HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-27, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1949 HENSALL M. and Mrs. Gus Voth and family . of Detroit visited recently with the latter's miother, Mrs. L. Simpson. Misses Marion and Laura Sang- ster of London spent the weekend with their mother M. Letitia Sang- ster. • Miss Roberta Kirby of the staff -of the Bank of Montreal is enjoying a week's vacation with relatives and friends in Toronto, Stratford and Listowel. The many friends of 1VIr. George P'arker who is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital are glad to hear he is improving. - Honored on 30th Wedding Anniversary A very enjoyable event was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- son Stoneman, on Friday evening when the former's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoneman were surprised and honored on their, 30th wedding anniversary. A. delicious fowl dinner was served at :tables beautifully ar- ranged with white mums and pink snapdragons, matching candles in sil- ver tapers and centred with a three tier wedding eake. Following the dinner Rev. R. A. Brook spoke Notice The Executrix of the Estate of WILLIAM GEORGE GILL is pleased to announce that she has sold GILL'S BILLIARD ROOM and everything con- nected therewith to ORVILLE ORE of the Town of Seaforth, who will continue to operate it at its present location EIIINSGSSICICIMICICSNICSWIGNICSICSISOC 0 • • • • STOVE COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL ALBERTA COAL STOKER COAL COAL FOR FURNACES COAL FOR STOVES Coal that will give you warmth and satisfaction William M. Hart Phone 593-w Turn at Dick House Corner 614:16SWISSSIMISISSICSSISSISSYMPOR briefly after which Mr. and Mrs. Stoneman were presented with a gift. A,' sociaritime was enjoyed bY all. W.M.S. Hear Reports The W. M. S. of the Hensel' United Church was held in the school room of the church, Mrs, W. B. Cross, president, presided. Mrs. R. A. Brook was in eharge of the devotional period. Reports were pre- sented as folloWs: Missienary Month- ly, Miss Katie Scott; Mission Band, Mrs. R. A. Brook; Baby Band, Mrs. Geo. Hess, who stated that there was a membership of 58 and , 13 new babies. Mrs. C. Cook presented the treasurer's report. Mrs. W. Carlisle gave .a paper. Miss Consitt reviewed the study book and Mrs. T. J. Sher:. ritt favored with w,piano 'solo. At the conclusion ofthis meeting the Women's Association held a brief meeting and elected the following officers for, 1949. Past President, Mrs, James McAllister; President, Miss Katie Scott; Vice -President, Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Mrs. James Smillie, Mrs. H. W. Horton; Treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Cross; Secretary, Mrs. T. Sher- ritt; group leaders, group 1, Mrs. - Hess and. Mrs. Blatchford; group 5, Mrs. N. Jones and Mrs. 11. McMur- trie; group 3, Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mrs. E. Shaddick; group 4, Mrs. G. Broderick and Mrs. J. Corbett; manse committee, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. E. Geiger, Mrs. Graham. School Board Meet Hensall School Board held its first 1949 meeting on Friday evening, all members of the Board being present. The following officers were elected for the year. Mr. A. L. Case, chair- man; Mr. J. Blackwell, secretary - treasurer; Mr. S. G. Rennie., musical instructor. Members present, Messrs W. 0. Goodwin, P. L. McNaughton, Keith Buchanan, R. Drysdale, A. Clarke, A. L. Case. New member appointed to the Library Board, Mr, J. Blackwell, to fill the vacancy of Mr. M. Sanders. Teachers on staff, Principal, Mr. J. Blackwell, assist- ants, Mr. R. Dennison, Miss Jean Brandon and Mrs. R. Cook; caretak- er, Mr, Thos. Richardson. M. and Mrs. Frank Harburn and family accompanied by Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey, visited with rela- tives at Blyth, recently. Mr. Gordon Munn, who has been seriously ill at the }Wine of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Munn, is slightly improved. His many, friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. Dignan had the misfor- tune to fall on the icy sidewalk on Saturday morning. He was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth by ambulance. It was thought he had fractured his hip in falling but x-ray Ford V8 Owners The ignition system on your car is the most important factor hi easy starting, smooth performance and maximum power and economy of operation. Up to the present time, we have made all adjustments to the distributor in a stationary condition. This is only partially satisfactory as it does not indicate what is happening at 20, 40 and GO miles an hour, We are happy to announce that we have installed a Ford Distributor Stroboscope 'that tests your distributor under actual operating conditions. We can tell exactly why you have that flutter at 35 miles an hour or that loss of power at 55. It,is so accurate that we can safely say that your car is out of adjustment if it hasn't been set up on a tester similar to this one. We are anxious to have the Fords in this district giving their owners the best satisfaction and so are giving a flat rate price of $2.50 for a complete over- haul, which includes con and condenser testing, with Parts extra. You are invited to inspect this equipment in our service shop. DALY MOTORS Ford Monarch Dealer TELEPHONE 102 SEAFORTH "Choiceteria" Gives Chicks a Better Start In Choiceteria Chick Starter you buy more than feed—you buy Livability, Vigor and Growth. It's an investment in the whole future of your flock and your whole year's returns. Invest wisely, give your chicks a better chance. Scott Poultry Farms Listen to CKNX 920 at 6.45 p.m. E. S. WATT & SONS PALMERSTON • ONTARIO BUILDERS OF BETTER POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK FEEDS. SINCE 1885 We are again contracting for .E,ARLEY for Canada Malting Co. If interested, get in touch 'with us Geo. T. Michle&Sons Hensall, Ontario Phone 103 Nights 133 1 showed no sign of fracture. Annual Congregational Meeting • '%•The annual. congregational meet- ing .Of Carmel Presbyterian Church -was, held on Friday evening with Rev. P. A. Fergusbn presiding. Fol- lowing the singing of a hymn, Rev. Ferguson read the twelvth chapter of 1st Corinthians and offered prayer. Mr. Donald Bell was ap- pointed Secretary for the meeting. The minutes of the ,1948 meeting were read and adoped, followed by the 'reports. The Kirk Session re- port was given by Mr. Geo. Tinney, after which a period of silent Prayer followed in .memory of the departed 'members. The Sunday School report was given by Mr. Charles Forrest. Young People's report by Mrs. C. Kennedy. The Mission Band and W. M.S. reports 'were given by Mrs. P. A. Ferguson. The Arnold' Circle, and •the Ladies' Aid reports were, given bY 'Mrs. R. Mac - 'Laren. The Board of Manager's re- port was given by Mr. Mervin Moir, showing a cash balance on hand. The appointment of the following Messrs Melvin Molt, Hareld C. Bell, Wm. Brown and Charles- made to the Board of Managers. Audi/ors 'appointed, Miss Jean Mc- Queen and Mr. Clarke Kennedy. Record Secretaries, Mrs. C. Ken- nedy and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. Sidney McArthur was appointed church trustee to replace the late Mr. James Bonthron. Rev. P. A. Ferguson .spoke briefly on the church budget and expressed his sin- cere /hanks and appreciation of the gratifying reports and the work be-. ing carried on by the various organ- izations of the church. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the Benediction. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. Ellen Coxworth returned home after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. T. Sutor, rn Chatham, and her son Mr. Mervyn 'Coxworth, in London. The Hensall Women's Institute are holding a euchre and dance in the Town hall, Hensall, on Friday Jan. 28th, cards start at 8:30 sharp, ladies will please provide lunch. Mu- sic for the dance by Fred Walters orchestra, prizes for spot dances. Wohelo Class The January meeting of the Wo- helo Class took place in the United Church Sunday School room on Mon- day night, January 24th at which Mrs. D. Kyle presided. The hymn "Jesus Lover of my Soul" was sung after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated. Miss Gladys Luker read the scripture lesson, Matt. 19: 13-30. Mrs. D. Kyle gave a splendid devo- tional item entitled "Religion", Rev. R. A. Brook offered prayer, Mrs. J. Corbett gave a reading, "Recipe for the New Year". Enjoyable vocal duets were rendered by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess, "My Happiness" and "Now is the Hour". •Hymn "I would be True" was used, Mrs, San- derson contributed several delight- ful poems. Mr. J. Horton favored with a pleasing violin number "Gloaming". The financial statement was read by Mrs. D. Kyle. At this point Mrs. Kyle called upon Rev. R. A. Brook to take charge of the business session. In view of the fact that Miss Ellis is unable to continue her duties as teacher of the class, her resigna- tion was accepted with regret. How- ever she will remain as honorary teacher of the group. Mrs. Kyle and Miss Dorothy •McNaughton were chosen to contact several. persons chosen as leaders and thus secure a teacher. The following new slate of officers was named. Pres., Mrs. D. Kyle; vice-pres., Ed Corbett; se&Y.- Miss Gladys Luker; treas., Miss Dorothy McNaughton; buying com., Miss Eleanor Cook, Mrs. R. Drys- dale; pianist, Miss Betty Mickle; collection taken. It was decided to hold the class meeting on the 4th Monday evening of each month. The meeting closed with the hymn 'Jesus the very thought of Thee" and the Mizpah Benediction. Several inter- esting contests followed under the direction of Mrs. R. Drysdale. At the close delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Emalie Parker is , visiting with relatives in Seaforth. Mrs. Floyd Adair and family vis- ited recently with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cooper of Kippen re- turned home after spending several days in Toronto. Dublin Downs Hensall 12-5 Last Saturday night the Dublin six drubbed Hensall 12,5 in a sched- uled W.O.A.A. Intermediate game played in 'the Palace rink. Stapleton for Dublin, with four goals and Petsky for Hensall, with two goals and two issists, were stars of the game.. Hensall—Mickle, goal; D. Sangs- ter, A. Nicholson, defence; Petsky,- centre; H. Nicholson, Doig, wings; Little, J. Sangster, Stephan, J. Sangster, Sanderson, Peck, Fee, al- ternates. Dublin—Baker, goal; Costello, -O'Connor, defence;.Messenger, cen- tre; Woods, Wilson, wings; Malone, Stapleton, Wallace, Stag, J. •O'Con- nor, alternates, * * COMING GAMES W.O.A.A. Intermediate Saturday—Crediton vs Dublin at Seaforth. Monday—Dublin at Dashwood. BAYFIELD Miss Beverley York of 'Lucan, spent the weekend at her home in the village. • We are sorry to report that Miss Alice Hastings was taken to Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Telford ke at- tending the Fishermen's Convention at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto this week. Miss Betty Louis Parson of Lon- don is spending a few days at her home here this week. Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer was one of • the lucky winners on Mother Park- ers Musical Quiz a week ago Satur- day when she won a Longme wrist watch. Mr. Ronald Burt of London spent the weekend with his grandparents. At Finnigan's •'FOOD FOR THOUGHT "A wife who is in Competition with her husband, or who has just enough mind to. detect his faults, is the extinguisher, of genius" --From the 'writings of Goethe • WEEK END SPECIALS 2 doz. Med. Oranges • 59c The Best -O -Shell , 1.10 1 doz. Med. Grapefruit 39c • Calf Meal 100 lbs, 5 75 .2 lbs. Fancy Grapes ..... 25c Stock' Conditioner 8% , 1.75 1 lb. Tomatoes 25c -Hog Tonic VA. ... ... 1.75 2 bus. Fancy Spys 7.00 Lice Killer (stook) 69c W. J. FINNIGAN & SON loomesmommemW CARD OF THANKS John 1VIoore, Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl and family wish to extend sincere thanks to .the many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy in the loss of our dear husband and father. Also thanks to ,Miss A. Lawrence, Miss M. Altehesen, Dr. Beady; Mr. Scott for solo rendered, and Mr. G. A. Whitney. Also the pallbearers, all who' loaned ears and helped in any way. IN MEMORIAM - HOUGHTON—In loving memory of William Houghton, who died in Janutu.7. 1941, also Agnes Pearl' Houghton who died January 24th, 1942. They are gone, but not forgotten. And as dawns another year, 'In our lonely hours of thinking. Thoughts of them are always near. Days of sadness still come. o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. —Ever remembered by all the Family. NOTICE • I will not be reshonsible for any' debts incurred in my name after the 26th day of January, 1949, without my written authority. D'ORLEAN SILLS FOR SALE Some young sows, 10 choice little chunks. HARVEY MMLWAIN, phone 852r 23 Seaforth FOR SALE Krochler divanette, oak with black leather upholstery. Phone 187 Seaforth FOR SALE 1 good Cockshutt manure spreader. RALPH TURNER, nh. 95r13 Mansell FARM FOR SALE 122 acres ,lots 17 and 16, Con. 18. Grey, Inc mile east of Walton, hydro and water barn 40276, frame house and kitchen, hen house, drive shod, never -failing well. Apply to MRS. GEORGE HOEGY, Walton 0121 FOR SALE 1935 Ford VS truck, motor and tires in' good condition. Apply to Mel Clark's Garage FOR SALE Windmill with 40 -ft. tower, in fair condi- tion. WILMER CUTHILL, Walton. Phone 18-10 Brussels BABY SITTING Baby sitting, Phone 349 Seaforth HOUSE FOR SALE Seven room modern frame house on Centre st., bath, attached 'garage, good garden. Phone 171 Seaforth FOR SALE Toronto windmill, 50 ft toWer, ready to load, good condition. Apply to W. R. BROADFOOT, Brussels 11112. Phone 27.10 Brussels central FOR SALE Used 3 -furrow Cockshutt tractor plow, ad- justable, plowed less than 100. acres. Apply to SEAFORTH. MOTORS WANTED Wanted to buy 3 tons hay, baled or loose (loose preferred). Phone 2.61-w