HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-09-23, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WRIGHT'S SUPESRIOR Specials For Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sept, 23-24.25 CANADA MATCHES 3 Boxes 25 ROYAL PUDDINGS .3 ,Pkgs. 25c CORN SYRUP 2 -Ib, tin -25c 5-1b. tin -59c JOHNSON'S PASTE WAX ..,1 -Ib, Tin .59c SANDWICH COOKIES Cream filled iib. 29c GOOD COOKING ONIONS ,,,,10-113 bags 33c AYLMER PORK & BEANS 2 -15 -oz, tins 23c CONCENTRATED SOAP POWDER All purpose wash. Pkg, 25c SWIFT'S CLEANSER, .2 tins 25c Entry blanks available for the Contest NOODLES SOUP MIX with the bud for flavor ,. 2 for 23c We Deliver ART. WRIGHT Phone 77 JENNER—HOLMES Pink gladioli and ferns formed the background in St, Olave's ' Church, Toronto, for the marriage of Edna ICathleen, daughter of Mrs. Charles Holmes, formerly of Sea - forth, and the late Chas. • Holmes,• to Mr. Kenneth Dale Jenner, son of M'r". and Mrs. IL S. Jenner, Windsor. Rev. S. K. Stiles officiated. Given in marriage by her uncle Mr. Glen Holmes, the bride wore a gown of white brocaded moire styled with fitted bodice, a yoke of white nylon marquisett and sweet- heart neckline. The skirt formed a cascade in the front. She wore her grandmother's wedding veil' with embroidered border and held in a DANCE. STRATFORD CASINO BALLROOM EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Admission 50c Change of .Bands Each night Dance to Bob Turner — Skyliners — Snotty Mc- Lachlan—Casa Royal ONTARIO'S BEAUTY SPOT sweetheart headdress of white net and edged with seed pearls. Her shower bouquet was of white gladi- oli and pale pink roses. 'The bride's sister, Miss 'Carolyn Holmes, was maid of honor in a taffeta gown. A braided headdress held her shoulder length 'Veil. The. bridesmaids were the bridegroom's sister, Miss Phyllis Jenner and Mrs. Alan Holman. Their gowns were in similar style to that worn by the maid of honor. They carried bou- quets of pink and mauve gladioli. The bride's cousin, Janie Holmes, was flower girl in a pale blue or- gandie frock. She carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds set in blue net. Mr. Calvin Nelson was the best man and the bridegroom's brothers, Mr. Lorne Jenner and Mr, Douglas Jen- ner were ushers. The soloist, Miss Theresa Tatvo, sang "Through the Years" and "I Love You", and Mr. Terence Burt played the wedding music. At the reception at the Mayfair Country Club, the 'bride's table, dec- orated with chrysanthemums, was centred with a three -.±eyed wedding cake. Mrs. Holmes received in a wine crepe dress with dark green acces- sories and corsage of deep wine gladioli and yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Jenner, the br'idegroom's mother, was in a navy blue draped dress with gray accessories and wore a corsage of wine gladioli and pink rosebuds. For a two week's trip to Northern Ontario the bride donned a pink suit with gray 'accessories and wore a corsage of pink and yellow rosebuds. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Jenner will reside in Toronto. Out of town guests were from Seaforth, Windsor, Roseland, Port Credit and Hamilton. Wallpaper and Paint Store 20% OFF ON PAINTS 50% OFF ON ALL WALLPAPERS THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY THE 18TH, AND 23RD, 24TH AND 25TH Paint Shelving for sale Quantity of Tempered plain brown Masonite Wall Paper Shop HAROLD FINLEY, Seaforth lap Lumber SPRUCE 2x4 2x6 2x8 2 x 10 up to .16 ft. lengths at $85.00 per 'M' HEMLOCK 2" stock suitable for Barn Floors at . $85.00 per 'M' ' Siding and sheathing lumber at $85.00 per 'M' Cedar -Ash-Rock Elm - - Fir - Pine - in stock from. 1" to 6"x6" #1 — Sxxxxx 'Cedar Shingles—Red Band $12.80 Square Asphalt Shingles 210 pound, various blends, $8.50 square You can insulate year home by doing it yourself for as low as $60.00 Supplies now available - Clear kiln dried fir inouldings — Gyproc wallboard — Ten Test — Ashlar Blocks— Cedar siding — Cedar grain siding — Masonite — Plywood — Arborit e — Beaverboard — Chrome inouldings s Doors -- Reclaimed windows. See the %" Fir Plywood at 12c per Square Foot in Sheets 4x8 for sheathing granaries, and general -repair ' Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. 'Where, The Best Costs No More" PIONS 47 SEAFORTH • TOWN TOPICS Kendra, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Moore,' is recovering nicely after having suffered a br'ok en leg when struck by a car while, playing along the sidewalk at the corner of Main and Goderich streets, Mrs, J. D. Hinchley spent the week end in St. Thomas with Mr, and Mrs, A. McDougall. Mr, and. Mrs. K. E. J, Doherty, To- ronto, spent the week endin town. They were, accompanied by Mr, and` Mrs, H. Lawrence, who were return- ing from St. Stephen, New Brunswick, where they were guests of their dau- ghter Mrs. C. L. Moore and Mr. Moore for two weeks. Students returning to the Univers- ity of Western Ontario are Mary Ryain, Mary Margaret Cleary, Jean Mills, Bud Smith, Allan Ryan, Frank Ryan, Bill Munn, Don Muun, and Wbridge. alter Boswell Mr. George Hays has returned home after spending his vacation in Brace- ' Miss Mary Duncan, Toronto, spent the weep end at the hone of her par - outs, Mr: and Mrs. W. S. Duncan. Mr, and Mrs. John Crawford re- turned home on Saturday after at- tending the funeral of her brother, Mr. David Souter, in Detroit. Mr. Souter was a former resident of this vicinity. Mrs. W. A. Dundas has been visit- ing in London with her son. Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot visited' in Sudbury and was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. H. Tyndall who spent some time there. Miss Ethel McKay of Toronto was a week end visitor here. The many friends of Mr. John E. Daley were glad to see him able to sit out at his home after his recent serious illness. Miss Alice Daly has returned af- ter spending a few days in Toronto at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, John Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Overholt and family, Zurich, spent the weekend with Mrs. Theresa Maloney. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Devereaux of Port Hope are holidaying with his mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jackson and family of Woodstock were week end visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, is holidaying with her another, Mrs. R. Kennedy. Mrs. W. F. Orren and son have returned to Tampa, Florida, 'after spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. Mr. Kenneth Eaton, Toronto, spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh and fa- mily- of Woodstock' are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fortune. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Cunningham, Mitchell, spent the week end with friends in town. Mrs. Reg. Rintoul and Wayne, of Kitchener, are spending a week at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. Praiser. Mr. and Mrs. John Eisler and fa- mily spent Sunday in "Niagara Falls, Mrs. N. Dunn has returned home after spending a few days. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jack, in Detroit. Miss Lois Hoggarth left Wednes- day to attend MacDonald Hall, O.A. 0., Guelph. Mr, Robert Willis, Toronto, is holidaying with his father, Mr. W. G. Willis. Week end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs J. M. Eckert were Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckert and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Melady, of London. Mr. Roy Scott, Vancouver, B.C., is visiting his former home here. Mr. Gordon A. Wright had an un- fortunate accident last Thursday when he got two fingers on his left hand badly cut in a shaper. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. R. S. Hays. Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield and Nancy, Detroit, were week end vis- itors at the home of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Flanagan and family, Hamilton, were here ov- er the week end. Mrs. D. }L Wilson and Mrs. H. E. Smith are in Toronto attending the grand chapter of the Eastern Star Lodge this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Elliott, Strat- ford, spent the week end with relat- ives here. Miss Eleanor Murphy will undergo a minor operation at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Miss Doris Ferguson has lett to at- tend Toronto University, Misses Margaret Willis and Gerald- ine Eckert, and Mr. Archie Hubert, who are Normal School students in Stratford, spent the week end at their hones here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Devereaux and Miss Helen Devereaux, London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereaux. Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham Sr., kb. and Mrs. John Hotham Jr. and Bern ard, Mr. and Mrs. C. Laithwaite, Gocl- erich, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Cooper, Kippen, spent Sunday in Delaware. Mr, and Mrs, A. Bishop of London spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Elliott, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Aldington last week were Mr, and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan, Cromarty, Mrs, Caster Kerslake and daughter Joyce, of Staffa, Mrs, Robert Cole, of Chiselhurst, BORN RIVEh5 — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rivers, Seaforth, a daughter i TUR2 BULL — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept, 20th, to Dr. and Mrs, s. 0. Tutmbull, Seaforth, a daughter WELSH — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs, William Welsh, RR2 Walton, a son CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill of Grand Bend attended the Donald - Jamieson wedding on Saturday. Miss Doneida Adams spent the weekend in 'London, The Eastern Star Will hold an Afternoon Tea And sale of Homemade Baking Also a Hobby Table ATURDAY,• OCTOBER 2 FROM 3 -8 P.M. *s iIn the 1.0.0.-F., Hall DO COUNTRY BOYS GET SQUARE DEAL IN SEAFORTH Editor The Seaforth News, I think ,the town of Seaforth and the public ought to be made acquaint- ed with the way that the Soft Ball League tor the younger boys is being conducted. ' Last summer the boys were organ- ized into hall teams for the purpose of a little fun and relaxation. The coun- try boys formed a team under the name of "Brucefleld." Many of these boys work on Perms and drive ten or twelve miles to the ball games which have to be played in Seaforth. Twice these boys went out to play the "Sally Anns" only to find the Sally Anus on the streets of Seaforth but the genies were not played. Brucefleld should have been notified not to come, don't you think ? Theo came the games with the "Tigers". Iii the first game Brucefleld and the Tigers were tied. In the next game Brucefleld were the winners. Then 'the third game was played. Three of the Brucefleld team were late arriving because they were held up by a freight train at Seaforth. At the end of 4 innings Brucefleld was four runs ahead and were up to bat when the game was stopped and the Tigers refused to take the field although other games had been played when it was mach darker. Brucefleld boys of- fered to pay forthe floodlights to finish the game but that was refused. The decision was given' to the Tigers, When Brucefleld went into the play offs they were read the rules that they must play nine inning- and that noth- ing less than seven innings would be called a game, Brucefleld hone game was played in Hensall under the floodlights and the correct score which was Bruce - field 39, Seaforth Sally Anne 24 was not published, Brucefleld then went to Seaforth to play the return game with the Sally Anns. At the end of 51/ inn- ings, when it was again too dark to play, Brucefleld were the winners. The Sally Auns were declared the winners because they were ahead at the end of 5 innings, Now these Brucefleld boys go to Seaforth to play. They have no coach, very often not an adult with therm. The umpires are from Seaforth. They are forced to trust Seaforth and they are beginning to wonder if Seaforth is proving worthy of that trust, It seems that the darkness is quite an ally for the Seaforth teams. What are the floodlights in Seaforth for ? This unfairness to boys who are not asking favors but who expect fair play will be a shook to many of 'the people of Seaforth for they know that these boys are the amen of tomorrow, and if they do not get a square deal in a little thing like a ball game they will likely do business in a town that proves more worthy. The next genie is set for Friday night. The Sally Anns refuse to start the game at 4.30. Could it be they are afraid to play the genre to the finish. 'It might not get dark soon enough. But perhaps another new set of rules ran be dug up for a case like that. Play up, play up, ancl.pla3 the game. 1 am a lover of ".FAIR PLAY" iippeu, September 20th." NEWS OF INTEREST TO HURON COUNTY FARMERS (By W. V. Roy) At the last' Executive Meeting of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture a motion by Charles Coultes and Wilfred Shortreed was passed, raising the annual member- ship fee of the county unit to 60% of the amount raised or collected by the township units. A notion to amend the constitu- tion was also passed, and in due course, will be brought up at the Annual Meeting. A meeting of county directors was held in Clinton on Tuesday evening, September 21st, The National Film Board circuit in the County is again this year be- ingsponsored by the Coanty Feder- ation. This service is ever increas- ing in popularity and is available to any organization, school or society, wishing to sponsor a showing. Ap- plication must be made well in ad- vance, so as not to conflict with the regular schedule. The aim of the County Federation and the National Film Board, is to bring these fine educational films to as many people as possible, and to increase the use of fihns as a recreational and educa- tional ducestional pastime. VARNA On Sunday, Sept. 26th, the ser- vices in St. Johns Anglican Church will be withdrawn owing to Harvest Thanksgiving Service in St. James, Middleton, at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. On Oct. 3rd Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be in St. Johns Church Varna, in the morning fly Rev. L. Morgan, in the evening by Flt. Lt. T. D. Jones, RCAFR Ar C. School, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Galbraith have moved to the' village. We welcome them and hope they may long be spared to enjoy retired life. Mrs. McGregor, Seaforth, is a guest at the home of Mrs. W. Halt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner and daug- hter, Exeter, were renewing ac- quaintances in the village, Sunday. Mrs. A. Reid spent a few days hast week with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Galbraith. Several of the villagers attended the Western Fair, London, last week. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. J. Moody spent the week with relatives in London. Mr. Murray Gibson is having the residence he purchased from the estate of the late Ml's. O'Brien, re modeled. Mr. John Hohner, who has suf- fered severe pains in his head, spent last week in Toronto General Hos- pital, Mrs. R. Dawson, after spending two weeks in Seaforth hospital. has returned to Brucefield. Friends hope for a good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Basil O'Rourke at- tended the funeral of the late Mr, J. Ziler in Zurich, on Tuesday. Red Cross meeting will be held at the hone of Mr. and Mrs W Scott, on Thursday afternoon Rally Day Service will" be held at DANCNG! IN CARDNO'S HALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 Ross Pearce & His Melody Masters ADMISSION 50c -F TAX the morning service next Sunday when the boys and girls of the Sun- day School will worship with the congregation. Services next Sunday will be on standard time. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven, Winthrop, will hold their autumn thankoffering on Wednesday, Sept. 29th, in the Church. Circle 'three will have charge of the meeting. Mrs. Kirkby of Walton will be the guest speaker for the day. Mr. and Mrs, Melward. Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, How, Joyce and Doreen How and Miss Priscilla How left for the west on Tuesday by motor. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd will go to Maid stone, Saskatchewan, and Mr. and Mrs. How and family will visit in Sas- katchewan and then go on to Ladner, British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings and family, of Brampton, who spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, W. Little, returned hone on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stone of Nor- wich visited Mr. Sol Shannon and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beatty. Mr. and Mrs, Robert McFarlane are visiting the former's parents and other relatives near Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs. R. K. Davidson and family visited relatives near Milver- ton on Sunday. HULLETT Anniversary services Sunday Sept. 26th. ltev. A. G. Hewitt will preach. Services at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. Special music by the choir. Mrs, Frank Riley of Constance is spending a week in Noranda, Ont. with Mrs. Jas. McFarlane (nee Edith Riley) and Mr. McFarlane, who is seriously ill, friends of Hal- lett wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Charles Dexter of Constance, while picking apples one day last week, had the misfortune to step on a dry limb which broke, he fell to the ground on his left hip, which is very sore, fortunately there are no bones broken, we are pleased to re- port. We hope he will be out soon. Mr. Dexter has built a fine garage on his premises. We hope he will soon be able to complete the job. Mrs. McGregor aand family of Kippen and Miss Ruth Wilbee, Sea - forth, and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Riley, Seaforth, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Egmondville United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, September 26th 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m„ standard time Conducted by Rev. F. C. Miller, B,A., St. Paul's United Church, Preston SPECIAL MUSIC u,mom,nmm�nummm�nuuu,rm. aauuau,,,,, iiilllillti. BRING YOUR HUSBAND ALONG Even if He Doesn't Know Anything About Furniture You'll want to take advantage of this opportunity to refurnish your home before the winter season sets in. Fall stocks, including quality dining room, living room and bedroom suites from many of Canada's best known makers, are here. You'll be surprised at the moderate prices. Nine Piece Dining Room Suite 5199.00 and up Box Furniture Store Funeral Service NIGHT 18 OR 237 J PHONE --DAY 43 vesomovenik