg-
or remained all last week in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple at-
tended the wedding reception of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Dalrymple 'on Satur-
day, June 25th, at Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs, D. Colquhoun and
Mr. and Mrs Tom Colquhoun and
family with MIr. and. Mrs. James
Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Butson have
arrived hoine-from their honeymoon.
Miss Ann Simpson of Thames Rd.
spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. and .Mrs. John Templeman
bIr. and Mrs. Robert Masers and
family at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Chas. Falconer, student at Bible
College, Toronto, is supplying for
the summer at Burns Presbyterian
Church, West Zorra.
Anniversary services were web at-
tended in Cromarty Presbyterian
Church, Sunday, June 26th with Rev.
W. A.Young, B.A., of Guelph, guest
A bee of the men of the congre-
gation was held to clean up the
manse grounds which really needed
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Taylor and
son, visited with James Scott Sr. and
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkins of
Belmore and Lily Ballantyne, Exet-
er with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family,
Mitchell, and Gordon Houghton of
Ailsa Craig with Mrs: Houghton.
The Kippers Gun Club will :hold their
trap shoot on Friday evening, July 8,
at six thirty o'clock.
The Mission Band of St. Andrew's
United Church will hold a picnic :on
the church lawn'.on Saturday after-
noon; 'Members- are asked to bring
Mr. William Thompson spent a day
in Guelph recently.
Mr, and Mrs, Howard 'Finkbetner,
newlyweds, moved last week 10 their
view home,
',Mr. eitd Mrs. Keys visited relatives
in St. Marys.
Reception and Dance
For Mr. and Mrs. Don Horne
Friday Night, July lst
At Winthrop Hall
Good orchestra. Everyone welcom
Stratford Casino
Change of Band Each Night
Admission 50c 10,000 sq. ft.
Dance Floor
e This a Bate
Seah Liensi
July 13 - 14 - 15
Lions Park, Seaforth
Bigger and etter Than Ever
mat, ; w Contest
PRIZES: $75. $50. ® $25.
Entries to be submitted to Bruce Jamieson,
Seaforth; Music Shop, Goderich, or Johnny
Brent, CKNX, Wingham, not later than Tues-
day, July 5th
Winnerg of first and second nights will enter finals of third night
• Digger Outstanding Entertainment
• ;:, igger Rides for Young and Old
• Bigger New and ifferent Games
• Dancing — 3 Nights
Modern and Old -Time
• igger Fireworks. Display