HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-27, Page 5J THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1949 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WRIGHT'S SUP EREOR Specials' For Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jan, 27 28 29 CROWN CORN SYRUP—Special 5 lb Pail.... 55c AYLMER TOMATO CATCHUP 2 Bottles.... 35c 'PORK & BEANS 2 -20 -oz. tins ..27c RED ROSE TEA x/2 ib 48c PURE LARD 1 lb Print.... 29c FRESH PITTED DATES — 23c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 2 Tins.... 15c GREEN GIANT PEAS 20 oz. Tin.... 19c. SODA BISCUITS 1 LB.. ....28c FINE OATMEAL 5 lb Bag.... 35c DEVON PEAS -20 oz. tin 2 FOR ....21c RAISINS — 2 LB. 29c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 PENNY SALE Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospital 25 CHANCES FOR 25c .Tickets now on sale by Hospital Aid Members Articles on display in Whitney's Furniture Store THE DRAW WILL BE ON SAT,, JANUARY 29 at 9 P.M. WANTED Applications for Secretary - Treasurer of Seaforth Agri- clilturai Society, 'duties to continence at once. Sencl applications to J. 1V[. Govenlo'ck on or before February 5th. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Glub will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd at the home of Mrs. Wm. 'Rogerson with group 3 in charge. Roll call is where I met my husband and each person is to bring their wedding snapshot. 1948 INCOME Forms now on hand.' Make Appointments Early H. G. MEIR Dominion Bank Bldg. Phone 78. Seaforth ;Milk Prices Increase 1c February 1 Due to increased costs to producers all Milk will be QUARTS 18c PINTS 10 C 18c 1/2 Pints of 18% Cream Ticket holders please leave extra lc Maple Leaf Dairy Seaforth PUBLIC MEETING TOWN HALL, EXETER 8.30 P.M. Monday, January 31 Guest Speaker; WM. H. TEMPLE, M.P.P. High Parlc constituency. Bill is most interesting and instructive. Everybody come, bring your neighbors and friends. CCF HURON PERTH RIDING ASSOCIATION Allen Campbell, Sec., Seaforth Canadian Approved Chicks Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a modern hatchery • designed to produce large numbers of high grade chicks at reasonable prices New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rock, Fast Feather. ing Barred Rock chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred chicks are also produced. N.H. x Sussex, N. H. x B.,Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn McKinley's Farm & Hatchery • ZURICH, ONT. Phone 97 -11, Hensall LUMBER. V Match Pine and Spruce for barn doors Pine and Spruce for barn siding and sheathing. • Various lengths and widths in 1, 2, and 3 inch Lumber Complete line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, etc. Seaforth Supply & fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caldwell of Exe- ter •were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Miss Margaret Edler underwent an appendicitis operation Monday morn- ing at' Scott. Memorial. Hospital, Mr. Allan Ryan, London, spent the week end at his home here. Mrs, John Beattie visited relatives recently in Toronto. Mr. 'and Mrs. R. Connell of Detroit were visitors last week at the home of Mr., and Mrs., Eric Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leonhardt, Kitchener, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1VIat- thews. Mr. Janes Blakely has returned after spending three. weeks' vacation at his hone in .Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr and tinnily spent the week end at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Little, St: Catherines. Miss Hilda 'Kennedy, London, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Rowland Kennedy. Mr. Robert Becktei visited in Hamilton, Port Credit and -Brampton. this week, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Dublin, at- tended the tundra' of their cousin Mr. John Moore last wdek. The Catholic Women's League and the Sodality entertained the memb- ers of the choir and the altar boys at a banquet Monday evening. . Mr. Reuben Stevens, Kitchener, visited over the week end at the :home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLean Mrs. Clarence Nolan, London, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and Patricia or Galt spent the week end in town. Miss Patty Snaith, Toronto, is visit- ing with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, John Regier. Miss Jennie McCowan visited re- cently }ii Londesboro with her sister Mrs, Robert Townsend. Miss Alice Daly attended a meeting of the executive council of the Cath- olic Women's League of London Dio- cese last week. Messrs. George Crich and A. W. Dick have returned from a business trip to Montreal. KIPPEN Passed away on Jan. 17t1i at the home of her daughter Mrs. Peter McKenzie of Tuckersmith, Jane M. Fisher, beloved wife of the late Joseph Hood of Stanley. She was born on the Fisher homestead on the 2nd con. if Stanley 86 years ago, daughter of the late Malcolm Fisher and Eleanor Gibson. Sixty years ago she was married to the late Joseph Hood, who pre- deceased her ten years ago. A mem- ber of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kippen, liter the United Church, in her young years she was a Sunday School teacher. Some of her pupils of years ago visited her .during her illness of the last few months. The funeral services were conduct- ed by her minister Rev. Mr. Hinton of Iiippen assisted by RevE. R. Stanway of Brucefield. Rev. Mr. Hin• ton sang Art thouweary sore dis- tressed. She is survived by one son and two daughters, Nelson of Stanley Township; Mrs. A. E. Perkin (Nor- ma). London; Mrs. P. McKenzie (Eleanor) Tuckersmith; also eight Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly, Fer- grandchildren. She was laid to rest gus and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. in Baird's Cemetery, Jan. 19th. The Ryan, Terry and Billy, visited with pallbearers were Kenneth and Don- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manley. ald McKenzie and her four grand- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke sons, Kenneth, Joseph, Lloyd Mc- and family with Mr. and Mrs. Ste - Kenzie, and Harold Cudmore. phen Murray. Mr. Wm. Manley spent Saturday in Chatham with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Manley. Mr. and Mrs. P. McLaughlin and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Johnson and Mrs. Connelly spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nicholson, Kennicott. Mrs. Joe Manley and Patricia spent Saturday in Stratford. BRUGEFIELD Mrs. D. N. Pentney and children, Port Dover, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell, WINTHROP IVIr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr and Kar- en spent the weekend at St. 