HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-27, Page 4WALTON The annual meeting • of Duff's:. UnitedChurch, Walton; was held on Tuesday, January 18 at 7 p.m. Play MR., BEANE FROM LIMA •" By Blyth Drama Club AT WALTON COMMUNITY HALL, WED., FEB. 2' AT 8 P.M. Sponsored by the Anglican Ladies Guild Admission 50c and 25c After a pot -luck supper reports from, the various organizations of the church were read• These showed marked progress in all branches of the work. The church was .commend- ed on their increased giving to Mis- sionary and Maintenance Fund this year. The increase' was 30% over last year's amount and our increase was the highest in Huron Presby- tery, The election of officers took place and the officers for 1949 are: Committee pf Stewards - Wm. Knox, W. J. Bennett, H. Kirkby, J. McDonald, W. J. Leeming, J. Marsh- all, J. Leeming, G. McArthur, A. McCall; Collectors=H. Johnston, R. Houston, A. Coutts, J. Marshall, W. Sholdice, W. J. Leeming; Ushers - H. Craig, G. Marshall, H. Travis, W. J. Leeming, J. Bryans, S. McCall, D. Fraser, C. Wey; Missionary and Maintenance Committee- H. John- ston, D. Ennis, B. Johnston; Audi- tors -B. Johnston .and C. Martin. During the evening we were fa- TO BE PRINTED SOON! SEAFORTH'S NEW TELEPHONE BOOK THE BELL TELEPHONE Now is the time to check and make sure that your listings are correct. Should you wish any changes or additional listings, call your Telephone Business Office today. We Shall be glad to discuss your plans with you. J. M. GOODWIN, Manager COMPANY OF CANAD.a mow' a`w - r>d•'.. yt.�.s.: `,3' .� :2., ;,, . # �» �•x.,.. .. &,.g,.=3�'e3 1/ IS YOUR PLANNING TIME This is the season of the year to arrange for doing those things you have been thinking about. It's time o plan crop rotation, to order seed and fertilizer, budget for more stock and- new machinery, and an changes to your barn and buildings. our Dominion Bank Manager can show you how these changes can be made through helpful Farm Improvement Loans. Next time you are in town, drop in and discuss your plans with him. It will pay you to investigate. • THE DOMINION BANK Established 1871 H BRANCH - E. C. BOSWELL, MANAGER P v THE SEAFORTH ;NEWS vored with solos by Mrs.' H. Small - don, Phyllis Cuthill; Joan. Johnston and Reid Hackwell, Mrs. G. McGa- vin gave a reading. Rev. R. G. Ha- zlewood expressed appreciation :; of the work of everyone in the church especially those who had held office and carried on the work, He stated that the minister alone cannot make a growing active church but every- one who attends must do his. or her part. That has been done in our church and the church :in Walton is a very important part of the corn munity life here. Ile mentioned that it was especially encouraging to him, to see so many young. people • at „church every Sunday. Benediction was pronounced by Rev.- Hazlewood and meeting adjourned, THURSDAY, JANUARY' 27;1949 VARNA The W. A. of . Varnd United Church held. its annual meeting at the home of Mrs.. Clarence Stephen- son, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 19 with an attendance of twenty-four. After the theme song .was sung Mrs. Wm. Stephenson took charge of the devotion. The hymn "Take up thy Cross" was sung. Mrs. Orrin. Dow- son read the scripture. Mrs. Ste- phenson read thoughts on the lesson on Christian Disciples.. The hymn "Jesus calls us o'er the .tumult" was sung after which Mrs. Stephenson led in prayer. Mrs. Ernie McClinchey presided over the business. The min- utes were read and approved and roll : call responded to. The treasur- er reported a substantial sum of looney on hand. The election of offers "for 1949 conducted by Rev. Henn resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Fred Reid; 1st vice-president, Mrs, Orrin Dow - son; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Wm. Mc - Ash; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. J. T. Mc - Ash; 4th vice-pres., Mrs. Anson Coleman; rec. sec'y, Mrs. Bruce Mc- Clinchey; treas., Miss Rachel John- ston; organist, Mrs. J. T. , McAsh; rens sec';, . Mrs. B. McClinchey;`de- v otional corn., Mrs• Lee McConnell, Mrs. Wrn. R. Stephenson and Mrs. Mary E. Johnston; •visiting coin„ Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, Mrs. Anson C oleman, Mrs. Robt. Taylor; lunch