HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-07-15, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS • THURSDAY,- JULY 16, 1948 HENSALL Choir Picnic Members of Hensall United Church choir and their families and guests assembled at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday afternoon, July 7th for. their second annual picnic. .A. sump- tlhous picnic luncheon was served. Miss Betty Mickle,. Mr. Bill, Mickle,. Miss Maly Goodwin anci Miss Betty. Rowcliffe'arr•anged an interesting program of sports with the follow ing winners:Potato in the basket, S. G. Rennie; needle race, 'Ruth Hess and Bi11 Mickle; running race, Geo. Hess; relay racy, Mrs. Rannie's group; relay race, Bill Micklels group; costume race, lYirs, Pfile and S. G. Raine; girl's. race, ..Audrey Walsh; boys' race, Howard Rennie. The event was greatly enjoyed by all. The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church held their monthly meeting in the school -room on Thursday, July .8th at 3 p.m. The meeting opened with the vice- president, Mrs. E. Geiger in the chair. Mrs. J. Passmore acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. H. McMurtrie. Hymn "0 Master let me walk with Thee" was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson, St. John 4, was read by Mrs. E. Geiger, followed with prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was responded to by the name of bird found in the Bible. Mrs. -Fred Appleby favoured with a beautiful piano selection entitled "Abide with Me". Mrs. Geiger read an article from the Missionary Monthly about the clothing forward- ed to Britain and how thankful they were to receive it. Mrs. R. A. Brook took charge of the topic from the study book on the work being eeivednandlthe a eetingheelllcloseds by took place re the dogs running at doe re - singing "We plough the fields and large and it was found that the scatter", after which Mrs. Lammie Constable could lay charges if the closed with the benediction. dogs were found running at large. Home -baking, Produce, and Can- ` Constable instructed to take action dy sale—Bowling Green—Saturday, to stop same. E. Geiger appeared re July .17th, 7 p.m. Sponsored by the damage done to his chickens by dogs, and reported 65 as being killed. Council decided they could not take any action but advised him to, if possible. The treasurer, J. A. Paterson presented the financial re- port for the first six months of the year, also reported re the meeting of the assessors in London along with D. E. MacKinnon, the local as- sessor. Fiction—Lucinda Brayford, Boyd; A Light in the Window, Rinehart: Portrait of a Playboy, Deeping; Full Moon, Wodebouse; The Foxes of Harrow, Yerby: Contrary Winds, Sellars; Eagle in the Sky, Mason; Milk Route, Orteuse; Music at the Close, McCourt; No Trumpets be- fore Hlm, White; Eleven Game. Back, Suby; Always With Me, Nic- ole; Death Knell, Kendrick; Rene- gade Range, West; District Nurse, Baldwin; Office Nurse, . Hemphries; Chattertan Square, Laing; One Fine Day, Panter-Downes; The Curse, of the Bronze Lamp, Dickson; Gentle llrs. Clarence Reid and Jerry re- turned home from a, pleasant visit with relatives in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs: Santos Morris and family of Goderieh were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and Mr_ Eric Reid of . London, 'visited re- cently e cP.pM .withdW. Mrs. andMrs. CrossA. L. C are holidaying at Manitowaning. Girl Guides Picnic The local Girl Guides held their' Picnic at the Lions' Park, Seaforth, on Friday afternoon under the leadership of. Mrs. Melvin Moir, Lieutenant, in the absence of the Captain, Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. R. H." Middleton assisted Mrs. Moir. Following is the list of sports. Ten- derfoot, Jean Mousseau, Betty Arm- strong; 2nd class, Dolly Ililclebrant, Lois Henderson; shoe race, Dolly Hildebrandt, Orion Stephen; ' kick slipper, Marg. Stephen, Gertie Bell; throw the ball, Dolly Hildebrandt, Betty Armstrong;. soda biscuit race, Margie Stephen, Corinne Smale; wheelbarrow race, Gertie Bell and Lois Henderson, Orion Stephen and Jean Mousseau; paper walk, Betty Moir and Elaine Beer, Dolly Hilde- brandt and Lois Henderson; bean race, Betty Moir, Elaine Beer; pea- nut scramble, Betty