HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-11-11, Page 2DIAM
M�[oney Monroe, pretty young redhead, sue-
tYOsetuiiy snatches the Sylvester Diamond
Rt om lite handbag of a woman in a Los
gales department.. store, and Tildes it in
@¢r' averment.. She establishes a time
ellbl by altering the clock, then setting It
Back again after making sure her maid Doe
00011 it. Joe Danburne, professional thief
whom elle has known for several months,
galls soon after and urges Her to contact,
leer friend Dan Brewster, atate's attorney,
lend find out how much he knows about the
theft. Joe doesn't know Honey' has. the
diamond, but he himself has long honed to
rkt it. Dan cane :Honey opportunely and
s it he may see her that evening.
noY consents and Joe depnrte fa high
Writs. •
Long after he had gone, Honey
sat .in deep meditation, and all the
thoughts that passed through her
mind were not happy ones. They
concerned the diamond, Joe and
Dan Brewster and were rather
jumbled. They did not mix well
together -s. stolen jewel, a thief,
and the district attorney.
Honey didn't know that Daniel
Brewster asked Sonny the same
question Joe did about the time she
came home; nor did she know of
the look of relief that crossed his
tense face. When he rang the door-
bell she was• waiting, heart beating
just a bit faster and eyes parkling
like twin jewels, expectantly.
"You are lovely, Honey Monroe,"
he declared warmly and his eyes
echoed his words "The most beau-
tiful creature in the world! Or have
I told you that before?"
* * *
"It must have been some other
girl," laughed Honey, color stealing
into her cheeks. "The eminent Mr.
Brewster has never paid compli-
ments to me before. At least, 1
don't recall any at the moment,"
she added, wrinkling her nose at
"Then I've certainly been neglect•
ing my sworn duty."
"I suppose you'll be busier than
ever now since Mrs. Sylvester's dia-
mond has been stolen." Honey's in-
terest might have been that of any
ordinary citizen discussing the lat-
est event of the day, for the news
had come over the radio broadcast
at 6:30. "Have you any clues yet?"
"Must we talk of business so ear-
ly in the evening?" he inquired with
a grin that told her there were other
things more exciting to talk of. "I
thought of a drive along the ocean
and then a bite to eat later."
"That sounds very nice," she told
him happily.
"1 have also been thinking how
nice it would be if you would let
me call you Honey." When he
spoke her name this time it had all
the earmarks of an endearing term.
"I still agree with you, Dan." She
let her own voice fondle his name
just a tiny bit and he did not miss
the inflection.
He said quickly, all seriousness:
"Oh, Honey!"
Just motoring slowly down the
Pacific Coast, even though it was
foggy and there was no moon, cast
an air of romance for Honey. Et
was true that she had promised to
marry Joe, but no one knew just
how she felt about him or whether
she would carry out her engage-
"You know," said Dan suddenly,
breaking the sweet silence that had
settled over them during the last
few minutes. "You are a mystery,
Honey. You don't work -or do
* * *
A soft laugh rippled deep in her
"Don't you call having a good
time work?" she inquired frivo-
lousy, "I do."
"I suppose so -for a woman."
But he did not sound convinced.
"I know what you mean, Dan.
I'll say it for you. How do I make
a living?" He tried to interrupt her
but she silenced him with a gesture,
"Please. I don't mind telling you
the secret. A thoughtful grand-
mother left pie an adequate income.
So you see, I'm independent, I do
what I please, when I please and
answer to no 0"'t."
"How well do you know Joe Dan-
burne?" His tone was guarded care-
fully, hilt she understood his mean-
ing clearly. "I mean what sort of
person is he?"
"I have known hint for about nine
ntontlls but not very well. You see,
she explained honestly and did not
mind telling him in the least, "Joe
is a hard person to really know. He
doesn't talk about himself much.
But I'm working to get better ac-
"Then it is true," he said flatly.
