HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-06-16, Page 2THE SMAFORTH S THURSDAY JUNE 16, 1940 McKILLOP Moncrieff United. Crearzli was de- corated -with baskets of, :ear74- eram•-, mei. flowers Saturday afte.tneen =err the marriage of Greta Tt1e. dalle."- ).itat o .)1r. and M. Foster SlallOhu. Brussels, to M. La10.1.111 son Of M.r. ,and M. Fred Dublin. Rev. G. Bazieweoi at de double -rine: ee.remeity a: eclasek...: Giver; th naag brne: father, the hride trore a white per ;satin greed eff-tlie-shottieer neckline- Tie gown - svas deeigned with ruVion. net • •yrake„ lily. pelt: Sleeves. fitted bodiee and fel skirt. extending into a lung mem . edged • with are. T.'se front panel ..of .• the skirt hart.trers of lace held with pear. rosettes, The • bridal veil ,of trism hand-embroulered .net la ..anger -lip length,. was held in a 'Shirley Temple.' headdress, She cai-ried a aboiver boa- -quee of . red Better Times roses and sweet .peas with knotted 'streamers.. The thea : of honor, • Miss. Lillian Swiith sister of the 'bride, wan. gown- ed in pastel. iink nylon organza and Were a Matthing. picture hat aud elbow-len„s-sh Mittens, and carried a - bouquet of pink roses and forget -me - nets. The best Man was 31r. Martin Buucke t. and ushers were Mr. Orme &MTh- and Mr. Wilbur Pilegy. bro- thers of the bride and briiietroorn, testectively, 3Irs. Alex Spieran, Moner.ieft trresidad. at the organ, and her de-Ugh:en Miss Olive Spieran. sang "Because" and "Through the • Years.." The bride's mother wore a navy flowered ErE. dress, white aeces- seriea and a pink rose corsage. The 'ziridetreorn's xerither bad thosen a zray me ne dress with lace tr.:mnine and ey-eler-embreidered s.eee s. White acceesf.ries mtd a eersage .of res .2e:it:Dieted her ,:aone. A nsptif.n. was held at :he rierne :he `7.•r -i -de' s paents. where froes.s. ,,eere snende.i. by. 3liss 1.1.snieen Ettddr. L -k. Sask.. lEss Tens. An -stir -on I.... re ssels. art:. 1.11ss Owen. -17:14 :entrei d tade--a .-.ryaatal Mrs. :eft "47 Crvrnr: Br:dharen. Fr$s- dr.ul Brirle-Eelect Honiseed 7.11E:=S..7.-:M. - 1. :is at- • _ - , •onan.:r '” and --- 3..,2rna--Since hearing of z.narrle._...e, your friends andi. neighbors fel': we eould _ le: you away 013.7. ogenr.er . I on nave a.4wa3 seen ready and trilling m help in any way and always with a happy smile. Lucklv m thte instance we are nos going to lose yon from our eom- numity. We wish yon both all the happiness you so much deserve in your new home. As a token of our friendship and best wishes we ask you to accept these gifts. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. Although- taken by surprise Donna ex.laresed her sincere thanks. Dainty refreshments were served. NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harborin.e...- does must purchase 1949 licenses for same on or before Juune 30th, 1949. Liceneses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Tov,u Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date suturnonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. HERE'S THE TIRE DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU • Ca nada's most point:. lar tire . . , the New Goodyear Deluxe has proven it will give 34% more mileage than the big -mileage Goodyear it replaces, 4) Extra strong cord con- struction helps protect you from blowout MORE MILEAGE flatter tread is sure - danger. The. wider, footed, giving super - THE DEW IMPROVED traction. Drive in w- GOODATEAR day. . . we afire your size. sOgWer SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV—OLDS—SALES AND SERVICE BAYFIELD The f-ar.eral a.‘f :he :ate M. l_ard Ferrasfr. tla:e Tuesday fax. Presbyterian • Cr.nrth. Bayfie:i. Mrs. Ferguson stffs.red a stroke on Saturday night . and died ear :y Mo -da:; inorv',..,z. She was bi‘i-r. in Seafoirh. Ontario, Sept.' 27. I the eldest d aughter of the :ate Lesnara Ch-aliaw.e.y and John Govenlork. Ir. 1307 she was marr.:ed :o Wiarn L. Fertuser. of Bayfield. ar.d has since resi-.e. Bayfiesi wit'r. :he exeenrion of a few pears . Ea --:le. She is survived by one daughter, ills Mare:are: Ferri. sot of Toron:o and vivo sons. John and Charles of Sudbury. bv er.e sister. Mrs. Charles Budilr. St. 'Catharines and rwo larethers. Wl::iarr. -of Sia forth and Bertrair. B.C. Innernient -.vas Bdyf.eli Ceme- tery. :he r.,alii-os..red-a. Fer- Ernes: lif.ven '1;.r.d.say Ferznerri. and Mrs. J:lin MI'. and , Chu.iles Fs it ds Mls. and Lenden• _rtds 1..sa'r,e'. 13 a 7 • e St. •Ost'u.:.:-..-74-sg. Ms's:sr:4. A. an MrS. W. Ca:-::, Mrs.. • er,th. T•srn CS; -.-k. Mir.... M. Geo:. Mr. Frank FL:ng. Mr. and Mrs. Goven.o.k. Mrs. Mae Dotiranre, Star.:vz.- Dti,rranre. a:: of Seaforzli. liENSALL Miss Edith Fr iref,7.. liensall, died Monday in. Joseph's HoSpi:al folloWir.z a lenrhp fiatier.ter of 'Mary Anne Smith and Cooper Forrest, was born and *.ired all her iife Hensa::. untl: a year ago when she meved L•:•nien ani lived ar Pa:niers Ave. She was niegr.':.er ef • Carn:e Preslymrlar. ,-,:htddlt, Hen- Survi•.r.t. are twe atd Getrze. Ba - rot. Manitebs. Funeral '•-1, in the ra'f,n-thr F.trueral Wednesday. P,-J.o.a: Ha:: 7.7tIor. Cenierery. Hit of the Year The P.adi:, Sh:w Ceming Your Way In It's the Coast to Coast Sen. sation of 1949 Don Messer and His Islanders Coast to Coast leetwerak Cauads.'s Finest Old Time Band Featuring Marg Osboarne and Charlie Chamberlain Playing for both Modern and Old•thrte Dancing. You've Heard Them, Now See Them in person FRIDAY, JULY 8 Stratford Casino Admission $1.00 Major Details of The Progressive Conservative Party's Declaration of Policy Drafted and Approved by Canadians from every Province --Representing Every walk of Life Gears* -Arekl Since parliament dissolved a few weeks ago, Progressive Conservative Leader George Drew has visited all ten provinc. He and the Parry he leads, as a result of this tour. are convinced of one thing: It's Time for a Chenge The important thin.- is for all Canadians to decide between now and June 27th is what that change wirbe. With rhie thought in mind the Progessive Conservative Party takes this oppor- tunity to preeent some of the major items of its Declaration of Policy. This is no hastily -drafted election manifesto, nor is it the opinion of one man. It expresses the unanimous opinion of delegates from every province who met in Ottawa from Septem- ber 3Oth to October 2nd last year. The importance of many of our statements of policy hes been greatly emphasized by the conduct of the government -during the recent seasion, but the policies themselves remain unche ged. They were prepared in the belief that they - will serve the best interests of all the people of Canada. It is one statement of policy for the whole of Canada. The purpose of the undertaking we give to Canadians can be broken down under three headings: Opportunity. Security and Freedom. s Dern effectively with the OPPORTUNITY special rransporsadon problem of ' The Progressive Conservative Prince Edward Lsland, Newfound - Party will assure opoortunft y to all land, Cape Breton and Vancouver our people by a bold and progr-- Igard- sive national development program.,. 1 Take the necesmry steps to Cada srands on the threshold proceed with the development of the and waterways j of her greater period of develop-, P° project ment. A vigorous PromC tive on.4 en the St- Lawrence River- servarive government -with faith in Expansion of Trade the future will bring into production? The Progressive Conservative the immense resources which we1 Party will adopt every practical possess in every part of Car,ri.. I meant to expand our external trade There is no part of Canada where with the U.S., and at other nadons. there are not new opportunities of, specifically we will: development if we provide the4 Promote and expand overseas electric energy and other sources or trade through reciprocal trade power to encourage new industries agreements. and new types of agricultural pro- - Remove all abnormal trade duction. barriers imposed by way of license, The Progressive Conservative quota or embargo. national development program will e Remove the arbitrary provi- cover development o:' power, oil, goes of the Foreign ExchanFe coal mineral resources and the Control Act. traneportation facilities for their • d Re -value the Canadian dollar full use. within me_ limits permitted by ,he We will: Bretton V, axis agreement to assist our external made. a Enahlish a Natinnal DeyelnP-- e Open negotiations to matte the mein Advisory Colmoil mce-oPera- dollar and the pound convertible-- don with the provinces. to regain our raaikets in :he sterling b Essabli4-- a Nations- Power ares In co-operation with the various provincial governments we will explore every postibility of expand- ing the epporruniti for work by encouraging new typec ofp uc- tion. We believe that the greatest security for employment in Canada is based upon the fullest develop- ment of our r,&sources whicla will create new employment and increase domes -tic markets. Contributory Social Security Program This plan will provide the follow- ing benefits: Old -age pensions at 65 without a means -2' Unemployment Insurance benefits to be extended to include payments for time lost due to acci- dent or gem:less- 3' Adequate medical and hospi- tal care to be provided under a national health program which will include the 33:1CW_.- extensive pre- ventative health serrto-.. 4 The same family allowance for every child. regardless of the number of children in the family. These and other provisions in our eromatn will be worked out in co-ricer:at:ion with rhe provinces The producers themselves will decide the method by which their wheat will be handled and sold. Marketing boards and representa- tives of the producer organizations should and sal determine their own method of marketing - 3. We will establish a board of livestock commissioners. 4- We will extend the activities of the Federal Farm Loan Board, so that farmers can take advantage of long-term., law -interest rates. o. We will increase the facilities for agricultural research to fold new uses for agricultural products. We will in cooperation with Pro- vincial Departments of Agriculture, conduct thorough studies of con- raagious animal arid plant di.esses to reduce the heavy annual loss from these causes 6. l_n determining agricultural policy, we willemit the coopera- tion of farmers' organizations throughout Canada. Thebeg: interests of agriculture can be served under the guidance of those with practical knowledge of each Masse or agriculture Security for Labour ' review veterans problems; (b) to retain and constantly improve all veteran legislation; (c) to eliminate all unnecessary delays in &Alines with veterans and to simplify pro- cedure; (d) to extend pension bene- fits to the members of the merchant navy; (e) to acoept the medical category recorded on enlistment; (f) to stabilize pensions of First World War veterans, providing for upward revision where the disability has increased:. (g) to increase and extend provision of war veterans' allowances —with an increase in the amount that a veteran may earn above the allowance paid. FREEDOM The Progressive Conservative Party pledges itself to terminate bureaucratic action by.government- order-in-council, ministerial pro- clamation and departmental regu. I ti (a) We will restore responsible government answerable to the elec- ted representatives of the people. We believe in the widest possible measure of personal free- dom consistent with law. order and the general welfare. We are opposed to powers C-ood mn' conditions for our • • r g n......orres to eo.opesate provincen the technical exaraina - Bon of possible power develop- ,. and isa .e -'ual nera3' re- sources rce- ent of electric power at oais.-: c Undertake the commencement of a joint conservation. irrigation and power project on the Saskat- chewan River • d Encourage the development of power in the Maritime Provinces 'from coal as well as other meane. e Promote the development of the great iron ore resources of Canada and the establishmenr of greatly expanded steel industry. f Stimulate the development of . perroleem andother sources in co-operation with the provinces, by taxation and fiscal, policies to encourage the investment risk capital. g Institute a vigorous program of water conservation, reforestation. flood control. irrigation and drain- • age schemes throughout Canada. for the reclamation of unproductive land and the preservation of our DiL h Establish a podtive ;grogram of marshland reclamation and devel- opnaenr. 1 Take effective steps as soon as possible to co-operate with the provinc- in building the Trans- Canada highway and feeder roads, to nor only geedy increase our. asportation facilide but also to develop Can.ada's tourist brasiness. j Remove the discrimination in freight rates between different areas. Reduction of Taxes and reduction of taxes are systein'. tween workers and management, -a over the rights of the individual Sweeping reforms in our is va don An Effective Program people and 'friendly relatons be- which give the government control for the are not only in the beat interests of a.d• We will restore the full neces7a -arinvezrea_o Tecourexagemenitur:aasarteoanadt reward hard work. FarrY will; buildtheirho our workers must be protected by The Progressive Conservative , i .1. Loans and priorities will be interests of the eountrY. ILO OW11 tam made available to those who degrei The ---%curitY and happiness of all Construction of Houses the workers. but also in the best 2. Low -cog hon • will be J-..w_.lation providing for effective str.gg pro- lw.st 32.500 for married-peo, ple and- vided wider ta,,,, imoriv_approvert collective bargaining,. the deter - $1.250 for single persons. by the Dorrimion. ProVIncial and min. ation of mutual rights, as well b increase the exemption for ,iNfunicinal governments. These ' as conciliation and settlement of dependent children by 5200. 