HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-12-16, Page 6By BLANCHE ROBERTS S) ole Honey nMonroe eueucceaefully steals the abulously valuable Sylvester Diamond from the handbag ora woman in'a. Los Angeles department store. Her friend doe Danburne, professional" thief, trlea to Kt�aet it fromher but is prevented from going ao when he gets In a fight with. She 'man she lo3es, Dan Brevpeter, district *ttorney. She' takes a plane for San. Wranclsoo but It becomes lost In a fog and lands in the sea just off shore. She is Teed up, the .lone survivor, by.e young lawyer, Art Carey, who - dives 'with hla Mother near by, She elves them the Lame Roney Roe, but that afternoon when. glhe and Art get the newspaper her real name le Ileted among the vlctlmo. CHAPTER VL (Continued from last week) "I'll sere be glad to get bacic, too," he added. Loafing is fine for a time but then you get fed up' with it." He took out his pipe and filled it." "I've had my say, Now, let's hear about you," he suggested and lit his pipe. Honey's brow clouded. "There isn't much to tell," she faltered, "I ant an orphan since my grand- mother died several years ago. 1 live by myself and do as I please and have a very good time. Even walking with Art, and lis- tening to his soft, interesting voice could not erase Dan from. her mind. She kept remembering that he thought of her as a thief and would . have her arrested when he found she was still alive. His lovewould not interfere with what he deemed • justice. "A penny for yourthoughts. They must be interesting to take you so far away," said her companion, re- calling her to the present. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "They aren't for sale." "Ah, a man then. When a girl is secretive abbout what she is think- ing, it's always a man." "I won't argue the point," she laughed, "because lawyers have a way of winning their points." "We sure try hard." Honey rode into the village with Art for the mail in the late after- noon. It seemed she had known him always and not just since early morning. While he assorted and opened his letters, he handed her the paper to read, The headlines, of course, were all about the crash. There among the list of victims was her name, Honey Monroe of Los Angeles. She looked up to see Art Carey reading the same list over her.shoulder. Surprise crossed his face and he lifted his eyes and stet hers square - 1y. There was a hint of inquiry in the depths of his but he said noth- ing. Honey lowered her gaze quick- ly and continued to read the other captions on the front page while a flush of guilt burned her cheeks. A moment later, she caught her breath and a sob rose to her throat as her eyes fell or an item near the bottom of the page. CHAPTER VIl With hands that shook uncon- trollably, Holley folded the evening paper carefully, trying to pretend that all was well when her whole world was about to crumble, and handed it back to Art. That last article she had read was about Dan- iel Brewster. He was in the hos- pital,lthe paper said, hovering be- tween life and death, His assailant was unknown and there seemed to be a cloak of mystery surrounding the affair. The police, it said were inclined to believe that a woman was involved, since the bedroom door was locked from the inside and escape had been made by sheets over the balcony, and the knots were not the kind usually made by men. The smile she tried to give Art was a mere shadow and her lips trembled, but she held back the grief that wanted to come. out. :When she could speak without giv- ing herself away, she said lightly: "Newspapers do get things and s !lames wrong now and then, don't they?" "Do they?" ire' asked: stiffly, and. she knew instantly that he was wondering why she had lied about her name. "I wonder?"'- i ' Her heart cried put in agony to go to Dan, but common sense told her to stay ' under cover until- he was well enough to talk to her. That 'was her' only ellance of security.. - As for joe, she reasoned, he would see her name among the crash victims and would cease to look for her. She was so deep in her own thoughts that she jumped when Art spoke to her, "You wouldn't care to explain 'some things, Honey?"' • "I'd like to, yes -but I can't," she told him earnestly, feeling ter- rible that he had caught her in a falsehood when he and his 'mother had taken her in so gladly `and without asking questions. "Please believe me, Art" she implored. * * * "And your name really is Honey Monroe?" he kept on with determi- nation seeking the truth anyivay. "Yes." "Ma thinks you are on the level," he reminded her unrelentlessly, pipe between his teeth. She flinched and lowered her head in shame. Tears stung at the back of her eyes hotly. "I know." she whispered, "I am awfully sorry." "You are afraid of something,' he continued as if reasoning things out for her. "I have seen it in your eyes all day. And just now some- thing in the paper made you catch your breath for a moment and it tore at your heart." "Does nothing escape you?" she asked him softly, He did not answer her question, just ignored her interruption. ='You want to tilde for some reason. All right" There was firm decision in his voice. He picked up the paper and threw it out of the car. "We lost the paper when Ma asks for it. The wind got it." "Thank you," she said chokingly, and the tears spilled over the lashes this time and she did not try to stop them for a moment. He put a hand over hers