Senforth • FOR SALE Forty -foot tower windmill far sale ; in good shape, WOE RYAN, Walton; 4301.2 &aorta BOARDERS WANTED Two nien boarders In modern home. APPIY at News Office DOG LOST Small fox hound, white, black and tnn, last seen in the vicinity of Stan. Finder please notify BEN TINNEY, RIM, Exeter, or phone 92r8, Zurich collect FOR SALE Good work horse. Apply phone Sart) Seaforth FOR SALE Grain grinder with 12 -inch, plates; also a grain roller in good working order. A good Aladdin lamp (12.A model). also a Coleman iron good as new. Apply to EARL LAWSON, phone Seaforth 141r12 FOR SALE Five • York chunks about 50 lbs. White enamel kitchen cabinet, in first class shape. KEN STEWART, 839 r2 Seaforth FOR SALE Stewart Warner radio.nhonograph guaran- teed in good condition, reasonably Priced. Apply to GEORGE HILDEBRAND, or phone 311-J Seaforth FOR SALE 37 Ford coach, new motor a month ago.. Apply to HAROLD PRICE, 040,2 FOR SALE Windmill,. with 8 ft. Baker wheel, in good shape; also a Pump leek and 2% hp Inter- national gas engine. DONALD •BUGHANAN, phone 87r0 Brussels Auction Sale 0I0 FARMS; TOWN PROPERTY .AND FARM STOCK OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES LINDSAY, From the Blacker Farm, port' Lot Nos. 20 and 80. Concession 5, Mullett Township, 274, miles north of Clinton and % mile east of the Base line, or 3. of a mile *west of No. 4 Highway, on Wednesday, February 20d,' at 1 p.m. sharp HORSES: 25 Clydesdale horses and mares ranging in age from yearlings to 12 years old ; 2 Scotch Imported Clydesdale Stallions, Mar - plot and Sea Ting. CATTLE: 8 Polled Angus Cows, one of which has recently freshened, calf at foot; 9 steers, 2 years old; calf, 6 months old. • FARMS & TOWN. PROPERTY: At the game time and place the following farms and town property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bids: No, 1 Farm—Being Part Lots 29 and 10, Concession 6, Mullett Township (known for- merly as the Blacker Farm), consisting of 108 acres more or less of good clay loam; a bank barn 36x70', s 174, storey brick house, a driving shed, and an ample supply of water by a dug well; No. II Farm—Pasture Farm, Lot No. 20, Concession 17, Goclerich Township (formerly known as the Miller Farm), consisting of 80 acres More or less of good day loam, and situated approximately 3 miles from Clinton. On the Farm is a windmill and -a never fail- ing well. No.. M—Town Propertis—The desirable Town property well located on Princess Street, on which is situated an 8 room frame Cottage, a Garage and small Barn. Hydro and Water in the buildings and Sewerage dug into the house, TERMS AND CHATTELS CASH, with arrangements, if desired, to feed the Cattle through until Spiting. TERMS ON FARMS AND TOWN PROP- ERTY -10% of the Purchase price on date of sale, and balance in 80 days. For further particulars apply to the Auc- tioneer, F. Fingland, K.C., Solicitor for the Administrators. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer RUBBER FOOTWEAR • VULCANIZED • REPAIR & SAVE W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR For Sale by Tender . The following nareels of land are offered for sale by tender to close the estate of the late Margaret O'Connor: FIRSTLY: The Soutl . half of the East half of Lot Number 26 in the trd Concession of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, on which land there is said to be erected a small frame house. SECONDLY: The South one-quarter of Lot Number 26 in the 4th Concession of the said Township of Hibbert. Written tenders for all of the said lands together or each parcel separately accompanied by :narked cheque for 10% of tender will be received by the undersigned on or before the 1st day of February, 1949. Balance payable cash on closing. • The highest or. any tender not necessarily' accepted. HAROLD JACKSON, R,R.#4, Seaforth, Ontario, Administrator Margaret O'Connor Esate. or Mt:CONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator FERTILIZER Get your Fertilizer now — pay May 1st Be assured of 'getting it well cured Call for information phone 655r2 WM. M. SPROAT ' ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company viII be held in Farquhtu. Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day. February 7. 1949, et 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Di- rectors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three, - year term, the election of a Director to com- plete the term of the late John McGrath, the election of Auditors and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors 1011000 term of office expires, both of whom ore eligible for re-election, are W. A. Hamilton and,,Milton McCurdy. ARTHUR FRASER, Secretary -Treasurer, FOR SALE A limited amount of all Maple wood. Also a kitchen range, and a cheap piano. Phone 655r2. WILLIAM M. SPROAT FOR SALE 4-eyele Briggs &, Stratton 111 hp gas oh - gine, recently overhauled. NORVAL SPX - MORE, phone 843115 Seaforth central Walton RM. WANTED TO BUY Wanted a few bushels of Alsike seed. 