HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-07-22, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1948 HENSALL Honored on 90th Birthday— Mrs. Joseph Stacey, Exeter, was guest of honour at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, Chiselhurst, when members of the family gathered to celebrate her 90th birthday. A native of Chester- ville, Ont., the former Mary Maude Cuskelly, moved to London with her parents. Following her marriage in London to John Andrew Ferguson, she moved to Lucan and later to Exeter. Some time after the death of Mr. Ferguson, she was married to Joseph Stacey, who died six years ago in Exeter. For the past two years Mrs. Sta- cey has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Will Horney in Exeter. She is a member of the congregation of James street United Church, Exeter. The family includes Mrs, Will Hor- ney (Margaret) Exeter; J. E. Fer- guson, Aylmer; William Ferguson. Usborne; Joseph Ferguson, Chisel- hurst and James Ferguson, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case are holi- daying at their cottage near Turn - bull's Grove, this week. The Hensall United Church and Sunday School pienie will be held at the Seaforth Lions' Park, on Mon- day afternoon, July 26th. The fol- lowing committees will be in charge: Sports Committee, Misses Betty Mi- ckle, Bernice Jinks, Messrs, Geo, Hess, E. Shortt and Bill Mickle. So- cial Committee, The Woman's Asso- ciation, of which Miss K. Scott is President. Transportation Commit- tee, Mr. Shortt and Mr. Sanders. Scholars having no means of trans- portation are asked to meet at the church at 2:30 o'clock. Plan to at- tend this annual get-together. Miss Jane Horton is spending' a vacation in Blyth with Mr. and Mrs. Salter and daughter. The Misses Peggy and Beth God- dard are vacationing at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Weston, of Palmerston. Miss Lenore Norminton, of Tor- onto, was a weekend visitor at her home, Miss Ada Graltlm of Adrian. Mich. is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. Mrs. Agnes Laramie, and daughter Greta, were visited recently by Miss E. Foster, and girl friend of Tona- every two years and at that time the Wanda. N.Y, charge of the arrangements: Mrs• Federal leader is also chosen and in Miss Amy Laramie of London was C. Cook, Mrs. W. Smale (convenor) addition three members elected a weekend visitor at her home. Mrs. Orr, Mrs. McBeath, Mrs. J. by Mrs. Dorothy Porter of Detroit McEwan, Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. each che provincial n provincial, iiovention is held on. and Mrs. Robt. Hopkins of Chicago Edwards, and Mrs. F. Beer. The pro- once every year, co which the pro - spent the week end with Mr. and ceeds which amounted to $27.00 will once l leader, the executive and the Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie and other be donated to the Community Build- council members are elected by the relatives. ing fund. delegates representing all conetitu- Mr, W. J. Parsons of Winnipeg, encies. If Mr. Westcott would like to Man., is visiting his uncle and aunt, know more of the democratic set up J. D. and H. M. Craig, also with his Lonarnne of the CCF I will gladly loan him my uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. spending two weeks copy of "Make this yourCanada," and Parsons and cousins, f e is Mr and Mrs a copy of the CCF constitution. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson and I wish to thank the Editor of The family of Manitoba spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hend- erson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore, Ronald and Norma, returned home from a week's vacation at their summer home at Lions Head, Miss Jean Foster of London was a week end visitor with her parents, Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. reunion held there. Others attend- ing were Mr. and _Mrs. John Reid London; Mrs. Jean Manson,., Mr. 'ancl M ' Mrs, Hilton Laing, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. Ell- cott, Zurich; Mr Sidney and Ray MacArthur, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tra quail., Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bell, of Hensall. Mrs, T. Hemphill of Wroxeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook at their summer home at Grand Bend. Miss Stella Robinson of Toronto is' visiting with her sister, Mrs, Arn- old. Misses Beth and Peggy Goddard are holidaying at the home of their grandmother in Palmerston. The many friends of Mr. Howard Hyde' regret to hear of his serious illness. Mrs. T. Harris is spending a few days at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris, at Chiselhurst. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Fer- guson and family are spending this week at Kintail Camp. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paterson are holidaying with relatives in Pitts- burg, Penn, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett of New York are visiting the latter's mother Mrs. Wm. Hyde. Miss Helen Moir of London spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Mr. Glenn and Miss Helen Me - Naughton, of Toronto, visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Bryan are holidaying with Mrs. Robt. Drysdale and Jerry, at the Drysdale summer home, Lake.Huron. The annual Sunday School picnic of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held at Lions' Park, Seaforth, on Wednesday, July 28th. Mrs. Gus Voth and children of Detroit are vacationing with the former's mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron spent a few days recently at South- ampton. The sale of candy, produce, and home -baking, which was held on the bowling green grounds on Satur- day night, July 17, under the spon- sorship of the Hensall Women's In- stitue, was a decided success. The following ladies were in COMMUNICATION • Editor', The Seaforth News. Dear Sir—We of the CCF party feel that the. charges Mr. Clare West cott has made against our Federal Leader and the OCF should be ac- cepted as a' compliment to the pro- gress the movement has made in fifteen years. That we alone should be singled out for abuse and 'that statements made by . outFederal Leader should be so misconstrued as to give an entirely different meaning, points' out to me that the Young Pro- gressive Conservative Assn. of Sea - forth is following the slanderous tactics of the older Conservatives. 1f I was to make' any constructive criticism of the Progressive Conserva- tive party, I would state that if they were more progressive and less con- servative they would probably regain some of the electoral votes that they have lost in the past ten years. I teal that when the CCF party is singled out for such attacks by Clare West- cott that he cherishes the fond wish of a Federal political marriage of the Conservatives and Liberals to combat the reform legislation demanded by the average man and woman in this Canada of ours. The Provincial political marriage of the Conservative and Liberal parties has taken place in British, Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba in order to curtail the progress of a reform party. As everyone knows the membership of the CCF comes from former sup- porters of both Liberal and Conserva- tive parties who have become dis- gusted with the failure of those Parties in enacting legislation to en- force the promises made previous to federal and provincial elections. The provincial election in Saskat- chewan last June refutes all claims that the CCF is a totalitarian govern- ment that, once gaining power of government, would never call another general election. The CCF government was returned to power in Saskatche- wan regardless of a coalition of the Liberals and Conservatives and a slanderous campaign conducted by Mr. Tucker on the same lines as Mr. Drew condemned the CCF party in Ontario. ,For Mr. Westcott's information the national Council is composed of the officers and six members elected at the national convention which is held AT FINNIGAN'S ATTENTION' HOUSEWIVES • If you are interested in Cherries, call us at once. You will save real money in Egmondville ARRIVED THIS WEEK Shipment of Fruit Jars, Pints and Qts„ priced to sell. Lemons, Oranges, Tomatoes, Bananas, new Carrots and Celery W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD' OF THANKS DUBLIN Jordan,London, is holiday s at the home o her pan. . Joseph Jordan. Miss Teresa Atkinson, Toronto, is Seaforth News for the valuable space vacationing with her parents, Mr. taken by this letter and to assure him and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. that I will not reply to any answer Mr, and Mrs. James Akroyd and three daughters, Mrs. John Lam= and three children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer and son, The family of the late John