The Seaforth News, 1949-02-10, Page 1The Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING, NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 72, No. 6 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 10, 1949. 61 a year AWARDS PRESENTED AT NORTHSIDE SCHOOL Attendance awards were presented at Northside ° United Church Sabbath School, Sunday morning, Feb. 6th to nineteen members of the school for periods ranging from one to twenty years. The awards were given under. the Robert Raikes System of diplo- mas iplo ma s and seals. Sundays missed due to illness under this system are not eounted against the members record. The presentation of •awards which were made by Mr. Sam Scott, Super- intendent, and 1411: Lloyd Morrison, assistant Superintendent, were as follows: Diplomas for 1 year were- Betty Goudie, Lorene Henderson and John Seott; second. year seal Judy Crich, Donald Wright; three year seal—Lynda Savauge; four year seal—Lorne Goudie; five year seal—Marjory Knight, Sandra .Sa- vauge, Ken Thompson, Mrs. James Barron; six year seal—Robert Snellt Robert Knight; eight year •alumni diploma—Ted Savauge; ten year seal—Jean Snell; twelve year seal— June Snell; thirteen year seal— Edna Huisser; fourteen year seal— Francis Huisser; twenty year seal Mrs. J. Pollard. MRS. ROY LAWSON IS SECRETARY - TREASURER Mrs. Roy Lawson was named sec- retary -treasurer of the Seaforth Agricultural Society at a meeting on Saturday afternoon. She will succeed Mrs. Joseph Grummett who has held the position for the past two years, and who recently resigned. Plans were also discussed for the 1949 Seaforth Fall Fair, including the possibility of changing the fair days to Tuesday and Wednesday. The world's Finest Anthracite *'blue coal': >. THE SOLID FUELTOf SOLID COMFORT • 1 Please place orders early E. L. BOX PHONE 43 & 18 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister 10 a.m., Sunday School. Worship_ Services: 11 a.m., "Disaster Through Slack - nese". 7 pan., "In the Wake of Unbe- lief". Welcome to these services. First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School. i.li.. 11 a.m., "While the World Wails". 7 p•m,, "Unstopping. Wells", St. Thomas' Church 110 a.m., Sunday School 11 aan., Morning Service 7 pan., 'Evening Service St. Mary's Church, Dublin 3 p.m., Holy Communion The Rev. T. Dale Tones, Rector. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Inwardness of God". 7 p.m., "The Unnatural Beauty of Sin". ST. THOMAS' W.A. AND GUILD On Tuesday, February 8th the W. A. and Guild of St. Thomas'. A.ngli- can Church met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Higgins for their monthly meet- ings with a good attendance. Mrs. Southgate opened the W.A. meeting by reading the Gospel for 6th Sun- day after Epiphany. Miss Holmes president, followed with prayer. The various reports were given and ac- cepted. Good second hand clothing is asked for to send bales to the Indian School at Brantford and Mission House at Bracebridge. All members are asked to use the Lenten self-denial for W.A. work and -also W.A. Thankoffering to be given in at ;annual meeting in Lon- don, April 26th. The offering was received and dedicated. Following the W. A. meeting the Guild took over with Mrs. Geo. Me - Gavin the president reading prayers for the parish. The reports of all committees were dealt with. The annual vestry meeting will be held on the 15th of this month fol- lowed by a social gathering of the congregation. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Higgins for her hospitality., After the offertory was received and. dedicated refreshments were served and the members enjoyed a social hour. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER DIE AT CRESTON, B.C. Word has been received here of the sudden death in Creston, B.C., of. 'Mrs. Gordon Sherick (nee BettY Sandford of Seaforth) and her infant son Sandy. Death is believed too have been caused by food poisoning. The double funeral was held from the Anglican Church at Creston, on Jan- uary 14, with her minister, the Rev. S, W. Biackaller officiating. Their many friends here extend sympathy to Betty's bereaved husband, and to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Sandford of Brandon, and to her sister Trixie, of Dryden, Ontario. TUCKERSMITH ADOPTS COUNTY ASSESSING Tuckersmith Municipal Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, Feb, 5th, at 2 p.m. All Members were present and Reeve Nicholson presided. • Council, decided to adopt the card system of assessing and James A. Hay, former assessor, was employed to do this work at a salary of $].300. ,:The assessment• made in 1949 will be the basis for 1950 taxation. Mr. Alex. Alexander, County Assessor, of the County of Huron,. was present and outlined the method of proced- ure to be followed. By -Laws confirming the January. appointments of Road Superintend- ent and 'other officials were given their required readings and passed, and a By-law was passed appropriat- ing $41,500 for road expenditure for 1949, subject to the approval of the Dept, of Highways of Ontario. By-law #3, 1949, authorizing bor- rowing up to $70,000 from the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, ;Seaforth, was passed and the Reeve and Trea- surer were authorized to sign notes for such borrowing. Only such amounts as are required will be bor- rowed from time to time until the 1949 taxes are collected. The firm of McConnell and Hays were retained as Township solicitors. Council acknowledged production of surety bonds with the Dominion of Canada General Assurance Company. for the treasurer and tax collector in the amount of $5,000 each. Tenders for crushing, supplying and I•aying_en township roads of ap- proximately 6,000yds. of gravel will be called for and tender ads will .appear later in the month. The Clerk was authorized to apply for the balance of Road Subsidy for 1948. Council authorized payment of an allowance of $25.00 per month to E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Treasurer, tax collector and relief officer, such allowance to cover office rent, heat, light, telephone assessment, and -stenographer's services. Accounts passed were as follows: Fox bounty, $8.00; Relief, $180.98; Grant to Crop Improvement Assoc., $10.00; Law costs, $7.50; Advert. & Supplies, $67.99; Insulin, $4.00; Sal- aries and Allow., $125.00; Postage, $5.00; Road Expend, $727,15. Council adjourned to meet March 5th at 2 p.m. RECEIVES THANKS FROM THE PALACE Mr. Norman Sanderson, proprietor of Berson Novelties, received the following letter in response to a gift sent for Prince Charles about the, middle of December: Buckingham Palace, January 2lst; 1949 Dear Sir:— Princess Elizabeth wishes me to thank you very much indeed for tending Her Royal Highness a gift of slippers for Prince Charles and for the motives which prompted you'. to do this. While the Princess thinks it very kind of you to offer the slippers, Her Royal Highness has asked me to explain to you that she is obliged to make a strict rule against accepting presents from firms or organizations and that this rule was only relaxed oh the exceptional occasion of the Princess' wedding. I In the circumstances, however, Her Royal Highness is pleased to accept your generous gift'and will, as you suggest, send the slippers to a children's hospital who will I know be most grateful for this very use- ful present. Yours truly, Jean' Elphinstone, Lady in Waiting. NORTHSIDE W. A. Group 8 of the W. A. of Northside United Church held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. Schnei- der with 21 ladies attending: The president, Miss Edith Hoag, opened the nieeting by prayer -and reading a poem ."The Heavenly Guest" based on the 20th verse of the 3rd chapter of Revelations. Hymn 508 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The scripture was read re- sponsively led by Mrs. Chamberlain, from No. 707 in the Hymnary. A humorous reading, "The Usual WaY" was given by Mrs. Snell. Roll call was answered: by a verse •of scripture beginning with the word blessed. A reading "Going the extre Mile" by Mrs. Walden, and a reading A Golden Rule" by Miss Ida Cooper were much enjoyed. Hymn 502 was sung and the meeting closed with the. Mizpah Benediction after which a delicious lunch was served and a social hour spent. INSTITUTE NOTES Will the members please bring in the W. T. lunch cloths before Friday, Feb. 18 and leave them at Smith's grocery store. We are •always short of these at the euchres. Don't forget to be at Miss Mabel Cameron's by 1:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 15 when the Institute group goes to tour Scott Memorial Hospital. WEATHER IN B.C. Mrs. John Nottingham, of British Columbia,^writes or February 2nd: "It is interesting to read of your mild winter, while we are really getting some of the eastern variety,' of snow. Already our white weatheit has lasted two months and more is descending on us today. Although it hasn't touched zero ,at, it seems every bit that cold. " MARK OPENING OF NEW APARTMENTS Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, plasterers, painters, brick layers and other adherents to the building con- struction profession, saw the final result of their combined efforts last Monday evening in the form of the new modern 3 -storey, 10 unit apartment building on Goderich Street East, owned by Dr. E. A. Mc- Master, and known as the "Seaforth Apartments". The new building, the second of this type built in Seaforth by Dr. McMaster will provide the ultimate in modern living accommodations for its occupants and greatly alleviate the present housing shortage situa: tion in Seaforth. (Gathered at his home to celebrate the completion of the building, the workmen were told by host Mc- Master that .their work had been satisfactory in every respect. 1Favourable' comment was regist- ered by all workmen regarding the interior colour combinations through- out the building. Use of the new wallboard, "Weldtex" set off with ten -test ashlar block ceilings in Diving rooms and halls lent a very modern appearance to each apartment. The trials, tribulations and amus- ing incidentsencounteredduring-the construction of the building were brought up in various conversations for final explanations, comments ai2d. laughs. During the course of the evening the painters proved their skirl in 'an- other field when they successfully contested a game, of bridge. Other groups more musically inclined sang some of the old favourites while yet others listened to interesting selec- tions from the phonograph. Attending the get-together were Mr. W. C. Avery, Mitchell; Messrs Mitcheal McAdam and Earl Dou- cette, Clinton; Messrs Fink and Mc Clinchey, Dick and Spencer, Hensall; Messrs. D. Skaife and Henry Jen- kins; Brucefield, and Frank Kling, Ken Forbes, Wilson McCartney, Tom Sills, Frank Case, Norman Riehl, and Ed. Fitzpatrick, of Seaforth, and others. The party wound up with cheers for Dr. McMaster. TWO FIRE CALLS THIS WEEK The Fire Brigade received a call on Monday night about 10 o'clock to the W. J. Duncan factory on Main Street when fire started from a leaking oil burner pipe at the furn- ace. Mr. Duncan was in the building at the time and used a fire exting- uisher to -put out the fire. At the sante time employees in the Boshart factory noticed the fire and turned in the alarm: The prompt action of all concerned avoided what might have been a serious filo, as the oil had gathered in the pit surrotunding the furnace before igniting. On Tuesday morning the Fire Bri- gade had a call to the home of Milton Berger on Market street, the former Wm. Cuclmore house, where a fire from overheated pipes was put out without damage. FEBRUARY MEETING OF C.W.L. At the February meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. James' Church held in the School Hall, Tuesday evening, with the president,. Mrs. T. D. Sills, presid- ing, it was decided to hold the an- nual -St. Patrick's Supper on Thurs- day, March 17th, with Miss Alice Daly, as .convenor. Miss Daly told the ladies of the formation of a C.W.L. at .Exeter, composed of wives of members of the Air Force at Centralia, and it was suggested that an invitation be ex- tended them at a later date to attend a League meeting at Seaforth, Miss M. Dunn, R.N.,. was named Health - convenor succeeding Miss McGrath, The treasurer's report showed a balance of $222.59. Mrs. John Hoth- am, first vice-president, reported 26 members. Mrs. C. P. Sills, Mrs. J. L. Slattery and Mr's. T. D. Sills, as the visiting committee for January, made calls both in the hones and the hos- pital. Miss Gaffney and Miss Dunn .were named as the visiting commit- tee for February. Mrs. Frank Dev- ereaux, on behalf of St. James' Choir, thanked the Leanne for the banquet recently given in their hon- or. Mrs. William Hart, magazine con- venor, reported nine subscriptions. An inspiring paper "Married Saints" was given by Mrs. Dinwoodie. Blue Cross 'subscribers will be notified of an increase in Blue Crosg rates, effective in July. The president suggested that at the. March meeting each member bring a sample of her favourite recipe for lunch. The meeting closed with prayer offered for -Cardinal MindezentrY, Lunch was served after which Miss Home Kutui favored with piano se- lections KIPPEN Mr, R. J. Cooper and Mr. Andrew Petr'ie.left recently for Florida where they intend to relax in the stm for e few weeks. Mrs. Wm. Sinclair continues very poorly and her many friends hope for improvement soon. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smitlt cele- brated their 42nd wedding annivers• ary• recently with all their family present. MRS. R. McKERCHER ADDRESSES INSTITUTE The Institute met on. Tuesday, Feb. $ at the home of Miss Mabel Caineron, Seaforth. There was an excellent attendance. Mrs. Hilde- brecht, pres., was in the chair and opened the meeting with the Ode and Lord's Prayer. The roll call was "Shalt cuts in preparing for thresh- ers", The minutes and treasurer's report were • rsad by the secretary whoalso read a letter of thanke fro. the J. Carnochan family. D ring the business period it was decided to have the members bring as many coat hangers as possible to the next meeting. These are badly needed at the hospital. The members have decided to tour the hospital as a group on Tuesday, Feb. 15. They will meet at the home of Miss Mabel Cameron at 1:45 p.m. The next euchre and dance will be Feb 18.Those in charge are: Tables and) chairs Mrs. J. Hillebrecht and Mrs: E. Herr; lunch, Mrs. Paul Doig, Mrs. Alex. Boyce and Mrs. J. F. Scott; tallies and prizes, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman; dishes, Mrs. Cecil Okeland Mrs. C. Simpson; punches, Mrs; Bob McLachlan, Mrs. Ray Nott, MrsI, G. Papple, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs, John McLean, Miss Thelma El- ea 1 The Institute is sending $25.00 to the scholarship fund to be used to give; young, girls a chance to take ithe•; course at McDonald Hall, in Guelph. "'qrs. Cecil Oke, home economics convener, then took charge of the meeting. After singing' "Billy Boy," the current,.events were given by Mrs. Raymond Nott. A number of beautiful articles made from flour and sugar sacks were -displayed. These ranged from children's pyja- mas through 'aprons, tea towels, tea cloths to quilts. Mrs. Robert McKercher was the guest speaker and took' as her topic, "Time Saving in dome Manage- ment." What we now term home' ec- onomics was formerlkeealled domes- tic science and did trot cover the field of endeavor it does today. Each home has a different quality of work. The way you keep your home is your own, partreular, - way.' You should be satisfied when you finish a job in oradi'`te, her a good house- keeper. Many women have too much work to do in the time there is to do it. Mrs. McKercher pointed out that it was better to take it slowly and oragn za"and. plan Lopr work than to mush at it and be Cued and irrit- able. Organize your work so other members of the family can help. There are some tasks they can do and let them do thein. New products. new methods and new ideas are coming to light all the time. Mr •. McKercher showed the members it number of ways of doing simple household tasks more easily. Mrs. Paul Doig' read a paper on "Laughter in the Horne." She also recommended the book"Unforget- table, Unforgotten by Anne Buch- an. ' Mrs. Oke rave a'' humorous poem, `When Father Laid the Car- pet." Mrs. Eldon Kerr moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and speakers. The national anthem was sung and lunch served. C. W. L. ENTERTAIN ST. JAMES' CHOIR The Choir anti` Altar -boys of St, Janes' Church, Seaforth, were guests at a banquet given in their honor by the C. W. L. in the School Hall. Mrs. Frank Devereaux, organist and choir leader, was presented with a small token of remembrance of the occa- sion by aIrs. John Hotham, Jr, Toasts were proposed by Rev. T. P. Hussey, to the Choir, and responded by Mrs. Devereaux, and Frank Sills, Sr., to the Altar -Boys, and respond- ed by Ronald Sills. Father Hussey addressed the re- tiring members of the choir, Mrs. Leo Fortune; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills, and each was presented with a gift. A. vote of thanks was moved to the C.W.L., .and Mrs. T. D. Sills re- sponded. A sing -song followed by solos by the different members of, the choir brought the evening to ;a close. MISSION BAND The Mission Band of Northside United Church met on Tuesday after school with an attendance of 20 members. The president, Barbara Boshart, was in the chair. The hymn "When He Cometh" was fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Bradshaw. Bill Scott read the scripture lesson from Timothy, chap. 2; 1-7. Joan Bach• gave the Members' Purpose. "God sees the little sparrow fall" was sung. Donna May and Carl Ber- ger sang a duet "Can a little ehild like me." The story "A little Indian Boy" was told by Mrs. Wilbee "Praise Him, Praise Him" was stung, Collectien amounting to $1.02 was taken up by Ruth Aim Crozier. Isa- bel Shannon and Helen McGonigle will take up the collection next month. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah. Benediction; WINTHROP Miss Isobel Betties of Sumnybrook Ilospital,•Toronto, is spending a few days leave at her home. Many friends of Mrs. Allan Camp- bell will be sorry to know she is in bell will be sorry to know She si in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. -boss Montgomery of Brant- ford spent the weekend at his home. eta 466fd'' I €9TMAR4f2Xr Thrill her with the perfect gift of love ... a ring of perfect beauty with the famous Bridal Wreath 4 -point guarantee of perfect color, cut, brilliance end flawless quality. Choose from our many big values. SAVAUGES' Jewellery Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing SEAFORTH TAKES RETURN GAME FROM WELLESLEY (by Wally) Taking a four goal lead in the first period the Seaforth Bosharts went all out to down the third place Wellesley novels and tie with C.R.S. at fourth place. O'Shea started tate P0511 u.+' seer - in at _ :10 followed by Wilson seor- int' at :6:1 ewe pass t'5001 Eisler to ()thee et 7:09 and 11:07. 1 ilor. scored on passes from O'Shea :unrl Ea -ler respectively. In the second Period Wcl1;ile+' ,hove thine goals nit Pete Wilson end Seaforth one by 14ieler rat Jones. Br the final period lee te..i, scored a goal. Best for Seaforth w:u Ed. Wilson with four goals and an assist. and O'Shea with a gorse and three assists. For Wellesley, Herb Leis scored one goal with an assist and Boehler received ten assists. Wellesley—Jones. goal; Pearson. on. Shanty, defence, Dougell, centre; Harold Leis, N. Lichty, wings: Spohr, Boehler, Herb, Leis, Arnold. M. Leis, alternates; Binhannner, sub- goaler. Seaforth — Pete Wilson, goal: Jack Nicholson, Doc Cameron, de- fence; Fid Wilson, centre; Bell 0' - Shea, Jack Eisler, wings; A, Hilde- brandt, Frank Sills, Geo. Hildebrand, Lorne Dale, Pd. McIver, Coogan, Knight, Boussey, alternates. Referee—Stan Smith, Stratford. First Period ' 1—Seaforth, O'Shea, 2:16: 2— Seaforth, Wilson (Eisler, O'Shea), 3:12; 3—Seaforth, Wilson (O'Shea), 7:05; 4— Seaforth, Wilson (Eisler), 11707. Penalties — Cameron (interfer- ence). Arnold (interference). Second Period 5 -Wellesley, Lichty ,(H. Leis), 23:87; 6—Wellesley, Dargell (Arn- old), 34:29 7-Seaforth, Eisler (0'- Shea, Wilson)„ 35:15; 8—Wellesley; H. Leis (Boehler), 38;37. Penalties—Herb Leis. (interfer- ence), Spahr '(1.0 min. mis-conduct), Nicholson (falling on puck). Third Period 9—Seaforth, Wilson (Boussey), 50 :07: 10—Wellesley, Shauntz (Boe- hler, H. Leis), 58:20. Penalties—Harold Leis (roughing) G. Hildebrandt (hoolting), Wilson (roughing). * * * 4 Kincardine Juv. 5, Seaforth 1. Seaforth—Baker, goal; Don Muir, Evans, defence; Broome, Jack Muir,: wings; Doig, G. McKindsey, Milton, Rennie, Malone, Don Dale, Eisler, alternates. Kincardine — Woodsworth, goal; MacDonald, Blackwell, defence; Mac- Leod, centre; Pollard, McGinnis, wings; Ball, Needham, Connell, Buck- ingham, Wilson, Harris, Dunlop, al- ternates. .. First Period 1—Seaforth, Broome 00 :21. Penalties—none. Second Period 2—Kincardine, Bali (Wilson), 27: 40.: 3—Kincardine, Ball 38;21; 4 -- Kincardine, -Kincardine, MacDonald 39.02. Penalty—Rennie (tripping). Third Period 5—Kincardine. MacDonald, 4:2:31; 6—Kincardine, Dunlop (Harrison),, 51:00. Penalties—Broome (tripping) EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Moore visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nott. Mr. GeOl'EFO Jackson has gone on an nc can er ui; e. He embarked at Halria•, and is ailing-- .o the West Tla nae a Mlle F , itemel t lir the aillage m Ti dura mortning when tile- 11.050 milk' wagon beeeme 1 ,!lien! 1 .o (±d d no, breaking nue of the l.u-se�_o:mtl glasa domes on the Tee pomp ',;it- ide ah. I innni an s store. While shoennn a ho e last week .Il.Tames Rade) met with 11 very_ iiai•ilul injury to him hand, it re- ,pmiring four stitches, KIPPEN Recent visitors at the home ,.i' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexanclei' were Mr. and airs. Norman Alexander of Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling and Miss Jean Alexander of Loindon. Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlene of hear Bayfield spent a few days last week with her parents, ilir. and Mrs. Herbert Jones. Mrs. W. Horsley of Exeter visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. W.M.S. Meets The W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair with a good attendance. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Robt. Elgie and opened with Psahn 48 in the hynmary followed by hymn 375. A general thanksgiving wee repeated in unison. The minutes and roll call were then taken by the secretary with one new member joining the Auxiliary. During the business discussion it was decided that each member whose birthday falls In the month of_ the meeting donate in silver the same as their age, to the Flower fund..Hym n No. 378 was then sung. Mrs. Win- ston Workman then led in prayer. Mrs. Thomas Sherritt of Hensall then gave a piano instrumental. The study "Literature for new Litera- tes' was then given, by Mrs. Allan Johnson assisted by Mrs. E. Mc- Bride and Mrs. Harry Caldwell. Mrs. R. Elgie then read an article entit- led "Preparing you for the World Day of Prayer" March 4th, to be held in the Sunday School The dos- ing hymn was 182 and Mrs. R. Elgie pronounced the Benediction. A very delicious iuntch was served by Circle No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parson and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson near Chisel - hurt. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Westlake and family of Bay- field and Mrs. Johan Love and family of Varna. We are sorry to report Mr. Arthur Anderson is confined to his bed with an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mts. Rumble of Clinton. A great many from these parts at- tended the Institute euchre. at Hen- sel' recently andreport a good time. Mrs. Mustard continues to improve after her recent severe illness.