HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-27, Page 1he Seaforth News
$1 a year
The preser"itation of Church` and
Sunday School attendance awards
was a feature of the regular Sabbath
School session in First Presbyterian
Church on Sunday morning. The
superintendent. Mr. M. McKellar
made the presentations. Diplomas
and seals for regular attendance
at church were presented to Karen
Kidd, Doris Pullman,. Paul McMast-
er, , Glen Staffers and 'Ron Rennie.
It is interesting to note that the seal
presented to Ron. Rennie was for 8
years attendance.
Members of the Primary Class
who received books as awards for
good attendance at Sunday School
were Billy Muir, Andy Calder, Lloyd
Pethiek Murray
McFadden, Bobby
Reith, Gordon Meller; Ruth Anne
1 Fox,
• Marlene. Carter, , S 1 a y Fo ,
Norah Gorwill and Dorothy Ross,
Margaret Reeves, Katherine Bosh -
art, Madeline Townshend, Agnes
Carter and Mary Ellen Gorwill. •
Books for not missing
more than
three Sundays at Sunday School
were received by Joan Charters,
Karen Kidd, Sheila McFadden, Hugh
'Gorwill, Lois Charters, Marjorie
Pethiek, Paul McMaster, Bruce Mc-
Fadden, Keith Pethick, Craig Willis,
Doris Pullman, Ron Rennie and
'Glen Staffen.
The • world's Finest Anthi acite
*'blue coat
Please place orders early
PHONE 43 & 18
Northside United Church.
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School
Worship Services
11 a.m., Contenders for the
Christian Faith.
'7 pan., Compensations in Human
Life. -
Welcome to these services.
First Presbyterian Church
10 :a.m., Bible class and Sdnday
11 a.m., Aspects of Human Suffer-
ing: No. 3, "The Christian's Glory."
7 p.m., "Souls Athirst."
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A,, B.D.
10 am., Sunday School
11 a.m„ "The Penalty of Sin".
• 7 p.m,, "A Recognized Responsi-
St. Thomas' Church
Sunday School at 10 a,m.
Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m,
will be conducted by Mr. Jones, of
London. •
St. Mare's Church, Dublin, 3 p.m.
Tire January meeting of the Mae
Lane Auxiliary met in the basement
of Northside Church on Tuesday
evening. There were sixty. present.
A special feature of the meeting was
the eighteenth birthday. A delicious
supper was served by circles. The
President, Miss Vera Mole was in
the chair. Mrs, George Johnston, 1st
vice opened the meeting wfith an -ap-
propriate poem "The King's Mes-
sage in the year 1939" The hymn
"Standing at the Portal" after which
Mrs. Grace Hoggarth led in prayer.
Rev. Mr. Workman installed the
officers for the year 1949. Mrs.
Grace Hoggarth, captain of circle 1,
took charge.of the secondpart of
the meetig. James Watson ave a
Scotch reading."A mans a man for
a'that".•• A piano duet by Mrs..
James Stewart and Miss Winnie Sa-
vauge. The fourth chapter of the
study book was made interesting. by
Mrs. George Johnston. The hymn
227 "Shine Thou upon us Lord" was
sung followed by the Mizpah Bene-
The slate of officers for the year
1949 are as follows: Hon.Pres,, Mrs.
Workman; past pres., Mrs. B. Chris-
tie; pres., Miss Vera Mole; ist vice-,
Pres., Mrs. Geo. Johnston; 2nd vice-
pres., Mrs. J. M. Scott; 3rd vice-
pres,, Mrs. H. 'Snell; rec,-Sec'y, Mrs.
'Alvin Sillery; assist sec'y, Miss
Abbie Seip; Cor. sec'y, Miss M.
Hartry; treas. Mrs. H. Traviss;
assis't treas.', Mrs. Berger; Christian
Stewardship sec'y, Mrs. Moffatt;
•Temperance'see'y, Mrs. W. Leeming;
Missionary Monthly sec'y, Mrs. E.
Close; Baby Band leader, Mrs.
Schneider; flower sec'y, Mrs. G.
Brightrall; press sec's, Mrs. L. Dale;
assls't press sec'y, Miss Laura Mole;
comm. Friendship sec'y, Mrs. R. Sa-
vauge; supply sec'y, Mrs. C. Walden;
sgcial .con., Mrs. 'Christie, Mrs.
