HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-08-05, Page 3• MUT GOES ON 1N THE. WORLD Newfoundland Some time ago, speaking of a possible union between Newfound- i$ldnd and Canada, Prime Minister acKenzie King said that, in or- der for stela a thing to succeed, the people •of Newfoundland would have to approve of the union "clearly and beyond the possibility of a misunderstanding,"' But this is just what the New- foundlanders failed to. do in the balloting which took place late in July. The vote, "in round figures, showed 75,000 in favor of Confed- eration as against. 70,000 for Re- aponsible Government.: Thus, if the proposed Union goes through—as it seems at this writing almost certain to do—it will appear to be against the wishes of almost 49 per cent of the people of.New- foundland—and as one editorial writer puts it, "the seeds of future discontent might be sown if a large number of Newfoundlanders could claim, with any justice, that they were hurried or railroaded into In view of this the question now arises as to whether Canada should take the view that the recent vote DID NOT express Newfoundland's will "clearly and beyond the possi- bility of misunderstanding." This is not necessarily so, for it is almost certain that many who voted for Responsible Government regarded It as a first step toward union. They think that a Newfoundland with its own Legislature, and Gov- ernment would be in a position to bargain for better terms than Can- ada has yet offered; and it is possible -even probable—that in their hearts as many as two-thirds of the islanders really desire union. It is almost certain that union between Canada and Newfoundland will come sooner or later, and that when it does, most Canadians will welcome it. But events of the past few years in Europe and elsewhere clearly show that it is far too serious a matter for the use of anything even approaching "(sigh pressure" methods. Most of us think It would be a fine thing, for both sides, if Newfoundland should become Can- ada's tenth Province—but only if it does so willingly, and with the unmistakable and wlde-spread ap- proval of the islanders. Great Britain Most of the news coming out of Britain recently concerned the Olympic Games or the Gus Lesne- vich-Freddie Mills prize fight and matters of similar import, So an item went almost unnoticed tell- ing that the British Government at long last had been able to cancel the rationing of bread. First imposed back in 1946, bread rationing seemed like the last straw to a people who had under- gone so many hardships and priva- tions tithing the war years, and who had been looking forward to an easier time and a greater abundance of the good things of life, as soon as peace came, But it was not to be—and for a time bread rationing was strictly enforced, and was the means of saving countless bushels of badly - needed and hard -to -get wheat. More recently supplies have be- come mare plentiful and most housewives have been able to buy extra bread without the use of the official "tickets." Still, the official putting of bread on the "coupon - free" list is a rift—even if a small one—in the clouds, and will be welcomed by the British, even if every other staple food — except fish and fresh vegetables — is still strictly rationed. C srrnany The situation in Berlin is compli- cated by the fact—not generally 'understood in Canada and the Unit- ed States—that fear and distrust of Germany exists today on both sides of the Iron Curtain. To the people of France, Belgium, Luxembourg 'and the Netherlands, on the one side, and to the people of Poland and Czechoslovakia on the other, an economically and po- litically strong Germany means ex- actly the same thing as an aggres- sive and military -minded Germany. The British, although subjected to severe air attacks. in the last war, escaped invasion and occupa- tion, and so cannot fully appreciate this feeling of distrust, And in America, so many miles away from Europe, its terrible reality is not even glimpsed. Just For Fun Fannie Brice, the comedienne, tells of how -during the wil!f— a Marine came up and thanked her for the swell set of poker chips she had sent him, "Poker chips l" raged Fannie. "Don't you know those were home-made cookies?" "Have it any way you like," was the reply. "All I know Is that I won ninety becks with them in a game last night." They Soon Will Be Canadians?