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The Seaforth News
The Easter story in song and
scripture passages was enjoyed by a
large congregation at the Sunday
evening service in First Presbyter-
ian Church when the choirs of North
Side United, St, Thomas' Anglican
and First Presbyterian, comprising
fifty voices, 'united to bring an in-
spiring programme of .Easter music.
The choir was under the direction of
James A. Stewart with Robert Beck -
tel at the console.*'
The service was conducted by the
three ministers, Rev. D. Glen Camp-
bell of First Presbyterian; Rev. H.
V. Workman of North Side United,
and Rev. T. Dale Jones of St. Thom-
as' Anglican' •
Organ music by Mr. Becktel in-
cluded the prelude, "Come Unto
Him," 'Mandel), offertory, "Passion
Chorale," (Bach), postlude, "War
`March of the Priests." (Mendell-
Special numbers were "Open the
Gates of the Temple," soloist, Miss
Mabel Turnbull; "Alone in the Gar-
den," Mrs. J. Stevens, Mrs. J. Stew-
tewart, Mr. J. T. Scott, Mr, Ed. Cham-
berlain; shale chorus for "The Cruci-
fixion," soloist, Mr, Dave Stewart;
"Were You There When They Cru-
cified My Lord," soloist, Miss Ruth
Cluff; "Who Shall Roll Away the
Stone," Mrs. F. Kling, Miss Lenore
Habkirk, Mr, D. L. Reid, Mr. F.
Willis; "King of Kings," soloist,
Mrs. J. B. Higgins.
Mrs. C. H. Corlett of McKillop
has purchased the residence on
Huron St., of the late William Reid,
through the M. A. Reid Agency,
and will move here shortly.
' The property of Miss Clete Dick-
son, situated on Market St., has been
sold through the office of E. C.
Chamberlain to Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
N. Schultz with immediate posses -
Northeide United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Christ Confronts Human
7 p.m., "Things not revealed by
Flesh and Blood".
Welcome to these services.
First Presbyterian
10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible
11 a,m., "The Challenge of the
7 p.rn., "The Marks of the
Egmondville United Church
•Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11, a.m., "The Christian Move-
7 p,m., "Unselfish Benefaction".
A number from here went to
Brucefield United Church on Sun-
• day, evening last to hear the Rev. F.
Wu of West China.
A large congregation filled the
'United Church basement on Sunday
morning last for the Easter service.
The work in the upper part of the
church is nearly completed and plans
are being made for the reopening
Mr. Donald Bell is in Toronto this
week attending the Teachers' Con-
Rev. P, A. Ferguson spent Tues
day in Toronto.
A Play, entitled "The Improper
Henry Proper" is being presented
in the Town hall, Hensall, Friday,
April 22nd •by the Brucefield choir
under the auspices of the- Girl
Guides, proceeds for the community
building. Plan to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler of
Toronto spent Easter with their
enany friends in this community,
Mr. Earl ,Sproat is improving
slowly after his recent severe illness
and is able to be around again.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hay of London
spent. Easter with Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas Kay and other friends.
Mr. Jas. McNaughton is able to
attend to his farm duties again
after his recent accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander of
Toronto spent Easter with friends in
these parts.
Mr. Jas. Upshall has returned
home from .Seaforth Hospital where
he has been taking treatment for the
past month and all hope to see him
around soon:
Dr. Sproat of Windsor spent Eas-
ter with has parents.
Mr. Harold Kake , of Wroxeter
visited with friends in the villagere-
On Tuesday afternoon a quilting
bee was held at the hone of Mrs.
Wm. Jewitt to earn money for her
church group.
Recent visitors at the home of
George Carter included Mr. and Mrs.
Join C. MacDonald of Walton, Mr.
A. M. Campbell of Toronto, and Mr.
Hugh Campbell of Walton.
Radford's ditching machine has
completed cleaning out the Dubb's
drain and has commenced work on
the Garter drain.
The members of the 'Catholic Wo-
men's League of St. Columban sub-
division met in the parish hall for the
annual meeting with the president,
Mrs. John Murphy, in the chair. Rev.
