HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-03-17, Page 2THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1949 FIELD COMPETITION The Seaforth Agricul- tural Society are sponsor- ing a Field Competition in registered GALORE BARLEY Anyone wishing to com- pete, communicate with either R. McMillan, E. Goodie or R. Bolton COAL ALL SIZES AVAILABLE • EGG • STOVE • NUT • PEA • ALBERTA • STOKER William M. Hart Phone 593-W, Seaforth HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, M. Giles of Toronto spent the weekend with the'former's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Thompson. • The Hensall Women's Institute are holdinga euchre and dance in the Town hall, Hensall, on Friday, March 11, music by Murdoch's 'orchestra. Mr. and Ml's. Geo. Thompson visit- ed recently with friends at Palmer- ston. Mr's. Wood and Miss 'Lucy Wood of Bayfield visited last week with Mr. and MTs. It, H. Middleton. Mrs, Matheson of Hamilton visit- ed during 'bhe past week with her brother and sister-in-law, Rev. P. A; Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson. The Ladies Aid of Carmel Presby- terian Church are holding a St. Patrick's tea and home' baking sale in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday, March 12. Seals and diplomas were presented on Sunday morning for the Hensall United Church Sunday School for 1948 by Rev. R. A. Brook, minister, and Jack Corbett, superintendent of the Sunday School. 1st year diplomas were presented to Steve Kyle, Bobbie Housewives! STOP LOOK — LISTEN and check your Household Needs "MIRACLE" MOP AND WRINGER 3.98 COLORED BROOMS to suit your Kitchen 1.50 "STEAKMASTER" STAINLESS KNIVES, set3.50 "Clo-Hill" STAINLESS KNIVES AND FORKS5.50 COLORED METAL TRAYS .75 TUB STANDS 2.75 ® SPECIALS WHITE GRANITE BABY BATH 4.75 SMALL RED & WHITE DISHPANS 1.35 MOFFAT AND FINDLAY RANGES Aluminum and Granite Ware — General Hardware •, Immediate mediat e Installation llat non COMPLETE BATHROOM SETS NEW IDEA FURNACES PRESSURE SYSTEMS AND SOFTENERS Estimates on Job gladly given Quality Goods with Quality Service G. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE Plumbing Heating Miekle, Judith and Sharon Elder, Billie Shaddick, Bruce Horton, •Doug- las Shirray, Billie Ingram, Gerald Chapman, Gregory Spencer, Barbara Hyde, Margaret and Marie iSmith, Glenn Kennings. Second year. seals: Patsy and Lar- ry Jones, ar-ry.Jones, Peggy Goddard, George Smith, Elsie Smith; third year seals: Norma Passmore, Mary Hyde, Jane Horton, Beth Goddard, Gwen Chap- man, Evelyn Hyde, Louise Hyde; fourth year seals: Gwen Spencer, Neta Smith; fifth year. seals: Charles Mickle;Teddy Norminton ; d;iwth year seals: Connie Corbett, Marion Pep- per, Judy Shaddick, Shirley•and Gerald Flynn; eight year diplomas: Ruth and Jean Solden, Lloyd Buch-. chanan; eleventh year ' seals: Ross Corbett, Dorothy McNaughton, Chas. Fee; twelfth year seals, Betty Mickle, Bill Mickle Seals were presented, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett, Miss Gladys Luker, Miss Violet McCly-. mont. Lantern slides were shown relative to Missionary work in Can- ada. Mrs. J. F. Blackwell was nar- rator with Mr. Blackwell projection- ist. The Masonic Order members and their wives were pleasantly enter- tained in the Town hall, Hensall, on Wednesday evening when the ladies of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, served a delicious banquet at six - thirty. Late1 progressive euchre was enjoyed Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Mr .and Mrs R. D. Bell of Lon- don, attended the banquet Mrs. Wm. Bell visited recently with her sister Mrs. Buchanan and father Nr. John Zeufle in St. Thomas V eflit OVVeasevwvenruwvwwS 1 JOHN BACH PHONE 17 SEAFORTH A 7H THIS IS NO BULL • TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK A SHIPMENT OF MILKERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Here's your opportunity to purghase a Cream Separator with all Stainless Steel Bowl and tinware at the most reasonable price ever offered, • Also MILKER with all Stainless Steel Pail and Accessories We now