om., Mrs. Geo. Reid and Mrs. MeI= vin Webster. The meeting closed by epeating the W.A. prayer in unison. A delicious lunch was seryed. The regular meeting •of Varna - Goshen Y.P.U. was held at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley. Hemran McClymont presided. The open - ng hymn was 237. Miss Heread ) re scripture and followed with` rayer. The'minutes of the last neeting were read by Mona Reid nd roll call answered by 25 menr- ers. Hymn 87 was sung and Mari vn Dowson gave the topic. Hymn 92 and mizpah benediction closed le meeting. George and Gordon oleman led in recreation. The next meeting will be held in Goshen Ohturch on Jan. 31, Vivian ]utter will give the topic and Chas. eid will have charge of the recrea- on. c r 0 I P 'b 1 tl C R ti BRODHAGEN Mr. Herman Meyer has returned home from Alberta where he has ;been working. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt. Miss Dorothy Fischer, Seaforth,. spent the weekend with her great grandmother, Mrs. Wnl. Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woodward of Toronto with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Querengesser. Miss Betty Rock, Kitchener, and Mr. Robert Rock, Waterloo, with. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock• Mr, and Mrs. John Mueller of Hamilton with her parents, Mr. and: Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs George Mogk and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt at- tended the funeral in London on Monday, of their niece, Cherylin Aim Mogk, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mogk of London. Mr. and Mrs. E. Damerling and daughter Wendy, of Clifford, with Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle, on Sunday. Mrs. Don Barber of Guelph who had been at the 'home ofher parents Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz was con- fined to Stratford Hospital for three days with a touch of pleurisy and strep throat. • Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz at- tended the Orfeda Convention held in the Coliseum at Toronto last week Mr, Erie Schultz of Waterloo with his parents, Rev. and Mrs.. Schultz. Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice on Monday evening, it being review night Progressive euchre was, play- ed, prizes went to Mrs. C. W. Leon- hard. and Mervin Hodaert (high); Mos, Harold Mock and'Mannuel Beu- ti eenrann (low).' Lunch Was sexed. fen The, text• meeting to by tisk! • 1 home of Mr. and Mfrs C. W. Leon: horclt. next Monday evening, WOLFE-At Monkton Nursing Home on Tanuary 2, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wolfe, Bornholm, a daughter, Marguerite Bernetta. SPORTS ': (by Wally) • Clinton R. S. Trounce Seaforth 7;1 - Offto a powerful 4-0 lead in the first period, Clinton Radar , and Communication School' sextet iain- tained a margin to defeat -the Sea - forth team 7 to 1 in a scheduled 0, 11. A. Intermediate 'B' game. Le'd by LaFrance, with th>ree.goals in the first and an assist in the third .the Clinton team outplayed--Seaforth in this game which proved to be of a rougher nature, than is mostly found in the Intermediate groups, of the 0. H. A. During the game two fights started, one in the first and the other in the last period with only, three minutes remaining in the game which resulted. in therefeiee, Stan' Smith, handing out 14. of the total 25 penalties. During. the first fight, Pete Wilson the Seaforth gooier received a major penalty for fighting and LaFrance for Clinton scored on the 'penalty shot, when he pulled Wilson out of the net, The Seafer•th`sextet failed to tally until the third period when Eisler carried the puck from centre ice and scored, unassisted, at 41.06. Had Eisler not scored, Robertson would have been credited with a shut -out. He made many saves as"Seaforth players made breakaways but, be- cause of his watchfulness, they were unable to score. Clinton R. & C. S. - Robertson, goal; Cunningham, K. C. Clark - Marlow, defence; LaFrance, centre; Helmer, LeBlanc, wings; Norris, Verhelst, Tetrault, G,-E;,Clark-Mar- ow, Singleton, Melancon, Joel,. Crowden, Cartier, alternates. Seaforth-Pete Wilson, .goal;• Cant- ron, Nicholson, defence; E.' Wilson, entre; O'Shea, Eisler, 'wings; Bous- ey, E. McIver, George Hildebrant, Harold- Knight, alternates. Referee -Stan Smith, Stratford, irst Period -C. R. S., Tetrault, 3.10. -C. R. S., LaFrance, 8.45. -C. R. S., LaFrance, 9.53. -C. R. S., LaFrance, 13.14. Penalties - Cunningham, K. C. lark -Marlow, Verhelst, Crowder, (fighting); Norri, (charging); C., R. S• Nicholson, Boussey, Ed. Wilson, Pete Wilson, :(fighting; Seaforth. econd Period -C. R. S., Crowder, (Verhelst), 8,56, IPenaities-Norris,- (slashing); C. R. S. Hildebrant, (boarding) ; Kn ght, (tripping); Cameron. (slash - d; Seaforth, ThirPeriod: -Seaforth, Eisler, 41.06. C. R. S. LeBlanc :(Hehner, La rance), 56.59, -C. R, S„ G, E. •Clark -Marlow, Norris), 58,44, Penalties ---Cunningham (interfer- ce), K. C. Clark -Marlow (slashing, ghting, 7 min,), Crowder (fight - ng), Cunningham (,misconduct, ghting, 15 min.), C. R. S. Bous- ey (elbowing), Cameron, (cross - locking), Eisle9' ;(interlference), atneron (fighting, match inis-cond- ct), Wilson (slashing, fighting, 7 in.), Nicholson (fighting), . Sea - Orth. * * i, g * a , itchell Win Over Seaforth. A good crowd was present on Sat - day night in Mitchell to see the itchell team hook up with the Sea- rth team in an Intermediate 'B' H.A. game. The Mitchell Legion efeated Seaforth 7-5. The genie was of good clean hard ught hockey even though the ice as rough due to the mild weather•, well aand J• McNairn starred for tchell with three goals each. Wil - n and O'Shea were the Seaforth ars and Wilson got four goals and assist and O'Shea had five assists. Referee, Stan Smith, Stratford, mmary st Perod. 1. Mitchell, Powell !(Gibbard), 2. O'Shea). 3. Seaforth, Wilsonler (;((O'Sheaa). Penalties - Weber (cross -check - t'), Mitchell. Wilson (charging) aforth cond Period. . Mitchell, J. McNairn •(Unassist- • Mitchell, Stock (Tuer, Weber). . Mitchell, J. McNaitn (Powell). Seaforth, Wilson (O'Shea), Penaltiels•-Heinbuch (charging), bard (holding), Tuer (Minor and for, 7 min.), Mitchell Boussey Iding), Seaforth, rd Period.• • Seaforth; Wilson (O'Shea), Mitchell, J. McNairn (Powell), bard). 0.Seaforth, __Weber50Tun er,SMitchell. Bou :(2), Seaforth. eaforbh-;Goal, P. Wilson; •de ce, Nicholson, Cameron; centre, 'Nilson writs, O'nea. Eisler; ates, Knight, McIver, B 9Si .- Hildebrand, Dale. Mitchell�Goa1, Chessell; defence, ze, Gibbard; centre, Powell; ars, J. McNairn, Hennick; alter- s, Weber, Stock; Tuer, Hein - h, McNairn, * * * hell Takes Return Game he Mitchell sextet went out in t again in the third period - to n the Seaforth 0.11.A. Interme- e 'B' entry 8-6 on Tuesday This was Mitchell's second h froell,m Seaforth when they down - them 7-5 on Saturday night in ars for Mitchell were Tuer with goals: and an assist and J. Mc - n with two goals, Wilson starred Seaforth with two goals and two SU. This win now puts Mitchell second place tie with Wellesley. orth and • Centralia are tied in h place. • aforbh - Pete Wilson, goal; Boussey, Jack Nicholson, .de - e; Ed. Wilson, centre; Bill 0' , Jack Eisler, wings; Ed Mc - Harold Knight, Frank Sills, A. brand., George Hildebrandt,' s McLean, alternates. tchell--Chessel, goal: House, 11, defence: J. McNairn, Cen- Keith McNairn, Hennick, wings; Weber, Stock, Gibbard, alter - I e c F 1 i9 3 4 C s 5 3 ig 11 6 7 8 en fi i fi s cl c ix In f 'M ui iVI fo O. d fo wi Po Mi so st an Su Fir in Se Se 4 ed) 5 6 7 Gib ma (hoh 8 9 Gib 1 P Bo KIPREN EAST The Kippen East Women's Insti- tute met nn Wednesday at the home of Mrs. R. M. Peck, Kippen, with a rood attendance of members and visitors. The meeting was started with a quilting in the morning. A not -luck dinner was served at noon. Three quilts were completed which will be distributed to needy families. Mrs. W. (Kyle presided over the busi- ness part. Roll call was answered by a lunch cloth made from factory cotton to be used on the card tables for lunch and euchre. Plans were made to have another euchre and dance in Hansell on Feb. 4. The ladies of the 10th and l.2,th to be re- sponsible for the evening. Mrs. Little gave a report on the convention held in London, recently, Mrs. Kyle read letters from Mr. R. H. MacDonald. our soldier whom we are helping. Mrs, Joe McLellan re- ceived a book on the achievement of Institutes since they began. The In- stitute decided to buy one and 'let everyone read it, The secretary gave a report on the last two dances when a goodly sum was realized. altern sey, Hou win nate buc Mitt T fron clow dist night win ed Mite St two Nair for assi in a Seaf fourt Se Gus fent Shea Iver, Hilde Angu Mi Powe tre; Tuer, nates R E N `I', THEA SEAFORTH Now Playing "SILVER RIVER" Jan. 27.28.29 with ERROL FLYNN and ANN SHERIDAN He gambles his life for a city of silver and the lipsofits-golden-haired- Queen: don. Tues. Wed. "TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH" . with DICK POWE,LL and SIGNE HASSclaw - This is a semi -documentary treatment of. a clawin trailing narcotics smugglers, from the files of the Treasury Department played straight and convincingly with no overblown histrionics COMING: • "STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN" , In Technicolor with DAVID NIVEN : : KLM HUNTER - RAYMOND. MASSEY, First Period 1. Mitchell, Tuer' (Powell), 1:40. Penalties, none. Second Period 2. Seaforth, O'Shea '(Wilson), 20:38. 3. ISeafor'th, Wilson (Nicholson,: O'Shea), 23:51, 4: Mitchell, Powell, 28:19. 5. Mitchell, J. McNairo (Stock, ,Gibbard) .29:37. 6. Seaforth, Wilson (Boussey), 33:02 - 7. Seaforth, McLean (Boussey,' Wilson), 33:38. 8. Mitchell, Tuer 28:26.. 9. Seaforth, A. Hildebrandt <Mc Lean), 88:48. Penalties -Weber (fighting), J. MeNairn (tripping),. Mitchell; 0'- Shea (fighting), Wilson (tripping), Seaforth, Third Period a 10. Mitchell, Stock (Weber) 40:- 44. n 11. Mitchel], J. McNairn (K.' Mc - Nairn), 45:40. 12. Mitchell, Stock (Tuer, • We- ber) 47:47. 13. Mitchell, Weber 48:51. 14. Seaforth, Nicholson 50:30.' Penalty -J. McNairn (hooking), Mitchell. ' Referee -Stan Smith, Stratford. 4* Coming Games O.H.A. Int. 'B' Friday-Seaforth at Milverton. Tuesday-JGoderich at Seaforth. Thursday -Clinton at Seaforth. BABY CHICKS Wise chick buyers are ordering their chicks 'now. Year in and year out the early hatched chick is the one which gives the greatest returns. January and February chick buyers have always been, satisfied.. The cockerels are first on the market at highest prices; the pullets give high fall egg production with large full sized eggs. • Book your order now with the SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, Seaforth, for Fast Feathering Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Crossbreds in Red X Rock, and Red X Sussex chicks. Scott Poultry Farms J M. SCOTT PHONE 853 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOTICE Any subscriber of the Tuckersniith Munici- pal Telephone System who desires to have their name changed or . any correction made in the telephone directory, must notify the Secretary of the Telephone System before' Feb; 10, 1949 J. K. CORNISH SECRETARY-TREAS, SELLING OUT SALE • Time is running very short with us and so we I offer you many more real bargains. This is a rare opportunity to buy cheap while there is an ever rising market. YOUTHS AND BOYS HI CUTS. A very sturdy boot for boys and waterproof because they are made from oil tamed leatbei•. Heavy leather sole with outer sole of Nino. Youths sizes 11 to 13. Reg, 6.25 TO CLEAR 3.37' Boy's-ai3ea`1.441,5_.R,,;g..-541F-,•..e7,`_.. -,TO CLEAR 3.77 BOYS 3 BUCKLE RUBBER GOLOSHES. These will keep the, boys dry and warns in sloppy Weather. Reg. 3.00 CLEARING 2:49 BOYS WHITE COTTON COMBINATIONS, Long sleeves and long legs. Some with short sleeves. Reg, 1.98TO .CLEAR 1.00 BOYS WOOL SWEATERS, Various' colors. One lot Clearing at 1.25,• MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS: One lot CLEARING AT 298 MEN'S ZIPPER FRONT JACKETS. Two tone style. Dandy to. team up with. odd trousers. Reg. 6.95 ...... ..CLEARING 4.95 LADIES PULL ON RUBBER BOOTS. Loafer last. Reg. 2.75, TO CLEAR... „2.39 pr. LADIES PULLOVER SWEATERS. Crew neck style In soft wool. ' Many shades. To clear 2.25 ea. LADIES SILK PANTIES -tea rose and .white. Sizes medium and large. Reg. .69. FOR 25c GIRLS & WOMEN'S BLOUSES. Smartly tailored • with long sleeves.. Pink & blue, TO CLEAR 1.00 ea. We are offering our entire, stock of Men's and Boys' Suitsat prices that you haven't seen in years. We are also clearing all our Men's Overcoats @ 12.00. Come in and select yours now while sizes and colors are still complete GREEN FRONT- DEPT. STORE ' OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SEAFORTH