S. Shannon wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent bereavement. They wish to ex- tend a special thanks to Rev. H, V, Workman of. Seaforth and to those who -sent beautiful floral tributes Mrs. Walter Davidson and Isabel wish to express their appreciation for the many kind- nesses and words- of sympathy shown to them during their resent bereavement. Also to those who sent floral tributes, and loan of care, Mr. and Mrs, A. Foster. Mrs. E. L. Mickle and infant daughter, Margaret Ann, returned home from Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. this week. Miss Carol McMurtrie is holiday - John Nagle and William Dantzer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert and sons, Thomas and Peter, attended the Feeney -Bailey wedding at Galt. Willnia O'Rourke is i11 at Sea- forthin with her uncle and aunt,Mr. Memorial Hospital. Misses Louise and Rose Marie and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston in Wind- Feeney and Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson Miss Helen Swan is spending sev- eral days visiting with Mrs. Herr, east of the village. The public library will close on Saturday, July 31st, for two weeks and re -open Tuesday, August 17th. All books now out are due on 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna of Blenheim spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Rigby's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Stewart Mc- Queen and attended the MacArthur STARTING TO POUR FRESH HONEY on Friday Packed in all sizes of containers Buy your honey from the producers at first cost. Wallace Ross Phone 136 J Seaforth and family at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gallant Wind- sor, with Mrs. W. Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. James Eckert and twins, New York, with Mrs. Teresa Eckert. Michael McCarthy is spending a week at Midland. that is covered by this missive. WILF. A. GLAZIER Clinton RR #4 July 17th. FOR SALE Bell threshing separator, 24 in. cylinder, shredder and grain thrower; Is in good con- dition. DAN McKINNON. Brussels RR3, Ont. FOR SALE 3 -bedroom stucco house (1 up, 2 down), Ige living room, hdwd floors, age kitchen, newly decorated, good well and cistern, full base- ment. Possession Sept. 1. Price $3,000, Apply J. T. WEBSTER, Egmondville centered with a three-tier wedding cake. For a honeymoon to Niagara Falls, Toronto and Kincardine the bride donned a figured brown suit of bengaline with white accessories. Tliey will reside in Hibbert. Prior to her marriage the bride was guest of honor at two largely at- tended miscellaneous shower's at the hones of Mrs. Eccles and Mrs: ,COY, both of Toronto. The Danforth United Church Sunday school, Toronto, pre- sented her with a Holman Bible and her class of 14 boys gave her a leather-bound engraved hyninary. HiBBERT A quiet wedding was solemnized at Main Street United Church parsonage, Mitchell, when Rev. A. H. Johnston united in marriage Jean Belle Hock- ing, of Mitchell, elder daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Hocking, to Mr. George Laverne Mitchell, son. of Mr. Thomas Mitchell, Dublin, and the late Mrs. Mitchell, The bride wore an ankle -length gown Of white silk jersey with short sleeves and low cut neckline with full skirt and long gloves- to match. Her fingertip veil was held by a satin halo. She wore a 200 -year-old heirloom brooch and car- ried an arm bouquet of pink rosebuds.) Mrs. Leslie Miller, Staffa, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wear- ing a gown of turquoise blue with lace trimming with matching hea,cldress and short gloves. She carried a nose- gay of pink rosebuds, carnations and sweet peas. Mr. Leslie Miller was best man. Following the ceremony the wed- ding dinner was served at Fischer's restaurant, Mitchell, with the immed- iate families present, the tahIe being HULLETT The regular monthly meeting of the Hullett Township Council took place July 5th in the Community hall, Londesboro, at 9:00 p.m., D. S.T. The Reeve and three members of the Council being present. Mr, W, R. Jewitt being absent on ac- count of illness. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and special meeting of June 28th, 1948. Motions—J. Ira Rapson and Geo, C. Brown, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be adopted as accepted on June 28th. Also the minutes of the special meeting of June 28th, 1948, carried. Mr. Peter Glazier appeared before the Council re damage to crops by weed spray in 1947. After discuss- ing the situation with Mr. Glazier the Council decided to take no ac- tion whatsoever. Mr. J. E. Howard then approach- ed the Council re the renewal of the power mower and road insurance. Brown and Rapson, that we renew our power mower and road insur- ance with Mr. J. E. Howard, carried. Dale and Brown, that we give Mr. W. R. Jewitt leave of absence owing to illness until he is well enough to resume his duties, carried. Dale and Rapson, the we accept the tender of Ray Hanna to build the new abut- ment and repair the Watkins bridge; carried, At this time a letter was present- ed to the Council by the Road Su- perintendent from the Hydrolaec- trio Power Commission re damage to hydro lines on concession 2 of the township by road repairs. There was some discussion on this letter as to the amount of damage and Council ordered' the letter filed for future reference. Brown and Rapson. that the ac- counts as presented be paid, Car- ried. Rapson and Dale, that',we do now adjourn to meet August 2, at. 9:00 p.m. daylight saving time, car- ried. Accounts— Geo. W. Cowan, part salary, $75.00; Geo. W. Cowan, ex- cise stamps, 83.00; Seaforth News, advertising, $3.00; Huron Expositor, Dodds dram, $2.94: Clinton News Record, Dodds drain, $5.60; Goder- ich High School Board, part assess- ment, $50.00; Alec. Riley, Fox, boun- ty, $2.00; Municipal World, supplies $35.26; Frank Tamblyn, Auditor 1947, $200.00; J. E. Howard, Insur- ance, $107.00; Gordon Radford, gas, 0.1, repairs, $110.26; H, Emmerson, MID -SUMMER SALE Atli' THE Kiddies' Shop, Seaforth commencing Thursday July 22nd Print Dresses, Pinafores, Broom Skirts, Sun - Suits, Boys' Cotton Suits, Jerseys, Shorts Slacks and Bathing Suits FOR SALE Binder for sale—No. 4 Massey -Harris, 6 -ft. cut, in good shape. JOHN McNICHOL, phone 31.16, Blyth FOR SALE Good grade Ayrshire heifer recently fresh- ened. KEN MCPHERSON, 17 r 24 Dublin FOR SALE 1929 Hudson Sedan $150 cash. After 4.80 p.m. JAS. SALLOWS, RR No. 2, Seaforth FOR SALE 2 white head calves for sale. Want to buy 1 work horse, FRANK REYNOLDS, 667 r 33. WANTED Lady wishes room or rooms in Seaforth or vicinity. Apply to Box 127, The Seaforth News FOR SALE A number of good York pigs from 6 to 7 weeks old. John E. McLean, Seaforth RR3 FOR SALE 400 Leghorn pullets 11 weeks old. Also Moffat electric range and cable. Alvin Stevens, Varna tile, $13.61; Doherty Bros., mower repair, $1.10; Ray Hanna, bridge, con. 2, $1014.00; Geo. Radford, bulldozing, $115.00; Bert Brunsdon, mower knives, $3.40; Bert Griese, gas. oil, $3.85; Wilfred Coleman, gravel and fill, $168.75; Harold Beacom, Trucking, $2.00; • Gordon Miller, bridge, $6.00; Ben Riley, mower operator, $32.70; Len. Cald- well, road supt., $48.00; Art. Wey- mouth, grader operator, $119.40; Geo. Radford, Dodds drain, $2500. YOU WAIT SERVICE Shoe Repair and Findings W. J. THOMPSON BABN FOR SALE Barn 40' x 60'. % steel roof. WESLEY STEPHENSON, Brussels. Phone 111x2 NOTICE WANTED Wanted to buy. a good wooden 12' silo. Please state price and condition. MENNO STECKLE. Zurich RR2. 98,13 Hensall cent. BOA unrra1 Jebrntr °, • AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office 43 Residence18 The Purebred Belgian Draft Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME —5249— Enrolment No. 3017. First Class. Form 1. The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion WINSTON V -E —29929— Enrolment No, 4583. Second Glass. Form 2. The Purebred Percheron Stallion REFINER —15280—Enrolment #234, 1st class. Form, 1. Route for 1948—Mon. & Tues., vicinity of Dungannon, Lucknow, Brussels, Blyth, Wed, & Thurs., vicinity Seaforth, Clinton, Dublin. Friday & Sat., vicinity of Kipper), Hensall and Zurich. Terms $17 to insure, payable March 1st, 1949. T. J. McMICHAEL, Prop, and Manager Grade A—Premium No. 181. First Class Farm 1. Enrolment No, 4316 The Purebred Black Percheron Stallion ST. BLAIN MARQUIS Mon.-Tues.—Vicinity of Exeter and Lucan. Wed. Thurs.—Vicinity of Dashwood, 'Zurich. Fri.-Sat.—Vicinity of Seaforth and Dublin. Terms 92 down ; $12 April 1st, 1949. Phone 29 r 24 Hensel]; or 14 r 14 Dublin. WILLIAM COLE. Prop. and Manager FOR SALE 7 pigs 10 weeks old. JOSEPH MANLEY, phone 45-8 Dublin .