HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-02-03, Page 5THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 3, 1949 WRIGHT'SUPERIOR S STORE Specials For THURS. FRID. SAT. Feb. 3 - 4 • 5 MATCHES — 3 BOXES 25c CHOICE DICED BEETS, 20 oz. Tin 10c FANCY QUALITY CREAM STYLE CORN 2 -20 -oz Tins, . .35c ELLMAN PEANUT -• BUTTER 16- oz. JAR...33c BURNS CANNED BEEF 12 -oz. TIN ...27c FRESH READY CUT MACARONI 2 LB„ . ,19C KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN • (measuring spoon FREE) Lge.. Pkg. , .. 25c ASSORTED BABY FOODS 6 TINS: , d45c PUDDING POWDERS 6 PKGS.... 29c We Deliver Art. Wright FANCY TOMATO JUICE 20 -oz. TIN ...10c Phone 77 SECOND ANNUAL Huron Dramatic Festival McKay Hall, Goderich Easter Week, April 18 - 22 • One -Act Plays — 3 Each Night Staging Arranged Expert Adjudication Entry List Closes Feb. 28 O Play'Sel.ection to be Made by March 15 (Subject to rules of Sponsor) Amateur Groups Welcome , Make written application. Entry fee $2.00 , W. A. SUTHERLAND, Box 294, Goderich President, Goderich Dramatic Club. (Sponsor) 1948 INCOME CONSTANCE Mr. Wm. J. Dale is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wakefield aandd BMsbyFWdaoneftveiskiteodn with dMayr. Donald Stephenson of Toronto spent the week -end at his hone. are sorry to Know that Mrs. Fred Wakefield is quite ill at present. Mrs. Earl Lawson is spending a few days in Seaforth with her mother Mrs, Harry Taylor. Forms now on hand. Make Appointments Early H G. M E1 RWe Dominion Bank Bldg. Phone 78. Seaforth Canadian Approved Chicks Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a modern hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade chicks at reasonable prices New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rock, Fast Feather. ing Barred Rock chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred chicks are also produced. N.H. x Sussex, N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn • McKinley's Farm & Hatchery ZURICH, ONT. Phone 97 -11, Hensall LUMBER • V Match Pine and Spruce for barn doors • Pine and Spruce for barn siding and sheathing. • Various lengths and widths in 1, 2, and 3 inch Lumber • Complete line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, etc. • Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH Town of Seaforth Tax Pre Payment Receipts for 1949 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1949, ON ALL PREPAID 1949 TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town ,Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. Wilson TREASURER TOWN TOPICS Miss Mary Duncan, Toronto, spent he week encs with her parents'M1'. and Mrs..William Duncan. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, London, visited over the week end 'at. the some of Mrs. Brian Cleary. Dr. F. J. Burrows has returned to Sown atter holidaying in Winnipeg, Ajax; and St. Catherines. Mr: James Kelly, Palmerston, spent he week end with his parents, Mr. Gordon McKellar, CNR con- iuctor, Toronto, and Mr. Jacic Hillock, brakeman, worked up to Goderich on Saturday night and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Donald ,Goodrow of Plaanilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. McKellar and Mrs.Gladys Fel, ;uson, Miss. Marguerite Westcott, R.IV., or Toronto; visited over the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott. Relatives attending the funeral of Mr, Hugh Wright on Saturday were Mr. Wm. Wright, Washington, D.C., Mrs Frank Wright, Windsor, Mr. lnd Mrs, Earl Ross, Mount Pleasant, Mr: and Mi's. Howard Wright Crom 1•r ty, ,Mr°,' and Mrs. Herb Ker cher, hiselluri•st, 'Mrs. J. Nichols, Toronto, Ind Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, iippen. Mr. George Jackson left this week in a trip to Barbadoes. Miss Mary Ryan, London, spent She weak end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Southwick, fiatchener, were week end visitors at :he home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman ileLoan. Miss June Shaw, Windsor, visited )ver the week and with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Shaw. Mr. and Mr's. John Hotham Jr. and Bernard visited recently in Galt at he hone or Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Reilly. Mr. Bud Smith, Loudon, spent the veek end