HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-03-17, Page 10THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 n r is Ba g a Special FOR THE WEEK -END REGULAR TO 5.50 TEEN-AGE SIZE SKIRTS 21.915 30 only plain wool flannel and wool plaids, in a good range of colors. Also plain alpine cloths. Sizes 12 to 16 Regular 5.50 Sale 2.95 • REGULAR TO 3,50 GIRLS' SKIRTS Size 2 to 12 years in wool or alpine cloths in shades of rust, brown, green, red, grey, navy and coral Sale Price... 1 •59 UNUSUAL TOWEL SALE 95c Size 22" x 42" Substandards of regular 1.50 quality 'Caldwell' towels. The slight imperfection will not impair the excellent wearing qualities of these towels. Heavy quality white towels with blue, pink or gold bor- ders. 9 c. Special Sale a� REGULAR 65c VALUE Terry Towels White or ivory shade towelswith colored overcheok pattern. Good absorbent quality. An excellent towel for kitchen use. Sale Price 9c SALE Carole Paper Drapes 1 .59 ros. Gay floral print paper drapes in four lovely shades and patterns. Cohplete with tie -backs. Size 36" x 81" A real bargain at PAIR Clearing Auction Sale HOUSE, PROPERTY and FURNITURE, The Estate of the late Mrs. John Ge&ge street,Seaforth Saturday March�26, at 1 n sharp. rp PROPERTY -Property Pro coa u are room frame cottage with good celisr, hard and soft water and hydro installed, one woodshed, lot 56 feet by 144 feet, OHATTELS-One cook stove, good as new t• 1 Quebec heater; 1 kitchen cupboard, antique; 1 extension dining ropm table; 1 oval living room. table; 1 drop-leaf table• 3. small tables;. 1 couch; 1 congoleum rug 7x12 ; 1 .congoleum rug 11x12; 1 congoleum rug, 12x14; 1 con- goleum rug Seel); 1 ornamental mirror, bevel glass; 1 copper boiler, 1 carpenter's chest; 1 coaloil stove, 3 -burner;' 1 pair quilting. frames; .1 step ladder; 1 ironing board; 1 axe and shovel ;`dust mop; 1 Raymond sew- ing machine; 5 cane -bottom chairs; 4 kit- chen chairs; 2 rocking •chairs,. leather .seats; 1 settee. and 2 ` wicker chairs; 1 Croaking chair; 2 clothes chests; 1 complete toilet set; 2 oil lamps; 1 electric table lamp; picture frames; large amount of dishes, 3 woollen blankets ; 2 pairs flannelette blankets; 8 linen table clothe; curtain rods; 1 mahogany wash stand; 1 walnut dresser• ; 3 beds, springs and. mattresses; 2 pairs curtains; 1 small lace table cloth; '/ dozen steel table knives; 1 dozen forks, stainless steel; 1 dozen knives, stainless r steel; tt.. dozen ,table. spoons; 1.14, dozen tea spoons; 8 cushions; 1 hand mfr rot; 1 bedroom mirror; 1 linen table cloth, white, with napkins to go with it; 2 hand- - coeheted bedspreads; 3: plain bedspreads 3 pairs cotton sheets; 7 pillows; 2 feather ticks; 3 mattresses; pillow cases and towels; centrepieces • 7 hand -made quilts; 1 electric. iron ; 1 'electric pad; 7 cushions; large num- ber of quart- and pint sealers; 1 rip' saw ; tub stand, tub and boiler; 1 galvanized flour barrel ; 3 cords of wood; quantity of coal: large number of cooking utensils. Terms -On property; The property will be offered subject to reserve bid, On Chattels, cash. THOMAS NOLAN, FRANK NOLAN, Exe- cutors of the Estate of late Mrs. John Lamb Lew Rowland, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 21, Con. 12, MoKilloli Twp. 1 mile east of Leadbuty,. on Wednesday, Mar. 30th at 1 P.M. CATTLE -Durham cow 6 years old, fresh 1 month; Durham cow 4 years old, fresh 1 month; Durham cow, 4 years, fresh; 2 Dur- ham cows 6 years, due time of sale;. 1 Durham sow 4 years, due May 3; 1 Here- ford cow, 4 years, due May 3. 18 steers and 13 heifers, Herefords & Durhams, ris- ing 2 years. 