HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-07-22, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1 a year
The mass x-ray survey of the
people in Huron County ha been
completed. There has been spendid
response from the citizens ofevery.
part of the County as shown by the
following figures:
X -Ray Centre No. of X -Rays
Exeter 2,315
Dashwood 615
Zurich 646
Hensall 731
Seaforth 1,497
Clinton 1,735
Blyth .634
Brussels 1,300
Gorrie . . • 413
In order that people- who have
contacted the disease or who are un-
der observation may have periodic
examinations, the Committee is pay-
ing for x-rays in monthly referred
clinics in Hospitals throughout the
county. These clinics have been car-
ried on for some time and the Doct-
ore are referring cases to them.
The CCF Huron Riding Associa-
tion had its monthly meeting at the
home of Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter,
to discuss the resolutions to the
Provincial CCF convention. These
resolutions included items regarding
price control of .agricultural and
farm products, exemption on in-
come tax of farmer's wife who as-
sists as laborer on farm, and a slid-
ing scale for income tax based on
cost of living index.
Warning 'Ccial will be in
short supply next _ winter.
Take it now ri available.
PHONE 48 & 18
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday hSchooi. Service
11 a,m, P
Subject, "The Safeguards -of Hu-
man Society."
i(No evening service during July
and August).
Welcome to the morning worship.
Egmondville United Church
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., Mr. Colin Campbell,
A social family gathering was
held at Lions'. Park, Seaforth, on
Saturday last to celebrate the 50th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and,
Mrs. C. H. Garniss of Seaforth. The
wedding was solemnized 50 years
ago at the home of the bride's par-
ents, the late Mr. and Mrs. William
Isbister, Burnside Farm, 2nd con.
of Morris, by the late Rev. David
Perrie D.D. of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, Wingham. They took
up residence in Bluevale where they
spent many years of their married
life. During the picnic supper a
toast was proposed to Mrs. Garniss
by her youngest sister, Miss Christ-
ine Isbister, of Wingham, which was
responded to by Robert Warwick,
the groomsman of 50 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Garniss received
many beautiful cards and gifts
which brought to a close a very
happy occasion.
The guests included Miss Christ-
ine Isbister, Miss Kathleen Pringle,
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jenkins of Wing -
ham; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jenkins of
Walkerton; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mil-
ler of Belgrave; Mr. John Isbister
of St. Clair, Mich„ Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Garniss and Patricia of Ham-
ilton; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hellan-
tyne, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garniss and
Gail of London; Miss Olive Scott,
Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mr. William Gar-
niss, Mr. Robt. Warwick, Mrs. J. J.
Sellers and George Brewer all of
Bluevale; The Wm. Brewer family
of Brussels.
Sunday, July 25, St. James' DaY
St. Thomas', Seaforth:
11 a.m., Morning Prayer
,4 No evening service.
St. Mary's, Dublin
9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B.A., at both services.
Mr. and Mrs. James Urie and
family of Windsor were here attend-
ttending the funeral of the latter's father
the late John Shannon. Mrs. Urie
and ;children remained to visit with
her sister, Mrs. Chambers.
Mr. Edgar Switzer of 13rampton,
Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Miss Mina
Baker, Oranbrook, Mr. John Menar-
ey, Mrs. Sam Somers of Detroit, at-
tended the funeral of the late John
Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters have
returned from London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
Russell Maddess of Milverton, Jac-
queline and Kenneth Davidson re-
turned home.
Miss Betty Montgomery and Miss
Isabel Currie visited with Mrs...Syd
McCullough, Blyth.
Miss Dorothy Dodds attended
summer school at Goderich, last
week. Master Donald Dodds visited
at Cromarty. •
The L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. annual
picnic was held at Seaforth Lions'
Park, Thursday night when about 60
attended. Following are the prize
Marshmallow race, Wilma Mc-
Lean; peanut scramble; girls 8 and
under, Carol Lou Hubert; boys 9
and under, Jack Baker; girls 12 and
under, Marg. Brown; boys and girls
16 and under, Wilma McLean la-
dies kick slipper race, Wilma Mc-
Lean; men's kick slipper race, Les-
lie Habkirk; men's race, Jim Brown;
walking race, Mrs. Bethune; men's
walking race. Charles Pratt, putting
ball in basket, Bill Baker; clothes-
pin race, Elizabeth Habkirk; mixed
race, Mary Brown.