'Cathar- ines with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Little and family. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lorne Wilson of Tuckersmith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClure. Miss Jean Taylor of Zurich and Miss Myrtle Taylor, Staffa, visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. R. McFarlane is building a house next to the residence' of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hawley, and expects to move into' it by spring. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven, Winthrop, will meet on Wed., 'Feb. 2, at 2 p.m. in the school room of the church. Circle 4 will have charge of the meeting. A very cordial invi- tation -is =extended to all the ladies as this is a special meeting and there is to be a Valentine lunch after the worship period. HULLETT The "Farm Forum" of S S. No. 1, Hullett, met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland on Monday evening, January 24th with 20 pre- sent. It being review night there was a short discussion on the im- provement of fall fairs. Progressive euchre was played. First prizes won by Mrs, Albert Glazier and Mr. Win. Holland and consolation prizes by Mrs. Bert Irwin and Mr. Ken Mc- Burney. A delicious lunch was served after which Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mr. Elgin Nott and Mr. Noble Hol- land favoured with a few musical numbers which Krere enjoyed by all. Next meeting' to .be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holland. - BLAKE Many have bad colds and. the flu in this community. Mr. Clemence Jeffrey of Zurich spent the weekend with' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey. • The windstorm of last week did some damage to many of the farms in this district. A bee was held last week at the home' of Mr. Newell Geiger to shingle a roof that was blown off. Mr. Wesley McBride of the Goshen Line North had his kitchen roof blown off too. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey are the proud grandparents of two new grandsons at Clinton Hospital over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Young of Toronto, a son and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard of Brucefield, a son, both doing fine. The W.M.S. meet at the home. of Mrs. Fred Bancroft for their Jan- uar. meeting. The many friends of Mrs. Rudy Oesch wish her a speedy recovery. Many attended the funeral of the late Mr. J. Gashoe at Zurich, on Tuesday from this vicinity. The sympathy is extended to the bereft family from Blake district. MANLEY EGMONDVILLE The Egmondville Young People's Society held their regular meeting Tuesday, January 25. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Stevenson assisted by Marion Lillico, Mrs. Roy McGonigle and Mrs. Shultz. The meeting was followed by a social period with lunch served by the so- cial committee. McKILLOP No. 4 Square Farm Forum met on Monday evening, • Jan. 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hender- son with 34 present. It was review night so there was no .topic. Progres- sive euchre was enjoyed by all with prizes going to Mrs. Leslie Pryce and Robt. Campbell. Lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held Monday, Jan, 31st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. 'EVERYBODY TALKS .ABOUT THE WEATHER but SEAFORTH MOTORS DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT* • SEAFORTH MOTORS- SEAFORTH *See us now 'about our eco- nomical Winterizing service that puts your car in a depend. able condition for safe cold weather driving. NORTH McKILLOP ' Miss Vera Kistner of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton. Master Jerry Regele of Hensall spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele and Pearl. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allan and Garnet Allan of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe and girls and Mrs, James Howe Sr. of Cromarty and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Glanville and Richard of. Mitchell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele and Pearl Mr, Roy Wilfong of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mrs.' Wil- fong and Mrs. Olive McNichol. Mr. George Underwood spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce and Joan of Seaforth were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton last week one evening. Your Entertainment Guide COMING EVENTS at CARDNO'S HALL, Seaforth .Sponsored by Seaforth Young Progressive Conservative Club... Gala Friday Nite "Barn Dance” FRIDAY, JAN. 28 Featuring CKNX Barn Dance Gang EARL HAYWOOD & ALL THE BOYS Admission 60c Students & Servicemen 50c Dancing 10 til 1 Watch this guide for further announcement of return engagement of CFPL's own Western Swingbillies. They are coming here Sat., Feb. 5 REGULAR - SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE ! SAT., JAN. 29 With the Music of KEN WILBEE And His New 5 -piece Band Admission 50c Students & Servicemen 40c ELECTRIC A G E RANGETTES 2 BURNER RANGES WITH AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL 3 BURNER RANGES WITH AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL .4 BURNER RANGE 4 BURNER RANGE WITH AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Terms to suit your budget Box Furniture Store --Funeral Service PHONE—DAY 43 NIGHT 595 W Old Time DANCE ! Looby's Hall, DUBLIN FRIDAY, JAN. 28 Harburn's Orchestra Dancing. 10 - 1.00 ADMISSION 50c „1„1„I, U.,,,., l 1111'111111111111 llllllla L O.., 111111111111190111 lllU p , COAL WE HAVE ON HAND ROSEDALE ALBERTA HARD LUMP CHESTNUT COAL EGG COAL BUCKWHEAT COAL For immediate delivery phone 47 Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. Dealers, Bakers Farmers and Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right xcellence Feeds Calf Meal Pig Starter Chick Starter Hog Fattener Chick Grower Hog Grower Laying Mash Sow Ration Dairy Ration LISTEN TO THE NEWS—CKNX (920 ON YOUR DIAL) 8.30 EVERY MORNING EXCELLENCE in Name and Quality Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd.