HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-12-30, Page 1The Seafart
A. highly respected Brucefield
couple, ,Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haugh,
celebrated their golden 'wedding an-
niversary on
n-niversary:on Tuesday, Dec. 28th.
Following a family dinner at their,
home in Brucefield, they went to
the home of their son Wallace for
the afternoon. A large number of
friends called to extend best wishes;
visitors being present from Toron-.
•to, Dashwood, Stratford, • Meaford,.
and the surrounding district.
Among thosepresent were five
who hadbeen at the wedding fifty
years ago: Mr. George Hess of Hen -
sail, • nephew; Mrs. Dan Haugh,. of
Dashwood, and Mrs. John Haugh, of
Zurich, sisters-in-law of Mr. Haugh,
Mrs. James Carne, Bayfield, and
Mr..Robeert Allan, . Brucefield, sister
and brother of Mrs. Haugh.
A buffet supper was served to
about thirty guests. - Mr. and Mrs.
Haughreceived many lovely gifts
during the day. BothMr. and Mrs.
Haugh are enjoying good health.
Married at Blake, they lived in
North Dakota' for eight years and
in. Hay township for eight years be-
fore' coming to Brucefield where
they farmed for about twenty years
before retiring to the village.
Reeve Dan Beuermann was elect-
ed reeve of .McKillop by acclamation
at the nomination meeting at Win-
throp on Monday, and last year's
councillors are also elected by 'ac-
clamation: Councillors Wilson Little,
Matthew Murray,' James T. Scott
and Albert Siemon. Earl Mills- and
Jerry- Doerr were also. nominated
but later withdrew.
Northside United Church
Rev. 11. V. Workman,', Minister.
10• a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Christ's Estimate of Hu-
manity's Condition". •
7 p•m.,,"Are we partakers of His
Week of Prayer services, Monday
to Friday: 'Thursday at Northside
Worship in the New Year. •
Egmondville• United Church
'Rey. ,A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Walking in the -Truth",
7 _p.m. "The Tireless Activity of
the Father".
The Salvation Army
Sr. Capt.. L. Burch, Capt. D. Mac-
Donald. -
11' a.m. Holiness Meeting.
3 p.m. Sunday School
7 p.m. Salvation Meeting
• Friday, Dec. 31 at 11.30 p.m. Watch
night seavice.
You are cordially invited to attend
these services
St. Thomas' Church
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
Services at 11. a.m. and 7 p.m
-will be conducted by Mr. Jones, of
London. -
St. Mary's Church, Dublin, 3 p.m.
For Council:
Gordon Richardson nominated bY
N. P. McKenzie, Joseph 'McKenzie;
J. W. Crich by Andrew E. Crozier,
Geo. L. Falconer;; Harold' • Jackson
by David McLean, Wm. Cameron;
Alfred Moffat by Elgin Thompson,
G. Richarson; Wm. Rogerson by
Wm. Fotheringham, F. Walters;
John Broadfoot by' R. Chapman, D.
Dayman; Archibald Hoggarth by H.
Caldwell, Ernest Ross; Roy Pepper
by Gregor McGregor, John E. Turn-
er; Roy Bell by Joe McLellan, Ross
For Reeve:
'Arthur Nicholson nominated by
Wm. Cameron,' Harry Chesney;
Charles -MacKay by John Consitt,
Lorne Hay; Harold Jackson by Reg.
McMane, Robt. Strong; Roy Pepper
by D. Dayman, K. P. McKenzie.
For School Trustee:
Stanley Jackson nominated by Ar-
ther. Varley, Roy Consitt; Howard
Johns by Roy Pepper, Wm. R. Pep-
per; Norman McLean by W. Ht Fin-
nigan, Harry Chesney; Robt. Mc-
Gregor by Ross Broadfoot, Joe Mc-
REEVE — George Armstrong
REEVE—Elmer Webster (acct.)
COUNCIL — Carl Houston, Alvin
McBride, Harvey Coleman, Harvey
Taylor i(accl.)
Frank McCowan, William McLach-
lan (accls.).
REEVE—Hugh Berry ,(acct.)
COUNCIL — Wellington Bock,
James Simpson, Berene Bincombe,
Harold Jeffray ('accls.).;
REEVE — Frank Allen (nal.).
'CGQUNCIL—Earl R. Dick, Clifford
Dow, Edgar Butson, John L. Coyne
McKillop Charge
Will the people of McKillop,
Charge of the United Church please
note the following changes in the
time of service. Beginning next
'Sunday, Jan. 2nd, services will he:
Bethel 11 a.m., Caven 1.30 p.m.,
Duff's ,3 p.ni. They will continue in.
this order until April 1st. -
The death occurred on Sunday,
Dec. 19th, at her home, 139 Donlea
Dr., Leaside, of Elaine Irvine, be-
loved wife of Robert C. Dickson,
and only child of Herbert N. and
Mabel Irvine, 32 Gresham Rd., Tor-
onto. She passed away suddenly at
her home on Sunday morning. Mrs.
Dickson was a granddaughter of
the- late J : J. and SarahIrvine•of
McKillop township. Burial took place
in Mt. Pleasant cemetery on Dec. 28
Ex -Alderman Thomas W. Copp,
78, who died at his home in London,
Monday night, was • a cousin of the
late Mrs. Annie Westcott of Sea -
forth. He was a native of Devon,
England, and with his brother had
conducted the Copp Brothers Supply
Company in London for many years.
An uncle, the late William Copp, was
a resident of Seaforth, and was the
contractor who built • the Cardno
Block in Seaforth, and many houses
in.town. Mn: Thomas Copp is surviv-
ed by his wife, one son, Stanley F.
;Copp of London, and two daughters,
Mrs. Ethel Burks, of Texas, and
Mrs. Howard Sampson, of London.
Mr. Copp was active in London civic
affairs and for -a number of years
sat oncity council.
Mr. William Murray of Egmmondville'
brought to The News office this week
a .Murrauphin corn cob witli five
points on it, making it look very much
like a hand. Mr. Murray intends to
plant the -porn from this cob next year
and see what happens. •
We wish all a Happy, Healthy and
Prosperous New Year.
Some of the Christmas gatherings
were; family reunion at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beacom
Mis. A. W. Mc'Ewing and Jim,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwing and fa-
ncily, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd
and family, of Harriston, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper
in Tuckersmith.
Ferris, reunion at the home of
Mr. Reece Ferris.
Leiper reunion at the 'home of
Mrs. James Leiper and family.
McVittie reunion at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear.
Misses Doris and Helen Lear were
home for the holiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. James•Scott and fa-
mily returned to Toronto on Mon-.
day. •
Mr. Archie Watt of Centralia just
got off in time for supper, returning
to Exeter that night where he is
running a taxi during his leave.
Fred Shobbrook reunion at their
home in Londesboro.
Mrs. James Watt spent Christmas
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Lear and is holidaying for a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Watt and family. -
Mr. and" Mrs. Stanley Chellew of
Blyth were also guests at the home
•of . Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear for
Mr. Donald Watt .returned to To-
ronto with Mr. and Mrs. James
The 1949 hockey schedule for the.
O.H.A. Intermediate 'B' teams was
drawn up on Tuesday night at Mit-
Teams in this grouping are Well-
esley, 'Goderich, Mitchell, Clinton
Colts, Milverton, Cjentralia RCAF,
Clinton R. and C.S., and Seaforth.
The following is the schedule:
Horne games:
Jan. 6 —Milverton, Jan. 11 —
RCAF Centralia; Jan, 20—R&CS
Clinton; Jan. 25—Mitchell; Feb. 1
--;Goderich; Feb. 3—Clinton Colts,
Feb. 8—Wellesley.
Away genres:
Jan.' 3—At Wellesley; Jan. 17 ---
At Goderich; Jan. 22—At Mitchell;
Jan. 24—At Clinton Colts; San, 28
—At Milverton; Feb. 4—At Cent-
ralia -RCAF; Feb. 9—At. R8tOS
Clinton. • •
* * ?
