HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-20, Page 2mAbE HT THEO3IGDNATbi1S Or d`�G$,
Saved, Ririeeelf By Fiashing SOS Signal -When a freight train
crushed his left foot, Donald LaCrosse, 11, blinked a SOS signal
with his flashlight to attract attention of the train crew. 'Donald,
a newepa her boy, was trapped under two wheels of the freight
ear. 'here 1s a good chance of saving the injured foot.
Courts, Reveal
Marriage Secrets
What a strange marriage!" we say
when e e read ofa rich wife who
evade her husband do the housework
as a "glorified manservant," insisted
that he should write letters to her at
her dictation, have no social life,
never visit friends, have no money
of his own but leave her to pay his
bills for clothes and other personal
When these facts toe disclosed
In a recent English Chancery Court
ease the husband declared that, de-
spite them, his thirty-six years of
mutely! life Wag "one long honey-
moon" and they were really a Darby
and ,loan! In all those years they
rarely went out, and shpt only one
night :may from hone. She told
hint elle could not bear him out of
her eight.
0 Strange? Yee, indeed, bet at times
marriages conte into the legel spot-
light that slake one seep.
Coning to Terme
There Was a remarkable case to
Chicago in which the wife of a tram
conductor presented the judge with
the following ten points ss the
lowest terms for dropping her
divorce suit
"I run the house. He shan't hit.
ale or call me names. He shall allow
Mc more for food and expenses.
And cut allowance for my persopal
use. Ile keeps the yard clean. On
days oil' he mows the lawn. Gives
foe every other Tuesday out to at-
tend Women's Clubs. Take* me out
Mate a week. Gives ale kisses and
affeetiolt He can keep ten dollars
a week spending money,"
"Fine," said the judge, "Now how
about a list from the husband?" The
mutt sat (WWII With ltruc11 and paper,
but cttuhl think up only six points:
"She *limit break or destroy
property in the home; get Angry be-
cause alae can't go out every time
the. feels like it: gossip about me to
neighbors; site shall chant to fifty
before doing anything; set the table
completely before me sit down;
*butt slur 500* io shops elle Will buy
everything site wants at one time, so
elle won't have to make ten tripe
"Well of all exploded the
wife. But the judge, holding up hie
land, said, "Count fifty." So sire
gnhaided, and they both signed.
The searchlight was focused on
another strange nutrringe wwhett 'a
frantic North Carolina wife told
the pttliwe that her husband had shot
hinitOlt. "Ile threatened to do it if
I didn't stop regains," she spooled.
'Oh, if I'd only been kinder to him!'
Whereupon the "corl'50 sat up end
said: "1t'tt Just a trick, boys. 'The
blood is tomato aches•"
Was elle kll0d to hien, non she
had the chance? Not a bit. As they
smirched hien of for unlawfully
discharging firearms she sereanted
"Let me get at hint! 1'11 murder
Lobster Parted Them
One American millionaire sot
into the habit of stetting girls in
night clubs, declaring thein his
"dream," and proposing on the spot.
iiostly in this way he contracted
sight ttntrriages. One lasted it fort -
sight, Another broke after two
months when the bride ordered
lobster. 'He bedtime angry with her
because of the way she looked et the
menu, "lhtity•toity as if there was
sothiug 'good onuutgll for her.'
Fannie 'Hurst. the novelist, dirt-
closed that aha setrctiy utartied the
platilet and oomposet, Jacques
Denielsou, on the understanding
that they sienna live their own lives
on thew terms: She to retain .her
uisiticn Ratite; any childten to brae
their tathet's name umtil they reach -
cd vests of disetetiolt, wwhcn they
might choose which to use Ltermett-
setl\'.'.Lhe pair to maintain aeperate
establishments, meeting, "'as per
amnion, not duty," and to have
seteerete groups of friends
"\\"e decided," said Miss Hutst,
'Met :town hreakftats a week
0opOttitc one another might prove:
Irksome. Our average is hyo."