-. Notice to Creditors, 3 weeks, $2.50 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Classy Companies. FOR SALE Pure bred Aberdeen Angus, name Esquire of Glen Angua; sire, Elm Park Kindred the 14th: LEWISIITFED, Blyth, Ont PhonElm Park e . FOR SALE 9 choice Yorkshire chunks. JOSEPH S. O'REILLY, 46 r 3 Dublin 5X B.C. Shingles American Cement Binder Twine ,in stock For the convenience of our customers we will remain open Saturday evening dur- ing the harvest season Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES LEAVE CALLS AT SILLS HDWR., SEAFORTH HAWKINS HDWR., CLINTON DATAR & O'BRIEN HDWR., ZURICH The McKillop . Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod-, bagen ; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton •- Sec, -Tress. & Manager, M. A. Reld, Seaforth, Director,—Roht. Archibald. Seaforth; Frank. McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth' RR3; Chris Leonhardt. Bornholm; E. J.. Trewarthe, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth 1- J. H. McEwing, Blyth- RRI ; Hugh Alexander. Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderlch RR2 Agents --John E. Pepper. Brucefield; at. F. McKercher, Dublin• J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen;. George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to • effect insurance or transact other business, will be prompt's, attended to by applications to any of the. above named officers addressed to their. respective post office, SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician - Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes– day 1.30 to 6 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may' be wade in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. Beatty Washer Service GODERICH , 2SU for SURGE. U6M for tlNWERSAt '7;41.44111 2" I 3SU for SURGE MILKING MACHINE REPLACEMENT PARTS 2R for PERIECl10N $01114o4tATwas - 176R for OWE llrRsal WORM miss 3R for FORM SITE AT EARS 4 WPRR'S soma 83 for WNW Itirlig nd EMI 1 RS for' 5 0 CHAS Iteda 426R for 08D for NU*. IMtn 1 Select Your Milking Machine Rubber Replacement Parts from' this Sample Board'.. . We can make immediate delivery from our new stock. of Pure Crude Rubber Inflations at the following prices: McCormick -Deering 80c each DeLaval, Utility & Sterling 80c each Surge 70c each All other males 75c each We also have over 200 black rubber Inflations to clear at 40 cents each JOHN BACH Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seatortb DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic ands. Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals. London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4.p.m.-63 Waterloo. Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen • Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell, Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. , Nights and. Holidays 66 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 USBORNE & ,HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H., COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR R,R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY , Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON DuOromOny, JOHN MCGRATH MILTON McCURDY , Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Cromarty THOS. SCOTT , .. . THdS. G. BALLANTYNE,. Woodham FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e 1 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. SPRAYING SERVICE We do Whitewash spraying with rock lime; DublinDFREpDaHARBIIRN, for Dublin Phone 44 r 0 FOR SALE Modern brick duplex on West Williant mace 12 story, frame dwelling new village of Egmondville, early possession. Frame cottage, garage, South Main street. Immediate possession. 11 storey,, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St.. Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth WANTED TO BUY All old horses and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed, will pay more than fertilizer prices—if not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect 936,21,- or 936r32, Godei'ich FOR SALE 11/2 storey frame seven -froom house: bath room; hydro; situated on Jarvis street:; im- mediate possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Insurance- Broker, Seaforth, Ont. Phone Off. 334, Res. 220 FOR SALE McCormick binder 6 ft. ; Deering mower 5 ft.; Massey-Harrisside delivery rake; hay rack flat bottom; Maxwell hay loader "old model" Massey -Harris 10 -tooth cultivator; Nevin 10 -hoe seed drill,and several other used horse drawn farm implements. JAMES HILL, Staffs