HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-04-07, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 ' • 100 NEW AND. . ENLARGED BUILDINGS help provide more and better telephone service IN. TIiREE SNORT YEARS, despite Labour and material shortages, we have put up 50 new - telephone buildings ancl greatly enlarged 50 others. Altogether we have added 444,000 square feet of space to help in the big expansion and improvement program which is making your telephone service better all the time. Building costs have gone up 45% in these three years. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs on all sides there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. Few things give you so much real value at such le w cost as your telephone. We've broken all records, but there are still orders we haven't been able to fill. We will keep right on working and building to make your telephone service a bigger bargain tt kan ever -- to continue to provide more and better service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA SPRING BURNING • Deep Seam Alberta Lump Coal Famous Reading Briquets YES ! WE HAVE SYRUP COAL E.L. BOX PHONE 43 VARNA Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, M, Elliottand faintly were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott and fanlily, Mrs, and Mrs. F. Grieve anti son, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs, W. Herd._and family, Stratford. Mrs. Jamieson and sons, Clinton, are spending some time with the for - tiler's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Reid who, we are sorry to report, is in very poor health. Mrs. E, McDonald and Marguerite, Hensall, visited the former•'s sister, Mrs. J. Rathwell, on Saturday,, Mrs. Tuffin, who has spent the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Aldington, has returned to her home in Staffa. BRODHAGEN On Palm Sunday a class of 16 catecunins' will be confirmed at St. Peter's, Lutheran Church at 11 o'- clock. They are Shirley Anne Diegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Henry L. Diegel; Joanne Rock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Edwin Rock; Donna Mae Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith; Doreen Regele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele; Doris Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Sienron; Alma Schmidt, clau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt; Marilyn Wieterson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Leslie. Wietersen; Yvonne Diegel, slaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Martin Diegel; Ralph Seherbarth,_son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Scherbarth; Ronald Beuermatnr, son of Mr, and Mrs, George Beuermann; Ivan Sie- mon, son of Mr, and Mrs. Win. L. Siemon; Harold Fischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fischer; Irvin Gloor son of Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Gloor; Roy Beuerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann; Irvin Scher- barth, son' of Mr. and Mrs. John Schei'barth; Frank Binz; son of Mr. and' Mrs. Ed Hinz. Mrs. Herman Leonhardt ,•returned home from Stratford General Hos- pital after undergoing a thyroid gland operation. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Woodward of Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents Mr, and Mrs. A. E.' Quer engesser. Miss Betty Rock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock, nurse -in- training has been transferred from. St. Mary's Hospital; Kitchener, to the Sick •Childrens' Hospital at Tor onto for a few months. Mrs. Rudolph Thiel of. Ruttier ,Glen has been visiting at' the home of SCOTT BRED CHICKS FOR TOP PROFITS To meet today's high feed costs, it is neces- sary to purchase Chicks with inherited ability to produce eggs in goodly numbers. High flock aver- ages and livability on a hen -housed basis are required to ensure a good income from Poultry. Back of Scott - Bred Chicks are many gener- ations of planned Breeding. • Not the hit-or- miss type, but pedigree breeding based on family and progeny testing. Scott Poultry Farms PHONE 853 J. M. SCOTT SEAFORTH, ONTARIO REG ENT THEATRE S Now Playing: Thurs. Fri. Sat. "A SONG IS BORN" In Technicolor' with DANNY ICAYE" and VIRGINIA MAYO Musical talent is brilliantly displayed with Danny Kaye as he cavorts, through this comedy. Be sure to hear these turiosmiths from Benny Goodman to the Golden Gate Quartet .. Mon. Tues. Wed, "NAKED CITY" BARRY FITZGERALDDOROTHY HART. and SAM SPADE of Radio Fame The most exciting story of the , world's most exciting City, terrifically told by Mark Heljinger—•tho manwho knows New York best. Actually filmed en the sidewalks of New York Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. "THREE GODFATHERS,' In Technicolor' with SOHN WAYNE. -- PEDRO ARMENDARIZ - HARRY CAREY JR. John Ford's Legend of the Southwest Coming: " I LOVE TROUBLE" with Franchot Tone, Janet Blain Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz.Eric Schultz of Waterloo, with Rev. Mr. A. Barrett of Kitchener, and ] and Mrs. Schultz, COVERS Wallpaper! DRIES In One Hour! KEM-TQNE MIRACLE WALL FINISH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES 1 Covers all surfaces,—Wall paper, Painted walls, Plywood, Brick Interiors, etc. 2. One Coat really covers. 