HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-05-12, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEVUS HENSALL The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary took ' place in the United Church School room on Monday night May 9th. An in- teresting program was prepared. Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mrs, D. Kyle were hostesses. Members were asked to present novelty items suitable for bazaar at this meeting Anyone hav- av- ing donations of clothing - closure with the W.M.S. bale, is asked to leave same at the church, or at the manse, this week, if pos- sible. Miss Brandon presented the devtional'and Miss Walsh the mis- sionary itein. Smith—Wren A lovely spring wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Mr. S and dMrs. ay. Gordon Wren, Kippen, I x>~ x> . Lakeview Camino d Bend n BJa M May ,7th at 3 p.m. when their only daughter Alice Elizabeth of: London, became the bride of Thomas M. Smith, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Chatham. Baskets of. Spring flowers formed an attractive setting for the ceremony which was - performed by Rev. A. E. Hinton, Minister of St. Andrew's United Church,'lCippen. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a navy blue street - length dress with a corsage (If red roses. She wore the grooms gift, a two strand of pearls with matching earrings, Mrs. R. -.McGuire, London, was matron of honor wearing grey silk crepe with black accessories and corsage of pink roses. Jack Smith of London, brother of the groom was best man.. For the reception • the bride's mother wore navy blue silk crepe with white accessories. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing grey gabardine with match- ing accessories. Both wore corsages of pink roses and sweet, peas. The bridal table centered by the wedding cake, pink and white tapers in crys- tal holders adding to the attractive- ness. Serving for the wedding din- ner were Mrs. W. Schut, Miss Shir- ley Moir, London; Miss Norma 1Vroir, Exeter. For their wedding . trip -to Hamilton and Niagara ` Falls the bride chose a navy blue costumewith wine shortie coat and accessories in grey. They will reside in London, Ontario. The groom's gift to the bride was a two -strand of pearls with match- ing earrings, matronof a k egold aud compact, best man, goldp chain. Laidlaw—Reichert' Elsa Laving Violet Reichert, daug- hter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rei- chert, Zurich, became the bride of Ernest John Laidlaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laidlaw, Cart- wright, Manitoba, in a lovely cere- mony solemnized at St. Peter's Lu- theran Church, Zurich, bbWPlechaturdya Rev. E 3 .m. Standards ofaspring flowers 3 p.m. and ferns formed decorations for the ceremony. Miss Kathleen Hess, sou - sin of the bride, presided at the organ and the soloist, Kenneth Johns of Exeter, sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Because" during the signing of .the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a cameo blue gab- ardine suit with pink accessories and wore a corsage of pink Rapture roses. Her niece, Miss - Elva Love, attended her wearing a burgundy wine gabardine suit, light blue acces- sories with corsage of Johanna Hill roses. Stewart Adkins, cousin of the bride, was best man, and the Palters. were Orland Reichert and Howard Adkins. Guests were received later at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, by the bride's mother wearing a black bro- caded suede sheer frock with black accessories and a corsage of red Templer roses. Assisting were Mrs. Harold Reichert, sister-in-lawoof the bride who chose a navy mble. Later, the couple left on a wedding trip to Winnipeg and Cartwright, Manitoba, the bride travelling in a navy bide frock with gest They will top- coat and navy accessories. reside in Zurich. Opening Dance p SATURDAY - May 21 Canada's Outstanding Orchestra NEiL McKAY and his Radio Broadcasting Orchestra Featured in several CBC Coast to Coast weekly programmes Admission' 750 TUESDAY, MAY 24 MAURICE JACKSON'S All Girl Orchestra Touring Canada ('oast to Coast A bit 011everyltcro rs and laiug 0record each appearance Don't miss them: Admission 91.00 • Picnic Hall: open daily 'May & June; write or 'phone for reservations; During July & Aug. open for Picnics of 50 persons or more, by reservation only and family of Nilestown'spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs: Alfred