HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-11-25, Page 2TGOES ON 1N THE WORLD _ d'NormanBlair Great Britain Back in 1930 an average Britis family spent on tobacco about 2 per cent of what it spent on me and bread. Today, ,with food price kept fairly fixed by means of sub oldies, the figure is 125 per cen • it is reported that althoug many' families find it difficult t break even, because of rising cop modity. prices and frozen , wage they will economize'. On anythin but cigarettes. For eight hours a day, ever day except Sunday, silent orderl queues shuffle along the pavement of .Britain's main streets. They ar waiting for cigarettes,. and ofte waiting in vain on account of th alipply having run out, Drop into a cheap cafe on th Euston Road and ata table in, th rear you are liable to see a ma working hard •with cigarette -roll ing machine. His only "overhead' h the wrapping -paper he uses. 11 will sell- those fags for about hal the .legal price of factory -made cig arettes,. or a third of the "private tran fiction" or black market price. What he uses for the filling you will discover when you see a wait- ress come and dump an ashtray full 1,+f butts on his table, The tobacco shortage has noth- ing to do with individual poverty, only faith the poverty of the nation. English cigarettes, priced at about 67 cents in our money for a pack of. 9n of the most common brands, are the most expensive in the world as far as any traveller knows. Thur legal price is even higher th _ that of the Continental black m t. The cost is because of the dt-• mination to save precious dol- lar. going out of the country for the purchase of Virginia tobacco, a1,.,' tasatio now represents 95 per cent Of that cost. 't is interesting to note, however, that the shortage exists only in re - law , to an ever-expanding de - m ; 7. Smokers, looking back to the d ,s when there were plenty of cigarettes, forget that tobacco con- sumption hi 1938 was only 190 million pounds in weight. This year, even with all the enforced cuts and with so many departing dis- aprc'inted from the queues, it will still reach 205 million pounds. The cause of this great increase in demand? The strain of the war years, the long periods of anxious but idle waiting, undoubtedly vast- ly increased the amount of "nerve - soothing" smoking. Also the. con- tinuing shortage of most consumer goods has meant little else to spend money on, and smoking has con- tinued even though goods have be- come somewhat more plentiful and *ash scarcer. Finally there has been a great increase of smoking among women of all ages and occupations, as well *e young people of both: sexes. Wcnlen in Britain now smoke more than in any other country, or so it is estimated. Many men blame them for the cigarette shortage and. a London newspaper recently start- ed a hot controversy by a blunt demand that they cut their smok- ing down—or out altogether. But so far the ladies 'just aren't having any." Rationing has been ruled out as impracticable. Grumbling has be- come general because those whose work is not measured by the clock find time to go from shop to shop, getting more than their share. How serious the problem has become le illustrated by the fact that many factories—to quell the unrest mused by the vision of "'spivs" stuffing their pockets with fags while legitimate workers are chain- ed to their machines—now employ ""cigarette searchers" whose paid job it is to go out in search of cigarettes for their mates, The United States Ever since, as Mr. Dooley used to phrase it, "the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November" approxi - Mately ten thousand commentators, real and alleged and including thin one, have been moaning to them- seleves "Oh, why didn't I have the nerve to go out on the limb and pre- dict a Truman victory?' However, we didn't; and if you're looking for alibis you'll have to seek somewhere else—and not seek very far either, The walls of some of ;hose public poll experts and na- tional survey conductors would be pitiful indeed to hear—if only they hadn't been so doggone sure of themselves. So let's put it down as just "one of those things". In politics, as in Brooklyn Dodgers baseball circles, anything can happen and generally does. Personally I'm only making two comments. The first—that it 'SWIM m8 rather humorous that the only two widely -heard