Armstrong, Lois Henderson; minute race, Corinne Smale, Betty Moir. A very enjoyable time was spent by all. The regular meeting of the vil- lage council held on Tnlesday even- ing at 8 p.m. in the Council chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the last regular meeting and the three special meetings read. Brown and Middleton, that the min- utes be adopted as read, carried. F. Harburn reported re the work on the streets. Considerable discussion Man's Agreement, Hobson; Song in the Green Thorn Tree, . B lrke; The Handsome Road, Bristow; Three. Loves are Mine, Coiver; The Eternal Mountain, Covert; Hit the Saddle, Elson; With All My Heart, Grey_ The Case of the Turning Tide, Gard- ner; Ace -In -The -Hole, Hawkins; Dangerous Honeymoon, Killand; Thant Grass ng; Cottonwood Creek, Trail, Manning; Marshall; Assignment Without Glory, Spinelli; The Locusts, Spragg; You Can't Escape, Baldwin; The Valley of Dry Bones, Gooden; The Rich are not Proud, Warren. Junior Fiction—The House of the Swan, Coatsworth; 'Something Dif- ferent, Evans; Arctic Adventure, MacMillan; Growing Pains, 'Taylor; Quite Contrary, Stranger Heart, Vance; Swamp Island, The Cry at Mid -night, Wirt; The Ghost Town Mystery, Wolver- ton; Freddy .and the Poppinjay, Brooks; Four. Young Teachers, Chase; Favarre of the North, Dar- ling; Bettie Conies Through, Telson; Triple Threat, Haines; Enchanting Stories,. Faraway Ports, Hildreth; Bobbsey Twins Treasure Hunting, Bobbsy Twins at Cloverbank, Hope; Secret of the Old House, Leighton; When the Fires Burn Blue, Lovell; Mystery at Lock House, Lewis; Once is Forever, Mollette; Ammeliorame and the Jumble Sale, Morris; 'Am- meliorame Bridesmaid, Osborne;. Se cret Cargo, Pease'; .The Horse that takes the milk Around, Stirling; Once Long Ago, Bruce; Thine is the Glory, Taylor. Non Fiction—The Highlands of Scotland,Quigley; Coehe Lake Country, Rowlands; Hunters Holi- day, Humbleton; Colony to Nation, Lower; Canadian Novelists, Thomas; Father on the Farm, Cragg; We live in the Arctic, Helmericks; Inside U. S. A. Gunther; The Silent People Speak, St. John; This was my Choice, Gowzenko ; Popular Quota- tions for all uses, Copeland; Better Speeches for all 'Occasions, Wright; Face Powder and Gun Powder, Ellis; Witnessing Through a Cen- tury, Edited by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The Boole Committee wish to call special attention to the books, "Pop- ular Quotations for all Uses" and "Better Speeches for all Occasions" which they hope our readers will find helpful, also toe he new book, Story, was my Choice". Hensel] Women's Institute. Proceeds for Community Building. Contribu- tions greatly appreciated. Peter McNaughton Peter McNaughton, former well- known district farmer, died Satur- day night at the County Home, Clin- ton, in his 84th year. Funeral ser- vice was held from Bonthron's Fun- eral Home on Tuesday, July 13 at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Carlyle Cem- etery at Ailsa Craig. Mr. anal Mrss. W, R. Davidson ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Basil Edwards, enjoyed a motor trip through the States to Sault Ste. Marie. Billie and Carol Brown, children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, under- went tonsil operations in Clinton Hospital, last week. MICKLE --In Victoria Hospital, London, Sunday. July llth, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Laird Mickle, Hensall, a daughter, - Margaret Ann. s 'alp COME WITH THE CROWD TO THE SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Thirteenth Annual Summer Carnival TWO BIG NIGHTS WEDNESDAY FRIDAY JULY 21st JULY 23rd LIONS PARK, Seaforth Sensational Aerial Artists You must see the "Lady of the Skies" is her death -- defying acts atop a swaying 125 ft. steel pole. Six Famous Bands IN ATTENDANCE 0 EXCELLENT PROGRAM OPEN - AIR DANCING BINGO — NEW GAMES REFRESHMENT- BOOTHS DRAWING FOR GOOD PRIZES Lucky Dodgers Watch for fhe lucky dodgers dropped from the sky on the nights preceding the Carnival BREATH TAKING Fireworks Display a ADMISSION 25c CEIILDREN FREE FREE PARKING AT FINNIGAN'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS YEARLY Millions, of Dollars yearly are taken from the pockets of Dairymen, Cattlemen and Farmers by the Fly. Remember Finnigan's for Sprays and Bug Killers; also 2-4-b Weed Killer IN STOCK . Twine priced right. Block Salt; also by the hag. Also, a full line of Royal Purple products. Galt'. ',Pails all -sizes. Work pants, Overalls and Shirts • W. J. FINNIGAN & SON COMMUNITY AUCTION "SALE Of Furniture in the Skating Rink, Seaforth, Saturday night, July 17th, at 7 o'clock.. Anyone wishing to put furniture ..in this sale, call Harold Jackson, 14-661 Seaforth Kitchen • furniture, kitchen chairs, dining room suite, living room suite; Heintzmmr Piano, beds and mattresses, cupboard,'day bed, Airway electrulux.. with attachments,. Morris chair, 10 hooked mats, walnut picture frames. Electric light fixtures, Battery radio; odd chairs. Electric rangette; Congoleum ,ug. Cabinet Phileo radio, electric. Extension table, 4 -burner coal oil stove. Trunk. 'Renfrew cream separator, practically new, for 1 cow. Antique cups & saucers, silver biscuit jars, cheese dishes, silver cake plate, toaster, man- tel clock, lemonade set; leather rocking chair, 2 oak stands, mahogany - rocker. BAYFI ELD Mr. and Mrs. Guy Finout and Miss Margaret of Buffalo, N.Y. are. at their cottage in "The Grove" for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Curson, Brown City, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth, over the weekend. The following families • are in Jowett's Grove for the month of July, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lareau and family, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Den- nomm.e and family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Scott and family of Dearborn, Micb., and Mr. • and Mrs. I. Frommer, of Kitchener. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith and Max- ine of London, are visiting the Tat- ter's mother, Mrs. Chas. Parker, this week. Mr. and Mrs Harry Baker and family, Mrs. Lulu Burt, Misr Peggy Burt, Ronald. and Howard Burt, of London, and Miss. Peggy Grey, of London, spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker. Mrs. Ford King and son Douglas Ring of Toronto, and Charlie Hart of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Ring. FOR SALE 1929 Model A Ford in good 'condition. HOMER HUNT, phone • 9 KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson of Egniondville visited on Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. W. Deitz and fam- ily in the passing of Mr. W. Dietz, on Sunday. William Dietz Passes This community was shocked on Sunday to learn of the passing of. William Dietz, well-known and highly respected citizen of this vicin- ity in his 57th year. It was after viewing his crop on Sunday evening that he was stricken with a heart attack from which he failed to rally. The late Mr. Dietz was a son of Mrs. John Dietz and was born and raised in this community and was a mem- ber of St. Andrew's United Church here. He leaves to mourn his passing his sorrowing wife (the former Eliz- abeth MacGregor of Brucefield) 3 daughters, Mildred of Calgary; Mrs. Ivan Munro (Dorothy) of Fox Point,. Northern Ontario; Norma at home, and one son Jack of Calgary. The funeral will be held from his residence in the village. Interment will be made in Baird's Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane visi- ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frees of the Parr Line. Several of the Entrance pupils and teachers are wearing broad smiles, now the results are out. In- cluded in the successful candidates is Mr. Donald Kyle, of the village, congratulations, Don. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Seaman and Donald of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott, and son Brian, of Toronto, were recent guests of rela- tives in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig and Don- ald of Gorrie and Mrs. Florence Doig and son Andrew, of Egmond- ville, visited with Mrs. ,Doig and Janet, on Sunday. Mrs. S. Stackhouse and two child- ren of London, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell. Mr. S. Green of Grand Bend was the guest of his brbther Mr. Jonah Green of Tuckersrnith. Mr. John Doig of Grand Rapids is the guest of his mother and sister. Master D. Foster of Wingham is the guest of his -cousin, master Don- ald Bell, of Kippen. Mi. and Mrs. Bob