HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-04-14, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS SMART CASUAL CLOTHES for Easter SPORT COATS. Soft cheviots, tweeds, glen checks and wool twills in shades.. of fawn, brown, gray, green and teal blue. Sizes 36 to 44 15.95 to 29.50 • NEW SLACKS Gabardines, new wool tropicals, "woodwind," and flannels in gay pastel shades of blue, fawn, green, teal, and grey— Plain or plated styles with zipper closing -28 to 44 7.50 to 16.95 77./e /()�J STETSON csredroaveR YOUR EASTER HAT Stetson and Biltmore Hats in fine quality pure fur felts featuring the newest soft Spring shades of grey, blue grey, fawn, brown, silver. All the new shapes are here for Easter. Choose your new hat now at 4.95 to 750 TOPCOATS Quality covert cloths and gabardines in a ,fine range of popular plain shades. Get your new coat for Easter at 29.50 to 49.50 NEW SUITS Ready-to-wear suits for Easter in Gabardines, worsteds,'• Baratheas, twills and sharkskins in every popular shade. Alterations for Easter. 39.50 to 59.50 Stewart Bros Dehydration of Alfalfa and Clover, Grasses,' Etc., in Seaforth It has been announced that the Eric Dent Company Limited, Royal Bank; Building, Toronto, Ontario, will start this spring witl't the dehydration of alfalfa, clover, grasses and oats in Seaforth. Mr. Eric Denthas been known in this district for many years as Mau - ager of Hesky Flax Products and he advisad that the latest type of dehyd- ration equipment has been. purchased M the United States. Close co -opera tion is being received from the out- standing authorities in Canada and the United States in the dell of db - hydration. The plant to be dehydrated is cut at its peak of nutritional goodness and processed immediately. Weather is no longer a serious handicap with mod- ern machinery. The products will be marketed as "Greenleaf" dehydrated alfalfa meal and cereal grasses. Through tile scientific process of de- hydration, alfalfa, clovers and cereal grasses contribute the maximum of vital feed elements (vitamin A, 13, )11 and protein) so essential' in making balanced rations for all livestock and poultry—economically and efficiently. Farmers in our district wilt find a good market for their clover, alfalfa, eta., bringing not only high cash re- turns but will become independent of adverse weather conditions which sometimes spoil the best crops. This dehydration will be carried out in close co-operation. with. Mr. James WI. Scott of Seaforth. Some of the first. dehydration will be done on Mr. Scott's farm from the alfalfa and clover grown there. • Mr. Dent expects to move to Sea• forth sometime in May but should any farmers be interested in more in- formation, Mr. Scott will be available to give all the necessary explanation regarding the process of dehydration and the value of VHS material for feeding purposes as well as its import, ante for our district. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 At Finnigan's FOOD FOR THOUGHT It is personalities, not principles, that move the age. —From the Writings of Wilde IT'S SPRING—.YosT1'1 be needing Shoes. Remember Finnigan's. We have been here .a long time pouring time and energy into our way of life. IN STOCK—Ibex Flannelette Blankets. Just arrived; purchase at once. W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF TITANKS E1, and Bessie Davidson wish to thank those who so kindly helped during the time of our sale; alsothose who so.willingly' helped us to move into our new. home. The family of the late Duncan McCowan, Roxboro, wish to thank their Mends and neighbors fortheir kind expressions of sym- i, thy in their recent- sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and Mr. C. A. Whitney THE "EASTER STORY IN SONG" FEATURING THE COMBINED CHOIRS OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN, NORTHS1DE UNITED AND ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Under the Direction of R. E. Becktel and J. A. Stewart FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY EVENING 7 P.M. Offering for the Choirs' Music Fund Everyone Welcome In Memoriam STRONG—In loving memory of our dear parents Mr. and Mrs. William Strong. who passed away April 17, 1936, and April 5, 1946, respectively. In our hearts your .memory lingers, Sweetandtender, fond and true: There is not a day, dear Mother and Dad, That we do not think of you. —Ever remembered lw Anne, Cora, Leon- ard and Families interesting letter from a personal friend who is a missionary in China. Business followed. It was decided to have members present novelties at the next meeting. Members are urged to take their donations of clothing etc., suitable for shipment overseas forenclosure with the W.M.S. bale, these items to be left at the church towards the end of April A thank- readou ?eM s. L.tter om Ch pmanMrs. AandHyde Mrs. B. Kyle voiced appreciation for cards. the next meeting will be 'held at the home of Mrs. D. Kyle with Mrs. Hyde assisting. Miss Brandon will give the devotional. Miss Edna Walsh, the missionary item. Dr. Margaret Mac- Lean will be ,guest speaker. .Social