HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-03-17, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 WRIGHT'S SSTORE r Specials a '1'pIU123. FRI. SAT. MAR. 17 18 19 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP. ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER 10c per tin -3 tins 29c) 16 oz. Jar -33c PORK & BEANS 20 -oz. tins -4 tins -29c KIPPERED SNACKS 5 oz. tin -2 this 25c LIBBY'S VEGETABLE SOUP • 10 oz. tin -3 for 23c BRUNSWICK Sardines—per tin 9c KRAFT DINNER—Pkg.,.... 16c Art. Wright CHICKEN HADDIE—Lenten Dish Per Tin -25c Fancy Red Cohoe SALMON Per Tin -36c OATMEAL COOKIES 1 Ib. 28e Royal York Orange Pekoe TEA 1/2 ib — 47c We Deliver Phone 77 Films MONDAY, MARCH 21 S. COLIJMBAN 10 a.m. WINTHROP 2.30 p.m. MANLEY 8.30 p.m. • TUESDAY, MARCH 22 WALTON 10 a.m. BE'ECHWOOD 2.30 p.m. and 8.30tan , . • Everybody Welcome. MoK(Ilop Federation of Agriculture KIPPEN The March meeting of the Kippen East W. I. will be held at the Thome of Mrs. Hugh McGregor on Wednes- day afternoon, March 23, at 2 p.m. Mrs. J. McLellan will be co -hostess. The roll call will be answered by naming a medicinal herb. The topic "Health" is to be taken by Mrs. W. Doig, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs, A. McGregor and Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Mrs. A. Finlayson has the motto. There is to be a demonstration and the mu is 'h Mrs. R. is s in ,c charge of Upshall. The lunch committee is Mrs. A. Varley (convenor), Mrs. R. Up - shall, 14irs, J. Wood, and Mrs. E.'Jar- r ott. ...1.i,,„n„1,,,)„I,.aatm 11,.11,i,,11,a,,,,l,,,,,,,,,nP,11,asp„a,,,,aur,i,,,111,,,i,,,,,1111„I,I,nt,,,1111 n1111n11,,,,,,,,u,,,,,11 Women's Hospital Aid Rummage Sale in CARDNO'S VACANT STORE Sat. M.ar. 26 2 p.m. Clothing - Millinery -- White Elephants Shoes Please leave articles at Kling's Store YES!! They're COMING AGAIN Who ? Oh, The Norwich Band Minstrels W.hen ? ON APRIL 8TH WHERE ? IN CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Who is sponsoring them ? The Local C.P.T. Committee. of Oddfellows and Rebekas • An entirely new Show — bigger and better than ever . They recently performed to packed houses on three consecutive nights in their home town of Norwich (The Norwich Band have won further laurels Since their appearance here last spring) 111111111111,„, „ ,,.1111111101111111,11,nunnu11mnu0uu,n11011w1111u11nuvnn11nuunun,u11n„0u nn , nun LUMBER V Match Pine and Spruce for barn doors Pine and Spruce for barn siding and sheathing. Various lengths and widths in 1, 2, and 3 inch Lumber • Complete line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, etc. JUST ARRIVE: INSULATION — GRANULATED 2 -inch and 3•inch Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH Town of Seaforth Tax Pre Payment Receipts for 1949 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1949, ON ALL PREPAID 1949 TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall . D. H. Wilson TREASURER TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Clayton Ritchie, and poll Gardner' are spending a few days with Mrs.. E. Ritchie and Mrs. Edythe Wallaces Miss Alice Devereaux and Mr. Ed- ward Devereaux, Toronto, visited over the weekend with their mother Mrs. Frank Devereaux. Mr. ' Dennis Walsh, 'Kitchener, spent the weekend at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Walsh, Mr, James Kelly, Palmerston, visit- ed over the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly. Miss 'Ada. Mae McLellan, Stria - ford spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McLellan. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Geddes, Lon- don, were weekend visitors at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. Mr. Douglas Beattie, Ottawa, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Misses Betty and Marie Fitzpat- rick, London, visited over the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrick. Mm. John Albert Mills, brother of Mrs. C. C. Koine, died in Blyth last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright agent the weekend with relatives in Hamil- ton. Mrs. Roy Lawson spent the week- end in Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sutherland. Mr. G. H. Addieott left Tuesday for Owen Sound to -join the S.S. Second of the Mohawk Navigation Co. which will start the season soon on the lakes. BORN WILLIS - °At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mardi 10. to Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Willis, •t 000 PAPPLL8--At Soott Memorial Hospital on March 15, to Mr. and Mrs. William Papule, Egmoralville, a daughter CAMPBELL—At. Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 1611,, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campbell, Seuforth, a son BRUCEFIELD The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott on Tuesday, March 8th with the president Mrs. W. Scott in the chair. The worship service was taken by Mrs, E. Stanway.. The theme was "The Kingdom Come—through the united witness of the Christians of the World". Hymns "City of God how broad and far" and "Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round" were sung. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. A. Zapfe and Miss M. Swan were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial in Hensall on April 26th. The Missionary program "The Christian Church in China", taken from the last chapter of the study book "West of the Gorges" was in charge of Mrs. R. Allan she was assitsed by Mrs. C. Haugh, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Miss M. McQueen, Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. J. Mustard. Mrs. Stanway lead in prayer. Hymn "0 Holy City seen of John" verses 1-5 were read in unison as a prayer. Mss. Scott closed meeting with benedic- tion, The Easter thankoffering service in April will be in charge of Rev. E. Stanway when Rev. F. Wu is expect- ed to preach. On Wednesday evening March 9 in the school roots of the church a miscellaneous shower was held for Mrs. Turvey who recently had her furniture and clothing destroyed by fire, After community singing a few contests conducted by Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. W. McBeath were given. Mrs. R. Allan introduced Mrs. Tur- vey before the presentation was made. Mrs. Turvey very kindly thank- ed all who had contributed. Lunch was then served. Mrs. Turvey and family moved into Mr. and Mr's. Russel Dallas' house on THE WAWANESA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Canada's Largest Fire Mutual Insurance can be effected on the Buildings of Town or Farm Property against damage by flire and windstorm ON ONE POLICY e At the lowest Rates that buy Safe insurance No Premium Notes are Required • Automobile Insurance is issued to p'ermerd at Special Low Rates J. H. SCOTT, Agent Phone 336 Seaforth ,,11„1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,i,11,11n,i,,1,,,,„1„1,„11,,,,1, HONEY FOR SALE. A Bargain in Honey The lack of dollars in Eur- ope has temporarily ruined export market for Honey and caused surplus in Canada. This gives you the opportun- ity to purchase 30 Ib tin of mild amber honey for $3.25. Phone 312R or see A, S. RILEY, Church St. EASTER DANCE ! IN CARDNO'S HALL • MONDAY, APR. 18 WALTER'S ORCHESTRA 9.30 - 1.30 Admission 50c Auspices Seaforth W. I. THE SEAFORTH NEWS The Salvation Army Revival Campaign „ Conducted by Major Wm. Mercer Special Women's Meeting To -day at 3 p.m. Services until Friday at 8 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICES • 11 a.m. Holiness Service • 3 p.m. Sunday School • 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service; Everybody Welcome Con. 2, Tuckersmith 'on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Keys of Favorable Lake are visiting with Mr. Keys' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys and other relatives. TUCKERSMITH A meeting of the Trustee Board of Tuckersmith School Area was held in Egm'ondville 'School on Tuesday, March 1, at 8 p.m. with all the members present and Jas. McIntosh presiding. 'The minutes of last meet- ing were read and confirmed. Corres- pondence was presented and dealt with as follows: Moyers School Supplies and Geo. M. Hendry's, both being in answer to an inquiry by the secretary re the availability and price of certain school furniture required. After con- siderable study and discussion it was decided to purchase some new seats and desks for No. 7 3011001, and Jas. McIntosh and Norman McLean were appointed a committee with full au- thority to decide type, size and num- ber of seats and desks to be pur- chased, the same to be delivered in time to have in place by Sept, 1st next. Caustic Sanitation Ltd. re ser- vicing of toilets, filed, J. C. Smillie re rebate of school taxes and the See.-Treas. was ordered o refund Mr. Smillie $20.00 being tuition fees for 1 pupil to Sept. 2nd 1948. G. G. Gardiner I.P.S. approval of refund of Mr. Smillie's taxes, permit for Mr. J. E. Skinner to teach in No. 7 school and also his official report for the. said school, all of which were ordered filed. Mrs. Gertrude Wended, Music Supervisor, seeking approval for a proposed musical programme to be put on in Egmondville Church at a suitable time in the spring by the Pupils of schools Nos. 4, 5, 7 and 8, being the ones under her supervi- sion. The Board approved the pro- posal and the date to be decided by the supervisor in co-operation with the regular teachers. Mrs. Elva EIIis acknowledgement of gift, filed. Mrs. H. M. Powell, a request for a certif- icate of service in Np. 5 school. As the secretary had furnished the cer- tificate it was therefore filed. Miss Alice Archibald's acknowledgment of receipt of certificate of service in No. 5 school, filed. A. E. Crozier re error in tax rebate. The secretary re- ported having corrected the error and it was filed. Minister of Educa- tion re legislative grants for 1949, filed. Report of M.O.H. read to the Board and ordered filed. Mr. Jas Love, twp. auditor, was present and gave the result of the Auditor's In- spection of the books and accounts of the See.Treas. and the Board accept- ed the report and expressed appreci- ation to Mr. Love for his presence and ordered the same to be published in the local paper when a printed copy is in the halide of the Secretary- Tr•easuree McGregor and Johns Dere appoint- ed a committee with power to act in respect to tuning, repairing, or re- placing pianos in schools .1, 1 and 2, The Sec.-Treas. was ordered to ad- vertise for tenders for painting kir- mondville School inside and outside and refinishing the furniture of same to be done in midsummer holidays. The Sec. Treas. was ordered to ad- vertise for a teacher for No. 7 school to commence duties Sept, (1, 19.19, and Jas. McIntosh and Robt. Tyndall were appointed a committee to ad- vise and direct the Sen.-Treas. and also given authority to deal with any eventualities in regard to a teacher in that school. 'The following accounts were ap- proved and ordered paid. Mrs. Bert Haney, acc't. caretaking No. 5, $100.; H.E.P.C. Hydro ace't. No. 1, $10.95; Huron Expositor advertising $9.21; W. M. Sproat, 6 cords wood, $36.00; Jack Hood School Supplies, $54.09; Drysdale's Hardware acc't. $5,14; J. C. Smillie rebate of school taxes $20.00; Baldwin's Hardware acct. $8.07; G. A. Sills & Sons, acc't..90; 5. H. Whitmore, postage $2.00. Adjournment was made to April 5th at, 8 p.m.. in No. 9 school and the special business to be the renewing of Insurance Policies on Schools 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and the re-engaging of teachers for another teras, and the See.-Treas. was ordered to make the necessaryarrangements thereto. HENSALL Bride Honoured A very enjoyable evening was sent at the hone of Mrs. Wesley Jones on Thursday when a number of relatives and friends were enter- tained in honor of Miss Marion Sang- ster, whose marriage took place on Saturday. A mock wedding was a humourous feature of the evening after which the bride was presented with many beautiful gifts in a hand- somely decorated basket. Refresh- ments were served at the close. Mr. Thomas Hudson Passes Mr. Thomas Hunter Hudson of Hensall died at his home Friday, fol- lowing a two week's illness in his 83rd year. In former years he was active in municipal affairs, having served as reeve and councillor. He was a member of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church and an honorary elder. Born in Stanley Township he cane here at the age of 19 years before the village was tneorporeted. He was reeve at the time the town hall was built in 1915. He worked. with the Donald Urquhart Co., and until 'his death was working with Geo. T. Mickle and Sons. Mrs. Hudson prede- ceased him '7 years ago. Surviving is one son Lloyd of St. Marys; one W H A Beatty Electric Washing Machine It is the fastest and cleanest Washer, the result of long experience and absolutely guaranteed REMEMBER THIS C A Service Man is here every week to look after your troubles. No waiting for parts. No express charges A PERFECT BEATTY — $149.50 SAP PAILS SPILES CANS DRAIN BOARD SINKS 20 x 42 48.50 HIGH BACK SINKS 16 x 24 27,00 10.50 19.00 FLAT RIM SINKS 16 x 24 BASINS 17 x 19 DURO PRESSURE SYSTEM, 42 gal. tank 128.00 Quality Goods with Quality Service G. A. Silis & Sons HARDWARE Plumbing Heating daughter, Mrs. Earl •Mitchell, Exeter; A short funeral service was held at the residence on Monday, followed by a public service in Carmel Pres- byterian Church, conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The bearers were Messrs Sid MacArthur, William Da- vidson, George Tinney, Earl Camp- bell, Laird Mickle, B. E. Shaddick, Interment in Hensall Union Ceme- tery. LONDESBORO Mr. James Fairservice took quite '11 recently and is not able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowan .are both confined to their room with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Harry- MnEwan, Stratford, visited at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier. Mrs. Frank Wood returned from Toronto last week, having spent the past two months at the home of her sister, Mrs. Howard Partlow, Quite a number in the village and community attended the. funeral of the late M'Ir. Chas. Manning of Clin- ton on Thursday afternoon. March 10 Lately the weatherman has been sending us very stormy weather with the snow doming down thick and fast which stakes one think that spring has been delayed for many weeks. • DUBLIN Mr. and Mlrs. Mervin M eeley and Kevin' of Sttatford..pent the past week with M1t'. and Mrs. Wn1. Mian - ley and Mr. mid Miry. Wan. Duffy. DANCE ! VARNA TOWN HALL Tuesday, March 22 Sponsored by L. O. L. 1035 MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c., Lunch available A Three -Act Comedy Play "Too Many Relatives” Will be presented in the Town Hall, Hensall THURSDAY & FRIDAY MARCH 24 and 25 11 Plap `Tempest and Sunshine' IN CONSTANCE UNITED CHURCH Put an by the Walton W.M.S. Friday, April lst At 8 o'clock Sponsored by the Kone u s .'- or- ialton. Admission :15r and eee i or'M lrvm MPiay'c S lig 0 Only 'a few short weeks left to buy merchandise at 1=1111111111a•111P WHOLESALE PRICES. We are sacrificing our stock in order that none of the merchandise will have to be moved ®s»u� Men's Suits Tweeds, Worsteds, Botanys and Serges Single and double brousted models CLEARING AT COST BOYS' SAILOR SUITS All wool material In sizes 3 to 6 years REG. 4.50 Clearing 2.98 ea. MEN'S WORK MITTS Made from durable leather One finger style Clearing 49c pr. CHILDREN'S SHOES Sturdy Shoes for active Kiddies. Hard wearing Pence soles • Clearing 1.00 pr. Boys Suits Many patterns in Tweeds and Stripes MANY COLORS CLEARING AT COST LADIES' SWEATERS Knit from lovely soft all wool yarns. Colors; Green. yellow, Poucire, Navy and, beige Clearing 2.2:5 ea. LADIES' PANTIES S11k panties In either tea rose or white Also Ch. training panties Reg. G9c 25 c pr. MEN'S OXFORDS AND BOOTS Lovely quality boots and Shoes for men Clearing 2.98 up Our entire stock of Men's Women's and Boy's FOOTWEAR is being Bleared out at cost. Now is the time to buy your Shoes and Rubbers for the entire family for Spring. GREEN FRONT DEPT. STORE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SEAFORTH 411 • • 4 A 4 1 • 4 4 4 1 1 4 i 4