The Seaforth News, 1948-09-16, Page 3THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 161948
Seaforth Fall Fair
Prize Winners
Class specials—Township special,
W. Dale, L. H. Listman, P. Meadows;
best, handled colt, Ken Lane, Esther
Schleuter, Yvonne Sehleuter; Mc
Michael special, Joe Lane; best team
in 'harness, W. D'a1e and 2nd,R. Pat-
rick; team in harness coming the
longest distance, Pritchard and Web-
er, (tied); four -horse tandem, Wm.
Dale, L. H. Listman, E. Prithcard and
Schroeder, (tied 3rd).
Heavy Draught—Brood mare, . J.
Tremeer; foal, John Tremeer; filly
er gelding 4 years, Wm. Dale and
2nd, John Tremeer; filly or gelding,
3 years, E. J. Atwell .(Belton) filly'
or gelding, 1 year, E. J. Atwell;
sweepstakes, Win. Dale; heavy draft
team in harness, Wm. Dale.
Agricultural — Brood mare, P.
Meadows ,(Stratford), Alden Craven
(Ailsa Craig);. foal, P. Meadows, Jos
A. Lane, A. Craven; 'filly or gelding
4 years, NSW. Dale L. H. Listman,
P. Meadows, Fred'aRoney; filly or
gelding .3 years, Robert Patrick also.
2nd; filly or gelding, 1 year, P.
Meadows, E. J. Atwell; sweepstakes,
Wm. Dale; agricultural team in bar
ness, Wm. Dale, L. H. Listman, Fred
Roney, A. Craven.
Percheron — Broodmare, also
foal, A. Schleuter; filly ,.r gelding,
4 years, L. H. Listman also 2nd,
Leonard Hunter (Clinton); filly or
gelding; 2 years, A. Sehleuter;
sweepstakes, L. H. Listman; Perch-
eron team in harness, L. H,-Listman.
Belgian—Filly or gelding 4 years,
L. Hunter, also 2nd; sweepstakes, L.
Hunter; Belgian team in harness, L.
Judge, Fred Martin, Lucknow.
Wagon Horses—Brood mare, A.
Craven and 2nd, E. J. Atwell, A.
Sehleuter; foal, A. Craven, also 2nd,
A. Schleuter, E. .1. Atwell; filly or
gelding, 4 years, E. Pritchard, E.
Schroeder, E. J. Atwell; ,filly or gel-
ding, 3 years, A. Sehleuter; filly or
gelding, 2 years, A. Schleuter, filly
or gelding, 1 year, A. Craven, Beck-
er .& Willert, P. Meadows; wagon
team in harness, E. Pritchard, E.
Schroeder, E. J. Atwell; single ex-
press horse, E. Pritchard also 3rd,
E. Schroeder, E. 5. Atwell.
Roadster—Roadster horse in har-
ness, 15-2 and over, E. Webber; un-
der 15-2, E. Webber, J. Reid also
4th, Becker & Willert; roadster
team in harness, E. Webber, J. Reid
(Ailsa Craig).
Best single turnout, lady and
gentleman: E. Webber. Beckler, J.
Tye ,(New Hamburg) best lady
driver, J. Tye and 2nd. Beckler.
Single driver hitched to buggy, E.
Webber and 3rd. J. Reid, Becker &
Hackney tandem, J. Tye.
Gentlemen's road race, E. Webber
and 3rd, J. Reid, Becker & Willert.
Shetland pony brood mare, J.
Tye and 2nd, Doug. Shean; Shet-
land pony any age, J. Tye, also 2nd
E. Johnson (Atwood); Shetland
foal, J. Tye and 3rd, D. Etherington.
Pony harness race, Hunt, Johnson,
Tye, Mcllwain.
Pony in harness, E. Johnston, .3.
Tye, D. Shean; pony team in har-
ness, J. Tye, Etherington, H. Mc -
ercott, Robinson & Robinson, W.
Turnbull & Son, Dr, M. W. Staple-
Senior Champion female, C. Roy
Reserved Sr. champion, Andrew
C. Gaunt.
Junior champion female, Andrew
C. Gaunt.
Reserved junior champion, Mc-
Kenzie Hall.
Grand champion female, C.. Roy
Reserved grand champion female,
Andrew C. Gaunt.
Steer, '750 lbs. under, Eph. Snell
& Son, Roy F. Pepper, Dr. M. W.
Stapleton, Andrew C. Gaunt.
Steer, 751 lbs. up to 900, McKen
tie Hall, Andrew C. Gaunt, McKen-
zie Hall, C. Roy Nethercott, .Ken-
neth McFarlane.
Grand champion steer, Eph. Snell
& Son.
Breeder herd, C. Roy Nethercott,.
Andrew C. Gaunt,McKenzie Hall,
W. A. Culbert && Sons, Robinson &
Robinson, W. Turnbull & Son, Geo.
Get -of -sire, 3 animals, C. Roy
Nethercott, McKenzie Hall, W. A.
