HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-07-15, Page 3Young Canadian's
Teleyision Set
Puzzles Experts
There's a young man living in
'Cedar Springs,.. Ontario—a little'
'place not far from Chatham—who
., has the television experts frankly
'puzzled. They say that ---in theory
—what he's doing is absolutely im-
possible. Yet score's of his towns-
olk will gladly give evidence. that
'he's doing it, not just once in a
-while, not just tender certain con -
ditions, but consistently.
His name is Fred Pardo. He is a
'former Royal Canadian Air Force
radar instructor. And what he has
•done is construct, just as a hobby, a
television set that has almost four
times as great a range as what was
formerly thought to be the extreme
Ever since television was first
'talked about we have been told that
it was a strictly "litre -of -sight" prop-
osition, Unlike the sound waves
which ,lake radio possible, tele-
vision rays travel in a line as
straight as a ruler, and the curv-
ature of the earth is the limiting
factor, and does it with real power
and clarity too.
Up to now television engineers
have agreed that the really effective
range is not much more than from
thirty to fifty miles. But Fred
Pardo's home-made contraption'
brings in Toledo, Buffalo and
Cleveland and has a range of 190
Trying to explain Pardo's success,
some experts point out that when
certain "freak" conditions exist---
xist—such as very low-lying clouds over
a body of water—television waves
sometimes skip between the clouds
and the water, carrying much great-
er distance than is normal. But
• Pardo's set brings in the three -
above -mentioned stations whether
•It is clear or cloudy over the lake.
Just how does he do it? When
asked for his explanation Pardo
just smiled and answered "maybe
the experts could be wrong".
According to his mother Fred has
been interested in radio and o a d things
of that sort ever since he was able
to walk—and Fred points out that
amateurs and "hams" have always
contributed more to the advance-
ment of radio than the professionals.
He thinks the same thing could very
well happen in television.
A few enthusiasts, down in the
'United States, are trying to take the
curse off a noble game called Polo
—said curse being a word which
begins with "S" and ends with "Y",
and if you fill it is as either "so-
ciety" or "snobbery" you won't• be
very far astray.
Leading this movement to sell
Polo to the general public is Tommy
Hitchcock—for our money, the
greatest poloist who ever lived, al-
though we must admit that we nev-
er saw, in action, the gentleman
who won the game in the last fifteen
seconds, in spite of a busted collar-
bone, in Kipling's unforgettable
tale entitled "The Maltese Cat."
• * *
Maybe that gent could have top-
ped Hitchcock, although some-
how or other we greatly doubt it
And Tommy, in addition to his
mallet -wielding ability, will always
stand out in our mind for a very
frank and forthright saying.
It is a saying which, somehow or
other, always comes to mind when,
for instance, some ham -and -agger
at one of those presidential nom-
inating sessions begins sounding off
about how, in the United States,
the son of the pauper and the son
of the 'rich have absolutely equal
chances of success.
When asked, some years ago,
what was the most essential factor
toward becoming a great poloist,
Mr. Hitchcock failed to stress the
necessity of dogged determination,
constant training, keeping in con-
dition and going to church on Sun-
day. He merely replied, "You've got
to pick out a father who is rich and
nuts about polo."
* *
But aitagcthcr iE is probably the
most thrilling and action -packed
game in existence. Comparatively
few people have ever witnessed a
polo match. ' That is because the
"high society" angle has always
ovcrahadowed everything else, and
folks who actually paid for tickets
have been looked down upon by the
front -pew holders, who get in on the
s * *
Anyway, Hitchcock and some
fellow -enthusiasts are trying to
make folks feel that they're wel-
come, whether they have that Ox-
ford accent and know how to crook
the pinky when taking tea or not.
They're attempting—by making
polo ponies available to those who
cannot afford to own a string—to
get more people to play it. And al-
though the
lt1tough-the odds are against it, we
wish then, all kinds of success. VVe
wouldn't go across the street to see
the average professional baseball,
hockey or basketball game. But
we'd crawl on our hands and knees
for ten Blocks in order to enjoy
e really 'hard'fought polo match.
He has the Television Experts Badly Puzzled—This exclusive picture, taken especially tor read-
ers of these pages, shows Fred Pardo, a young chap who lives in Cedar Springs, Ont., tinker-
ing with a home-made television set which upsets all the theories. Up to now from thirty to fifty
miles was thought to be the extreme range of television, but Pardo's set brings in stations
almost 200 miles away. Elsewhere on this page there is an article telling more about this
young Canadian inventor.
United States
With the signing of a new con-
tract between the United Mine
Workers and the bituminous coal
operators, the threat of another
coal strike is averted, which will be
welcome news to Canadians and
Americans as well. With the in-
creases that were granted, coal
miners' wages are topped only by
those of workers in the building
trades. But it is hard to begrudge
them whatever they earn as theirs is,
to quote John L. Lewis,• a "dirty
and dangerous occupation" — one
which most folks would shun even
at several times the rate of pay.
How it will affect retail coal prices
is hard to say. In the past each im-
provement in wages and working
conditions has meant a tremendous
increase in output. If the same
thing happens again possibly some
of the increased cost will be absorb-
ed instead of being passed on to the
consumer—possibly, but not very
Throughout France the feeling
seems to be growing that war may
break out at any moment—a feeling
probably inspired by threatening
Russian behavior in Berlin. Nor
are the French people under any
illusions as to what will be the re -
'suit as far as their country goes.
They realize that there is no mili-
tary force in Europe strong enough
to even slow down the Soviet war
machine, and that the Russians
could overrun. France and push
right through• to the English Chan-
nel with hardly a pause. In Paris
people are saying "War will just
mean two million Frenchmen exiled
to Siberia." . e
This defeatist attitude is strength-
ened by reports that Communists
working in French war plants are
resorting to sabotage. Officers in
charge of armored equipment say
that before putting newly arrived
tanks and military vehicles into op-
eration they first have to pull them
apart to look for such things as steel
shavings in the cylinders and bolts
in the crank cases.
Finland has just held its first
election in over three years. The
big issue, naturally, was commun-
ism versus anti -communism. With
the shadow of Russia so close, and
with the Reds so strong within its
own borders, Finland has been fol-
ollowing a policy of guarded friend-
liness toward the Soviet Union, but
has still managed to show a bit
more independence than is usual
for countries within the Russian
sphere of influence.
Last April, at Stalin's "request"
Finland signed a pact of mutual
assistance with the Soviet, which
many accepted as a sign that Russia
was about to take over.
But Finnish elections are about
the freest in Europe. They have the
secret ballot and before the voting
begins the chairman in each dis-
trict must turn the ballot -box 110 -
side down to prove that it is empty.
And, unlike the single -party elec-
tions in other countries inside the
Soviet orbit, the voter had ' his
choice of half a dozen parties to
vote for.
_ byNormanBlaiv
The result of the balloting was a
real beating for the Reda—who
lost something like a quarter of the
forty-nine parliamentary seats they
formerly held. When the new Par-
liament mea, probably to robe 1
b late in
July, Y, t he Agrarians, wilt be the
strongest party; that is to may they
will be if—before that date --the
Communists haven't made some
sudden move to take over by
force what they weren't able to win
by the ballot.
Tlie latter is, of course, a real
possibility, as the Reds—both with-
in Finland and in Russia—are not at
all pleased about how the elections
What appeared to be—on the
surface at least—a serious break
between the Kremlin and Marshal
Tito of Yugoslavia has had obser-
vers more than a little puzzled; al-
though, so rapidly do world
events move nowadays, the situa-
tion may have clarified itself ere
these words reach print.
There are several theories as to
what brought about the apparent
break. One is that Tito has been
getting too nationalistic and inde-
pendent to suit Stalin's taste, and
that the top brass in Russia has
always disliked the thought that
Tito came to power "under his own
steam" rather than with their aid.
A second theory is that Yugosla-
via, for its recovery, needs manu-
factured goods which it cannot
possibly secure from Russia—and
that the Kremlin fears that Tito
might turn to the western powers
rather than look ever eastward.
Then there are some who believe
,that the attack on Tito is only part
of a general housecleaning by Mos-
cow—that the Kremlin feels that
Communist parties in several parts
of Eastern Europe have become
unreliable, and that it is time to
teach them a lesson in strict obed-
There are still other theories
about the mystery which need not
be mentioned here. As a matter of
fact, everybody — expert and
amateur observers alike — is only
guessing, Back in 1939, speaking
about the policy of the Kremlin,
Winston Churchill said- "It is a
riddle wrapped in mystery inside
an enigma." Now, nine years later,
that still seems to be about the
best possible description of what
goes on within the Russian official
Only One Side
Of Story Wanted
The trouble with Tommy Doug-
las, Saskatchewan's CCF leader, is
that he only wants to see in print
news stories which he dictates, stor-
Ies which are slanted in his favor.