have a good stock of Electric Washers 10 ft. power grain Binder; one4-furrowed tractor Plow with ace bottoms, on rubber; 1—green crop Hay Loader Spring tooth Harrows MURPHY PAINTS—Call and have your paint nixed ready for use by our electric paint mixer At Finnigan's As we approach the 17t)1 of March we are reminded the world has. never produced a people that exceeded the Irish in activity and strength • •.ATTENTION CATTLEMEN AND FEEDERS It will interest you to know that W. A. Jenkins of Royal Purple pro- ducts was one of the very few stock food men that shut down during the war years rather than use cheap filler in his products, We arecom- mend Royal Purple products • • WEEK END SPECIALS Pure Lard, 2 lb 35c Jelly Powders 3 pkgs. 23c Crisco, Ib 45c Choice Lge. Celery, 2 for , , . 35c Clark's Pork & Beaus, 2 tins 23c Med. Choice Oranges, 2 doz. 39c • OPEN 8 SHARP REMEMBER WE DELIVER W. J. FINNIGAN & SON Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS At Lot 26, Con. 0, McKillop Twp., ,e, mile north of Winthrop on county rd. Thursday, March 24th at 1 P.M. HOUSEHOLD Effects—Full line of house- hold effects including kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc, - robes. Fire extinguish- er. Lamps, sewing machine, lawn mower, coal oil stove, clocks. CATTLE -1 Durham cow, fresh; 2. -3 -year- old Durham heifers, fresh; 2 Durham cows freshened in fail; 1 farrow cow ; 2 Durham steers 1 year old; 3 fall calves. 8. young calves PIGS --2 York sows with litters of 12 each. 1 York sow; 3 York chunks, Sheep --1 Lei - ceder young ewes; 1 Oxford rum HORSES 1 matched team of red: roan mares rising 7 & 8 years old. Set of back band harness; single harness (like now); number of horse collars IMPLEMENTS—M-II binder, 7 ft. ; 2 Deer- ing mowers, 0 ft.; M -H hay loader; sulky rake; spring tooth cuttivnter; disk harrow; 6 section harrows; riding plow; walking plow; seed dull ladders; stock reek; cutting box; wheel barrow; farm wagon; hay rack( 2 top buggies; 2 cutters; Decker threshing machine; cutting box; hay rope, pulleys, aline chain, sling ropes, hay fork. Quantity of lumber, logging chains, whipplatres, neck - yokes, forks, grass and seeder, bag( truck se- mill; lof farm sleighs. 1936 Dodge sedan in A-1 condition. Grain -300 bu. of Alaska oats. 2 lands of hay. 7 bags of potatoes FARM -100 acres, more or lass, situated on county road 14 mile north of Win'thr'op, 11„_ storey stone house. Bank barn with stone foundation 77 et. by 66 ft. 12 acres plowed, balance in grass, Farm in good state of cul- tivation. ' Terms cash ESTATE Ole LATE JOHN S. AITCHESON Herold Jeckson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk "Choiceteria" Gives Chicks a Better Start In Choiceteria Chick Starter you buy more than feed—you buy Livability, Vigor and Growth. It's an investment in the whole future of your flock and your Whole year's returns. Invest wisely, give your chicks --a better chance Scott Poultry Farms Listen to CENX 920 at 6.45 p,01, 1�O,hl• ONTARIO OF .11E/TTER POULTRY Cl,. FEEDS SINCE. 1885 CARD OF THANKS Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson wish to ex- press.grateful appreciation to their many. friends and neighbors for their kind. dona- tions afterthe recent fire. Special thanks to Group Four and Mae Lane Auxiliary of North - Side United Church, the Canadian Legion and the Women's Institute, to those who -gave so generously h suite, t the and thosewho assisted at Euchre the s Clubowe held. in the Commercial Hotel • Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Frank Upshall and family wish to thank theirmanyfriends and neigh - ors for their kindness and sympathy during their recent sad beeavementinthe loss of a loving son and brother; also those who sent floral. tributes and lent their cars, Special Mr. to Rev. M . Workman end Mr. thanks Whitney Auction Sale OF FARM STOCIK AND IMPLEMENTS, At Lot 17, Con. 7, Parr line. Stanley Tp., 74 mile south of Varna, on Friday, Meeh 18 at 1.30 TTL] the following: rowin g CATTLE—Durham cow 4 yours old, due time of sale; Durham cow 4 years, due time of sale; Durham