Answer to Last Week's Puzzle
"You are engaged to him." It was
not a question, but a statement and
his voice rang with disappointment.
"Perhaps," she answered and her
manner was teasing. "I was hoping
this date was due to my attractive
ness, Dan, but now 1 know I was
' "Haney!" He sounded hurt. He
found her hand in the darkness of
the car and drew it to his lips.
"What other reason would make me
come around if 1 did not like you?"
Conscious of his shoulder touch-
ing hers, she replied:
"When we stop for that bite to
eat you spoke of I will tell you the
real reason," There was laughter
in her voice to hide the sentiment
she felt in her heart.
True to her promise, Honey fin-
ished eating and then leaned her
arms on the table,
"You came to see inc tonight,
Dan, because you wanted to know
something about Joe. I have been
seen with him quite a lot lately and
I know his reputation is question-
able. So, naturally, you would want
to check on him, Right?" Her tone
was sincere, but there was a smile
on her face to tell that she did not
resent his inquiry.
"Maybe I hoped to gather some
information about Danburne," he
admitted honestly. "But you're for-
getting a. lovely, blue-eyed girl, a
moonlight night and a roan with
a sailboat."
When they were back in the car,
on the way home, Honey asked
"Have you any idea who stole the
Sylvester diamond, Dan? Any defi-
nite clues?"
"We know that it was a woman
-probably a young woman." Hon-
ey's heart jumped into her throat
for a second and threatened to
choke- her with fright. "And we
have one clue. Not much, but some-
thing to make a start from."
* *
What that clue was he did not
'offer to say and Honey hesitated
to ask for fear she might show too
much concern in the platter and
lay herself open for suspicion. Un-
easiness rested heavily on her deli-
cate shoulders after that and she
was very glad when they drove up
in front of her apartment hotel.
When he insisted on going in with
her, she was really scared. But that
fear was short-lived.
Inside the living roomy he gath-
ered her instantly into his arms,
surprising her with the movement.
"Honey -" and his voice was
deep with passionate feeling. "1
had to hold you in my arms. Feel
the touch of your lips against
Then he kissed her, gently and
'Honey, 1 love you. I've loved
you since that first night 1 took
you sailing. 1 have fought' it 'all
these many weeks that I haven't
seen you. Stayed away on purpose.
But it is no use. I still love you."
"I'm- glad, Dan," she whispered
and lifted her face to be kissed
again. "You see, I love you, too."
There was another long and silent
moment while he held her close in
his arms. Wher he lifted his face
from hers this time, he asked
"And you will stop seeing Dan -
She smiled just the faintest bit
and stepped away from him.
"In just a little while, Dan. I will
have to break the news to him a bit
"But soon?" Dan insisted as he
was about to go.
"Soon," she repeated and felt a
little shaky at the future prospect.
But she did not know at the
moment that her promise to Dan
would be fulfilled so quickly.
(To be Continued
Their Majesties Ride in State -Attending the first formal open-
ing of the British Parliament in 10 years, King George and
Queen Elizabeth are seen as they ride through the streets of
London .in the historic State Coach,
IINDAY}7 �SlCry(ryII/O�,pAYf,iONuL,
f kcv. R. Barclay Waren
Prophecy In The Bible
Amos 5:21-24; 7:10-15; Micah 4:1-4
Golden Text:- He hath shewed thee,
O man, what is good; and what
doth the Lord require of thee, but
to do justly, and to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with thy God? -
Micah 6:8.
Prophecy 1- one of the strongest
evidences that the Bible is inspir-
ed. It has three functions: 1. To
inform us of a future event that
people should know about before
it takes place. 2. To identify an
event which has been forecast by
prc.phecies. 3. To inform more gen-
erally that God knows in advance
what he intends to do. These con-
siderations will saveusfrom over-
working the. Scripture in an effort
to secure a one hundred per cent
understanding of its meaning.