Bu- chanan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Busbee and Shirley of Chatham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Robt, Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Stephenson and Donald are spending theweekend in Ottawa. Donald has accepted a po- sition with the National Research Council and intends to remain in Ottawa for a year.' Mrf. James. Dale is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. McNeil et Cromarty. ' Miss Mary Moore of Toronto spent the weekend with her brother Win. Moore. Mac Walter Scott spent a few 'days in London last week. xxxx>•0xxxxxx.1' PricenReductions EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY C -US -B -4 -U -BUY Batteries Electric Washers Gas Washers Lawn Mowers Wiring Supplies JOHN ACH all Ethel at WINTHROP ne, May 16 7.30 P.M, EDT Admission 25 Cents BLAKE Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ducharme are getting 'nicely. settled in their home after their marriage on •Satur- day atthe St. Boniface Church in Zurich. A reception was held: t their, horror on Saturday evening home o13 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Du- charme. Guests were present from Port Huron, Sarnia, Drysdale, Zurich An auction sale is being held on Ervin and Mrs.Er yr of Mr. n the farm 'Gingerich on Thursday afternoon May 12. Mr. Alvin Wolper is the auctioneer.. Miss Laureen Desch is. spending a few days at the home of 18i'. and Mrs. Alan Swartzentzuber in Zurich. Miss Dorothy Oesch is at the hone of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch for a few days. The May meeting of the W.M.S. is being, postponed till June. The ladies are invited to a ape - tial meeting in the Goshen Church on Thiirsday afternoon. Miss Emma Dinsmore is busy making prepartions to have Mrs. J. Douglas return to her home in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich and sons Keith and Kenneth spent mo- ther's Day with Mrs. Gingerich's mother at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bancroft and babe Margery spent Mother's Day in London. KIPPEN EAST 4 At Finnigan's MAY 12 = NATIONAL HOSPITAL WEEK Great women belong to history and self-sacrifice. Leigh -Hunt Pure Lard, 2 lb. 35c Flannelette Blankets, pr, 4 99 Red Rose Coffee, Ib, 490 Bs'oadclotlt, all shades, yd... 50c Special—Sugar, 100 lb8.69' White Flannelette 36" yd. 45c, Lawn Mowers hand and power; Rakes, Hoes, Screen, Oil Cans, Pails, Hot -shot l3atteries, Electric Fencers, com- plete stock of paint W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ella Farquharson. andfamily wish to express to their many friends .,and neighbors their sincere: appreciation for the many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy ex- tended to them during their recent.sad be- reavement, Also for the beautiful floret itrib' rtes and those who so kindly loaned cavo. MO.' mad Mrs. Edwin MacKenzie with to thank all their friends and neighbors. for their very kind services and contributions. Thank you again. • The family of the late Mrs, James Watt desire to express their sincere appreciation to friends and neighbors for the many kindly a n r y show dui' - obs and exPYessionsaof. sympathy ing their bereavement. Mrs. Theobold and Dorothy wish to thank their- friends and neighbors who helped in any way during their bereavement; also Dr.. Corwin, the Nurses, Rev, A, W. Gardiner, R. Bell Industries and Employees, Stewart Bros. and Staff, also those who loaned cars and those who sent the many beautiful floral tributes. Keith ICeys wishes to thank his many friends who came to see him, for the cards and treat@, and also the onus who were asking for him while he was sick. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1949 CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holden and family of Elimville spent Thursday With Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan Donald Stephenson spent last weekend with friends in Hamilton and Toronto. Congratulation>Is .to Ross 11111son on winning second place in .the boys', 11 years and under solo class, at MustLeste ' Go der ich. '•a lm Festival 11x. and Mrs. Andy Reekie and family of Brantford spent the week- ritton. B with Mr. Wm. end Mr. and Mrs Fred Riley of Kitc'11- ener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley. Mr. Peter Lindsay is at present a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Buchanan The Kippen East Women's Insti- tute will hold their May Meeting at the hone of Mrs. MacLean on Fri- day evening, May 20th at 8:30. The roll call will be a riddle or a joke. Current events by Mrs. W. H. Mac- Lean, reading by Miss Gladys Chap- man, contest by Mrs. Tom Kay, mu- sic by Marilyn Eyre, poem, Mrs. Fred Slavin, Travelogue, Mrs. Tom Kay, lunch convenor, Mrs. Wm. Kyle Kyle. EGMONDVILLE A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Brown on Friday evening, May 6th for Mrs. James Brown, bride of last week. Bingo was played followed by a con- test. The bride was then called for- ward, seated in a prettily. -decorated chair, then Mrs. Harold Finnigan, assisted by Nancy Nott, Barbara Nicholson, .Margaret Brown, and Sally Nott, presented the bride with two decorated well -laden bask- ets of useful and costly gifts. The. bride responded and expressed her thanks to all for their kindness and generosity. • The..eommunity extends sympathy to Mrs. Theobald and daughter Dor- othy in their bereavement. 'In Memoriam McGREGOR—In loving memory of infant daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Mc- Gregor, Kippen, who passed sway ou May 12th, 1947 Far and oft our thoughts do wander, To a grave not far away, Where they lead our darling baby ,hist two years ago todlher, mother' and r. —Sadly missed bye brothers, James and Grant CHOICE QUALITY, CLEAN AND 5HINY Place your order while supplies are available WILLIAM M. HART Phone 593-W LANTERNS You'll save money and get better end longer service if you keep your dulemen Ap-, pliences io good working order. We wry a complete stock, of Col!maa pato sad supplies fcr your eoavea« Peace. We are equipped to ineke rho repine fd 'reason- able charge. Make our more your head- quarters foe, ser4lie and sew Coco Appli• aoces. SPEEDMASTER STOVE. SELF -HEATING MON INSTANT CAMP STOVE- ' BALDWIN HARDWARE SEAFORTH STAFFA John W. Hackney,' 60, lot 25, North Thames Road, Hibbert Town- ship,He residence. hise atl died May 8 had been ill only two lays. o er A well-known (armor and dl v as many years, he had served' a director of Usborne and Hibbert Fire Insurance Company, and some years ago was a member of Hibbert Council. He was born and lived all his life on the farm where he died. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackney. Re was a mem- ber of Thames Road UniteeChurch. Surviving are his wife, the former Clara Passmore; one son, Lloyd, at home; two daughters, Mrs. William Harper, Cromarty; Mrs. Lloyd Bal- lantyne, Thames Road; a brother, David . Hackney, Russelldale, an(i four sisters, Mrs. David Gardiner, Cromarty; Mrs. Ben Wilson, and Miss Louise Hackney, Blanchard Township, and Mrs. William lan, London. Funeral service was held at the re- sidence Tuesday at 2:30 p.m (D.S.T.) by Rev. William Mair; of Thames Road United Church and internment was in Exeter Cemetery. • CROOKED HEELS LOOK TERRIBLE - Replaced in 7 Minutes while you wait • W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR . THE sumPoRTH NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers Authorized ae SDeecopt„ nd CluOttsawae mail, Post Office BOX N nuera1 trutrt AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695 W FOR SALE Potatoes—Irish Cobbler, grown from certi- fied seed potatoes, LOUIS DILLON, RR1 Dublin, phone Dublin 46x20 HELP WANTED n' Experienced truck driver and a helper r truck. REGIIIIR TRANSPORT, Seaforth FOR SALE JAMESSIKEYS,ishing phonem835r14' new in 1047, Seaforth TEACHER WANTED ProteMu11011.SLant Dttiesteacher ietocommence and for Sept..,51049. 0 pupils, school freshly Paiand qualifications inst000to d. Apply stating. salary See.-Treas. R,R.i Blyth, Ont. JOHN H. MEWING, • FOR SALE Potatoes, ICathadin, certified seed. Good quality, FRANK MALONEY, Seaforth RR6. Phone 40r8 Dublin FOR SALE Two-year-old grey purebred. Shorthorn bull; also some Irish and Sebago seed potatoes, grown from certified seed in 1948. Apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, phone 660x26 Seaforth FOR SALE Two Taylor Forbes 16 -inch lawn mowers, s, Main class shape, JACKPETHICK, Stree Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect-- ed ffect'ed at lowest rates in First -Claes Companies. FOR. SALE 16.7 Model J) John Deere tractor in good repair. Phone. 847 r 21, Seaforth. FARMERS ATTENTION Come 111 and see the New Viking Separator on display, Free service to all Viking users. JOHN BYERhIANN & SON, Walton RR 2. Phone 848 r 24 FOR SALE 10 pigs 7 weeks old. Apply JACK i MCIVOR, St, Columbal, Phone 22x'18' FOR SALE Pour serviceable age hulls, dual purpose Shorthorns, from ROP dams and sires ROP, TEMPLEMAN,erd Stelfa�yphonea accredited. T NOTICE Having disposed of MY greenhouse to Wm. 