HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-02-17, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 HENSALL- Mr. and Mrs. Al Pearson of Tor- onto spent the weekend with the latter's.mother, Mrs. Annie Saunder- cock. Mr. and Mrs. Norman` Stanlake EUCHRE & DANCE in Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 25 Sponsored by Kippen East W.I. Euchre at 8.30 Sharp. Good prizes and lucky lunch prize Murdoch's. Orchestra General Athnission 50e Ladies please provide and Douglas of Exeter visited recent- ly with Mrs. Stanlake's mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. The many friends of Mr. 'John MacBeath regret to hear of his ill- ness. He is at present undergoing treatment in .St. Joseph's Hospital, London. The Hensall Branch of the Cana- dian Legion are holding a bingo and dance in the Town hall, Hensall,- on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd. Good prizes. Music: by Howe's Orchestra. The Hensall Women's Institute are sponsoring a euchre and dance in .the Town hall, Hensall, on Friday evening, Feb. 18th. Cards start at 8:30 sharp. Music by Murdock's Or- chestra, Ladies please provide lunch. Miss Helen McNaughton and Glenn McNaughton of Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents ASK FOR f'MIRACLE" MOP ft0Aef NAMFI Each 3.98 Take the drudgery out of house cleoning. You don't have to get on your hands and knees to scrub floors! You don't even have to ger your hands anti "Miracle" Mop's quick efficient operation makes house clean. Ing easier, 1u uses are numerous, and Its operation simple. Get one to -day and clean the "Miracle" way, v+... �..�.1 Sr. BALDWIN HARDWARE Successor to Geo, D. Ferguson MAMA AMA.V.1.4t2.' aalers :bkers and Ferdors &mers WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right cell¢nce Feeds Calf Meal Chick Starter Chick Grower Laying Mash Pig Starter Hog Fattener Hog Grower Sow Ration Dairy Ration Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Mr. Hairy Dinnin of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dinnin. Regular meeting of the Village Council held.February 8 at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all mem-1 bers being present. Minutes'of the previous meeting read. Tudor and, read, caraied. Harold Parker, care- taker of the rink reported' cash re ceipts as being $33.85, also stated' some of the difficulties encountered. J A. Paterson reported re tax ar- rears as being the same $450.00 and the Prepayments to date as being $1760.00 also reported re the water- works. F. Harburn reported re the streets and waterworks.. Jones and Parke, that we instruct the clerk to get the price and time of delivery on a hydrant hand pump $21.00 from the Canada Valve and Hydrant, also order 21 snubber from Operating ' and Maintenance Co. Moir and Tudor, that the tax col- lector be instructed to proceed with the tax collecting as provided by Statutes and turn in the collector's roll first meeting in April, carried. Bill and accounts read as. follows: National Iron Corporation Ltd., sup- plies, W. W. $34.48; International water Supply iLtd., pump, W. W. $1242.35; C. R. Hagey Engineering Co., fees, W. H. $1377-87; Scott Brothers Contracting Co., bal. M. W. contract •$8010.76; T. Lavender re- pairs, pump, W. W. $8.00; Hensall Hydro Commission, hydro, W. W. 376.09; J. A. Paterson, attendance, W. W. gravel, W.4W 35.00;C. Reid, trucking plowing streets 345.00; H. Parker„ labor, rink, 356.40; T. Kyle, labor, 33.25, S. R. $5.75, otal 39.00; D. Moir, labor, S. R. 33.00; C. Fee, la- bor,33.00; X. Sangster, s tel labor S. R S. R. $5.25; G. Dietz, trucking S. R. 316.25; Drysdales, Hdwe. Supplies, rink $15.10, hall 315.30; Fire Dept. 321.10; total 351.50; Bell Telephone service, mise. $4.11; Hyde Tractor 0• and Combine Co., supplies sir $1.6 , J. A. Paterson, Fire Insurance, hall, $64.00; Scott's Grocery, cups, hall, 311.50; Provincial Treasurer, Insu- lin, Mitchell 31.85; R. J. Lovell Co., supplies, misc. 