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The Seaforth News, 1948-11-18, Page 7
I TEST YOUR 1 Q.1 Learning How The Human Body Is Built—Recently opened in the old Normal School building the new. Ryerson Institttte of Technology will function as the province's only poly - technical school for students above high school level who are unable to take regular university courses, Above, Miss J F. "Young, R.N. explains human bone structure to a student taking the nurses' aid course. The Master Mind By . G. K. I1EINTZMAN Sam Shapiro was down to his last two bits. As he walked away from the poolhall he tilted his hat down over one eye and muttered unkind words about all poolplayers and their descendants down to the third generation. Into Sam's fertile mind carne the 64 -dollar question: How was he going to hoist the two bits into a decent roll? Sam . didn't' know exactly. Yet somehow he had always managed to stay in the dough, right from the days when he used to shoot marbles with the boys until later in life when het graduated to the poolroom Sam attributed his success to his great ideas. He also held the firm opinion that everything in this world was a racket. Sam pushed up his hat and scratched his noggin, Idea No. 1 was to drop over to Joe's lunch room and meditate on ways and means. Idea No. 2 was to put what- ever he ate on the cuff: Sam smiled. He took the quarter. from his pocket and began flipping it in the air. Just as he passed the Banker's Trust building he missed a catch and the • coin fell. Before he could recover it a strange hand darted out from one side and picked it up. Sam turned quicklyand saw a pleasant -faced beggar with a tin cup, sitting on the bank steps. "You missed the cup,,sir," the beggar said smilingly, "but I don't mind reach- ing—not for a quarter." Sam's eyes popped. He stared at the quarter. Only a fool would try to snatch two -bits from a beggar's tin cup an a, busy street. He wished it was dark. Sain scratched his noggin but all was quiet. The beggar's cheery voice spoke. again. "You seem to be thinking, son;' he said. "Will you teal ale your name?" "Sam Shapiro," Sans snapped. He hadn't thought of an angle on how to get his quarter hack. He was triad, "Sam Shapiro is a nice name." There was a strange quality about the beggar's voice. But Sam was not one to appraise matters tike that, Merry Menagerie-BywakDisncy •us try 'Well; shall we go and get thrilled?", He even failed to notice that the beggar had produced a check book ' and fountain pen and had started to write, He tore off a check made out to Sam Shapiro, $100. He handed it to Sam, "Don't ask me the reason, son," he said. "Just walk into the bank and cash it. It's good." Sam took a squint at the check and his eye riveted on the signa- ture. He saw idea No. 3 right there in that signature. Everybody knew that E. Wilson Dodds was president of Banker's Trust, And already Sam could see Mr. Dodd's face when he informed him that a screwball beg- gar was outside handing out checks Sam was mad. He hadn't thought of an angle. with Mr; Dodds' signature. It should be good for a five-spot at least, Inside the bank, Sam stepped up to a cage marked "Paying Teller" and held out the check significantly. ‘"I'd like to see Mr. Dodds about this" "Mr. Dodds is out," said the tell- er. He took the check with a courte- ous smile. "It won't be necessary to see Mr. Dodds about this," he said. "If you can identify yourself I'll cash this for you." Sam gasped. He couldn't figure out the game. Nevertheless they weren't going to catch him napping. "I'us not going to cash this check, pal," he said. "I'm only trying to inform you that there is a screwball outside writing out checks with Mr. Dodd's signature on them," The teller laughed out loud. "It's quite all right, sir: That was. Mr. Dodds! He often wondered if there was such a thing as charity in this modern world. So today he put on that disguise mu' decided to give $100 to the first ten people to have pity on hint . . And let ase con- gratulate you, sirs You are the first person to cash a check." Keeping. The Peace Jones was boasting of a system he had invented to preserve domestic well-being and tranquility. "The day we were married, fifteen years ago," he said, "we decided that ' really important decisions were to be left to me. Small everyday de- cisions that affected only the smooth running of the house were left entirely to my wife." How has . your system worked out?" asked a friend. "Perfectly," said Jones. "There Hasn't been a single hitch In the entire fifteen years. Of course," he added thoughtfully, "no really important decision has conte up yet." Tllfl'AlThl FRONT In large mills that manufacture commercial stock feeds, the grain, before it enters the grinding ma- chinery, usually has to pass under suspended horizontal magnets; and. it would really surprise. most folks how many metallic objects are col- lected in this way: And while sini ilar procedure is hardly practical on the average farm, great care should be taken to make sure that such ob- jects do not get into the feed for livestock. Both in Canada and in the United States there are large numbers' of cases where cattle have died sudden- ly on tarns and in feed lots, and where pest .mortem examination showed that such things as nails •or bits of wire had entered the heart. Meat packing houses on Both. sides of the line also report consider- able damage from+ the same source discovered after slaughter. It is impossible to estimate accurately what the losses must be from such injuries, but if it were it is certain the figures would point to the need for greater care both on the farms and while the animals are in transit. * * Labor saving devices are becom- ing increasingly common in farm operations and one such device more and more commonly used is the automatic hay . and straw baler of the pickup type. Then in many commercial feed lots the hay and straw used is purchased in