HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-04-28, Page 1HURON COUNTY'S .LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 72, No. 17 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1949 LIBERAL NOMINATION AT SEAFORTH MAY 6 'iris: L. Whyte, President of the Huron -Perth Liberal Association has Announced that a nominating 'con- vention for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest the riding in the forthcoming Federal election will be held in Carchno's hall, Seaforth; ori Friday evening, May 6th at 8:30 p.m. Arrangements are being eom- pleted' with respect to speakers to address the convention and will be 'announced within two or three days. RED SHIELD TO START DRIVE IN MAY The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal will be launched in Seaforth early in May. Captain L. Burch, offi- cer in charge of the Seaforth Corps, announced that the 1949 campaign will once, again be headed by Mt J. M. Scott, hatchery operator, as pres- ident for the campaign with Mr. E. C. Chamberlain, local insurance broker, as treasurer. The quota of $2400 this year is much higher than in previous years but as in other years this money is used for hospitals, social work and war-torn countries. It is hoped that this year's response will be as liberal as in other years. The district to be covered by the Seaforth Salvation Army Corps goes north to Walton, east to Dublin, south'to Centralia and west'to Lake Huron at Grand Bend and to Alma 'Corner, west on the No. 8 King's Highway. In the next few clays canvassers will be chosen to cover the four townships inthisarea,McKillop, .TuckersitHibbert nd Hullett. The places to be canvassed during this campaign with the exception of the farms in the aforementioned townships are Seaforth, Exeter, Dub- lin, Egmondville, Hensall, Centralia, including the R.C.A.F. Station, Wal- ton, Grand Bend. Brueefield, Cron - arty, Staffa, Dashwood, Crediton, Winthrop, Kippen, Brodhagen, Born- holm, St. Columban and Constance. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J. Cuthill, Walton, announce the engagement of their daughter Phyllis Loraine, to Robert Emerson Mitchell, son of - Mrs. Mitchell, Brussels, and the late Mr. Wm. Mitchell. The marriage to take place early in May. ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan, Hib- bert, wish to announce the engage- ment . of their daughter, Bernadette Claire Jordan, to Mr. John Uns- worth, Detroit. The marriage to take place in Detroit the middle of May. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Atkinson, Dub- lin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Teresa Veronica, of Toronto, to Joseph Albert Lane, 'also of Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of McKillop. The marriage to take place in St. Peter's Church, Toronto, May 14th. Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m,, Worship Service. Subject, "The Souls Unrecorded Losses." • Junior Congregation. 7 pm., Worship Service. Subject, "Man's Eternal Quest". Welcome to these Services. First Presbyterian 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School, 11 a.m., "The Wonders of God." 7 p,m,, "The Quiet Heart". 8:15 p.m., Y.P.S. Fireside. Egmondville United Church • Rev. A. 'W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. '(Daylight Saving Time) 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., "The name of Jesus". 7 pan., "The Reality of our Spiritual Experiences" HULLETT The Mission Band social held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Dale on Fri- day evening was a splendid success. Mr. Borden Brown won the auto- graph quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley and Mr. Jack Matheson, Toronto, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Miss Shirleyan Riley, Kitchener, is spending a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Riley. Mr. Joe Mani returned home re- cently after an operation in Scott Memorial hospital, .Seaforth. We hope for a speedy recovery, CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and 3ayce spent the weekend with rela- tives in Toronto. Miss Helen Turner of Tucker'smith visited with Stephenson's on Sunday Mrs, F. M. Holden of Nordegg, Alta„ is visiting her sister, Mrs. Al- fred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown of Allan Park, spent the weekend with Mr: and Mrs. Borden Brown. Ma's. Trewin, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay on Sunday. Mrs. Justin Sinclair of Brigden, spent Wednesday with Stephenson's. REV. S. H. BRENTON HEADS PRESBYTERY Huron Presbytery, of the United. Church of Canada, met in Hensall Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, April 26, 1949, with the Chairman, Rev. W: A. Beecroft, Wingham, pre- idin . s Arrg angements were made for a meeting in North St. United Church, Goderich, on Monday, May 9th, at 2 pm., with the Moderator, Rev. Willard Brewing, D.D., as special speaker. The following officers were elect- ed for next Conference year, com- mencing July 1, 1949; Chairman, Rev. S. H.`Brenton, Londesboro; Se- cretary, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Eg- mondville; g-mondville• Treasurer, Mr• J. A. Snider, Goderich. Mr. N. J. Trewartha, Clinton, pre- sident of the Laymen's Association, reported that all of the thirty-four charges in Huron Presbytery, ex- cept three, were now up to the new minimum salary of $2100 a year. Presbytery sustained a call to Rev. D. A. McMillan of Tillsonburg, from Northside United Church, Sea - forth, to succeed Rev. H. V. Work- man, who has accepted a call to Avondale United Church, Tillson- burg. It was decided to close Ebenezer Church of Bluevale charge, as re- quested by the people of that con- gregation. Arrangements were made for a meeting at North St. United Church, Goderich, on May 2.9th, at 7 p.rn., to license Mr. W. B. Thorneloe, Goder- ich, to preach, and recommend him for ordination at Conference. Mr. Thorneloe recently graduated with honours from Emmanuel College, e Toronto. It was decided to hold the June meeting at the Goderich Summer School grounds, with a special invi- tation to the wives of the ministers and laymen. GIFT FROM DAUPHIN SEVENTY AND OVER CLUB Mr. William Murray of Egmond- ville has received a • handsome in- signia from the Seventy and Over Club of Dauphin, Man. Mr'. Murray recalls that he organized this club at Dauphin and since then similar clubs have sprung up all across Can- ada. For many years Mr. Murray was a resident of Dauphin until re- turning here several years ago to his birthplace. He celebrated his eighty- sixth birthday April 9th. GEORGE McDERM1D The death occurred at St. Cather ines on Sunday, April 24th, of Mr. George McDermid in his eightieth year, after a sudden illness. The late Mr. McDermid was a native of Hul- lett township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Angus McDermid. In early life he was a school teacher and he was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Surviving is one brother, Mr. Malcolm McDermid of . Seaforth. The funeral took place on Wednes- day afternoon from the G. A. Whit- ney hitney funeral chapel, Rev. H. V. Workman officiating, and interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pall bearers were Orville Dale, Shep- herd Dale, Wm. McDowell, Gordon Murray, James Riley, Noble Holland. MRS. JAMES V. RYAN The death took place in Scott Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, April '21st of Bridget Gibbons, wid- pw of the late James V. Ryan, in her 84th year. She was born in Wawan- osh 'Township and was married in St. Augustine, in 1895 to Mr. Ryan, who predeceased her in 1938. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Patrick McGlenn of Wingham, and Mrs. J. J. Clifford of Chicago. Mr. .and Mrs. Ryan came to Seaforth 40 years ago and was a member of the C.W.L. and the St. James' Catholic Church. The funeral took place from her late re- sidence to St. James' 'Church on Sat- urday, April 23rd with Rev. T. P. Hussey and Rev. Thos. MeQuaid of- ficiating. Pallbearers were James J, Cleary, Joe Gibbons, Chas. Hagan, lOwen Reynolds, P. J. Dorsey,. and John Walsh, Sr. Relatives were pre- sent from London and Wingham, CHOSEN LEADER Provincial Treasurer Leslie M. Frost, who was chosen Leader of the Progressive Conservative party in Ontario on Wednesday by a con- vection held in Toronto. Mr. Frost will assume the premiership of On- tario next week, succeeding Pre- mier T. L. Kennedy Mr. Frost was chosen leader by an overwhelming vote of the dele- gates on the first ballot. HURON -PERTH Y. P. C. SPEAKS IN TORONTO Before hundreds of Young Progress- ive Conservative delegates at the general Y. P.C. meeting at the Ont- ario Progressive Conservative conven- o ion r r o Clare westc t t Sea - forth Toronto, Director newspaperman anSl D etor of Organization for Huron -Perth said "Organization is the key to success." "The combination of party policy that appeals to all classes and pro- gressive, honest leadership, cannot be put across to the electorate without exacting organization by individuals to every nook and cranny of every riding," he said. This meeting was very significant because there were only ten Y.P.C. clubs in Ontario a short time ago, and now there are over sixty. This was the first time they have had a chance to get together and talk things over. THE W. H. CLUB The regular meeting of the W. H. Club was held Friday, April 22nd at 7:30 with 19 members in attendance. The meeting opened with the read- ing of the minutes of the previous meeting which were adopted and se- conded by Grant MeClinchey. The treasurer's report was then read and it was reported that the club has $1.05 in the funds, this report was adopted and seconded by Gary Soholts. The roll was called and five, new names were added to the list making •a total of H. Next Friday being a free night for the group they decided to work .as usual and. go to the show Saturday afternoon coming back to Riley's for supper and everyone to bring lunch. The boys then got started at their wood- work which is making ashtray stands with the assistance of Mr. Riley and Mr, Arnold Case. The girls likewise went to work on scrap books, needle cases and hotplate stands. At nine -thirty .lunch was served of cookies and cocoa. The meeting was then closed with God Save the King. HURON FOOTBALL ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Huron Football Association will be held on May 3rd at Walton Community hall when officers will be elected and a schedule drawn up. The usual clubs are expected to be back again this year to compete for the Stephenson Cup. It is likely there will also be an. entry from the Clinton Radar School, as a number of the Old Country boys are already practising. MEETING FRIDAY TO DISCUSS ARENA A public meeting has been called for Friday evening, April 29th, at 3 p.m. in the town hall, Seaforth, when the citizens of McKillop, Tuckersniith, Hibbert, Hullett and Seaforth, are in- vited to attend to hear the benefits discussed of a Memorial Arena and and Community Centre. In March a preliminary meeting was held and since then a committee has been formed to gather facts. Full particu- lars will be found in an advertisement on another page. MAE LANE The Mae Lane Auxiliary of North- side Church met on Tuesday evening April 26th with the president Miss Vera Mole in the chair. The meeting opened with Mrs. George Johnston 1st vice-pres., reading a suitable poem, After singing "The King of Love my Shepherd Is" Miss Laura Mole led in prayer. Mrs. E. Silcox, Captain of Circle 4, then took charge and "Abide with me" was sung fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. B. Chris- tie. Miss Jean Snell favored with a solo, "Jesus Tender Shepherd hear me" accompanied by Mrs B. Christie. The scripture lesson, Mark 10 was read by Mrs.. Silcox. A piano duet by Marion Chamberlain and Gwendolyn Christie was enjoyed by all the members. Mrs. Helmer Snell made the sixth and last chapter "West of -the Gorges" most interest- ing. After singing ".Holy Father cheer our way" the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. VARNA Rev. Reba Hern was in Exeter Iast Sunday taking special services in Main St. United Church. Mr. Robt. Reid is busy getting the foundation laid for his new house this week. A number from here attended the Presbytery and Presbyterial in Hen- sall on Tuesday. NEW PRINCIPAL FOR SEAFORTH PUBLIC`SCHOOL Mr. Donald Eastman of Listowel, has been engaged as principal of .Seaforth Public School, commenc- ing' in September. Mr. Eastman succeeds Mr. P. B. Moffat who re - health. The 1 resigned due to ill re- cently u new principal has been assistant principal of Listowel public school for the past three years. Before that he had spent five years with the. armed forces, serving overseas for. three years. Before enlisting Mr. Eastman had taught for several years in schools in Grey and Bruce count- ies. I%e is a married man with three children. KIPPEN EAST W. I. ELECTS OFFICERS The Kippen East W. 1. met at the home of Mrs. R, Upshall on Wednes- day evening, April 20th with an at- tendance of over 40. Mrs. John Woods was co -hostess. Meeting open- ed with Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. Everyone joined in singing "Jesus Keep me near the Cross". The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Letter of thanks was read from Mrs. E. Barnes of London, for a quilt sent her and a "thank -you" from Mr. Goodwin of Hensall for money do- nated to the Legion. A letter from Myrtle Sherritt for donation to Hensall United Church and a letter of thanks from Childrens' Hospital, London. The roll call was answered with talent of lady on my right. Music for the evening was furnished by Mr. Art Anderson and Mr. Char- lie Alexander who played several violin selections The motto, "Doing the common thing uncommonly well" was very well given by Mrs. R. Love. She said very few of us ever become geniuses, but each and everyone of us can do whatever task we have to, well. Mrs. Ross Chapman favored with a humorous Irish reading. Next was the reading of the reports of the standing committees. The treasurer's report was given and found us with a balance on hand of $417.32. Meet- ing was declared over and offices vacant, Mrs. Emerson Anderson con- ducted the election of officers, the following being elected: Pres., Mrs. Jack Sinclair; lst vice, Miss Grace 'Tremeer: 2nd vice, Mrs. Erhest Whitehouse; 3rd vice, Mrs. Jos. McLellan; sec.-treas., Mrs. R. Chapman; ass't, Mrs. Thos. Kay; dis- trict director, Mrs. Campbell Eyre; directors, Mrs. James McNaughton, Miss Margaret MacKay, Mrs. Wilma Broadfoot. Standing Committees: Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. Arthur Riley, Mrs. W. McLean. Citizenship, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Gregor; Social Welfare, Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs. W. Doig; Publicity, Mrs. W. Broadfoot. Mrs. A. Finlayson; Historical. Mrs. Alex McGregor, Miss Margaret MacKay; Home Economics, Mrs. Robt. Upshall, Miss Grace Tre- meer; Sunshine 'Committee, Mrs, Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Alex McGreg- or, Mrs. Norman Long, Mrs. W. Caldwell; Pianist, Mrs. Ross 13road- foot; Auditors, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. J. McLellan. Mrs. Wm. Kyle, our past presi- dent, thanked all for their co-opera- tion during the past two years and asked for the same support for our new president. A vote of thanks to all taking part in the program and to the hostess was given by Miss Grace Tremeer. Meeting closed with God Save The King. A dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge. The executive meeting of Kippen East W.I. which was to be held at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair on Wednesday, April 27th, has been postponed till Monday evening, May 2. All officers and those on standing committees are asked to be present. This meeting is to plan our pro- gram for the coming year and each one is asked to bring material for their meeting. EGMONDVILLE Miss Anna ,Bowland, who has been spending a few days in Hamilton visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Dillane and Miss Mary Johnstone; she also visited for a few days with 'her uncle D. M. Mackay of Toronto, has re- turned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce and family have returned home. They spent Easter week with the former's par- ents at Huntsville. Miss Jessie Finlayson has re- turned to Meadowvale after spend- ing the Easter holidays at her hone in Egmondville.. STANLEY •Celebrate 35th Wedding Anniversary The hone of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hohner was prettily decorated with spring • flowers for the occasion of their 35th anniversary. Twenty-five guests sat down to a sumptuous din- ner, the tables were decorated in pink and white, centred with a three - tiered wedding cake. Miss Maria Hohner and Mrs. Nelson Heard pour- ed tea, The honored couple received many beautiful gifts. The ven ng was spent in playing games. April 22nd, 1914, Miss Dorothy MaY Boyce, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce became the bride of Wm. Hohner, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Hohner, both of Stanley Township. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. Snowden, Meth- odist Minister, Varna, at the home that is now owned by Mr. Milton Talbot, Stanley Township. They have two children, Murray of Stan- ley Township, who proposed the toast 'and Bertha, Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor, Stanley Township. Present at the dinner were Mrs. -Isabella Law- rason, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. S. Hohner and Maria, Blue Water IIy,; Mrs. Alice Hohner, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stoddart, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohner, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hohner and fami- ly, Bronson Line; Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Heard and Lloyd, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Taylor and family, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hohner, Babylon Line. $1 a year IFor April and romance we proudly present these ekquisite creations by Bridal ' dol a Wre th. =$65 1 QUDEST NAME tk l'Iamond9 ,FEATUR E 10CK et $7000 'i SCATTER $C PINS Per Pair . PEARL AND RHINESTONE EARRINGS $2 Jewellery PENDANT $500 SAVAUGES' Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing Seaforth HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS On Thursday, April 21, the last day of school before the Easter holidays a monster softball tourna- ment was held on the school campus, with twelve teams participating on six diamonds. At the end of the tuornament which lasted from 1:15 until 3 o'clock, the winner was the team under the leadership of Ron. Rennie, a grade X student. k k * * We're back to school once again to complete the final term for this 1948-49 school year. Easter holiday are all over for another year and all the students are trying hard to get back to the same routine of classes, curricular activities, and homework. These holidays were the last ones except for May 24th which conies up in about three weeks, three short weeks for in that time the cadets will have to be all back in shape for another inspection, as well, this year, as the bugle band, those students who are taking signalling and those who take the first-aid course. The bugle band is right in there practicin • and now are marching around the streets around the school, but after what happened during this Monday's practice we may not want to go around the block or better still, the residents around the school might arrest us as either public nuisances or for disturbing' the peace. Why? Some may ask why, well the answer is simple, some of those buglers must have had mi "off" day, or something like that for when wo started to parch around the street, first they all started to play different pieces. and then when the leader, Jack Wallace, finally got it straightened out which piece we were to play a certain student decid- ed he didn't like the way the piece began so be played his own version which all in all mixed the hand up so much that we marched up to the agricultural fair grounds and stayed there to practice the number until we could play it good enough to re- turn to the school campus, and the residential district of the town. * * * * During the Easter holidays many changes were made to dear old S.R.S. In the lower halls the cupboards which are used to store the cadet uniforms were renovated and new doors were put on them to replace those sliding doors which had been on the cupboards for many years: The front hall also had other changes made, the main one being the new bulletin board which is stretched across the lower hall from the girls cloak room to the boys cloak room. As most of thereaders of this col- unmi will know the old bulletin boards were placed one at each of the aforementioned doors, while in the centre stood two show cases which contained trophys won by earlier members of S.H.S. These trophys are now placed in the library on the second floor of the building. Tho case of the .. , squeaking ... stairs has been uncovered and the squeak of the stairs has been reme- died to a great extent. In the outer office the desk has had its face lifted and is now graced with a lovely front on all the drawers, thanks to the stu- dents of the shop and the teacher, Mr. Slattery. The thanks for all the new work done to the school can all go to our board who have spent much money to make S.H.S. a better school for the students to attend. If we wanted to work back further we could also extend thanks to the rate -payers of Seaforth and surrounding •,district, who bear the burden of renovating the school, which of course are the fathers of many of the students. x p * * This Friday evening, April 29th, is the night of the Annual Open - House at S.H.S. The programme which will be followed during the evening includes displays, music and demonstrations. Some of the displays to be shown in the class -rooms during the course of the evening include Art, History, Latin, French, Geography, Shop, Home Economics, and Agricultural displays as well as many others. The Glee Club is planning on putting on a short programme of musical talent of the school. After the programme the students are holding a dance in the gymnasi- um to the music of the S.H.S. P.A. system and record player. This dance is open to High School students only and will continue until 1 a.m. Admission to this year's oven house is free so that no one should cone up with the excuse that the fi- nancial part of the open -house is keeping them away. * * ,J * Talent on Wednesday morning turned once again to the girls' sec- tion of the school as grade IXA pro- duced another student with lots of musical talent. This student, Miss Marion LilIico, came forth with two beautiful piano numbers. * * E: * The twenty-fourth of May is min- ing around once again, but already the students have been asked not to play with fire -crackers inside the school as they do not want a reoccur- rence of an incident that happened last year in one of the class -rooms (of all places to*ighth a f.hi•e-cracker). Mr. Gordon Bennett, argricultural representative for Huron County, is holding' a meeting in the Seaforth High School on Wednesday evening to form a tractor club for the Iluron County Junior Farmers. In all of . Ontario there are only four or five such clubs operating, so it is a fairly new idea which will help train the younger members how to operate and manipulate a traitor under dif- ferent conditions. Already Mr. Ben- net has formed a Calf Club in the School and all the officials of this club were elected ata previous meet- ingIn, scouting around we find that grade XIII will commence their exams on Monday of next week, May 2. These exams will last until May 6. "Vest dommagel" BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob quietly celebrated their 54th wedding anni- versary on Monday. Mrs. Harold McNaughton and baby son Glerm Richard, have re- turned to their home near Seaforth after spending the past few wi,eeks with her parents, Mn.:and Mrs. Ed. abrins.