Neither was required to account for
the time spoilt *part front the other.
1f the marriage diel not work after x.
trial period- they would gnletly
separate . . After five years the
report setae: su:ptisi114'y, Cl K
In all:.tt'ter ntserfage the wife said
whenever she. had 'a tiff with
her hushtiad the played a record of
their wedding, and such happy
memories were revived That they
kissed -attd made It up, But she did
not sante how long Late second -
laated before it wore. out.
A Canadian shipyard w'o'kcr's
wife, up on a "(knelt" charge, was
sentenced by the Vancouver lnagis-,
trate to he spanked by her husband.
"I'nl sorry, Patricia," he said when.
they reached home "there's nothing
else for i,t-»-seetcnee of the Court,
you know," and put her across 'his
knee and soundly eptutked her.
Atter which -believe it or not -she
was -sa good es gold.
He Was Jealous!
A curious marriage came to light
in Poland recently. Neighbors noted
That whenever the ltushond was ab-
sent front the tillage the wife was
never serif. The next time he was
away police broke in and found her
chained to a Wall in the cellar, "lay
husband loves ntr," she explained
haughtily, "I love hila, But he is
jealous. He theins. amt up 'whenever
he goes away, Because I love hint,
1 willingly submit." So they just
shrugged and left her to her chains,
In a recant Liverpool divorce case
it Was the husband who went down
to the cellar-- to get away from
the wife, He lived there six weeks,
sleeping In damp clothes on a suit -
ea ceand tart box.
Topsy-turvey Household
Then there was the matt who told
a. North Loddon magistrate that
when his wife made lite somewhat
difiieult by expecting hint to do the
housework and wait on her ]rand and
foot, he conatlted older friends, who
suggested that a baby might make
her more reasonable. \Viten a baby
came along he found that his
troubles only increased. Now he had
to rise at e.80 to give baby a bottle: -
One of the strangest marriages
wee that of Thomas Day, author of
"Sandford and Merton." Firs: be
"adopted" g girl from an orphanage
to train ]ler to be the "perfect wife."
To teal -11 her shekel restraint he
dropped hot coaling twa. on her
neck and arms, fired blank •srt-
rfdg'es at her without telling her
they teeth blank, Giving her up be -
(ewe she loved tete-010m: etc tt et, he
married a Miss \litites:
He allowed hit wife no Itteeny of
any kind. stopped all correspondence
with her family, forbade her to sing
or play OM harpsichord, whi:h she
diet wwell, and ttlten he twitted ,e ,'•e
!tango a dressmgeroOim for her, 01-
sisted that it had no window. ,a0
that for years site had to dreae br
eandle-light. Ile never allowed eity
contpbittt 9110111 her heater '111.161! SiI
she teas bundled out : doers to
walk until she dropped. Fhe '•-•'e
orphan had pot missed melt • by
falling to aow into the t'5' feet
Husband is , bilrlutuse
Marry W011stoneoraft.r 5:
author of the "Vindieation cf the
Rights of Woman." had some pe-
culiar ideas sheet 5518225.5 when
she wedded a..,.., r \\ Gw w.:.
eik hushsttl, St:e ,s s .
teenietlt iNtrt of the '10t^;t;171 7 15
tweet," Ile sh01111 11aee a 'aim
some doors assay to work it1; they
would dine out ceps; t•ly when they
liked: their work and friends tecnthd
remain seg ate. And ew e' 1 ,y is
*edified both, \ 'esi, thee e. tee 0:1
Visiting terms..
The magnetic -se eu cs o:i:, :7r
Richard Berton, who wwas adore,: by
hie wife. 'est.; to terecterize !err
regularly. 3 -ie haw, only to say
'Talk!'" she dehi"are"and 1 used
to tell hitt eN•rtything 1 knew. I
have often ,old hint things that3
would much rather keep to Myself."
se ."
