HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-02-03, Page 1The Seaforth News
51 a year
The • Granite Skating Club of Kit-
chener, in conjunction with the Sea -
forth Lions Club are planning an
ice carnival on Monday night, Feb.
There will be one hour of thrill-
ing figure skating by artists from the
Granite Club, followed by speed
and graceful skating contests for
children and aduits.
The net proceeds are for the
Lions Club "Food for Britain Par-
cels." Further announcement next
Exeter badminton players were
the guests of the Seaforth club on
Tuesday night. The games were late
in starting due .to the fact that Ex-
eter was delayed by a blinding snow
storm. In spite of .this the scheduld
was finished in good time, the cred-
it going to R. S. Box, chairman of
the .tournament committee. The
games were keenly contested send
fast. At the close of the evening a
lunch of •hot dogs and coffee was
served: Don Traquair on behalf of
the Exeter club thanked the Iocal
players for their hospitality and
Ted Southgate replied in the absence
of :the president.
In points Exeter led Seaforth 292-
280 and in games Seaforth led Ex-
eter 9-7 with two tie games.
A letter concerning the increased
price of milk, signed "Milk Produ-
cer" has been received by The Sea -
forth News. If the writer will kindly
furnish his name to the News Office
the letter can be printed, Letters to
the Editor must always be signed by
the writer. The name will remain
confidential, if desired.
The world's Finest Anthracite
*`blue coal'.;
Please place orders early
PHONE 43 & 18
Northside United Church
Rev. A. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School.
Worship Services:
11. a.m.,-"A grand lesson on Hu-
7 p.m., "Self -Revelation in our
Welcome to these services.
First Presbyterian Chard*
10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday
11 a.m., Sacrament of elle Lord's
Supper. •
7 p.m., "Watch and Pray.".
8:15 p.m., Y.P.S. Fireside.
The Salvation Army
-Subject for morning 11 a.m.,
"Dwelling Deep" by Sr. Capt, Burch
and "Teardrops and Empty Arns"
by Capt. McDonald, 7 p.m. Sunday
School 3 p.nn.
• Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, BA., B.D.
10 am., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Repeaters".
7 p.m,, "Trials and Faith".
St. Thomas' Church '
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m,, Holy Communion
'7 p.m., Evening Service
St. Mary's Church, Dublie, 8 pan.
The Rev. T. Dale Janes at all
On Tuesday, Feb. 1st, Mr.. and
Mrs. David J. Stephenson of Eg-
mondville quietly celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary.' Their
three ' daughters (Anna) Mrs. Lee
McConnell, (Pearl) Mrs. Russell Er-
ratt and +(Clara) Mrs. Perce John-
ston and their son Elmore, and Mrs.
Stephenson's sister, Mrs. Ed. Boyce
and Mr, -Boyce were present. .A.
larger celebration :had been planned
but owing to Mr. Stephenson's
physical condition (having suffered
a heart attack 10 drays ago) hadto
be cancelled.
Orr Feb. 1st 1899, Miss Eva El-
eanor Armstrong and Mr, David
'John Stephenson, bath of Stanley,
were united in marriage at St.
Thomas' rectory, Seaforth, by the
late Rev. J. W. Hodgins. The bride
was attended by her sister, Miss
Annie Armstrong, while the grooms-
man was Mr. Geo. McClinehey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce, Bruce-
field were guests at the wedding and
also were guests at the golden an-
After their marriage Mr. and
Mrs. Stephenson settled on their
farm on Goshen Line Stanley, where
they lived for nearly 40 years. After
a few years spent in Bayfield and
Varna they moved to Egmondville
two years ago. They have been in-
dustrious, knowing what hard work
means, but carry their years very
lightly and always take an active in-
terest in church and community af-
fairs, aiding in every good cause.
Their many friends hope they may
be spared to see many more years
of health and happiness.
The gifts and flowers were many
and beautiful, including a gold wrist
watch to the bride from the groom.
They received many messages of
congratulations, including phone
calls from Mrs. Alice Armstrong, of
Pilot Mound, Man Mr. • and Mrs.
Phil Watson, Detroit, Mich.: Mr:
and Mrs, A. Wylie and Mr. and Mrs.
0. Stephenson, Marlette, Mich,; Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Wiley, Wroxeter:
.Mr. and Mrs. D, Kay, Clinton, and
a host of letters and cards.
No. 4 Square Farm Forum met
Monday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs..
Ken Stewart with 28 present. The
topic for the evening was "This
Little Pig went to Market" followed
by discussion. Remainder of ' the
evening was spent in playing pro
gressive croquinole with prizes ,go-
ing to Mrs. Leslie Pryce and James
Keyes. Lunch was ' served by the
hostess. Next meeting will be Mon-
day, Feb, 7th at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt, Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowantree of Tor-
oronto were the weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long.
Mr.. Robt. Nigh of Seaforth is the
guest •of Ms sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnston and
Mr, John C. Doig of Grand Rap-
ids, Mich., expects to spend a few
days the guest of his mother and
The "Farm. Forum" of 8;5. No. 1,
Hul.lett met on Monday evening Jan-
uary 31st at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Holland, with 33 present.
The topic for discussion was "This
little pig went to market". Most of
the evening was given to discussing
what would be the best method of
marketing our agricultural products.
Mr, Noble Holland and Mrs. Albert
Glazier favored with a few musical
numbers after which a delicious
-lunch was served. Next meeting to
be held at the home of Mr, .and Mrs.
Fred Pepper.
A well attended meeting was held
in the Town hall,'Exeter, on Monday
evening to hear Mr. Wm. II. Temple
of Toronto, Mr. Glazier occupied the
chair and after a few opening re-
marks called on Mr. Oestricher to
introduce the speaker. A very inter-
eating discussion followed the ad-
dress and after a hearty vote of
thanks to the speaker,. the meeting
closed with the singing of -the Na-
tional Anthem.
Among the points he discussed
were -socialism in Europe, the C.C.F,
Government in Saskatchewan, the
housing problem, an impending de-
pression, end stated tine C.C.F. - in
tends to place a candidate in every
OntarioOntarie riding in the HariFederal
The Seaforth and District Minist-
eriel Association will meet at the
Salvation Army Barracks on Mon-
day, Feb. 7th. at 2:50 p.m. Tlie ad-
dress will be given by Captain
Burch, of the Salvation Army Corp
on "Evangelism" and all ministers
within the region of Seaforth are
cordially invited. Visitors always
The funeral of the. late Hugh
Wright took place on Saturday,
Jan, 29th at 8 pini. from the G. A.
Whitney funeral chapel to Wood-
land cemetery, Mitchell. Rev. H, V.
Workman officiated, The pailbear-
ens were Messrs Ed. Caskanette,
John Pullman, Peter McIver, Ster-
ling Habkirk, Milt Hoff, C. Clew.
Mn Wright passed away in Scott
Memorial Hospital on Wednesday
evening after a sudden attack while
at work during the afternoon. Born
at Whitby, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Wright, he was raised
in Fullerton Township. The deceased
was in his 65th 'year, He farmed un-
til coning to Seaforth in 1916 and
had been a carpenter: He was a
member of Northside United Church.
His -wife, formerly Miss Janet Mc-
Pherson, died in 1932. He is sur-
vived by one son, Jack Wright, at
home. Also by three brothers and
foo sisters, James Wright, Kippen;
William, Washington, D.C.: Howard,
of Gromaa tv:: Mrs. Rohr. Dalton, Tor-
onto; Mrs. -John H. Nichols, Toronto -
Mrs. Earl Ross. Mt. Pleasant, and
Mrs. Herbert Kercher of Hensall.
The annual meeting of Egrnond-
ville congregation was held on Fri-
day evening, Jan. 281h. Supper was
served by the ladies after which
pictures were shown by Rev. E. R.
Stanway of Brucefield. In the busi-
ness meeting' which followed, satis-
factory reports were given by the
different organizations of the church.
The new members appointed to the
Board of Stewards were Jas, Mc-
Intosh, H. Finnigan, Robt. Tyndall
and Douglas Wallace. It was unan-
imously voted to raise the minis-
ter's salary to the minimum $2100.
At the W. I. euchre and dance
last week there were 85 tables.
Prize winners were: ladies first,
Mrs. Lorne Lawson ;• lone hands,
Mrs. Wm, Cleary; consolation, Mrs.
Peter Simpson. Men's first, James
T. Scott; lone hands, Sam McClure;
consolation, Ross Broadfoot. Insti-
tute members served lunch. Music
for dancing was by Collin's or
Mrs. Allister Lamont, the former
Ruth Janetta Carnoehan; died on
Monday at the home of Mrs. William
Geddes, 446 South St., London, in
her 25th year. Born in Tuckersmith,
she was the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Carnoehan, Tucker -
smith. She attended public school in
Tuckersmith, and also Seaforth High
School, She ,was switchboard opera-
tor in Victoria Hospital, London
prior to her marriage. A member of
First Presbyterian Church she had
taken an active part in the junior
farm girls' organizations before go-
ing to London. She was married in
1947. She is survived by her hus-
band, her parents, and three bro-
thers, James W. Carnochan, Lon-
don; John H. -Carnoehan and Ken-
neth G. Carnocban at home.