'WILFRID O'ROURKE, phone 17,0 Dublin FOR SALE Frame dwelling in Egmondville, early possession. Apartment Block and poolroom equipment, corner Goderich St. and Main St, Will be sold jointly or separately. Early Possession, 100,ratlea:iyrespicilalcodie.e farm land near Chisel - horst. good barn and other buildings. Very mo Wanted to Buy—Farm land suitable for cul. Uvation, without buildings. Good farm 100 acres, 21,4, miles north of Seaforth. Early possession. Creek passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West 'William st. 134 storey. frame asphalt shingle covered, on 0outh Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth, M. A. REID, Seaforth NOTICE New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electric portables; also treadle machines. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING 0522- 5013 75 Ontario street, Stratford FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 0 samples 22e 1 24 samples 31.00. Mad - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. HIGHEST CASH PRICES for DEAD STOCK HORSES Each $5.00 CATTLE Each $5.00 HOGS per cwt. $1.50 According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. THE SEALWORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as' Second Class mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa • BOX If utttral truirt AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 • Night 595W Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEA -FORTH, ONT. All kinds of, :nsurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual , Fire Insurance Co. , HEAD OFFICE — SDAPORYH, ONT. Officers—President, 0. W. Leonbardt, Brod- hagen; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton; ' Seo.-Treas. & Manager. IVI, A. Reld, Seaforth Directors—Robt, Archibald, Seaforth: Prank McGregor, Clinton; S. IL Whitmore. Seaforth 2053; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; B. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth1, J, H. McEwing, Blyth RR1; Hugh Alexander. Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich 11102 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. hIcKercher, Dublin ; 3. F. riveter. Brodhagenj ,George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly - attended to by applications to any of th above named officers addressed to their respective post offices SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to,5 p.m., daily,. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday .and Saturday only, 7-9 P.M. Appointments made In advance are desirable, JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON; B.A.,M.D. • Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine. University of Tororm., Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and,. . Aural Institute, Moorefielff's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. Al Commercial Hotel, SeafOrth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr: Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. ' G. A. WHITNEY Funera:1 Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH • Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 • Alvin W. Sillery Barrister', Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers,Solicitors, Etc, PATRICK D. MeCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 USBORNE & HISSERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President.— .177M. H. COATES, Exeter Vice-pres. AGTJS SINCLAIR, RI Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Birktork MU WM. A. HAMILTON . Cromarty JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON MeOURDY Kirkton RIM AGENTS ALVIN HARRIS . Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Cromarty T. G. BALLANTYNE Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER Exeter Solicitors. Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFDRTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 MOORE'S Fast Feathering Barred Rocks are Tops in Quality, in Production • and Our 21 years in the poultry business lends valuable experience We have a 2,500 bird breeding flack. All are Government Banded and doub1„9 pullorum tested ---results 100% clean --no reactors. In addition to pure bred Fast Feathering Barred Rock, we have W. L x B. R. and N. H. x B. R. • Ask for Prices ' • Order Early MOORE'S POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH • A. A. Moore • ONTARIO Members of Ontario Approved Hatchery Association