While she 088 in x 1ranet he taw „id
sound her shout the fuer-e end
luckily she twee usually rigs^.
Their marriage surwiece even gest •
severe test wt1ieti . •`e; 521015.51515s'
wreck MOM,
But the steamiest uteri .age of all
moat hsvt been that of Millionaire
Aieaeo Thompson, of Maryville.
Missouri, who hada life-eire wax
effigy Blade of his fortoer wife wthen
138 remarried. It sat At the:', tah!e'
and was served.
Tice se00121 wife had to r:d:ees-
It and put It to hen every night and i
dress it for breakfast im the >xern-
kg.. If she wanted money 8 for new 1.
the husband lnvaliebir oche I
instead the effigy, pretending to heat'
OSP 'answwr a,1.:;e1:.11"ythey'lev t
Otte cart
hits I"
Ae threatened last week, this
piece will be an attempt to peel: ilito
the future and give our readers seine
idea of what they may expect to sec,
or hear about, in the sports field
during the year-wheres that new
calendar, now? -Q11 yes, the year
1949; if It reaches you a trifle .late -
well, that's probably due to the in-
fluence of thehorses we bet on,
1. 8 *
There has been considerable
speculetiom we alight say, regarding
exactly what method of divination
we use in making these areatel fore-
casts 50 uniforully 11uiru))tworthy.
So we"might as well say that we are
the first seer to employ -not the old
ten -leaves method --but the more
modern and up-to•the minute tea
e P N
Ordinary tea cup readers - the
kind that ladies go to in order to
find if there is a tall; dark billion-
aire in their future -claim that with
the ten bags they cannot see a thing
clearly. Well -neither can we, but
if you think that's going to stop us,
you, little know our determination.
Or nerve.
5 e 4
Well, then, in the -QUOTE -
World's Fastest Sport - UN-
QUOTE -what may we expeet?
you ask, .Along about Ground Hog
Day the Chicago Black Hawks will
discover that, just as a bird cannot
fly on one wing, neither can a hoc-
key team continue to soar on one
wing line. Jolly Jack Adams will
blow his top and say that there is
a concerted effort on the part of
the officials to ruin his. Detroit Red
Wings. Dour Dick Irwin will get
even dourer, and assure his clientele
that there is a cone, d plot on the
part of all the other five teams to
make hospital cases out of all his
s s s
Arthur Ross of Boston -who has
alsrnted many of Itis friends recently
by actually smiling once in s while--
hile-trill recover his form and say that
Connie Smythe is a lot like Stalin
in his methods -only worse. Frankie
Boucher Neill he found in a quandary
-wondering whether he should
pull for his team to win more games
for'Lyn Patrick than they did when
under his personal charge.
And when ercrything is w ashed
up and the real hockey begins -
meaning the playoffs - it win be
found that the Ctlwtlt Day method
has again paid off. This method, in
case you don't know shoe: it,'con-
siats in hating three teams -one cat
the tray up from the minors, elle at
.Maple Leaf gardens, and the third
on the nay back to the .mini-,-
lit other r,: ae.key ie
played today,vitality is important
80e 14`15. 110 dehh: but itien 00,1'
w M ..re , 55 theenteared twill Van:,
Hy. Just who the Maple Lew,s op-
pe,.e to will be 112 the Sinal finals,
we cannot t� t ex,1 tly yay. the 'ea bag „
hsvIrgdeveloteed a .tpl-: in the
Seams, pee, w sheers 1., ese evoeeee';
be too mach s rp se. if tt. tet -std
on: to be Pet , -it
it II
In Horse Racing, we have no
Itesetation in coming out and fear-
lecsiy stating that the Kentucky
Derby will be Bron by a three-year.
old --in fact you can go right now
and wager the roll on this, as it's
asnear a sure thing ss ocssible.
Continuing on Our intrepid course,
we'll SO even further .and say that
the winner of the King's Plate will
be a. steed. that firs: .saw me light of
day in the Dominion of Canada, .
Beyond this we do not care to
go. If we were to give Me names
of the tercel winners: it woad, 0x118.8
the gents who maks Me Wrote .
Boom a lot of tree e -c:= d some of
thein are havieg e. -tough -rouble es
be fs, htr.lyowrng where heir
8882 Cadillac % is coming fro..-..
keeet la.:k0»:
day eft ....__
the vsei ., -am - -gees
to one S -.,.e- Peet;._. d--hase-
bs , Meeneztes pmeeely were w15:
3e. se.' -:c.., ,.. when Mere art 111117
two peneseees he be :xr' mans.
811010e_s 8C5:rdy
to go seeeet. rent they al-melte_
heliere :: lee . ,. 'seem 50
blows its chances, if automatically
loses Its inapagei. This is supposed
to keep the fans from 'sgttat:,Icing -
anothel- example of the trusting in-
nocence of those 0)0 think they can
buy pennant winners the sante as
you de hamburger -by the lump,
:\s to who will at:Wally take the
National and American League
flags-tyc11, there are dozens, even
scores of sport experts who will tell
you 1'hat, or attempt to.'' Always
original, we shall try and be differ-
ent and let you In on the secret
that it will be neither the Chicago
White Sox or the Philadelphia
* 8 *
In Canadian football, along about
November the first a quaterback
will call for punt on the first down,
and the crowd -and the 'opposing
team -will be so stunned by the
novelty that they won't recover till
the game is over. Forward passers
and catchers will be a dime a dozen,
and every coach north of the border
will be willing to trade them -six
for one -in exchange for a kicker
who can really get distance or direc-
tion, or a middle wing who can go
for six minutes svithout yelling for
The Big Four winner will prob-
ably be Ottawa Rough Riders again
- and when they next meet the
Western Champs, the boys from the
wide open spaces -would do well to
have a care - in fact a couple of
cares. They have long memories,
down around Parliament Hill, and
they aren't going to forget what
happened in the Calgary game in
any twelve months. But by the
time we get around to that point,
hockey will probably have been run-
ning for et least eight weeks, and
as that's the game with which we
began this, well finish on the same
sweet note.
In conclusion, we ekpect to see
sports attendances in every line
slip considerably during the year to
come - and if you think the pro-
moters, who have been making hay
in largo bundles for the past decade,
Will take such slippage without
wailing moaning or groaning -well,
just.keep your ears tuned.
R1.s.1-4 Of Research -Working
y. e at8», „ ,c::.
clai .._ "v. -as Ct i -t ,.i,,_
these 2c..1•:tr_-t an' ,free
others have s' e. e. nCa-.c.cC=
wirbitb a oz,.L their sig Bot
Profesrt G a if 1S.r::tie
azd D. L ,o11 Ct ttL r i *_•w
injure! rte: ; .:: in 394.3
IS.S3 a - 19'
104.51,L1 on10108 .mean- extra profits in the
Yen when' egg prlees 40.i.hlgb, Order y080
baby chicks now and be assured of dollvery
date also ereotl you dosioe, 811 our breeders
are government banded and pullorum-tested,
Write for our catalogue and prices. Discount
given on all early orders. Moikton Poultry
Forme, Mm15top, Ontario,
CHICKS Barred Rocks, New Hampehires,
Light Sussex, White LE:borne, New HairM-
ehire X- Barred 'Imam Light 8uemer X New
1•Iambohtles, Over 20 years experience. Price
llet and folder on request. Martindale's Farm
Hatchery,Caledonia, Ont, manner DELIVERY on laying and ready-
to-laypallets, White - 'seaborne, Barred
Rooks,. Neto Hampshirea, Light Sussex,
Crossbreeds.' Free: Catoleene. TWeddie
Mich Hatoherlos Limited, "Fergus,: -Ontario,
Regular price 520.06. Sale price' 520,.00, Brand
nett•,delivered to your station before: January
20101, The Queen 011 Brooders have elven out-
standing results on our ownlplant and to hun-
dreds of customers. They are safe, economical
and easily operated 1n coldor warm weather.