There are fifteen players inter-
ested in playing on the . Seaforth
Intermediate B team. The players
who have been attending practices
Goal, Pete Wilson, A. Baker; de-
fence, 'Doc' Cameron, 'The Bug'
Hildebrant, 'Gus' Boussey, Jaek Ni-
cholson. Forwards, `Iron Man'
Kennedy, Bill - O'Shea, 'Butch' Beat-
tie, Jack Eisler, 'Coogan' Knight
Ted Wilson, Angus McLean, Frank
Ellwood, 'Putt' Sills, and `Rube'
The team will be chosen by Bill
O'Shea at the next praetica." So to
see the team come one and all on
Thursday, Jan. 6th and see the 1949
team in action. -
* * * a
Don't forget the exhibition hoc-
key game to -night at the Palace
Rink at 8:30 p.m. The Seaforth Int.
'B' team will hook up with the Lon-
don Athletes, 1947-48 champions of
the Westminster Industrial League.
This will be the first game for the
Seaforth team for the 1948-49 sea-
son and should be a thriller.
Messrs Frank and Barry lYlarshall
of Toronto at their home.
Miss Leona Watson, London, at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger
and family, Hamihon, with relatives.
Misses Ada and Olive Craig, Lon-
don. and Miss Alberta Craig, List-
owel, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollard in
The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will
hold their first meeting of the year
on Wednesday, Jan. 5th at the home
of Mrs. Eldon O'Brien with group
two in ,charge; the roll call is "What
I would like to accomplish in 1949".
t e -ear we realize how important y our_
At the close ofanoh another p
friendship and good will has been. We appreciate the opportun- o
itythe holiday season brings to say "Thank You" and to wish
d you . -
-a' -all.awl-1,FtY.F- w.get-ml.F�l'.F-o4i
$1 a year
$4,405.80 RAISED FOR > ?mcxxacacx%s;:vacavc,►saao. •
Announcement was made this o ( s r,
week by Miss F. Armstrong, secre- o' ` ?, i
nary of Huron county Tuberculosis e ••
Association, of the generous re- /v /
sponse to the Christmas Seal Camp-
ign this year. 8,181 letters were
a /enc out with seals enclosed in the /�oun y of Huron, and as of De-
,, •. sh: _.�r //,e
21 the returns are $4 405. /
0 /
/ e
e /
WishingHappy All A New Year
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. L. Whitely, Gor-
gte; Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Wells and
Douglas were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Youngblut on Christ -
rites day. -
• Mrs. Wm. Lyon spent the Xmas
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
'Stewart, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair, Ann and
Marie spent Xmas at the home of
Mrs: Elizabeth Lyon' and Mrs. C.
Watson. -
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Lois
and Kenneth,• Mr. and Mrs. James
Roberton and Mrs. F. Wood, and
Mrs. Martha Gray were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ,Manning:
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Youngblut spent
Xmas in their new home here; they
also had most of their family at
home with them.
' The Sunday School Xnias tree en-
tertainment held in the community
hall on Dec. '23rd was a success. The
tree was well laden with gifts and
the children had a good time. There
was a fine entertainment very suit-
able for the "'Xmas season. ,
Mrs. T. Adams has returned from
the _Clinton Hospital and is much.
improved in health, •
Master Jimmy Carter, son of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Iva Carter, underwent a
tonsil operation a week ago. He .is
naw: at home again.
Mr. Murdock Ross is a patient in'
Clinton Community Hospital, having
offered a .parlytic stroke and was
ound lying on the floor at his home'
unable to get up, a short time -ago.,
'tis friends wish him a -speedy re--
WARNA covery.
Mrs. A. McConnell is spending theMr. and Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Jack,
Margaret and Mrs. D. Manning
holiday season. `with her daughter, , spent Xmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Argo, Mr. Argo and.'family, Mrs. Bert Hunting.