gently, comfortingly. "You. will tell me some time all about it,, Honey, and until then, it is all right. You need a friend and I am it. Now we will forget troubles for a while." He lifted his voice to a more cheerful note. "Would you like to go fishing tomorrow? "Oh, Art!" site said forcing a ghost of a smile. "I'd love to go fishing, And I could kiss you for ' being so nice." He laughed and there was a bit of amusement in "You may have to do it sooned than you expect," and he pointed up to the cottage as he pulled the car to a stop before the garage. "There stands the curious neighbor. I don't know what story Ma has told Mrs. Riba, but we'll have to stand by Honey stepped out of the car and unconsciously dropped her hand in the dress pocket and felt the velvet box. Its presence had been for- gotten momentarily, and feeling it now. was a distinct shock and it brought her heart right into her throat. Her mission had not been accomplished and she was reminded once again to be cautious. "Wait." She put a detaining hand on Art's arm as he started to move toward the house. "How far are we. from San Francisco?"' "About 80 miles or more, 1 guess, Why?" (Continued next week.) CROSS OR 1�ZZL ACROSS i. Twitching 4. Print 9. Discern '32. East Indian true 15. Magian 34. Pastry ' 16, Say again ' VI. Likely 18. Period 10. Constantly 01. Asserts 25. Correct 28. Large swallow 29. D.mpty . Si. Correlative of either 1a. No matter what as, Inactive 24. Spring 35. Among 84•Ire ala dear OS. Village on the Butson 40. Scamps 45, Late Information 44. Drone ,dNumber. Number xssuanbe E. Past . Marsh too tFt¢.Negatli •Il00444555 Touth 4. Tips T. Inffaat 10, Stumble 24. Staying pewit 20. Uncle (Scot.) 93. Unroturnable 51.. Alneore tennis serve 28. Comical !4. Rabbit tall aa. Chinese 0. Daher dynasty {1.reigns 24. TOxpreso 40. Pintail duck 5. Craggy hill�g contempt 45, Flap lrtllptno 1.. 0Kind of oaetua 4A. SelfDust spook 9.7 ),doves slowly 48. Girl'" name Avert 30, Money given as 49. Joshua's father ' . Dowling score a pledge Caw) 60. Cereal seed 1. Apple seed St. writing fluid 64. Pheasant 11, Still reservoir brood URNi`.;;:;,; Answer to This Ifs-�N Will Appear Next West "Blue Baby" Doesn't Look Too Blue -Recuperating in hospital after an operation to correct the dread "blue baby" condition, two-year-old Margaret Dabore registers scepticistli at nurse' attempt to feed a cloth carrot to a Bugs Bunny doll. •Aid E !4I P ST 1 youh rarrrtay C.osu14e.let "OF ALL THE crackpot advice you hand out to confused souls, Anne Hirst," writes an enraged reader, "the paragraph I quote is the dumbest I've ever seen pub- lished. Yore say, 'It takes moral courage to+break up one's mar- riage. But where children are con- cerned, their welfare must come first.' "Moral courage; my, eye! [t takes a stiffer backbone, a-tviser head and a more patient heart to MAKE IT STICK. There are' more women who want •a husband than women who want to get rid of one. You are probably an old maid who never got a man, and therefore you freely advise a wife to divorce hers. "Divorce courts are NOT the answer. The answer is: DO SOME- THING 'TO IMPROVE THE HUSBANDS WE HAVE, "Drinking Is Illness" "IN THE CASE of too much liquor in Isis life, try the Alcoholics Anonymous system, Get him over his sickness, and be patient with him until he is well. Teach the children that it is only a sickness, and en- list their aid. (Do this in his pre- sence, when he is sober.) Divided Home life never solves the problem. * "1 .had an uncle who made life * miserable for everyone else. He * drank too much -but he was just * as beastly when he didn't drink, *..so that couldn't be blamed for his * behavior. My aunt had two * daughters. They loved their * daddy; they thought of hits as a * human being, subject to the nils- * takes of other human beings. Ile * went to a sanitarium and was * cured, and the family stayed to- * gether. * "He came out of the hospital 56'^+115ai :q Want to - pork up your kitchen? Make these gay potholders: and oven mitts of bright scraps. Tliey are big bazaar or gift items tool Pretty potholders and mitts for heavy duty! Pattern 610; transfer d 4 potholders and S oven mitts. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS hs ooins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 38 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, nt. Needlecraft Dept. Print plain- ly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS'. * not only cured of the habit, but * a much more patient, kindly and * understanding man, too. - Those * girls did not build up a neurosis * against marriage, like the woman * whose parents' hectic life did. * "In our own little fatuity, we * have no liquor problem. My hus- * band has a Government position * -an a pittance, compared to * other 'worker's earnings. There * are thnes when I wonder how we * are going to pay the bills, ect and get along. * ,But you don't see me grum- * bling over the scheme of things. * You don't see Me fumblinga way * out of the imaginary mess a per- * son can make of things by writ- * ing to someone who never thinks * of telling herreadersto get down * on theirkness and PRAY FOR * HELP, for courage and stamina * to MAKE A BETTER LIFE • out of what is at hand. * "And don't stop there. Advise * them to make the sante efforts to * keep the home intact that they * spent in hoping for, planning for * and building one!" * (Signed) Mrs. C. R. 5. TO "MRS. C.R.S.": Thank you for your letter. It reveals a woman of strong character and deep faith, who refuses to allow material ob- stacles to cloud her objective or diminish her courage. Other read- er:, with myself, will salute you. Anne Hirst has been married for over 20 years, and to the same husband. Out of her own knowledge, and tite experience of observing other people's pro- blems, site has developed a wisdom and understanding which is at theservice of all her readers. If you want her help, address her at Box 1, 123 Eight- eenth St., New Toronto, Ont. liNf_'I SCHOOL LESSON By Rev. R. 