predictions of a Democratie victory were those of President Truman and—of all 9hings-the Russian radio. And the second is that of all the attempted explanations for what happened I've read or listened to, that of a young lad I know probably comes closest to hitting the mark, "I guess the ,American elections went the way they did," he said, 'a ccanae •there were more people • t% anted Mr. Truman than there r, 'ted Mr. Dewey," h 5 at s nt; h; 0 8,' g e • y y s e n e e n UN Picks Poster of the Year Prize-winner of an international United Nations contest, this poster will soon be on display all over the world. The work of Armando Paez Torres of Argentina, it features a child's blocks spelling out the Latin word for peace. The colors of member nations are depicted as growing flowers. Using both photography and drawing, it won Torres $1500. At a certain Press Club late one evening—or maybe it was early one morning—a bunch of sports cob- blers were whooping it up over their malted milks and (Adv.) cokes when the question arose as to what, of all the hundreds of different sorts of sporting events, is the rare- est and most unique. Whereupon somebody promptly answered "A swimming meet at which no records are broken." * * * This crack hardly raised a snick- er as it is well known to one and all that swimming records are a dime a dozen and are busted with great ease and regularity. How- ever, during the past stunmer—on August 30th. to be precise—an English swimmer by the name of Thomas Blower did accomplish something really unusual in the water -crawling dodge. In case it escaped your attention -as it did ours until the other day—we shall kindly tell you about it. * * What the Stanley Cup is to hock- ey—what the world series is to the bseeballists—what the Rose Bowl means to American footballers -- swimming the English channel rep- resents to the long-distance crawl and kick fraternity. First man to turn the trick was Captain Matthew Webb, of immortal memory, away back in 1875. And in the almost three-quarters of a century which has since elapsed the feat has been duplicated only some 26 times which isn't so very often when you consider how many have jump- ed and had to be pulled out. * * * As a matter of fact it would be more nearly correct to say that but four have actually "duplicated" Captain Webb's feat, as the revered Matthew web-footed it from Eng- land to. France, instead of Bother way around, and that is the "hard way" when it comes to Channel swimming, just a9 a pair of threes is the "hard way" of making a six In another sport we needn't identi- It took Webb 21 hours and 45 minutes to make the journey and it is estimated that he swam close to 40 miles on his way from Dover Sande to Sandgatte Beach although the air mileage is only around twenty-one. Strong tides that tug and haul a swimmer off course make up the difference, Indeed when Henry Sullivan—third swimmer and first American to do it—made the Channel swim he was in the water 27 hours and 23 minutes and it is estimated that he was obliged to cover practically 45 miles: (Person- ally, we'd prefer a rowboat or even a raft.) r' * * * Tiraboschi, an Italian, was the first to discover the easier route, astonishing everybody by cutting something silke six hours—that's right, hours, not minutes—off the best previous mark, And when Ger- RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady Wiest 1 had Eczema break out on ms lea o d hlodalmost everything, but 11 did no seed. then 1 bled Moaca and get allot from the tmarling, and Itching. 1 cannot spook too highly of Mecca. r G. ISSUE 47 — 19411 trude Ederle, in 19A26, reached the English sands ust 14 and a half hours after setting out, it was plain to be seen that anybody wishing to make' real speed should start from France. Miss Ederle had the advantage of highly expert advice and was guid- ed pn a course which allowed her to take advantage of no less than three favorable tides. At the time of her swim those who knew the Channel best said that it was a very close thing for muscular Gertrude and that if she had taken as little as 10 minutes longer on the trip, the chances are that she would never have finished. * * So nolo, at long last, we get back to Thomas Blower, the lad we start- ed off to talk about. He's no Strang- er to Channel swimming. Eleven years ago he successfully negotiated the France to England