HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-04-14, Page 1eaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 72, No. 15 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 1 a year Elgin McKinley, of Stanley town- ing in the next Dominion election. ship, will be Progressive Conserve- Mr. McKinley was chosen • at tille nom- ination meeting on Saturday night five candidate for Huron -Perth rid- in Mitchell town hall. Northside United Church Rev. IL V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., Easter Service. Subject, "Our Comprehension of the Risen Lord". Music by Sr. and Jr. choirs. 7 ,pan., Easter 'Service of music by the combined choirs of the Ang- lican, Presbyterian and United Churches, in First Presbyterian Church. Good Friday, at 8 p.m. the final service of Passion Week. 0 come let us worship God. Egmondvihe United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a,m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Effect of Easter on the Disciples';. 7 p.m:, "Fellowship with the Risen Saviour." First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.—"Christ Confronts the World: 5. And the World Beholds its Lord.» 7 p,m.—Joint service of Easter music, under the leadership of the Anglican, United and Presbyterian Church choirs. GARBAGE COLLECTION AGAIN BEFORE COUNCIL The Seaforth town -council held. their April meeting Monday even-` ing in the town hall. The session was a lengthy one with much discussion. Council appointed a committee to bring in a .rgport on garbage collec- tion. They decided to arrange a meet- ing with the County assessor to go into the details of : making ; a new assessment of property. Mayor Keat- ing was appointed to represent the town in the Seaforth and district community building committee. All members were present at the meet- ing. Mayor J. E. Keating presided. Fire Chief Sills reported two fire alarms during the month. He said he had been advised that two gas masks were necessary. The brigade has one mask at present. Council agreed to the purchase of another mask, cost estimated at $64. Fire Chief Sills said an instructor from the London brigade would give the firemen a talk some evening. Lugs will be placed on the big extension ladder for the props which are used when it is extended to full length. There were several applications for building permits. A permit issued to Orville G. Oke for alterations at his billiard parlor, $350. was con- firmed. Ross Savaug'e, closed verand- ah, $300. Councillors Close and Ohridtie reported that Homer Hunt had asked them to put in an applica- tion for the Seaforth Co -Op for a warehouse across the street from their present warehouse. Confirmed permit to T. Larone, $250. Application from E. L. Box, $1,500 for new store front on former As- sembly billiards. Confirmed sign at Scott Habkirk's. W. H. Elliott and Son, $100, front of restaurant. Councillor Close said the street grader had been at work. He said he had made an inspection along Silver Creek. He said the town was waiting for permission to put a drain across the Hesky property. Reeve Sills said that the County Engineer had offered to supply mix to fill the holes on the streets. Councillor Wallace Ross said the property committee , had the new fence at the dump completed. Councillor Christie complained about the fences adjoining his pas- ture land on the southeast side of the . DUNCAN McCOWAN The sudden passing of Duncan Mc-, Cowan, of Roxboro, on Thursday, April 7, was a severe shock to his family and a wide circle of friends. He passed away peacefully in his sleep during the night. Born in Stan- ley Township near •Brucefield on August 17, 1872, he was the son of the late John McCowan and Mary McDonald McCowan, and was the last surviving member of a family of ten children. He came to Roxboro forty-three years ago, where he had farmed ever since. His wife, the former Emma Dayman of Kippen, whom he married almost fifty years ago, predeceased him in 1929. Surviving are two sons, John, of Tuckersmith, and Peter of McKillop, and three daughters, Mrs, Alex Smith '(Mary) of McKillop; Mrs. Victor Nimmo (Elizabeth) of Toronto; and Mrs. John C. Brough (Beatrice) of Toronto. Also surviving are 15 grand- children. Of a quiet disposition, he was a great lover of home, ani was a con- stant companion of his grandchildren, all of whom feel his loss keenly. The funeral took place from the residence of his son, Peter McCowan, on Saturday, April 9, with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, of which Mr, Mc- Cowan was a member, officiating. Interment was in Alaitlandbank cem- etery. The pallbearers were Sam Scott, Jas. Aitcheson, Harold Agar, John Little Jr., Francis Coleman, and Wm. McDowell. The flowerbearers were five of his grandsons, AlanMinim, roam, Ian McCowan, Bobby, d Peter McCowan, Jr. Among those attending from a dis- tance were Mr. J. H. Dayman, Fort Erie, Mr. Robert Dayman, .St. Cather Ines, Mr. Jos. Byrant, London; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Byrant and Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. John Byrant, all of London, and Miss Isabel. McKay of Hamilton. RACHO—BROWN A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, April 9 at 2:30 when the Rev. T. Dale Jones united in marriage Jacqueline Elizabeth Brown, second .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, Egmond- ville, to Douglas William Herman Racho, son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Racho, Dublin. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a navy blue street -length- dress with brown ac- cessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses and maidenhair fern. The bride was attended by Miss Mar- jorie Roe of Walton, who wore a grey figured dress and snatching ac- cessories with a corsage of pink roses and maidenhair fern. The groomsman was Lyle Racho, brother of the groom. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the, bride's home to the immediate rela- tives. Guests were present from Dub- lin, Seaforth, Walton and Hamilton. Serving were the Misses ,Shirley Oldfield, Nancy Nott, and Eva Vin- cent. The bride and groom will re- side in Dublin. NORTHSIDE W. A. The April meeting of group 3 of Northside W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Traviss with the presi- dent, Miss Edythe. Hoag, in the. chair. The meeting was opened with a poem "When I have Time" and prayer by Miss Hoag. Hymn 485 was sung fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Knight after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Schneider read the last chapter of Mark for the scripture lesson. Roll call was an- swered by 22 members, each using a verse of scripture with the word, love in it. The business was then conduct- ed by the president. Miss Ida Cooper gave a reading "Easter Carol". Hymn 490 was sung and the Bene- diction ended the meeting. A. deli- cious lunch was served and a social hour of contests and games brought a delightful evening to a close, and the president expressed the apprecia- tion of the members to the hostess. C.W.L. HAS VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR A successful year was indicated Tit' reports given at the annual meeting of the St. James' sub -division of .the Catholic Women's League, Seaforth. The meeting was held in the form of a pot -luck supper at which Rev. T. P. Hussey, pastor of the Church and Spiritual Advisor of the sub -division was present and he, congratulated the members on their work. Mrs. T. D. Sills, president, was presented with a potted plant, during the supper, after which Mrs. Frank Devereaux read a humorous paper "Pity the Poor President". During the year a sound movie pro- jector was purchased for the school, a school picnic was held in June, and in November, the annual school "At home" was held at which the grad- uating class were presented with class pins. Prizes were given to the pupils for a poster contest, and at Christmas the annual Christmas party was held for the children of the parish, at which candy was dis- tributed. A puppet show was staged for the school children; assistance was given for First Holy Communion class; a cash donation was given to the school hall. A drive is in progress for better motion pictures for child- ren. A donation was made to the na- tional scholarship fund.