HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-20, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR STORESpecials THURS. FRI. SAT.... JAN 20 21 . 22 CANADA MATCHES... 3 BOXES . , .. C KELLOGG'S FLAKES 2 -8 -oz. pkgs. 25 C. TOMATO JUICELASCO 20 OZ, TIN , . , .. , 9 C CLEANSER A 2 TINS C New SALADA COFFEE All Purpose and Drip. Grind makes good Coffee 1/ lb, Tin. ....... ... . ...37c SWEET M1X PICKLES �,G C + JAR �7 PORK & BEANS A3 C 2-15.oz. ThisL• BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP , 5,ib Pail 63c APPLE & STRAWBERRY JAM 24 oz. Jar 28c SPY APPLES for Cooking 6 qt. Basket . 59c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 sliteMOSSIMMOCIMMICICIPCSICSs Euchre & Dance ! IN CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 21 Euchre 8.30. Lunch served General admission 50c Collins Orchestra Auspices Seaforth Women's Institute loPcsaisississslisslacssmaismicy ,"u"nnun"n,nnu"nn"uIII u,"u",u"nuunne"nnum, BIG DANCE Opera House, Exeter EVERY SAT. NIGHT For A Gay Time Join the enormous crowd CLAYT STEEPER'S Sensational London Orchestra NOVELTIES COMEDY DOOR PRIZES 9 - 12 c No. 4 Square farm forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott with 34 pres- ent, The radio program was listened to followed by a discussion period in charge of Mac Scott. The remain- der of the evening was spent play- ing progressive euchre with Mrs. Gordon McKenzie and Stanley Dor- ranee winning the prizes.- Lunch was served and the next meeting will be held Monday, Jan. 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. A Play "MR. BEANE FROM LIMA" By Blyth Drama Club at Brucefield United Church Tuesday, Jan. 25 AT8P.M. Sponsored by Brucefield Y.P.U. Admission 50c .and 25c Annual Meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society Will be held in the Carnegie Library on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 at 2 p.nn. TOWN TOPICS.' Mrs. E. A. McMaster is a guest of Rev: and Mrs, 'R. H. Williams, in - Detroit, - ' Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMillan and son, St: Thomas, and Mr, and Mrs. William Andrews and son, and Mr. B. Andrews, Norwich, were recent visit- ors at the homes of Mr. and•MiS. E. Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. T. Fox. Mr. David Bolton, Kitchener, spent. the week end at his home here. ' Miss Therese McCaffery,, Stratford,. visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nolan, Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly over the week end were Misses Marie and Geraldine Dillon of Ingersoll, Mr: and Mrs. John McNichol and Aubry, of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs: C. South and Murdie' of -Blyth, Mr; and Mrs, Liuis Dillon and fancily, Dublin. Mi•. James Kelly, Palmerston, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Geddes, Lon- don, spent the week end at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. Mr. Kenneth Eaton, Toronto, visited over the week end with his paernts Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Miss Mary Margaret Cleary,. Lon- don, spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. Mr. Dennis Walsh, Kitchener, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.. J. Walsh. Mrs. Ronald MacDonald, Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter McIver. Return Engagement StageShow&Barn Dance TOWN HALL, CLINTON SAT., JAN. 22nd 8.30 p.m. to 12 IN PERSON BOB M - SON Radio's Tallest Singing Cowboy and his Western Swingbillies Heard daily over CFPL London 11.45 to 12.15 Noon Come and see a Good Show, and dance to this modern Cowboy Group - Admission Adults. 75c, Children 35c Canadian Approved Chicks Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a modern hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade chicks at reasonable prices New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rock, Fast Feather- ing Barred Rock chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred chicks are also produced. N.H. x Sussex, N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn McKinley's Farm & Hatchery ZURICH, ONT. Phone 07 -11, Hensall LUMB.ER ON HAND: 1", 11/2" & 2" 1"&2" 2"&3" 1",2",3"&4" Pine Hemlock Spruce Fir • T. & G. Spruce 2" Western Larch 8' to 22' long 4 x 4's & 6' x 6' Western Cedar 2" Rock Elm & White Ash Cedar Lap Siding - Fir. Flooring & Pine Flooring - Clear Kiln Dried Fir Mouldings No. 1, Cedar Shingles, Asphalt Shingles Cedar -Grain, Rolbrick & Insulbric Sidings, Masonite, Plywood, Arborite, Beaverboard, Chrome Mouldings, Doors, and Reclaimed Windows. Seaforth SuppIy- & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 - SEAFORTH BORN NNZBN$BBRGnl — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Jan. 10, to Mr. and. Mrs. Henry IiinzensberSer, (Mono Sills) RR5 Sea - forth, a daughter LONDESBORO Mrs. Wm. Gray took quit, ill on Friday last and was taken to Clinton Hospital where she was operated on, on Saturday. forenoon. The opera- tion was quite serious. All are wish- ing her a speedy recovery. There seems to be quite a*number in. this district ill with the flu and severe colds. Tdi's. Beacom and Edith visited at the home of her daughter and sister, Mrs. Neil at Kirkton, on Sunday, Mrs.` Neil being under the Doctor's care. Miss 1VIary Ellen Prest, Mitc1te11, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest. Miss Alice Fingland returned home last week having spent the past two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jones at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Crawford of the 13th con., Hullett, celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary on Jan. 18th. We wish them many more happy days. Mr. and Mrs. Chas). Vodden visited their daughter and family at Au- burn, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Roer Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Townsend visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little, Sunday. The regular meeting of the W.M. S. was held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday last with the president, Mrs. Townsend presiding. Mrs. W. 1E. Manning, leader of group 3, took the chair. Mrs. E. Wood read the Bible lesson and Mrs. F. Tamblyn led in prayer. Miss D. Armstrong contributed a pleasing solo. The chapter in the study book was ably given by Mrs. Art Clark and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mrs. Ivan Carter took up the offering. Mrs. Manning closed this part of meeting with prayer. Mrs. Townsend, the president, then took the chair, who read a poem on the New Year. The yearly report was given which showed 112 meetings had been held during the year, one being in the form of a picnic held on the community hall grounds when the Auxiliary enter- tained the Jr. Societies of the W.M. S. At our fall thankoffering meet- ing we entertained the Burns and Constance Auxiliaries, Mrs. E. Mills of Walton being the guest speaker. It was also reported that two splend- id bales of used clothing and 13 quilts were sent to Toronto for Eu- ropean relief, also a parcel of knit- ted goods, . Our allocation was met and $273.91 was sent to headquar- ters. The Mission Circle reported $124.81, Mission Band raised $72.- 56, Baby Band $50.37, making a tot- al of $521.65. Miss Young gave a talk on. Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Watson read the slate of officers for 1949 as follows: -Hon. Pres., Mrs. J. Fingland, Mrs. M. Manning; pres., Mrs. R. Towns- end; 1st vice, Mrs. F. Tamblyn; 2nd vice, Mrs. R. Caldwell; 3rd vice, Mrs. E. Wood; rec.sec., Mrs. W. Govier; assistant, Mrs. Fangrad; treas., Mrs. C. Watson; Missionary Monthly, Miss F. Jamieson; Supply Sec., Mrs. W. Lyon; Literature, Mrs. 'Geo. ttie; Friendship Sec., Mrs. F. Shobbrook; Associate Help- ers, Sec., Mrs. W. Lyon; Cones. Sec., Mrs. W. E. Manning; Temper- ance Sec., Mrs: Brenton: Christian S. Miss L. Young; Mission Circle Supt.. Mrs. E. Wood; Mission Band, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs. Ivan Carter; Baby Band, Mrs. J. Shad - dick; pianists, Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs: J. Armstrong: Flower Com., not yet filled; Press Corr., Mrs. M. Manning - VARNA The Women's Missionary meeting was held at the hone of Mrs. Lorne Coleman on Thursday afternoon with fifteen members present and one visitor. The president, Mrs. Lee McConnell, opened the meeting. Mrs. Will' ,Stephenson took the de- votional exercise. Hymn 252 was sung, scripture readings were read by MTs. Geo. Reid and Mrs. Clar- ence Stephenson, hymn 238 was sung, study book was given by Mas. Will Stephenson, Mr's. Geo. Reid, Mrs. Anson Coleman. Mrs. Lee Me - Connell took the business over. The roll call was answered with a New Year's thought. There was a vote taken for a life membership and Mrs. M, E. Johnston was chosen. Hymn 380 was sung. Miss R. Hearn closed the meeting. Lunch was serv- ed by the committee. DUBLIN On Wednesday evening a 1aretidell party was held h . the Dublin parish hall for ,Frank Rowland, sponsored by the Dublin Creamery. Frank will. leave Saturday for service in the Royal 'Canadian Navy. He will be stationed in Halifax. An address was read by Leonard Fowler, and a well filled purse was presented him by Marie Nagle. Frank replied in a very fitting manner. Music,was sup- plied by the Delaney -McQuaid or- chestra. He was also presented in the afternoon with a pen and pencil set from the Dublin Creamery Staff where he has been employed for the past two years. Frank is well known in this district by sport fans as a good sportsman. Last year he played hockey £o1' the Mitchell club and this year for Dublin. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Charles Friend was hostess to the Ladies' Guild of St. Marys Church for their annual business meeting'. Mrs. Albert Rock, the president, presided and Mrs. Gar. Smith gave the Bible reading. The officers were all returned to office. Mrs. Albert Rock, president, Mrs, Frank Moore, vice-pres., and Mrs. Andrew Whet- ham,'sec.-Treas. A. very favorable report of the year's work was given by the sec.-treas., Mrs. Andrew Whetham, and plans were made for this year's work, A food parcel is to be sent to Britain through C.A.R.E. was passed. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Friend assisted by a large number of ladies. Mr. Dan Costello attended the funeral of his sister in Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. Mr. Ed Tozier, Detroit, with Rev Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes. Mrs. James Shea in Chicago. - NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glanville and Richard of Mitchell spent Sunday with NII'. and Mrs. Ed Regele and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lowrie of Londesboro were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hayden and family of Denfield were Sunday vis- itors at•Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Glan- ville's. Mrs. Ed Regele, Mrs. Duncan Mc- Nichol Sr. entertained some ladies at quiltings last week. Miss Donna Watson, who is at- tending Stratford Normal School, spent the weekend at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson. BRODHAOEN Shirley Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vock, Bornholm, was baptized in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. George Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Huras, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Mogk. Mrs. W. Schultz has been in Kitchener with her mother, Mrs. Gilham, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Wm. Muellen returned to her home after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer in Seaforth. Mrs. Annie Muegge of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wurdell of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein. Mrs. Elmer Tuffen and Geraldine of Toronto with Mrs. Sophie Ben- neweis. . Mr. Kenneth Hinz of Hamilton with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Hinz. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Filsenger and Jean Kraem- er of Stratford; Mr. Harvey Fil- singer of Millbank; Audrey Studor, Keith Davidson, of Kitchener, Wil- ma Moore, London, Gladys Moore, Mitchell. The Ladies Aid of First Lutheran Church met at the home of 1VIrs. Norman Bode on Jan. 13 with 19 members and 9 visitors present and one new members. Mrs. Aug. -Ahrens presided and Rev. Klages lead in scripture reading and prayer. Two quilts were completed. Two birth- days were reported, Mrs. John Kohle and Mrs. N. Bode. A report was made that a Christ- mas gift had been sent to a polio patient, Lorne Haltzhauer, in Lon- don Hospital. A pot -luck supper was enjoyed. Farin Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz on Mon- day evening. The discussion was "In time of Need". The recreation per- iod was spent in playing progressive euchre, prizes were won by (high) 1VIrs. Manuel Beuermann and Man- uel Beuernnann; (low) Mrs. Mervin Hodgert and John Arbuckle. Re- freshments and lunch were served. The next meeting to be held at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shold- ice on Monday evening. mamommerommonsamennemazam CAR SPECIALS 1-1947 HUDSON SEDAN 1800 miles (air conditioned) fully guaranteed. 1940 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, Heat- er, radio, and lovely shape 1938 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK, 1/y ton, - in good shape through- out 1948 FORD TRACTOR, with plough just like new 1944 COCKSHUTT 70 TRACTOR, all in OK shape 1949 AUSTIN %y -TON PICKUP new—on display MERCURY 1946 PANEL DELIV- ERY, perfect shape . 40 ALLIS CHALMERS COMBINE, all ready for the field. Get our prices on a new Steel 24" THRESHING MACHINE. Ord- ers must be in at once to in- sure prompt delivery Jonathan Hugill & Son PHONE 784-w Supertest Garage opposite Bank of Montreal CLI NTON BRUCEFIELD The January meeting of the •W.A., Brucefield United Church was held with an attendance of twenty-five. The meeting opened with Miss Bow- ey, president, hithe chair, and Mrs, Johnston at the piano, by rbpeating the creed. Mrs, Henry read the scrip- ture, Mrs. R. Allan gave the theme for the year and read the theme for January,, "Christian Character", also a poem;"Guide Thou Me." Mrs, Al- lan led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Wilson. A lovely duet by Mrs. Stan- way and Mrs. Henderson, accompan- ied by Mrs. Johnston. It was decid- ed to have groups this year. The program committee served a lovely lunch. The work committee will CSICSICIMMICSOMPOOKSSGSSMiSICIC Plan Tempest and Sunshine Put on by the Walton W.A. in in the Sunday School Room of NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH, SEAFORTH MONDAY; JAN. 24 AT 8 O'CLOCK Sponsored by the Adult Fellowship Group Admission 35c and 25c xxxxsimsocsamizimassisom serve :lunch at the February meet- ing. The roll call for February, a new member in person or lien name„ Presenting THE KIRKTON QUINT TTE" PLAYING FOR DANCING Cardno's Hall - Seaforth SAT., JAN. 22 Admission 50e Students & Servicemen 40c THE LATEST IN NEW AND OLD TIME MUSIC Sponsored by Seaforth Young Progressive Conservatives :.ca pA16f1A Electrjc Terms To Suit Your Budget anges RANGETTES 2 .BURNER RANGES WITH AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL 3 BURNER RANGES WITH AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL 4 BURNER RANGE 4 BURNER RANGE WITH AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Box furniture Store --Funeral Service PHONE—DAY 43 NIGHT 595 W Dealers, Bakers Farmers and Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY•YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD, STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right Excellence Feeds Calf Meal Chick Starter Chick Grower Laying Mash Pig Starter Hog Fattener Hog Grower Sow Ration Dairy Ration - LISTEN TO THE NEWS—CKNX (920 ON YOUR DIAL) 8.30 EVERY MORNING EXCELLENCE in Name and Quality Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Telephone 354Seaforth Feed Division of Ixeellence Flour -Mills Ltd 1