HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-08-19, Page 3WIIATGOES ON 7 1N THE WORLD yNonnanBlair Great Britain Just a few months ago there was a 'feeling in the United States—also in taiu sectors of Canada -that the Id Country" was "down and out" and practically bankrupt, The "view - ars with alarm"' who took such a stand have had good reason lately to iovise that estimate. First there was the success of the Olympic games—at which the British people proved that they could cone back front the battering' of the war- time years and put this great sports event over iu a manner which made any past efforts—even those of the United Staten at Los Angeles—look somewhat feeble. Then, newly released figures are bowing that the United Kingdom is lathe midst of a business boom of astounding proportions. In July its record in export of goods—taking 100 per cent as stand- ard for tand-ardfor theyear before the war—was ., 138 per cent. The value of those goods was the equivalent of $536,- 0001000 -the highest figure .in 28 years and only 12 million dollars short of the all-time record made in. July 1920, right after the First World War' and when all the nations were catling loudly for British goods. More than that, if prices in the "dollar countries" -the United States -and Canada—had not risen so 'ex- travagantly, Great Britain would by now be in sight of balancing her 'Overseas trade account, and thus showing theprophets of calamity how absurdly wrong they were. For the volume of British exports for the past six months is 30 per cent above pre-war—the volume of imports 20 per cent below it. Indeed, if times were normal, the United' Kingdom would today be regarded as high up on a wave of prosperous production. Rule Britannia! There's life in the old gal yet! Spain Spain is to a Large extent politically isolated from the rest of the world, and does not bulk to any great extent in world news. But that does not tnean that nothing is happening there behind the scenes—or that Generalis- simo Francesco Franco on be.con- sidered a "back number,' a leader who no longer matters very much. Not long ago Franco—through the Spanish Minister to Egypt—signally honored the President of Lebanon by awarding him one of the highest of all Spanish decorations, the Grand Cross of Charles the Third. Ten days later General Franco was awarded the Lebanese Order of Merit. Spain is the only European power that has no obligations toward the United Nations, and feels not the slightest duty to give even lip service to UN resolutions regarding Pales- tine and the Yliddle East. For years Franco has been pursuing a more -or - less secret pro -Arab policy; and it has been a matter of common report that Spain has sold considerable amounts of rifles and other war ma- teria! to the Arab armies opposing Israel. Now this "friendship" may be codling out more openly. There could be either or both of two motives for Franco's actions. Should a new war break out it is almost certain that the Mediterranean region will play an all-important part in it; . and the more harmonious Spain's relations are with the ,Arabs, the better are Franco's chances' for exercising a decisive influence in that region. The second motive is the near ap- proach of the United Nations fall meeting in Paris. Spain wants to have last year's anti -Spanish resolution re- scinded and the road ,prepared for its own admission to the General Assembly. For that purpose Spain needs friends — and the Arab vote could be of good service. So there ,may be a lot more back of Generalis- simo Franco's recent moves than appears on the surface. Lucky Fellows A couple of mosquitoes .were at- tending a convention of insects and an old timer was sitting around re- miniscing with a modern one. The old timer sighed: "Things have changed a lot since my day, When I was a boy you could only bite a girl on the hands or the face, but look at the oppor- tunities you young chaps have today". SALLY'S SALLIES. ' My'husband's a fireman, too, NO please spray our lawn when that £Ire's under Control." He Makes Golf His Life's "Work"—One of the most unusual and interesting figures on the sporting scene is Frank Stranahan, mightily -muscled golfer who, although be has no need to do so, works far harder at golf than many of t hose who make their living by it. Son of a very wealthy father—it is rumored that Frank has an "allowance"'of more than $1000 per week—his chief ambition is to emulate the example of the illustrious Bobby Jones and hold, at the same time, the four major golfing titles -- British Amateur and Open and American ditto. This exclusive picture shows Stranahan in action during the Canadian Open tournament at Ancaster,- near-Hamilton, which he won. It is said that he plays or practises golf 365 days a year, except during Leap Year when he makes it 366. .,`t Y A SlXBIT C With humble apologies to any Turf addicts among our clients, we wish to confess to a very grave error. For years, tike many other sports cobblers, we have been preaching to the text "you can't possibly beat the races". Now, at long last •we learn that this is a mis- take. It IS possible to male a profit betting on the horses; and to make up for misleading you in the past, we now disclose just how to go about it. * * * Well then, first of all you manage to pick out—right at the very be- ginning of its career—sone such slate as the one called STYMIE. You alight find this considerable -of. a chore seeing that STYMIE — when he was retired from racing a few weeks back—had amassed by far the largest winnings in the history of the sport, amounting to between 900 and 950 thousand dol- lars. However, even if you have to do a bit of searching, that's how you commence — find yourself a STY- MIE to follow. * * * Once found, you then proceed to wager a flat sums to win each time he goes to the ppst With STYMIE you'd have had to visit the mutual ticket windows—or phone your bookie—exactly 126 times .over a matter of five and a half racing seasons. That would represent quiet a lot of time, to say nothing of wear and tear on the nervous sys- tem. But think nothing of it. What would you care, so long as you were bound to quit winner? Do we hear you 'asking "How great would those winnings be?" Hold tight to your seat now! In his 126 starts STYMIE'headed all opposition on exactly 35 occasions.. (He finished second 32 times, third 26, and on 33 -afternoons ended up what is crudely known as "in the can".) And with a two dollar bet on STYMIE'S distinguished snot every time he entered the starting gate, you'd find yourself with pro- fits totalling—believe it or notl— slightly over seven dollars. * * e So there now, our secret is out; and don't go around saying we fail led to tell about our guaranteed, foolproof system. Five and a half years; a capital invesment of $252; and a tidy seven bucks profit, For - piling up wealth that's almost as good as making a career of selling smoked glass for watching eclipses of the sun. * * * 1°he question is occasionally ask- ed as to why Canadian sports writ- ers do not pay more attention to the noble game of cricket. The answers really fall into two categories. First, in the districts most of us haunt there really isn't very much cricket to which we could pay attention. But the real reason is that we sim- ply haven't got the necessary voca- bulary. Afcr reading some of the things that have recently come out of Australia regarding Don Brad- man, we realize more than ever that the sports writing dodge "down under" must be largely different from what it is around here. * * * Don Bradman, as, you probably know, is widely acclaimed as the greatest cricketer of all' title—al- though there are some who alight still hold out for the late Dr, W. G. Grace who must have been a mag- nificent sight as he strode toward the wicket with, floating in the breeze, one of those beards that looked as though it might be con ceasing a couple of robins' nests. * 4 * At all events Bradman occupies, in cricket,. a position similar to. what Babe Ruth bed to have itt baseball. Now, Pike the afore -mentioned STYMIE, lie's retiring from active competition. (IA tether for the same reasons we really cannot tell you; we know that STYMIE has a chip- ped stifle -bone but haven't . heard about Bradman's). Anyway, after 21 seasons, he's quitting. And as we previously hinted some of the things that are being written about hint should cause sports columnists on this side of the water to blush for shame, and resolve to take a corres- pondence course in language. Here, for your enlightenment, are just a few samples. * * * v , none has approached the prolific scoring achievements of the mighty Don."—"Fastidious in all his actions on and off the field ... he has been dubbed a `clam' because of his reticence ... "—"But none can deny the fulsome expression he gives to his magnificent ability „ Intellectually the Don ranks with the greatest in cricket .. " —"The culmination of his genius was his remarkable captaincy of world championship teams." * * * ' Which slloulct be enough to- give you a general idea—and we take it thatnoAustralian fan would think of delving into the sports page with- out a good dictionary beside him. However, we manage to get just a notion that Mr. Bradman must have been quite a willow wielder— one writer says that he had a "broadcast bat", whatever that may be—and well worthy of the testi- monial game which is being cooked up in his . honor. * * * And Bradman will probably col- lect more than just a little honor and glory front that sante game. It's being planned for Melbourne where the Crcket Grounds can accomo- date a mere one hundred thousand casts customers. It will be a four day match, which 'means four dif- ferent gates, each likely of the cap- acity" variety. Yes, indeed when it's all over, and the receipts tallied up, there should be quite a neat bit of take -hone money for the man "whose name is writ largest of all tl•e annals of world cricket". * * * But we do wish that Ted Reeve, Jim Coleman and the rest of the boys woud get around to decorating their prose a bit with such phrases as "fulsome expression of magnifi- cent ability" and the like. Hot dog! 1 l . * It All Depends ... A woman was putting her little girl to bed early one evening after a very trying day with the child. The girl had been in mischief all day and the mother was a bundle of nerves as the day ended. Rebuking the ,little girl for having been cross and ill-tempered, the mother received the following reply: "All I've. got to say, Mummy, is ,that it's temper when it's ale and nerves when it's you." HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Steco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our -prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories Harness, Morse- - Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist fit Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 34 — 1948 CLASSIFIED - ADVERTISING AOENTS WANTED. OILS GREASES TIRES, Lneeatlnides, Eleotrio Fence Controller*, Ranee and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc, Deal. era wanted, Write waroo Greneo &.OB Llmp ted, Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SAVE MONEY; sendtie your wool to be made Into yarn.. or blankets. Write for particulars; Copp. Woollen Mills Ltd.,- Port .Elgin, -New Brunewloh. HELICOPTERS - Safe Personal Alroraft Neeti'partner, able aeolet In financing organ. lzetlon, Ford tirade m11116ns for lnvestore, Invootlgato now: Jerome Colley; Went College, Carthage, Texas. EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or FULL TIME money maklag.. Learnto make candy at home and seraas you learn. Free toots supplied, -Correspon- dence course. National Institute of Confec- tionery Reg'd,, Delortmler. P,0, Box 152, Montreal, Que. FARMERS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY On Water Bowls, Stanchions, Milking Ma- chines and .Separators, Our motto: "Better Merchandise At Lower Primo." NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTORS GODERICH, ONT. BABY CHICKS BROILER CHICKS For Summer and Fall. also otarted chicks, Pullets and four weep old Capons, Special prlees this week and next. Send for weekly special prices and catalogue, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS EXETER, ONTARIO 12c HURONDALE CHICKS 12c All heavy breed pullets or ehloks 12e to August 20, after August 20, I3C, Started 2 wife. old 17e, 3 wits old 22e. Order from and enclose this ad HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO PULLETS 8 -week, to layingin pure breeds and crossbreeds, Summer and Fall Chicks hatched to order. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatehertee Limited, Fergus, Ontario, PULLETS, Pure breeds and erose breeds, &- week, to laying. Summer and Fall chtcke. Free Catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Quell*, Ontario. PULLETS—a few atartad—aloo Berne non - sexed started. Immediate .shipment, Day - olds to order. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N„ Namilton, Ont. DIMINO AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or Clean Ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your quentlone, Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 'Ponce. Street, Toronto, Ontario, FOR SALE ALL ICtNDS of parts for 1828 Fordwon Tractor, Also car parts. S. Seigel, 11R 2, Ennlsmore, Ont. BLACK and Tan hound pups, 10 woke. either sex 210,00, Chas. A. Baiter. Merrlckville, Ontario. BOATS: Order your new Munro Boats or Mercury Outboard Motor now end assure Yourself of early delivery. Send for cata- logues. Dealers write — MUNRO BOATS. LONDON W. ONT., MERCURY OUTBOARD DISTRIBUTORS, _ 81000 to Twelve Hundred, three rooms, pantry and attic. good steed. Twenty, acres, ten Cleared. E. Taylor, Barkway, Mueltoka, COMPLETE block -making machinery for Calc; 5 hep. motor with sower tampers, capable of making .blacks In Glees from 4" to 12", either rock faced or plain, all palettoe necessary fn eluding 1,000 In eteelt 2M -ton hydraulic lift. new; also racks. This is 1,000 block per day machine end a good obportunity to "tart In buslnees with a mod- erate investment. Write John 'Melchior, 12 Orchard St., London, Ont 200 ACRES, 4 miles from Prospect, Immo- dlate Possession, no reasonable offer refused. Apply Eire. Eva Shall, RR No. 2, Carleton Pince. Ont. 200 -ACRE FARM, Brookville locality, Well- equtpped, good building,, iron roof, hydro, electric Water eYstom, near railroad, monde snow -plowed In Winter, never been rented, jr, H, Berry, Jeilyby, Ont, FOR SALE, 8-week-eId barred rock pullets, 81; live -month-old ready to lay, 02,60. Shunt Poultry Parma, '11.R. No. 4, Amber:Ahern. FARM for sale, 190 acres, Slmcoo County. close to Barrie, school, churches and store; 140 acres under cultivation, balance mature and bush, level land, clay and loam, well fenced, stabling for 50 bead cattle, equipped with stanehtons, litter carrier and water, Al buildings, hydro throughout, rural matt and telephone. See withcrop growing: Immediate possession. Portirulnrs, owner, D. J. muter, 260 Ellenbetlt St., Berrie, Ont. FALL HATCHED POULTS Broad Breasted Bronze evadable for Fall delivery. Book Your order now. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER, ONTARIO GUARANTEED thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel Pupa, the ideal pet, Healthy. good tock. Mates 016.00, Females 810.00. P. Blgge, Wtngham, Ont, GENT'S Steles Wrist Watches. 16 Jewel, Rltlne:lone Dial with four red rubles, $20.50 each. Pvt. William lCingsborongh, 22nd Transportation Car Co., Fart (seergs G. Mende, Maryland. HI -POWERED RIFLES write fornew lists and Primaa. SCOPE SALES CO,' • 820 Queen St. Ottewn, Ont LEVEL 100 acre highway term, average betiding:a near Srnfnrth. 86,000. Terme. Iledern cottage In Seatorth, 84,000. Terme Norman Sender:mL Seaforlh. Ont, FOR SALE - NEW 1948 54.49 Waterloo Thresher 00 rubb4p 050x80 time, roller bearing*, Hart Weighs and .bagger, 100 ft,. 8" drive belt, Only us 8 days, $1800. &leo John Deer* D Tractor rubber. $550.00. K, Barendregt, Union, Oat NEW RUBBER BELTING. for farm 1mpf1- mente and machinery. 2" x 8 ply, 180 ft,/tt 4" x 4 ply, 880 ft,; 8" x 4 ply, 200 , Matthew Moody & Sone Company, Torrobon¢e, Que Established: 1846, . "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW Suitable for cutting all types of wood. Eight different types manufactured, all using the wolf -known and reliable 2% h.p. "Proof - :don" air-cooled, 2 -cycle motor, Immediate delivery. PRECISION PARTS LIMLTIeD BOLO. Blrnam Montreal 15 IRISH SETTERS. .Mahogany. coated .ariato- crate .from imported champion". Safe des lLven, guaranteed. Arden Kennels. Dalmeny, Saskatchewan, PURE-BRED.AIredales,. 10 weeks old, male or female. Priced at 816 for .quick sale, H. H. Damn, Kippin, Ont. - THRESHERS, Kay Presses, Potato Diggers, now avellablo for immediate delivery. Send for Illustrated .circulars Matthew Moody & Sano Company, Trrrebnnne. Que Eetabllshod 1845. RALRURESSINO LEARN 0lalydressing .the Robertson method, Information on request regarding elasse,, Robertson's Hairdreesing Arademy 187 Ave- nue Rend, Toronto HELP WANTED LABOURERS, Curpentoro, Painters, two Me- chanics and Maintenance men and weldero. Fair wage., aecommbdetton for room and board. Please write Argo Bloele Co„ Cooke- ville, Ont. POWASSAN Continuation School reuuireo a teacher for grades from 0-12. qualified is teach Educational Guidance, English, Hlatery, some knowledge of Art preferred but not neee,aary. Write stating qunitficntiona and religion to W '8 Wilson. Secretary QUALIFIED Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 6, Sherwood, In village of Barry's Bay, duties to commence Sept, 1, Protestant preferred. Apply to John B. Dupuis, Sect'y, Berrys Bay, Ont. 3IEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT—Every sufferer et Rheu- matic Paine or Neuritis should try .Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin. Ottawa. Postnatd 01,00, RELIEF FROM ITCH Eczema, Foot Itch, Barber'. Itch, Ringworm, etc.. responds quickly to Bonze Ointment. reed by physicians, hospitals with excellent results. Olean, cooling, scenting,.-colorleee. Order with confidence and be convinced. 01.00 postpaid, Money refunded If not ,atistied, Acme Supplies Regd., Box 114, Granby, Que, GOOD ADVICE! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem. ody. Munro's Drug Store, 338 Elgin. Ottawa, Postpaid 81.00. OPPORTUNITIES POR WOMEN ,. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADTNO 50.14000 Great Opportunity Learn Halydtessina Pleasant dignified proferalon, good wage,, thousand. ouceeseful Marvel graduates. Amerlca'e greatest system. Gluetented cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FIITHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent So. Miters, Established 1890. 54 King West. Toronto, Booklet of information on request. 815.0118 "QUICK -Flash" Approvals: Cost Este um hinged, mono tun. Write today. Bloom. 0347 Yew. Vaneoaver, Canada. WANTED WANTED SEED SALESMAN To represent well established 00ed arm to sell direct to farmers, Prefer men who are well known in their terming comtnuntty and who are looking for to permanent positron with a future, Hlgheat eomminelon paid. A chance to start up a business to your own dietrlet. All replies confidential. State quallfleatlone and give banking references to Box 16, 128- 18th 8t.. New Toronto. SAFES Protect your BOORS and CASII from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a etre and typo of Safe, or Cabinet, tar any DurpoHo. Visit us, or write for prices. eta., to Dept. W. J.6CJ.TAYLLIN LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 140 Front St. E., Toronto I:etnbllsbed 1865 MECHANICS Class A certificate required Modern up-to-date premises. Top pay 8 -hour day Apply—SERVICE MANAGER -MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LIMITED Toronto's. Oldest Chrysler— Plymouth Dealers 632 Mount Pleasant Road Phone HY. 2181 ROLL YOUR OWN ETTER CIGARETTES WITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO e REG'LAR FELLERS—It Pays To Advertise R'3 AGAINST TBS' -LAW TO HITCHHIKE BUT ADV6Wf151t'1'. 15 STILL LEGAL -- GOTTA HUNKA CHALK ANY ONE? By GENE BYRNE