'Bradshaw & Son, Markel street, he now has it in operation and. I wish to recommend Bradshew to former customes. RR'polls • FOR SALE A OLS) ty of Soy 010r1 Sea arth, 1 variety. HAROLD PRYGE, east. of Winthrop FOR SALE Calf for sale. Apply GORD)ONREYNOLDS, phone 067x24 Seaforth. • .. DUBLIN Miss Mary Costello,London, 5vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cost- ello. Miss Rose Burne, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flanagan and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Maher, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney. Mrs. Catharine Krauskopf in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf Sr. in Detroit. FOR SALE I Have a limited supply of that famous Murrauphin Sweet Corn for sale; also Multi- piter onions of the vei9 mild type for sale. WILLIAM MURRAY, phone 664x4 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance' Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—P1eilde.a, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod. hegen; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Seo.-Treea. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors—Root. Archibald, Seaforth; Prank Seaforth . Whitmore, more S Clinton; H McGregor, 'ardt Bornholm; E, Trew w Chris ntonharthu, Clinton;Onnton ; John L. Malone. Senforgi : J. H. MoEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich RR2 Agents -John E. Pepper, Bruceaeld • R. F. McKercher, Dublin ; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen 1 George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect inourance or transact other 'business, will be promptly. attended to by applications to any of th above named officers addressed to their respective post offices HELP WANTED Girl or woman for .light housekeeping. No washing or ironing. Apply to the News office. FOR SALE IdeGlary four burner electric stove with side oven, in good condition. Price 860. Apply to MRS. JOHN GALLOP..phone.150J, High st, FOR SALE Convertible baby pram, good as 11085 also play pen. MRS. GORDON COULSON, 8 miles west of Cromarty FOR SALE hfeClar9 cook stove, small Mae, good con- dition, withwater front good halter.' Cl. II. AnnlcoTT, 5 eafankh, Gode ti¢h Sl. east • LOST Yearling strayed iron Int 10 eon. 8, II11 bent, or from. lot 17, con. 1, Hibbert. Phone. 4;+1'5 Dublin central. WORDEN MILLER, Staffs WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band will hold their regular meeting on Saturday, May 14th at 2 p.nt. in the Sunday school room. May 15, an On Sunday evening, y open meeting will be held at which moving pictures on China will be shown. All are welcome. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rapson have moved to the farm they recently, purchased from the Aitcheson estate. Joan of 1 spent Nel- son Ker n, , l;gmondv'll ' Willie. TRACTOR OWNERS If power tante-off shaft on Your brasier measures 1 1/8", we have the adapters to change this to the staulard 1 8/8" used on all farm equipment—only $6.00, DALY MOTORS, Seaforth FOR SALE Two rain chicken shelters, WILLIAM HENRY, 620x2 Clinton. PASTURE. 4 one -year-old Holstein heifers, vaccinated.' Will sell these. cattle sablect to T -B test. We are going Into a restricted area. DONALD. 13730HANAN, 850025 Seaforth FOR •SALE A nearly new 0 -burner . Winghan coal oil horse, dresser ieater d• carsh (acstand, 1 n cutter11 large clothes feather tick. NIRS. RUBY DUNDAS, .Eamdvle. SEWING Of all kinds. Buttonholes also done. MRS. T P.hIILLIP S, Phone 229. FRANK TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin. Keyes and Windsor the weekend with his n^ronts, Mr. and Mrs. Nel a + i e. Miss 'Betty Addison and Ruth Keyes spent the weekend visiting relatives in til ie. Executors Sale of of Farm Property There will be offered for sole by Public Auction, to close the estate of the late George Dick, on Monday, the 10th day of May, 1840, fat 2 arm property' .Lott Number Eighteen followings, the (18) the Fourth (4t11) Concession of the Township of Hay, -containing 100 acres more or less. On the. said property there is located a frame banked barn, •40 0 60, straw. shed 20 x 40, and a .frame dwelling, 6 acres good hard wood bush, balance tillable land with 40 awes spring grain and 1.0. acres of fall wheat, balance in hay and pasture.. Terms: 10 per cent cash. on date of sale, balance in 30 days. Subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer•; Earl R, Dick, 8151, Cromarty, and Mrs. Grace Broadfoot RRB, KIPPe0, Ontario, Executors, or McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, .Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. Wanted Immediately Young Women 16 to 21 Years for Fruit and Vegetable work Aedomulodation in Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by Y. W. C. A. Good Meals -, Good Pay , - Good Fun For full particular's write: - Ontario Farm Service Force 9. Richmond Street, East, Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee Last Call for c!. SIC K During' the month of 'May, we have- available Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Red x Rock ^rose, and Red x Sussex chicks. Started Pullets SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist. P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday awl Saturday only, 7.9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat • Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Ina±itute, Moos''efleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lonlion, Eng. At. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third We5nesday In each month Teleph np.m.-58 267 58 Waterloo Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE •& SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are • open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. A limited number of one and two weeks of age, in Red x Rock, and Red. BOOK YOUR 'REQUIREMENTS TODAY SCOTT POULTRY FARMS Phone 853 Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY . Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos' pita: Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. , Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65' Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, 1 Solicitor, citor &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays . Barristers, Solicitors, pre. Co -Operative Automobile , INSURANCE Insure in Your Own Company LOCAL AGENTS Hallett &McKillop— Wilf Glazier, Clinton, phone 617-31 Stanley & Tucker'smith— R. M. Peck, Kippen • Phone Hensel] 81-23 NOTICE . TO. CREDITORS In the estate of MARTHA L. REGAN, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 28th day of March, A.D. 1949. • TAICE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars 'and 'proof of same to the undersigned exeoutor, or his Solicitors, on or before the 21stclay of Mao, A.D. 1949, upon which date the said executor will proceed to, distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this thirtieth day of April, A.D. 1949, Lester Regan, nEx.ru 5r, 10,R.2, Blyth, Ontario By his solicitors- CRAWFORD & HETH- ERINGTON, Brussels, Ontario Order now for Spring and Summer fill ups. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. Phone 47 - PATRICK ID. 'MoCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., 'V. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 USBORFIIREN NSURANCE COMPANY E & HIBBERT AL Head. Office, Exeter, Ontario President:.....WM. H. COATES, Exeter Viae -pies. ANGUS SINCLAIR, 111 Mitchell DIRECTORS n t8irko111t1JOHN HACKNEY Oo181 Wry. A. HAMILTON Ont. n, Dubli, JOHN MnGRATH - DublinRRl MILTON McbU AGENTS ALVIN HARRIS ...•,Mitchell THOMAS 'SCOTT Cromarty T• G. BALLANTYNE Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER Exeter ARTHUR FRASER Solicitors, Madman & Cochrane. Exeter FOR SALE Modern Dwelling on East William St. Hard- wood floors, new furnace, early possession. Frame Dwelling, corner Victoria and Gouin- lock -Streets! Seaforth; furnace, bath. mimed• tato possession. Pasture farm near Varna with 50-60 acres of improvedland. Good water supply enorEh of fern's 100 . acres; 234 Seaforth. Early poeseeslon. Creek passes through farm, Modern brick duplex on West William et. 1'tfz Storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on SSoutlr Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REID; Seaforth FOR SALE mailed Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) postpaid in plain sealed envelope 'with .price list. 6 eamples 25e; 24 aamplea 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, NOTICE New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electric portables; also treadle machines. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CEN- TRE, 78. Ontario street, Stratford. + FOR .SALE Brick . house, 8 Pc, bathroom, furnace, , double garage, situated e/w corner of Wilson & Centre Sts. A lovely home. Prompt pos-. E C. Chamberlain INSURANCE '& REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334