3. Dries in one hour. 4. One Imperial Gallon does a large room. 5. No "painty" odour. 6. A durable, washable surface. 7. A pleasure to put dn. $47s Per Imp. Gal. Concentrated Paste Form Quality Goods with Quality Service G. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE Plumbing Heating WOOL WANTED ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 33 tisfrismiamwesszaems PLAY " THE IMPROPER HENRY PROPER " By the Brucefield Choir in Brucefield United Church FRIDAY, APRIL 8 At 8.15 o'clock Admission 40e and 25c a r c In Winthrop Hall FRIDAY, APRIL .8 SHAMROCK ORCHESTRA Admission 50e Punch counter in hall FOOTBALL MEETING Winthrop Hall MONDAY, APRIL 11 AT 9 P.M. Everybody interested please attend CLINTON OATS Strong-strawed — will not lodge. Medium length, and thin in the hull. Grown from $3.50 Certified Seed Priced, in your sacks, at 1.75 per bus. HAROLD COLEMAN STAFFA Phone 653r25 Seaforth or 4814 Dublin SETTING NEWills & STANDARD Cvecfdi)1,,, 0 F i �tittet4 oto dir new i L O W- C O S T MOTORING �r tie maorae�ui, fd BW1/W/ ... hl alt t ie efectierei /al eett Mere wad% Look at this new Chevrolet, inside and out- side! Consider it from every point of view and on every point of value i We believe you'll agree it's the most beau- tiful buy for smartness and distinction, for comfort and roominess, for driving and riding ease, for performance and safety ... because it offers feature after feature of costlier cars at the lowest prices and with. all -the economy of operation and .upkeep for which Chevrolet • is famous. You'll find that now more than ever be- fore Chevrolet merits the title of being "first for quality at lowest cost"; and that it is, indeed, the most beautiful buy of all, in all these features and in all these ways. atlouwei"tCost C-146911 Seaforth Motors T1.0-IIISIY 111Dailb ll•a•••//� is the only car bringing you all these fine -car advantages at lowest cost! The Most Beautiful BUY for STYLING Chevrolet's New Leader -Line Styling is lower, wider, racier . . the most beautiful development. of the nen' "functional form" for molar cars . with new Beauty -leader Bodies by Fisher that are true nmslerpieces by the master builder of fine enacheraft. The Most Beautiful BUY for COMFORT Tim new Chevru,.rs hare 'Super -Size Interiors aiQr plenty of head, leg and elbowroom; extra -restful, extra cont- forlable "Fivi-foot Seats"; and giant luggage spare in rear decks. Moreover, these are "cans that breathe for a 1phly-elfrcient beating'" and ventilat- ing system. inhales outside nu exhales stale air and keeps glass cleat in 1111 weather. "'(Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost.) The Most Beautiful BUY for PERFORMANCE with ECONOMY The famous Chevrolet Valve -in -head Engine gives a world of power, accel- eration, smoothness and dependability . together with all of Chevrolet's re- markable economy of operation and upkeep. The Most Beautiful BUY' • for ALL-ROUND SAFETY" Here's five -fold safety protection Sound in no other low-priced ear: (1) New Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes provid- ing even faster stops with safety; (2) Extra -Strong Fisher Unisteel Iody- Construction; (3) New Panoramic Visibility, (4) Safety Plate Glass in windshield and all 'windows, and (5) the extra -safe Unitized Knee -Action Ride. Pius NEW CENTRE -POINT DESIGN A remarkable 4 -way engineering ad- vance exclusive to Chevrolet in its field, and consisting of Centre -Point Steer- ing, Centre -Point Seating, Lower Centre of Gravity and Centre -Point Rear Supension gives the new Chev- rolet riding and driving results without precedent or porallelin low-cost motor- ing. That means a new kind of riding. ease and a new kind of driving -ease heretofore reserved for owners of more expensive cars. Remember—only new Centre -Point Design can give you all these finer motoring results; and only the new Chevrolet brings you Centre - Point Design at lowest cost! A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS