HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-11-04, Page 6The new orange -coloured boxes which have recently been adopted for SALADA TEA BAGS mark the return in teal -bag foram to our FINEST ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY at no increase in the list price. SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HRONICLE5 °IGlNGERFARM Ontario is facing a crisis. How it is met depends upon you and me ... and the rest of the people. t am referring to the hydro short- age. Yes, a lot depends "upon the zest of the people" and of course on the Hydro Commission itself, but still if each one of us would stop worrying about what the other fellow is doing and concentrate on ways and means of saving power in our own homes a lot Iess kilowatt hours would be used as a result. It is so easy to say—"Why should I bother to use less power when So- and-So's house is all lit up like a Christmas tree?" And supposing it it—does that give us the right to he equally ignorant and inconsider- lite? As my niece aptly remarked the other day—"Hydro is one thing You can't hoard -to have it you 'must save it," * * We are continually being resuind- ed by press and radio to save pow- sr—use no more lights than are necessary; turn the switch when -the kettle starts to sing; be saving pith heaters; and so on. That's fine ut I think the habits of our own espective families night be 'stud - Sed to good purpose. I know that is So here. For instance, until every- one is in bed we always keep a light burning in the hall. As a safe- ty measure we still do but the now. have a 10 -watt bulb instead of a 40, and for the bracket light in the dining -room a 7/ watt bulb. The main cellar light has always been a big waster. The switch is at the top of the stairs. Someone comes up from the cellar, forgets to switch off the light, and because it is na- tural to close the cellar door the ilght is shut off and there is noth- ing to give any warning that the bIwtch has been left on. So we got usy. We rigged up a plug-in light, with a tiny bulb that hooks up on the outside of the cellar door. Since it is plainly visible through the glass pane! of the dining room door we always see it and act accordingly, if by any chance the light should be left on. 4, y * Then in our little sitting -room Partner has a 60 -watt bulb in the reading lamp by his couch. That's fine—for reading! But most eve- nings Partner will drop off to sleep —and who needs a 60 -watt light to sleep by? So, unless I atm using the lamp at the far end of the room, I switch off the bright light and turn on a 1S -watt wall lamp specially in- stalled for that purpose. And what about the radio? Where is the family who cannot find some way of using it a little less? How often is the'.radio turned on and then forgotten, with announcers telling an empty house how to get rid of acid indigestion or the kind of soap to use to make the whitest wash? * * + And then there are stoves . cool days are with us once again and it shouldn't be any great hard- ship to go back to the old cook - stove to do our baking. Hydro is such a precious thing and those of us who did without It for so many years, know only to well how much it contributes to the joy and comfort of everyday life. Shouldn't we then be the first to try to con- serve it? Not just for ourselves, but for industry. Shortage of Power could have far reaching results. It could throw thousands out of work and seriously upset our industrial machinery. Someone may have slip- ped up on the job but there is little use at this time to berate the gov- ernment or the H,E,P,C, for any inconvenience we may suffer. We were given fair warning a shortage might occur—a shortage that has been further aggravated by the late summer drought — and that was something no one could prevent. Canada depends so much upon her natural resources — water to generate electricity; statural gas in many parts of the country; oil for so many prposcs; and it looks as if our use of these resources is out- stripping the supply. It is some- thing to remember—and we might also think twice before'we criticize. For instance someone turned in a complaint because a big business pace was ablaze with light and was told that in this particular instance the company had its own generat- ing plant. Excuse me a Minute—Partner is calling. Oh -oh . . . is my face redl Partner was wanting to, know why the back'cellar light had been left burning. And I was the culprits See what I mean? If we each make a habit of checking up on the rest of the family surely a lot of power could be saved. CROSSWORD 3. 0.Cbargi 0. off t. Sundry 2, Mineral PUZZLE 10. Lirnb7,Ptepanl a2.Aanerlcan Statesman 3. the a heel by 23. The number three ten 4, hockey ball 20, Snug room i. Deep hole 8g8. Sunburn Xoa able me O. Photographic . Cat thin instruments 8, Neitable Period 33. Southern state Adnofla 1, Cub efih 8, Rub out 18. American artist 6rn4. Deolls ted 6. Turn ins d6 out :16, Loving.. 18 81de 51eces 118 hail )2� ?very onaea 22, 8'ear 124. Silkwortp 126, P fits ttse0.p Ort l9. Near 2.0. Caddis worm 32, Wtrsrope i84. 'Indian mulberry 35. Recently, acquired I37, California mountatb 88. Month .0. satiated . Tear Black 4 , Propel a small boat 18. Lear 1 Corn Ad n'lower spPKe `"''` EB, Nobleman - 'I 86. Caution 87. Light mole !tall 39. Slag 41, Sum 4B. Goddess of 500.0.0. 4 . Nuleanoce 4.8. Baseball team 4 . Plat topped hill 66 Siamese coins 6 . Chinese measure 2 3 4 5 8 s 10 n 1a 03 15 19 21" '4 6 Answer to This Puzzle Will Appeat Next Week UNDAY SCHOOL LESSON by Rev. R. Barclay Warren History in the Old Testament 1 Icings 4:21-29; 11:16, 9-11. Golden Text:—Blessed is the na- tion whose God is the Lord,— Paslin 33.12. A large portion of the Old Test- ament is history. It relates in de- tail the story of Israel, the chosen race. A few years ago a traveller was going from Egypt to Palestine. He went to a book seller to secure a guide book which would enable him to identify the historic land- marks in the country over which he was to travel. The book seller frank- ly rankly told him that if he would study the book of Exodus, and related passages, it would be as dependable a guide as .he could find. Further- more, almost eyery year fresh evi- dence is uncovered confirming the accuracy of the Old Testament His- tory. The lesson gives us a picture of the Kingdom of Israel when its prosperity and grandeur was great- est. Soloman ruled in peace for forty years. It was the golden age. It was not the forced prosperity occasioned by war, but a prosperity made possible by peace. The Queen of Sheba after visiting the kingdom and viewing its glory exclaimed to Solomon, "The half was not told me." But despite Solomon's wisdom he made a great error. "Ile loved many strange women .. , he had Seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines. He joined with his wives in their idola- trous worship. Because of Sol- omon's sin God said to him, "I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to Illy ser- vant," To be in the kingdom of God is better than to rule king- doms of the world. In the Shade of the Old Dinosaur—Joyce Cleugh and. Adess Sheridan are amused and amazed by the colossal proportions of a life-size dinosaur made of cement in the Calgary, Canada, Zoological Park. More than 30 dinosaur skeletons have been fond on the banks of the Red Deer River near Drumheller, Alberta, since 1912. Averaging 70 tons in weight, the dinosaurs flourished more than 90,000,000 years ago. IT STARTS NEXT WEEK And You Won't Want to Miss a Single Word of It Our New Serial Story THE SYLVES��TER E A SC's O iyHD BY BLANCHE ROBERTS She was young—red-headed— pretty—and you first meet her in a Los Angeles Department Store in the act of lifting the world- famous Sylvester Diamond from a woman's handbag. What happens after that? Well, that would be telling. SO BE SURE YOU READ THE FIRST INSTALMENT IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE TABLE TALKS elms Andrews. jack -O' -Lanterns 1 package orange-!'avored gelatin 2 cups bot water dried currants 6 halves canned peaches, drained 6 marshmallows, flattened Dissolve gelatin in bot water. Fill wide sherbet glasses about one-third full and chill. Press currants into rounded side of each peach half to make eyes, nose, and mouth of jack o' -lantern face. When gelatin is firm, place marshmallow in center of each glass and cover with^peach half, placing face -side .up. Pour re- maining slightly thickened gelatin over peaches and chill until firm. ltlskes 6 servings. r r x Witches a n d hobgoblins a n d ghosts! The thrill of dressing up in long skirts and ringing doorbells around the neigh- borbood is some- v�,' thing no child should miss! And whether you have children of your own or expect some visiting neighbors, r e freslinrents are al- ways in order on. Hallowe'en ffhere's a recipe for simply "super” cup cakes that would be delicious at any season, but with their Jack-o'-lantern decora- 791 ,t„1�`�i�lYf��'. �+ a4ro,�,� ,4y 3 TWO needless Isn't that too simple? You can knit these toasty - fingered gloves with their smart cable -decorations ever so easily. Smart glover for every occasion, so easyto knit. Pattern 791; direc- tions in small, medium, large. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern to the Needle- craft Dept;, 128.18th Street, New Toronto. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and AD- DRESS. • Lawn tennis i3 a ronPraratively modern moclifieaCCon 'of tele anrirnt game of court tennis. Which Side? An old grad was belittling the quality of present-day gridiron war- riors. "When I was in college," he told tlr coach, "I helped Varsity trim Western three years in suc- cession," "Zatso," nodded the coach. "Which team did you say you were playing for?" n Answer to Last Week's Puzzle O A' A ,g,k tsf' 5 E Mg. E P P 1 E E fJ , yanarllCY. '.']4:®.:1.1 1313111ta.0 I -411[Ntlin CV,1211116111 ISSUE 43 — 1948 tions are the very thing to delight the heart of every boy and girl on All Hallow's Eve. Yum -Yuma 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons water 1% squares unsweetened chocolate teaspoon soda 2 cups sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder IA teaspoon salt TA cup butter or other shortening 3y cup sugar 2 egg whites, unbeaten 34 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Combine sugar, water and choco- late in saucepan and cook over low flame until thick and smooth, stir- ring constantly. Stir in soda; cool. slightly. Sift flour once, measure, add bak- ing powder and salt; and sift to- gether thrce times. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and cream to- gether until light and fluffy. Add egg whites, one at a time, beating very thoroughly after each. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth, Add vanilla. Divide batter in two parts; to one part, add chocolate mixture, stirring until blended. Put by teaspoons in- to greased cupcake pans, alternately - light and dark mixtures. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) 20 minutes, or until done. Makes 16 large cupcakes. Top with your fa- vorite chocolate icing. Garnish with sliced blanched almonds to make Jack-o'-lantern faces; use slice of orange, peel for stern. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can 1 clean some prettg candles that have become soiled? A. Wipe them' with a pieceof absorbent cotton dipped in alcohol„ Q. How can 1 take proper care Of a palm? A. It is not well to water palmi too often. It is much better to allow the earth to become dry, theo give it a good soaking. The palm leavesshould be sponged every week to keep them in good 'condi- tion: Q. How can I give a delicate, fragrance to the linen clothes?` A. By placing a. lump of orris root in the boiler on wash day. The fragrance will last even after the clothes- are ironed. Q. How can I remove stains from piano keys? A. By rubbin,, them with oxalic acid. Also rub them occasionally with a soft cloth wet with alcohol to keep the keys white. Q,How can 1 destroy grass and weeds on a clay tennis court? A. By using, a solution of hot lye or hot brine. This destroys plant life. Use extreme care not to get any of the solution on. any grass or shubherynear the court„ or it will kill it. Q. How can I clean tortoise shell? A. By using alcohol, then polish- ing with a chamois dipped in dry borax. PILES Every day we receive letters from formas sufferers, who had given up hope. [crate- ful for the new Pyltone Treatment, attar M11.119 'years of misery. Have you ever thought bow modernselene has advanceaP Pilton le a result of that advancement. Pyltone Pilo Treatment goes direct to the trouble source (internal). The teat° of the liquid may be disagreeable but results ,cep what you want. You get results with the firstbottle of Pyltone or your money to- funded, At all modern druggist.. RELIEVE a AU/MAIMS. BY RUBBING IN le Brings quick relief. Greaseless, fast -drying, no strong odor. Large, scenemtcel else, 65e 19-46 MINAR®•s 'IMO OF air. LINIMENT DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgoiten "28" For The Kind 01 Relief That Helps Make You � Ravin' To Gs below the belt -in your 28 fent of fa done bowels. So when indigestion atrika, try aootatidas that berm digestion in the stomach ANIS below the bolt, Pill,toyou may need is Carter's) Little l,vs give needed help to that "forgotten 28 feet" of bowels. Take one Carter's Little Liver Pin before and one after mesh. Take them seemdkur le dirostiona. Th97 help wake up a larger Bow of the 3 main digestive lmoe. in your stemma. AND bowel —help you digest what you have eaten Then most folks tget the kind of relief that makyour tom Just be ewe you got thetter from e genour uine C e Little Liver Pin. from your druggist -8W ,4 "Do you love me more than anything else in the whole wide wor(drr" "Why sure, Darling! Except, of course, there's honey -golden . , ; "Honey Golden, eh? I knew it — a blonde! I'm going home to mother!" "Hey, wait a minute! I mean honey -golden, malty -rich, oh -so - wonderful Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "Oh, that's different!" "Sure they're different! That famous 'Grape -Nuts flavor is dib. ferentfrona any other cereal flavor in the world," "I know, I know—because they're made from two grains instead of one." "Sure — and, loaded h arbo- hyd ates and minerals aC and food essentials." "You win, Go ahead and have another bowlful—and I think PIT - Join you!"