Green and dau- ghter and son-in-law of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green of near Hensall. Mrs. Chapman of Egmonclville was visiting with relatives in Tuck- eremith. Mr. John A. Doig of Washington WANTED A Collie male dog, not under six months. old. Apply to ELMER FEENEY, Dublin FOR SALE Number of good York pigs. A. R. DODDS, phone 890 r 14 is spending a week with his mother and sister Mr. and Mrs. - W. D. McAllister from Edmonton, visited with their many friends in these parts recently Mrs, Kay, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kay. Mr. Abe Chesney of Toronto, spent a week with his many friends in this locality. Mr. Joseph McLellan has installed hydro and also remodelled his resi- dence. simSESIS CONSTANCE Mrs. R. Williamson returned home after spending the past few weeks at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and visiting other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams of Saltford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. We are glad to know that Mr. William Jewitt was able to return home from London- hospital Tues- day. Mrs. Justin Sinclair and Evelyn of Brigden visited Mrs. Leo Stephen- son on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McDonald of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Mr. and' Mrs. Borden Brown at- tended the Orangemen's celebration in Walkerton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Naftel of 'Blyth visited at Stephenson's on Monday. Miss Bernice Bean of Carlow spent last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. George Addison. Misses Betty Addison and iYor- othy Dodds are spending this week at Goderich summer school. LOI'4DESBORO Mr. and Mrs.` .Chas. Troop, Chi- cago, are spending, their holidays with Miss Elizabeth Mains. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fingland and Jean, New Ontario, are spend- ing a short time with Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland. Mr. S. Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morrison of Lucknow were callers on Mrs. Margaret Man- ning on July 12th. Miss Margaret Talnblyn. Pt. Stan- ley, is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamb- lyn, Mrs. Nellie Watson spent the weekend at the home of John Sin- clair, Kippen. Mrs. W. Brunsdon, visiting with her daughter Mrs Dick Vodden. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning, Gail and June were the guests of - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball on the Base Line, on Sunday. 5X B.C. Shingles American Cement Binder Twine in stock For the convenience of our customers we will remain open Saturday evening dur- ing the harvest season Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative 111011,a1111m Bunny - White Polish for Children's,Shoes Does not rub off Shoe Repair and Findings W. J. THOMPSON BOX afutirral � WANTED -Wanted to buy, a good wooden 12' silo. Please state price and condition. MENNO STECKLE, Zurich RR2. 08f13 Hensall cent. WANTED Wanted to buy all- kinds of old iron, steel, copper and brass, rags and feathers and mat- tresses. CLARENCE REEVES. FOR SALE Massey -Harris binder.. 6 ft. cut, .2 new canvas. NORMAN SCHADE, phone 892 r 8 Seaforth. _. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all 'occasions Office Residence 43 18 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., S17APORTI1, ONT. All kinds of :nsurance risks affect• ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. FOR SALE 2 -burner oven Modern buffet, walnut finish, In good co`udition, child's tricycle; worsted beige lady's tailored coat, black with pin stripe, size 16, good as new. Phone 143, P.0 Box 30, Seaforth. FOR SALE Massey -Harris binder, 7 ft. cut. Used very little. Guaranteed A-1. condition. EDISON FORREST, Hensall FOR SALE 3 -burner coal oil stove, used 8. months THOMAS BURNS, Mitchell R214 FOR SALE Wagon for sale cheap, 211" tires, cut down about. 5 years, in good shape..FRANK COLEMAN SR., Seaforth 11412, phone 847r32 FOR SALE 1927 Pontiac sedan, mechanically good. HENRY DIEGEL, RR1 Bornholm. Phone 52r:. Dublin .central FOR SALE Bell separator 5-28-45, nearly new, cutter, grain. elevator, 12 foot extension feeder, mal clover attachments. C. J. WALKER, Hill Cromarty. phone 12 r 18 Dublin The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen; Vice Pres., Hugh' Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaford), Directors—Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank MRR31; OhrislinLeonhardt, Boornholm;SeaE.forth, Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth;. J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander. Walton ; Hervey Fuller, Goderich R112 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefield ; R. 5'.. McKercher, Dublin ; J. F. Prveter,. Brodhagen ;. George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly, attended to by applications to any of the: above named officers addressed to their' respective post offices FOR SALE Gil'l's suit, light green. Simi 14. Phone- 661 hone661 r13 FOR SALE 1 heavy-duty 16 plate Battery. New. Price $12. WILBERT LEVEY, RR4 Seaforth BARN FOR SALE Brom 40' s. 60'. % steel roof. WESLEY STEPHENSON, -Brussels. Phone .111x2 SALES Si:RVICE EXPERT REPAIRS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES LEAVE CALLS AT SILLS HDWR., SEAFORTIt HAWItINS HDWR., CLINTON DATAR & O'BRIEN HDWR.. ZURICH. Beatty Washer Service GODERICH • 1 1 1 CASh FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR CURRENT PRICES °4 R 1 1 N PHONE. SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Pliysician- Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.80 to 5 p.m., and 7'to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in. advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In: Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6W' 1 1 MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate In Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and: Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel. Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -63. Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 Notice Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1948 licenses for same on or before July 12th. 1948. Licenses will.- be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings.. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. ,111,111„111n1l n l l„,111111111111,x,1111111111,1,111111,1111„11111111111111,1,11x,111,111,1,11111111111,111,11, no In l lir lill,11111111 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers.. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, Rc.. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConnell, 11. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 VETERINARY SURGEON 3. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. 6 Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE -COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANOUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. '1 WM. A. Cromarty JOHN McGRATH HAMILTON . Dublin, Ont. MILTON MCCURDY . Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS...,... tchell HOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNDI, Woodham FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail- Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton. Ont. SPRAYING SERVICE We do Whitewash spraying with rock lime; DnDaflies. Phone r ubliFREDHARBURN, Dublin 113 0 FOR SALE Modern brick duplex on West William r ft. 131 story,- frame dwelling, village of Egniondville, early possession. France cottage, garage, South Main street. Immediate possession. 11A storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Mainstreet, Seaforth. Modern .dwelling. on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REI•D, Seaforth,. WANTED TO BUY All old horses and dead animals. If suitable for minkfeed, will pay more than fertilizer prices—if not, will pay fertilizer Prima. If dead phone at once. GILBERT BROS., 021, ornk8iSan h,GGoderich. Phone collect 9 FOR SALE 114i storey frame seven -room house; bath room ; hydro ; situated on Jarvis street ; im- mediate possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, .Insurance Broker, Seaforth, Ont. Phone Off. 334, Res. 220 FOR SALE MaCormlck binder 6 £t.; Deering mower 5 ft. ; Massey -Harris aide delivery rake ; hay rack flat bottom; .Maxwell hay loader old model" ; Massey -Harris 10 -tooth cultivator ;. Noxin 10 hoe mod drill, and several' other used horse drawn farm implements. JAMES HILL, 'Staffa