cow 6 years, due time of file; Durham cow 10 years, due time of sale; Durham mw, 4 years, due April 11; Durham cow, 10 years, due August 20th, 2 steers and 1 heifer rising 2 years; 3 yenning steers. Sheep -3 Leicester ewes 2 years old IMPLEMENTS—International 1 row scuttle( with bean puller attachment; Renfrew electric cream separator (600 lb rapacity); 0000er kettle, sap pees; wagon box & stock rack; oat roller; Daisy churn; a number of elm plank. Household Effects—Sideboard, couch, kitchen chairs: hand washing machine mid wringer Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold ED FOSTER, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer CARD OF THANKS The members of the Carter Family wish to express their sincere theuks and appreciation for all floral tributes, and all other acts of sympathy expressed in their recent sad be- reavement, with special thanks to Rev. S. 11. Brenton of Londesboro.. In Memoriam WD Annie Westcott who passed memory Merck 10. 1946. No, not cold beneath the grasses, Not close -walled in the tomb, Rahe in our Father's 'mansion Living in another room. —Ever remembered by her sons and families. Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IhMPLEMENTS & feed. At Lot 20, 10 Con., Stanley Twp., Goshen line, 215 miles west of Varna and 114 miles south, on Tuesday, March 10111,•at 2 P.M. CATTLE -2 yearling heifers; yearling steer PIGS—Yorkshire sow due April let IMPLEMENTS—M-H binder 1 ft. eat; Deer- ing mower, 6 ft. cut; spring tooth cultivator; Mc0ormickDeering manure spreader; side delivery rake; 2 row muffler; 4 section her - rows & ben . bpi ni wagon; hay rack ; set of sleighs & bot; 2,000 1b scales; 240 lb scales; fanning mill ; 1934 Pontiac coupe (A-1 con- dition; 2 wheel trailer & stock rack; sugar kettle; hay fork; hay rope; set of breeching harness, horse collars, logging chains Feed—Approx. 12 ton of mixed hay (baled) ; approx. 3 tonof baled straw Terms cash No reserve as Proprietor is in ill heorlth NORMAN STEPHENSON, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, Auction Sale . OF HOUSE' AND PROPERTY. On George St., Seaforth, and Household Effects. Estate of the late Mrs. John Lamb. Announcement tater, LEW ROWLAND, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 16, Con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp„ 174 miles East of Kipper. on Friday, March 26, at 1 P.M. HORSES — Matched team of registered Clyde nares 6 & 0 years old. CATTLE—White cow 7 years old, due March 1; grey cow 5 years, due March 13; Reel cow 6 years, duo March 131; Ilereford cow 6 years, due March 25; Grey now 8 years, milking, due July Grey cow, 4 yea's old, milking, due Oct let; red & white caw 8 yeas, milking, due Aug. 20; Red cow 3 )ears, due Sept, 16th; 2 steers, approx. 1.100 ]hs; 3 steers, approx. 800 lbs; 2 fit heifers 800 lbs; 7 one -year-old steers & heiTers ; 3 Fall calves. IMPLEMENTS — One Allis Chalmers C tractor. starter & lights, in A-1 eonclitiot. 2 -furrow International tractor plow; 1 -sec- tion International spring tooth harrow (like new) ; still tooth cultivator, 6 ft. ; steel roller; 4 section harrow; eleven run dick Inter- national fertilizer drill ; 7 ft International binder. short & long -tongue; 6 0, cut Deer- ing mower; International dump rake; Intet'- natioml .hay loader (like new) ; Internntionel bean neurite' with discs; M -H bean puller; DeLavnl cream separator ; steel trough (new), implements longues, large iron kettle. Rubber tire wagon (like new); 15 ft, flat rack, with one-man rack, nearly new; fan- ning mill ; =Ales seeder; alines ropes & chain ; 2 heavy chains; 5 gal. oil can; cistern pump, 10 ft, pipe, in good order; 14 ft. 118" gale. pipe. 7.0 posts, 000 3 -Inch tile; root pulper; nC h1 motor (like new); 2 ems ny grinders. , bench for motor. Set brass mounted breeching harness; 6 horse collars; 2 blankets, set sleighs; 2 dogs; grain bags ; 4 bus. No, 1 clover seed ; 100 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until April 6th for painting L'8 School, Bo- mondvillo. This is to he a complete job, inside and outside, and all furniture to be re- finished. First grade materials are to be used and good workmanship isalso required. Work to be commenced after July 1st, 1949,.and to be completed by Aug. 20th, 1940, Tenderers to state in detail all that is implied in their tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further :particulars apply to S. H. WH'ITMORE, Sec.-Treas., Tucker - smith School Area, ices, Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE r i .Tenders Wanted—Tenders will be., cuev ed for 25 cords of 12 or 14 inch hardwood, beech and maple, to be delivered to Duff's Ohu•ch, Walton. Tenders to be in onor before April 5. JOHN MARSHALL, Secretary FOR SALE A few springer cows, also a quantity of hay and baled straw. DALE NIXON, 661 r 4 FOR SALE 900 bushel of Ajax seed Oats. Phone 55x2 Dublin NOTICE Free—Collie pups, nicely marked. NORMAN SCOINS, phone 242 WANTED Wanted To Rent—Small house or five room apt. for airman at Clinton. Two children. F/S HOOLE, RCAF, Clinton FOR SALE Building, she 20x28, in Clinton, suitable for doeble garage or ben house: Recently built, asphalt roof and aiding, priced reason.. ably. For particulars phone 372.5 Exeter; or writs Box 1.34, Exeter FOR SALE 9.6 Chevrolet, four new tires, heater, good shape. JAS. DILLON, Dublin FOR SALE 20 Model A Ford, newrr" new tires, ' ILL....IIPNTFucmv.;.. ire. Phone • Winter Prices PREPARE) NOW AND SAVE W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorised as Second Class mail, Post Office Dept„ Ottawa BOX ,lxturrttt trutrl Card of Thanks Mrs. Robert Rogersonwishes to thank the ninny friends and neighbors hbors for cards, letters and flowers during her stay in the Clinton. Hospital AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention • Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Pholies: Day 43 Night 595W Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, FONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect• ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. TEACHER WANTED Applications are invited and will be re- ceived by the undersigned until April 6th for fully qualified nCfor #Tucersu h, Protestant no ThisisaS.S. well equipped modern school on a good - gravel road, ploughed in winter, 2 miles- from Sea - forth and 114miles from Egmondville. Ap- plicants will please state qualifications, ex- perience and references, especially name of last Inspector if experienced. Salary will be. according to experience and in keeping with the times. A personal application would be appreciated. The present enrolment is 26. Duties to commence Sept. 6th, 1040. S. H, WHITMORE, See, -Tress. , Tucker - smith School Area, R.I4.2, Seaforth, Ont, FOR SALE Jamesway oil burner' brooder stove. VIN- CENT MURRAY. Phone 40x16 Dublin WANTED Witted to Buy—An upright piano, in gond condition and reasonably priced. Annie te. Seaforth News FOR SALE 1 new Hudson oil brooder stove. Price $10. Apply CARL SIEMON, phone 021,17 Dublin. FOR SALE - Straw for sale. Can spare a. few loads of STONc1047r31alSeunforth ncentralw. VM, LIVTNC- PASTURE FOR RENT ,- Pasture -160 acres in Stanley. Fenced into Apply Box r 127, plenty Senfortls Newsof water rtd shade. The McKillop Mutual . Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, 0. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Seo,-Treas. &. Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors—Robt. Archibald, Seaforth • Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; ti t Bornholm Chris Leonhardt, a e RR Ch J. H. M a, Clinton ;John..; Malone. Bornholm; J H McEwing, Blyth RIM.; Hugh Alexander. Walton Harvey Fuller, Goderieh RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefleld ; R. F. McKercher, Dublin ; J. F. Prueter, Brodltagen 1 George, A. Watt, Blyth . Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other businesa, will Se promptly attended to by .applications to any of th above named officers- addressed to their respective poet offices SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist . P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon 'Phone 5-W Seaforth MARTIN' W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D, Physician and Surgeon All Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W • Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Noe and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooreflela'e Eye, and Gorden FOR SALE Square throat. hospitals, London. Eng. At One - hCommercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday sled driving shed 20 x 40. Pone In each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -63 Waterloo 330 r 24 Senforth central Street. Stratford. Telephone 267 FOR SALE Collie pup. Apply toKENNETH HULLEY, 842 r 32 Seaforth FOR SALE Ph1 one purebred31urich. 1IAROLD FINl 7 LAY ,FOR he old S ALE • e 1 drill, 1 mower, set bob sleighs, 1 ben wgY, fanning mill, be,nees, some household furni- ttne. JOHN O'SULLIVAN, RR1 Seaforth bus, barley OAC 21, for seed. FOR SALE Walking plow, scutfler. quantity hay. ' Wheel barrow, shovels. spool of barb wire. i Barn, 5000, half mile west. of Wlntlu•nit' Other articles too numerous to mention. ; Phone 010r32. WM. DOLMAGE .. Terme each. EARL SPROAT, Proprietor Herald Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P, Chesney, Clerk Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND ThMPLDMIDNTS. - At Let 15, Con. 13. Mcldillop Twp., 21.8 east of Leadhure, on Wednesday, Mach. 33rd at 1 p.m. • I10RSE8-1 mare 11 years old; 1 relding 12 Venre old. CATTLE -1 cow milking, Urcd Feb. 25; one heifer• in coli; 9 steers tieing two years old; six heifers rising two ysers old ; one calf five months old PIGS -1 sow due March 20;-9 chunks 1Se Tbs. 12 pigs 114 months old; 20 pigs 1' months old. IMPLEMENTS — Coelcsbutt 70 tractor in A-1 shape; International two -furrow tractor plough , one 7 ft, Bissell double disc; one 0 ft. cultivator with tractor hitch ; Deering binder 7' cut; Frost & Wood mower 6' ort, one Maxwell hay loader; M -1i ltay rake; 1 Frost & Woad- cultivato; one single furrow -bldiig 'plough. 1 three -furrow gang plough; one walking plough ; one 14 -disc International seed drill ; one 14 -mut -throw disc harrow ; 1 manure spreader, New Idea ; 1 rubber -tire wagon , 1 -set of sleighs with Oat rack; 1 hay rack with shift; 4 .sections diamond harrows, 1 scullle•, 1 gravel box; 1 Viking cream separator, 1 fenni,ig ,,rill ; 2.000 Ib Renfrew SCOW 1 buggy:; 1 cutter; 1 Intemotionol 11)4 hp gas ergine, 1 pump jack; 000 feet of MOW fence; 1 harrow cart, I sap' pan & huakets; 1 ladder; 1 - Cyclone grass seeder; a number of grain bags; 1 sewn. kettle. Harness -1 set of breeching harness; 1 set of back bend harness; single herness, horse collars. One cross cut saw ; whifflet,'eea, neekyokes, chains, forks, come lumber. 3 bunches shing- les, 4 Hundred coarse salt, 1 colony house. 3 shelters; 1 duck house. Hay & Grain -A quantity of hay; about 175 bus. barley. Furniture—One organ, 1 Moffat range, 1 Quebec heater, 1 churn, 1 bell, 1 'feather tick, odd chairs, pails." Antiques -Spinning wheel, swifts & reel; 1 cheese press. Terms cash ED. DAVIDSON, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk FOR SALE One extra. good Guelph nave for we, Six st used two wnters,ae either goed as new, Pr hone d. 507x3 Clinton FOR SALE Yorkshire hoar. about. 238 lb. Apply to SAM .THOMPSON, Nippon. ,Phone 771.7 Rennin Clearing Auction. Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. —Lot 12, Con. 18, Hullett Twp., 1?2 miles west of Harlots. Wednesday, March 16, at 12 30 11.m, 3gelding rising 0 RSES-1 bay a g sin $ears • v g 1 1 bay filly rising 5 years; 1 bay gelding, middle age CATTLE -4 Hereford .cow due Mar. 23rd; 1 Hereford cow due Apr. 15; 1 Durham cow, due May 1st; 1 Hereford cow due Apr. 20; 1 Durham cow, due in fall; 1 Holstein now, fresh ; 1 Hereford cow, due in May; 1 'Dur- ham cow, fresh ; 1 Durham cow dye time of. sale; 14 Dnrkam & Mereford steers & heifers nixing 2 years; 1 Durham bull rising 2 yeas;. 9 Hereford calves 1 year old. Poultry -126 Leghorn hens 1 year ofd Harness -1 set of back band harness; 1 set of single harness; number of horse collars. IMPLEMENTS — Deering binder, 7 rt.; McCormick mower 6 ft.; 1 dump rake; 1 Deco D side relce ; 1 dro» head MTI- hayloader ; 8 -drum steer roller; M -H fertilise disc drill; M -H manure spreader (good) ; .1. seed: 8,111 ; 4 section diamond barrows ; 1 fanning mill ; 2,000 lb scales; rubbertired wagon ; 10 it. hay. rack with sliding rack ; 1 cutter ; 1 set of farm sleighs, 1 DeLoval cream separator, bag truck, gas .drum and pump, whippletrees, chains,-neekyokes & other articles. 8 hydra Holes, Threshing Machine—A11 steel White grain separator 28-50, cutter, roller bearings.. A good modern machine. 1 side delivery rake Tlay & Grain—Quantity of mixed hay. Quantity of mixed grain. 50 bus, of Wheat. BARN—Frame barn on Lot 1, Oen, 12, Hullett Twp„ 364150. For further particulars, contact Proprietor Household Effects -1 kitchen cabinet (like. new) ; 1 Daisy churn, 3 -burner .Coleman gas stove with oven (like new), tabiee, dishes, and.. other household effects. Terms cash.: PETER M'acDONALD, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney,.'.Olerk .. — -- FOR SALE Almost new electric., Viking cream separ- ator, used 3 times. Phone 93ri2 Hensall FOR SALE 50 here grass Perm dor sale. Lot 35, Con. 0, McKillop, drilled well, ill -bath windmill andApply to cement CARL DALTON, Wetes of lon 11.8,h. 1. Phone 48r0 Brussels central FARM FOR SALE • North half of lot 10, concession 10, Mc- Killop township, 76 acres all In grass, 9 acreshardwood. bush. Brick house, two barns, hydro available. MRS. ETHEL HACKWELL, R.R. #2 Brussels, Telephone 28.3 Brussels. FOR SALE Barson'a hand made ell round Tu -tone leather slippers & fur mule type; both with built in heel and senor cushion soles. BAR - SONS, phone 484-3 Seaforth. FOR -SALE - Frame dwelling of the late William Reid,, suitably located, good cellar and furnace. Immediate possession Pasture farm farm near Varna with 50-60 acres of improved land. Good .water supply Frame dwelling • in Egmondville, early Possession. Good farm 1.00 acres, 21/ miles north of Seaforth. Early possession, Creek passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William et. 11rt storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South- Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St:, Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth FOR SALE Lot 13, Con. 2, McKillop. 100 .acres. Brick house, bank barn. All seeded. Apply to DEN - NIS FEENEY, 31 Queen N., Waterloo,Ont. NOTICE. New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electric portables; also treadle machines. Re- pairs to all makes, SINGER SEWING CEN- TRE, 78 Ontario. street, Stratford FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price riot. 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.00. Mall - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 17 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen a Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY • Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 06 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. , PATRICK D. MeCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, .D.V.M., V.S. . Main St. Seaforth Phone 105'w USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President WM. H. COATES, Exeter Vice-pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR, R1 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .....Kirkton RR1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN MoGRATH Dublin. Ont. MILTON McOURDY Kirltton RIM AGENTS ALVIN HARRIS- Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Cromarty T. 0, BALLANTYNE Woodham • SECRETARY -TREASURER - ARTHUR FRASER • Exeter Solicitor'', Madman & Cochrane, Exeter E. C. Chamberlain . INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 CASH AND CARRY CHICKS AT MOORE'S POULTRY FARM . SEAFORTH Where you receive a Liberal Discount on prices of Chicles ordered three weeks in advance and picked up at our hatchery. •• Started Pullets available, • 4-weok.old ready made Capons a specialty MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth, Ont. Telephone 666-3 • Ask for Prices • Order Early Members of Ontario Approved Hatchery Association _