5 yearlings; 4 spring calves; 3 calves 1 month. Pigs --14 chunks (veight about 80 115). Hens -125 Hybrids 1943 pullets. IMPLEMENTS, Horse Sir Tractor drawn - M -H binder (7 ft. cut) ; wagon (rubber tire) ; steel roller; spring tooth cultivator; harrows 5 secton ; spring tooth cultivator (2 section). Horse drama Implements - 11 -11 13 -aloe drill with fettilntor; Deering mower (New Idea) 6 ft. cut; 10 -foot Inter- national rake; International cut; Mc- Deering spreader; snuffler; walking plough; 1 -furrow riding plough ; 1 set (heavy skew sleighs with flat track 6x12. hayrack with FOR SALE slide I6,0; grindstone, ,fanning mill; 2000 "6 Chen. 4 new titre and heater, rensonnbk, Ib scales with weighing platform ; 2 onto ; barrels, grass seed sower. Portland cutter; - price. Phone 3^i-8 Dublin. JAMES GIVLTN quantity of reds cedar end & centre post4 WANTED chain.: heavy log chains, 1 set of 3 rope slings & F chain ; wheel barrow •, stone boat; sawlm)se ; I Apartment or house in Seaforth. Apply to 1028 4 -cylinder Whippet. sedan, 4 -wheel , ELMER LARONE, Variety Store, Seaforth brakes with heater A-1 condition. 3 iron I troughs, 1 sugar kettle, 2 pig feedere, 1 wire I stretcher with clamps; e'osa cut saw; 1 -man sou; 2 gravel boxes;. whilfletrees; forks, shovels, etc; DeLaval cream separator, No. 10 hand or motor driven; 28 ft. extension ladder; 140 ft. hayfork rope; 1 pig crate; calmly hopes 8'1x12, 3 doz. sacks, 2 doz. 3.bu. grain Grein rind S net 3C0 hu• ea l5' mixed & goodyielding;785 lbs. No. 1Lcd Clover; 00 lbs No. 1 Alfalfa • 200 lbs. No.,Timothy; 12 bags Kamdl'Seed - toes. Hay -4 tot mixed hay. alfalfa & tim- othy ; 4 ton red clover, Harness -1 set single; 1 set heavy single, horse collars. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-- Washing mach- ine, gasolene motor; lawns mower ; gasolene lamp ; hsngieg lamp ; table lump ; lantern; oak dining room table & 9 chairs; odd chairs, 7. leaf table; kitchen cupboard; radio stand; sewing machine; radio congoleum rug9 2 ; kitchen range with reservoir & warming oven; 1 bed, springs. mattress, smoothing irons, dresser, dishes & other articles. Terns cash. No reserve. WTLLIS DUNDAS, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer EDUCATIONAL MOVIES SEE How easily you can control your weed problems by the use of proper GREEN CROSS Spray Methods Two Pictures, both educational and entertaining, will be shown at 8.308.p.m. on �1 TUES I AY, C MA 1's: ll 22 AT See ' rth Motors Representative in attendance to answer questions "Choiceteria" Gives Chicks a Better Start 111 Choieeteria Chick Starter you buy move than feed --you buy Livability, Vigor and Growth. 'it's an investment in the whole future of your flock and your whole year's returns. Invest wisely, give your chicks a Netter chance Scott Poultry Farms Listen to CKNX 920 at 6.45 p.m. ' E. S. WATT & ,SONS PALM :E-RSTO'N • ONTARIO 6,UILDERS, OF BETTE-I: OULTR'Y AND LIVEsTOCK.,FEED.'S S1f110E't,i885 At Finnigan's WORDS OF A GREAT IRISHMAN an The merchant of the future will not only be an economist and industrial leader - he will also be a teacher and a humanitarian -A.• T, Stewart, Father of Modern Retailing „ • In Stock, Full line of FLO-GLAZE Paint and. Varnish. In our opinion gleaned from 30 years in business this Paint is beyond a doubt the best offered on the market to -day. Remember the name Finnigan when needing Paint, Varn- ish, •Shellac, Oil, Turpentine or other painting needs W. J. FINNIGAN. & SON Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann wish to thank their. many friends for the lovely cards, fruit and flowers, also gifts to their son, and for the• kindness shown to Mrs, Mann duringher. stay at the hospital. Special thanks to Drs. McMaster. and Brady, Miss'Peai Theme', and nurses of the hospital - - • Mrs, David J. Stephenson and family wish to thank their many friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind expressions of sym- pathy, acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes extended to them in the lose of their dear husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Rev, Reba !tern and to, Mr. Whitney. Mr, and Mrs. John M,,cBeath wish to thank their many friends for ,the beautiful cards sent Mr. MaeBeath while a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to the ' blood donors and all who assisted in any way Mrs. Ann Nolanand family wish to ex- press their xpresstheir - sincere thanks to their many friends and relations for their kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement FOR' SALE 1 colony ]rouse 10x12 ; 1 range ]louse ; 1 brooder stove for 1,000 chicks. Phone 10 ring 7 Brussels FOR SALE Purebred Durham months old. DDUNGDIIN. 84801 Seaforth t FOR SALE Shorthorn hull, red, 9 months; herd fully accredited, WILLIAM DEVEREAUX, Sea - forth R.17.4 FOR SALE One work team, 12 years old, set of harness, binder M-II separator GORDONMcDONALD r Auction Sale In the village of Walton, on Saturday, Mach 20th, at 1 P.M. 1 dining rnotn. table; 1 piece chesterfield suites- 6 dining room chairs; 1 buffet; 3 dressers; 2 iron beds; 2 bed springs; 7 kitch- en range, white enamel (almost new)' 3 - burner Perfection coal oil stove; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 wicker rocking chair ,• 1 writing desk; I kitchen 'table; 2 small tables; 1 gaso- line iron , 1, electric table temp; 1 cupboard; 1 tool cupboard;, 1 washtub; a number of 11 ail n Quantity of linoleum; 6 - gal. l, clock crock • 2 -gal. cock ; quantity of fruit 'n : frames; clothes cols ; 4 table;rhair minim: f e horse; 4 barrel oil minim: 2 differential grease pumps; 1 differential grease drum eart; 4 -5 -gal. cans; a number of oil drums; i ear stands; n number or logging churns, 1 erenm can ; 1 Black & Decker heavy duty SS -In. electric drill; 1 Bowlers garden trac- tet•: ttualtity of used lumber; tools and wrenches; ; ,hovels, hoes, pots, pens and ertieles too numerous to mention. Terms earth. J. S. L. CUMMINGS, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE Seven chunks, 0 weolis old. Phone 23115 Dublin, ALVIN BEUERMAN FOR SALE 1 youth's "pin . trice worsted suit, color navy, size 16 Years. Price 610. in gond con- dition. 1 Ladles' navy wool suit, size 38, nearly new, Price 61.0; 1 girls tweed coat, size 16 years. Pelee 55. Apply et GILLES- PIES DRY GLEANER FOR SALE A quantity of Red Clover Seed, clean, JOHN 0'. MURPHY, phone 17r15 Dublin FOR SALE 12 by 10 plank eilo. Apply at The Newe Office Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to April 22nd. 1045, for rewiring No, 1 School. Blueprints can be seen at Frank McCownn's, Work to be completed by July 30th. 1949, Lowest trader not necessnrlly accepted. SEO. L. REID, Se c. rl 'ens. Stanley 1`v Varna, � 1 School Area, Onte 1 FOR SALE Four Collie pups. .Phone (Mri5 Mitchell. Auction Sale OF HOUSEIHOLD EFFECTS. In ']'own of Seaforth, East William street Saturday, Mach 19th, at 1 p.m, Peder sults recently upholstered ; buffet side hood, rocking chairs, extension table. fall lea(' table, 12 kitchen chairs, v co sewing machine, 3 bode &- nmttresses tchest heater nr drawers: wash stand; cook stove, - & pipes; coal oil stove & oven toilet set. hot (date, electric washing machine, electric Iron, wash boiler, circulator heater, wash r1., net-), (Eshes, tubs, lawn o 1 domestic oriental rug Dell ; 3 cord han'dwood; 3 ton chestnut coal hand sac'; grades tools; nen sifter; step ladder; glass cupboard; 1 FOR SALE Essex conch, 28 model, 4 new tires & new battery.Bnrsan's hand rondo alt round Tu -tone Brenkfn) set; buffet table and 4 chuirs'.leather-slippers & fur mule type; a en both with (like new; ; bed studio couch ll (like built in heel. and sone• cushion soles. BAR - new). MRS. VERA MOORE, Proprietor SONS, phone 484-3 Seaforth. • Winter Prices PREPARE NOW AND SAVE