F. 3, O'Drowski, spiritual adviser of,
the League, was present. The meet-
ing opened with prayer after which
the minutes of the -previous meeting
were read and adopted. Correspond-
ence was read including many thank -
you cards and messages from sick
and shut-in members, also, letters re-
garding the Annual Diocesan Con-
vention to be held in Stratford, May
14, 15 and 16. •
A review of the .year's work given
by the different convenors indicated
a very successful year. One hundred
and eight members were reported.
A Day of Recollection was observed
May 9th by the members. Cancelled
stamps, literature, pictures and books
were sent to the, Missions. Successful
Entrance pupils were presented with
prizes. A chart and books were pre-
sented to our separate schools. Sick
and shut-ins were sent fruit ' at
Christmas and throughout the year.
Members were remembered at the
time of their death with a spiritual
bouquet. Two masses were offered
each month, one for our living mem-
bers and one for permanent peace.
An offering for flowers for the altars
was made to the pastor at Christmas,
Easter, and for the Forty Hours De-
votion. Laundering of the altar lin-
ens was paid for throughout the
year. The Purgatorial Society con-
venors reported 98 members. The
magazine convenor reported 8 sub-
scriptions with 23 readers, to the
League Magazine. Fifteen cases of
canned ,goods, clothing and a dona-
tion of 850 was sent to the Jesuit
Fathers in Toronto' for the European
Relief. Donations were given to Rev.
John Mcivor at Santa Domingo Re-
public, to Rev. T. McQuaid, Scarboro
Foreign Mission, Toronto. Rev, F. t
O'Drowski w a s remembered
Christmas with a gift. $10 was do-
nated to Rev. Fr. Flannery's School
of Christ; 510 was sent to the Sisters
of Service: a donation was made to
Scott Memorial Hospital; $40 was
collected during the year to finish
our Priest Fund of $75. Two dele-
gates, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. John
Moylan, were sent to the annual Dio-
cesan Convention at St. Thomas in
During the year money was raised
by members fees, euchres, socials,
bake sale, drawings, for a Chinese
cushion, donated by Rev. T. Mc-
Quaid and won by Matthew Coyne,
Dublin, netted the League $56.70.
A travelling apron donated by Mrs.
Bricklin, won by Mrs. John Shea, Sr'..
$74.50. A crystal wate>•• set, donated
by Mrs. H. Bricklin, won by John O'-
Reilly, Jr., 534.40.
Donations were sent to Byron
Chapel and Hospital Fund, National
Budget and Scholarship, Life Mem-
embership Fund, Convention Fund. All
national and diocesan obligations
have been paid. The treasurer re-
ported receipts for the .year 8960.53
with expenditures totalling 5877.77
leaving a balance on hand of $82.76
as well as 575 in our Priest Fund.
The retiring president expressed her
thanks to Rev. Father O'Drowski for
the assistance anti co-operation given
by him to the League during the past
year, and also to her fellow officers
who were always willing to help. Rev.
F. J. O'Drowski spoke to the mem-
bers. He also commended them- on
their wonderful work and hoped they
would continue their good work.
Mrs. Dan O'Connor then took
charge of the meeting with the fol-
lowing officers for 1949-1950; Spir-
itual Adviser, Rev. F. J. O'Drowski;
Past president, Mrs. John A. Murphy;
president, Mrs. Thomas Morris; 1st
vice president, Mrs. Hubert John-
son; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Wil-
liam Ryan; 3rd vice-president, Mrs.
Wilfred Maloney; recording sec'y,
Mrs. Joseph Malone; corresponding
sec'y, Miss Alecia Coyne; treas., Mrs.
John Mclvor,
The new officers then took over
with Mrs. Morris in the chair. Ar-
rangements were made for collecting
the fees fon' the year. Delegates.were
appointed to the Convention at Strat-
ford, Mrs. Tom Morris and Miss
Alecia Coyne. The meeting closed'
with prayer after which Mrs. Brick-
ricklin very kindly invited the ladies for
lunch which was very much enjoyed
by all. Mr's. Morris expressed appre-•
elation to Mrs. Bricklin for her
W. M. S.
The Easter meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held in
the Sunday Schoolroom on April 14.