course in 13 hours and 29 minutes. Then, last year, he became the first human to swim the 25 miles of chilly and tur- bulent sea water separating Ireland and Scotland. * * * That would be enough and even more than enough for most of us; but there's no satisfying some folks. So this August the Nottingham giant set off to follow in the wake of Matthew Webb. Nor did large Thomas fail, making it from Eng- land to France in 15 hours, 25 min- utes, the fastest•ever known for a swim in that direction. k * a, What is more, when Blower set out it was his intentipn to remain on the shores of La Belle France only long enough to get himself re - greased and—possibly—have his ig- nition checked. Then he was going to dive in aain and make the return' trip to England. * * Mr. Blower was dissuaded from trying this latter on the advice of experts who told him he was liable to run into choppy seas and ex- tremely.. heavy. going,.. However Thomas says that he'll be back again next year as he wants to be the first ever to swim the Channel both, ways,. non-stop., And.. we heartily hope he makes it. He must be quite a swimmer and back in the days of George Young, Ernst Vierkoetter and the rest of them, would have one both fame and for- tune, As it is now, it seems as if he'd have to be satisfied with the fame alone—and not much of it at that. "Born twenty years too late" might be the way to sum up the fate of Thomas Blower, swim- mer extraordinary. New And All Of Them' Usef ul Portable Fire Escape. Designed"for use by homes, apartments, hotels, factories and institutions, To op- erate you merely open top of car- ton and hook anchor over window silly then drop the carton outa of window and climb' down steps to the ground. Escape 'consists of two lock -link chains to which -steel yoke steps are threaded. Steps are held at a convenient distance from wall. Battery Booster.' This portable charger gives car battery a quick boost—not. a full charge but en- ough to get car back into service. Can also be used to do a slow, full - charging job. Weighs 284 pounds and has rubber feet so that it can be on•fenders 'without scratch- ing, Portable Calculating Machine. Small enough to be moved around office easily, or taken home after hours. Fits into desk drawer and weighing only 8 pounds, it adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, To- talling capacity 10 figures and can repeat listings. Totals and sub- totals printed in red and black; running totals appear on dial. Accordion Type Door. Steel frame • covered with fire-resistant fabric; this door is fitted with plastic wheels which slide back and forth quietly on aluminum rail set into ceiling or upper beam of room, Re- sembles a pleated wall when open and folds into wall pockets when closed, becoming invisible. Claim- ed to be especially suited to shall rooms where regular -type doors would normally take up several square feet of space. Aluminum Food Wrapping. Pure aluminum wrap claimed to perform many tasks for housewife, such as wrapping food so there is no trans- mission of flavor, odor or moisture, lining pr' "'id pans for baking, roasting broiling; household decoratir: - for, placing behind radiator to reflect more heat into room. Said to be air -tight, water- proof and non-toxic. Shawer-Bath Thermoneter. This bath -spray head of transparent plastic has a .built-in thermometer. Maker says water used for washing babies or woollens can be adjusted to proper temperature. "Wetter" Cleaner. Soap substitute —"wetter than water"—acts as cleanser for remarkably wide range of articles, from colored fabrics to floors and automobiles. Can also be used as a hair shampoo or an effi- cient fire -fighting aid. New Kettle Design. New electric kettle features patent steam guard above spout to prevent scalding, keep water hot longer and, when opened, permit easier filling; plast- ic handle shaped to give better weight distribution; and automatic shut-off valve at side rather than at bottom, a FOLDING CiHAIRS Suitable for Emma, Churches, Schools, Chiba, Recreation Centres, Inotltutiono, Offices, Halle, Plant Cafeterias, Arenas, Restaurants and Industrial Employee Phone coiled 0' write for en elogue. MILLCON CHAIR & TABLE COMPANY 1115 Moor West. Toronto Phone LO. 0107 FOLDING LAR GEST CHAIRS N IB T CAOF NADA HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco. Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories -- Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 " Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE PILES 45re. Z. D. Maher, Regina, writes us: Sour of my club members have taken your PYLTONE treatment on my recom- mendation, Iii each case 1t wonted se well es mine. I've had one year of perrfect health, Monks again for your wonderful remedy." The Moly PYLTANI treatment acts results that last because It nee direct to the root of the internal trouble, remov- Ing the cause. Plant extracts that help nature rebuild broken inflammed tissue. Get one bottle of PYLTONE (a liquid taken by Mouth) you'll .get the _same results or money refunded at once, Your Druggist Sine It or can order it. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED - AGENTS and peddlers buy nylons, underwear, .gooks, ete cheapest at 17( Parliament et,, Toronto, Mail orders filled "" ` D e AOUR OWN 110551 Dietrlbuto our 100 Products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, 21xtraotA, Spices, .Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Pro- ducts, epieadld assortment of Gift Boxes.. Our dealers 'make substantial profits! A customer 11, each home! For catalogue and details, Write to FAMILIOX, 1000 Delarimier Street. Mo501061, P.Q, GUARANTEED 'LAMP SERVICE CANADA'S ]argent direct selling lamp moon offers opportunity for profitable year-round g elling, Every: business a prospect. No ex- perience needed to start, Pull time, With repeat sales credited. Factory service: Low 0,1000 for year's lighting.: Sales kit furnished. Write today for yorr :territory. Commercial Elea - teeniest Ltd., 48 King- William St., Hamilton,: Ont... MAKE . extra.. money selling the wonder •Medern Fountain Waxer, every door a aroupect, Warner Products r Co., Hull, Que, ` - OAR/ 05110115 CHICIS dayoles — to . Order, but there's reasonably prompt shipment. Chicks for De- cember -*January delivery shouldalso be ordered. Bray Hatchery, 100 John N. •ITnmll ton, Ont. 10(1058 are a goad price and read 10 plentiful and ,prlees lower, Get some of ear laying pullets—white Lecterns, Barred Melte, New I3ampehires, Light Sunoox. Also pullets acme breeds 18 weeks to ready to lay. Free cote - lone. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario, TA1LE orders torbabychicks. IIatchery estab tithed 20 years Nauta some one 1n your IoealitY to take ordera lar c111o140,- Liberal commission, Inquire to -any Box No. 12, 122-1816 St., New Toronto. PILL ug your pens with laying pullets." We have Barred Rooke, New Hampahirea, Light, Sussex, White Leghorns, Also above breeds 10 weeks 10 ready to 107. 0. is not too soon to Wei* your .1040 chicks. To get the benefit of the highest prices It will pay 700 to take delivery in December, January or Pebreafy.. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. NO ONE•` actually imowe what egg prices will be in 1040, but every Year they are higher the last six months of the year than they are during the first six montlla. To 'have pollute laying A Large eggs fn August they must be hatched early --December; January, Pebrunry or March. Send for free copy of the "Early Bird Gets the Worm Story," also free cate- logue 0n1 1040 prlcellat. 1Yvoddle Chick Hatehertes Limited, Pa,'gla, Ontario, SLIMNESS oPPORTUNITrES AN Orb'ER to every inventor—List of Iaven. Sono and fu11 information sent tree. The Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys, 27.3 Bank Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEAVING HAVE YOU anything needs <la'eing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questioner. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 Tonga Street. Toronto. Ontario. EMPLOYiII; Nr R'AN'TED FAMIILY: 3 men, 1 woman (with• two ehlldren) Experienced in all faith work, seeks work on farm for next season, V. Strautman, Ther - Men Construction Co., Pelgrave, Ont. FOR SALE HI -POWERED RIFLES Write for mw !late and orieee. SCOFF SALES OII 920 Queen SO Vuawa, Oat. PURE WOOL YARNS at mill prices. White or grey, 3 WY. 91.80 lb• postpaid anywhere. Brandon Woollen Mills Company, Brandon, Manitoba. BAND SAWS, circular maws, 219 saws, belt mindere, Mee mindere, drum sanders, shapers, Heavy industrial types, also home wotltahop mede10. Ford Manlnnery, 100 King, Toronto, 12 FLP, Witte Gasoline'engine, completely overhauled and in perfect condition; Smelly good good