Alen room he0tora, reenter 527,96. .Sale price
820.00. Book your order today. 10. per cent
deposit, balance call. , before Jan,. 20111. at
Sibs price.
Send for your free Gory, Do net ordertchloks
until you see it, Our prlees are Imamate,
our 'c4n11ty arae claw,. 20 years breeding and
hatching, 0 b0eed8 and crossbreeds, R.O.P.
Breeder for 11 years, Fully Accredited Hatch-
ery. The Ploher Orchards, .Freeman,. Ont.
11711 farm flocks the smallest since 1088,
with poultry meat ht storage down several
million pounds from ]eat year with feed
prlcee likely to be lower by Spring = all
ludleatlone point to at big demand dor chicks,
Place your order at once and take delivery.
early, Also broiler ahloke, laying and ready
to lay ppllete for Immediate delivery. Free
catalogue. •
Top- Notch Clack Soles, Guelph, Ontario.
SEND for circular. on "How to Hit The Top.
Bag Market", it's free. Start your plan-
ning now if you want eggs when prices are
blgheet. No one actually knows 'what egg
prices will be in 1049,but every year they
are higher during the last *Ix months of the
year than they a a 'r0 during the Met ,lx,months,
'rweddle chicks: have givenour customers eat-
lsfaetlon for 25 years. 12 pure breeds and
13 erase breeds to ehocse from, Also laying
and .ready to My' pullets and broiler chicks for
Immediate delivery. Free catalogue and
Poultry guide. 7006.1le Chick Hatcheries.
Limited, Peegu,. Ontario:
YOU'LL BE PLEASED with Shaver'o White
Leghorn. and Barred. Rocks, Every chick
R,O,P. sired -records 370-343 eggs, All
breeders on our own farm. Write today.
Donald Shaver, Route 1, Walt, Ont,
WE'VE DAYOLD, and same started, chicks
for reeeonably prompt shipment. 1949
prlcellat Is ready and It'e time to order
Bray Chteka for Jan. Feb, delivery. Cata-
attylogue will be ready shortly. Bray Hatchery.
150 John N„ Hamilton, .Ont.
200208 on Dogs, Cate, Rabbits, Aquaria, Beep,
Bird,. Pigeons, Poultry, Dairying, Farming
Fruit, Flowers, Fishing. Hunting. Catalogue
Tree. Morgan., London.
AN OFFER to every inventor -List of haven
Sons and full Information sent free. The
Ramsar Co. Registered Patent Attorney., 579.
Bank street, Ottawa.
HAVE 15011 anything needs dyeing or clean.
Mgt Write to us for information. We are
glad to answer your questions. Department
H. Parkor's Dye Works Limited. 701 Tonga
Street. Toronto, Ontario,
1520141 WANTED
7o1- experlenced immigrant farmhelp from
Homaad arriving opringa1949, apply 'Dutch
Immigration Committee,' F.O. Box 234,
Chatham, Ontario,
1.00 ACRES CHOICE LAND. Good house,
banner', piggery. shed, born, maple bush
15.000. 100 ac. Joining traversed same streak,
150.000 .standing Pine, 600 cords flood on
Paved highway 95,000, 60 at. excellent house,
well at door. maple bush, hydro available' in
all 11600. S ac, good 60' ,barn, new 50' hen-
nery, 6011015 deck brick house. hydro 97,000.
Chas. Facl,ire, owner, Brighton. R. 1, Ont.
'or new hate end orates.