—Most of the people of Newfoundland -who recently voted on the question of union with Canada -live nearby the sea from which their chief livelihood is drawn: This peaceful scene shows Plate Cove West in Bonavista Bay. Early one morning late in July— which rather sounds as if we'd been taking a course in song -writing or some such—we received the shock of our life; such a shock that we're only getting around to report- ing it now. A junior member of the family had been giving that morning's paper the regular scru- tiny, which customarily consists of a thorough study of the comics, a scanning of the sports page head- lines, then tossing the journal aside as being of no further interest. * * * But on this occasion he came bouncing into the room where we were trying to persuade ourself that the alarm -clock had lied. 'Just look at this he exclaimed. "Look at what?" we wearily made answer, trying to pry our eyes open with- out the aid of a chisel. "Just look at the Big League standings," he said. "Gee, pop, it looks like you might be calling something right for once!" * * * Slowly it began to come to us. For as long as we've been connected with the sports writing dodge, it has been our custom to make three or four predictions per yea;•—such as calling in advance the winner of the King's Plate, who will finish on top in the. National Hockey League, and the like—and then ad- vising our clients to go and wager heavily, on something else. Tor the quality of our selections both on the racetrack and elsewhere, is famous; or perhaps "notorious" would be more nearly correct, * * * As an admirer once fondly put it, right after a steed we had made him bet on heavily finished a fast - fading last, "You couldn"t pick your old man out of an igloo -full of Eskimos .in ,native ,costume," — which will just go to show you. * * * Be that as it may, before the present baseball season opened we said—right here in print—that we wouldn't be too much surprized if the 1948 Worlds Series turned out to be an all -Boston affaffir, And there, on this morning late in July we started out to speak of, were the Boston Braves leading the National loop by five - full games, while in the. American the Red Sox were in front by two, * * * We know right well that such a state of things cannot possibly last. Judging of the future by the past w: are absolutely certain that, be- - for playoff time rolls around, some- thing dire and dreadful will have happened to either the Sox or the Braves, probably both. Still, if they can be in front even at the halfway mark, In spite of our call- ing them, they must be good game teams, and deserving of a whole heap of credit. e e * But nothing's certain in sport except that the best of us can be mistaken. John Drebinger was re. cently recalling in The Times the day that the great Dazzy Vance looked into the clouded crystal ball and came up with the wrong an- swer. Dazzy at that time, was the highest paid pitcher in baseball, collecting for his efforts on belt of the Brooklyn Dodgers something' like 25 thousand a year, which wql a whole lot of money then—and still is, if you ask our opinion. * * * The Dodgers were on a Spring training trip and Dazzy — whose arm was feeling good and who was supremely confident of winnin had invite! a young and admir rosin to some along to the Min Belt mark and wateli h`imphis 1 the ears of the New York Yankees In an exhibition game. * * * On the way there, Dazzy went to some pains explaining to the cousin just how he would pitch to the famous "Murderers Row" of the Yankees. Leading the lad to a front -row pew in the grandstand he said, "Now just you sit there and watch cl .sely how I do it." * * * Earl Combs was the New York- ers' lead-off man; and when Earl popped out weakly to shortstop, the lad was saying to himself, 'Even if thsy - pay Cousin ;)azzy 25 thousand a year it isn't enough— he's handling those Yankees just like, he told it he would." * Then things began to happen, Mark Koen'; second man up, smacked out a two -bagger. Lou Gehrig saw one of Dazzy's slants he 1i' ed the look of, and blasted a triple. Babe Ruth swung from the heels at ---e that was high and outside—and that's just where it ent—high over the right field wall and outside the ball -yard. A triple was the best Bob Meuse! could do, but Tony Lazzeri "poosh- ed one up" ever left field barrier for a full r' rid trip, That was sufficient for Vance; or ratherit was sufficient for Uncle Wilbert Robinson, long suffering manse r of the Dodgers, who promptly signalled Dazzy .toward the showe. t, Dazzy stalked off the diamond with his head hanging low, in decided contrast to his dudgeon, which was high indeed over the shellacking he had taken. * * * Later thatevening, however, Dazzy had cooled out sufficiently to be able to t--lk to folks once more. Seeing the young, cousin in the lobby of the hotel he said, "Well, kid, what did you think of it?" ""ousin Dazzy," was the lad's classic reply, "I never did see any- body make 25 thousand that easy." Empty fruit jars should be kept lidded to keep them clean and protect the rims from chipping. - ISSUE 32 — 1948 Time To Stop And Think ! What are said to be unreason- able wage demands on the part of Communist -led unions are bearing serious, and what might be disastrous results out on the Pacific coast. A week or so ago one of British Columbia's oldest and most productive gold - mines— Silbak Premier — put up " the shutters and called it a day; and it is said that other mines in that Province may have to follow suit. At the same time one of the West Coast's biggest ship -build- ing yards was sold to a lumber firm which will use it for drying and finishing wood. The mine closing, according to the Financial Post, has the most significant implications for the rest of the nation as it threatens the livelihood of some 600 mining town inhabitants; and in both eases the unions are Commun- ist -dominated. So the words of A. L. Lawes, president of Montreal Shipping and vice-president of the Ship- ping Federation of Canada sounded with extra force in the ears of his Vancouver audience the other day. "Unless some propaganda le forthcoming from the unions advising the men to knuckle down and work," said Mr. Lawes, "Canadian shipping will die a natural death." There are those who think that such a statement applies In a far wider field than merely shipping, SELL BY MAIL 40.000 -WORD ROOK SHOWS WHAT. WHERE, WHEN AND HOW OF MAIL ORDER BUSINESS, GET ITt READ ITT PROVE ITI $LOO Postpaid. GREEN'S, D16 Oxford Street Toronto,Ont. FEL EWE BY RUBBING 1N Brings quick relief. Oreaeelade, fast -drying, no strong 040,. Large, economical iso, 65e 19-46 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WFTM illeesemma CIGARETTE TOBACCO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRE* zwaticiese, fIlleetrie Fence Controllers, 1139040 Barn Paint, Roof Coatings; etc so mance. Write Warm Grease & CHI L/m1• "+e TIoropta, - 10 OIJT OF 12 ARE BUYING Agents earn big money, fall or Dart time, taking orders for our door name plates. Pest seller.. Mr. Coull, Grand Oascapedla, Quebec writes: I showed It to 13 people and 14 bought. They found It "very nits for snob s low pries," Write new for details sr send f5, for ,ample with your own name se *0. Tlneetoraft Reg's, St. Hilaire, Box 44. Qoeb,o.:. 11081NI055 01'1'ORTUNITSES FARMERS WE CAN SAVE, -YOB MONEY In Water Bowls, Stanchions,. Milling Maekbrory end Separators. Our. motto: Better Morahan dies At Lower Primp," NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTING, GODERICH, ONT. RAM CHICKS BROILER CHICKS For Summer and Pali, also 'started obloks, pullets and four week old Capon'. Npeclel erteso *hie week and next, Send for weekly special prices and catalogue. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS EXETER, ONTARIO - 12c HURONDALE CRICKS. 12c All heavy breed pullet' or chicks 150 to August 80, after. August 20 13o. Started 2 wk.. old 170, 8 wke, old fie, Order Tram and enolose this 'ad. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY - LONDON, ONTARIO STARTED ohleke: We can etlll supply two and three week old chicks, pullets, cockerels or non -sexed In many pure breed. and cross 'breeds. Also older pullets eight weeks to Wing. .Summer and Fall chicles hatched to. order.; Free catalogue: Twaddle Chick Hatcheries' Limited, FerNa Ontario. - FALL HATCHED'POULTS Broad Breasted Brome available for Fell delivery. Book your order now. LAKEVIEW TURKEY ,RANCH EXETER, ONTARIO TWO and three week old started ehiclu •nen- sexed, pullets - or cockerels, Many pare breeds and cross breed, to choose from. Alio 10110ete eight weeks to laying. Summer and Fall Chicks hatched to order. Free oatsloauve. Top Notch Chick .Bale'. Guelph, Ontario: NOW'S the time to order chick. or broiler, to ;get good fall meat -egg market. Also some dayold and started for prompt eblpment, Bray Hatchery, 180 John N;, Hamilton, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to un for Information. We are gladto answer your gneetlons, Department H, Park*j'e Dye Work. Limited, 711 TOM* Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOA SALE BOATS: Order your new Munro Boats or Mercury Outboard Motor now and assure Venn/elf of early delivery. Send for cata- logues. Dealer, write — MUNRO BOATS. LONDON W. ONT., MERCURY OUTBOARD DISTRIBUTORS. COMPLETE block-moklns maohlnery ter sale; 6 b.p, motor with newer tampers, "enable of making blocks In size. from e. to 15". either rock faced or plain, all palettes neasesan to - eluding 1,800 1n steel; lit -ton bydrautte lift, new; aloe racks. This le 1,000 block per day machine and a good opportunity to start In buolness with a mod- erate Investment. Write John Melchior, 15 Orchard St., London, Ont. roil SALE. 145 acre. choles dairy farm Partly In corporation on No. 4 Highway between Wingham and Clinton, Good- 8 -room house, hydro, bath, bot water beating. New silo. new etabllnir, tie 40 Bowe; water bowl.,. litter carrier; also ]erg" Implement shed sad' a hen house, Priced for quick male at 816,600. Apply Box 11, 128 -18th- St., New Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. 100 -sere farm between Wingham and Clinton, 7 -room house. Baro 48.70 ft. Implement shed 20.60 ft, and chicken bona" 22x27' ft. Buildinge in good repair. Drin"d well and some bush. All for 16.000. Apply Box 11, 121 -18th St., New Toronto, Ont. ENGLISH Setters, Purples, 116 np, started and fully trained, three doge, one Ntob, sired by world's champion, Dr, P. G. Webster, IContville.. N.S. FOR BALE, Model D. John Deere Vector. good rubber, excellent condition, Prloe 3160*. Joe Mooney, Bradford, Ont. FOR SALE, '8 -week-old barred rook pallet.. 81; ave-monthold ready to lay, 33.60. abut Poultry Farms, R.R. No, 4, Amheretburg. 100 ACRE Lotsmall amount Of clearing. Sts room house with basement, Garass, wood shed, barn and stables, 34 miles from Sab0ol, 106 milers from Sparrow Lake, 1 *11e *0 No, 11 Highway, 02600 cash. Apply to August Schultz, 1Lllworthy, Ont. FOR BALE, 800 acme 1n Scott township, good buildings In 1300d repels hydro. 0apty Amos Clarke, Uxbridge, FARM, HlghwaY 10, North Gower H Publlo, high schools on farm, Beet tt to land, with or without stook. Orval ab, North Gower, Ont. 100 ACRES, Early land, large good bank barn, 8 roomed brisk house, good water supply, hydro at gate, colony house and three hen pens, must be sold, a real sacrldce, mint be seen to be appreciated, price 18000. James Snows, R.R. 2. Bolwood, Ont. FOR SALE German Shepherd females (les) all blacks, blank and tan, 7 months, Reason- able, Sustain Leigh Kennels, Reg, A.R. 8, London, Ont, Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield, GIRLS YOUR NAME IN PLASTIC New, different, coloured plastic' nom. plan Flrat or nickname, 81.00 each. Postpaid. No stamps. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. 3. Harris, 856 Rhode, Ave., Toronto. G. & S. POTATO PICKER Built for the lob. .The modern way of bay" - eating potatoes- Write for information. Gray - Snyder Ltd., HOlabu`rg, Ont. GARDEN trectere — three eine band and Power .lawn mowers with riding seat. Bronze gear pumps, .talnle0. steel Blatt. Complete range of engines and lighting plant, Parte and service for all makes, Gna Engine Co.. 88 Church. Toronto. HEAVY ditty Whitethresher with straw nutter. Good condition, Phone Aglneot.rt 2623-4 HI -POWERED RIFLES Write for new lists and 0,0,,.. SCOPE BALES CO. 320 Queen St, Ottawa, Oat. IRI8H SETTERS. Mahogany coated arLte- crate from imported ohamplona. Sate do- livery guaranteed. Arden Oonnele, Dalmeny, Saekatehewan. - - Ml18K0ICA, 100 acree, 46 cleared, large frame house and barn, Price 38000,00. Lloyd, KOI wo 0thy. Ontario. ITCH ixa 5,, -00, Money Back For quick relief from !Wiley caused by acs mt t�root, =blest temple, and athcrl``c gag. use um mollos, medicated. L ek �. D. S'BCGCRH'TO81N.-Greuoel,tc 8o tthto, Tint and QOM e tthlmg. Don't et Ask rV to D. D. D. PRESCRBPr/0� Fon SALE tuvura 100 store highway farm, aver0ao bUl dlnss, near Beeforth. - 45,000- Terms, Modern cottage In Se&torth, 04,000. warms. Norman . Sendernen, 8.01010h, 004. NA-CHURS LIQUID FERTILIZE Wonderful requite from modern liquid teethes Increase yield, Produces better crops. Ideal - for planting. aide draining, .lawns and hams garden', 18' oe„- 31.00, :55 o,,, 31 74 Wo Prepay postage. Na -Churn. London, Canada. NEW CASE THRESHER 15 x 47 on rubbert New Studebaker Trunks, two end three tonal Apply S. J. Church, Studebaker and 8, L Oase Dealer, Jerrie, Ont. Phone 00-2. NEW RUBBER .BELTING, for farm imple- ment*. and machinery. ' 50 z $ ply, 18c ft.4 4^' x 4` ply, 580 et; 6s z 4 ply, 06, ft. Matthew Moody & Sone Company, Tcrrebonne, Ode. - Eetabilehed 1844. NEW 1040 14.42 Waterloo Thrasher on rubber. 760x20 tires, roller bearings', Hart welsher and bagger, 100 .ft. 3” dries, belt, Only need 6. days,' 31800. Also John Deere 11 Tractor on rubber.: 84.60;00. IL, Barendreit, Union. _ Ont. ONE BIRDSALL CLOVER HULLER, cm tub. bor, -with blower and feeder, Bort Irwin. Seaforth, Ontario. "QUICK -Flash" ApproVale; Coat lens, un- hinged, mom fun, 00,1te today. Blo0ra, 6847 Yew, Vancouver, Canada. REGISTER•ED Doberman Pinscher popple bT champion Goethe, ready. to go. Others priced for companions, Harvey M. Gratton, Grand Bend, 'Ont. REGISTERED- Shetland -sheep Sega (minlatq,e collie) puppies and grbwa doge. wears: ICennele, Mitchell, Ont. SERVICE STATION, General Store with :in- sulated living quarters. Apply Wes. Ander-• eon, Campbellford, R.R, No. 1, THRESHERS, Hay Preemie, Potato Diggers, now available for Immediate del very, Send for nlustroted circulars. Matthew Moody • Sone Company, Terrebonne. Cue. Establlehed 1240. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdreeatng the Robertson method. Information on 'request regarding 0fawes. Robertson'e Halydres,ing Academy, 187 405. nue Road, Toronto, - ,811114.'_ WANTED QUALIFIED - teacher required for Statile/ Village School .16 -miles from Fort William, trades 1-0, enrolment 26. Excellent accom- modation cloae by. Salary 41800. Dutton roommence Sept. 1, Experience and extra qualifications appreciated. Erle Sldeea, Seo. Trees., 8, 8, 7 Palimony's, P. R. 1, Fort William, Ont.'- BRENT, ONT. Renfrew County; Teacher wanted for Deacon 8. S. No, 1. Duties commence September 1st. Apply etating sal- ary and qualifications, Thos. Dixon. Sec: Trees, Brent, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACIi1R required for Monet - land Village School, 8, S. No. 19, noxbon ougb, Duties' to commence in September. AP. ply, stating qualifications and experience, to L. H. Coulthart, Secy.