buy for use In a small wood - Working or metal whop; price $200.00. The E. D. TIlieon Estate Ltd. Tllleonburg, Ont. STORM SASH FOR NOVEMBER DELIVERY ORDER NOW! We will make to your Alza at no extra eost, ROBERT TONES LUMBER CO., HAMILTON, ONTARIO OSHAWA PROPERTY FOR SALE Block on water and electric, close to bus, 0 room house, atone basement. Large out building 57 feet by 86 feet, lowor,floor cement walls and floor, sultable for welding and light manufacturing. Small expense will give truck entrance on 2 floors. Price $18,600.05. Could be divided, Apply Box 60, Oshawa. ARMY HUT WINDOWS 4,000 eatb, approx, 8 ft. x 8 ft,,, used, glue new frames and sash. York Wrecking Co., 2 Blackthorn Ave., Toronto, ARMY BAYONETS War murales. 10 Inch' blade complete with leather sheath, 91.20 each. Postage paid. Rockland Import, 7087 Querbee, Montreal 16. FOR PLYWOOD ,WRITE .175 Flr, Cedar, Birch, Basswood, Poplar,. Oak, Elm and Aoh Plywood, Masonite, Tlieboard and Teakwood. Full line Aluminum MouWings, Cupboard Doors Made to Order and Plywood Cut to Specification. Sturdy Plywood and Woodworking Co. Ltd., 1927 Davenport Rd„ Toronto. Phone Lakeside. 8172. COTTON BAGS & TOWELS Perfectly white. Bleached Sugar Bags 98.00 per doz. Bleached Plour TOWELS HE3IbtEDt—aags bout per a 14" From Flour Hage 82,00 dozen. • Prom Sugar Bagel 82.20 doaen. For mailing add 260 nor dozen. Dept, W. BY PRODUCTS 93 Ontario Street. Toronto i THRESHERS — HAY PRESSES, PROMPT DELIVERY 05000 Threshers, Hay Pressen, Potato Blazers, famous Wince 1840, write for elraniar, Mat• thew broody & Sons Co., Terrebonne, Ode, XMAS HOLLY Berried English Holly, Per box :51.00 and 12.40. Jumbo box 18,00 Car4e ehelosed- for Mune gifts. Postpaid. Miner's., Hatzlo.' B.O. DELICIOUS- White Clover Honey, 48 lbs. ease 510.00. Fine flavored amber honey $0.00. Immediate shipment. Blg Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. NEW Hornet Chain Saws 5284.00. More Powerful! Quieter nominal Hornet Sales & Salvias Depot, 100 Stoma Street, Toronto. LO. 8501, GENEALOGISTS—International blontlrly of Genealogy, Genealogies published, Helpful articles, Invaluable to the amateur or profes- sional family Historian, International Genoa - looted Review, Box 488, Lynchburg, Virginia. BALED hay for sale. Excellent quality alfalfa and mixed hay, Farquharson Bros„ RR2, Renfrew, Ont. MINIC-WOLF-FOX TRAPPERS cash in on the high Mink Prime and Wolf Bounty, trapping the Scientific way, lining .lepers Course and Soont made from Animals' Glands, Waite for particulars to Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alta, 34 YARD P. & IL shovel, completely rebuilt, trot -claw; condition. Can bo Coen waiting Ao rya Fo lerrod by Cenetr Waukesha. Priced right. Braeobridge, Ont. ° PINE Silverblu Male Mink and Halt -Blood ing Slllve blu Hybrid Mu126 les,AStandards, aath nd black Grose. Haile Fur Farm, East Farnham, Quebec. von. SAJWA GOOD woad - noned BOXES and shook", Quick delivery. T, H. Hancock Ltd„ 1870# Bloor. W. Toronto, I'T'S DnrIERENT, It's heal Angora Ya45 grown and spun on our own farm. Write foe eamplo, Elliott Angora Farm,: Mount Hamilton Post Office, Hamilton, Ontario, ALL Items now available; Pumps, Pipe, Bathe, Toilets, Septic Tanks, Range Boilers, Fop Mules Get our quotation on 50ur requirement*. Syry. Bander/4 Supply 100,1,1. Ivry North,: Glue. ORGANS — Suitable for church, email abap0i or home; Minshall and Hammond eleotrlo *115, need single and two -martial reed organs with or •without electric motor and bloWer.. Deo- orlptive literature with prime trent free en request, no obligation. Iieintzman's, 196. range, Toronto, OARAGANA, beet of all hedges, 12", 10". 110 'Der hundred, .larger on request; flowering trees, mountain. ash, 1.7 ft„ 81.25; fruit treat for 00 degrees.. below,ep01e, plum, cherry. Write for catalogue. Taylor Nurseries, Bmf 278, Timmins, Ont. .. $3:500—New ave -room bungaloW, basemesn, wonderful spot for tonriot cabin bueinei , Mat outside Orfilla, on No, -11 highway. Prin. 013010 only. .Apply T. Hodge, R.R. No, 2, Orlllia, Ont MEAT and grocery business for male, neer equipment, ideal location,.' Por full parties', Maw write Brown & Jones, Barristers, 001101t - ors, Ridgeway, Ont. METALLIC GUMMED SEALS For letters and parcels. 100 assorted Ohal�1�. mem and every ley -300. Robert Harvie, 491, Xing St. ]Oust, Toronto. HELP WANTED 82020.60 Yearly salary awnite grnduatee In our' agent -telegraphers 000100. Every gi'aduayy,, Placed In position: Train at home with self - teaching machine. Free folder. Canaan Sys- tems, 1410 Queen W, Toronto. 11100104E IT'S PROVEN—Every sufferer of Rheirmatte Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munros Drug Store, 336'. Elgin, Ott/twit. Postpaid 81.00. SATISFY YOURSELF — Every aufterer Vef Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should trp Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 331 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00, OPPORTUNITIES for •01815 and WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL 01,001 Oppo,'tunft2' Learn Hairdressing Pleasant' dignified profession, good wager. thousands sureeseful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated eata- 10,0,0 free. Write or Call 11411,7EL I}TAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 568 Moor St, W. Toronto. dipole 0017. Apply J. Nldge; 15,0, No. 8, Bronehee: 44 King St., Hamilton 74 11.1,1,,au Street, -Ottawa. PATENTS FETFIERSTONAUGE & Company, Patent 8e - Salters Eetabllohed 1800, 14 King. -West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT Pester Russel and the Watch Tower Bible. 4 Tract Society he founded. Get a free copy of 54 nage book B,A.C., Dept. 4, 442 She boen urne,, Toronto,tOnt, SUPERFLUOUShair permanently eradicates from the bunion body with Saco -Polo oint- ment, the remarkable discovery of the age. Lor -Beer Laboratories, 070 Granville Street, Vancouver, )3,0. "ELIJAH Comfits' Before Christ," Wonderful Book free. Megiddo Mission, Dent. 0, Rochester 11, N.Y. PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR FIRST. ROLL 20c Crystal clear prints from Crystal Beach. Exa pert one day service. Free enlargements. Re- printer 9e. Other specials, Good Will Photo Studio, Crystal Beach, Ontario, Box 242. READER'S SERVICE SEND novel you have read, enclosing quarter and address. Receive different novel by return mall, Box -687 Port Hope, Ont, WANTED WANTED quantity of largo willow trees. 5 10. Hanger of Can. Ltd.. 86 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario. TRACTORS • Farm Tractors of all Mares and Models Wanted Immediately, Give Pull Particular, as to Make, Model, Age and Condition of Tractor by Mall, Wire or Phone, to Bateman Motors Limited, Farm Machinery Department, Belleville, Ontario, Phone 2861. RWe need large nuumbc s o Iouutta or living, bird - killing oat ,klns for Immedlate manufacture Into fine hard wearing Per Coate; handled like muedtrat skins (no feet nor tail required). They bring high prices; your School Teacher has particulars; no permit required to send theme by mall or express; we also need black, brown. and grizzly Bears; Lynx Cate (compieto with claws). Muskrat, Beaver, Mink, Weasel Squirrel, Fiedler, Marten, Lynx — You get moro money when you whip to 3, H. Munro, 1808. SCingeway, Vancouver. (Established 1818). WANTED--Experieheed plumber and tinsmith for Belleville dlahlet. Anply, elating anal!, Aerations and eatery expected, to Box' 23, 128- 18th, Street, Few Toronto, Ontario. SAFES Protect your 1100109 and CASS from MILE and THIET'ES. We have a sloe and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit 00, or write for orleo,, ate, to Dent. W, tie). TAYLOR LIMITED .TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. B., Toronto Established 1855 IsCKAC E JUST A SIGN OF AGE? Many people suffer an aching back needlessly—believing you must expect a few aches and pains when you're "getting on" in years! But backache is often caused by the faulty action of kidneys and liver. See how much better you . feel after taking Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and your kidneys and liver both filter out impurities from your bloodstream. That's because' this time -proven Dr. Chase remedy treats two conditions at. once—contains special remedial ingre- dients for both the kidney and liver disorders which often cause backache. If you're feeling worn-out, tired, headachy—with painfuloints and aching hack—look to your kidneys and liver, Try Dr, Chases Kidney -Liver Pills tonight. At all drug counters. 14 .))t1 11 to h.•:.., I NEED THAT PAIL.. YOU'LL .p NAVE TOSINDANEW IoME roR THAT TURTLE U 82006111-82006111-FROMTNE LAKE. NOTNINd LIKE A GOOD SHAVE AFTER WASNIN& WINDOWS. b Arthur Pointer AND A BRISK SHOWER TQ /Aiwa YOU TINGLE!