* a „per "Tho An annual parish p p Chronicle" is edited and published by the members; books are added periodically to the sub -division libr- ary; and at each meeting of the year instructiye papers were read by members. A display of religious ar- ticles proved to be interesting to members. The League sponsored a group insurance for its members. New Canadians were met on arrival in district and were given a welcome in the parish and transportation was provided them to a Stratford C.W.L. entertainment. A delegate was sent to the annual diocesan convention at St. Thomas. Ten cases of canned goods as well as a cash donation were sent to the Jesuit Fathers in Toron- to for European Relief. A gift and a cash donation was given to the Seaforth Scott Memorial Hospital. The Sisters of Service were sent three boxes and a cash donation, do- nations were also given to our pastor at Christmas and to two Catholic Radio Programs. Masses were offered for our living and deceased members and a day of recollection was observed in October. Membership totalled 98 members, two of whom made retreats during the year. Cards were' sent to new mothers and shut-ins, and the maga- zine convenor reported subscrip- tions to the C.W.L. magazine. The treasury . showed a balance of $279.20 after total receipts of $1743.18 and total expenditures of 31464.13 with all national and dioce- san obligations having been met. A banquet was served the church choir and the altar boys in apprecia- tion for their services. A lawn tea and a Christmas tea, at which a Christmas cake and a doll and bas- inette were raffled, and a St. Pat- rick's supper helped to raise funds for the treasury. The nominating committee pre- sented the following slate of offi- cers: Spiritual Advisor, Rev. T. is the Institute in the Community Hall totalled it was found that Ron Sills Hussey, President, Mrs. T. D. Sills, project. The Institute decided to was the winner by a large margin. first vice president, Mrs. John Both gey4"rer~Z end the secretary and vice -Ares, to In May Ron will be given a free trip town. Councillor McMaster: asked Council to start a garbage collection. •Coun- cillors suggested that somebody. could start a garbage collection andu make money at it. It was suggested that the town operate a truck to gather garbage. •Councillors Scoins, Christie and Stewart were appointed to bring in a report and recommenda- tions for garbage collection. Mayor Keating asked what council wished to do about the new assess- ment. In the discussion it was pointed out that the county equalization would be made next year. The meth- od ethod Of assessment was explained. Each arouse or building would have to be measured and then assessed ac- cording to a manual. The job of re- assessing the town would take six monnths, and cost 3900, it was esti- mated. Once done it could easily be kept up to date each year. Re -assess- ments were being made this year in Exeter, Hensallttand Tuckersmith. Council decided to arrange a meet- ing with the county assessor, Mr. Alex Alexander, who could demon- strate how the county assessment method worked. The following account were passed: Treas. of Ont., 3333,06; J. Heffernan, wages 324.60; A. Fortune 321; S. Williams 328:50. F. Reeves, 315; Treas, Public School, advance 32,000; Treas., Seaforth High School, loan, 34,000; C. W. Carter, 358.60; S. Williams 333; E. Miller, 311.90; F. Reeves, 320:40;. D. H. Wilson, 3141.66; J. Cummings, 3117; A. Bashi°, 3125; Jim. A. Wilson, pension $20; Relief, 3124.08; P.U.C. Elect., 323.60; Huron Expositor, 3101.- 15; 101:15; Francis Hankin Co. Ltd., 323.25; Ed Boyce, 322.50; Can. National Rye., -$10.32; British America Assce. $8.60 Dr. K. W. McLandress $3,75; Hay Stationery 'Co. Ltd., .44; Bell Tel. Co., $10:60; Baldwin Hardware 31•90; Mun- nicipal World Ltd. $18,35; Wilson Mc- Cartney 317; M. E. Clarke 313.75; County of Huron, indigents 386.20; C. P. Sills, p.o. box rent, 35; Seaforth Supply & Fuel, $43.56; K.erslakes 342.60; E. W. Montgomery 38.55. EIGHTY-SIXT,H BIRTHDAY OF WILLIAM MURRAY Mr. William Murray, Egmondviillle, received the felicitations of his m y friends on Saturday, April 9, the occasion of his 86th birthday. Mr. Murray was confined to bed through illness since/the latter part of Jam. uary but is now recovered and was able to be up again and enjoy his birthday as usual. JOIN BOATS FOR SUMMER Among those who left to join their boats for the season on the Great Lakes are: Glenn Cameron and Don- ald McLean, to Midland, S.S. "i€en- ordock." Wm. Cleary to Toronto, S.S. "Renvoyle", Jack Case to Sar- nia, S.S. "John Pillsbury", Aubrey Baker, to Sarnia, S.S. "McPherson", Jack Murray and Jack Fraiser to Sarnia, S.S. "Huronic . Others also leaving to join their boats are Geo. Case, Joe Riley, Allan Pretty. Ver- non Hoff will sail on a boat between Halifax and Montreal. WHAT WAS IT? A mysterious "something" passed westerly over Seaforth high above the'C.N.R, track about 1:30 p.m. on Saturday leaving a white smoke trail billowing behind it. No sound of a motor could be heard and no plane could be seen by watchers or Main Street. Guesses ranged from a jet Plane to a meteor. 