baled form, and practically all the bales are tied with wire. Post mortem evidence indicates the need for extra precautions to make sure that the short ends of .the wire do not be- come mixed with the feeds. * * * The waste of finished meat prod- ucts, proceeding from condemnation of livers, hearts, tongues and so forth, is only a small part of the ac- tual loss from such causes. Cattle with digestive disturbances or other internal ailments resulting from' swallowing pieces of metal or other foreign bodies, cannot make good growth, nor can milk cows so handi- capped produce as they should. * * * Death loss among farm animals, brought about in this way is un- doubtedly very high, and It is up to every forward-looking farmer to try and cut down the toll. A com- mon sympton of pain in the animal is head stretched forward and back arched—or when the animal is seen to lie down and get up again almost immediately. But when these are observed it is usually too late to do anything about it. The big thing is to see that your stock doesn't get a chance to swallow such death -deal- ing objects. * * * You probably knew' this already, but another warning mightn't be out of the way, It is quite possible for dangerous gases to form above silage so dangerous that fatalities may result. For example, last fall out in Iowa a mother and two sons died in a silo because of this. One boy tried to save the other, then the mother attempted to rescue the sons —but all three perished. To prevent such tragedies, as -fast as the •silage settles, doors should be taken out so that the gas can es- cape. If it is necessary to go into a 5110, test conditions with a lighted lantern first. If it continues to burn, you are probably safe. * 4, * You don't need to be a poultry raiser on anything like a wholesale scale to know that water piped to the poultry house saves a heap of labor. But it also saves a lot of feed bq keeping the hens from getting thirsty. That's because a hen needs it least two pounds of water for each pound of food consumed. * * * And here, just for a laugh, is r-NOi- FUISNES? Are you going thru the functional 'middle - age' period peculiar to women (88-52 yrs.)? Does this make you suffer from hot flashes, feel so nervous, high-strung; tired? Then no try LydisE. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound to reliovesuchsymptomsl Pinkham'e Compound aim has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic offeotl 44 LYDIA L. MADAM'S COMP U something called "The Song of the. Lazy Farmer"Wand I'm only sorry that I can't tell you the name of the author. Itgoes like this: "Whene'er my corns begin to pain,. thus i'ndicatin' it will rain, then :I enjoy my misery 'cause I can loaf some more, by gee. When raindrops fall I cannot go outside to plow or even hoe; the wife cannot complain a bit or tell me to git up and git. She hates it, but leaves me alone, and so my time is all my own; at least that's how it'a worked to date, of course there's no use pushin' fate, it's possible if I should stay in her sight•oea rainy day, she'd think up some obnoxious thing that I would have to do, by jing. a * "So when the rain begins to fall, I never hang around at all; 1 get some place where I can lay and pass some pleasant time away. My fav - 'rite spot is in the mow, there's nothing quite so nice somehow, as restin' on the hay up there and watchin' drops fall through the air. I love that sweet alfalfa smell, and that of fallin' rain as well; It's never long until my eyes get heavy as the stormy skies, then I crawl back into the gloom, where it is dark with lots of room, and stretch out there upon the hay and soundly snooze most of the day." Skirts, Maybe—Chester Klos, five, of Galt, Ont., is decidely interested in the kilt worn by Pipe Major J. A. Ward of the Highland Light Infantry pipe ban& It's an age-old, world- wide curiosity. Frogs do not drink water by mouth — they absorb it through their skins, Natural History Quiz Here's a Natural. History Quiz, and you should know most of the answers without looking at the cor- rect ones which appear upside down below. Make a stab at thein anyway before taking a peek. I. What bird is ;famed for lay- ing her eggs in other bird's nests? 2 How many toes has a horse? 3. Does a firefly give off heat? 4. Do coffee beans grow in pods? 5; What -color are the eggs of canaries? 6, Do bats have feathers? 7. Is there sand' under the deep- est part of the ocean? 8. What modern creature—ani- mal, bird or reptile -has the longest life 'span? 9. How many toes has an oatrieh? 10. in proportion to its size what livipg creature has the largest brain? 11. Can you tell a rattlesnake's age by the number of rings on its tail? 12. Is the spider an insect? Answers ?mania es s,;.; :oN 'Z1 ..iFein8aial MO12 dm it tON -ll uua KY 'pi loo; nova uo ox.; :.mod 6 :save¢ 001 .10 ooZ aall Svm asloi -ao; any •8 •paurao; sI azoo ;11s s aanssaad smarm aapun LOM -L •spalq sou aa,,iaq; lost '9 's;ods uMMoaq t;len sawn;autos 'u80a2 ao atilt! 4112t'3 •5 'salaaatip aHi1 aloof ,tat; pa -Haid crown loN •t, 'ON '1 ..;oo; a pas no. avo :2110g 'Z =taro .aty TEA THAT'S SO GOOD IT'S .,. Genuine $OS1DED qualityl Certified e by a Warranty ovary u4a ie dY a $10,000 Do oOau°daS�alt o IP j15 pEltot nuiis1 �aNEr. :,IT'S',(;lbl1N11e11' Thousands switching to the Qq,,, New, Finer Lipton Tea... /47©e�'r-� Copyright 1948 by Thoma, J, listen, Limited GSE • It's the talk of Canada::: the only BONDED tea in the country ... so good it's backed by a $10,000 Dominion of Canada Bond, deposited with the Bank of Montreal: So get ready for a brand new taste thrill when you taste this new and finer Lipton Tea. It's so delicious, so brisk - tasting, so completely satisfying—with that wonderful exhilarating Flavor -Life Look for the warranty in every package—taste the quality in every cup. SE Err Ere By Harry Haenigsen I WAS ACTUALLY NEVER So CARRIED AWAY IN my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE !