HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-05-12, Page 51 Good Strong Man Wanted TO WORK IN FLOUR MILL Apply to Excellence Flour Mills' SEAF0RTFI 4,,14111.. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1949 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WRIGHT'S Superior Specials STORE 'CARNATION MILK • 6 targe tins 81c CANNED TOMATOES 20 oz. tin -3 tins 35c A special you cannot afford to miss WIZARD GL^,,SS WAX Makes window cleaning a pleasure 16 oz, tin 49c PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz, Jar 35c Zest Orange, • Lemon & Grape Fruit MARMALADE 24. fluid oz; Jar 27c PRUNE PLUMS 20 oz. tins 2 for 35c PURE LARD t Ib,. 19c COMPLEXION• HAND SOAP LARGE OXYDOL pkg. 37c 3 Bars'23c Watchfor coupon worth 35c on purchase of 1 lb. Swift's $wi'ftnYing, the new improved Shortening. •1 lb 41c. Less coupon, your cost 16c We Deliver Arts Wright Phone 77 -- 0 SPRING IS HERE!! HOUSE CLEANING TIME IS HERE! ! Simmons Spring filled Mattresses are here Priced from $24.60 to the Famous Simmons "Beautyrest" at $79.60 Simmons and other Well Known Names in Bedding to choose from Box Furniture Store -Funeral Service PHONE -DAY 43 NIGHT 695W Maple Leaf Dairy. 9EAFORTH STARTING ON • SUNDAY MAY ' 15 THERE WILL BE Seven Day Delivery of s ilk FILL YOUR SINS IN • APRIL • MAY • JUNE BLUE COAL OF COURSE I coal is available 'Remember coal car shortage, blizzards, rail tie-ups, and miner's holidays and strikes, seriously affect coal deliveries E.L. BOX PHONE 43 New Machines 81/2' spring -tooth Cultivator, tractor' hitch, power lift Pony Tractor and Row Crop Cultivator All Crop Hayloaders Power Mower 2 -Furrow Tractor Plow 7' & 6' Binder - 41/2' & 6' One Way Disc 10' & 12' self-propelled Combines Gas Engine. 101/2" Grain Grinder Water Pressure System Hay Cars - Track - Hay Forks - Rope Electric Fencer - special price to clear 15 run Fertilizer Drill, P.L. & tractor hitch 10 cub. ft. deep freeze Box Thor Washers & Ironers • USED MACHINES 20 r.c. Tractor. 102 Sr. r.c. Tractor 3 F. Tractor Plow 3 furrow Disc Plow 6' clipper combine with motor 6' Clipper with P.T.O. 5' Case p.t.o. like new Combine Trailer Sprayer, 100 gal. tank - Used 1 season Seaforth Motors W. T. TEALL, PROP. PHONE 141 SEAFORTH' TOWN TOPICS Miss Mayme Watson, R,N,, leaves Saturday to take a special nursing course for six months at Montreal, Mr. and d Mrfi. Scott Gilchrist, De- troit, were week -end visitors, Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent the week end with her nlbther• Mrs, R. Kennedy, Mr, and Mrs, twee Hamilton, Wing - ham, visited over the week encs with Mr. 'and Mrs, Whitney, Mr. John' Jones, London, spent the week end at his home here. • Mr: and Mrs: A. Bedard, Gode'ich, spent the week end with Mrs, Therese Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Dor- een and Mrs. Fred Rogerson, from Clinton, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson at Constance, Miss Helen Devereaux, London, visited with her parents Mr, and Mrs, John Devereaux, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerr spent Sun- day at the home of her• parents Mr. and Mis. Walkom in Munro. Miss Mary Duncan, London, spent the week end with ilei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3, Duncan, Mr, and Mrs,. Milton Hoff spent the. week end..With friends in Hamilton, Mr, Gordon Elliott moved this week from Walton to Wm. Drover's farm north of town, which he hes pur- chased. Mr, Drover has bought Miss Mary Johnstone's house on North Main street and gets possession In June, Mr. Joseph Laudenbacli, Vancouver, B.C., is holidaying with his parents Mr, and Mrs, L. Laudenbacll. Miss Hazel Anderson, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Anderson. Mr, Wm. Gormley, a brother of NIr. E. Gormley, died last week in Hamilton. ; Mr, J, Kelly, Palmerston, spent the Week elite with his parents. Miss Eleanor Elgie, Tuckersmith, spent the week end at Galt and Hamilton. Mrs, George MacDonald, Stratford, Mrs. Arnold Stansell and children, i Aylmer, visited last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Me Faddih Mr. and Mrs, Howard Irwin, Wing ham, and Mr, and Mrs. Huger Thomp '-son and Ken spent Sunday at Niagara 'Falls. ,.. Miss .Tean Agar spent the week end with her parents in Sarnia. I Miss Georgina 'Emery of Brantford spent' StYndayy at the home of Miss Lillian