Culbert, Andrew C. Gaunt, Robin-
son & Robinson, also 8th, C. Roy
Nethercott, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, W.
Turnbull & Son, Geo. Waldie.
Two calves, Andrew...C. Gaunt, W.
A. Culbert & Sons, McKenzie Hall,
Robinson & Robinson, C. Roy Neth-
ercott, J. E. McKinley, Robinson &
Robinson, W. Turnbull & Son, Dr.
M. W. Stapleton, George Waldie.
Bull 2 years, bull calf, heifer 2 years
and heifer one year, J. Ballantyne
(Atwood); heifer calf,- J. Ballantyne
and 2nd.
Bull 2 years, Lorne Hood (Atwood).
Bull 1 year, Irwin Trewartha, (Sear.
forth) ; bull calf, Lorne Hood, coax,
Lorne Hood and 4th; Irwin Trewartha
and 3rd; heifer 2 'years, Irwin Tre.
wartha and 2nd; .heifer 1 year, Irwin
Trewarth and 2nd and 4th, Lorne
Hood; heifer calf, Irwin Trewartha
and 3rd and 4th, Lorne Hood.
Bull 1 year, cow, and heifer, D.
Blacers (Clinton); heifer 2 years, and
heifer calf, D. Jacobs and 2nd.
Dairy Cattle Herd Prize -
3. Ballantyne, Lorne Hood, D.
Jacobs, I. Trewartha.
Specials for Cattle—
Grand champion cow—I Trewartha
and 4th, J. Ballantyne, D. Jacobs.
Dairy cows—J. Ballantyne, L Tre-
wartha, Lorne Hood.
Group dairy cows, I Trewartha.
Best heifer, Lorne Hood.
Judge of Dairy Cattle—Geo. H.
Innes, RR4 Woodstock.
Bull, 2 years, W. Devereaux &
Son, Seaforth; C. Roy Nethercott,
St. Marys; James •Smith, Brussels;
W. C. Montgomery, Walton; James
M. Scott, Seaforth.
Bull, 1 year, Dr. M. W. Stapleton,
Seaforth; Andrew C. Gaunt, Luck -
now; Ross Taylor, Belgrave; W.
Turnbull & Son, Brussels; eorge
Waldie, Stratford, and 6th.
Senior bull calf, W. A. Culbert
& Son, Dungannon; Robinson & Ro-
binson, St. Marys; W. A. Culbert &
Son, Dungannon, and 4th; McKen-
zie Hall, Ayr; Andrew C. Gaunt,
Lucknow; J. E. McKinley, Zurich;
Ross Taylor, Belgrave; C. Roy Ne-
thercott, St. Marys; .Roy F. Pepper,
Junior bull calf, Robinson & Rob-
inson, St. Marys, and 2nd; Strong
Bros., Gorrie; Andrew C. Gaunt,
Lucknow; W. 'Turnbull & Son, Brus-
sels, and 6th and 9th Dr. M. W.
Stapletoin Seaforth; George Waldie,
Strong Bros., Geo. Waldie.
Senior champion bull, Dr. M. W.
Reserve champion bull, Wm. De-
vereaux & Son.
junior champion bull, W. A. Cul-
bert & Sons.
Reserve Jr. champion bull. Robin-
son •.& Robinson.
Grand champion bull, Dr. M. W.
Reserved grand champion bull,
W. A. Culbert & Sons.
Female, 3 years, C. Roy Nether-
cott; Andrew C. Gaunt, C. Roy Ne-
thercott, Andrew C. Gaunt, J. E.
McKinley, W. A. Culbert '65 Sons,
also 7th and 8th; C. Roy Nethercott,
W. Devereaux, Strong Bros., Robin-
son & Robinson, also 13th and 14th;
W. Turnbull & Son, Geo. Waldie,
McKenzie Hall.
Female, 2 years, C. Roy Nether-
cott, Dr. M. W. Stapleton; J. E. Mc-
Kinley, Strong Bros., Roy F. 'Pep-
per, Robinson & Robinson, W. Turn-
Senior yearling heifer, McKenzie
Hall, W. A. Culbert l& Sons, Andrew
C. Gaunt, C. Roy Nethereott; Dr. M.
W. Stapleton, also 6th; ' W. Turnbull
& .Son, Kenneth McFarlane, Bruss-
els, also 9th and. 10th.
Junior yearling heifer, McKenzie
Hall, Robinson & Robinson, C. Roy
Nethercott, W. Turnbull & Son, Roy
F. Pepper, W. A. Culbert & Sons,
Dr. M. W. Stapleton, also 8th; Geo.
Waldie, also 10 and 11.
Senior heifer calf, Andrew C.
Gaunt, McKenzie Hall, also 3rd, J.
E. McKinley, C. Roy Nethercott, also
Gth,' Strong Bros.,. C. Roy Nether-
cott, W. Turnbull & Son, also 12, 18,
Eph. Snell & Son.
Junior heifer calf,_ McKenzie Hall,
Andrew C. Gaunt, Robinson & Rob-
inson, Roy F. Pepper, C. Roy Neth -
Best Heifer—Special, H. Wright.
Steer or heifer, over 1 year, K.
McFarlane, F. Smith; .baby' beef, 1
year and under, R. Pepper. F. Smith.
Bull, 2 years, H. Wright, Crom-
arty; best cow, H. Wright, also 2nd.
Heifer, 2 years old, H. Wright, also
2nd; heifer, 1 year old, H. Wright,
also 2nd; heifer calf, under 1 year,
H. Wright, also 2nd; Bull calf, un-
der 1 year, H. Wright;' herd, H.
Dual Purpose Shorhorns—Bull, 2
years and over, J. M. Scott, best
cow, 3. M. Scott, also 2nd and 4th;
J. F. Scott, 3rd. Herd consisting of
3 females, 1 bull—J. M. Scott, J. F.
Scott; best cow, special, J?M. Scott.'
Special . Prizes—
Most prizes won in sheep, Orval
McGowan, Blyth.
Second highest number pf prizes
won in sheep, John W. Cowan, Atwood
Third highest number of prizes in
sheep, Peter E. Deering,
Ram, Geo. Armstrong (St. Paul);
Onkel McGowan (Blyth) and 3rd;
shearling ram, Orval McGowan and
2nd; ram lamb, Geo. Armstrong &
Son and 2nd, 0. McGowan Ewe, 0.
McGowan and 3rd; Geo. Armstrong,
Shearling ewe, 0. McGowan and 2nd.
Ewe lamb, Geo. Armstrong and 2nd;
O. McGowan.
Ram, shearling rani, ram lamb, and
ewe, A. D. Steeper (Ailsa Craig);
shearling ewe and ewe lamb, A. D.
Steeper and 2nd.
Leicester—Ram, W. R. Pepper (Olin
ton). shearling ram, 3. Cowan (At-
wood), Martin Bros. (Lucknow), W.
R. Pepper. Ram lamb, J. Cowan, and
2n1; W. R. Pepper. ewe, W. R. Pep-
per, J. Cowan and 3rd. Shearling ewe,
J. Iowan, W. R. Pepper and 2nd. Ewe
lamb, J. Cowan, W, R. Pepper and 2nd.
Oxfords—Ram, O. McGowan, D.
Deering; shearling ram, D. Deering,
O. McGowan. Ram Iamb, O. McGowan
and 3rd, D. Deering. Ewe, 0. Mc-
Gowan and 3rd, D. Deering. Shearling
ewe, D. Deering and 3rd, 0. McGowan.
Ewe lamb, D. Deering and -3rd, O.
Dorset Horned --
All classes, Peter Deering and 2nd,
0. McGowan.
Pen of long wooled sheep — John
Cowan, Wm. R. Pepper, A. D. Steeper.
Pen of short -wooled sheep, P. E.
Deering, 0. McGowan, Don Deering.
Market lamb, P. E. Deering, Geo,
H. Armstrong, John W, Cowan.
Sweepstakes, best long wooled ram,
John W. Cowan.
Short wooled ram, John W. Cowan._
Long wooled ewe, Wm. R. ,Pepper.
Short wooled ewe, P. E. Deering..
Best Iamb of 1948—John W. Cowan.
Judge of Sheep, D. Ross McTavish,
RR1 Stratford.
Specials—Best sow, Frank Malon-
ey, Doug. Keyes, J. McGavin.
General . Swine Club— P. Malon-
ey, D. Keyes, John McGavin, Art
Bolton, F. Bicknell, Ken Campbell,
John Murray, Merton Reyes, Eric
Anderson,. Mac Bolton.
Specials—Best boar on grounds,
W. Turnbull and son; best sow on
grounds, John Powell; best pen of.
Bacon Type Hogs, Clifford Hugill;
best Berkshire or Tamiyortlr, John
W. Cowan.
Yorkshire—.Boar, over 1 year, W.
Turnbull and son, ,(Brussels) John
'Powell Jr. ,(Seaforth), Jas. W. Smith,
1(Brussels); boar, littered since Sept-
ember, 1947, W. Turnbull and son
and 2nd;boar, 6 months and under,
W. Turnbull and son and 3rd, Robt.
McMillian 2nd; sow, 1 yr. or over,
W. Turnbull and son, J. W. Smith,
W. L. Montgomery; sow,littered since
Sept., 1947, John Powell Jr., Robt.
McMillan, W. Turnbull and son; sow,
6 months and under, P. E. Maloney
and 3rd, W. Turnbull and son and
2nd. -'
Berkshire—Boar, over 1 year, J.
W, Cowan, Atwood; boar, .littered
since Sept., 1947, J. W. Cowan and,
2nd; sow,.1 year or over, John W.
Cowan and 2nd, sow, littered since
Sept, 1947, J. W. Cowan and 2nd.
Tamworth—Soar, littered since
Sept., 1947, Francis Coleman, Sea -
forth; sow littered since Sept., 1947,
F. Coleman; pen of 5 Shoats .(Bacon
Type), under 100.lbs.,R. McMillian,
W. Turnbull and son.
New Hampshire—c, Fred McCly-
mont, Varna, A. Sahletrter, Linwood;
h, F. McClymont, A. Schleuter; ckl,
Elgin Nott, A. Schleuter;'p, Elgin
Nott, F. McClymont.
Rhode Island Red—h, ckl, p, F.
McClymont and 2nd.
Barred Plymouth Rocks—h, ckl, p,
F. 1VfcQlymont and 2nd.
bite Rocks --c, h, ckl, p, F. Mc-
Clymont and 2nd.
Light Sussex—c, h, ckl, F. McCly-
mont, A. Schleuter; p, F. McClymont
and 2nd.
White Leghorns—c, A. Sehleuter;
h, ckl, p, F. McClymont and 2nd.
A. V. Bantams—ckl, A. Turnbull,
Pekin Ducks—c, Merton Keyes, A.
Sehleuter; h, A. Sehleuter, Merton
Rouen Ducks—c, h, Wilber Keyes,
Merton Keyes; ckl, p, A. Sehleuter.
Toulouse Geese—c, h, ckl, p, A.
Embden Geese -A. Schleuter.
African Geese—A. Schleuter.
Bronze Turkeys—A. Schleuter.
Utility Pens—New Hampshire,E.
Nott, F. McClymont; Rhode Island
Red, F. McClymont and 2nd; Barred
Plymouth Rock, F. McClymont and,
2nd; White Rock, F. McClymont;
Light Susex, A. Sehleuter, F. McCly-
mont; White Leghorn, F. McClymont,
and 2nd; Cross-Breds, Robt McMil-
lan, F. McClymont; best bird in
show, E. Nott.
Dressed Chiekens—Six' dressed
Chickens, Elgin Nott, Russell Bolton.
Eggs --21/s dozen White Eggs, E.
Porter, Wm. S. D. Storey; Mrs. Jas.
Carter; 2/ dozen Brown Eggs, Elgin
Nott, Robt. McMillan, Mrs. J. Carter,
W. S. D. Storey, Eleanor Storey;
best dresed individual chicken in
Producers Section, Elgin Nott; adult
winning most points in Poultry
Section, F. McClymont.
PLTJMS—All classes shoivn, F.
GRAPES—Blue, Merton Keyes;
Green, Merton Keyes, Wilber Keyes;
Best collection of grapes, Fred Me-
Clymont, Wilber Keyes. {
Quilt, applique, Mrs. Elgin Nott,
Mrs. T. Barton, Mrs. Walter Peebles
Bedspread, Mrs. Peebles; quilt,
Mrs. Peebles, Mrs.' T. Barton; pieced
cotton quilt, Mrs. T. Barton, Mrs.
Peebles, Mrs. Govenlock; bedspread,
Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs.
Storey; .counterpane, Mrs. Barton.
afghan, Mrs. Peebles; afghan, cro-
chet, Mrs; Hymmen, Evelyn Shade,
Mrs, Dalrymple; Hoch' mat, Mrs.
Nott, Ethel Dennis; floor mat,
hooked, Ethel Dennis; bathroom set,
Mrs. Hymmen.
Table, cloth, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs.
Dalrymple, Evelyn Shade; luncheon
set, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Peebles;
luncheon set crochet, Mrs. Hymmen,
luncheon set, other, Eleanor Storey;
tea cloth, embroidered, Mrs. Hym-
men, tea cloth, other, Mrs. F. Stor-
ey, Mrs. Hymmen; centre piece, em.
Mrs.. Hymmen, Mrs. F. Storey; cro-
chet, Mrs. Hymmen; tray cloth,
Mrs.. Hymmen, Mrs. F. Storey; : buf-
fet set, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Peebles;
bridge set, . Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs.
Peebles; tea cosy, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs.
J. Carter; plastic -lunch -set, Eleanor
Sampler, Eleanor Storey, Mrs.
Hymmen; cushion, Mrs. Hymmen,
Mrs. Peebles; modern cushion, Mrs.
Barton, Mrs. Dalrymple; needlepoint
Mrs. Hymmen.
Pillow slips, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs.
F. Storey; pillow slips colored, Mrs.
Hymmen, Mrs. F. Storey; other pil-
low slips, Mrs. Nott, Mrs. Hymmen;
towels, Mrs. Hymmen; crochet trim
towels, 1VIrs Hymmen, Evelyn Shade,
other towels, Evelyn Shade, Mrs.
Hymmen; guest towels, Mrs. Peebles
Evelyn Shade; bath towels, Evelyn I
Shade, Mrs. Dalrymple; fancy towel,
Evelyn Shade, Mrs. Hymmen; fancy
sheets and pillow slips, Mrs. Hym-
men, Mrs, T. Barton: vanity set,
Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Hymmen; dresser
runner, Mrs, Hymmen, Evelyn Shade
Man's pyjamas, Mrs. Hymmen,
work shirt, Mrs. Hymmen; mitts,
Mrs. Hymmen ; fine sox, Eleanor
Storey, Mrs. r. Carter; work sox,
Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. Hymmen.
Apron, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. E.
Nott; house dress, Mrs. J. Carter,
Mrs. E. Nott; house coat, Mrs. Pee-
Blouse, Mrs. Hymmen, costume
slip, Eleanor ,Storey, Mrs. Hymmen;
night dress, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. Hym-
men; skirt, Eleanor Storey; gloves,
Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Hymmen; crochet
gloves, Mrs. Hyrmnen; mitts, Mrs.
Hymmen; fancy purse, Mrs. Hym-
merit bag, Mrs, Hymmen, Mrs. Pee-
s set, Eleanor Storey, Ethel
Dennis, carriage cover, Mrs. Hym-
men; dress, child's, Mrs. Hymmen;
child's suit, Eleanor Storey; child's
dress, Mrs. Keyes; sun suit, Mrs. E.
Nott, Eleanor Storey.
Article made from shirt, Mrs. F.
Storey, Mrs. Hymmen; made over
garment, Mrs. Storey; articles from
plastic, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. Car-
ter; article for Christmas, Mrs. Pee-
bles, F. McClymont; stuffed animal
toy, Mrs. Nott, Mr's. Peebles; kitch-
en collection, Eleanor Storey, Mrs.
Hymmen; costume jewellery, Elean-
or Storey, Wrn. Storey.
Men's sox special, -,Mrs. Jas. Car-
Tomatoes, Wm. Storey (Seaforth),
Thos: Oliver (Seaforth). Collection
tomatoes, Elgin Nott. Onions, A. Turn-
bull (Brussels) ; onions, Mrs. James
Carter (Seaforth), A. Turnbull. Onion
sets, A. Turnbull, Cucumbers, Elgin
Nott, Wm. Bradshaw (Seaforth).
Butter beans, Elgin Nott, Wilbert
Cornish (Dublin); white beans, Mer-
ton Keyes, Wilbur Keyes (Seaforth).
Carrots, W. Bradshaw, Thos. Oliver.
Pickling beets, T. Oliver; W. Brad-
shaw; beets, T. Oliver, A. Turnbull,
Cucumbers, A. Cornish, Elgin Nott.
Parsnips, Wm, Bradshaw..
Peppers a collection pp s n. d c ect on of peppers,
E. Nott. Table corn, Wm. Bradshaw,
A. Turnbull; Held corn, D. Goudie, E.
Nott. Winter radish, W. Cornish.
Sunflower, A. Turnbull, E. Nott.
Novelty, Miss Gordon, Mrs. Hi11e-
brecht; cauliflower, E. Nott.
Savoy cabbage, E. C. Boswell.
Winter cabbage, Wm. Bradshaw.
Muskmelon, E. Nott, W. Cornish,
Citron, F. McClymont, E. Nott.
Watermelon, W. Cornish, F. McCly.
miont. Veg. marrow, F. McClymont, A.
.Cornish; pumpkins, A. Turnbull, Mrs.
G. B. Durance; squash, E, Nott, Bill
Storey; squash, F. McClymont. Larg-
est pumpkin, W, Keyes, Wm. Storey.
Field carrots, Fred McClymont.
Turnips, W. ,Cornish, A, Turnbull;
turnips, A. Turbull, W. Cornish,
Mangolds, W. Cornish; marigolds,
W. Cornish; mangolds, W. Cornish.
Celery, E. Nott.
Irish Cobbler potatoes, E. Nott, T.
Oliver, early potatoes, D. Nott, Robt.
McMillan. Green Mountain potatoes,
A. Turnbull; late potatoes, E. Nott,
A. Turnbull, Corn, Robt. Campbell,
Robt. McMillan, Garden produce, D.
Nott, Thomas Aldington.
Fall wheat, Arnold Jamieson, A.
Turnbull. Oats, W. Cornish, Merton
Keyes, Barley, A. Turnbull, Merton
Keyes, Beans, Wilbur Keyes, Merton
Judge, Norman E. Carter, Clinton,
Harold Crich, Arnold Jamieson,
Stanley Hillen, Robt. McMillan, Bob
McKercher, Math. Murray, Norman
Shade, Joe Malone, 13iI1 Dennis, Mer-
ton Keyes. There were 20 entries.
APPLES—A11 classes shown, F.
McClymont. King of Tompkins, F,.
McClymont, Northern Spies, F. Mc-'
Clymont; Fallawater, F. McClymont;
Golden Russet F. McClymont;
Westfield Seek -no -further, F. Mc-
Clymont; Wealthy, F. McClymont;
Pewaukee, F. McClymont; Ontario
F. McClymont; Wagner, F. McCly-
mont; Roxboro Russets, F. lVIcCly-
mont; Spitzenburg, F. McClymont;'
Famous or Snow Apple, F. McCly-
mont; Mann, F, McClymont; Blen-
heim Orange, F. McClymont; Crab
Apples, yellow, F. McClymont;
Rhode Island Greening, F. McCly-
mont; Blenheim Pippin, McClymont;.
Fall Pippin, McClymont.
PEARS—Fall Pears, all elsases
shown, F. McClymont.
White bread; Ethel Dennis, Mrs. J.
Carter, Eleanor Storey; brown bread,
Mrs, T. W. McMillan, Mrs. Carter,
Eleanor Storey; fruit bread, Mrs. Mc.
Millar', Eleanor Storey, Etbel, Dennis.
Buns, Mrs. Carter, Ethel Dennis,
Mrs: W. Donne; buns, fancy, Mrs. Car-
ter, Mrs. Doupe, Eleanor Storey.
Rolls, Mrs. McMillan, Diller' Dennis, I
Mrs. Doupe. Apples, Mrs. Elgin Nott,
Eleanor Storey, Mrs. Doupe. Scones, t
Eleanor Storey, Mrs. James Carter;
scones, Eleanor Storey. Tea biscuits,'
Eleanor Storey, Mrs. Tranlc Riley, Mrs.
T. W. McMillan. Biscuits, Eleanor
Storey. Muffins, Mrs. Frank Riley,
Eleanor Storey, Mrs, James Carter.
Cookies, Mrs. James Carter, Eleanor
Storey; cookies, Mrs. Carter, Eleanor
Storey. Short bread, Mrs. Elgin Nott,
Mrs. Jaines Carter, Mrs. T. W. Mc-
Millan. Macaroons, Mrs. Tames Carter,
Mrs. Frank Riley. Doughnuts, Mrs.
James Carter. Lemon pie, Mrs. Prank
Riley, Merton Keys, Mrs: James Car-
ter; pumnpkin pie, Mrs. Frank Riley,
Mrs. Wilfred Donne, Mrs. Jaines Car-
ter; raisin pie, Mrs. W Doupe,'Merton'
Keyes, Mrs. James Carter; apple pie,
Mrs. Elgin Nott, Merton Keyes,
Eleanor Storey. Butter tarts, Mrs.
Frank Riley, Mrs. Doupe, Merton
Keyes; jam tarts, Mrs. •Frank Riley,
Mrs. W. Doupe, Mrs. James Carter;
cup cakes, Mrs; Frank Riley, Eleanor
Storey; Jelly roll, Mrs. James Carter.
Chocolate cake, Mrs. James .Carter,
Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Mrs. Frank
Riley; white cake, Mrs. James Carter;
dark cake, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs
Frank Riley, Mrs. James Carter; light
cake, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. James
Carter, Mrs. T. W. McMillan..
Gingerbread, Mrs. Carter, Mrs.
Doupe; sandwiches, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs.
Elgin' Nott, Mrs. Carter. Cookies, Mrs.
Carter, Eleanor Storey; decorated
cake, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. Frank
Riley, Mrs. Doupe. Meat loaf, Mrs.
Carter, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. Elgin
Nott. Angel cake, Mrs. Thomas Bar-
ton, Ethel Dennis. Salad ' plate.
Eleanor Storey.
Specials for home made bread, tea.
biscuits, and plain cake, Mrs. T. W.
Specials for home made bread,
and sponge cake, Mrs. T. W. Mc-
Millan; apple pie, Mrs. Doupe.
Oat cookies, Mrs. ?Doupe; tea bil
cults, Mrs, Frank Magic spec-
ial, layer, cake, Mrs. T. Riley;W. McMillan,
Mrs, Donee.
Maple cream eaudy, 3. M. Goven-
lock, W. Storey, Eleanor Storey.
Chocolate fudge, J. M. Govenlock,
Eleanor Storey, W. Storey; assorted
candy, 3. M. Govenlock, W. Storey,
Eleanor Storey.
Pure Gold tea biscuits, Mrs. James
Carter, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Mrs.
Gorman Eckert layer cake, Mrs. T.
W. McMillan, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Carter
Judge—Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Auburn.
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Preserved crab apples — Mrs.
-James Carter; preserved strawber-
ries—Mrs. James Carter, Mrs. Elgin
Nott; ca'hned cherries, Mrs. Janes
Carter, Mrs. Elgin Nott; canned
rhubarb—Mrs. James Carter, Mrs.
Elgin Nott; canned peaches—Mrs.
Elgin Nott, Eleanor Storey; canned
pears—Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. Janes
Carter; canned plums—Mrs, Frank
Riley, Mrs. Elgin Nott; canned rasp-
berries—Mrs. John Hillebreeht, Mr's.
Elgin Nott; tomato juice—Mrs. El-
gin Nott, Ethel Dennis; chili sauce—
Mrs. Elgin Nott, Eleanor Storey;
pickled cherries—Mrs, James Cart-
arter, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht; canned to-
matoes—Mrs. James Carter, Mrs.
Elgin Nott; mustard pickles—iVIrs.
F, Storey, -Mrs. James Carter; cu-
cumber pickles—Mrs. Elgin Nott,
Mrs. James Carter; pickled beets—
Mrs. Frank Riley, Eleanor Storey;
relish—Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. James
Carter; salad dressing—Mrs. Elgin
Nott, Mrs. James Carter; canned
chicken—Mrs. Janes Carter, Mrs.
Elgin Nott; canned beef—Mrs. El-
gin Nott, Mrs. Frank Riley; canned
sausage— Mrs. Elgin Nott, Fred Mc-
Clymont; tomato catsup—Mrs. Wil-
fred Doupe, Mrs. Elgin Nott; any
conserve—Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. J.
Eillebrecht; black currant jam, Mrs.
Frank Storey, Mrs. Elgin Nott;
strawberry jam -Mrs. Elgin Nott,
Mrs. Frank Storey; raspberry jam,—
am=Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Jaines Carter;
apple llM. Frank s.
James jeCarter;y—redrscurrarantRi 1el1yyi;—MrE1
eanor Storey, Mrs. Elgin Nott; any
other variety jam—Mrs. James Car-
o ter, Mrs. Elgin Nott; 3 marmalades
(diff.)—Mrs. Elgin ` Nott, Eleanor
Storey; collection canned Corn, oan-
ned peas, canned beans—Mrs. James
Carter, Mrs. Frank Riley; jams made
with Certo—Mrs, Elgin Nott, Mrs,
T. W. McMillan, Eleanor Storey,.
Mrs. James Carter; jellies made with
Certo—Mrs. James Carter, Mrs, El-
gin Nott, Mrs. T. W. McMillan. El-
eanor Storey.
Oil painting, water color, crayon
sketch, Mrs. Hymmen; pencil draw-
ing, Mrs. Hymmen, Eleanor ,Storey;
hand -painted china, Mrs. Hymmen;
-decorated pottery, Eleanor Storey;
pen and ink sketch, Mrs. Hymmen;
wooden tray, Eleanor Storey; novel-
ties, Eleanor Storey, F. McClymont;
antiques, Evelyn Shade, J. M. Gov-
Department of Planning and De-
velopment, "handicraft award,"—
Weaving, Marilyn Hillis, Eleanor
Storey, Blanche Westcott.
Judge—Mrs. David B. MacDonald,
R.R. 4, Ripley.
Asters, Mrs, Elgin Nott, Mrs. W.
Doupe; aster's, Mrs. E. Nott, Wm. S.
D. Storey; cosmos, Mrs. Dotrpe; dah-
lias, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. Peebles; da-
hlias, Mrs. Doupe; dahlias, Mrs. Pee-
bles, Mrs. Doupe.
Marigolds, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. W.
Doupe; marigolds, Mrs, Peebles, Mrs.
Nott. Verbenas, Mrs. Peebles, W. S.
D. Storey. Petunias, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs.
Peebles. Zinnias, Mrs. Peebles, W. S.
D. Storey; zinnias, Mrs. Elgin Nott;
zinnias, Mrs. Peebles, W. S. D. Storey.
Roses, Mrs. Peebles. Phlox, Mrs,
Peebles, W S. D. Storey. Snapdragon,
Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Doupe Stocks,
W. S. D. Storey. Scabiosa, Walter
Peebles, W. Storey. Selpiglosis, Mrs.
Elgin Nott.
Collection of annuals, Mrs. Peebles,
Mrs. Doupe. Mixed blooms, Mra. Pee-
bles, Mrs. Doupe. Bouquet, Mrs. Peeb-
les, Mrs. Doupe, Delphinium, Mrs. Pee-
-bies, W. Storey. Calendula, Mrs. Pee-
bles, W. Storey.
Potted plants, Mrs. T. W. 1VIcMillan.
Begonia, Mrs. J. Carter. Fuscliia,
Mrs. T. W. McMillan, J. M. Govenlock.
Violet, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. T. Bar-
ton. House plant, Evelyn Shade, Mrs.
R. Dalrymple. Novelty, Mrs. +E. Nott.
Jerusalem cherry, Eleanor Storey,
Win. Storey. Aspidistra, MTS. Elgin
Nott, J. M. Govenloclt. Hen and chick-
ens, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Cactus, W S. D.
Storey, Mrs. Elgin Nott. Mixed flow-
ers, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. W. Doupe.
Gladiolus, Harold Free, Mrs. Pee-
bles. Gladiolus, Mrs. Doupe, Harold
Free. Gladiolus, Harold Free, Mrs.
Peebles. .
Butter, Mrs. Janes Carter, Fred Mc-
Clymorit; butter, Mrs. Frank Riley,
Mra. .James Carter ; butter, Mrs. F.
Riley, Mrs. James Carter.
Maple syrup, Fred McClymont, A.
Turnbull. Soap, Fred McClymont, Mrs.
Elgin Nott. Cottage cheese, F, Mc-
Clymont. Lard, '11'. McClymont, Mrs.
James Carter.
High School—
Home Economics—
Smocking, Mary Lou Sills, Joan
Wheatley, Hannah Pepper, Margaret
Collins. Rayon dress, Joan .Ryan,
Margaret Collins. Wool skirt, Joyce
Glanville, Mary Lou Sills. Crochet
mittens, Margaret Collins. Shoe, 'bag,
Ruth Keyes, Eleanor McCartney,
Marilyn Hillis, Blanche Westcott..
Pin cushion, Betty Addison,: Win-
nifred Riley, Marie Connolly, Willa
McNaughton, Bernice Dining. h i -
Cotton dress, Joan 'Wheatley, Phyl-
lis Moore, Marilyn Hillis, Laureno
Seafortlr W. L special, for dress,
Edna Martin, Margaret McArthur, L.
Specials — Sweater by high school
girl, Ruth Keyes. Baby's sweater knit
by high school girl, Frances Lane.
High School Shop Work—
Model ladder, Michael Laudenbach,
Allan Wright. Model stool, Arthur
Bolton, Ron Rennie, Glen Nixon, Gar
Baker. Model pig or lamb creep, Lorne
Goudie, Jerry Dressel.
Display of hitches, Keith Blanchard
Harry Jacobi, James Wallace, Ken
Moore. Belt lacing, Arthur Bolton.
High School Agriculture—
Onions, Patsy Brugger, ' GladyS
Chapman, Bernice Dilling, Bill Ste-
phenson, Jlnr Chapman. Carrots,
Donna Smith, David Bradshaw, Ann
De La Franier, Ruth Keyes, Patsy
Brugger. Parsnips, Jim Chapman,
Gladys Chapman, Keith Blanchard,
David Bradshaw, Glen Nixon. Beets,
Marilyn Hillis, . Glen Nixon, Joan
Wheatley, Marie Connolly, Michael
Laudenbach. Sweet corn, David Brad-
shaw, Jerry Dressel, Doreen Regele,
Jim Chapman, Gladys Chapman.
Cucumbers, Laureen Doerr, David,
Bradshaw, Arthur Bolton, Gladys
Chapman, Jim Chapman. Cabbage,
David Bradshaw, Arthur McNaughton.
Swede turnips, feed, Mona Caldwell.
Arthur Bolton, Keith Blanchard, Bes-
sie Stevens, Gladys Chapman,.
Pie pumpkins, Glen Nixon, Ann De
La Franier, Ruth Keyes, Gladys Chap-
man, Jim Chapman. Muskmelons,
Margaret Stevens, Frances Lane,
Gladys Chapman, Jim Chapman.
Irish Cobbler potatoes, Leslie Hab-
kirk, Billie Stephenson, Ken Moore,
David Bradshaw, Ann De La Franier.
Potatoes, Eleanor McCartney, Gil-
bert Hubert, James Wallace, G. Shaw.
Special for potatoes, Eleanori Mc-
Cartney, Leslie Habkirk, Billie Ste-
phenson, Ken Moore.
High School Poultry—
New Hampshire, cockerel,Jim Chap-
pian, Gladys Chapman.
Barred rock, hen, Arthur Bolton,
Ruth Keyes, ckl, Ken Moore, Arthur
Bolton, pullet, Arthur Bolton.
Sussex, hen, Ruth Keyes, ckl, pullet.
Gladys Chapman, Jiin Chapman.
White leglrorn, ck, hen, ckl, Gladys
Collins, Margaret Collins; pullet,
Margaret Collins.
Bantams, cock, Ann De La Franier,
Mona Caldwell; hen, Ann De La
Franier, Glen Nixon; ckl, pullet, Ann
De La Franier, Gladys Chapman.
Pheasants, cock, hen, Ann De La
Franier, Bill Chown (Clinton) ; ekl,.
pullet Bill Chown, Ann DeLaFranier.
Utility Pens (3 females)—
New Hampshire, Gerald Elliott
(Clinton) and 2nd.
Barred rock, Arthur Bolton, Ken
Moore. Sussex, Keith Blanchard,
Ruth Keyes. Cross-breds, Murray
Mills, Keith Blanchard. White leg -
horn, Margaret Collins.
Dressed chickens, Arthur Bolton.
White eggs, Keith Blanchard, Gladys
Collins, Margaret Collins, Robert
Weekes (Clinton). Brown eggs, Marie
Connolly, Murray Mills, Irwin John-
ston, Bob Parsons, Keith Blanchard.
Are being paid for Fowl and Chickens
at the Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
Seaforth Farmers Co -Op
With undamaged hides and according to size and condition
Cows up to $6.00 Horses up to $4.50
• Hogs (300 lbs. each) $1.75
plus $1.75 per 100 lbs. for additional weight
For prompt, efficient, courteous service