James. Wilson Morley, 44, magis-
trate for Huron County since
March, 1946, died suddenly at his
home in Exeter,. on Saturday. He
had .been in poor health for some
months. Death was attributed to a
heart condition.
Mr. Morley, Conservative candi-
date in a Federal election in 1940,
contesting Huron -Perth seat, was
well known in Seaforth. He was a
veteran barrister who practised law
in Exeter for 20 years before he was
appointed to the magistrate's bench.
He was born in Exeter, son of
John Morley and the former Emily
Mitchell, who predeceased him.
After attending public and high
school in Exeter he went to Osgoode
Hall, graduating in 1926. In May of
that year he entered into law prac-
tise in Exeter with Isaac R. Carling,
and continued in practice alone
after Mr. Carling's death in 1934.
Mr. Morley was appointed magis-
trate for Huron County in March,
1946, and since then had frequently
conducted Police Court in Seaforth.
He was a member of Trivitt Me-
morial Anglican Church at Exeter,.
a former church warden and sides -
man. He was a member of Masonic
and Odd Fellow lodges in Exeter.
On July 1 this year he was mar-
ried to Eileen Snell of Exeter. Sur-
viving besides his wife and father
is one brother, Clarence, in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa. The funeral was held.
in Exeter on Tuesday.
Mr. Fletcher Whitmore, who - has
been attending Western University,
London, since returning from over-
seas in 1945, taking the course pro-
vided for Veterans, passed his third
year Honour Mathematics and Phys-
ics Course with first class honors,
and has also passed an Actuarial
Examination of Princeton Univer-
At Knox Presbyterian Manse Rev.
R. G. MacMillan united in marriage
Lois Margaret MacLaren, Reg. N.,
elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. MacLaren, Goderich, and Robert
Tweedie. MacDonald, younger son of
Mrs. MacDonald, Goderich, and the
late Capt. Angus MacDonald.
The bride was lovely in a portrait
gown of white slipper satin with
gathered bodice, sweetheart neck-
line and long tapered sleeves.. Her
floor length embroidered veil ' was
held by a Juliet cap embroidered
with seed pearls. She carried a cas-
cade bouquet of Briarcliffe roses
and white larkspur.
The bride's sister;; Mrs. J. C.
Thorneloe, as matron of honor was
gowned in rose -pink net over taffe-
ta with lace insertions, she carried a
colonial bouquet of corn flowers,
sweet peas and blue streamers which
matched her headdress.
J. C. Thornloe attended the
Following the ceremony, a dinner
was served at..''Knotty Pine Inn" in
Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs, R. T.
MacDonald left on a motor trip to
Northern Ontario. The bride travel-
ed in a powder blue silk jersey dress
and grey shortie coat with matching
accessories, and a. -corsage of pink.
carnations. On their return they will
reside in London. -,
Someone recently wrote a book
about people who had sought in far
planes for riches, while all the time
there was wealth right at home. A
Seaforth young man found that out
When a plane went over town
scattering handbills for the carnival,
Jim Wallace started out to try and
pick up some. He was able to find
only one.
Returning home, however, he found
that a young friend visiting at his
place, had gathered up a bushel
basket full of handbills which had
landed right in the Wallace's back
yard, and .there were nine "lucky"
bills, • •
"The worst of it was," Ian says
with a smile; "I nearly broke my neck
going over a fence after the one lone
handbill I got."
A miscellaneous shower for Mrs.
Phillip Willis (nee Marjorie Mc-
Kenzie). of the local Bell Telephone
staff was held by her girl friends on
Tuesday evening at Lions' Park.
Following a supper an address to
Mrs. Willis was read by Miss Kath-
leen Roe -while the many beautiful
gifts were presented. Gaines and a
social time were also enjoyed.
Rev. W. Ca McBride of Howick,
Que., will take charge of the ser-
vices in First Presbyterian Church
on Sunday, July 25th.
New books recently added to the
Seaforth Public Library.
Fiction -The Precipice, MacLen-
nan; Lucinda Brayford, Boyd; John-
ny Christmas, Blake; Pilgrim's Inn,
Goudge; Dortt, Green; A time for
Laughter, Wellner; The Hanging
fudge, Hamilton; Tobias Brandy-
wine, Wickenden; Unclouded Sum-
mer, Waugh; Thirty -One Selected
Tales, Bates; Devil in the Sky,
Bradley; Call for the Saint, Charter-
is; Dance Without Music, Cheyney;
Marry for Money, Baldwip• Hope
to Die, Waugh; Deadly Ditto, Hall;
Borderline Murder, Amos; Opera-
tion Bughouse, Bowie; Death of an
Author, Rhode; Peony, Bnngk; There
is a Tide. Christie; But Death runs
faster, McGinon; Proceed at Will,
Wilkinson; 'Within the Hollow
Crown, Barnes; Moon over the back
Fence, Carlson; Milk Route,Ostenso;
Whither Thou Goest, Sollows; No
Trumpet Before Him, White; Im-
mortal Helen, Corbett; Arabesque,
Household; Abram, Bauer; No son
of Mine, Storm; The Needle's Eye,
Pember; Death of a Worldly Wo-
man, Cunningham; Cry the Beloved
Country, Paton; Blazing guns on
the Chisholm Trail. Chase; Always
murder a Fiend, Scherf; High Ver-
million, Short; The Golden Hawk,
Yerbey; The Wandering Heart, Cun-
ningham; I want to go home, Lock -
ridge; The Tortured Angel, Garth;
Stronghold, Childsey; The Flames of
Time, Kendrick; Gulf of Time,
Standish; Ebbing Tide, Ogilvie.
Non Fiction -Miss Ulysses of Pu-
ka Puka, Frishie; United Nations,
Evatt; This was my Choice, Gou-
zenko; Harper of Heaven, Service;
Beteg Speeches for all Occasions,
Wright; Bears of Jasper, Cory;
Devil at my heels, Thompson; Bat
Boy of the Grants, Garreau; North
to the Promised Land, Wire; Secret
of the Burned Tomb. Knight.
Juvenile -A Star Shone, Trent;
Peg -a -Leg, Cutler; Canadian Sum-
mer, Van Stockum; Rosie the
Rhino; Conger; Ranger, Strong;
Sally goes travelling Alone, Appen-
stein; Worrails of the Islands,
Johns; Somebody else's Shoes, Love;
Art of Chinese paper folding,
Soony; Builders of the Old World,
Hartman; Mystery of Horseshoe
Caves, Selkirk; Mountain Pony,
Karon; Lost Treasure Trail, Max-
well; Daredevil, Silliman; Daughter
of the Mountains, Rankin; Ring No-
body wanted, Langford; A Girl Can-
dilam. Cayenne; Room -Mates, Ben -
cline; Atinie and Maryke, Fabies_
Children of Primrose Lane, Street
field; The Perfect Zoo, Farjeon;
Little Grey Rabbit's Party, Uttley:
Tuepes-t'he Red Fox, George; Fork
in the Trail, Ames; Touchdown
Twins, Harkins; Jued's Island, Ang-
eli; Luck for the jolly Gale, Ed-
wards: Watch for a tall white sail,
Bell; Book of Three Festivals, Lil-
lie; Tell Me, Walpole; Li Lun, Tref-
finger; Fisherman Simms, Darm-
ecker; At Snug Harbor Inn, Sey-
Mrs. Henry L. Diegel returned after
spending two weeks with her -sister
Mrs, Hope Pauli and Mr.. Pauli.
Messrs. Frank Dantzer and Russell
Sholdice accompanied Messrs. Russell
and Ross Knight on a fishing and
camping trip to Manitoulin island and
northern points this week.
Miss Marlene Diegel is holidaying
with her grandmother Mrs, Brunner,
Seebach's . Hill.
Master Arthur Diegel spent a week
with his atlnt and uncle Mr. and Mrs,
Joe Smith, McKillop,
Visitorsat the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Albert Querengesser and Mr. and
Mrs, J. Arbuckle were Mr. and Mrs.
W. Ralston and son, Mr, Cliff Wood-
ward and Miss Dorothy Querengesser,
all of Toronto,
Friends of Mrs. Anne Muegge will
be sorry to hear that she is confined
to Kitchener -Waterloo hospital where
she underwent an operation.
A meeting of the Trustee Board
of Tuckersmith School Area was
held in S.S. No. 8, Egmondville, on
Monday evening, July 19th. Jas. Mc-
Intosh prattled. Correspondence was
dealt with as follows: from Dr. R.
0. Stales, approval of wiring con-
tract with John Passmore; approval
of purchase of heating unit for S.S.
No. 5, and approval of proposed re-
pairs to the toilets of the various
schools, ordered filed. From M. A.
Reid, endorsement of Gen. Liability
Insurance Policy re additional Pre-
mium ordered attached to Policy.
From Bachly Contracting, Plumb-
ing and Heating Co., re materials
and labor required to repair school
toilets. The Secretary was ordered
to sign order for supplies needed
and have work completed during
holidays. Bert Shaw of Jack Hood
School Supplies re readers for grade
6 pupils. Secretary ordered to pro-
cure the required books. P. J. Dor-
sey, re heating unit for S.S. No. 5,
ordered filed. Owing to the de-
cease of Mr. Alex Lillico, a member
of the Board, it became necessary
to fill the vacancy created and act-
ing under provisions of Public
School Act, . chapter 357 R.S.O„
1937, according to S.S. 7B Section
15 and S.S. (2) Section 79, the
members of the Board present,
unanimously elected Stanley Jack-
son to fill the aforementioned va-
cancy. Mr. Jackson accepted the po-
sition and the chairman of the meet-
ing, Mr. Jas. McIntosh, invited Mr.
Jackson to sit in with the other
The Board appointed Jas. McIn-
tosh, chairman, and Harold Parker,
vice chairman for the balance of the
year and the secretary was ordered
to notify the Canadian Bank of
Commerce of the changes on the
Board and of its officers.
The Board re-engaged Scott Hab-
kirk to transport grade 7 and 8 pu-
pils once each school week that
classes are held, to Seaforth High
School for Home Economics and
Manual Training at a price of $65.
per month for ten months, subject
to road and weather conditions, the
contract to be signed following com-
pletion of time -table for the afore-
said High School, and the Secretary
was ordered to invite S.S. #3 and 10
to participate in this service, the
costs to be apportioned according to
Clarence A. Trott was appointed
to spend -3 half days each week
teaching special subjects in the var-
ious schools of the Area and to su-
pervise generally, provided a satis-
factory and dependable supply can
be secured to take his work in #8
school and Mr. Trott was authorized
to advertise for a supply.
The Treasurer was ordered to pay
to the caretaker of each school used
for election purposes in the last
Provincial Election, the sum of $8.
the aid amount having been receiv-
ed from the Returning Officer of
Huron Riding, for the purpose of
extra caretaking involved, in addi-
tion to the $8.00 received for the
use of the School.
Accounts were approved and or-
dered paid as follows: H,E.P.C. Hy-
dro accts. #5, 7 and 8 schools $25.-
96; picnic expenses, $80.25; Sea -
forth News, adv. $14.81; News Re-
cord, adv. $9.80; Middleton's Drug
Store supplies, $7.48; Moyers School
Supplies, $9.70; G. A. Whitney,
flowers, $10.00; A. H. Erskine,
Treas., mem, fee Huron Co., Lib.
Association, $50.00; Clarence bill-
ing, caretaking #1, $3.00; Walter
Pepper, caretaking #4, $3.00; Rod-
erick McLean, caretaking, #S, $3.00;
Jas. Upshall, caretaking, #9, $3.00.
The meatiest adjourned to meet in
S.S. #1, on Tuesday, Aug. 31, at 9
p.m., D.S.T. 5, H. Whitmore, Sec-
Messrs Frank and Craig Malott of
Garden City, Mich., are spending, a
few holidays with their aunt, Mrs.
Ephriam Clarke.
Mrs. Anna McLean of Buffalo is
visiting with, her sister, Mrs. Peter
Lindsay and her brother, Mr. David
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Busby and
Shirley of Chatham are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson.
Mr. Elwood Clarke returned home
on Tuesday after several days mo-
tor trip to Manitoulin and Sault Ste.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Malott of. Gard-
en City, Mich., spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bali and Shar-
on, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Damm:eier, of Wallen -
On Thursday afternoon last, Miss
Wilma Radford of Clinton and Billy
Bell of Detroit were out in a light
skiff around )a of a mile off shore
on Lake Huron at Bayfield,
when a north wester caught them
and capsized the skiff. Miss Marny ,
Galbraith sighted them from the
shore around 6.30 p.m. Seeing they
were in difficulties raised the alarm.
and two boats went out to help
them, Jack Sturgeon's and Fred
Telford. When they were picked up
they had been in the water an hour
and a half. Other than being ex-
tremely tired they suffered no in-
On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Jowett celebrated their golden wed-
ding anniversary at their home in
the village when they were at home
to their relatives and friends from
three to five p.m. They were mar-
ried at, the bride's home "Home-
wood" July 20th, 1898, Mrs. Jowett
was the former Hilda Ethel Moor-
house, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Moorhouse, and Mr.
Jowett was the eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Jowett, all of Bayfield,
Rev. S. Smith, rector of Trinity
Church, Bayfield, officiated. _Miss
Hattie Middleton (Mrs. J. Stewart
of Goderich) was bridesmaid and
the groom was attended by his
younger brother, the late Mr. John
Mr. and Mrs. Jowett received
their guests assisted by Mrs. Jack
Jowett and their two granddaught-
ters, Misses Amy Grace and Jane
Kendall,. The rooms were decorated
with sweet peas, roses and delphini-
um, and the tea table was centered
by a large bouquet of Talisman
roses, the gift of a niece, Mrs. D. P.
McDougall, of Toronto. Mr. and
Mrs. Jowett were the recipients of
many gifts from their family and
friends. Guests were present from
Goderich, Toronto, Elmira, Goderich
Township, Detroit. Hensall and
Bayfield. In the evening a family
dinner was held which was attended
by their two daughters, their hus-
bands and families, Ethel, Mrs. Le-
Roy Poth and Grace, Mrs. Ernest.
Miss Louise Parker of Naicaim,
Salt:, arrived last week to spend
some time with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris. Parker.
Mrs. Walter Grierson, Charles
and Ann Grierson, who spent the
past week with the fora er's aunt,
Mrs. F. A. Edwards, returned to
their home in Kitchener, on Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Ferguson of Goderich
was the guest of her niece, Mrs.
LeRoy Poth for a few days
Mrs. John Armstrong was in
charge of the July meeting for the
Goshen W.M.S. which was held at
the home of Mrs. Robt, Peck, on
Thursday evening of last week. The
theme being "The Armament o
Goodwill." Hymn 20 was sung after
which the scripture was given by
four members. Mrs. Armstrong of-
fered prayer and then the meeting
was turned over to Mrs. Elgin Mc-
Kinley for the business period. The
minutes were read and the roll call
answered by eighteen.
Every year the August meeting
entertains the Baby Band, and this
Year is planned to be spent at Turn -
bull's Grove. Mrs. Harvey Reyes
gave a reading "My Father gives,
He Doesn't Sell". Hymn 511 was
sung. Mrs. John McKinley introduc-
ed a letter from Japan, by Mrs. Tay-
lor, each member reading a part.
The offering was received and hymn
509 sung. Miss Hern pronounced
the Benediction and a dainty lunch
was served.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilms and two dau-
ghters of Los Angeles, Cal., were re-
cent guests at the home of Mrs. A.
McConnell. -
Mrs. Emma McDonald of Hensall
spent a few days last week with her
sister Mrs. Rathwell, who we are
sorry to report is not enjoying the
best ofhealth but her many friends
hope for an improvement. '
Me. -'and Mrs. Harvey Muter and
little daughter of Harriston were
Sunday guests at the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Soaring as your hopes
. rich and deep as
your dreams -that's
Plantation, newest
pattern in the "Silver
Serviceofthe Stars."
Come see it ... see
how to get More For
Your SILVER -Dollar.
Service for 6
only $3295
Service for 8
only $4295
Walnut Finish
Anti -Tarnish Chests
Jewellery, Watches, Fine China
Expert Watch Repairing
The annual picnic of St. Andrew's
Church, Kippen, and Hillsgreen. was
held at Jowitt's Grove, Bayfield, on
Friday, July 16 with an attendance
of around 150. The results of the
sports were as follows:
Children 5 and under, Donald
Johnston, Gerald Johnston; Girls,
6 to 8, Bonnie Ryle, Marie Jarrott;
boys, 6 to 8, Harold Parsons, Nel-
son McClinchey; girls, 8 to 12, Ann
Sinclair, Lois McLellan; boys, 8 to
12, Doug. Cooper, Jim Love; girls,
12 to 14, Virginia McClinchey, Ruth
Alexander; boys, 12 to 14, Tom Con-
sitt, Ken McLellan; young men's
race, Jack Caldwell, Ray Consitt;
young ladies' race, Dorothy Turner,
Mona Caldwell; 3 -legged race, Lois
McLellan, Ann Sinclair; 3 -legged
race over 12, Jim Chapman, Jack
Caldwell; married ladies' race, Mrs.