No prophecy is so completely
understood as whin it is being ful-
filled or after its fulfillment, -.King
Herod asked where Cl.rist should
be born and was answered by the
scribes in the words of the prophet
Micah, "And thou Bethlehem-".
He sent the wise men to Bethlehem.
Now we marvel at the prophecy of
,Micah given seven centuries before
tit birth of Jesus in Bethlehem!.
The prophets, were also teachers
of righteousness and were frequent-
ly unpopular. Amos brought a
message disparaging the religious
feasts and offerings of the people.
He was advised to leave the king's
court at Bethel because he said the
king would be slain and the people
carried away captive. But Amos
finished his prophesy. He fore-
oratold the return from captivity.
How we long for the fulfillment
of Micah's words, "He shall judge
among many people, and rebuke
strong nations afar off; and they
shall beat their swords into plough-
shares, and their spears into prun-
ing hooks: nation shall not lift up
sword against nation. neither shall
they learn war any more."
Mistress: "l'm sorry you want
to leave, Mary. Are you going to
better yourself?"
Maid: "Oh, no, ma'am, I'm going
to be married."
1. Filipinoo
6. Molding
8. Likely
12. Shed feathers
18, Metal mer-
16. Arctic
17. Green plum
18. Flail
Jo. Seasons --
51. Upas of
a. Timetable
8. Wheel parte
8. As tar 110
39. Move Quickly
30. Moltam-
at Existence
t8. Calcium
84. orward
36, Greek letter
a Prevent
iirefluh® prefix
4 . mune t eota-
44. Reptl'e11w t" tsar
4; talc ott�1®q�g
Oht'1t1 it il"
moth a �r
13O nakw ty'r,ant*
50. ml
k8pn� d*lrti
2. Mohammedan
1, Produced
5. Exclamation
8. Old: Joke
1. Obliterate
8. Brink
3. Rough lava
10, IrrieHawaiian)
11. Spread
14. Ras o0
16. Edlt
20, Division o4
the Koran
22. Distance
53. Water vapor
24. Talked
26. Array officer
A7. Clever
90. Pedal. part
2. Antitoklne
4. Roo Silo
7. Russian cote
8. Geometrical
9. Prepares fora
2. Sora
3. Drive
5.: Exposed '.
7. Hummingbird
9. Siamese colts
1. Aga
2. Kind of bean
4. Not any
2 . Rye (Soot.).
4 to
This Puzn o W
Appear Nent Week
How Can ??
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I make the elastic
in garters last longer?
A. Instead of -sewing the ends of
garters together, cut the elastic
about two inches shorter than or-
dinary, sewing a p'ece of ribbon
to each end, and tie the bow when
putting on. As the elastic stretches,.
the ribbon will take up the required
Q. How can 1 make a good• fur-
niture polish? -
A. A furniture polish than can
be used on the finest woods can
be made of one part vinegar, with
equal parts of linseed oil and tur-
Q. How can I clean gold lace
or braid that is badly tarnished?
A. Sprinkle with fuller's earth.
and then rub with a stiff brush.
Q. How can I clean white velvet?
A. Sponge with a commercial
cleaner, always rubbing in the direc-
titon of tht nap- Then stretch right
side up over a bowl of hot water
and brush the nap with a soft
Q. How can I fry oysters. pro-
A. When frying oysters, first
wash and drain them_ Season with
salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg,.
and then cracker crumbs. Fry until
golden brown in hot fat. thea drain
well and garnish with parsley or
A new and tasty way of dishing
up that great fetnily standby'-
hamburger -is always welcome, 1
- know; and I'm sure you'll like this
suggestion for a Meat Loaf Din-
ner, which is filling, 'nutritious and
a real treat to eat.
The Apple -Carrot Salad goes
well with it; and if, you try this
recipe for oatmeal bread I'm pretty
certain your folks will be calling
for plenty of encores.