The president presided and opened
the meeting with one verse of hymn
"Look ye Saints the sight is Glori-
ous". Mrs. J. Finlayson) read the
minutes in the absence of the secre-
tary. Miss A. Ferguson gave the
treasurer's report. Mrs. W. Hay and
Miss A. Lawrence were appointed
delegates to go to the Huron Presby-
terial to be held at Hensall on April
the 26th. A paper on Christian'Stew-
ardship was given by Mrs. Jno, Fin-
layson and Mrs. C. C. Keine gave
the temperance reading. Miss A.
Ferguson took the scripture reading..
Mrs. .Clew assisted by Mrs. Gam -
ham,. Mrs. Broaclfoot, Mrs. Barron,
Mrs. Beektel and, Mrs. Lawson, took
the Easter program. After the hymn
"Soldiers of the Cross Arise", Mrs.'
Glew closed the nneetieg with the
A central heating plant will be in-
stalled by the congregation of First
Presbyterian Church to heat both
the church and the manse, Also ex-
tensive improvements will be rade
td the manse. This decision was
reached at a largely attended congre-
gational meeting on Monday night.
The estimated cost is $14,500.
The plan includes erecting a boiler
house beside the church, using brick
from the old kitchen at the rear of
the manse. A modern sun porch will
be built in place of the old kitchen.
A modern kitchen will be put in the
manse, ceilings lowered and improve-
ments made at the, front.
Devotional exercises were con-
onducted by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell.
Mr. Harry Stewart was appointed
chairman of the meeting,
The Easter thankoffering meeting
of the Mission Band of Northside
United Church was held Tuesday
afternoon with an attendance of 35
members. This being an open meeting
there were visitors present. After
singing "Tell the the story of Jesus"
Neil Broadfoot gave the prayer. The
scripture lesson was react by Billy
Scott, Carl and Donna Berger sang a
duet, two selections on the piano
were played by Ruth Crozier, Mrs.
Sillery told an interesting story of
"A Lump of Clay". A solo was sung
by Betty Lou Goudie, Ruth Pinder
gave a recitation. .A. group of girls
repeated the members' purpose.
"God sees the little sparrow Fall"
was followed by the Mission Band
Benediction. Lunch was served. Col-
lection amounted to $8.71.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams of
Goderich spent. Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Adams.
Miss Donelda Adams spent the
week end in London and while there
attended a musical play "Oklahoma."
There will be a social evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale
on Friday evening of this week, Ap-
ril 22nd. The collection will be for
the Mission Band. Everybody wel-
Mr. Wm. McMillan and. Miss Mar-
ion McMillan of London visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Lawson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lawson, Betty,
and Mrs. Thomas Lawson of Strat.
ford, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. George
Leitch on Good Friday,
Miss Doris Lawson and Mr. Ted
Warren of London spent the holiday
week end with Mr, and Mrs. Earl'
Lawson. •
Mrs, Bob Johnston and son Bruce
of Grand Valley, are spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Medd.
The regular meeting of the WMS.
and W.A. was held in the school
room of the church on Wednesday,
April 13th. Mrs. Lorne Lawson pre-
sided. Cards of appreciation were
read. Mrs. Lindsay in charge of the
W.M.S. offered prayer. Mrs. J. Hug -
will be delegate to the Presbyter-
ial meeting in Hensall April '26th.
Mrs. Lindsay gave an Easter read-
ing. Mrs. Ross MacGregor took the
chair for the program: Mrs. Lindsay
offered prayer. The study book was
given by Mrs. E. Lawson. NIrs, Wil-
bur Jewitt read the lesson. Reading
by Mrs. D. Millson. Mrs. Whyte gave
a splendid Easter message. Mrs. R.
Lawson closed with prayer:
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Buchanan of
Toronto spent the weekend with the
fermer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Al-
fred Buchanan.
Mr..Borden Brown was in Toronto
on Saturday attending the funeral
of his aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley of
Kitchener spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas Riley.
Donald Stephenson is spending his
holidays with his parents Mr, and
Mrs. Leo Stephenson.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan
and family of Nilestown spent the
holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Buchanan.
Mr. Leo Stephenson was in Tren-
ton on business over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley of Sea -
forth spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Riley.
Mr. Bob Gowsell of Kenora is
spending a few days with Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Fraliek of
Wroxeter visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Joe Riley recently.
Master Billy Wild of Clinton is
spending the Easter holidays with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnr.
Mrs. Oliver Yallop, who has spent
some week's with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Scotchrner, returned
to her home in Toronto Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson and
sons of Toronto visited with Mr. and
Mrs. James Finlayson and Mr. and
Mrs, H. Weiland over the week end.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
R. Dalrymple were: Mrs. Frank Ken-
ny and daughter Jean, of London;
Miss K. Dalrymple and friend of
Glencoe and. Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward
Chappel and family of Cromarty.
Miss Jessie Finlayson of Meadow -
vale is spending the week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Finlay-
A highly esteemed resident of
Winthrop died on April 1611 at her
hone in the person of Mrs. John
Haist, aged 72 years. Mrs. Haist
had been in ill'health for some time,
ending with the flu. Born on the 12th
concession of `McKillop, daughter of
the late Jacob and Mrs. Barrows,
she was married at her home on
July 60, 1898. She was a member
of Cavell United Church, Winthrop.
Her husband died on Oct. 16, 1918.
Surviving are two daughters, Vera
and Velma, at home, and one son,
Mr. Elton Heist, of Lakeview, Ont., 1
and two grandchildren. She also
leaves three sisters and two broth-
ers, Mrs. Jos. Dennis (Jennie), of
Walton; Mrs. Harry Jackson (Mabel)
of Kitchener; Mrs. Thomas Robert-
son (Lizzie), of Melita, Man.; Geo.
Barrows, Pearson, Man., and Thom-
as Barrows, of Foremost, Alta.
A private funeral was held on
Monday, April 18th at 2 p.m, with
interment in Brussels cemetery. Rev,
J. R. Peters officiated. The pallbear-
ers were Wm. McSpadden, Theron
Betties, John Montgomery, Austin
Dolnage, John Pethick, Thomas
Among those from a distance who
attended the funeral were Mr. Har-
ry Haist, of Michigan; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Jackson and Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Schmidt of Kitchener.
Anyone wishing to send new or
used clothing (neither hats or high
heeled shoes are wanted) for Euro-
pean relief, please bring to the April
meeting where the quilt which is
being made will he quilted, or leave
at McClur'e's or W. E. Hawley's.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T -Tolman, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Holman and little son
and Mrs. Scherwinski (Marie Hol-
man) of Peterborough, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hogg and Doug-
las of Collingwood visited with Mr.
and Mrs. James Hogg and other
Mrs. James Campbell has returned
home from visiting her sister Mrs.
Archie Campbell and Mr. Campbell,
Mr. Gordon Betties spent the week
endin London.
Miss Doris Broadfoot, London, and
Miss Margaret Broadfoot, Whitby,
spent Easter weekend with relatives.
The Helping Hand Mission Band
held? their meeting in the class room
of tile church on April 9. The meet-
ing opened with the election of the
officers. The officers for 1949 are
as follows: Pres., Mac Montgomery;
vice. pies., Ronnie Davidson; sec.,
Dorothy Cuthill; Treas., Iris Byer -
mann; press sec., Betty Axtmann;
pianist, Joan Somerville; social corn-
mittee, Marjorie McClure, Joanne
Sinclair, Donnie Dodds and Bobby
Betties; program committee, Ronald
McClure, Ruth Montgomery, Betty
Campbell and Helen Pryce. Hymn
583 was sung followed by the Mis-
sion -Band Purpose and prayer by Iris
Byermann. The juniors sang "When
He Cometh" followed by the scrip-
ture by Dorothy Cuthill. Mrs. Hogg
gave an address followed by hymn
613. The nteeting closedwith the
Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. A. Crew, Audrey and Phyllis
are spending this Week in Hamilton.
Dr. and Mrs. R. Hunter and fam-
ily of Toronto, spent the holiday
weekend at their home in the village.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James
Scott over the holiday weekend were
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mitchell and
two sons of Toronto.
Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London.
spent the weekend with his sister
Misses E. and F. Fowlie.
Mrs. Lulu Burt and daughter
Mary Lou of London are spending
this week with the former'"s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. Mr. and
Mrs, Howard Burt and Ronald Burt
of London were guests of their
grandparents over the weekend.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
George King, who has been in Clin-
ton Hospital for the past four weeks,
returned to her home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of Mt.
Clemens and Miss Lola Elliott of De-
troit Spent the weekend with Mr's.
M. Elliott.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Fred Geminhart suffered a stroke
last Friday. At time of writing is
progressing favourably.
Mrs. J. MacLoed Sr. who spent the
winter in Detroit with her daughters
returned to her home here on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Streart df Handl-
ton are spending this week at their
hone in the village.
Miss Beverley York of Lucan is
spending the Easter vacation at her
home here. -
Dr. and. Mrs. E. P. Lewis of Tor-
onto were guests of Mrs. N. W.
Woods over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Churchward
and son John and Miss Lena Shortt
of ,London spent the weekend at
their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Murray of De-
troit, spent the weekend with the
formerr's mother, Mrs. A. Murray,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss of Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park-
er and Bonnie of Toronto were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King of
Sarnia spent the weekend with the
ratter's mother, Mrs. Charles Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall and fam-
ly of Elmira are guests of Mr. and
VIrs. W. R. Jowett this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and
l a year
Cut Glass - Steniware
(These 3;patterns are almost identical in design)
SHERBETS $1.00 each
GOBLETS 51.00 each
5 oz. footed TUMBLERS 95c each
HIGHER PRICES. As soon as our present stock is exhausted, this
stemware will come to us carrying the new 10% manufacturer's tax..
NOW is the time to buy your Cut Glass Stemware
Jewellery Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing
baby of Romeo, Mich., were guests
of Mr. and Mrs.. Grant Turner over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers of
Hamilton arrived on Thursday to
spend the season at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Clin-
ton, with Mrs. W. Lyon, Sunday.
Mrs, H. Lyon has returned having
spent part of the winter at the hone
of her daughter Mrs. Arthro Kers-
lake and family.
Mrs. Mary Grieson, Sunderland, is
Spending a week with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fingland. Mrs. Fing-
land is improving slowly from her
recent illness.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Prest were Mrs. M. Brown and Miss
.Jean Fingland of Stratford, and Mrs.
J. E. Johnson, Clinton,
Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Griffiths were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Griffiths and soli of Bramp-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray,
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Gover were their three daugh-
ters and their husbands. NIr. and
Mrs. J. Hamilton, London, Mr. and
Mrs. Spence Hamm, Kitchener; Mr.
and Mrs. McEwan, Stratford.
Mrs. Jennie Lyon has returned to
her home having spent the winter
with friends in Toronto, and Dr.
Art • Lyon, Windsor, and Dr. Kirk
Lyon, Leamington. •
Miss D. Little, Miss Alie Moon,
Miss Ester Jamieson and Mary, all
from Toronto, with their respective
parents for the holidays.
Mr, and .Mrs. J. Sinclair and. two
daughters, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Riley and Sharon Ann, Hensall,
were with the Ladies'. mother', Mrs. `
Nellie Watson, Sunday; her two
granddaughters Ann and Marie Sin- I
carr; remaining for a few days.
Miss Fein 'Watson is spending'
her faster holidays in Florida.
Those cold snowy days we -have
been having lately have given the
farmers a set back with their spring
seeding, although a few farmers
have already finished up.
Miss Mary Grainger, Toronto,
spent the weekend with her sister
Mrs. G. Cowan and the Peckett
Several activities for this y ear
were discussed at a well attended
sleeting of Huron County Holstein
Breeders' Club in the Board Room,
of the Ontario. Agricultural Office
in Clinton on Wednesday evening,
April 13th.
President Ross Marshall, Kirktou,
was Chairman, and about 40 mem-
bers and their ladies were present.
Arrangements are being made for
a bus tour of Club members to se-
veral prominent swine breeding
establishments in South Simcoe,
notably those of J.J.E. McCague and
W. H. C. Ruthven, Alliston, and C.
J. Cerswell, Beeton, This will take
place on Thursday, Jane 2nd.
One week later, on Thursday,
June 9th, it is planned to hold a twi-
light meeting at Huron County
Home, "Clinton, using the County
Home Holstein herd as a basis for
The dairy 'situation, as far as
Canada is concerned. is still good,
Albert Stoltz, A,gricultural Editor,
of the Farmers' Magazine, told the
gathering, in a very interesting: and
informative talk about "The World
Food Situation."
Moving pictures were:shown by J.
Willis VanHgnrond, past president
of the Club and R, G. Bennett, Agri-
cultural Representative for Huron
County. These films included "The
Books Drive Ori", featuring the.
Huron County Library System, with
introduction by Glen Eekmeier,
Poderich, and a scientific film on
the •rnillcing.
The regular W.M.S, and W.A.
meeting was held in the basement of
Walton United Church on Wednes-
day, April lath with 311$. C. Ill'artin
presiding.. The meeting opened by
singing hymn 112 followed by pray-
er. The Secretary's report was read
and Treasurer gave her report. The
topic was taken by the ninth of Mor-
ris group under the leadership of
Mrs. H. Kirkby, assisted by Mrs. G.
Watson, Mrs. E. Watson and Mrs. F.
Kirkby. Several hymns were sung
during the program. An interesting
story on "Easter Meditation" by
Nellie McClung under 3 headings,
Let us Remember, Let us Rejoice,
Let us Resolve, was told. A messa;ie
on advance was given. Closing
hymn 377 was sung followed by the
Lard's Prayer.
NIrs. I. Conical) of Hamilton with
her mother, Mrs. R. W. Hoy.
Mr. Harry Bolger in Toronto.
Mrs. McGuire, Belgrave, with
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and
family, Hamilton, with relatives.
The April meeting of the Walton
C.G.I.T. was held at the home of
Mrs. H. Kirkby, on April 9th, The
meeting was opened with the
purpose followed by the call to wor-
ship. A hymn was then sung. A
prayer was then read by Muriel
Scbade, followed by hymn 259.
The next meeting is to be held at
the home of Muriel Schade on April
30. The mother and daughter ban-
quet is to be held on May 18th.
Moved by Helen Johnston, second-
ed by Edna Martin, that we ask Miss
Clare McGowan to be .guest speaker
at our banquet, carried.
A lunch committee, decorating
committee and program committee
were chosen and also chosen were
persons to propose toasts and re-
spond to thein.
The topic for the meeting was a
discussion of the C.G.I.T. purpose led
by NIrs. Hazelwood. The meeting was
closed with Taps, and a delicious
lunch served by Mrs, Iarkby.
At the preparatory service Friday
night nine new members were re-
ceived into the church; three by cer-
tificate and six on confession of faith,
Miss L. Allan of Hamilton spent
the Easter holiday with her brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar.
Other Easter visitors were Mrs. E.
1'orrest, Miss Margaret Aikenhead
and .Miss Blanche Zapfe of London
with their people here.
Miss Janet Watson of Alymer with
her parents Mr, and Mrs_. R. P. Wat-
NIr. and Mrs. W. J. McIntosh, Miss
Jean McIntosh, Margaret and David,
and Mrs. C. Haugh, Miss Marlene
Haugh,' Peter and Roger of Toronto
with their people here.
Miss Betty Allan spent the holi-
day in Washington and New York.
Miss Ruth Scott of St. Thomas
spent the Easter holiday with her
parents NIr. and Mrs. Ross Scott.
A good congregation was present
at the service on Sunday. At the
morning service Rev. Franklin Wu,
formerly of China, assisted Rev. E.
Stanway with the communion service.
At the evening service the W.M.S.
thankoffering service was held when
Rev. F. Wu delivered the sermon,
Rev. Wu also sang a hymn in Chinese
at this service, he was accompanied
by Rev. Stanway.
Rev. and Mrs Wu of Toronto
spent the weekend at the manse with
their friends Rev. and Mrs. Stanway
and. family.
Mrs. Geo. Swan and Mrs. Alice
Hohner were taken to Seaforth Bos-
pita'. ,Mos. Hohner has been able to
return to Brucefield. Friends hope;.
Mrs. Swan will soon be able to return'