HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-04-28, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1949 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WRIGHT'SSuperior Specials NOT Thurs. Fri. Sat. Apr. 28 29 30. Pkg. 28c HEINZ SOUP SALE. Assorted Varieties Buy 8 tins. Get 4 tins, no charge. (� All 12 Tins for �■�b►' Campbell's Tomato Soup, per tin ...... , Aylmer Sliced Apples for Pies. 28 oz. tin. 2 for 35o Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. Bag690' Clark's Pork & Beans... , . , . , .20 oz. tin. 2 for 23c Sandwich ,Filled. Cookies 1 Ib. 29c MONARCH MARGARINE Buy 1 lb, 42e,; get 1 lb, % price 2 ib. 63c while it fasts We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 • ASK FoR 'MIRACLE MADE 505<I M4P Each 3.9 Take the drudgery out of house cleaning. Vet, don't Imre to get on your hands and knees to scrub floors: 'Con don't even have to get your hands wed "Miracle" Mop's quick Olden, operation makes hoose den. ing easier, Its uses are numerous, and its operation simple. Get one today and clean the "Miracle" way. IN STOCK BARBED WIRE WATER PIPE 1/2" and 1" SHELTER WIRE TAVART Overhead Door Sets FOR RENT Electric Floor Polisher Post Hole Digger SPECIAL KITCHEN LIGHTING UNITS $1.59 Crown Hardware 1VIerv!11 Nott Keith Sharp PHONE 6S1 -W SEAFORTH OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 10 P,M, 1 1 New Machines cv_ spring -tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch, power lift 81/2' Cultivator, tractor hitch, poi er lift Pony Tractor and Row Crop Cultivator All Crop Hayloaders Power Mower 2 -Furrow Tractor Plow 7' & 6' Binder 41/2' & 6' One Way Disc 10' & 12' self-propelled Combines Gas Engine. 101/2" Grain Grinder Water Pressure System Hay Cars - Track Hay Forks - Rope Electric Fencer - special price to clear 15 run Fertilizer Drill, P.L. & tractor hitch Thor Washers & Ironers • USED MACHINES W K-40 International Tractor — 33. tractor plow 3 furrow Disc Plow 6',elipper combine' with motor 7' Self-propelled & 6' clipper with P.T.O. 5' Case p.t.o. like new Combine 2.0 r.c. Tractor, 102 Sr. r.c. Tractor Seaforth Motors W. T. TE'ALL, PROP. SEAFORTH PHONE 141 TOWN TOPICS Miss Lorene Baker of Brantford spent the' week end with Helen Murray, Recent visitors with. Mr, and, Mrs. Thotnas Alclington'were Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington and Margaret, Varna, and Mr. and Mr -s. Andrew McLachlan, Cromarty. ' Mrs. Annie Wilcox 09 Aniherstburg was a recent guest of Mr, and Mrs, R. H. Sproat: . Mrs. Helen Crain, who has been the guest fol' some time of her, sister, Mrs. George Hills, has returned to Edmonton. Miss Lorna Ellis has returned home, after spending the past week with relatives he Midlatid. 1YIi'. Densis Walsh, Kitchener, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walsh. Miss Barbara Christopher; London, visited with relatives over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Bob Devereaux and Miss Helen Devereaux were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Ml's.. J, Devereaux, Mr. and Mrs. R, E, Hares and Pat- ricia Ann are visiting Mrs. Huras' patents, Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Chamber- lain this week. Mrs. John Hotham Jr, and son Bernard have returned home after spending the past week in Galt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Reilly, Mr. James Kelly, Palmerston, spent the weekend with his parents. Mrs. Dorothy Moore has returned Itspending the past year in the Zest. Mr. Joseph Dunn, London, spent the week end With his grandmother Mrs. N. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Geddes and John, of London, were week end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. Miss Joan .Clifton, Toronto, spent the week enol with Miss Carol Chesney. Mr, Walter Boswell, London, is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. E. C. Boswell, 114r. David Bolton, Kitchener, visited (MU the week end with his patents Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton. Miss Florence Fowler leaves this weekend to spend a month at Pasa- dena, Cal., with Misses Florence and Emily Cresswell. Mr. Jack Moore returned Thursday of last week from hospital at London after undergoing a successful opera- tion on his arm. Mr. Allan Ryan, London, is spend- ing this week with his aunt Mrs, Thos O'Loughlin, HENSALL Mrs. Wesley Jones has been con- fined to her room for several days with an attack of bronchial pneu- monia. Parcel Post Vale No parcel will sell for more than 25c A HOME MADE BAKING TABLE AFTERNOON TEA SATURDAY, MAY 7 AT 8 P.M. In the Chapter Room over Baldwiu's Hardware Sponsored by the Eastern Star BORN SBEA—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 22nd, Lo. Mr. and Mrs. John Shea, BE5 Seaforth, .a daughter DOLMAGE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April. 29, to, Mr., and Mos. Leslie Del - mage, 5201 Seaforth, a son (Kenneth Charles) McLEAN — At Scant Memorial Hospital, our April. 25, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman. McLean, Egmoodviile, a son SCOTT — At Scott. Memorial Hospital, on April. 201)1, to Mr. and Mrs. C, M, Scott, West' Lorne,. a daughter BRODHAGEN Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Steiss and Richard of Detroit with Mrs. Sophie Bennewies. Miss Erna HIemp of Hespeler and Mr. Roy As stein of Kitchener with his parents, Mi". and Mrs. John Am stein. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Smyth and Geo. of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock, Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Deigel, Jimmy and Larry of Kitchener, with Mr. arid Mrs. Henry L. Deigel. The community mourns the loss of their pastor, Rev. W. Schultz, whose death occurred in Stratford hospital on April 20. The very large funeral was held on Sunday, April 24th at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, burial was made in Kitchener. Much sympathy is extended Mrs. Schultz and Eric. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein, Betty and Joseph of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith. DUBLIN Billie Evans, Jerry Stapleton and Norman Klamei's in Centralia. Mrs. Dorsey and son, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans and Marie attended the wedding of their nephew in Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. David McConnell in Detroit. On Friday evening a large crowd gathered in Looby's hall to honor Mr. and Ml's. Edwin McKenzie, newlyweds. An address was read and a presentation of a purse of money was presented by P.ose Byerman, Lunch was served. Music for danc- ing was furnished by the Delaney and McQuaid orchestra. VARNA The young people are putting on their play "Safety First" in Bayfield on Thursday evening of this week. Rev. Mr. Mahoney of Exeter took the service here last Sunday in the United Church. MUSICAL EVENING Featuring Miss Marian Mc- Lennan, Pianist of the Royal Conservatory of Music, To- ronto, Friday, 'May 6, at 3.15 p.m. at Northside United Church. Mrs.. Janes Stewart and Mrs. John Stevens will assist. Admission 50 Cents ONAWMANUMAAWANYWINVII DANCING, LOOBY'S HALL, DUBLIN FRIDAY, APRIL 29 Ross Pearce and his Band 10 to 1.15 Admission 50c• Order Chicks NOW AT MOORE'S POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH Day Old Barred Rock, mixed and; sexed, available Mondays and Leg. X Rook and New Hemp. X Rock on Thursdays Special prices on started Chicks each Saturday. All chicks hatched from our own 100% pnliorum free flock. • „Ready made capons a Specialty. • Feed and Shavings available also. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth, Ont. Telephone '666-3 Members of Ontario Approved Hatchery Association MONSTER BINGO In Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH Sat Apr. 30 8,15 P.M. PRIZES GALORE FUN FOR ALL Proceeds for Children's Sports Sponsored,by Branch 156 Canadian Legion, Seaforth FOOTBALL Huron Football Association Community Hall, Walton TUESDAY, MAY 3 At 9 O'CLOCK Annual Meeting. and to Draw Up Schedule James Carlin A. W. Dick President Sec r > HAVE NEW HAPPINESS All Roads lead to Clinton! JOIN US IN A GREAT"YOUTH FOR CHRIST" RALLY, SAT., MAY 7, 8 p.m., TOWN HALL, CLINTON' Bring Your Friends and Help Us Organize We promise an interesting Program—Details in next week's issue See YOU in Clinton YOUTH FOR CHRIST — CHRIST FOR YOUTH 1111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,1/11111 11111 ,,,,,,, 111umn11nu n, u"m m, i 111111111111111/11111111111111111111111/111111 In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks • Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding, and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Screens made to order Custom Millwork Soatorth Supple & FueI Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH vuuunmut„luuuuui11111111111,/1,,,111uu,uu(un mea,1111,muuuuuu,moronram11nun1111n,nu11111111nuuunnui Wanted Immediately Young Women 16 to 21 Years for Fruit and Vegetable work Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by Y. W. C. A. Good Meals - Good Pay - Good Fun Fur tall particulars write: - Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street, East, Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee NOTICE Having been appointed Corn Borer Inspector for the north part of Huron County, I urgently request all growers of corn, which includes garden plots as well as field corn, to have all refuse of corn either burned or buried before the 20th day of May. Penalties are provided for the non- compliance with the Plant Disease Act. THOS. DOUGHERTY Corn Borer Inspector IN YOUR HOME WITH Essotane Check these Advantages of Essotane Gas Cooking against your Present Methods: INSTANT HEAT NO SMOKE OR SOOT LIGHTS AUTOMATICALLY V ACCURATE OVEN CONTROL V OVERSIZE OVEN EASY -CLEAN BURNERS V BEAUTIFUL iN APPEARANCE V ECONOMICAL Wouldn't you like to have a gleaming, modern gas range designed for use with Essotane? Then you would just turn a switch and get a hot, clean flame immediately, The bottoms of your cooking utensils would stay bright and clean. Your oven would stay exactly at the temperature you selected, just right for a cake, a roast or a batch of cookies. With Essotane there are no fumes to soil the kitchen walls and ceiling. Just a clean, efficient time -saving range to give you better meals and make cooking a pleasure. Essotane is installed quickly and easily. Steel cylinders are set up outside your hone, and the Essotane gas is supplied to your range through a small copper tube. You can find out all about Essotane by mailing the coupon below. Send it in today. Stove prices—for the 3 -burner model $99.50 up to $181.50 for table -top models. Pay only 10% down and the balance in small , monthly amounts. Send for free booklet that tells all about Essotane SEND THE COUPON TODAY 11 Essotane Gas Service, Imperial Oil Limited I Stratford, Ontario Yes, I would like to know more about Essotane. Please send axe, without ▪ charge or obligations your FREE, 8 -page illustrated booklet which tells all • about this new gas service. MY NAME (Please print) i ADDRESS 1 PHONE NUMBER 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 IMPERIAL OIL IM l T EI D