Meat -Loaf Dinner
1% pounds hamburger
cup sausage
ee teaspoon pepper
1 small onion, minced
1 cup dry oatmeal
74 cup milk or tomato juice
Shape into loaves with centres
filled with the following:
1% teaspoons salt
S cups mashed potatoes
134 cups bread crumbs
1 1 -4 -teaspoons salt
Dash of pepper
6 tablespoons melted butter or
shortening --
334 cup milk
Place Loaves in a roaster side' by
side. Bake in a hot oven for 46
minutes. Place peeled carrots and
sweet potatoes around loaves and
bake until vegetables are tender.
Apple Carrot Sala'd
1 cup shredded carrots
34 cup seedless raisins
1 cup chopped celery
1 orange, diced
1 unpared apple, diced
js cup salad drdssing
34 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons peanut butter
Combine vegetables and fruits.
Add the salt. Blend together the
salad dressing and peanut butter.
Thin with a little cream if desired.
Toss lightly with salad ingredients.
Sores four to six.
Lowly Rhubarb
Goes High -Hat
Fruit and vegetables arc in con-
flict again. This time the former
is laying definite claim to rhubarb -
a claim' that a court has been, asked,
to sustain, After a long period of
controversy,the tomato, was- snatch-
ed from the vegetable fancily and set
up as a fruit. Then along came
the melon with a "me too" claim
to whatever aristocracy may be at-
tached to the fruit grou,,, and ap-
parently won out sufrreiently to, be
given a fruit rating by Mr. Webster.
Even: the nut has. gained recogni-
tion as a. hard -shelled, fruit, and one.
wonders what other desertions are
facing the vegetable family, , The
poor squash that may lie in friend,
ship. alongside the melon in the
garden apparently is destined to re-
main. a vegetable.
NNE 141 ST]
complaints from. lonely wives tops•
my mail today. Married two• years,.
four years, six or seven, they tell
the same, sorry story: Their hus-
band's don't tokc
them out .... or
if they dee. it is
only alter an ar-
gument tit at
spoils the. whole
How many of
you trete. ,neade
ing this today,.
are guilty?: And.
how did you get into the habit of
going out alone?
Was it because your wife couldn't
leave that first baby?
Was she too tired to dress and
take in a show? -
\u,ras she letting herself go,. not
as dainty and well -turned -out as elite
used to be? And couldn't talk about
anything but the neighbours and
the high cost of food?
Wives Are People
When you were courting her,
nothing was too good for the girl.
You were proud to show her off.
She was full of spirit, pleasant to
look at, entertaining to listen to.
She loved a show, a movie or .a
football game. you two had such
fun together!
Naturally (silly girl) she thought
marriage would ez like that. Going
places together, entertaining friends
at home, with you always there
admiring her. -
Well, she's 'ound out,
No matter whose fault 1e is,
give her a thought today.
You come home tired yourself,
of meeting other people downtown,
many a day. Yet you've had the 11ft
putting over a deal, tal" •g polities,
exchanging ideas.
How About Her?
* The big adventtlte of her day
* has been planning meals for you,
* marketing, washing dishes, keep-
* Ing the house shining, tending
* your son and heir. She is tired
* too but she is also lonely.
+ Nothing's wrong with her that
* a frequent gay evening out
* wouldn't cure. (And there are
* baby-sitters today, remember.)
* I1ft her conuensation, isn't excite
* ing now, whose fault is. it? Idose
* often. do• you discuss• your busi
'e mess. with, her, news• of the day,
* on bring home amusing stories.
* for her to laugh, at with ytouh'
* Id her app 'nee isnib whale it
*• was,. a few compliments. - frotn•
* you,. a new flair -do or another
* frock would snap. her bank where
a she was L0• years. ago, Women
* thrive en appreciation.
* If you. look at her today with
" a. different eye„ you wile realize
* that she is the. same gay- young
* thing, you: married:., . or she would
* be,. given hale .hence. All she
* needs is a change now and then
* frotse her date routine, the know-
* ledge• than you stilt think she's
* fun to be with. And how can
* she know this unless you become
* bee best beau again?
* * *
It takes two to keep the light I
touch through marriage. But that
is one talent that keeps husbands
and wives close together and excite
ing to each other. Anne Hirst can
help, if you write her at 123.18th ,
Street, New Toronto.
Ju t heat and rub to
MINARD'S, and note the
quick relief you get.
Groes len, fast -drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor,
Get n bottle today keep
it handy.
512E 6 e
ISSUE 46 - 1943.
Oatmeal Bread
1 package quick yeast_
1 1-4 cups oatmeal
2 level tablespoons shortening
level tablespoons sugar
4 'to'5 cups flour
2 level teaspoons "salt
Dissolve yeast in one-half cup
of warm water. Cook oultmeal in
two cups of boiling water for five
minutes, Remove from fire and add
ahorteeing, sugar and salt.
Cool to lukewarm and add yeast
mixture. Stir well. Add flour unlit -
stiff 'enough to knead. Tows onto'
floured board and knead for 10
minutes, until it is elastic and does
not stick to your hands. Add more
flour if necessary.
Put in greased bowl and then in
a warm place until it doubles in
bulli (about one hour). Put out on
board and shape into two loaves.
Put in greased bread pans in a
warm place and let rise until it
doubles in bulk. Bake in a pre-
heated 878 -degree oven for one
<+�EwOlatn W ( f i
Make most of: those small, Ctltriste-
.mas gifts- from this- ONE pattern!!
Butterflies; large and smalh. dbaors'
ate every kind of linen!'
Rainbowtatting'cotton. makes. fate-
cinating crochet for gifts! Butter-
fly Pattern 578; directions,
Laura. Wheeler's- newt improved
paftern.makes needlework so. sim-
ple with its charts, photos, concise
in coins (stamps. cannot be. aece ,t-
ed) for- this pattern, to. the: Merle
craft Dept., Box 1, 10t11s4f3, Sitz,
New Toronto. Print. plkinflg rPA•`X -
if %tot TY ED
Itrs.®aldhLt 16 ' May Needl
EVETAUISEe-Faulgy Iaidneys let excess
aci& and! poitonoua 1 wastes stay in the
5 *item' Bkaachea,,r headaches and that
`Ifnndieut'" feeliisge,,ften follow. Dodd's
1Gdhny. RJlla fteijp r &tore your kidneys to
norms]; achoec-hal p you feel better, work
beats,. slag LOPlrr .. Be sure you got the
genuine Dwdd a i Kidney Pills, a fevourite
remedy, foir 122.2 a then half a century. You
eau 188 Dodd's! 157
' t$
Kidney Pills
Belie n etieve distress of MONTHLY
Are you troubled by distress of female
functional periodic disturbances? Dose
EWA make you suffer, foal so neroouo,
tired -at such times? Then do try Lydia
E. Pinkhom's Vegetable Compound to
relieve ouch symptoms. Pinkbnm's heir
a soothing effect on'one of woman's most
important organa!
Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Klnd Of•
Relief That Helps Make You Redn' To Ge
More than ball of your digestion in do
below the belt -ie your 28 fest of be
So whop mdiooE On strikes, try some
that helps digestion Ili the sttomnoh N '
below the belt.
whooyou may need fir Cortex's Little Livor
P111e r4, give needed bele to et 'forgotten
28 feet' el bowels.
Take one Carter's Little Liver Pill befory
nod one utter sneak, Take them n000rdtog to
dlroetlotw. They help wake g 1�.o a w
of the 8 main digeotive Juices In you. r0 060555
AND bowels -help you digest what r'u have
eaten h, Nature's own Ivey.
Then moot iolka got too kindpa11of that
t,k0s you rel hatter from your beadtpo oltww
tom Just be unr yott;001 the genuipe Gset y'o
Li, Liver Pins Pram yoer druggist -860,