35.35; W. R. David- son, coal, rink, $29.10; hall $136.00; 3$24.00;165.10; 24 00;'hall $23.6 HensallHY $47.62; J. Pass- more, Supplies, rink, $11.95, hall $16.79, total 328.74; Bonthron's Furniture Store, supplies, hall, 31.00, mise., $1.5.50; total $16.50; S. Har- burn, salary, $123.72; F. G. Bon- thron, unemployment stamps $4.32; postage $5.00, total 39.32; United Church, rent of shed, mise„ $5.00; total $11,641.92. Park and Jones, that the bills and accounts as read be paid, carried. BY - laws No. 5, Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector, and No. 6, Manager and Operator, Waterworks, were passed. Parke and Moir, that the clerk and two of the Council attend the con- vention in Toronto on Feb. 21st and 22nd, carried. Considerable discus- sion took place as regards rules and regulations for the operation of the Waterworks, the clerk was instructed to prepare the same in the form of a by-law for presentation at the next meeting. Jones and Parke, that we now adjolxrn to meet again Feb. 24 at 8 p.m., carried, 11:45 p.nl. Moir, that the minutes be adopted as LISTEN TO THE NEWS-CKNX (920 ON YOUR DIAL) 8.30 EVERY MORNING CELLENCE in Mame and Quail G . E ;t' t° by fJ 11q r Telephone 354 Feed Division of Exc lle o i ce Flour Mills Ltd Seaforth u,asamnonnee,- At Finnigan's Business is more healthy when you have to scratch for it. WEEI€, END SPECIALS Green Valley Peas, 3 tins 29c Clark's Pork & Beans, 2 tins 23e Pure Lard, per pound 190 Baby Foods, all brands, 3 tins 20e Robinhood Oats, 5 lb.. ... • 39c Choice Grapefruit, doz. .. , 39c . We draw your attention to the Green Valley Pea special We suggest you buy these by the case. Quality guaranteed Just arrived, some new patterned Oilcloth 54" @ 90c per yd Deliveries made twice daily W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all ml' friends for their kindness in remembering . me with cards, letters, fruit, etc., -while I was sick in the hospital. A special thank -you: to Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr. P. L. -Brady and the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital MRS. HARVEY KEYS CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. David Stephenson wish to thank their many neighbors and friends for gifts, flowers, cards and phone calls received on their Golden Wedding Anniversary CARD OF THANKS The Aitcheson family and .Miss 3. MacNeil wish' to express their sincereappreciationto friends, relatives and neighbors for the sym- pathy and kindness shown them in their recent bereavement, and those who assisted. in any way Special thanks to Rev. L R. Peters, Rev. D. Glen Campbell, Mr. G. A. Whitney, Mr J. T. Scott, Dr. McMaster. Dr Brady, and the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital Canadian pproved, Chicks Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a modern hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade chicks at reasonable prices New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rook, Fast Feather. Ing Barred Rock chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred chicks are also produced. N.H. x Sussex, N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn m McKinley's Farm Hatchery ZURICH, ONT. Phone 97 -11, Hensall awarallaaataaRirIZEGSMIZIOGIASsu Tl ..i We are again contracting for for Canada Malting Co. If interested, get in touch with us khe, Son Hensall, Ontario Phone 103 heeunn.lXA22t 0.213. .4late Nights 133 ' Auction• Sale EXECUTORS SALE OF THE LATB W. M. REID PROPERTY & Household Effects. Lt the Town of Seaforth, Saturday, .Feb. 1061, on Huron street, at 2 P.M. Kitchen range, extension table, kitchen chairs, re -finished glass cupboard. modern electric hot plate with oven, kitchen cup- board, pantry table, number of small tables, electric iron and number of rockers, electric lamp, re robed trot leaf cherry table, occasional chairs, what -not 2 oak sectional book cases, 2 hal trees, wardrobe, 1 day bed, walnut finish rant bed spring & mattress; dresser & stand; toilet