Schneider; pianist, Mrs. Broadfoot,
assis't, Mrs. J. Stewart; Literature
sec'y, M•rs. A. Wright; Mission Band
leaders: Mrs. E. Johns, Mrs. Brad-
shaw, Mrs. T. Wilbee; representative
on the Official Board, Mrs. G. John-
ston; group leaders, Mrs. G. Hog-
garth,; Mrs. E. Silcox, Miss R. Fen-
nell, Mrs. N. Knight.
O.H.A. intermlediate 'B'
(Standing up to Jan. 24.)
P W L T Pts
Milverton . , .. 5 5 0 0 10
Wellesley .. .. 5 3 2 0 6
Mitchell ... .. '4 2 2 0 4
C. R. S. .. .. , . 3 2 1 0 4
Seaforth .... 5- 1 3 1 3
Centralia ,. .. 4 1 2 1 3
Clinton ; .... 2 0 2 0 0
IGoderich .. .. 2 0' 2 0 0
On Tuesday, Feb. let, 1949, Mr,
and Mrs. David:J. Stephenson of
Egmondville will -celebrate. the 'fif-
tieth anniversary of their wedding,.
when they will be at home to their
friends -from 3 to 5. in the after'
Moon and from $ to 10 in the even-
An up-to-date oxygen 'tent was re-
cently donated to Scott Memorial
Hospital by Messrs H. M. Jackson
and T. T. Jackson, and is proving to
be a valuable addition to the hospit-
al's equipment.
About t Y
hire members of the W.
A. of Egmondville United Church
made a tour of the hospital on 'Tues-
day afternoon when the new oxygen
tent was shown to them by the Su-
perintendent, Miss Grinyer.
One of the heaviest losers in this
district from last "week's windstorm
is Fred Hurst who lives at the cairn
in Harpurhey. The wind blew hi one
wall of his brick stable, causing the
two side walls to falloutivards and
the roof dropped in, making the
building a total wreck. Some cattle
in the stable miraculously escaped
Mr. Hurst has been unable to do
heavy work for the last couple of
years and was planning to, open a
service statipn at his corner on the
provincial highway.
A'pretty wedding was solemnized
in St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, on
Saturday, January 22nd, at 11 a.m.,
when Alice Ruth, daughter of Mts.
Edna Dunseith of 28 Downie St.,
Stratford, was united in marriage
to James Melvin, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Dayid Netzke of Sea -
forth, Rev. T. Dale Jones, officiated.
The bride was given in marriage by
Mr. Aaron Roth of Stratford, and
wore a pretty blue silk costume and
long white veil caught with a blue
crown. Miss June Bannister of
Stratford was bridesmaid and wore
pink over taffeta. Mr. Albert Dun-
seith. of Stratford, brother of the'
bride, was best man. The wedding
music was played by Mr. George B.
Clark, organist, and Mrs. J. 13. Hig-
gins sang the Lord's Prayer. Follow-
ing the •wedding, dinner was served
at the home of the groom's parents
in Harpurhey, after which the happy.
couple left for a short honeymoon
The occasion also marked the 35th
wedding anniversary of the bride-
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daviel
Netzke, who were married at Mild-
may, Ont. on January 23rd, 1914,
by'the Rev. G. L. 'Gross. Ms' . Netzke
was formerly Miss Eva Kathleen
Funeral services were conducted'
at his late residence East William
St., Seaforth, for the late John
Moore by Rev. T. Dale Jones. The
many beautiful floral tributes and
the many sorrowing friends and rel-
atives showed the high esteem in
which Mr. Moore was held. Mr.
James T. Scott of Seaforth, sang a
solo. "The Old Rugged Cross." Six
nephews, Elmer and Merton Carter,
Petoskey, Mich,, Alvin, Shelby and
Bruce Williams, Burford, and Ivi
son Torrance, Clinton, were .flower -
bearers. Pallbearers 'were J. Earle,
Frank Smale, J. Henderson, Leslie
Moore, Frank Moore, and Byron
Barker. Interment was in Trinity
Anglican cemetery, Mitchell. Friends
and relatives were present from
Petoskey, Mich,, Brantford, Burford,
Scotland, Norwich, Strathroy, Mt.
Elgin, Clinton, Milverton and Mit-
The January meeting of group 1
of the Northside W. A. was held at
the home of Miss Eleanor Hender-
son, N. Main St. There were 126 la-
dies present. The program opened
by singing hymn 502 followed by
the Lord's Prayer in unison. The
scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
Garnham. A devotional reading was
given by Mrs. Workman, and pray-
er by Miss Wallace. We had as our
guest speaker Mrs. L. Morrison,
general W. A. President. She spoke
briefly emphasising our co-opera-
tion in attending the -general W. A.
meetings and$wing our support in
redecorating the church. The min-
utes of the December meeting were
read by the Secy-Treas., Mrs. Grace
Hoggarth, and the business period
followed. Moved by Mrs. Workman,
seconded by Mrs. Garnatam, that
Mrs. Orville Dale, Mrs. Silcox and
Mrs. Horton be a committee respon-
sible for the .social part of our Feb.
meeting to be held at the home of
'Vire. James Broadfoot, Tuesday,
February 1, at 8 p.m,,a full at-
tendance'Lunch is requested, Lunch was
served' and a social hour spent
The following officers will .repre-
sent the group for 1949.
Presidents, Mrs. Barron,` Mrs.
Garnham; Secy-Treas., Mrs. 'Orville
Dale; convenor social, lunch, Miss
Myrtle Carter;. devotional, Mrs.
Workman; group representative,,
Mrs. Workman; co:. sec'y, Miss El-
eanor Henderson.
There was a splendid attendance
at the annual meeting of Northside
United Church held on . Thursday
evening,, Jan: 20th.' Rev. H. V.
Workman presided and Lloyd Mor-
rison was appointed secretary. After
the devotional exercises conducted
by the pastor reports were submitted
covering the congregation's activities
and those of the many organizations.
All reports revealed healthy condi-
tions in every department.
In the Official, Board report pre-
sented by Dr. F. Harburn, gratitude.
was expressed for the faithful work
clone by officials and leaders in the
church. Mention was made of the
leaders of the Sr. and Jr. Choirs
and the organist st and the
choirs: of
School staff,. theleadersr
,ithe t e Adult Fellowship gr up an • •o and
the Y. P. Union. In the women's
work in the W. M. S organization
and the W. A. splendid reports were
presented. Dr. Harburn • also read'
the statistical report of the session
stating that 14 members fin been
received by certificate and twenty
by profession of faith. There were
14 .infant baptisms and 17 burials.
Officials elected to the Session, E.
C. Chamberlain, Sam Scott, G: A.
Whitney and P. B. Moffat were
elected for another term, and H.
Lawrence to fill a vacancy caused
by a removal. Stewards elected were
Thos. Wilbee, Ross Murdie, • L.
Plumsteel and Chas. Pinder. Audi-
tors, Arthur Smith and F. Harburn.
Following a report from a com-
mittee of the Official Board recom-
mending the taking of action to pro-
ceed with improvements to the
church and its equipment, the con-
gregation empowered . the Official
Board to proceed with the matter
at an early date.
Following a very enthusiastic
meeting refreshments were enjoyed
by members and adherents present.
At a shareholders' meeting of the
Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.
on Wednesday afternoon the sale of
the company's assets was confirmed.,
The purchaser is J. W. Monteith, of
Stratford, who explained he is acting.
as a middleman for other parties. front
Stratford and Perth county, Seaforth
and Huron county.
The purchase price is $102,400
(equal to $S0 per share), less certain
sums for taxes, etc., which it is nncler-
stood will leave a net price of ap-
proximately $65 a share.
Seventeen persons were • in attend-
ance besides officials.
An amendment, which was defeated,
was moved by Mr, T. A. G. Gordon
and seconded by Mrs. Roy Lawson:
that the price be the full $80 per
share without any deductions. Mr.
Gordon's notion pointed out that the
company has had the use of the
shareholders' money , amounting to
over $100,000 for forty-eight years,
with very few dividends .being paid
and none since 1921, although the
company has substantial assets. He
also pointed out that the law of
Canada does not allow a sale of a
limited company to a president.
The =imminent was defeated by
1,348 to 45 share votes. The motion
of sale moved by Mr. Fusee and sec-
onded by Prank Sills carried by 1,870
to 40. The largest: shareholder was
M•s. Earle Bell, with over 1100 shares.
Egmondville is once again a prom-
inent village with the chopping till
and the blacksmith shop both func-
tioning -after recent fires,
Harold Jackson had the honor of
being the first to have his team
shod and Mr. Patrick's team the
second shod in the new blacksmith
shop which opened on Wednesday of
this week.
Egmondville congregation intend
holding their annual meeting on Fri-
day evening, Jan. 28th. The ladies
are serving a pot -luck supper at 7
o'clock after which moving pictures
will be . shown by Rev. Stanway of
Brucefield. A good attendance is
.roped for.
The ladies of the Egmondville
Church visited the hospital and
toured the whole building on Tues
day of s eek. n
Fridaythi, Jan.w28th is the 59111
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Weiland, congratula-
Mr. James Finlayson had the mis-
fortune to have one of his fingers
caught in a machine at the Bell
foundry, which will lay him off
work for a few days. It required six.
stitches to close the wound.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple and
Charles visited over the weekend
with Mr. and ' Mrs. Ed Chapple,
Mr, jellies Black seriously cut his
foot while splittingwood one day
last week, the axe cut right through
the boot and cut between two toes.
The - windstorm which swept
through this district left a good many.
buildings without .shingles.
The women of the United Church
are busy getting the church cleaned
up after. the decorators:
Mrs. Fred McClyinont and Miss
Joan spent the weeks end at Toronto.
The many friends of Master Billy
.Consitt are glad to hear that he is
improving in health,
The •Seaforth Public Library .i
'Board held its annual meeting in
the Library on Tuesday evening
January 26th. Reports showed total
receipts of. 52883,38, expenditures
'of $2352.45;hleaving a credit bal-
ance of 3530.93. The total circula-
tion of books was 8280 and ' the
membership numbered .314, both an
increase over the previous• year's
figures. Three hundred and thirty-
five books were added at a cost of
$708,52. Last April the Librarian,
Miss G. Thompson, attended a four-
week school for Huron County ;Li-
brarians, held in Clinton. She was
congratulated on obtaining her cer-
Members oftheBoard recentl
r '
'aw a preview ofthe'Huron County
s p
Library Association film, "The
Books Drive On", featuring the .tra-
vels of the Huron County Bookmo-
bile. The interior of Seaforth Public
Library is one of the two library in-
teriors shown.
Sincere regret was expressed that
Mr, P. Moffat, who held the office
of Chairman of the Board, and Mr.
James Stewart, the Seeretary-Trea-
surer, had tendered their resigna-
tions. Welcome was extended to the
two new members of the Board, Rev.
G. Campbell and Mr. Wm. Hart.
The appointment of officers and
committees resulted as follows: Li-
brarian, Miss G. Thompson; Chair-
man, Miss Mabel Turnbull; Secre-
tary -Treasurer, Mr. Wm. 'Hart; pro-
perty committee, Mr. Wm. Hart,
Rev. G. Campbell, Miss Mabel- Turn-
bull; book committee,' Miss S. h Mc-
Lean, Miss Alice Daly, Mrs, C. E.
Smith, Rev. H. V. Workman; publici-
ty secretary, Miss Alice Daly.
Now entering the fifty-fifth year
of its existence, the Seaforth Public
Library Board has the unique honor
of having its first woman chairman
of the Board, in the person of Miss
Mabel. Turnbull.
-Sports Officer, Angus MacLean,
announces that the Seaforth Branch
of the Canadian Legion is sponsor-
ing a local Bantam League Hockey
Schedule, that is boys under 14
years of age on Nov. 1, 1948. Mr.
W. J. Duncan has kindly consented
to; allow the League to play for the
Duncan Cup -the emblem, of many
leagues: that have provided Seaforth
with good sport in past years. Dr.
E. A. McMaster has generously do-
nated the use of the rink each Sat-
urday morning.
A single schedule will be played
as follows:
Jan. 29 at 9 a,ni., Black Hawks
vs Bruins; 10 a.m., Canadiens vs
Maple Leafs.
Feb, 5th, 9 a.m„ Black hawks vs
Canadians; 10 a.m., Bruins vs Ma-
ple Leafs.
Feb. 12th, 9 a.m., Canadiens ve
Bruins; 10 a,m., Maple Leafs vs
Black Hawks.
A further schedule and playoffs
will be arranged at a later date de-
pending' on the weather.