'Plans will be administered by the difficulties which may arise. c Lower rhe general rare of , municipalities, .;al. We will--.'tablish a National personal income tax. 3. types of construction will Labour C.ouncil with equal repre- d Allow deducrions to fanners be encouragto ed reduce building i sentation from labour and manage- forNew work done on the farm by mem-e iment. This council will pea -mine bens of the &molly. I 4. Rwtrictions on buliding .sup- causes of labour disputes and pro - e , End the persecution of our g olies will be removed. pose solutions. people by tax -collectors acting 1 under arbitrary powers. Security for Farmers ove labour relations. It will condoct research to im- f t. Encourage developmenof The Progressivepr Conservative ? Cb) We will provide for greater , small business operated by the g undertakes rot '. labour representation on govern- owner- by allowing proper 05510D 1. don for money 1. Enact floor price _legislation , merit boards, commissions and re -invested In the based on the followm,g Drincapl: ," agencies - business and not paid out in profits. g a., a definite fon:title in the c- We will encourage profit - g provide for a graduated reduc- Farm Price Support Act for arriv- sharing plans, through adjustments tion in taxes on other erne)) bug- in ar floor prices. bThe formula in taxation. n-.-:, upon the portion of the will aLlow for variations in produce .d) We will improve legislation income left in the business for Lion and demand. .,,c) Floor Prices prosiding for compulsory collective further developixtent. will be announced wall in advance bargaining; certification of labour h Abolish nuisance ,:vs -s. and ' of the production. period. (tI'l Floor orgammuons after a majority vote; make substantial reductions in prices will be arrived at in consults: meemn.ry for conciliation of dis- general sal.-- and excise taxes on . --Lion with representatives of the putes: fair and adequate wages: necessiti . producers. standard hours of work, keeping in SECURITY the Canadian Wheat Board Act of days wishrpay„ 1 2. We favour the recoration of mind the industry concerned; holi- I Security of Emp oyment 11935 to serve as a marketing agency The Progressive Conservative 1 for wheat producers. Security for Veterans Party assures security to all Cana- Coarse grains saw& as wheat will ?.e We will establish a standing diens by the following Declaration g be handled on a voluntary basis by committee of the House of Commons of Policy. 1 the Wheat Board. on Veterans A.ffitirs to regularly supremacy of the law and the equality of every citizen under the law. (e) We will conserve the author- ity of the provincial and municipal governments over local affairs. if' On assuming office we will convene a Dominion -Provincial con- ference. (g) We believe that national unity depends upon respect for the federal constitution and the clear definition of the responsibilities of the Dominion, Provincial and Muni- cipal governments,with assurance of adequate financial resources to carry out those responsibilities. (h) We undertake to restore free- dom of speech over the radio and to place the supervision of all Cana- dian broadcasting under an inde- pendent administrative body. (i) We will abolish the license fee on radio receiving sets. (j) We give our unqualified stip- port to the North Atlantic Security Pact. I believe this statement will provide convincing reasons why you should cast your ballot on June 27th for the Progressive Conservative candidate in your own constituency so that the public business of this great country will be handled by a strong, vigorous and progressive government in the years ahead. George Drew Victoria, B.C., May 30, 1949 IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE 14 YEARS IS TOO LONG VOTE FOR YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE KittLqini sr THE P2OGZEPare COKMVATIVE PAZTY or CA.14.A.DA, 141 LAME AVE. W. OTTAWA 62 VOTE In llsAINLET Published by the Progressire Conservative Association of Heron -Perth