HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-12-02, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1948 TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH Your vote and influence for re-election will be appreciated. For the past two years I have endeavored to advance your interests and with this experience 1 feel better qualified to help keep Seaforth -industrially strong and this alone will guarantee security to all VOTE W. T. Teall For Council Anyone wishing transportation, kindly phone 141 VOTE E. H. CLOSE for Council 2 Years' Experience Chair- man of Streets Committee ELECT NORM SCOINS for Council and Improved Streets Your Support Will Be Appreciated FOR TRANSPORTATION CALL 242 ON ELECTION DAY Plump for the New Qualified Councillors Give Ross some support in the Council -"Interested Citizen " HENSALL The annual Christmas concert of the Hensall Public School of will be held ns He on Tuesday, December21 at 8. 16 p.m. sharp in the Town hall, Hensall. The Hensall BranchCanadiannod gion are sponsoring a dance in the Town hall, Hensall on Friday, December 3rd. 15 rounds bingo and 10 special games. Door prize. Howe's orchestra will furnish the music for the dance. Mrs. Sparling of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Mrs. Letitia Sangster returned from in Verdun,Manitoba,w and visiting Ontario. Bride -Elect Honored A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Miss Edna Walsh on Monday evening when fifty friends and neighbours gathered in honor of Miss Doris Buchanan, bride -elect. Misses Audrey Walsh and Marlene Petski favoured with vocal duetts. Contests were enjoyed and a social hour spent during which the bride and s useful gifts iresented n a prettily e decor- ated basket by little Joyce and June Munn, Miss Dorothy McNaughton read the following address. The bride expressed sincere thanks after which refreshments were served. Dear Doris: Knowing that a very happy event is to take place in your life, we have niet here to extend hearty congratulations and best wislies and trust that the years that lie ahead will hold for you much joy and happiness. Mayyour r tl abler be few; yourjoys manyand may your ship of matrimony have smooth sail- ing all the way. We ask you to ac- cept these gifts as tokens of our friendship. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbours. Mrs. Minerva Schroeder and Mrs. Bender left on Sunday for Detroit where they will visit for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hayter of Varna and Mr, Bruce 'Glenn of Guelph spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Mr. Wilfred Weido prominent Hay Township farmer met with a serious accident while cleaning out a well on his farm when a heavy iron buck- et filled with water fell 15 feet to the bottom of the well striking Mi, Weido on the head rendering him un- conscious. He recovered sufficiently to step into the bucket and was to safety by his son Glen who TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH Your support and influence will be appreciated E. A. McMASTER A Candidate for Councillor AT FINNIGAN'S REPORTING THE POTATO NMARI{NT Potatoes are good buying at 1.59. Potatoes throughout the' Province have. tightened up. We urge you to stock up at this saving These aro A-1 quality. Delivered or at store NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED LI Stable Shovels, Snow shovels manure forks, axe handles, pails all sizes, Putty. All sizes glass. Disinfectants for the stables. Winter will'bo rolling in some of these days -if in market these items priced right W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness in our sad be- reavement and to those who . forwarded flowers. Special thanks- to Rev. A. W. Gard- iner and all who loaned caro. -MR. AND MRS.. ALBERT BROOME AND FAMILY Card of Thanks Mrs, James Webster wishes to thank all those who so kindly - sent flowers, and for kindness and sympathy in her bereavement of. her sister Miss. Elizabeth Reid Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. William- Sinclair, Kippen, wish to thank their many relatives, friends and neighbors for the many gifts and acts of kindness shown during their anniversary. IN MEMORIAM HILL -In loving memory of my dear hus- band Hill,who used awayone yard William Wn r r Dec. 4th, 1947 year f o y s f sadness stil come o'er me. Dayse0 9 Tears in silence often ❑ow, For memory keeps you ever near me Though you died one year ago, Daily in my mind I see him, As I did in .days of yore, But I hope some day to meet him On that bright and golden shore, -Sadly missed by loving Wife. ELECT ED SMITH FOR 1949 COUNCIL His interest is in Public school education. His interest is in drainage -to have one or two streets done per year, using up some of the taxpayers' surplus Let Ed Smith try to prove these interests by electing hire to the 1949 Council • TO SEAFORTH ELECTORS Your support will be appreciated 41 Russell Sproat CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL TO ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH RE-ELECT WALLACE ROSS AS COUNCILLOR And be kept posted on Municipal matters hauled was operating the windlass. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer of Zurich was called and it required nine stitches to 'close the wound in his head. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hunkin of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venner. Allen-Regele The marriage was solemnized at the United Church manse, Seaforbh, on Monday by Rev. Workman, of Mrs. Doris Regele and Mr. Wilson Allen of Hensel]. The bride wore a grey crepe dress with matching ac- cesories and corsage of pink carna- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid of Hensall attended the bride and groom. A reception was held for thirty guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Hensall, The bride and groom will reside in Hensall. Following are the re'su'lts of the Nomination held Friday evening in the Town Hall, Hensall, between 7 and 8 p.m. Reeve, A. W. Kerslake, nominated by W. Brown, G. R Hess, ,(acclama- tion). Council -William Parke,_ by W. Brown, G. R. Hess. John Tudor, by 0. Twitchell, W. Brown • Norman Jones, by G. R. Hess, 0. Twitchell; Melvin Moir, by D. E. McKinnon, W. Brown; R. E. Shaddick, by R. J. Cameron, G. R. Hess. Hydro Commissioner - Walter Spencer, by R. L. McNaughton, R. J. Drysdale; R. E. Shaddick, by J. Tu- dor, J. Peebles. School Trustees -Robert Drysdale by A. W. Kerslake, 0. Twitchell; W. 0. Goodwin, by A. L. .Case, A. Clark; Joseph Flynn, by A. Clark, R. 5. Drysdale; Keith Buchanan, by A. L. Case, R. J. Drysdale. Those who have qualified Nov. 27, 1948. Reeve, A. W. Kerslake, (acclamation). Council -William Parke, Norman Jones, Melvin Moir, John Tudor i(ac- clamation) School Trustees -Keith Buchan- an, Robert Drysdale, W. 0. Goodwin (acclamation). Hydro Commission -Walter Spen- cer (acclamation). James•A. Paterson, Returning Of- ficer. Mrs. Boyle of Moosejaw, Sask., is visiting with her aunt Mrs. Mary Simpson. Mrs. Catharine Devlinvisited a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mrs. 5. Reid of London returned home after a pleasant visit with her In Memoriam DAWSON.-In loving memory of a dear husband Robert Dawson, who passed away five years ago, Dec. 3rd, 1943. It is lonesome here without you Bob, 'there is such a vacant place For I never hear your footsteps, Or see your smiling face. As I loved you so I miss you, In my memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for, always, Bringing many silent tears. -Ever remembered by his loving Wife. FOR RENT Three room apt. Suitable for women lieu alone, or couple without children. AMY News Office. FOR SALE 1929 Chrysler ; PhilCo battery radio; a hp gas engine; Coleman gas lamp. Apply to ALLAN CAMPBELL. Phone,,837 r 11 Seaforth FOR SALE Twenty choice Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. STANLEY JACKSON. Phone Scuiorth 5 - 653. WANTED TO BUY Wanted -Fifteen little pigs. Apply to W. J. McDOWELL. Phone 836 r 12 Seaforth FOR SALE Two Durham cows clue in December, 0013 KIRKBY, Walton FOR SALE Fall Honey, light color. A good grade of honey. 51.60 for 8-11; pail. GEORGE PARKER, Chiselhurst, 11R2 Rippers. FOR SALE Man's black overcoat, medium size, good condition. Price $8. Can be seen at SCOINS, CLEANERS FOR SALE Navvy 'thought Cosy Home heater, deep firopot, good as new, two table model radios, G.E. and Spartan, both in good shape, lady's fur cont, in cold storage all summer. All above will be sold by auction at the rink on Friday. Shoes Rebuilt Like New Have you tried our While - You -Wait service On your day off W. J. THOMPSON THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail. Pott Office •• Dept, Ottawa BOX Nuttrral rritire " MOR -POWER" SUPER -BILI AUTO BATTERIES 13 -plate Heavy Duty, 105 amp •,,,$11.50 (18 months' guarantee) 15.piate Super -Service, 2 -year guarantee $13.55 and Chevrolet 1937 39 -elate Fon..$14.05 17 -plate d V 8 . (2 -Year guarantee) ...,...,... .16.96 17 -plate' Ford 1940 (2 -year guarantee) $ 17 -plate Armor -Glass, 10% x 7', 138 amperes (3 -year guarantee)... $16.90 17 -plate Armor-Glass, 5•nntperes (9" $ee17 90 7" case), 3 -year gun $2.20 Trade:in Allowance FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY Batteries Installed - No Charge CANADIAN TIRE STORE DUBLIN TEACHER WANTED AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 237'J or 18 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. , Applications are melted, until the position is filled, f5. a fulTuckersm th, Huron Protestant teacher 1 for S.S. eq, 2 This is 0 well equipped modern school, miles from Seaforth on a good gravel road, Ploughed in. winter. Applicants will please state qualifications, expettence, references, name of last Inspector. or Normal Principal, and anyother relative i information. The salary paid s according to the times, and Is based on experience and qualifications. Duties to commence Jap, 3rd, 1949, Address applications to Tucker - S. H. WMI'rMORE, See.-Treas., Tucker - smith Township School Area No,. 1, R.' 11 :3- Seaforth, O• FOR SALE Middle HO GERT boSenfoed rth RR4. Phond mare. e Eto IL 650r3 CHRISTMAS CONCERT ednesdaY At S, S. #2, McKillop., night, Dec. Sth, at 8.30 P.M. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers-President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen ; VIce Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton ; Sea.-Treas. & Manager, 11•I, A. Reid, Seaforth Directors -Root. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth RR3 ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth 1 J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderlch RR2 Agents -John E. Pepper, Brucefield • R. F. McKercher, Dublin J F. ?teeter, Brodhasen, George A. art Blyth g Y Patties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. At Seaforth .m. Friday, p • Rink. 0 e, y. Dec. 3rd at 2 Skatint, Oak bedroom Suite, mattress. 2 sets springs, Pillows, 2 sets bedroom dishes; extension table, 6 chairs, buffet; Chinn cabinet; 2 couches ; hull ruck ; chesterfield and chair 1 rug; pictures; sideboard: kitchen table and stands; Findlay stove, coal and wood with. reservoir and pipes; chest of drawers; linol- eum ; 3 chests ; 5 rocking chairs ; kitchen tun - board; wash tub; hand wash machine; meat grinder ; 2 tea kettles ; pails, copper boiler ; bake board. Dishes, flower pots, coal scuttle, ironing board ; clock ; garden tools, lawn 2,000 lb set of scales ; sap buckets ; lard press. Terns cash MRS. ACNES McTAVISH, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE These articles will also be sold: Holstein bull calf. DONALD IIUCHIANAN, Fur robe: Man's rain coat. 820 r 25 Seaforth • 2 iron sugar kettles; 2 large pieces of lino- leum; kitchen set; number of other articles. FOR SALE 36 Dodge conch for sole. Will take small truck in trade. GEORGE STONE, Walton. Seaforth 830 r 11 FOR SALE Two horses, 1 black mare, 10 or 1.2 years old; one black colt, coming 3. Apply to THOMAS SLAVIN, 34.23 Hensel! son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. Miss Helen Moir returned to Lon- don after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Moir. The December meeting (the Xmas meeting) of the Hensall Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber, Wednesday night, Dec. 8 at 8:15. The roll call will feature a collection of gifts for the Sick Child- ren's Hospital. Mrs. A. E. Munn will present the motto and Mrs. Gordon Schwann will conduct the demonstra- tion, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson will speak to the ladies. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mrs. Geo. Hess are in charge of the arrangements. The social com- mittee, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. McBeath, Mrs. R. MacLaren, Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Flynn. Members and guests are cord- ially invited to attend this meeting. The monthly meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary 'will be held at the home of Mrs. B. Kyle on Monday evening Dec. 13. The theme "Xmas" will be used throughout the exercises. An excellent program is being ar- ranged. A large attendance is urged. The many friends of Mrs. T. Parl- mer regret to hear she had the mis- fortune to, fall at her :home and in so doing fractured her ribs. A large representation of the vil- lage ladies attended the Bazaar in St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, on Saturday. FOR SALE In Stalin, red brick house with lot. Lot 5 Aylesworth Survey. Apply to JOHN CAIRNS, Brucefleld FOR SALE Frame cottage conveniently located corner of John and Jarvis. Possession early in new Year. 100 acres choice farm land near Chisel - burst, good barn and other buildings. Very moderately priced. Modern 2 storey brick dwelling on Centre St. Oil heating. Early possession. Wanted to Buy -Farm land suitable for cul- tivation, without buildings. Good farm 100 acres, 21.6 miles north of Seaforth. Early possession. Creek passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William at. 1�6 storey. frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REID. Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. D. A. McMaster, M,B., Physician Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A„M,D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER hroat Graduate EineMedicine, Unose ivernity of Late Assistant New York University ha Toronto. Aural Institute, Moorefield's ye, and Goldent de Square throat hospitals, London, En. t Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday In each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -58 Waterloo s Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 WANTED TO BUY Will pay 2c a pound for Horses or Mink Feed, and call and pick up same. Phone Godericlr collect.- GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, 936r21, or 936r82. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. MOTO-MASTER. Super Anti - Freeze Specially processed to Inhibit rust, corrosion and to retard evaporation SAVE SAFELY Quart .56 Gallon 2.19 Get Yours At Canadian Tire Associate Store DUBLIN SMITH BROS., PROP. Phone 73 MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Order 1949 Chicks Early We are now booking orders for our famous strain of Fast Feathering Barred Rocks, and N.H. x Barred Rock, and W. L. x Barred Rock. This is a Canadian Accredited Hatchery. 2,500 Fast Feathering Barred Rock Breeders Government Banded and blood -tested. Also Poultry Equipment & Supplies MOORE'S POULTRY FARM PHONE 666-3 SEAFORTH Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE &• SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter . Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 3, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 4 , Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, -Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY .Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President WM. H. COATES, Exeter Vice -pies. ANGUS SINCLAIR, 111 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton R115 Cromarty . Dublin, Opt. Kirkton RRl WM. A. HAMILTON JOHN McGRATH MILTON McCURDY ALVIN HARRIS AGENTS THOMAS SCOTT T. G. BALLANTYNE Mitchell Cromarty Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER Exeter Solicitors, Madman & Cochrane, Exeter FOR SALE 5 Room - Cottage, George St. prompt pos- session, in first tclass Brick residence. would William Street, vestment, rood m- 1r,, Storey Frame House, Market St, Black- smith business, good going concern, prompt possession. 76 Aere Farm, Township Matillop, with Frame house and Bank Barn, Inamnnce & Real BEstate IBroker N SEAFORTH Phones; Res, 220, Office 334 Highest Prices Paid For Poultry MITCHELL PRODUCE Phone Seaforth 167