If he sees a story he doesn't like
he regards it as a misrepresentation
—according to The Financial Post—
which goes on to say:
"It isn't just thatthese naive and
little -experienced people are ex-
cessively thin-skinned. This conf>r1-
cion of propaganda with fact, .tins
animosity against comment, this
impatience with varying views,
this desire to have only one side of
the story told before the public are
characteristic of socialists every-
"It is
B characteristic
of the totali-
tarian mentality whether in Russia
or Germany or anywhere else. It is
a characteristic well illustrated by
the British socialists who are con
stantly raising their voices in sim-
ilar lamentations and going as far
as they think they can get away
with in harrassing those who be-
lieve that a fundamental of de-
mocracy is free speech; that a fun-
damental of good government is
candid comment about its activities.
"The Douglas Squawk is interest-
ing only for what it reveals about
the Socialist mind."
More Or Less
The mistress of the house, sit-
ting in the living room after lunche-
on, heard an all -to -familiar crash.
Ing sound coining from the kitchen.
"More dishes, Maggie, I suppose?"
she called to the maid. .
"No ma'am," replied. Maggie.
l'ioteel your 000115 end CASII :rem
FIRE' and THIEVES, tVe have a sixe
IMO type of Bate. or Cabinet. for an:
perno.e. Melt os. or write for prices.
atm. to Gent, W
146 Front S6 E.. Toronto
established 1865
Farmers Attention — Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Staco Harness Supplies.
We sell our geode only through
your local Staeo Leather
Goode dealer. The goods are
right, and so are our prieee.
Ws manufacture in our foe.
torlea — Harness, Horse Col.
tars, Sweat Pads, Horse Wan -
kohl, and Leather Travelling
Goode. Insist on Staeo Brand
Trade Marked Goode, and you
',get satisfaction. Made only hy:
42•, Wellington St. E., Toronto
AGONT8 wanted to sell a fine quality men's
diamond wool hose. Newaoast Agenda.
508 Transportation Building, Montreal 1.
laseo[lcides, Electrlo. Fence Controllers, Rous.
and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, eta; Deal-
ers wanted, Write Ware° Grease & Uil fdmt.
ted, Toronto.
Geat Opportunity Learn
Pleasant .'dignified profession, good wages.
thousands successf01 Marvel graduate,.
America's greatest system. Illustrated eat. -
locus. free. Write or Call
268-Bioor. St. W., .Toronto
Branohes;.44 King St., Hamilton.
& 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa.;
SUMMER and Fall chicks booked to order.
Also started pullets two, three and four
weeks old.' Also older pullet.. eight weeks to
laying, Free r •talogue. Tweddle' . Chick
Hatoherlee, Fergus, Ontario.
BUY cscroxs NOW—for good egg and meat
markete' We've Borne started for earlier
markets, And—order Sent. -October broilers
well In advaaoo, Bray Hatchery, 180 John
N., Hamilton, Ont... _....
For .lune and July. also Summer and: Fail
(hicks, Prompt delivery If you act quickly,
but book ahead. for Summer and Fa11. 4
breeds and crosses to choose from
Started Pullets 2.4.8 weeks to ready to ley.
Book yours sow—they will be vary scarce and
eggs will be high In price,
Ready Made 4 week old Oapone—Capone are
more profitable than cockerels available dur-
ing' .7uly. Buy Lakeview chinks from a real
breeding plant for; beet success.
PHONE 78 & 92
CATCH UP with these started pullets, two
and three week old. White Leghorn, Black
Minorca x White Leghorn, Black Australorp
x 'White Leghorn, Barred Rock x White Leg-
horn, Barred Rook; New Hampehlre, White
Wyandotte, Light Sussex, Black Auetralory,
White Rock. New Hampshire x Barred Rock.
Light Sussex x New Hampehlre:, Also older
pullets eight week. to laying.
Top Notch Chick Bales, Guelph. Ontario.
Alt Heavy Breen mixed Chicks 14c. Heavy
Breed :Pullets 100, Leghorn, Rock s Leg.,.
Sussex x Leg Pullets 22,. Assorted Pulsate
18o, Started Chicks & Pullete 2 weeks add
6e, 0 wks. add 12c, 4 wk., add 160. Assorted
4 weeks old Pullets 32c.
Order from and enclose this ad withorder
or $1.00 per 100 deposit.
30,000 PULLETS
6, 10. 12 weeks old to Ready -to -lay. For de-
liver 1
y n July. August.
g September, andO cf-
oboe Thede definitely
are not 0 es. Theyi
have been , 1104 elv est snide ,4 meet the. big
demand for thin age of pullets. All floor -
raised under t- most Ideal conditions. Bend
for 1011 Dnrticuoare.
STARTED pullet, two, three and four week
old: White Leghorn, Barred Recite, New
Hampahlree. White Wyandotte., Light Sue -
sax. New Hampshire x White Leghorn, White
Leghorn x Barred Rock, Black Minorco. x
White Leghorn,
ry, whits
Reek, New Hampfdre x Barred Rook,
Sussex New Hamuttlree. Also older pullets
eight waetca to laying.
Twaddle Chicle Hatcheries Llmlted,' Forges,
HAVE YOTJ anyh ingneed,- dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to tie for Information. We are
glad to answer your qua:Alone, Department
H, Parker's Dye Work. Limited, 791 Yonne
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
A REAL BUY, Men & Boy's Wrist Watch,
Leather strap. Delivered C.O.D. all tame,
Postage paid, 85 25 Money back guarantee.
Newooasl Agencies, 205 Transportation 8011,•
Ing, Montreal 1.
ADVANCE Remley Tractor, 26, 46, on hard
rubber tires. Good running order. Ernest
Hunt, Gormley P. 0., Ontario.
BEEKEEPER'S Outfit 100 boxes queen ex-
cluders, extractor, wax foundation. A reap
bargain. T. E. Schoen. Massey, Ont.
clocxeR spaniel pupptea, blonde, regtetered,
farm raised, good pedigree, pictures sent.
Frank Scott, Moorefield, Ont.
Bleached and washed cotton bags Flour
12.35 per .dozen. Sugar, 53.50 per dozen,
Flour, 82,.40 dozen; over 2 dozen, 82.26 Bos-
on. Sugar, 02.66 dozen,- over 2 dozen, 82,60
By -Products, 93 Ontario St., Toronto
Add 260 Shipping Charge.
COLLIES "Or Elstow" combine quality, dl.
poeltlon Puppies available. Grown stock
—stud. Box. 61, Dorchester, Ont.
Circular Sawmill Complete
Jaok Ladder Steam Kickers, Steam Loader,
Steam Nigger, Heavy Duty Carriage., with
Friction Set Work, Metal Hunk Frame, Pour
Solid Tooth Saws 55" to 66", 8" Gunshot Feed
42' Iong,Heavy Duty Edger, Slash Table,
Turtle Back Chains. Trimmers, 1 Coral Auto.
matin Grinder, 1 Hand Grinder. 1 H.R,T,
Boiler 72" x 16' Tube t Sideorank Steam
Engine 16 x 22", 2. 1938 Maple Leaf Dump
Trucks. Camp Equipment to accomodate 32.
men 61111 will be operating until last of
July Last year's average. 25.000' per day
for three million feet
FLOWER and LandaoePe painting. now by
mall. thirty years experience. Write Bortul
Correspondence Studio. Box 74. Stnt1,, D
Toronto, Ont.
ELECTRICAL eupptloe sold at wholesale
prices. Shipped within 24 hours. Write
for catalogue and pride list Trana Canada
Mail Order, 5422 Waverley. Montreal 14.
FARM Trailers for Immediate delivery, 8165
to 1276, Waverley Motor., 146 Albert et,.
Ottawa, Ont.
FINEST Weed-bar:MIS brooders made in
U.S.A. 530.00 delivered. Write for Free
Circular. Flynn Importing Co.. 6307 De Vim,
Ave,. Montreal 6. Que.
FOR SALE 30-60 Burnley tractor in g0o0
repair and ready to run. Some extra used
Parts. Oscar Downs, Milton, Ont,
FOR 0A1,E — International Harvester Silo
Piller Type F, In excellent condition. Stratb-
cona Farms, Huntsville, Ont.
Built for the job. The modern waY of herr-
eating potato.., Write for Information, Gray -
Snyder Ltd., Intl:burg, Ont.
GARDENtractors — three sizes hand and
power lawn mower, with riding goat.
Bronze goer pumps, stainless steel .harts.
Complete range of engine. and lighting plants,
Parte and service for all .makes. Gan Engine
Co., 88 Church, Toronto.
0E1IMAN Shepherd polio. pupa. Farm rainedd,,
We invite inepeotlon. $10 & 820 each.
Reeve •Caotator, Weston R. R. 5.
HAY Approximately one thousand tone of
hay: alfalfa, timothy, mixed .hay, Sold FOB,
Hanford, Ont. Price on application' to H.
0000,., Thornbury, Ont. Phone. `56.
HEAVY duty White thresher with straw
outter. Good condition., Phone Agincourt
Write for new lists and prices.
826 Queen St., Ottawa, Oat,
Parte and Service Bort E, Kennedy & Son.
419 College St., Toronto.
10-20 INTERNATIONAL tractor, on .rubber,
equipped' with new Rogers earth and man-
ure- loader. Sell ooparate or together.. - W. A.
James, Arnprlor, Ont„ R, R. No. 1.
IN STOCK for Immediate sale and delivery:
Allis-Chalmers HD -7 hydraulic aogledozer
and rear Wmnh approximately 600 hour.; BD
Clotrao with Sargent - overhead loader and
angledozer, excellent condition: Caterpllar.
D-4 tractor with traxoayntor loader; General
rubber tired tractor and front end. loader;
Hanson model 81 combination trench floe- and
crane, rebuilt; Huber model 4 tandem grader,
hydraullo controls and ecarltter Also In
stock, now Quick- Way. Hannon, Buckeye
shovels, drones and trench hoes. Minneapolls-
Maline- Industrial rubber tired tractors and
Madera, conveyors. power unite, wmohe,, lift
trockn, magneto, buckets, rubber tired wheel-
barrows, mortar and cement mixers cinder
and concrete Hook planta. Contractors
Machinery and Equipment Ltd.. 194 Barton
St 10., Hamilton
OWING to fire that destroyed my home, am
forced to sell my Springers—'trent Valley
Breeding Reasonable. Talbotcroft Kennel.
Reg'd., :Rockwood. Ontario
Thanks to our many customer. for facilitating
our : poult production by placing their orders
early, andtothose who havewritten to us' at
their splendid succeed with our 1048 Poulin.
Lim'ted quantity still available for late July.,
Orders new accepted for Fall Hatched Poults.
WARNINGI We don't give You anything
free. but we do guaranteefiner photofinish-
ing at moderate prices. Laboratory controlled
reeulte will please you -24 hour service. Roll.
developed and printed 30c. reprints 03c ea..
36 for 61 00 Gammon Photo (Halm Box 71.
Chapleau, On,
Wonderful results from modem liquid feeding.
Inereasee yield. Produces better crops. .Ideal
for planting, side dressing, lawns and home
gardens. 16 on, 11.00, 33 oz., 11.75. W.
Prepay postage. Na-Cnure, London, Canada.
LEARN Hairdressing g the Robertson d creta be ding method.
information lr request c,de mY. 7 Ave.
Robertson's Hairdressing sing Academy, 137 Ave-
nue Road, Toronto.
DIETICIAN required by the Kirkland and
District Hospital, Kirkland Lake, Ontario.
Apply to Superintendent
DIETICIAN -Housekeeper wanted for St.
001en'e School, Dunham, tine, APPllcant
shoed have Entitling 4r Practical experience,
2 nnlvledge go i"ren0$ denjrgh!� AnWy tflae
H. Hague. Meths Beach, Quebee,
NURSES, General Duty and O.R. required
by the Kirkland and District Hospital, Kirk-
land Lake Ontario. Apply to Superintendent.
SCHOOL NURSE wanted for St, Helen's
School. Danhanb Quebec. R.N. or Trained
Attendant with experience. Some supervisory
duties with younger children required. Apply
Miro H. Hague. s s
Bench u
, Q ebec.
QUALIFIED teacher r ro ulred
for Stealer
Village 10 miles from Fort William,
grades 14
1, enrolment 25. Excellent accom-
modation close by. Dutl,. commence Sept,
1. Experience and extra qualifications appreci-
ated, Erle Sldeen, Sec, Teas.. S. S. 1
Paipoonge, R. R. 1, Port William, Ont.
PROVEN REMEDY x— Every sufferer of
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try
Dixon's Remedy. Munro'. Drug Store 835
Elgin. Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00.
DON'T DELAY! Every .utterer of Rheu-
matic.. Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon'.
Remedy. Munro', Drug Store, 836 Elgin.
Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
Ploaaant dignified profession, good wages,
th0000,4, euccosetul Marvel graduated.
Amerio't , greatest system. Illustrated cata-
logue tree. Write or Call
358 Bloor St, W., Toronto
Mranches: 44 King St.. Hamilton
& 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa
FETHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent So-
licitors, Establidhed 1800, 14 King West.
Toronfe. Booklet of information on request.
For Quality-.
F s est. Se � � •
POP—Sure Fire