W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR THE SI6AS('ORTM NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa. FOR SALE 1939 DeSoto coupe. May be seen at MILT HOFF'S GARAGE from 9 to 6 BOX I • uuPr'at' ' *Prutre AMBULANCE Prompt. and Careful Attention Hospital' Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones( Day 43 Night 595W FOR 'SALE One Olyde gelding, nine years old, and one General Purposefillyrising four. JOHN McCOWAN, phone 6550 Seaforth FOR SALE Cutter, new shoeing, sell for less than ahoeing,.W, C. GOVENLOCK, phone 171 FOR RENT 100 acres on 14th concession, McKillop, 3'/, miles east of. North road, 60 acres stubble, 40 acres sod. Apply at The News office FOR SALE A good. light wagon in splendid shape, strong enough to carry a ton weight. Pole and shafts go with it. Would make a first CHARLES delivery hone 807 r 8 Clinton. WANTED Wanted To Buy --All kinds of iron, rags. copper, felt frt• QLAR EEREEVES, batteries, SLSeaforth FOR SALE Nine small chunks, 10 large chunks, some choice Tam oRceI,oeyoTam usa.IAVEYMTLWAN phone 8521.23 - Seaforth 'Watson & , Reid iNSURANCE AGENCY. 'MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT: All kinds of :nsuranee risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies.' ' FOR SALE Con. 50 acre grass Farm for sale. Lot 36, 5, McKillop, drilled well, oil -hath windmill Apply totCA17L DALTON, acres ltenni R t bush. 1, Phone 48r9 Brussels central PASTURE FOR RENT • Paeture-•-100 acres in Stanley. Fenced into. fields, drained, plenty of water and ,holo. Apply Box 127, The Senfo•th .News FOR SALE 1. drill, 1 mower, set bob sleighs, 1 buggy, tune, JOPHNI O'SULLIVAN, Rsome RSelold Senforthlni FOR SALE. Barn, 50x70. half mile west. of Winthrop. Phone 850x02. \VM, DOLMAGE The McKillop, Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers-Preside,tt, 0. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen ; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, - Walton Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. -Reid, Seaforth Directors-Robt. Archibald, Seaforth • Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seafarer. RR3 ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton • John L. Malone, $eafortb; J. H. McEwing, BlYth RR1 ; Hugh- Alexander, Walton; Hervey Fuller, Goderieh RR2 Agents -John -E. Pepper. Brucefleld; R• F. McKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt. lyth Parties desirous to effect insuranceor transact other business, will be pr'ompt'? attended to by applications to any of th above named officers addressed to -their respectivepoet offices • NOTICE Tenders Wanted -Tenders will be received 101' 25 cords of 12 or 14 inch herdwood, beceh and maple, to be delivered to Duff's Church, Walton. Tenders to be in on or before April 6. JOHN MARSHALL, Secretary FOR SALE Nigger brown sill -wool gabardine cont. size 10, satin heed with flannelette and clientele interlining, hoodattached, new gathered back effect. This coat was uoly worn n few times SCOINS DRY CLEANERS Can he soon t Clinton Seed Oats With a Yielding Record of 85 Bus. per acre - Stiffer and Shorter in Straw than Ajax Do not go clown with the storm. Straw like hybrid corn, will 110101 sap untiloats are -ready t0 com- bine. A few bushels left • Bin Run $1.75 bus, • Power Cleaned $2.00 bus. J. E. Hugill .& Son - Phone '784-W Clinton Office Phone 616.84 Clinton Farm COAL Excellent quality. All sizes Speedy Delivery • EGG • STOVE • NUT • PEA • ALBERTA • STOKER Also Hardwood Slabs William M. Hart Office Phone 593-W HarldCJ s em0,t,Cle'Ctioteer Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTe. At Lot 20, Con. 0, McKillop TwP•, north of Wintdn•o, on county rd. Thursday, ,. at 1 P.M •h 24th Mac ' house- hold in Eing kitchen. line or bald eRcets .including kitchen, doling room, living room and bedroom furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc, 2 robes Fife 'extinguish- er. Lumps, sewing machine, lawn mower, caul. ell stove, clocks. veury CATTLE -1 Anthem cow fresh; 2-3.. ws fold reebenedauie Tell; 1 farrow cow; -2 Dm rham steers 1 year old; 3 fall calves. 3 young calves I York sowGS-2 ; •'York ows with chuttks. Sheep -5 ep125 each, Lel- trete). young ewes; 1..Oxford ram HORSES --- 1 matched team of vod roan mores rising 7 & 8 years old. Set or bask band harness; single harness (like neve): number of horse collars Deer- ing binder,. 7 ft.; mowers, Si ft; 7Vi•H hay loader: suikY rake; spring tooth cultivator; disk harrow: 6 section harrows • riding plow; walking plow; seed drill ladders; stock- rack',; Cutting box; wheel barrow ; farm wagon 2 top buggiee; 2 cutters; Decker, threshing machine; cutting box; hay 000e, pulleys, sling chain, sling ropes, hay fork. Quantity or lumber, logging chains, vvhi;pletrees, neck - yokes, forks, and shovels; fanning mill; 22,010 Ib scales, grass seeder, bag truck, set of farm sleighs. 1930 Dodge sedan in A-1 condition, Grain -800 be. of Alaska oats. 2 loads or hay. 7 bags of potatoes FARM -103 vend mile north more of less Wi situated h op, 11n somey fond hstoneouse. 12. foundatioMerle ` y 061 ft.h 121 acresDPlowed, balance in grass. Perm in good sante of cul- tivation. Terms cash ESTATE OF LATE JOHN S. ATTChIL'SON Harold Jackson, Auctioneer el. P. Chesney, Clerk FOR SALE Trams dwelling of the late William Reid suitably locntcll good cellar and futunce. Immediate Possession • Pasture farm near. Vttena with 50-60 aces of improved land. Good water supply Frame dwelling -fn Egmo,dville, early possession. o Good farm 100 acres, 2'A, rotes north of Seafot•th. Early possession. Creek passes through farm. Modem( brick duplex on West William at. 1 storey. frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth, M. A. REID, Seaforth FOR SALE Lot 13, Coin, 2, kleKillop, 100 acres. Brick to DEN - NIS house, lc in n. All NEY,31 Queenseeded. iN.,Waterloo, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale OP FARM oSTO STOOKAND l II�MPLI MIENTS.-- At Lot 15, of Leadbcry, on Wednesday, March 23rd et 1 p,m• HORSES -1 male 11 yours old ; 1 ,'ending. 12 years old. CATTLE -1 cow milking. bred Feb. 20; one heifer in calf ; 0 stem's rising two years old; six heifers rising two years old; one calf, live months old PIGS -1 sow due March 20; 9 chunks 180 lbs. 12 Digs :314 months old; 26 pigs. 2'4 months old. IMPLEMENTS - Cockahutt 70 tractor in A-1 shape; Intonational. two -furrow tractor plough one 7 ft. Bissell double disc; one 0 ft. cultivator with tractor hitch; Deering binder 7' cut; Frost & Wood mower 6' cut, one Maxwell hay loader; 12 -II ha lake; 1: Frost &; Wood 1ult �efurro v ganone g plough; o,,ew plough ; one walking plough; one 14 -disc International seed drill; one 14 -out -throw disc harrow;. 1 manure -spreader, New Idea; 1 tubber -tire wagon ; 1 set of sleighs with flat rack; 1 hay tack with shift; 4 sections diamond harrows,. 1 scuffles., 1 gravel bot; 1 Viking erenm separator, 1 fanning mill; 2,000 lb Renfrew scales; 1 buggy; 1 cutter; 1 International 1'4,hp gas engine, 1 pump jack; 000 feet of snow fence; 1 harrow cart, 1 sun pen & buckets; 1 ladder; 1 Cyclone grass seeder; a number of grain bags; 1 sugar kettle. Hartness -1 set of breeching heelless; 1 set 41''•back bend harness; single- harness ; horse collars, r One cross cut saw; whiffletrees, neeleyokes, chains, forks, some lumber, 3- bunches shing- les,:4hundred coarse salt, 1 colony house, 2 shelters; 1 duck house. Hay & Grain -A quantity of bay ; about 176 bus, barley. - Furniture -One organ, 1 Moffat range, 1 Quebec heater, 1 churn, 1 bed, 1 feather tick, odd chairs, pails, Antiques -Spinning wheel, swifts & reel ; 1 cheese press. Terms cash ED. DAVIDSON, Proprietor Harold Jnckeon, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk NOTICE New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electrle portables; also treadle machines. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CEN- TRE, 78 Ontario . street, FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $100. Mails Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hlamilton, Ont. SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. • Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth TENDERS WANTED 'lenders will be received by the undersigned until April 511, for painting #8 School. Eg- mondville. This is to be n complete job, inside and outside, and all furniture' to he re- finished. First grade materials are to be used noel good wo,'kinottship Is also required, Work to be commenced after July let, 1949, and to be completed by Aug. 20th, 1040. Tenderers to state In .detail all that is Implied in their tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to S. H. WHITMORE, Sec -Trans„ Tucker - smith Schogl Area, 11.8.3, Seaforth, Ont. MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat _- Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, EarNose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, Unlvereity of Toronto. Late Assistant New York -Ophthalmic and' deli's Eye, Aural Inttituto Moorey , and Golden Square throat Dos hale London Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third eo In each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -83 Waterloo Street, Stratford. 'telephone 267 TEACHER WANTED Applications are invited and will he re- ceived by the undersigned until April 5th for a fully qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. #7, Tuckersmith, Huron Co, This is a well equipped modern school on a good gravel Mad, ploughed in winter, 2 miles from Sea - forth and 114 miles from i0gmondville. Ap- plicants will please state qualifications, ex- perience and references,- especially name of last Inspector if experienced. Salary will be.. according to experience and in keeping with the times. A personal application would be appreciated. The present enrolment is 26. Duties to commence Sept. 6111, 1949. S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas. , Tucker - smith School Area, R,R,0, Seaforth, Ont. • Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for • your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 3, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent forMitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery 33arrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN- HAYS. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 •VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBTJLL, Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 . . USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President, WM. H. COATES, Exeter Vice-pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR, 111 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Klrkton RBI JOHN McG,THHAMILTON Dublin,liromerty Ont. MILTON McOTIRDY - Klrkton RRL AGENTS ALVIN HARRIS ]Illtchell • THOMAS SCOTT Oromarty T, G. BALLANTYNE Woodham SECIETARY-TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER Exeter Solicitors, Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 CASH AND CARRY CHICKS AT NMOORE'S POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH Where you receive a Liberal Discount on prices of Chicks .ordered three weeks in advance and picked up at our hatchery. • Started Pullets available. • 4 -week-old ready made Capons a specialty MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth, Ont. Telephone 666-3 • Ask for Prices • • Order Early Members of Ontario Approved Hatchery Association