Irene Turner, Mrs. Margaret Jones;
married men's race, Jack Sinclair,
Robt. 'Mc Gregor ; ladies' softball
throw, Mrs, Jack Cooper; girls soft-
ball throw, Mona Caldwell; men's
softball throw, Jint Chapman; boys
and girls backward race, Jack Cald-
well, Virginia. McClinchey; kicking
the slipper, Mrs. Robt. McGregor;
relay race passing hall, Jim Mc-
Gregor's team; life saver race, Jack
Caldwell's team; wheelbarrow race,
Jim Chapman, Jack Caldwell; soft-
ball games followed the picnic lunch.
Many from this community at-
tended the annual Sunday School
picnic at Jow,itt's Grove, Bayfield,
on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinger,
Joanne and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Tongan, Alice, Frank, Walt-
er and Ellwood, Mr. Wilson Sururas
and Irene, all of Kitchener, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Oswald, Zurieb, visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McClinchey, Miss Virginia Mc-
Clinchey returned to Kitchener for
a week's holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson
and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstet-
ter attended the ninetieth birthday
celebration of their grandmother,
Mrs. J. Stacey, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ferguson at Chiselhurst'
on Monday night.
Mr. E. L. Ferguson, Mary Jane
and Gram, of Si. Thomas, spent
Sunday iirith the formers sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter.
Mary Jane and Grant remained for
a couple of weeks holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Ka-
tharine and Keith are on a motor
trip to U.S.A.
Mr. and MIrs, R. Seater and three
children of Detroit spent past week
end the guests of Mrs. L. J. Doig.
John Doig,of Grand Rapids spent
past week with his mother and sist-
er, Miss Jan -et.
Riley Reunion -
The second Riley reunion was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Riley near Cromarty with eighty-five
present. The afternoon was spent
in sports and a ball game. To start
the sports off a peanut scramble was
held for the little children. Races.
Girls under 5 years, Rosalind Neil;
boys under 7, Leslie Riley; girls nn -
der 7, Phylis Riley; boys under 9,
Murray Rayburn; girls under • 10,
Jeanette Debald; girls under 13,
Given Neil • boys and girls 18, Ber-
nard Brodhagen; boys under 16,
Beverly and Lloyd Riley; girls un-
der 16,. Rena Riley; married men,
Mervin Riley; single men, Henry
Rayburn, Alonzo Harburn' married
women under 85, Mrs, Ed. Dick;
35 and over, Mrs. Bert Riley; men's
kick the slipper, Ed. Dick; ladies'
kick the slipper, Mrs. F. Harburn;
matchbox race, Mervin Riley's team,
wheelbarrow race, Mrs. Harry Burns
and Don Harburn; men's soda bis-
cuit race, Alonzo Harburn; ladies,
Mrs. Fred Harburn; oldest married
couple present, Mr. and Mrs. John
Riley; oldest lady belonging to the
family, Mrs. Archie Luxton; oldest
man, Archie Luxton.
Newest married couple. Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Dick. Those coming the long-
est distance, Mr. and Mrs. William
Kellington and Larry, Mervin Riley
held the lucky ticket for the box of
chocolates in the draw. Supper was
served on the lawn with a picnic
lunch and ice cream. It was decided
to hold the picnic at the same place
next year, the third Saturday in June.
President, Jim Riley, Brussels; vine -
president, Henry Harburn, Staffa;
secretary, Mrs. Henry Harbtnis,
Staffa; Treas., Ml's. Ed Dick, Crom-
arty; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Burns, Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Neil, Mitchell, Harvey Riley,
Mitchell. Those present came from
Brussels, Mitchell, Zarich, Hensall,
Kippen, St. Paul, Sebringville, Staffs.
and Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and
Brian have returned from their va-
cation at the cottage at InverHuron.
Mr. John McIntosh of Toronto
spent the week end with relatives
Mrs, John McIntosh, Jean, Marg-
aret and David, and Marlene Haugh
of Toronto, are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh.
Mr. Elgin Thomson and Mr. Geo.
Clifton spent the week end at Tob
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee of
Windsor spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haugh.
Mrs, Douglas Wamsley, Penny
and Pat, of Windsor a're visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh
and family.
Miss Elizabeth Scott of London,
after spending two weeks with rela-
tives and friends here, has returned
to her home.