Faulkner. Mr, and' Mrs, F. C. P. Maudsley of Brantford were week -end visitors with their daughter Mrs. J. B. Higgins, and. Mr, Higgins. ALERT MISSION BAND The regular meeting of the Alert Mission Band of Northside United Church was held on Tuesday, May 10th. Mrs. Bradshaw conducted the . meeting which was opened by sing -1 ing the hymn "Tell me the story of Jesus", Jimmy Johnson read the scriptlIre from Psalm 23 and• Ruth Pinder led in prayer, M:rs, Wu, a 'Chinese student at the University of Toronto, spoke to the group about Chinese children and schools and ;sang a song in Chinese. Following WINTHROP FOOT BALL TEAM ,presents DON ROBERTSON'S ' RANCH BOYS .Cardno's Hall MONDAY, MAY 1.6 Admission 50c Dancing commences 10 p.m. W. A. TEA HOME BAKING AND CANDY WED., MAY 18 2.30 TO 6 P.M. • In the Parish Hall of • St. Thomas' Church DANCING at ONTARIO'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BALLROOM Stratford Casino EVERY WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS Change of Band Each Night Admission 50c 10,000 sq. ft. Dance Floor • Coming May 19 Mart Kenny Euchre and Old Time Dance IN PARISH HALL, DUBLIN FRIDAY, MAY 13 Lunch served. Delaney -McQuaid Orchestra. Admission 50 cents. Cards commence at 9 o'clock DST Holiday Dancing! LOOBY'S HALL, DUBLIN TUESDAY, MAY 24 Popular Music 'by CKNX Barn Dance Gang DANCING 10 - 1 19 a DANCE! SAT, NIGHT DANCING AT CARDNO'S HALL To the smooth Rhythm of Ross Pearce and his Modern. Band SATURDAY, MAY 14 Adm. 50c. Dancing 9 til 12 the business part of the meeting Mrs. Wilbee told a story from the study book. The meeting closed with the singing' of "Away in a Manger" and repeating the benediction, SEAFORTH COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) The following accounts were pas- sed; Treasurer, Public , Library, 0 $600.0 F. Reeves,S9.00; 60 1; 'I1 E. NIr, er $5.60 J. Heffernan, $12.90; S. Wil- liams, $6.00; J. Burns, $8.00; Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, .15; Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, $21.09; Canadian Bank of Commerce, $1.00; D. H. Wilson, $141.66; J. Cummings $117.00; A. Bushie, $125.00; John A. Wilson, pension, $20.00; Treas- urer of Ontario, Prov. Police, 0339. 66; M, E. Clarke, $9,10; Provincial Treas., Insulin •01.83; Bell Telephone co,, $11.80; Thompson's Bookstore, $1.75; C. E. Smith, 087.25; Metro- politan Casualty Ins. Co,, $35.61; Baldwin Hardware, $13,23; ' La .France Fire Engine, $49.50; Dun- lop's Garage, $18.88, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (Continued from. Page 11 ing sent by the Seaforth Institute: The letter stated that food ;vas especially appreciated. Mrs. Paul Doig then gave a short talk onthe motto "What counts is not the num- ber umber of boars you put in: but how much you put in the hours". Mrs, Doig felt that everyone would bene- fit by reading Winston Churchill's book "The Gathering Storm". Mr. Churchill has accomplishedso many things well, such as painting, writ- ing, and even brick -laying as well"as being Prime Minister of England during the trying war years. Mrs. Doig felt we should never try to put off things we dislike doing, we should do these things first, Mrs. Hillebrecht then Introduced the guest speaker Mr. Lloyd Morrison of the S,C,I. staff, who organized the Garden Club for our Institute. His theme was "Agriculture, past, pre- sent and future at the Seaforth Col- legiate" Agriculture was introduced in the Fall of 1946 at the S,C,I, and Grades 9 and 10 get four periods a week on Agriculture and Hoare Eco- nomics. In upper school, Agricultur- al Science is now taught in place of Science only. Poultry and bee rais- ing has been taken up by the pupil's and the cup donated by W. L. Whyte for the best showing of poultry at the Fall Fair was won by the S.C.I. for the past two years. Students are also taught to operate an incubator. Home projects are stressed and an open night at least once -a year is held where teachers welcome the op- portunity of meeting the parents. Be- tween 50 and 60 home projects are available for any pupil including the Calf Club, the Garden Club and the Tractor Club formed recently. Mr. Morrison would be glad to pick up any perennials that any member might have to improve the school grounds. A reading entitled "Born to the Land" was then given by Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman then called Mr. Gordon Papple to the floor and presented him with a gift on behalf of the Institute for the help given us at our euchres and dances. He replied suitably. Mrs, Andy-0rozier proved a vote of thanks to the hostess and also to Mr. Mor - then for his interesting, and inform- ative talk. Mrs. Paul,Doig then gave the financial report for the year ending April 80, 1949. Lunch was then served by the hostess assisted by the lunch committee. The meet- ing' closed by singing "God save the • RECEIPTS Cash on hand $ 1289,69 Members fees .25 Collections, euchres, dances Play, Fair booth, Int. 1657.07 1695,01 EXPENDITURES Rental expenses $ 245,50 Cony. fees, Dist. Annual & Officers expenses . , , 46.50 Orchestras .. .. 200.00 Prizes for picnic, Fair, euchres, etc 32.84 Fruit, carols, etc 19.95 Scholarship fund .. 25.00 Tweedsmuir History prct- ures ,..... 8.08 Postage on Overseas Food ,& clothing parcels , , 22.70 Baby's Bank Books 4.00 Aff. Fed. Agr. 0.948-49) 10.00 Fair Board 59.60 Cinderella Play 95.00 Card tables and euchre decks ..., 51.62 Adv. and Publicity 59.83 Wreaths .. 17.00 Food parcels , . 14.76 Excise stamps , . 1.56 Miscell. ,(lunches for enc- chres, exp. of picnic, Fair booth, etc. etc. 781.26 Bal. on band Apr. 30/49 241.48 1695.01 NORTHSiDE W. A.. Group '2 of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs, Geo, Johnston on the evening of May 8. Mrs. Lawson opened the meeting with a reading entitled "I know something good about you". After sinning hymn 500 "Take time to be Holy" the 23rd psalm and the Lord's. Prayer were ) repeated in unison, 18 members and two visitors were present. Moved by Mrs, R. Savauge, seconded by Miss. Laura Mole, that we have a copper contest again with Mrs. Dr. Brady and Mrs. Dr, Beche- ly as captains. Miss Fennell was guest speaker and gave a splendid reading on a lecture given at the Western University- 'on "Canadian •Unity", The idea was to promote better friendship between the French in Quebec and. the English and Canadians. A vote of thanks was given Miss Fennell, After the offering was tak- en up hymn 498 "More love to Thee,, 0 Christ" was sung and the meeting was closed with the Mizpah Bene- diction, A contest was then con ducted and enjoyed by all and a so- cial hour spent. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Johnston for the use of her home. ' IM ijo4ee eve, -2,446 Green trucks and cars bring mom and better Telephone Service IN TUE PAST twelve months these familiar green trucks and cars•have travelled over 20 million miles to help provide you with gond telcphone service and to help' • in the big expansion aud•i'inproveutent program which is making seriice bettt.r anti more uselul all the time. Constantly improving, service means that today. 1rt. thin,, give cuu' so cutch real value at ditch low cost as your telephone, Like evci4vthing else, can and trucks have „one up in mitt', iSUI'; in three tears! Vet, Up to now, despite higher costs on. all sides, there has been no iun•case in 1110 bash- telephone ratesestablisl ed 22 years ago, l'oalay's-expansion program is 1)realting all record,, hitt there are still orders we haven't been able to fill. We will keep tight on tlotkiog and building to snake your telephone service a bigger bargain than ever- to continue to provide more and better, service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE tit �� f�o� 111 COMPANY OF CANADA �CAIIR9P ,11"1,11,U...11111n"n1111,.111.11111,011,,111111111,.1,111111$.,11111,111,1111111111,111111.1111111,1111.1.1111111111,1111111, 1,,,111 In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks • Asphalt Shingles, CedargTain Shingles, Cooksville Bricks Roll-l3rick Siding, and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Screens made to order Custom Millwork Seaforlh Supply & FueI ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH Canadian Approved Chicks Hatched by Buckeye Strear iliners in a modern hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade chicks at reasonable prices New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rooks Fast Feather- ing Barred Rock chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred chicks are also produced. N.H. x Sussex, N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn McKinley's Farm & Hatchery ZURICH, ONT, Phone 97 -11., Hansen