Referee -in -Chief will be Angus.
MacLean, Sports Officer of the Le-
gion, who will arrange timekeepers
and such details. The teams will play
three twenty -minute straight time
periods per game.
The purpose of this legion spon-
sored league is to provide super-
vised sport and to develop local hoc-
key talent. For this reason the
teams will be balanced as evenly as
possible and at the end of the sche-
dule an All Star team will be formed
and it is anticipated the will play
in the Western Ontario Athletic
'Association, Bantam Division. Each
of tho boys have been provided with
a sports application entry paper and
parents are requested to assist the
organization of the league by com-
pleting the forms.
The managers and teams as ori-
ginally picked are as follows:
Black Hawks -Managers, Johnny
Muir and Alvin Smile,
Jim Flannigan, Ronnie Muir, Gil-
bert Hubert, Sandy McMillan, Lloyd
Eisler, Don Hatcher, Murray Lang-
ford, John MoGavin, Billy Bennett,
Ross Vincent, Don Drager, Chas.
Reilly, Jing . Crich, Floyd McFee,
Keith Eaton, Jim Johnston, Larry
Berger, Joe Williams, John Nigh.
Maple Leafs -Managers, Charlie
Woods and Buil Muir ,
Charles Dungey, Doug. Stewart,.
Jim Fitzpatrick, Don Powell, Bill
Chesney, Durl Hopper, Don Horton,
Ron Sutherland, Ted Savauge, Bill
Hunt, Ken Dupee, Ron Mason, Ferg.
Rowland, Larry Wheatley, Murray
Butts, Bob McGonigle, Jim Reyn-
olds, Jackie Matthews, Don McKind-
Bruins -Managers, Gordon Muir
and Bob. Knight.
Bill Flannigan, Ray Lee, Ken Wil-
lis, Gord. Rowland, Ken MeNairn,
Doug. Keyes, Geo, Langford, Gord.
Pullman, Don Scott, Bob. Hubert,
Bill Roberton, Iyan Carter, Jimmy,
Higgins, Clayton Hogg, Bobby Snell,
'Ken Thompson, Ron Scoins, Bill
Canadiens-Managers, Gus. Mes-
senger and Fred Cooper.
Andy Crozier, Jack Mcllwain,;
George Sills, ILeith MacDonald, Bob.
Moorehead, Bill Broome, Mervyn
Eyre, Bill Eisler, Wayne Ellis,
Floyd Dale, Bruce McFadden, Don
Taylor, Grant McClinchey, Jimmy
Watson, Bob. Wright, Neil Broad -
foot, Bobby Ruston, Ron Williams.
Any others wisifing to play in this
league please contact sports officer,
;Angus MacLean.
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Expert Watch Repairing
Lois Lockeridge Leads Wingham i
To Victory
Last Thursday' afternoon Lois
Lockeridge, Wingham jumping cen-
tre, led the Wingham girl Gagers to
a 19-10 victory over the Seaforth
Gagers in the Wrotham Armories.
Lois scored six field goals and sunk
one foul shot during the game to
score a total of 13 pointe. Renner -
up was Mary Ross with four field
!reals, a total of eight points.
Seafoh th's scorer was Mary Lou
Sills with two field goals, a total of
tour points. No fouls trete ca!','d
against the W'int;ham 'ills, but
.Marie Connolly, Seaforth left guard,
.tad two personal fouls against 11-..w
and Ruth Keyes had one personal
foul against her.
The Wingham girls collected elev-
en field goals, a total of twenty-
two points in the first half, anti
three field goals and one foul goal
in the second, a grand total of
twenty-nine points. Seaforth tallied
two points in the first half and four
field goals in the second half for a
total of ten points.
Referee -Betty Case, Seaforth:
Wingham-Jean Adaire 0, Vivien
Ernest, right forwards; Mary Ross
8, Joan Bushfield 2, left forwards;
Lois Lockeridge 13, Ruth Buiginan,
jumping centre; Joan Gregg, Marian
Irwin, side centre; Ruth Shaevers,
June MacDonald, right guard; Doris.
Clarke, Joan Risley, left guard.