sets; toad oil healer; 2 iron beds; 1 wooden bed, springs & mat- tresses, odd dressers & stands. Curtains, quilts, pillows M1 9 nd bbed ]Inehs fill a e, Tub stands, tub & oiler, dtsle kitchen utensils. Gurdon tool.., lawn mower, taigrenter toots red othe. art,eles. Extension ladder. PROPERTY It storey frame house \\•ell located in town of Seaforth, Ilurot street. Large lot. 7 room white frame house in excellent condition. Full basement. Furnace. Town nater. hydro. Terms- Chattels cash. Property, 905 down, balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. For further particulars oppiy to JAMES AND ALLEN REID, Executors.. Ilarolti Jackson, Auctioneer B. P. Chesney, Clerk McConnell & Rays, Solicitors for Estate WANTED Wanted to buy, 2 pairs boys' skates, size 10, and size 1. Apply at The News office WANTED Boarders wanted. Phone 195.M Senfortlt FOR SALE A number or York pigs, six weeks oil. John E. bfrLean, Senforth FOR SALE Durham cow due in about 2 weeks. FRET) IIURST, phone 851 r 22 Winter Service 1 to 3 Hours or while you wait W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR THE SEAIFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Pebiishers Authorized as Second °lase. mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa BOX 3fungral 'vr'U'tre ELECTRIC WIRING Electric wiring, appliance servicing,• oil burner installation. . Prompt service. ED, BENNEWIES, phone 680•w Seaforth. FOR. SALE A pump Jack; also an iron pump with Vander, size 4" x 16". Apply to WILLIAM HOEGY, Dublin R111. Phone 23-12 Dublin FOR SALE Solid nek dining room suite, sacrifice. Phone 223, Senforth FOR SALE Good rows, Holstein or Dalian, true to fresher in Martin. Also some young eahVes. Apply to BARRY C'ALDiVELL, Kippen. Phone 057r1-1 Seaforth central. FOR SALE Some forward springer, and milkers for rale, DALE NIXON, Seaforth. Phone 6011.1 FOR SALE 1^ Che\ sedan ?al rad 0700.1 enyltt.,n. a'. ,Ky.tCr,Y�t,ee5s� .rh.,aassg.`w• :1.'.'ita.: Stock Reducing Sale Al n 1!'10 Thal in new ran enrlfian. 110110 5 GARAGE. Scnfnrih, Pitnne 91N FOR SALE AND CLEARING OF15 Reel CHeAnio wood 12.in" 1011g, x116110 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention, Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W 'FOR SALE Parts for 20 Model A, Phone 101r0, JOHN RUSTON MANY LINES 1 only Cotton filled Comforter, to sale. price 1.95 1 only Indian Blanket .. Sale Price 4:19 n only Blue Wool Blankets reg. 7.60 each Sale Price 5.95 EACH 1 only Fawn Wcol Blalrktrt, reg. 7,50 each Solo Price 5.91 EACH 1 only Blue Rayon Bedspread, sale price4.30 1 pr. Extra large Red All Wool Blankets, reg, 10.01 For .... 17.10 2 only Fur trimoed Parkas, 11,01 - Sale Price,,.,., 1.933 5 only Boy's short, lined Overcoats 92.00 offmarked price 10 only Boy's Wool Windbrenkere 1,50 01r marked price 0 only Men's Wool Windbreakers.. 1.50 off 6 only Boys'' Navy Sweaters for 1.98 cash 1 only small Child's Snow Suits. All wool. Sizes 2 and 4 on rule only. 4.05 1 only Shower -proof Man's Windbreaker, with trouble pockets. This is a "SPEC- IAL"- Jacket reg. 12.95 Size 44.,1 OR 10.95 Girl's Navy Fleece Bloomers, reg. 75 Sale 49c 15 Men'sfine unshrinkable Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg. 2,05 for 2.10 Shirt sizes 86, 44, 40. Drawer sizes 40 & 42 6 Suits Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers. -'Size 44, For 3.10 -suit Men's Fleece line Shit'fs, size 44, 36, 34 only, Reduced for this solo 91,93 off every Pr. ,SHOES in the store. A full Dino of Men's & Boys' Boots and Oxfords. Ladles' & Children's Oxfords. HARDWARE 1 only Medicine Cabinet with mirror, Reg. 3.50 POR 2.25 1 only largo size Rubber Tired Wagon with chrome rail and handle, reg 12,95 FOR 111.50 1 only Small Wooden Wagon, 2.50 for 1.50' 1 only Wooden horse, reg 1.60.. , FOR 750 1 only Electric 2 -burner Hot Plate reg. 12.05 -"FOR 10.50 2 only Pin-up Electric lamps reg, •5.25 for3.95 1 only Household Scales ONLY 5.95 3 only Large White Enamelled Tea Kettles SALE 2.39 1 only Rip Saw 26", reg. 3,95 ..SALE 2.95 1 only Rae" 4" Jaw Steel Vise reg. 14.96 FOR 12.95 1 only Pressure Cooker, reg, 11.95 FOR 12,50 4 only Galvanized Wash Tubs 1.25 and 1,76 1 only used Conner Tub Bend Washer, with good wringer. Complete for 19.50 10 qts. of discontinued colors, of Paint, for $1,06 per qt. net of English Dinnerware Complete Service for 8 $26.95 et of Roger Silverware. Service for 8. In wahmt tarnish -proof chest: Regular 35.55 ..,.FOR $31.50 Men's Treaty Shirts, .Caps and Snnday filo lined Gloves, greatly reduced "Format" Fire Extinguishers, reg. 5.40, During this only, for 4.95. Don't bo caught unprepared when fire hits your home or barn. Sugar 8.89 per cwt., and a host of other items too numerous to list, all at Bargain Prices. • Shop early and often during this 2 wears' Sale commencing Feb. 21st, closing Mar. 7th. Terms cash JAMES F. CARLIN BEECHWOOD STORE FOR SALE Saul vv. pinna excellent condition. Cheap. Phone Clinton 33-1t, Mrs. A. L. BODGES, North street. Clinton FOR SALE Colony house 59.2n, painted on ';Alloy and roof, wired for hydro. Tan real gond slunpo, JOSEPH GREER, 11,:i. mile north of Mitchell on .1t25 Highway FOR SALE Pasture farm near Varna with 50-00 acres of improved land. Good water supply Frame dwelling in Egmondvllle, early Possession. Good farm 100 acres, 21,9 miles north of Sertforth. Early possession. Creek passes through farm, Modern brick duplex on West William st. 1% storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. -M. A. REID, Seaforth FOR SALE 2 n purebred Shorthorn bulls, serviceable. are. also n few -year-old Shorthorn heifers for sale. HARRY N ORRIS,. 053r4 Seaforth FOR SALE Lot 13, Con. 2, rllelttltop. 100 acres. Brick house. hank barn. All ser:ded• Apply to DEN - NIS FEENEY, 31 queen N., Waterloo, Ont, Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH, ONT. Allkinds of :insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Claes Companies. FARMERS • If you are interested in getting that SILO BUILT this year, we 'must have a signed contract immediately as ce- ment will be scarce and dear shortly. • Also we have a limited quantity of those CLINTON OATS which cost us $3.50 per bus. last spring. These oats are very heavy yielders and wonderfully stiff in the straw, good for combining. Our price at the farm is $2.00 per bus. Jonathan Hugill & Son Phone 610-34 (Farm) The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, 0. W. Leonhordt, Brod. hegen; Vice Pres„ Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors-Robt. Archibald. Senforth ; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth RIM; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ;' E, J. Trewartha. Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth 1 J. H. MoEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander.. Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderieh 1122 Agents -John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. M¢ICeroher, Dublin ; J, F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect - insurance` or transact other business, will he promptly attended to by applications to, any of th above namedofficers addressed to their respective post offices INCOME TAX BOOKKEEPING, ETC. 1948 Income Tax Forms available Phone for appointment Hensall 88 ring 16. Dublin 14r12 THOS. D. WREN Cromarty, R. R. :1. HIGHEST CASH PRICES for DEAD STOCK. • HORSES .. $4.00 each • CATTLE .. $4.00 each • HOGS . , $1.00 per cwt According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. FOR SALE 14 Pigs a weeks old, FRED McCLYMONT, Varna FOR SALE $ purebred Hereford bulls, 8, 9 'and 71 months old. JAMES NEILANS, Londesboro. Phone Scaiorth 34641 FOR SALE A quantityof baled wheat straw, also some young Tamworths ready for breeding. JOHN F. BELL, RR2, Senfo lh, 847i•4 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT • TENDERS FOR GRAVEL >• Tenders will bo received at the regular Connell meeting in the Township Hall, Stalin, until three P.M., Monday, March 1150, 1940, for approximately ten thousand cubic yards of crushed gravel, delivered on the Township Roads, three quarter 'inch crush, fiat- rate. Township pay for the gravel, lanes graveled to be included at contract price. A marked cheque for four hundred dollars is required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac. eepted. THOS. D. WREN •• Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert. Cromarty, R.B. FOR SALE One purebred Jersey cow, to freshen last of March, and ono grade Jersey cow, fresh tri months, also one Dorsey -Durham • calf 21:2 months old. Apply to ANDREW MOORE. Phone 61364 Seaforth COAL Coal Stocks ,In Canada are Dwindling We have in our Sheds: ® Stove Coal, Nut Coal, Pea Coal Alberta Coal, Stoker Coal To be on the safe side, order before your bin gets too low qa n Phone 593-w n Had Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D,, Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesdayand Sunda y Evenings. Tuesday,Thursday and d Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, R ILL B.A., M.D. G Physician and Surgeon Y g Phone 5-W Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr.. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Graduate Lin Medicine,, Universityd r�of Toro Late Assistant. New York Ophthalmic end Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third. Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -68 Waterloo Street, Stratfard..Telephone 267 - NOTICE IN THE MATTER of The Change of Names Act, 1930,. and Amendments. thereto, TAKE NOTICE that Austin Wesley. Wielet', of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron end Province of Ontario, farmer, will apply to Iris Honour Thomas Moore Costello, Esquire, Judge of the Comby Court of the County of Huron, at his Chambers in the Court Iiouse In the Town Of Goderich, on Tuesday, the fifteenth clay o1' March, A.1), 1949, at the Isom' of ten o'clock in the forenoon to change itis name to Austin Wesley Wheeler, and also to have the name of his wife changed to Frances Amelia Wheeler, and the num of her slaughter changed to Winnifred Mae Wheeler. DATED this first day of February A.D,' 1949. CRAWFORD. & HETHERINGTON Brussels, Ontario -Solicitors for the Applicant NOTICE New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electric portables; also treadle machines, Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CEN- TRE, 78 Ontario street, Stratford FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c ; 24 samples $1.00. Mall, Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 51, Hamilton, Ont. Seaforth ' Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. 0..A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTI:I, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON 1, 0. TURNBULL, D,V.M,, V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President...,,.WM. H. COATES, Exeter Vice -prey. AIIGUS SINCLAIR, R1 -Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY'.,.Kirkton RIO W14I, A. HAMILTONCromarty JOHN McGRATH .... ...Dublin,'Ont. MILTON McOURDY I{irktmi RR1 ALVIN HARRIS GENTS THOMAS SCOTT T. G. BALLANTYNE Mitchell Cromarty Woodham SEORETARY-TREASURDR ARTHUR FRASER .. ...,....Exeter Solicitors, Madman & Cochrane, Exeter E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER • SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 MOORE'S Fast Feathering Barred Rocks are Tops in Quality, in Production , and Our 21 years in the poultry business lends valuable experience We have a 2,500 bird breeding flock. All are Government Banded and cloltble pnllorum tested ---results 100% olean---no reactors. In addition to pure bred Past Feathering Barrell Rock, we have W L x B. R. and N. Ii. x B. R. * Ask for Prices . Order Early MOO E'S •POULTRY -FARM SEAFORTH A. A. Moore ONTARIO Members of Ontario Approved Hatchery Association 1111111.11111111111111111111.,ll,illlltll,nitl, l l lt1111111,In1111a,lillltll,lnlll,lll,lia 11111,1111,,ta1a, 11111111111111111111111t11illlitlnlllatlrl,