A private funeral service was held
on Wednesday afternoon from the
home of her parents, lot 21•, conces-
sioin 3, Tuckersmith, Rev. D. Glen
Campbell officiating. Internment was
in Maitlandbank cemeten.•y,
The February meeting of the Sea-
forth Wonen's Institute will be held
on Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 2:80 p.m., at
the home of Miss Mabel Cameron.
The roll call will be answered by
"Short euts in preparing for thresh-
ers" The motto is "There's ane
bandy thing to have around when
things go wrong, and that's a good
disposition." There will- he current
event:, and a demonstration of o.rti-
eles made from a flour rack. Any
member having any such articles,
please bring them along, for display
Mrs. Bob MrKercher will be . the
guest speaker. This is the Home Taco-
nomiee meeting with Mrs. Cecil -01 e
es the convenor. Lunch committee ,s
Mrs. Cameron,' Mrs, Ken
Chambers, Miss Thelma Elgie and
;Vers, John McGregor.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Hospital Aid. to Scott Memor-
lel hospital will be held at the home
of Mrs. A. Whitney on Thursday,
February 10 et 8:15 p.m.- The Wo-
men's Hospital Aid to Scott Mem-
oriel Hospital wish to thank the
merchants and all those who contri-
buted in any way towards making
the penny sale a success.
Sugar, Yvonne Bolton; plant, Ro..
bort Grieve; nylons, Kathleen Roe;
hand lotion, Florence Beattie; hand
lotion, Florence Beattie; tomatoes
(6), Sally Nott; jasmine set, Selene
Boshart; water set, Norman Knight;
permanent wave, Mrs. Prike, Strat-
ford; corn (6), Miss Marion Watson;
shirt, Margaret Case; peas (6),
George Hays; wall bracket, Mrs, R.
Savange; baby powder, Mrs, P. L.
Brady; slippers, •W. J, Sires; bowls,
Mrs. Agnes Mason; lamp, Florence
Beattie; cushion, Clare Westcort;
wall bracket, Sandy McMillan; tray,
Mrs. Prike; baby blanket, Mrs, H.
Mclllwain; car cleaner, Mrs. Geo.
McGavin; tinier, Gordon Dupee; tea,
Clarence Reeves; relish dish, Mrs.
Ted Brown; peas (6), Mrs. Bessie
Kerr; cream and sugar, Mrs. Shinen;
cup and saucer, Mr. G. A. Whitney;
epipe jars, Mrs. Frank Roberton;
tea, Ella Armstrong; vita ray, R.
Johnson, Brussels; Indian tray, M.
Dunn; hand lotion, Ina Gray; hand
lotjon, -Mrs, Hazel Hodgins; hand lo-
tion, T. Sills; hand lotion, Laura
Jackson: cotton pickers, Mrs. Phil-
lip Willis; corn (6), Mrs, Ted.
Brown; peas .(6), Mr. John Craw-
ford; hand lotion, ,Ken Murray;
loaf dish, Jean Scott; powder 6, Mrs.
J. Pollard; powder 6, Mrs. Hugh
Nickerson; powder 6, Mrs. M. Byer -
man; powder 6, Mae Clarke; powder
6, Evelyn Cardno; powder 6, Mrs.
C. M. Smith; powder, Norman
Knight; Elizabeth Arden, Mary
Crich; pictures, Mrs. Carrie Cud -
more; cleaning paste 6, Donald
Pretty; dermo rub, Clarence Reeves;
sauce 6, Helen Smith; pin trays 2,
Mrs. J. M. Scott; relish dish, Mrs.
George Brownlee; combs 6, Frances
Fortune; beminal, Mrs. Peter Mc-
Gowan; tea, Mrs. John Dalton; iron,
Mrs. Edwin Johns; ash tray, Mar-
garet Stevenson; baby set, T. A.
Beattie; flower pot, Mrs. E. Felker;
hot water bottle, Mrs. Frank Kling;
peas 1(6), Mrs. R. Savauge; beminal,
Fred McGavin; rubber gloves, Miss
A. Ferguson; dole ornament, Gordon
Papple; beminal, Mrs. J. B. Higgins;
dogs, Lois Crich; sauces 6, Mrs. O.
Tebbutt; hot water bottle, Mrs. Wm.
Bradshaw; cleaning paste, Mrs, Jean
Howes; snot water bottle, Mrs. T.
Richardson; writing paper, iVlrs.
Hazel Hodgins; writing paper, Don-
ald Pretty,; canned goods, Mrs. Mes-
senger; powder, Bill Govenlock;
corn 6, Robt. McGonigle; baby lo-
tion, Norman Knight; baby 1011011,
Mrs, Frank Kling; cotton pickers,
Mrs, W. T. Teali:. baby powder,
Mors. F. Kistner, Bornholm combs (3,
Mrs. Szabo; grapefruit juice, Harry
Stewart; rubber gloves, Sandy Mc
Millan; beminal, Olive Laidlaw; tea,
?'Liss Olive Scott, Bluovale; baby
lotion. Mrs. Hugh Nickerson: toma-
toes 0, Mrs. Alex Bowes; cleaning•
paste, J. e>,, Murray; cleaning paste,
"oht. McGonigle; baby oil, Mrs.
Freak eek Rling; baby powder, Mrs.
John Grieve; powder, Mrs. T, WalkerPart; hand lotion, Mrs. P. L. Bra-
dy; baby lotion, Mabel Cameron:
rya, I.eo 'Hagan; nylons, Mrs. Wnn.
Wilbee; platter, Mrs, Ed, Miller,
`.Walton; ice cream (3, Mabel Turn-
bull: cashmere bouquet, W. E. Haw-
ley; cashmere bouquet, hers. W.
Free; .slippers, Mrs. Bert Shaw;
demo rub, Mrs. Geo, Johnston: tea,
firs, 7VT. Nediger, Clinton; tuner,
Mrs. Geo, McGavin; ash tray, Mrs.
Fred Cooper; flower pot, R. S. Box;
beminal, Mrs. Ted Brown; rubber
gloves, Jean Scott, R.R. 2; hand lo-
tion, Mrs. Cochrane; hand lotion,
Louis Tioegy; hand lotion, Don Tay-
lor: hand lotion, Mat Ryan; peas (3,
Mns. T. Richardson; peas 6, Jimmie
Sills; peas 6, ,len Pretty; corn (3,
Mrs, Carrie Cudmore: tomatoes 6,
Mrs, Win. Anent; tomatoes 6, Mrs,
Messenger; baby lotion, Joel: Hot-
ham Jr.: peas 6, Alex Bethune.
The first meeting of the year of
group 2 of the W. A. met at the
home of the group president, Mrs.
Leeming, Monday, Jana 17, with a
good attendance. The meeting open-
ed with the hymn 'Will your anehol
1101(1" followed with a poem and
prayer by thepresident. The Bible
reading Wag i
„muse. The minutes of the Deeembei
meeting were read by the see'y, Mrs.
Porteous, also the roll was called
with 31 members present and 1 visit-
or. Mrs. James M. Scott gate a
reading "Pity the poor President".
Mrs. Lawson, told the story in the
legend "The other Wise Man" by
Henry Vandyke and Mrs. -Hay told
the story of "The White •Goose"
Both were very ably given and much
enioved by all. After singing "What
a friend we have in Jesus" the meet-
ing was closed with the Benediction.
Lunch was served and a social houm
was spent. -
Mrs. H. Erratt is visiting with )ler
sister; Mrs. E. Lowden and Mr.
Lowden of Hamilton.
Mr. Robert Reid has purchased
the old Goshen church, which he in-
tends to wreck and use the mater-
ial in building on his farm at Varna.
The .Friendship Circle met in St.
Andrew's Church, Kippen, Monday,
Jan. 31st with an attendance of CIC,
After devotional exercises the even-
ing took the foni of a croquinole
Party, prize winners were Miss
Dorothy Turner, Miss Joyce Broad -
foot, Robert Caldwell and Warne
McBride. A delightful lunch was
served by the West ,group. "
On Thursday 18 junior farmers of North Huron made a tour of farms in the Seaforth Walton area.
Thls picture shows the group at the farm of James M. Scott, Seaforth, when the imported three-year-old
bull Templereagh Royal King, brought to the Scott herd from County Tyrone, Ireland, was led out by Ken
Chambers, herdsman
r{ rin95
Std •• ..byiCoro
A wonderful selection of iascina49g
Scarf Rings- plain; dolsonne,;,or jewel
x colours. UFeful,deccrative, pnd'v'ery
macI, in 1psfilon.
$1.00 $2.00 $3.00 and '$4.00
Jewellery Watches Fine China
Expert Watch Repairing
We are glad to repot that Mrs,.
Wm. Gray who has been seriously -
d11 and in the Clinton Hospital, is
now at hone and improving rapidly.
Also Mr. Murdock Ross " was re-
moved from, the sante Hospital last -
week and is now being taken earn
of by Mr. and Mrs. John Scott at
their hone.
Miss Mary Ellen Pvest, Mitchell,
Ment -the weekend with her parent:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prost.
Mrs. Revington. Li. an, is visiting
with her cousins, Mr, and Mrs, F.
Miss Lillian Cartwright visited
over the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. John Cartwright and- Mrs. L.
Mi'. Howard Brundson visited his
mother here recently. and street the
past two months visiting his dang-
hetr• in Vancouver and his brother
Art in the West.
The Londeshoro Public Library
have recently put several -new books
-on the shelves for the public to en-
joy. The following is the list of
This is my Choice by Igor Gou-
zenko; Yonder Shining Light, Mar-
ion Keith; The 7\1111 on Mad River,
Howard Clark; Peace of Mind, Josh-
na L iedmin, Behind the Curtain,
Phylip Gibbs; The Precipice, llugh
MacLennan; Something's got to
Give, Marion Hargrove; A view of
the Harbour, Elizabeth Taylor; Tam-
my out of time, Cid Rickets Summer;
Sharutons•Way, A, 3, Cronin; Village
of Souls, Philip Child; High Towers,
Thomas Castain: She skated into our
Hearts, (The story of Barbara Ann
Scott) by Gray Moore; Valley of
wild Horses. Zane Gray; Uneasy
Street, Wade Miller; The lig Fisher-
Mari, Lloyd C. Douglas.
The regular meeting of the Valeta -
Goshen Y.P.U. was held in Goshen
Church with 17 members present.
John :Keys Presided in absence of the
president and vice-president. We
oriel -KM the nmeeting by singing hymn
290. The resignation of Mona Reid
as secretary was accepted and Rutin
Clarke was appointed. I•Iynnm 168
was sung and was followed by the
topic given by Vivian Chuter, Hymn
229 and the Mizpah Benediction
closed time meeting. Charles Reid had
charge of a very interesting recrea-
tional period. The next meeting will
be held in Varna Church on Feb. 14.
A'Ir. and Mrs. Murray Helmer will
have charge of recreation and topic.
r Bi•nre Glenn of Guelph spent
the .':end t the' home of his par-
ent Mr. Jolni M. Glenn.
nee Annie Fink) of
Spoors, r , i.atchewnin, is spending
three months vacation with her
mothee Mrs. fink.
'ler, and Mrs. Elgin Ray of Atwood
• r `led recently with Mr. and Mens.
"If tieholt,
Mr -s. Petty Passes Ie 94th Year
Mrs. Geo. C. Petty, widow of the
late Geo, C: Petty. passed away at
Man, •Saundereock'.s Nursing Home,
Hensall, on Tuesday, Feb. 1st in her
94th year. • Formerly Miss Hannah
Dinsdale, the deceased seas a daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thos
Hinsdale of Hensen. Surviving are
four daughters, Mrs. Lorne Scott,
Hensel], Mrs. (Dr.) Smith, St.
Marys, Mrs, Abbott, Detroit, and
Mrs. I{ennedy, Winnipeg.
Wingham Here Today
Seaforth Senior boys' and girls'
eager teams play their -final sched-
uled basketball games this afternoon
in Seaferth's gymnasium at 3 p.m.
Wingham will be the opposing teams
in these genies.
r: 5: *
Talent Assembly
Talent during the Wednesday
assembly was Miss June Snell. June
sang "Galway Bay" and "Now is
The Hour" She was accompanied on
the piano by Miss Doris Pullman,
During the assembly the cheer-
leader practised school yells for
the Thursday afternoon basketball
game with Wingham,
:6 '5 * *
At -Home Next Friday
The decorating committee are
hard at work getting decorations
ready for the annual At -Home next
Friday, Feb. lith.
Robby. Downs, London, and his
i ten piece orchestra will supply the
music for dancing. Five hundred and
fifty invitations have been sent out
during the past few weeks by the
I invitation commilittee to various pets-
! plc inn Seaforth and vicinity.
:n s<*
Coming W. 0. S. S. A. Games
Today-.Goderich at Clinton.
Wingham at SEAFORTH.
W 0 0 *
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed at the morning
service in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, Feb. lith, con-
ducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson,
"reparatory service will be held on
Friday evening at S p.m. Session Will
meet at 7:30 p.m.
Sr, Boys' Basketball Standing
(up to Feb. 2)
P W L Pts
Goderich 5 4 1 8
Clinton 4 4 0 8
Seafbnth 5 1 4 2
Winghann 4 0 4 0
1: '1 9 '5
Girls' Basketball Standing
(no. to Feb. 2)
Clinton 4 3 0 1 7
Goclerich .. 5 8 2 0 1
Seaforth 5 1 8 1 8
Wingham 4• 1 3 0 2