Seaforth-Mae Clark 2, Pat 1Vleir,
right forward; Mary Lou Sills 4,
Ruth Keyes 2, left forward; Margar-
et Stevens 2, Jacqueline Iiabkirk,
jumping centre; Mabel Campbell,
Mona Caldwell, side centre; Joyce
Glanville, Frances Lane, right guard;
Marie Connolly, Joan Ryan, left
'1' '1' s
Seaforth Senior Cagers
Win First Game
Coming from behind in the first
quarter the Seaforth Seniors went
out in front to down the Wingham
Gagers 26-20. Hiusser and Chapman
led Seaforth with eight points each
followed closely by H. Hackwell with
seven points. Hiusser tallied all his
points nl the second half with three
field goals and two foul goals. Chap-
man scored his eight points partly
in both periods. He sunk two field
goals and one foul goal in the first
half and one field goal and one foul
goal 01 the second half.. Runner-up,
Howard Hackwell tallied, one field
goal and a foul goal in the first and
two field goals in the second half.
Metcalfe .led Wingham with three
field goals and two foul goals in the
first and two field goals in the se-
cond half, a total of twelve points,
He was followed by Stainton with a
field goal in the first and two field
goals in the second, a total . of six
Here are the lineups with the
number of points and ,(the number
of fouls committed):
Winghanr-Stainton 6 (3), Locke -
ridge 2 -(2), Ernest (1), Metcalfe. 12,
Gammage (2), Riehl, Cummins (2),
Carrie, Erwin, Brophy. Hanna.
Seaforth-Irwin Johnston, Mer
tot Hackwell, Don Dale, Art Bolton.
Howard Hackwell 7 :(2), Ron Sil:Is,
I(3), 'Gordon :l�lc.Kindsey 1, Francis
Hiusser 8 (1), James Chapman '8
(1), Murry Mills,
Referee - Tom Rafferty, Wing -
Time Out-Seaforth 1.
Field Goals-Seaforth 10, Wing -
ham 8.
Foul Goals-Seaforth 0 out of 11,
Wingham 4 out of 9.
Timekeepers-Wingham, Feagen:
Seaforth, Jim Wallace.
Coming WOSSA Basketball Games
Today Gbderieh nt Wina'h..,n.
Clinton at SF.AFORTH.
Monday-Seaforth at Goderich,
Thm•sdav-:Goderieh at Chetan.
.Wingham at SEAFORTH.
Bobby Downs at B.H.S. Feb. lith
Don't forget the annual High
School et -home dance is being held
{ two Lvt,eke front to -morrow night,
! Feb, 11th. This dance will be a cont-
hived valentine and at-home dance,
Bobby Downs and his ten piece or-
chestra from London, Ont. will up -
ply the music for dancing from 9
o'clock until 1 o'clock.
At a meeting of Seaforth Agri-
cultural Society Saturday 'afternoon,
J; M Govenlock was re-elected
Gordon Benne r
etC agricultural
presentative of Hu
ron, and C. Re
nie, assistant agricultural represen
ative, were present, with Mr. Ben
nett speaking on the organization of
a calf club 111 conjunction with the
high school and a garden club bri- I
The following were appointed:
President, J. M. Govenlock; first
vice-president, Russell Bolton; se-
cond vice-president, Reeve Arthur
Nihcolson. Directors are Elgin Nott,
Leonard Leeming, Oliver Anderson,
Allister Broadfoot; John Powell, Ro-
bert McMillian, Wilfred Glazier, J.
M. Scott, E. B. 'Goodie, Robert
Campbell, Mrs. Frank Storey, Mrs,
John Hillebr•echt.
There was a fairly good attend-
ance at the meeting and reports in-
dicated the 1948 Fall Fair was, the
best to date.
Mrs: J. Grummebt, who has been
secretary for the past two years,
tendered her resignation.
Mrs. Jas. Mustard is improving
after her «recent serious illness.
A number of the young people
attended the Seaforth Institute eu-
chre and dance and reported a
splendid time.
A social gathering was held at the
home of Mrs. J. W. McLean on
Jan. 22nd in holier of her sister,
Mrs. Ellen McAllister, of Hensall,
who celebrated her 80th birthday.
Most everybody inthese parts
had a great deal of. damage done to
theirroofswith,the windstorm.
The Kipper Gun Club held a very
successful shoot on Saturday last
which was much enjoyed by all pre-
The fire brigade had, a call, to a
ehinniey fire at the home of Mr, H. 0.
Meir,North Main street, on Thursday