committee, Mrs. R. Broderick. Edna Walsh, Mrs. Corbett, Mary Goodwin. The study chapter "Doctor's Old and New" was interestingly dealt with by Mrs. D. Kyle. Closing hymn "I must needs go Home". Miapah Bene- diction. Tempting refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by the social committee. Miss Mary Kurian, accompanied by Mr. Rodger Baxter of Windsor visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kirby and Miss Roberta Kirby. Mrs. Eugene Westendorpe and son of London, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. The many friends of Mr. N. E. Cook are pleased to hear Ire is im- proving following his recent illness. Mrs.Bengough Katherine Bengough passed Mrs. Kat away at her hoern here last week fol- lowing a lengthy illness. A. widow of the late Fred Bengough, the de- ceased has spent most of her life in the village. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Surviv- ing is one son, James. Funeral ser- vice was held on Saturday from the late residence conducted by RevP. A. Ferguson. Messrs R. Y. MacLaren, W. A. MacLaren, Goderich, and Mrs. J. Cairns, Brucefield, sang "Abide with Me". Interment in Hensall Un- ion -Cemetery. Mr. and Mr's. Jack Faber and Joyce and Mrs. Wen. Hyde visited re- cently with friends in Brigden. The Chamber 'of Commerce held a banquet on Monday evening in the Legion Hall when the members of the Play cast were entertained. Mr. K. J. Churchill, of London, was the guest speaker and his subject was "The Community and the News- paper". He • urged members to con- centrate on making Hensali a better place in which to live rather than de- vote themselves entirely to securing new industries. Mr. •R. H. Middleton, president, conducted the meeting. Rev. R. A. Brook and Rev. P. A. Fer- guson also spoke. • INVISIBLE MENDING e -weaving Moth Holes, Burns, Tears, etc. MRS. INA FINLEY Market St. Phone 145-W Seaforth FOR SALE Gladioli bulbs. Choice young high crowned stock. Large- bulbs $8.50 per 100; medium bulbs 2.00 per 100; 8% sales tax included. Not prenoid. Order direct or from Bailey Florist Shop, Seaforth. Catalogue on request. TYNDALL GLADIOLUS GARDENS, Bruce- fleld, 0n1. Phone Clinton 610r12 LOST License plate 80 T 5. Please notify JAMES HOGG, 1224 Walton, Phone 840r24 FOR SALE Mar's bicycle in A-1 shape. vewlY painted nd overhauled. Apply to 2O11N PULLa. WHILE YOU WAIT SHOE REPAIRS • W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers Authorized at;Second Class mail, Poet Office- Dept., fficeDept., Ottawa BOX 3untrat rrurt AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W FOR SALE with a litter of eight by her side, two weeks old. JOSEPH S. O'REILLY, 46r3 Dahlin. Farm For Sale Watson .& Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of :neurones risks effect- ed at lowest rates in • First -Class Companies Tenders will be received by the under- signed ndersigned- up to the 9th day. of April, A.D. 1949, for the Farm of the late John AT Mills, be- ing the South Half of Lots numbers 4 and 5 in the 14th Concession of the Township of Hallett in the County of Huron, containing 160 acres more or less. The said. Farms is good Clay Loam Land, well drained, and no waste land. Water is supplied from an Artesian Well and a spring creek. On the said farm is said to be erected, a Barn and Straw Shed, 40' a 60] and 30' x 50' en a stone foundation. Also a Driving Shed with Steel roof, 24' x 40'. Also a 7 roomed Brick House. Also on the Farm are 15 acres of excellent hardwood bush,. and 5 acres of young bush. Hydro available, Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.. F. FINGLAND, K.O., Clinton,. Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres good clay loam well drained. 40 acres spring erop sowed. rest in hay and grass. Large _barn, drive -shed. frame house. drilled well. Water'In house and harm. Hydro available. Immediate possession. Apply 10 HARRY RAPSON, RR2 Walton- Phone 381. r 3 Seaforth • FOR SALE 1932 GMC Truck, as is, cheap. Phone 193-W Sat forth FOR SALE A quantity of gond used Lumber, maple bussLESLIE aIOLIVER,n mine also squareBrussels FOR SALE 31 Plymouth Sedan, Tires like new, Apply to EMANUEL ALBRECHT, Seaforth. Ph. 71R LOST Black and tan fox hound, with smiill white tip on the end of tail. answer:5 90 name of "Butch" ; lost about end of Feb in Stanley- Tuckersmith district. Apply collect to JAMES McBRIDE, phone Hensen 971,13 STRAYED Strayed to the premises of Wm. Devereaux, a pig. Owner may hove by proving property and paying expenses. WM. DEVEREAUX, R,R.4 Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance. Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, 0. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen ;. Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton: See.—Treas. & Manager. M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors—Robt. Archibald. Seaforth; prank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, eeafortb RR3; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth: J. H. M¢Ewing, Blyth RRL; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderlch 5112 Agents -John E. Pepper, Brucefield: R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of th above named officers- addressed to their respective post offices NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of John T. Huddleston, late of tin, Village of I•Iensell, in the County or Huron, who died on or about the 21st day of Febru- ary 1940, arerequestedto file pagtieulars of such claims with the undersigned verified by affidavit on or before the 510 day of Muly 11x1, after which date the Estate will be distrib- uted taking into account only diose dates which shall then hove been received. Dated at Exeter this Oth day of April A.D. 1940. ' ELMER D. BELL, K.C. Administrator of the estate of John T. Huddleston SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hour's, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday anti Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of 'CHARLES HENRY CORLETT, late of .the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 26th day 05 February, A.D. 1948. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the solicitors for the mew - tors on or before the 19th day of April, A.D. 1949, upon which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets with re- gard only to those claims• which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 23rd day of March. A.D. 1949. Harold C. Corlett Winnifred Corlett, Executors By their solicitors, CRAWFORD & BETH- ERINGTON. Brussels, Ontario FOR SALE 3 burner coal oil stove and 0ve1, used 2 years. Renfrew Waal -night washing machine. MRS..rnJOS mDENNIS1en 043 b2 sSenfor h springs. HENSALL Armstrong—Batten A pretty spring wedding took place at Thames Road United Church Manse, on Saturday, when Gladys Marguerite Batten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten of Winchelsea, and William Henry Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Hay, were united in marriage by Rev. W. Mair. The bride chose a white brocaded satin gown with sweet- heart neckline, finger-tip veil, caught with lilies, and carried a white Bible. Miss Jean Armstrong as bridesmaid, chose blue taffetta gown, with a headdress of spring flowers and car- ried a nosegay of sweetpeas. Mr. Donald Moussea12 attended t h e grroorll. A reception and luncheon was el''' riltv n Thele 10 a Green Hill served at the home of the bride', !-.• ;i- . . Mil. Dennison reef) an parents. Later the young couple left, on a wedding trip. They will take up residence in Winchelsea. Evening. Auxiliary Mrs. E. Shaddick was hostess for the Evening Auxiliary on Monday evening. The president, Mrs. J. Cor- bett presided. The meeting opened wibh the theme song and the Lords Prayer in unison. Hymn "When I. survey the Wondrous Cross" was sung. Mrs. Lorne Chapman read the scripture lesson, John 19: 19-38. Miss Ellis presented an inspiring Easter message. Mrs. Peter L. McNaughton offered prayer. Roll call answered with an Easter verse. Collection taken, minutes read. Bazaar items such as pot holders, dish cloths, face clohts, and other articles were re - FOR SALE 2 sows ill Seaforth.e last week Phone April McCLURE, R FOR SA LE 10 Yorkshire chunks about 145 lbs.; 8 small. chunks; 9 pigs 6 weeks old; also a calf mutt. - able for vending. D'ARCY RATIEWELL. Brucefield. Clinton 627R11 FOR SALE I have a limited 001)1)17 of that famous Ourrauphin Sweet Corn for side; also Multi- WIOLAMIMURRAY,IcPhone 50d 414 for sale. NOTICE 1 could work a few gardens either with tractor or horses next week. ,Apply ROY LAWSON, 667116 FARMERS ATTENTION Come in and see the New Viking Separator on display, Free service to all Viking users. JOHN BYERMANN & SON. Walton RR 2. Phone 848 r 24, FOR SALE Quantity of Timothy seed. JOSEPH MALONEY, phone 401,22 Dublin JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth PASTURE FOR RENT 37 Acres of Pasture. Land for rent; lots of water and shade, $100.00 for the season. Lot 11 and 12. 1011, Con., McKillop• Apply MRS. JOHN KRAE- MER, 21 Richardson St., Galt, Ont, MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W ' - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye. Ear. Nose and Throatth�set��,., '- Graduate in Medicine, University Of Toronto, • Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -58 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267. FOR SALE Young Durham -bull ready for service. Also d chunks. good sows also a 'few co some g Duck eggs for setting. IIARVEY McILWA1N. phone 852i•23 Seaforth FOR SALE Grass farm, Lot 12, 0th Con., Stanley 7.1)•. good .nater and shade. 100 acres more or less. including 0 acres bush. Apply to WILMER including Varna FOR SALE Choice holstein Milkers & Springers for immediate sale. - Also ,some smaller Holstein heifers, and a M -H cream separator in good shape. ROBERT HULLEY JR. RR 2 Walter, Phone 831 r 15 NOTICE Carden manure, free for removing it, or can be hauled very reasonably. 3. MoNAIRN, Egmondville, phone 060r2 FOR SALE Cockshutt seed drill, 13 disc, horse drawn. HARVEY TAYLOR, Brucefleld, Phone -Clin- ton 627r22 BLAKE An auction sale of the property and household effects of Mrs. B. Beachler, in Blake, was held on Wed- nesday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter'Gingerich were visited by Mrs. Gingerich's brother and wife and family during the week- end. The many relatives and friends of Mrs. Rudy Oesch are sorry she was taken to a London Hospital recently,' in the interest to her health. We wish, her every success to better health. Mrs. Fred Bancroft and daughter returned from the Hospital and are doing nicely. Mrs. Clarence Parke is holding the April meeting of W.M.S. at her home on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Roy McBride's group will be in charge of the programme. This will be the Easter Thankoffering meeting Quite a number from the commun- ity were in Mitchell on Saturday evening at the convention of the Conservatives held there. A promin- ent farmer and business man of this district, Mr. Elgin McKinley, was ap- „ninted for the riding. We wish him 0ilrres in his work. NOTICE Lawn Mowers sharpened end repaired, GORDON. KLEBER. James at, Phone 3124 FOR SALE Feed Turnips for sale. About 40 bus. PAUL DOIG, phone 662r3 SPRING CLEAN-UP Here are a few items at give-awaY ptices— we need the room. One used 500 gallon tank, no leaks $15.00. One throe' furrow Cockshutt tractor plow, in good shape, $25.00. One only oil burning space heater, brand new $75.00 complete. DALY MOTORS, Ford Monarch 'Dealer, Tel 102 Seaforth FOR SALE Hatt CUDMORE,Ir12-20 phone 667r3�steel. SAM Seafortl FOR SALE Trailer, two -wheel :600016 tires, practically new. A XON,nore phone 661nSeafo ringers th milkers. DALE NI NOTICE WILFRID A. GLAZIER, Clinton RR #4, wishes to announce that he has been ap- pointed your Agent for Co-operative Life In- surance and Co-operative Automobile Insure ante in the Townships of Hallett and Mc- Killop, and requests that anyone interested to contact him by letter or phone 617rS1 Clinton FOR SALE Engine-driven lyito7Ie,i1t months: Apply &00W FOR SALE, Strawberry planta and limited quantity of Raspberry canes. J. S. BARRY phone 668r15 Coal Prices Reduced FOR. SPRING FILL UPS William M. Hart Office Phone 593-W. Seaford' FOR SALE Clover seed and Timothy seed for sale. J. W. TI•IOMPSON, 7IR2 Seaforth. 83301 FOR SALE House --8 room frame {louse on E. William St. 3 bedrooms & bath up stairs, double par- lor, 1101115 room, bedroom or den & kitchen downstairs, hmdwood floors, new furnace, new roof, good .garage, early possession, Apply MRS. ANN NOLAN, _ Seaforth FOR SALE 2 purebred Hereford bulls 0 and 10 months old. TAMES •NEILANS, phone 846111 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seafo:tb Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or -phone 41 3; Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W.S iller Y Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 178 FOR SALE Frame dwelling of the late William Reid, suitably located,good cellar and furnace. Immediate possession Pasturefarm near Varna with 60.60 acres of improved land. Good water supply Frame dwelling in Egmondville, early possession. Good farm 100 acres. 25,4 miles north of Seaforth. Early possession. Creek' passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William at, lr/s storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South - Main street, Seaforth. ' Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. Rm. Seaforth, McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. MCCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0.,TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 106 FARM FOR SALE '76 acres, Lot 26, Con. 4, HRS, Tuckersmith Twp„ all workable land, frame house, bank barn, with litter carrier, water in house and barn, windmill. Apply to ANGUS BROWN,• Seaforth- R.R. S NOTICE New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electric portables; also treadle machines. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CEN- TRE, 78 Ontario street, Stratford FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber' goods). mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope With price list. 6 samples' 26c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co.,. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE B'R,OKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 884 For Sale—Frame House, 3 Pc. Bathroom, Gartfge, ,Centre St., Prompt possession. Frame House, 6 Rooms, Market St. Prompt Possession. . USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, .Ontario President. .....WM. H. COATES, Exeter Vice-pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR, 121 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNIOY...Kirkton. R101 WIVI. A. H MILTON ..... .Cromarty JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON McOURDY Kirkton RR1 AGENTS ALVIN HARRIS Mitchell THOMAS- SCOTT Cromarty T. G. BALLANTYNE Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER Exeter Solicitors,Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter IORr DEAD ANIMALS • $2 COWS $2.50 each HORSES $2.50each HOGS - .50 per cwt According to size and condition Phone collect SEAFORTH - 390W MITCHELL - 219 INGERSOLL - 21 illlaln.Stone Sons, L' INGERSbtL, _Qij7AitL0',:,,