-Treas., Monckiand, Ont, POWASSAN Continuation School requires a teacher for grades from 0-12, qualified to tenets . Educational Guldens, Englleh, Hinton'. some knowledge of Art preferred but nog necessary. Write stating qualifications as religion to W. 8. Wiieon. Secretary. 51E0IOAL ,DIXON'S REMEDY—For Neuritis and Rheu- matic Pains. Thousands aattefled, Munro's Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 11.00. WET ECZEMA and LEG SORES If you are 'guttering with the above, try Cullens Remedy, euc,esefully treated. Mone/ back guarantee. 81.00 bottle. Cullens Pro- ducts. 24 Glendale Ave., Toronto, READ THIS—Every mutterer of Rheumet e Pains or Neurltle should try Dixon's, Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 880 Elgin, Ottawa. Peet - paid 11,00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER WIN CANADA'S LEADING BOHOOL Groat Opnortunlb Learn Halydreeelns Pleasant dignified profession, good wage. thousands ,ucceeeful Marvel graduate. America'. greatest system, Illustrated seta- . 'ague tree. Writ or Call MARVEL HAD2DREBSING SCHOOLS 968 Blom 8t. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 %ios et„ Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa wa PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent Bet lleltore. Eetabnshed 1880, 14 King WM1, Toronto. Booklet of information on rim PHOTOGRAPHY .a THRIFTY PHOTO SERVICE Free enlargement with *soh roll 8 or 1 es• poesre roll devloped and printed 20n. Retrlot* 40. P. 0. Box 845, Toronto. MASTER BECOMES FASTER To further ended up our mea servl0e and avoid contusion with other arms,We have found' 1t necesee.ry to change our name. We ham chosen a name which typifies our long .stab. liehed claim, "Faster" Service, 4 bouts frote the time your work 1. received, It Is In On return mall. Send 01,1e ad with filen, for FREE PHOTO BOOK with popular size rolls, 8 or 8 «museum tolls developed and printed 80,. Reprints 560 snot- Our new Color processing department Is »pA/ to service your L1odaoolor and Ammo 001x} mile. Send them to us with oonddonee. PASTER. PHOTO SERVICE Box 221. Station A, Toronto. WANTED WANTED to purchase pullet eight weeks t78 e !bring pure breeds or hybrid arOseee. /stelae age, number and price. ADDU Hoz No. 1a, 158 -18th St., New Toronto. Ont. WANTED good hardwood Inlets, 40 emcee more. Cash. Box 14, 118 -18th Soren. Ned Toronto. WANTED SEED SALESMAN To repreeont well established 'seed firm to a4 direst to farmers, Prefer men who are well known In their farming community and who are looking for a permanent position with a future. Highest commleslon yald. A chane. to -start up e. business' In your own Matrkt, All replies oonfldentlal. Stat quannoatlons and give banking reference. to Box 15, 680- 18th St., New Toronto. LATVIAN family, husband 64, wife 62, dough. ter 211, eon 20 desire E. farm work. E perlonoed In farming, -Lutherans, lust now in Germany. Can you arrange them the Imusile @ration bermiselon7 Writ to Mr. R. Sisals; C.N.R. Gang NO. 44, Hornepayne, Ont. as Skin Eruptions Here is eleen, etalnlose, penetrating antiseptic 08 that brings remedy relief from the Robins and discomfort. Not only dee, tkls heathen natlaeptle-OR Promote rapid and healthy beating In ones gores and wounds but bonki and simple Mears are also relieved, In skin affections the itching of Eerome le Quickly ,topped. Pimple --akin eruptions dry up and Beale oft W a. very few day,. Tho name Is true of Harbert, Itch, Balt Rheum, Itching Toes and not and other Mthimmatory skin dteerder.. Yon sen obtain Moose's Emerald 011 In the original bottle at any modern drat stern, Sntisfortim: or mnnry hark, REG'LAR FELLERS --Correct Diagnosis Nf(SSER OtlpNfs S'POSB teas Pais A 1100.20' RETAINER Ate 112. 1.00t OYER '013U0010001 -UP AN' °TELL r " PAM. YA! J ENOUGH! J By Gene Byrnes AFTER SAMIRLife YOUR. ERODUCK Ate 013SERYµt' T'HiNGS, MISTER PUFFY, 1 ONEY alf4D O7tE '11•}0100 WRONG WITH rt YOUR. BUSINESS -• YDU !,Ache CUSTOMERS t L 1 KNEW IT AU.. AWNS! ) ...4 '• ii./1-$y