Queen 50.
ottdwe, Ont
SITNK-WOLP-PO, TRA.PP.ERS cash in ontbo
high ]Sink Prices and Wolf Bounty, trollying
ate Scientific Way, using Fishers Course and
Scent made from Animals. Wends. Write for
Particulars to Fisher. Box 410. Calgary,. Alta.
NEW factory -built enettp:owe, different
a'5es:.hand hydraulic. Immediate delivery.
Craig Equipment Rek:sle'od,. _1 Ctemberlatn
ate.. Ottawa..
MENS P'RE WOOL SOCIIS. y115 harm, extra
.ors wear1tt- Gror o, white. Bettina wrebtht
21.20 pr. er 112.00 der pro. Light weight
515 or 19.6'- drr. pre Sam's wee: mitts 90c
D^.. de:ive ni. 7550-73fox:n. S: time. Stan.
fe.d:=g types. 1V0110 • 1 -^talogue.
S15 BLO0R $ . 01, TORONTO
1500 SALE-Acctoilahs : to 120 bear, write
fen 0atzleen terve arranged, also 811
ether It.strtrziala 10 4 T.e-r, tlegereville,
Sla.sz L6asttre-1'-w ^: Delteery
Free est-..
Removable sla 0 and tapes.
115 CLNTS A 50rARE and
MOBRIS AND e.0\ - WA. 8144
170 Stre-st. near, Queen. Toronto
F.:,_e 0 1:a.. Or_er,
nee Etta. :Men 001' 31
z I:". ws,t:. *,..acheeks. 3..,for.
31415 goetipt., H.sevy ieng wearing bolh.
15 trete, 0 81' S 5 n 01* 0.1. 12,0111 or
>;- white tire; a rl•=" steee cocas
18.01 Parma -d. EXceytionol value.
s-,..: t tee sats: 30011071012100 if net
ea 2. 1 W0:15 n Dm :.,. , 3 Weba.
te-; 12,1:% extra done.
Orsin Ors.White, Brom. Reuther,
^10010' -_ Gree Black-
er 1�r t_4. : ace; 32110 1b.
-e25row5 rigry 5fas.. 1521;.:;.. Sion.
15210at..:. este
r 1 R::rs
'Smear _ Ter0010
vvn:'tet' a3 S8s.1::.5.8, Famous
Vane t-1 a_: GB.= Rouge steams: peteed
s:t.k 0wt te, delivery
Wmts Lancaster.
Blue, eloeoo-flllod, satin -lined, zippered, Wit
proof and'water-eopeliant, knit cuff and anlla;
Pockets; and hood ideal tor. dootore on nig v
oeee., :Farme10, 150000110, etc, Cost 5150.00.
Surplus Products, 206 Dalhouele St„ Ottales,.
Immediate delivery before heavy Spring ?a-
mend%,. With 2. furrow Lift Plongh0, Deo
Plows, Elsa Harrowo, Mowers; Snow Ploughs,
Hydraulic :Loaders and . other tmplementfl
Write oPmflYcl®t
ngs Street, Toronto for full particular..
Dally new. Ono t et drawn ag Dees. s
rake One Cocksh on 'stool wagon, W.'
Bell, KR, 8, London, Phone MET, 9600,7- ,
ROOFINGS and SIDING, 5 to 14161 flu,
lengths, sheet 80", cover 82" wide, 00
g8uge, -
BRICK IMITATION paper to roll, 10�"t
Colors red, burr, and green, 610,11 toast a.ae.
108PIIALT' ;red ee,85, rod roofing,- paper
soan, tarred telt, beaver board. -
Price and salhplea. on r0000,t. tmmodta05
delivery from atm*.
ASPHALT SHINGLES, -210 lbs. 14.05,. ;Square.
Color red, .green, bleak,- '
ROLLED ROOFING;' DO lbs. Red. green, 95.00
ROerer squari SIDING: Red, buff, green. SI. 00
per ag0000, F.O.B. Chatotte.
A. L. GONNEVILLE M'F'G. Ohorette, pus.
MOVING SALE 'of 2 -wheel trailer., Clearing
Price $126,00, Waverley Motors, 146 Albert
St. gttawa, Ont. ,
iargeat stock ' of used and new parte !03'
the older ,popular makers of farm tractors.
Write us for price Bete, stating make of
tractor, -General. Tractor & Supply Machine
Shop, 332 ,Winnipeg St., Regina,.
GOOD . ADV10E7 Every sufferer of Rheumf-
tic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's: •
Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 836. Elgin.
Ottawa. .Postpaid 51,00. - -
IT'S IMPORTANT -Every sufferer of Rheµ-
natio Patna or Neuritis .should try Dixon's
Remedy... Munro's Drug Store, 995 Elgin,
Ottawa. • Postpaid 51.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good wakes,
thousands successful Marvel graduatee.
America's greatest system.. Illustrated eats.
• Logue free, Write or Call
358 Blom St, W., Toronto
Branches: 44 Kink 8t., 'Hamilton
& 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa.
MEN -Cut your own hair. Illustrated %8truc-
tone -11.00. Special- limited offer. Handl.
crafts, Sochelt,' R.C.
SHORTHAND AT HOME, Send' only oh.
dollar to Ringetvay College, 2018 Sheer
Street, Toronto, Manual has English, French
and speed sections. Instruction bulletin, -
Certificate awarded.. -
FETHERSTONA1GB & Company, .Patent Bo
!loiters. Entabifahed 1850, 14 King West,
Toronto. Booklet Of Information On request.
curate. Please write for Information, Eva
Winfield, 859 Thurlow, No. 208, Vancouver,
807 ALL Different 100. Triangles, commem-
oratives, high vainest Bicolored beauttesl
Strange countries! .Extra: Ionian stamp, All
only 110o With approvals. Garoelon Stamp
Company, Boz 428, Calais, Maine, U.S.A.
FARMS, country homes and country buel-
nease5 wanted 'immediately for waiting
clients. Some with all cash. What have you
to offer for sale? N. H. Daniela Realtor,
1184 Poore Street, Toronto;
Highest prices paid for scrap gold jewelry,
gold dental work, range, chains, watches, gold
coins, eta. Satisfaction guaranteed or mer-
chandise returned, Old Gold Co. 107 Craig
SA West, Montreal 3:
A home away fromn home. Graduate nurses;
male and female: night and day duty. Excel-
lent 50,050, *Asea moderate, private and semi-
prlvato roma available. Our opectalty 1e
nervous, aged and convalescent. Our aim:
For Informatlan 05527 to euperintendt; or
0Om'teey and ee0t'150
pone 5.8353.
Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind 01
Relief That Helps Mahe You Rerin' To Co
Born than half of your digestionis done
below the belt -in your 28 feet of bowels.
So when indigestion .strikes, try eooethinB
Shot helps digestion to the etmnaoh. Alga.
below the belt.
Sine to you
new led help totShot "forgotten
25 foot" of boa'ola,
'rake ono Carter's tittle Liver. Pill before
and 01100010r meals. Telco Gunn nneor111n8 to
direotlona. They help 5 010 np 11 huger flow
of the 3 main theeutivehnin11 In your Moaned)
AND bowels-holp.you tautest whet t'0u have
eaten in Name's own way.
Then most folies got Mu kindofrelief Mat
nualeesiot tool better from 7000 bond 10.yeur
toes, Just he eur0 101) 511E MI5 a0nttlno Carter's
Little livor I ih,l bent ,your elruggtot-15o
Cotten are dangersns If ntfleltltl,.
Sot Relief hsnally.,, QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY
kr ALL IrnIIIISIS'd 400 1.0-5
;:Eiji TgAT WATER 0II4
I:TS a V,r14.43-,YOU
PUSOEST 7};1 u1CtBa=r tY
C 2dW 52 y SAi -
By Montana