'Barclay Warren GOOD NEWS IN THE BIBLE 'Luke ; 2:1-14 Golden Text; Fear not; for, be- hold, I;bring you good;' tidings of great joy, which shall beto all people.--2uke;2:10: It is a very old story; but it is still news, It is old news, but it is good news. For one day at least it takes the headlines from the latest murder. Its solemn cheer seems to permeate the atmosphere of factory and home. Itis solemn because sacred, The child born in. Bethle- hem's manger was Immanuel; God. with us, The Divine One took flesh and was made in the likeness of men. It is cheer because it is good tidings to all men; to Jew and Gen-: tile, .rich and :poor, high and low. He brought salvation for all. • This was the child for which forty centuries' had waited. When man fell, the promise was given that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head. The sacrifices pointed to the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. The prophets foresaw Him. They joined in telling the place and time .of His birth, ,His lineage, the manner of His Ministry. They de- picted in amazing detail, His suffer- ing, death and resurrection. Now, after nineteen centudies, we look back to this event as the greatest of all time. We set our calendar by it. - Let us enjoy to. the full the spirit'. of Christmas. As in war opposing armies have made a truce for Christ- mas Day, so let us relax from the war of nerves, Let us praise God as the choir of angels over the hill- side and the wondering shepherds. Let us bring our homage as the wide sten from the East. The south warmth of the Christmas Spirit can help to dispel the cold- war. Sin divivdes us, but Christ unites- us. He removes the divisive factor, sin, from all those who will let Him. 0 that all the peoples of the world would hear anew the song and let it reecho in their souls, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." She Said It! "Why, Jane," protested the mist- ress, '!that' cake is as black as a cinder. Did you cook it -according to my instructions?" "Well, no, mum," replied the cul- prit. "It's one of me own crema- tions." Answer to Last Week's Puzzle BEIM '©®13©1' '1!t/© 131111,,''®0©• 0 {=011© 1 I11©©©0�© '0 iId©1,4#©D BI©q©o an ckks H©0©13 '.1,0 acuAincinctin nun u1.©O1I® 13121131313E1 `Jo. 00E1E1 E r D ,,©©13©ODfI:ri® LID 1113D©©,,:1110© DUEL 81010113111'rFJ®Ci HANDY'. HINTS Furnace In ,Attic -Oil -fired Orr' pace that heats from the attic fie use where cellar space is not:' avait- able. °nit measuring 6 ft, x 3 ft.: weight 480 lbs:," hangs from ceiling on four steel eye -blot hangers. A blower draws air in past two filters,. forces it through the heating unit. Warm air is pushed into""`room by a fan. r , 1 . Hot Water Control. - Thermo-: static control for electric heaters ha domesticwaterservice tanks that canbe installed in combination with. a supplementary water heater, in the, tank as a booster unit for quick supply of hot water. Squeezed From a Tube -A new innovation in the packing field is now 'ready for distribution. Design- ed'for gift wrapping and decorating, this new plastic packaging material ' is "squeezed" from a tube and af- fords a novel way to decorate and. personalize a gift package. The material will stay' on until rubbed off, state company officials. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED or housekeeping position. Nies hoots. Plangent People. l lease` welts ' Mrs. Sair, 44 Ridge 11111 Drive, Toronto 10, Ont. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? • Help Your Forgotten "28" -For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make You Rarin'To Go below' the belt-inoyour 281 foot of bowels,' Rh when indigestion strikes, try something that help! digestion in the stomach AN below the belt. • PINhto give needed elp 00 that" forgot 28 feet" of bowels. Take one Carter's Little Lived Pill before and one after meals. Take them scorches to of the13 main digestive woke up your oto Anmsooh „ AND bowels -help you dlgeat whet you have eat0n in Nature's own way. makes ymost u feel fbettor from y ur of relief0 your toes. Just be sure you got the genuine Carter's Little Liver P1110 from your' druggist -86e, i ley RUB IT WITH M;I NARD'S ► Ju t heat and rub in M1NARD'S, and note the quick relief you get. Grans loss, fant•drying, no strnn or unpleasant odor, Get a bottle today: keep it handy. 15.46 LARGE CCONOMICA0. aICE 65c ISSUE 51 - 1948 i lb 30 kee s in the cupb r No more dashing down to the store at the last minute! Now -with New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast you can bake any time-- inquicktime. This new granule form needs no refrigeration -keeps fresh in the cupboard for weeks, always right there when you need it. You can depend on it for quick baking -delicious baking results. IF YOU BAKE AT ROME - order a month's supply of New Fleischmann* Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today: