HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-05-26, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 BRUCEFIELD A (pretty ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents at St. Thomas at two o'clock,when Dallas June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brinklow, became the bride of Walter John MacEwen, son of Mr. and Mrs, John A, MacEwen, Rev, E. J. Roulston of Central Unit- ed Church officiated, The bride was given in marriage by her father, and wore a pastel nt 000 *or PROVIDE MORE AND BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE TO -DAY, we HAVE twice as many employees as five years ago because more people want more service than ever before. Eager, capable, courteous — our operators, instal- lers, the girls in our business offices— all bring to their ,jobs the same friendly spirit that means better telephone service for you, makes it of greater value than most other things you buy. In the past five years, our payroll has gone up from 20 million to over 50 million dollars. Yet, up to now, despite higher costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. To -day's expansion program is breaking all records, but there are still orders we haven't been able to fill. We will keep right on working and building to make your telephone service a bigger bargain than ever to con- tinue to provide more and better service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THE SEAFORTH NEWS blue dress with pink accessories and corsage of pink roses, Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Bea- trice Jones, who wore a blue gray suit, with matching hat and a cor- sage of yellok roses. Robert Allen, of Brucefield, wasthe groomsman. The groom's gift to the bride was a silver locket, the bridesmaid also -received a locket and the grooms' - man a leather wallet, ' Following the reception held at the Gettas Restaurant, the couple left for a wedding' trip to Niagara Falls, the bride wearing a blue dress with gray accessories, Mr. and Mrs. MacEwen will live in London, Ont. There were thirty-five .guests pre- sent from West Lorne, Rodney, Wingham, Brucefield, Sparta and St. Thomas, LOGAN Logan township Councilmet with all members being present, the Reeve presided, minutes read, adopted and signed. By-law No. 473, Eisler dram was finally passed after which tend- ers were opened and R. Clark was awarded open portion at $320.00, Jno. W, Siemon was awarded the portions (1) 12" tile 481 lineal feet to install and (backfill, and the 6" tile 640 lineal feet to install and backfill at total amount $125.00. There was no tender received for the top portion '2,272 lineal feet of 6" tile. Clerk was instructed to notify ratepayers on Eisler drain that as- sessments may be paid in cash up to June 6th, next, J. F. Prueter, treas. Deficit report on th e Beaehamp Creek drain and S. Branch was read and adopted, Logan portion ordered HIGHEST CASH PRICES for DEAD STOCK HORSES 2.50 each CATTLE 2.50 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. MMENIIIMMinimmmimilw BANK CREDIT oils the driving gears of production, industry and commerce. It helps to produce the goods and provide the services and jobs which mark the Canadian way of life. "Money in the bank" is the foundation of credit. You and some seven million other depositors have nearly seCen billion dollars in the chartered banks. To pay for work done, goods produced, bought and sold, Canadians issue — every month — upwards of six billion dollars in cheques. Cashing these cheques, making loans, discounting notes — in many different ways your bank keeps money and credit moving through all the channels of trade and opportunity ... like oil in the machinery. This whole vast, private; competitive, efficient process is made possible by your "money in the bank" — and by the experience and skill and integrity of the men and women on Canadian bank staffs. Going to your bank is not like having to deal with a state bureau—but that's how it would be under state monopoly. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK paid over to Grey Tp. Clerk, Clerk ipstgucted to apply to Ont- ario Municipal Board for authority to pass Woods Drain by-law No. 474 an dthe issue of Deb, Howard Jackson was employed as Twp. Assessor to begin the assess- ing for year 1951 nder'the direction of County Assessor at the sum of. $1500,00. A resolution was passed instruct- ing the Clerk to notify' the District High School Board at Mitchell that Logan Council requests a vote of the High School Area, General accounts passed total of $117.65. Council ad- journed to meet June 6th at 1 o'- clock p.m. JOHN A. RUDOLPH, Clerk. Kids- Fun For You Seven Days A Week Yes, boys and girls, The Comic WeeklCorner, that great fun -feat- ure every week in Puck, The Comic Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday Times, also is appearing weekdays in The Daily Detroit Times. Games, puzzles, tricks and surprises! Follow The Comic Weekly Club Corner daily and Sunday in the Detroit Times, FOR .- DEAD ANIMALS COWS $2•5Oeach HORSES $2.50each HOGS .50 per cwt According to size and condition Phone collect SEAFORTH - 655 r 2 MITCHELL - 219 CNGERSOLL - 21 William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Dingy, weather -worn exteriors and scuffed interiors come beautifully alive and glowing with Ramsay's paints. When you want paint for any purpose, specify Ramsay's ...they have been used in Canada for more than a century and their quality is uniformly high. Your Ramsay dealer below will show you colour cords and give you every assistance in plan- ning a bright future for your old house. Seaforth 5c - $1,00 Store SEAFORTH, ONTARIO A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY for over 100 years "THE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT" Woof Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W '& 3J • • • •' • • • Cir • • f DO YOU KNOW about TRAVEL RATION RL;ATIONS? • • • • • • • • • • It saves time and trouble when you familiarize yourself with the regulations regarding travel to the United States before you set Out on your trip. Here are the facts: 1. The allowance for pleasure travel during the current ration period of November 16th, 1948, to November 15th, 1949, is $150 U.S. per Person ($100 in the case of 'children under 11 years old). 2. A Form 11 permit, obtain- able at any bank, is re- quired to take out of Can- ada amounts exceeding$10 U.S. or $25 U.S. and Cana- dian funds. 3. Special allowances are granted for strictly bust. - nese travel where your ap- plication is certified by your employer. 4. Applications for larger amounts of U.S. funds for travel for health or educa- tional purposes may be made on special forms ob- tainable et your bank. FOREIGN 'EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA' Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor It up: seek IsoBonyolimbs an s 000,106,5 tj,ell stk000d, slokly ' heau-Pole" look. Thos, mos of girls. women, men, 01,, never 0001,1 gain petoro. 1'hoy 0 nk ills gpec101 visor bu Wlug 00gp-Builtll g iron ' Itnm u' IA! ro eluting 00,101, »looU,lgimprovo sironult° nnU nouhlestmonn i 00.0E 0060 00 bi ro hmere oeer. Do,,, rent golting too fat. {top when yotpva gnloea the 5, te, 15 or 20 Abs. you nee,! for normal 0001ggtae. Tryt 110010it, Oetroxgetb(e Lable 6 for 10'wL0lgor nn0 00000 pounds, tins vary Day. At all d105515ta. TOPS FOR fl/A t/TY To Ontario motorists the name Reliance stands_ for more than 30 years of time - tested service. Countless thousands will vouch for the outstanding quality and complete satisfaction you can expect when you pur- chase products bearing the name "Reliance". Si RELIANCE "ETHYL" GASOLINE Every drop packed with power. Trigger -quick in starting. High in anti-knock.Great for mileage. RELIANCE "STANDARD" Lower priced but high in per- formance. Gives you lively, economical power. V VITALOBE MOTOR OIL More than a lubricant — gives your motor Positive Protection against sludging and engine var- nish. Stop at the,STATI0NS with the RED BAND OVER 600 IN ONTARIO