with his parents Mr. and VIrs. C. Smith. Miss Helen Devereaux, London, Pent the week end with her parents VIr. and Mrs. J. Devereaux. Mr. John Finlayson is ilk with pneu- nonia in Scott Memorial Hospital. BORN )RUMMOND — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, Jan. 30, 1090, to Mr. and Mrs. Tames Drummond, RR2 I(ippen, a a son. 9CI(ERT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert, RR1 Dublin, a daughter )SITZ—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 28th, to Mr. • nd Mrs. Martin Reitz, RRI Mitchell, a daughter )OLMAGE--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, William Dolmage, RR1 Londesboro, a daughter (UNERrT—In Ford Hospital, De- troit, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kunert ((Jeanette Glinske) of Detroit, a son. HOT St. Valentine's DINNER. Sponsored by the Women's Association in North Side United Church WED., FEB. 9 FROM 5 TO 7 Adults 75c Children 35c CINERARIAS In Assorted Colors Also Cut Flowers BAKER'S Greenhouse Seaforth kitchen shower from the wishing well, and many other beautiful gifts. Misses Leona Pym and Muriel Cow- ard showered them with confetti and all joined hi singing "For they are jolly good Fellows". Everyone enjoyed a few rounds of bingo with prizes and lunch was served at the close. Following is the address. Dear Twins: If there is something you want, so I've heard tell, You just whisper your wishes down this wishing well, Then turn the windless over and o'er, While up comes the things you are wishing for. Now a lot of things so it seems to me Must fill 'the minds of these brides-to-be; There's two houses to be furn- ished, two hubbies to be fed, So linen is needed for table and bed. They wished £or this and they wished for that, But it's no use of one's talking through his hat: So for you two girls, we've a wishing well, To its secret depths your wishes tell. BRODHAGEN Rev. W. Schultz and members of the church board made a business rip to Toronto on Monday. The Sunday School Teachers held their annual meeting on Friday even - ng at the hone of Rev. and Mrs. Schultz. George Diegel was appointed Sup- erintendent and Geo. Mogk, Treasurer, Mrs. John Amstein, Secretary, Miss Grace Wietersen and Miss Grace Vock, auditors. Miss Gwen Rock, Mrs. John Vock, Rev. Schultz, Geo. Mogk, buying committee; Mrs. D. Hinz and Mrs. Geo. Mogk; sick committee. Farm forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt Mon- day evening. The discussion was "This little Pig went to Market" and it was decided that hogs, wheat and dairy products should all have an open market. The recreation period was spent in playing progressive euchre. Prizes went to Mrs, Norman Bennewies, Geo. Mogk (high). Mrs. J. Arbuckle and N. Bennewies (low)• The next meeting to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Manuel Heuer- mail.% and Mrs. H. 3. Querengesser and Susan of Waterloo with Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser. Mr Robert Rock, Waterloo, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock, on Saturday. Mrs, John Amstein and Robert and Mrs. Annie Muegge spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wendell, Mitchell. Mrs. Edwin Rock is entertaining a number of boys and girls i ne o north hof her daughter Jane Gaye, birthday Thursday afternoon. ELIMVILLE Miss Joan Smith of London spent the weekend with Miss Wanda Ste- phen. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and DavSun- daytd of with Mr, and lnvisited last Herd- man. Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge, Ke- vin and Sunday withinvisitede of Exeter, Mr.. and MrslHarold 13011. The Young People's Bible Class held a successful pot -luck supper at the home of Misses Leona and Al- deen Pym on Monday evening. Mrs. Wm. Johns held a .trousseau tea on Wednesday evening in h onor of Misses Ethelen and Eilen.e Johns. Mrs. Allen Johns •showed the linens, Mrs. Gilbert Johns, hes wardrobe, and Mrs. Garnet Johns, the wedding gifts, Mrs. Fred Long and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe poured tea and Miss Fraser and Miss Grinney served. Mrs. L. Elford assisted in the kitchen. The Elimville Euchre Club 'held their party last week in the hall with Mrs. John Miners as hostess. Prizes for the evening went to Mrs. Alvin Cooper for ladies' high; Mr. MurraY Stephen', gent's high. Mr, Kenneth Johns received the consolation. This week the party was in the hall with Mrs. Alvin Cooper as hostess. Prizes went to Mrs. Ross Skinner for ladies high; Mr. Kenneth Johns, gent's high and Mr. John Kellett re- ceived consolation Next week the party will be at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mrs. Maynard Margison of Lon- don spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner and family. A shower for the twins, Misses lilthelene and Eilene Johns, was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Skinner with about seventy ladies present. Miss Wanda Stephen read the ad- dress and the twins received their Then turn the windlass while we've our fingers crossed, Hoping it has none of its magic lost; For twins we thinks so much of you, We want every wish of your hearts to come true, And we've added to your's our good wishes galore, May Heaven send you blesings in generous store. -Signed—Your Elimville and Win- chelsea friends. Goderich Plays Return Game The Goderich Lions Juveniles played a return game with the Sea - forth Juveniles on Tuesday night in the Palace Rink. In the game played at Goderich, •Goderich trounced Sea - forth 11-0, but in this game, through the excellent net -minding done by Gar Baker the final score stood 5-3 in favour of 'Goderich. Broome starred for Seaforth, get- ting all three of the Seaforth goals unassisted. For Goderich, Goddard with two goals and McPhail with a goal and an assist, starred during this fast game. First Period 1—Goderich, Meriam (McPhail), 1:05; '2--Goderich, Goddard, 5:31; 3—Goderich, Goddard (Willis), 3:55: 4—Seaforth, Broome, 15:24. Second Period 5—Goderich, Willis (Holland), 35:21. Penalties — Holland (chargin), Frieth (roughing), Holland (slash- ing), Goderich, Don Muir (tripping), Jack Muir (roughing), Seaforth. Third Period 6—Goderich, McPhail 53:05; 7— Seaforth, Broome 55:05; S—Sea- Euchre & Dance IN HENSALL TOWN HALL FRIDAY NIGHT, FEB. 4 • Sponsored by the Kippen East Women's Institute Euchre starts at 3.3 slump Old and New Time Dancing Lucky Lunch Prize, Music by Murdoch's Orchestra EVERYBODY WELCOME General admission 50c. Ladies please provide lunch COAL WE HAVE ON HAND ROSEDALE ALBERTA HARD LUMP CHESTNUT COAL EGG COAL BUCKWHEAT COAL For immediate delivery phone 47 Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. Your Entertainment Guide COMING EVENTS at CARDNO'S HALL, Seaforth ,.,Sponsored by Seaforth Young Progressive Conservative Club,.. SHOW and BARN DANCE featuring THE WESTERN SWINGBILLIES " SAT., FEB. 5 Cowboy Entertainers from the U.S.A., heard daily over CFPL SHOW 8.30 - 10 Dancing 10 111 Midnite Admission at door 75c &.35c. Advance Sale tickets G0c & 30c Advance Tickets on sale at J. A. Westcott Jewelry Store REGULAR SATURDAY NITE DANCE FEB. 12, featuring Ken Wilbee ANNUAL T HOME Seaforth High School FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 DANCING'9 TO 1 To the Music of BOBBY DOWNS' 10 -PIECE ORCHESTRA In High School Auditorium Per Person 51.23 Per Couple 52.25 forth, Broome 59:25. Penalties — Holland (roughing), Holland (fighting), Doak (fighting), Meriain (fighting) Goderich; Rennie (roughing), Malone (fighting), Don Muir (fighting), Seaforth. Referee—Faulkner, Goderich. There's an "INGLIS" Washer to fit YOUR BUDGET Inglis "STERLING" Tests prove that Balanced Design gets your clothes cleaner, FAST, with less wear. Silent motor is sealed in oil. Large self-adjusting casters have toe -operated locks. Wringer has large, soft rubber rolls with an instant emergency release. Lifetime enamel is baked on. Choice of faucet drain or automatic pump drain. Available with gas engine for rural use. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Terms to suit your budget Box Furniture Store --Funeral Service PHONE—DAY 43 NIGHT 595W Dealers, Bakers Farmers and Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right Exeeiknce Feeds Calf Meal Pig Starter Chick Starter Hog Fattener Chick Grower Hog Grower Laying Mash ' Sow Ration Dairy Ration LISTEN TO THE NEWS—CKNX (920 ON YOUR DIAL) 8.30 EVERY MORNING EXCELLENCE in Name and Quality Turgeon Grain 811 Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of Excellence Fleur Mills Chlor F