HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-11-25, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WARNING! Re HYDRO ELECTRIC SHORTAGE Necessity has been created for the use of petroleum products for lighting and cooking purposes and you are hereby advised that gasoline (including lighting naph- thas) is highly dangerous and should not be exposed to any open flame or spark. Filling operations should not take place inside. a building. Every consumer is advised to consult his Fire Insur- ance Company as to storage limitation. • Every dealer is requested to notify every purchaser of the above. RE PORTABLE CONTAINERS NOSISIEDMVIMMESSIMISIONSIII Gasoline (including lighting naphthas) may only be sold or delivered to the public in leak -proof metal cans which are identified by at least one • of the following methods: (1) Must be painted red. (2) A substantial tab affixed containing the term GASOLINE, (3) A. gum label affixed containing the term GASO- LINE. (4) Stencil containing the term GASOLINE. Each opening of the container must contain a screw or spring top. s GLASS CONTAINERS MUST NOT BE USED Any dealer's license under The Gasoline Handling Act is subject to cancellation if gasoline is dispensed into Portable containers which do not conform to the above. D'ORLEAN SILLS, Fire Chief, Town of Seaforth. LONDESBORO i There being two drains on this meeting were read and confirmed. (Intended for last week) (branch, there was a mistake on the The only correspondence presented assessment. This error was pointed was the film showing schedule re • Mr. and Mrs. War. Lyon, Thorn- out to theudelegation. Brown and ceivedlfrom W. V. Roy which was dale, visited recently _with the form-' Jewitt, that the Clerk issue cheques filed, The secretary reported that er's mother, Mrs. E. Lyon and to the parties who ape wrongly asses- workmen from H. Bachly Co, had sister, Mrs. C. Watson, • I sed on Br. A. Kinburn swamp drain been here on Nov. Lith to finish toi- Mrs. Wm. Govier returned home, through. an error, and they pay their let repairs but as it was necessary to on Saturday evening, having spent taxes as per tax notice, Jewitt and have toilets at #2 pumped out the the past week at the home of her Dale, that we do now adjourn as a work could not be completed and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Council and open as a Court of Re- the chairman and 'secretary accom Mrs. S. Bann, Kitchener. !vision on the 1949 assessment roll. parried, Mr. Bachly to inspect work Mr. and Mrs. R. Young.blutt, Mr, 'Arnmstrong and Brown, that W. R. already done and agreed to pay H. and Mrs, Willows Mountain visited Jewitt be chairman of the Court of Bachly an additional sum of $28.00 with Dr.' L. and Mrs. Whitely, Ger-' Revision on the 1949 assessment roll, to have toilets pumped and have rie, on Sunday. I Dale and Brown, that we take no ac- work at #8 school completed as per Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. F. Tamblyn tion on the appeal of ,George Far- agreement. After careful considera- and Mrs. W. E. Manning spent Tues- duhar. Armstrong and Brown, that tion it was agreed that .Ii. Bachly .be day at London. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gaunt had a! j.theacksoClerrkthinstructthMiss. Margaret paid in full for repairs of toilets n, at e assessment is the when completed, including $28.00 fa-mily gathering at thein:home on same for the amount she still owns for pumping toilets at #2 school, and Sunday. The event was the 82nd and lot 91 will be assessed to Wm. signed approval thereof given by. birthday of their another, Mrs. Mar- Straughn, Dale and Jewitt, that the Trustee McGregor for #2 school; and tha Lyon. Mrs. Lyon is still quite Clerk make the necessary changes chairman McIntosh for #8. The active and takes a keen interest in re the appeals on dogs. Armstrong Board also inspected and gave the the .doings of the community. She . and Brown, that we now close the Board's approval to the wiring,. con - enjoys doing something for her Court 'of Revision and reopen as a tracts already completed in schools family of eight children six girls, Council. Brown and Rapson, that the 1 and 4 and authorized payment of Mrs Bert Lobb of Goderich twp., Clerk get out the proclamation for contract price less $6.25 paid for Mrs Arthur Kerslake, near Exeter,_ the nomination meeting which is to service box at #9 school when the Mrs, E. Holmes, Dresden, Mrs. E. be held on Nov, 26th, and election work at #9 school is completed, and Gaunt. Mrs. E. Hesk and Mrs. H. on December, frth, 1948. Brown and trustee Jackson was appointed to Dnrnin of Londesboro; two sons, S. Rapson, that we accept the relief give the approval at #9 school on be - Lyon and Joe Lyon, of the 13th eon. bill for fuel as presented. Jewitt and hall' of the Board, 'Hullett. We join in with the family Dale, that all accounts as approved The salary of the Sec,'-Treas: was in wishing her many more happy be paid. ,wilt and Dale, -that we do set at $300.00 for 1948 and 8100.00 birthdays.• , now adjourn. additional allowed for road expenses Mr. John Bedford of Sault Ste. Acr.onnts: Geo. W. Cowan, stamps incurred in performance of his Martie, have been visiting friends in $31.00; Thomas Hallam, Auburn alines. the community. bridge light $3.00; Bert Allan, fox The following accounts were ap- Mrs. Betty Fisher, Galt, and two bounty $6.00; Ben Riley, fox bounty pro -ad and ordered paid: children have been visiting with her $3,00; Geo. W Cowan, part .salary, Middletori's Drug Store, supplies parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. $75.00: John Armstrong. dement for for No. 1, $7.92; Jack Hood, school The Church services next Sunday, Watkins Bridge, 8940:00; Blyth sounlies. 879,47; H.E.P.C. Exeter, Nov. 14th, will commence at 10:30 Standard, advertising and supplies hydro cert No. 1, $4.32; L. R. Bry- o'elock not at 10 as formerly. $34.50; Village of Blyth, divisional tins, cedar kindling, $16.00; Carol The enormous turkey supper was court fees $20.00; Ben Riley, power Chesney, caretaking No. 5, $10.50; held recently in the community hall mower op. X13.20; Len. `Caldwell, more Brown. caretaking No. 5, $10. - in connection with the anniversary .Road Supt. $123.00; Jack Riley, 50. The meeting adjourned to meet services which were held the two fencing $4.50; Henry Hunking, in No. 9 school on Tugsday, Deeem- Sundays previous, it being the gold- ditching, $13.00; Len. 'Archembault, her 21st at 8 p.m. This date subject en ,jubilee of the united Church. ditching $2.00; Ed. Hunking•, ditch- to any necessary change. S. H. The services on the Sundays were all ing $2.00; Harvey Honking, ditch- WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas. that could be desired as well as the ing $6.00: Frank Longman, ditching turkey supper which was. held on $13.50; Goldie Smith, unloading es - the Tuesday night following. 750 »lent $1.50: Kenneth Rapson, un - pounds of turkey was bought and loading cement, $1,50: Ray Hanna, after the feeding of abbot 900 80% work on Watkins bridge $1320; people no turkey was to be seen. Donn. Road Machine Co., grader re - After every one was filled to the Pah', $7.91: Henry Sanierson, road top there was a sale of pies'and gravel $262.20 George Radford, cakes. The proceeds amounted, to- road gravel and crushing, $3060.35; gether with the sale of tickets, to Bert Griese, gas and oil $4.00; Da - about $900. vid Ewen, mower repairs $10.00; There was a variety program held Huron Tile Co., tile 13th con. drain in the church, the community hall $14.00; Gerry Heffren, trucking being not large enough to aecom- cement $25.00; Doherty Brothers, modate the -large crowd. Folk from truckingcement $50.00; 'Harold Bea - Chicago, London, Varna, Exeter, coo, trcking cement $10.00; Thom- Seaforth, Goderich, Kincardine, Wal- as Allen, cedar posts $41.00; Gordon ton, Wingham, Blyth, Auburn, Clin- Radford, gas and oil $135.73; John ton, etc., were present. The only dif- Armstrong, Reeve, $120.00; Geo. C. ficulty, all could not be fed at once Brown, Councillor $100.00: J. Ira and quite a large number were fore - Ranson $100.00; Wan. R. Jewitt, ed to wait until near 10 o'clock for Councillor $100.00; Wm. J. Dale, their supper. The ladies and men Councillor $100.00; Arthur Wey: also, worked to almost exhaustion to mouth, grader operator $139.00; supply the needs oil the vast crowd Bank of Montreal, H. Emmerson Mc - of people, but the entire jubilee was Vittie bridge $600.00; Arthur Wey- a grand success in every way. mouth, graer repair $6.33; Mann- ine and Sons, fuel for relief $27.75: HULLETT Rebate on Branch A Kinburn swamp drain $454.46. The regular monthly meeting of the Hullett Township Council took place on November 1, 1948 in the Community Hall, Londesboro, at 1:30 p.m. The Reeve and all mem- bers of the Council being present. The minutes of the last regular meeting Oct. 4, 'and special meeting of Oct. 23rd, were read. Moved by Wnr. J. Dale and Wm. R. Jewitt, that the minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting Oct, 23 be adopted as read. At this time a delegation of ratepayers on Br. A of the Kinburn swamp drain approached the Council re assess- ment on this • drain. The work done being a clean out job by the hour. �esasa� ww WWWWWWWWWWWW S ISES Shorter days have resulted in an increased 'use of Hydro by Seaforth do- mestic consumers to a point where further daily cut-offs may be necessary. If you as housewives wish to avoid further interruptions, save Hydro every minute of every day. Co-operate by washing, ironing and baking on Satur- day or Sunday only. Until further notice, interruptions as may be necessary will be at the follciw-, ing times, Monday to Friday inclusive: 12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Plic i Mit it PHONE 100 J 15Iai SEAFORTH 2 rWsJ REW,V,, ,hs96a aGleueeagemiNstea s•emetsmmwev eexaltelie tat LOGAN Logan Council met November 15 with all members being present, the Reeve presided, the minutes con- firmed and signed, correspondence read and considered. Engineer McGeorge informed the Council that the M.N.E. drain has been constructed according to + re- port, plans and profile. Resolvedthat Council file notice by J. M. King, solicitor for Mr. Geo. Douglas, that the said drain was not so construct- ed. R. Nicholson, contractor on`M.N. F. drain was paid part on contract, the sum of $8,000.00. Resolved that Council and officials attend,,,at Stratford, November 17 at lectures on assessment, Road Super - intendant was instructed to hire assistants for operating truck with snow -plow for winter roads. Council appointed the Twp. hall as the place from the hour of 12 0' - clock noon to 1 o'clock and during nomination hour for the sitting of Treasurer and Tax Collector to issue i certificates to prospective Candi- dates showing that no arrears of TUCKERSMITH i taxes are registered against their re- spective properties. The monthly meeting of the Nominations will be held Friday, .Trustee Board of Tuckersmith School November the 26th from the hour of Area was held in #4 School on the one o'clock to two o'clock in the af- evening of Nov. 15, as a quorum of ternoon at Twp. hall. trustees were not available on the Roads expenditures paid total of date set at last adpournment. All the 8815.19. Municipal drainage and members• were present and Jas. Me- general expenditures paid total of Intosh presided. The minutes of last $8,523.91. FARMERS We are taltin,g ol•ders for SPREADERS. TRACTOR PLOWS, TRACTOR DISCS, LEVER HARROWS and • PACKERS for .Spring delivery. Orden now and be sure you get arae. We can give immediate delivery on the new GR.INDMOR (40) GRAIN GRINDER; 101/2" plates, suitable for home or custom g'r'inding. The farmer's best friend when the roads are hloctcPcl„Ask to see one. V. J. LANE Fleury Bissell Agent, Seaforth - Phone 46 -12 Dublin :gvf+t,..t.,4,3 �. 8kr•'^a.• py Mf=:'leUn: yS✓; :.,,c HIGHEST HORSES LL COOCT D;: RLING DFAD CASH PRCES -$5,00 EACH; CATTLE -$5.00 HOGS -$1.50 PER CWT. to�Size and Condition All Accordin1 r Seaforih 15 Exeter 8r. CO,. EACH; �a!T m 5 L D. Lill We will pay for old, disabled or dead COWS 55.00 ea. - HORSES $5.00 eel. HOGS $1.50 per cwt. All according to size and condition Phone, COLLECT, for prompt, courteous service SEAFORTH-390w MITCHELL --2.19 INGERSOLL-21