Toronto. Miss Laving Knox, Toronto, spent,
Dr. Heave, Mrs. Reid and daugh-' 7rmas with her parents Mn. and Mrs.
ter, Toronto, celebrated the Christ- Knox.
mad holiday with the Dr's mother, IL" Mrs, W. T. Bruirsden spent Xmas
Mrs. M Reid._ ' ,.. x .. - ..•' ratth•-Mr..;and_Mrs.. at. VPdden,..and
Others who cer. an etl'7iinas-witrt 'Mr.'Albert`Vodden, Clinton. • •
relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Chntor � Mrs: ,Chas. 'Rade] spent with
and babe, Hamilton, with Mr. and friends 'et Clinton.
Mrs. E. Chutor. Mr; and: Mrs. E. J. Crawford •and
Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson and son, Johnson,'Miss Marg. Ellen. Prest,
Clinton, with Mrs. G. Reid. Mitchell, were with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner, Exeter, Fred Prest. •
Mr .and Mrs. G. Hprner and family, Miss Alice Fingland spent Xmas
Hamilton and Mrs. Rathwell with at the home of her brother ,Colin
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
George Hoggarth. -
Mr. and Mrs. Les Naftel, Logan,
and Mrs. Logan of Blyth, spent
Christmas with the Stephensons.
Miss Doris Lawson and Mr. Ted
Warren of London spent the Christ-
mas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MaeGregor and
family speent Thursday with rela-
tives at Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dale
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. McMichael at Auburn.
Miss Beulah Woods of London
spent. the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and
Bruce of Grand- Valley spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. James Medd.
Mrs. Oliver Anderson' received
Word that her mother Mrs. Robert
CIarke of London has had the this -
fortune to fall and injure her hip.,
Mr. and Mrs. I{elso Adams of
Saltford and Miss Donelda Adams
of Clinton spent Christmas with Ma
and Mrs. Ernest Adams:
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and
Mrs. Robert Lawson spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Les Lawson ; of
Tuckersmith. •
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Norman Willis •(nee Marion Lawson)
'of Kitchener received slight injuries
when struck by a motor car last
Mr. Andrew Montgomery and
Ross of Brantford spent Christmas
at their home.
Mr. Roger. McClure of Russell,
Man., is spending the winter months
with his parents, Mir and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson and
family spent Christmas at Milverton
with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maddess. .
The many friends of Mr. Jack
Acheson will be sorry to hear he is
in Scott Memorial Hospital, having
suffered a stroke on 'Thursday
evening. He is a little better now.
Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters spent
Christmas at Atwood. -
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven,
Winthrop, will meet 011 Wednesday,.
Jan. 5th, at 2 p.m. in the school-
room of the church. Circle three will
hal=e charge of the meeting.
The fortieth anniversary of the
'marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Harburn, Staffa, was a joyous occa-
sion when relatives gathered in sur-
prise 'Saturday night to extend their
heartiest congratulation and to' wish
them many more years of happiness
together. There were gifts, also, as
tangible evidence of the regard in
which they are held and numerous
congratulatory cards and a letter
from a farmer school chum of the
groom, W. H. Golding, M.P., of Sea -
forth, both having attended S.S. 3
MANLEY Hibbert. The evening was spent in
music and games concluding with
delicious refreshments including a
an Mrs. A. Ings. cer Tuesday night, Dec. 21st with a beautiful three storey wedding cake
-Mn. and Mrs. L. Elliott and son, Prnoland, •Wingham. made by their only daughter, Mrs.
Walton, with Mr. and Mid.` Smith Mr. and Mrs. F. Shobbrook enter -full house under the direction of the Prank Turner, Mitchell. Relatives at-
tained their family,at home oven teacher, Miss Brown. The school was tended from MitchelF London and
The pupils of S.S. No. 8, McKil-
lop held their annual Christmas con -
and family.
Mr. Stephenson and Miss Mossop
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott and.
Mrs. Mossop. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Howson and`
Glenn with Mrs. W, Hart..
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chutor and,
family with Mr. and Mrs. Workman.
Mr. and Mrs.. A. Galbraith, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Clarke and family with
Mr. and Mrs: Ed. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, Clayton
and Roy with Mr. and Mrs. Heard
,and family, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson,
Brucefield, with Mr. D. Anderson
and Pearl
Miss Gladys Beatty and Bill La -
them, London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. H. Beatty.
Floyd McAsh, Toronto, is spend-
ing the holiday season with his par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jn,e. McAsh.
Mr. Russell Austin is visiting with
his sister Mrs. F. Schell; Detroit.
The annual nomination was held
in the Township hall, Monday after -
'anon. 'There will be no election in
Stanley Township as all the mem-
bers of the Council were re-elected
by acclamation,
attractively decorated and the Xmas Seaforth. Winffirop relatives were
tree was nicely lighted. Raymond unable to be present 'owing to
Horan was in the chair and Rose' illness.
BLAKE Beuel:mann was accompanist, The. The bride was the former Effie
program opened with a chorus by Harris, daughter of the late Mr. and
Happy New Year, readers. the school. Other numbers included , Mrs. Rueben Harris, Hibbert, and.
Christmas visitors: Mr. and Mrs. a song We hope you brought your the groom was the son of the late
J. Young of Toronto with her par- smiles along". A welcome by the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harburn,
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey. chairman. Carols followed. recitation . Staffs, Their marriage was per -
Mr. and Mrs. William Baeoliler by )Jeri Rock; a play "The Truth : formed by Rev. Swan, minister of
with her relatives near Kitchener. Telling Machine', a drill by grade'.11unto United Church at the bride's
1, 8, and 4 Girls: recitation :by Bob- home on December 15th. Through
by ;VI -array; Shortening Bread bY the year's Mr. and Mrs. Harburngrade 7 and g girls; recitation' by have continuously made their home
Paul Murray; then followed by May-
pole dance; monologue by Bobby on the old Harburn homestead, con.
6 Hibbert, and are still resident
Doerr, Operetta. Drawing of the there although NIr. Harburn is liv
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Molyneaux
fn Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hill, Chica-
go, with Mrs. Shea and Mr. and Mrs.
Martin • Klinkhammer.
Miss Agnes Feeney, London, with
Mr. and- Mrs. Mack.Feeney.
Miss Lprraine Looby, Montreal,
with her mother, Mrs. A. Looby.
Mr. Charles Krauskopf, Detroit,
and Miss Ursula Krauskopf, Lon-
don, with their parents, Mr. acid
Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf.
Mr.' and Mrs. Ben Riley and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Riley and
fancily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riley,
Agnes and Thelma were among the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ebner Hugill of Clinton' on Friday
when they celebrated Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie of
Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar,
Seaforth; Mr. Hugh Campbell, Mr.
and Mts.
• John C. MacDald
Alvin of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
anry Tebbutt and Marsha of Landes -
bore; Mr. and Mrs. Watson
Reid and
Miss Mary Reid of Blyth; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Carter were guestsof
Mr. and Mrs. George Canter and
Glen on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Riley and fa-
mily and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley
and family spent Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Think-
ing of Londesboro. -
Mn. and Mrs. Will Oesch and fam-
ily with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Mar-
tin's family.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentru-
ber and family of Zurich with iVlr.
and Mrs, Edward Oesch and family.
' Mr. and Mrs, Roy McBride and tickets then took place: the Tsenwood ins a retired life. Both are members
family with his sister Mrs. Love and blanket, -Billie Heileman; reversi- of Staffs United. Church, and Mrs.
fancily, Parr Line. I ble rug, Mrs. McKay and the box of Harburn has been active in its vari-
Mrs. Hamlyn and Hope of. London chocolates to Doreen Seititen. The ous organizations as well as in the
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bancroft. I closing chorus "Here Comes Santa Women's Instituto.—Mitchell Advo -
Mr. and 'Mrs. 0. Ducharme with Claus". Santa arrived and his help- tate.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme and ors distributed the gifts from the .
family, tree. Proceeds were $57.50.
Mr. and. Mrs. James Dinsmore Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney snent
and sons of Windsor with Mr. ansi Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ste-
Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore and Jim. phen Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bancroft with Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Malaya at Bel- Manley were Mr. and Mrs, Dan Man-
The Blake Union School held their
concert on Tuesday evening, their
teacher Miss A. Heimrich at the
,piano for the songs. 'The, programme
was well given. The school was filler'
to the doors. Santa Claus arrived at
the close and unloaded the lovely
Christmas tree to the children. bit'.
Solomon Baechler-was the chairman.
Mrs. Fr,ed Bancroft is spending a
few days in London.
The many friends of Mrs. Rudy
Oesoh are sorry to learn of her sick-'
ness. Her many friends wish her a
speedy recovery. Mrs. 13. Faber, of
Kipper, her daughter, hes; been car-
ing for her mother.
Mn.MHarold, Finlay has been nurs-
ing a sore hand. He happened with a
burn on his left hand while carry-
ing ,out a lighted. gasoline lantern
one evening. ,
Visitors at the Monte of Mr. and
Mrs. Borden Brown on Christmas
Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brig-
ham and Raymond; Mr. • and Mrs.
George Campbell and Leonard; Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Brown, Isla and Mr.g Clif-
and Tom Brigham, all of
Allan Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Brigham and Tommy of Elmwood.
Mr. .and Mrs. fiord n Buchanan
of Toronto, and Ma and Mrs. Wil-
fred Buchanan and family of Niles -
town spent Christmas with lir. and
Mrs. Alfred Buchanan.
We are sorry that Muriel Dale,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Dale is in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley
District Native Dies Suddenly
Arthur Coleman of London, a na-
ley's.family, London; Mr. and Mrs, tive of this district died suddenly on
Wm. Lattner. Kitchener; Mr. and Christmas night at the home of his
Mrs. S. Manley, Chatham; Mr. and son William, in Hamilton. The de -
Mrs, Mervin Manley and Kevin,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Beringer, Lon-
don with M d Mr J J 1 ns n
ceased was a son of Mrs. Wm. Cole-
man and the late Wm. Coleman,
Rendall. , An engineer on the Cana-
dian National Railway, he was a
Mr. and airs. Hnhert Tohnson with member of the Brotherhood of Lo -
Mr. and Mrs. M. Connelly, Kennicott comotive- Engineers and of the Bro-
therhood of Engineers and Firemen.
Surviving are his widow the form-
er Tillie Mirrleholt, formerly of
Hensall: two sons, William, Hamil-
ton; and Russell in England; three
brothers, Wesley Coleman, Hensel],
Sheldon, Detroit; and Frank, Lon-
don, a sister -(Mary) Mrs..Milton
Stewart, Seaforth, and his mother,
Mrs. Sarah Coleman, Hensall, and
two grandchildren. ' -
Fnneral arrangements in charge
of Evans Funeral Horne are incom-
Dr. Wm. Joynt of London spent
• ;Christmas with his mother Mrs.
Alice Joyrit. •
Mr. Sant Rollins and his . mother
Mrs. D. Rollins 'spent Christmas
withrelatives in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Soynt of Bost-
on, Mass., spent the holidays at their
respective hltntes with Mr, T. C.
A. Mor a
Joynt and Mr and Mrs. g
Miss Jean Brandonis spending
the holidays at her home at Bayfield.
Miss Mattie Ellis hadthe nrisfor.-
tune to slip on the ice and fracture
her shoulder. She was removed to
Seaforth Hospital for treatment,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf
and Mrs. O'Hara, Tillsonburg, and
Miss Marie Krauskopf, London, with
Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf. •
Joseph and Leon Murray in Tor-
Miss Mary Simpson in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Feeney,
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forester in
Mrs. Jas. Newcombe and soil Jim
mv, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs,
W.rn. Stapleton.,
Misses Mary and Jean Costello,
London, with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello,
Mr. and Mrs. Soseph Meagher and
Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Stock, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. John eagher.
Mrs. Joseph Draur with her• daug-
inter in London.
Mrs.; Clayton M.' Hill of Chicago,
u r � the holidaytake
cameoverdrg during to
her mother Mrs. James Shea, to the
city to spend the winter,
.Miss. Lorraine Jordan, London,
event the reek"nd with her parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Jordan,
Mr, and Mrs, Michael Coyne with
:lir, and Mrs. )frank Ryan.
J. J. Coyne of Hagersville spent
the Christmas holidays with his
aunt, Mrs. James Doyle, St. Colum -