5G %��j. AEMF.MBfBANCE 1841 ROGERS BROS These four beautiful pat- terns of famdus 1847 ROGERS BRCSs;lverplate eon be seen 01 our ilverware counter. Choosing your pattern is o job you will delight in but definitely one notto be hurried. This "purchase f a life -limo" can be one of pleasure when you of your pattern at our store. Let us show you 1897 ROGERS BROS. Feel itsperfectbalance note•it, sten. ting -like qualities, 1847 ROGERS BROS. is original ROGER5.silverplate and costs no more than ordinary silverptate. A starling service for six persons can be purchased for as little as 844.75 110 Jewellery An early visit to our store will assure you of being able to get this valuable book on table eti- quette written by Canada's out. standing authority on this subject, Ann Adam. Beautifully illustrated, it gives full and cor- rect information on the art of "Selling Your Table". Price sely 15 ea. • SAVAUGES' Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing Seaforth MRS. J. HILLEBRECHT HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS - HEADS SEAFORTH W.I.' • "Easter's the time for remembering The Seaforth Women's Institute xow much we Itnve mea,Ct through the year. And Easter's the lima ton, for sending met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Good wishes especially sincere, Elmer Cameron. Mrs. John Hille- To hone that the day will be happy, witlt Easter Toys all the day through bxecht, president, was in the chair. Aad to hope thnt the days through the future The meeting opened with the Ode win brine nu lite's best things to all." and Lord's Prayer. The roll call was * * answered by paying of fees, The RON SILLS CHOSEN minutes and treasurer's report were FOR LEADERSHIP CLUB read. Letters of thanks were read The election for the representative from Mrs. R. M. Scott and Robbie, in the Leadership Club sponsored by Mrs. Dale Nixon, Brussels Bowling the London Free Press and Western Club and Mr. Whitmore. Mrs. Gard- University was held. Monday after- Papple was elected to represent noon and when all the votes were am, Jr., second vice-president, is. "1. O'Leary, third vice-president, Miss M. Dunn; treasurer, Miss Agnes Gaffney; recording secretary, Mrs. F. Dinwoodie; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. C. Trott. , At the meeting of the new execu- tive, the following convenors were named, magazine, Mrs. William Hart, health, Mrs, 5. L. Slattery; Sisters of Service, Mrs. F, S. Sills; Citizen- ship, Mrs, W. J. Duncan; Lay Re- treats, Mrs. J. M. McMillan; Immi- gration and Travellers Aid, Mrs. Jean Fortune; Entertainment and Soolal, Miss M. Kelly, Mrs. Charles Hagan, Mrs. Joseph Rowland, Mrs. L. Kelly and Mrs. Ellen Bannon; Press, Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mb's. T. D. Silts and Mrs. F. Din- woodie were named delegates to the annual diocesan convention which will be held in Stratford in May. A cash contribution was voted to Bres- cia Hall, London, and the annual do- nation of eggs at Easter will be made to the House of Providence and •the St. Joseph Orphanage, at London. MRS. JOHN McLENNAN Funeral services were held Tues- day from the Salvation Army citadel, for one of Seaforth's oldest citizens, Mrs. John McLennan, 85, who died in Scott Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Colonel Ursaki, of Salvation Army headquarters, London, assisted by Captain Burch, of Seaforth branch, officiated. She was born in Usborne Town- ship, and before her marriage she was the former Henrietta McTag- gart. Predeceased by her husband in 1935 she is survived by three step- children, Mrs. Alice Dixon and Alex McLennan, Vancouver; Lorne Mc- Lennan, Winnipeg; one brother, Wil - McTaggart, of Doe River, B.C.; also by two nieces, Mrs. Guymer and Miss Mary Hewitt, Burial was macre in Maitland ceme- tery, and pallbearers were Alex Me_ Nab, Arnold Westcott, John Mc- Kenzie, c Kenzie, Fletcher Ritchie, E. J. Box and Wallace Ross. EXCELLENT SHOW BY NORWICH MINSTRELS On Friday night Cardiio's Hall was well filled for the most entertaining minstrel show by the Norwich Musi- cal Society Band. The numbers were all outstanding and particular .men- tion might l e made of the singing of the quartette and also of Mr. and Mrs'. Alan Gilmore. The lunch committee, headed by Mrs. Dave MacLean and Mr. Jack Stevens, served lunch to the enter- tainers before they left for home. The committee wish to thank the. people of the district for the gener- ous support. The proceeds will " be used for local purposes, under the committee.' The public is again in- vited to make free use of the hospital bed, by contacting'either Mr. J. A. Westcott or Mr. Archie Hubert. The winners of the draw were: cedar chest, Mrs. Pearl Passmore; Hensall; smoker, Cheryl Muir; door prize, Gavin Gemmell. the Guelph Conference, May 5-6. to London, and shown through the Mrs. Paul Doig reported on the Wo- Free Press building, radio station men's program of the Federation of . C.F.P.L. and the Western University. Agriculture. This is a five -point pro- . He will also be present at a gram as follows: 1. Current Federa W.O.S.S.A.'track and field meet fol - tion Policy. 2. Public Relations. 3.. lowing which all the top athletes pre - Research and Legislation. 4. Co-oper- sent will participate in a banquet in ative and Practical Agricultural Eco- the dining room of the university. nomics. 5. World Affairs. It was also Ron Sills was chosen by the stu- thouglht that preventive medicine dents out of a group of five eligible should be stressed as it would lessen leaders. All those who were eligible the need of hospital accommodation were Jack Wallace, Earl McSpadden, and nurses. The Institute moved to and Ron Sills, from Grade XIII and affiliate with Federation of Agricul-' Stanley Dorrance and Murray Mills ture. ' from Grade XII,* rt Mrs. Gordon Fapple took the chair * ,k for the election of officers as 101- , ERIC ANDERSON lows: Hon, Pres„ Mrs. Paul Doig;;HEAPS CALF CLUB Pres., Mrs. John Hillebree,h1st vice The opening meeting of the newly NIrs. Jack )vIcteaa�; 2nd vice,t; Mrs. E. , formed calf club was held on Friday B. Goudie; secretary, Mrs. Alex , in the Agricultural room of Seaforth Pepper; treasurer, Mrs. Jack Mc- High School. During this meeting Lean; district director, Mrs. Andrew there was an election of officers to Crozier; deputy director, Mrs. Pau] fill the offices necessary . ire tliis Doig; branch directors, Mrs. Earl 1 group. The following were elected to PappleMrs, Ken Chambers and Mrs. , office: •Fresiderrt,. Eric Anderson; Russell, Miller; program convenor, Viee-President, Mac Bolton; Secre Mrs. Wilfred Coleman; fruit and , tary-Treasurer, this well attended McSpadden. Presiding at card convenor, Mrs. Cecil Oke; pian- ist, Mrs. John McGregor; assistant meeting were Mr.. R.• Gordon Ben - Mrs. E. Cameron; lunch convenors, nett, agriculture representathe for Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mrs. James Huron County, and also Mr. Robert Keyes; property committee, Mrs. El -'.Campbell. s mer Cameron and Mrs, Dave Me-;* Lean; auditor, Miss Mabel Cameron: Assembly local junior club leaders, Mrs. Ray -1- The talent for. our usual Wed - mond Nott and Mrs. Wallace Haugh. , nesday morning assembly was Miss Standing committees: Agr. and Anne Feeney, grade XI student, who Can. Ind., Mrs. Gordon McDonald; played two piano selections, "Cruis- Citizenship, Mrs. 'Gordon McKenzie; , ing down the River", and "Sun - Historical Research, Mrs. Paul Doig;.l flower" • Health, Mrs. Wm. Leeming; Comm.! Following this talent presentation Act. and Social Welfare, Mrs. Gard- the students, led by Mrs. J. Stevens on Papple; Home Economics, Mrs.' and• accompanied on the piano by James Brown; Publicity, Mrs, James Miss Wilma McLean, sang two •popu- McNairn ; Christmas meeting, Miss , lar and • one-western'.number. These Thelma Elsie and Mrs, R. M. Scott;. work meeting, Mrs. Robert McLach- lan; social meeting, Mrs. J. F. Scott and Mrs. Dale Nixon. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman moved a.: vote of thanks to the hostess ante the National Anthem was sung. Lunch was served and a social half hour spent. • SEEDING. Seeding operations are in full swing throughout the district at present. songs were "Easter . Parade", "Far • away Places:, and. Horne . on the Range"'. The five cheerleaders, Elizabeth Shannon, Barbara • •u,Tright, Marie Armstrong, Patricia. Ann Blugger and Lona Ellis, then went to the •stage and assisted the :students, in two• .school songs, "Red, Black and Yellow, .the Colours of the Brave", and "We're from Old Seaforth High School", The 'assembly concluded with the National .Anthem Continued on .Pngo 5