HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-01-13, Page 16THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1949 HENSALL Mrs, Effie Bell returned to her home hi Loudon after visiting with Mr. end Mrs. William Dignan. • Mr. John Beer of Labrador is spend- ing his furlough at the home of his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. Mr. and Mrs; Lloyd Cook and fam- ily visited with relatives in Lucan. A number of member's of the W.M.S. and Arnold Circle of Carmel Presby- terian Church attendedthe annual Presbyterail meeting held in Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs. F. Adair and children visited the former's sister, Mrs. Janes Mor- ris in Goderich. The inaugural meeting of the 1949 village council was on Jan.' 4 at 11 a.m. in the council chamber With all members present. The Reeve asked Euchre &Dance IN HENSALL TOWN HALL Sponsored by the Kippen East Women's Institute Friday, Jan. 14 Euchre starts at 8.30 sharp Dancing at 11 Music by Fred Walters Orch. Admission 50c. Ladies please provide lunch Rev. R. 'A. Brook to open the 1947, sessions. Rev, Mr, Brook addressed the council and offered up. a player for divine guidance for the coning year. Reeve A. W, Kerslake acidressad the council and asked for their co-opera- tion during ,the• year,, and stated that one member was just as much a. coun- cillor as tufa other and that it took five members to make a good council, McKILLOP Mrs. Charles Eggert rand Mr. Nor- man Eggert visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Aikens at Sebringville on Monday. Miss Leota Hoegy and Mr. Edwin McKenzie of Detroit were week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Fred Hoegy. Mrs. 'P. Eckart of Dublin has been visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Joe Eckart for the past week. Miss Mary I•Ioran of Stratford was a week end visitor at her home here. Mr. end Ms's. Alex. Stoskopf of Fullerton visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ische of Seb- ringville were Sunday visitors in this vicinity. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Joe Eckart who underwent a serious operation in Seaforth hospi- tal last week is making a satisfac- tory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and chil- • MONDAY • TUESDA Y • WEDNESDAY are "POULTRY DAYS" AT SEAFORTH PRODUCE In order to give complete and satisfactory service to farmers wishing to sell Poultry, we are reserving the first three days each week for this purpose Deliveries to be made at either of our Main Street stores Seaforth Produce Ltd. PHONE 170-W SEAFORTH 11 n onaaa,,, itm eautintlotto,ommu,ou„m,lgnn coo aun:tool ,,eumot uqh a ouemnumo moss m m m„mnm ---Ford Tractor Owners NOW is a good time to have your tractor overhauled TELEPHONE 102 FOR APPOINTMENTS DALY OTORS Ford Monarch Dealer Seaforth ,,,,111111.11,,1111,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,1111,,,nnueanaaneaunuu 1annauutttteanuuumuuae,eeann"aeuuuuuamuu film Showing and Lecture on Hospitalization at S.S. 9, Tuckersniith (Red Tavern School) eN FRIDAY, JAN. 14 - 8.30 p.m. Everybody Welcome ADMISSION FREE Announcement • A detailed report on the status of Hospi- talization plans in operation will be made, along with the pending financial report W. H. FINNIGAN CHAIRMAN OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD L WE HAVE IT! "Rosedale” Alberta coal left mines Jan. 7th. Orders now accepted for off -car delivery William M. Hart Office Telephone 593-W To reach our office turn at the Dick House corner .dren, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welter - sen were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler of Willow Grove. • The annual meeting of the Evan- gelical Church here was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler on 'Tuesday evening, Jan. llth. Mr. George Barr celebrated his 80th birthday on Saturday Jan. 8. CARD OF THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH. I wish to thank all who supported me in my re-election to the 1949 Council Wm. Rogerson At Finnigan's IN STOCK FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. It is now possible to offeryou the modern war -born Double -action 'Automatic Fire Extinguisher:, selling at 5.40; Also shipment of Rubber Boots and Oyster Shell, attractively priced If in the market for APPLES, remember FINNIGAN'S Ili stock,'Spys,; Stark, Tolman Sweets W. J.FINNIGAN & SON 'caw A44.44.4 '` -CARD OF THANKS The familyof the late Robert C, Doig 'Nish to thank all the friends and neighbors who kindly gave. their assistance 'find help when R was so greatly appreciated,: especially the Rev. Mr. Gardiner and all those who loaned their cars and assisted .in the.- home at that time. "Mor -Power SUPER-BILT 'AUTO BATTERIES 13 -plate Heavy. Duty. 105 amp (13 months' guarantee) $13.20 15 -plate Super -Service, 2 -year guarantee $14.85 17 -plate Ford V-8 and Chevrolet 1937-39 (2 -year guarantee).,15.40 17 -plate Ford 1140 (2 -year uarantee) $17.30 17 -plate Armor -Glass, 101/4 a 7" 138 amperes (1 -year guarantee).: 917.75 17 -plate Armor -Glass, 135 amperes (9" 7" case), 3 -year guarantee 918.80 $3.00 Trade-in Allowance for your old -battery Batteries Installed — No Charge BAYFIELD The installation of . the officers for 1949 for L.O.L. No. 24 was held in the Orange hall and the following were appointed: W. Master, Bro Kenneth Merner, Deputy Master, Bro. L. Scotchmer; Chaplain, Bro. Clifford Talbot; Treas., Bro. Harold Stinson; financial. sec., Bro. Grant Turner, ,Sec'y, Bro. W. L. Elliott; Marshall, Bro. Robert Turner; 1st. Lecturer, Bro. Reg. Miller; 2nd Lec- turer, Bro. Ralph Cornish; lst. 'Com- mitteeman, Bro. Dewar Talbot; 2nd Bro Emmerson Heard; 3rd, Bro T. H. Mack, 4th, Bro,Fred Weston, 5th, Bro. Fred Wallis; Tyler, Bro. Harold Penhale; Sentinel, Bro. Robert Mc- Illwain. Miss Beverley York spent a few days in' Stratford last week before returning to her school at Lucan on Sunday. Miss Gloria Westlake of London is spending her vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter West- lake. Miss Phyllis Mack returned home on Monday after spending the past week in Toronto, Mr. Harold Weston, Ray and Su- sanne Weston, of Detroit, spent the New Year's weekend with Miss Eliz - beth Weston. 38s', and Mrs. Ted Morley of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt London were weekend visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baker. Mr. Alien Ormond of Dearbon, Mich., spent a few clays at the Al- bion Hotel last week. Miss Mabel Scotchmer of Toronto is visiting Mrs. Robert Scotchmer On Sunday evening .`The Nativi- ty Pageant" was presented by the Sunday School of Trinity Church at the evening service. The Rector Rev. Laverne Morgan read the scriptures while the different scenes took place, The Annunciation Scene, The Herald Angels, The Shepherds and the Kings. The Junior children sang "Away in the Manger". Carols were sung and Mr. Morgan read the story of each. During the service Mrs. Maynard 'Corrie sang "0 Holy Night". We are again contracting for BARLEY for Canada Malting Co. If interested, get in touch with us Geo. T. 11ickIe&SQns Hensall, Ontario LiiiPhone 103 Nights 133 • Canadian Tire Corp. Associate Store SMITH BROS., PROP. DUBLIN PHONE 73 Ask for a catalogue _ FOR SALE 5/8 hp Johnson Iron Horse, almost new. Apply to ALLAN WRIGHT, phone 283-J WANTED TO BUY Wanted a - few bushels of Alsike seed. WILFRID O'ROURKE, phone 37r9 Dublin FOR SALE 10 slightly used Warner electric brooders ; & 4 colony houses 10x12 ft. MOORE'S POUL- TRY FARM. Phone 666r3 Seaforth FOR SALE Cockshutt 70 standard Tractor on rubber. Starter, lights and power take -all. Just over-. hauled and fitted with new sleeves and pist- ons, 4 years old. KEN THOMPSON, 833r13 FOR SALE About .1 tons of threshed Timothy.2 tons of Timothy hay. Apply to LORNE ROE, phone 842r22 Seaforth WANTED Would like to buy a colony house, either 10x12 or 10x14, in real good condition. Also would like to buy two shelters that will accommodate 100 birds each. Apply to Box 531, or phone, 802-w Seaforth FOR SALE A. lady's 91 length for muskrat coat sire 14-10, only used 2 winters and in very good condition, 76.00. 1 girl's or small lady's black Spring cont, very good condition & modern, 10.00. size 14. 1 girl's navy wool skirt size 18-14 1.00. 1 lady's dress size 14, turquoise 18 in Jboa, pricebox 4, 0.eApplys aak a t chains, 06et KIPPEN W.M.S. Hold First Meeting Of New Year The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church here, met on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of MTs. Harry Caldwell with Mrs. Sohn ,Sf11- elair co -hostess, with a good attend- ance. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Robt. Elgie and opened the meeting with Dedi- cation followed 'by hymn 299. Mrs. John Sinclair then read the•medita- tion, The scripture lesson Joshua 23: 1-10 was read by Mrs. John Ander- son; hymn 235 was then sung. Six- teen members answered the roll call with the text verses beginning with the letter C. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot then favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Emerson Kyle then gave the study ."Doctors Old and New". The dos- ing hymn 12.77 was then sung and Mrs. Elgie closed the meeting with the benediction. Lunch was served by Circle 3. The 'slate of officers for 1949 was as follows: Hon: Pres. Mrs. Ernie .Chipchase; Pres:, Mrs. Robt. Elgie; 1st vice-pres,, Mrs. Winston Workman; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. John Sinclair; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. Joe McLellan; 4th vice-pres., Mrs. Harry Caldwell; sec'y, Mrs. John Anderson; treas., Mrs. Norman Long; press sec'y, Mrs. A. •Gack- stetter; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Wm. Alexander; Baby Band sec'y, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; Mission Band Supt., Mrs. Tom Kay; Community Friendship, Mrs, Earl Sproat; Christ- ian Stewardship, Mrs. A. Hinton; Supply Secy, Mr's. Herbert Jones; Temperance Sec'y, M'rs. R; Peck; Supply Com., Mrs, J. McLean, Mrs. H. Daman, Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. A. .Gackstetter; pianist, Mrs. Harold Jones; assistant pianist, Mrs. John Sinclair; Sunshine Committee, Mrs. FOR SALE 1911 Hudson sedan, in first elms repair, new brakes throughout, new radiator, battery, generator. with heater, etc. 'May be seen at CLARICE'S GARAGE, Seaford) FOR SALE Young Durham low, to freshen resabout Feb. st. Phony siio FOR SALE Pair of tire chains 30a105, new last win- ter, Apply to. HILLER ADAMS, phone 045,.22 FOR SALE One cow, part Hereford and Rolston. T-10 tested, due R.R.1of ullin,n Phone l 40 4 CHAS. FOR SALE Good Jersey eow for sale, freshen first week in February. FRED ITURST, 11123 Seaforth, Phone 2511.32 FOR SALE 4 -cycle Briggs & Stratton 111 Is; gas en- gine, recently overhauled. NORVAL STI - MORE, phone 248021 Seaforth central. Winson RR1. LEATHER KNEE PATCHES 35c pr. . Galoshes -re -furred W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR THE SEAFORTH NEWS ' • Snowdon Bros., Ptiblishera Authorised as Second Class mail, Post Office - Dept., Ottawa FOR SALE "Kitchen -Aid" kitchen cabinet, in good shape; eight -piece solid oak dining room suite. consisting of table, buffet and chairs, nearly new. Apply to Walton, phone 90r5 Brussels central, Also a Colony House 10x12 nearly new, painted rind -wired for hydro. NOTICE BOX Nuntrat P1iC If you are interested, a 24 page booklet will be sent to you with no obligation whatsoever, giving the declaration of policy of the Pro- gressive Conservative party as adopted at the 1945 National Convention at Ottawa. Write to CLARE WESTCOTT; Box 69, Seaforth E. Kyle, Mrs, Eldon Jarrett. The slate of officers for the W.A. for 1949 is as follows: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. E. McBride, Mrs. Allan Johnson; Pres., Mrs. R. Peck; 1st vice-pres., Mrs, John Sin- clair; 2nd vice -pies., Mrs. E. Chip - chase; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. Harold Jones; 4th vice-pres., Mrs. Winston Workman; sec treas., Mrs. E. Mc- Bride; finance conn., Mrs. Emerson Kyle, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. The congregation of St. Andrew's United Church here are holding their annual meeting on Friday evening Jan. 21st, A pot -luck supper will precede the meeting. IRNIAANWWWWWWWWINIANI For Sale by Tender AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 ' Night 595 W The , following parcels of land are offered for sale by tender to close the estate of the late Margaret O'Connor: FIRSTLY: The South half of the East half of Lot Number 26 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, on which land there is said to be erected a small frame house: SECONDLY; The South one-quarter of Lot Number 95 in the 4th Concession of the said Township of Hibbert. - Written tenders for all of the said lands together or each parcel separately accompanied by marked cheque for 101./o of 'tender will be received by the undersigned on or before the 1st day of February, 1949. Balance payable in cash on closing. The highest or. any tender not necessarily accepted. HAROLD JACKSON, R.R.' 4, Seaforth, Ontario, Administrator Margaret O'Connor Esate. or McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator VARNA Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster and Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Clarke are visiting with relatives in Kitchener. Mrs. E. Smith and daughter Mrs. Dodsworth, London, were renewing acquaintances in the village, Sunday Mrs. Wm. Ball and Master Nelson spent theweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott and Mrs. Mossop Master Alex Ostrom had the mis- fortune to have a nasty cut above his eye while at school. He was rush- ed to the Doctor and it took four stitches to close the wound. Miss E. Logan, Hensel', is spend- ing some time with .Miss Mossop. Mr. and Mrs. Walper and children, Exeter, visited with the lady's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chuter, on Sunday. - Mrs. Gertrude Reid was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Keys and family. Mrs. Broadfoot is visiting her daughter Mrs. 0. Dowson and family We are pleased to report that the United Church is nearing comple- tion, the ladies were very busy Mon- day getting ready for the workman to finish their work. Mrs. Gertrude Reid spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys. Mr. Ralph Stephenson and Alvin Keys spent Friday in London. IN THE MATTER OF SEA - FORTH CREAMERY LIMITED: - In: an issue of a local paper dated the 7th January 1949 the undersigned published certain notices relating to the above Company IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. These notices were published in accordance with the existing laws and referred to SEA - FORTH CREAMERY LIMITED, a company which at one time operated the local creamery. It DID NOT refer to the existing creamery or its Man- agement. It is regretted if the afore- mentioned advertisements have in any way reflected on the credit or other- wise on the 1n'esent management of "Seaforth Creamery " ALVIN WILSON SILLERY, Liquid- ator, Seaforth Creamery Limited Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of ;nsurauce riskseffect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH ONT. Officers—President. C. W. Leonhardt Brod- hagen; Vice Pres„ Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors—Robt.. Archibald, Seaford); Frank McGregor, Clinton;. S. H. Whitmore; Seafortb RR3 ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth 1 J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander. Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goerich RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefield 1 R: F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact ether business, will be promptly attended to • by applications , to any of th above named officers addressed to their respective post offices . .FOR SALE Frame dwelling' in Egmmndville, early possession. Apartment Block and poolroom equipment. cornet' Goderich St. and Main St. Will be sold jointly or separately. Early possession. 100 acres choice farm land near Chisel - burst, good barn and other buildings. Very moderately priced, Wanted to Buy--Farat landsuitable for eel - Ovation, without buildings, miles north of Good Parra 100 acres, 21,.(2 Seaforth. Early possession. Creek passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William st. 11/2 storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth, 'M. A. REID, Seaforth FARMERS Brooder coal is moving. Did you get 5001' supply? WILLIAM M. HART, Office Tele- phone 593-W, Seaforth NOTICE New Singer sewing machines, cabinet and electric portables ; also treadle machines. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CEN- TRE, '78 Ontario street, Stratford FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. H1GHEST CASH PRICES for DEAD STOCK HORSES Each $5.00 CATTLE Each $5.00 HOGS per cwt. $1.50 According to size and condition CAUL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.nl. to 5 p.m„ daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOH,N A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seatorth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. ACE;;;_ -.- Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday • In each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -13 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- - pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell' 4 Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and. Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON S. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President WM. H. COATES, Exeter Vice-pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR, RI. Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEy� Kirkton RR1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY Kirkton RRI AGENTS ALVIN HARRIS Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Cromarty T. G. BALLANTYNE Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER Exeter Solicitors, Glodman & Cochrane, Exeter E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 MOORE'S POULTRY FARM . - Order 1949 Chicks ' Early We are now booking orders for our famous strain of Fast Feathering Barred Rocks, and N.H. x Barred Rock, and W. L. x Barred Rock." ' This is a Canadian Accredited Hatchery. 2,500 Fast Feathering Barred Rock Breeders Government Banded and blood -tested. Also Poultry Equipment & Supplies MOORE'S POULTRY FARM PHONE 666-3 - SEAFORTH