HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-06-10, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mrs. 'Shepherd's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas Smillie: rcoek s crit the Miss Edna Saunde p weekend in London with. her sister Mrs. Donaldson. Mr: and Mrs, Allen Davidson of Sarnia visited with their parents here recently. Mr: and Mrs. Kirby of Windsor visited- during the past week with Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Kirby. • Sunday was Church membership day at Hensel]. United Church when 11 new members joined the mem- bership. Rev. R. A. Brook was in charge of the services. Rev. Albert Hinton of St. Andr'ew's United Church, Kippers, .was the guest speaker at the evening service and also contributed a solo entitled "The Lord's Prayer". A young la- dies' trio comprising .Misses Betty Mickle,Betty Roweliffe and Jean Armstrong contributed a Musical number. James Vance who has been ill in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for a number Clinton. ablef wees was General l 1310 last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson of Lon- don, were weekend visitors with the latter's mother Mrs. Annie Sounder - cock. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the Hensall United Church was held on Thursday afternoon with the president Mrs. Gross in the chair. The meeting opened by singing "He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well" fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- *ou Psalm 91 was read by Mrs. C. Cook after which Mrs. Merrier led in Dale and Geo. G. Brown that we te- prayer. The roll call was answered new the aGeo.en. Brown insurance p e- m "Peace'. Arrangements were icy with A. E. Wilson & Co., also add - ,l.. to- hold a bakingtsale a ale on ing insUril00e for 5 township officials add - day June 19th and to pack a bale port was presented to 'Council and looked over by the members. Jones and Parke, that the auditors report as presented be adopted and the salary paid. Carried. The clerk re- ported as to the dog taxes received being 580.00 and F. Harburn stat- ed there were three more to receive as yet, some to be looked after at once. Brown and Jones, that we bill the School Board $20.00; Hydro Commission $20.00 and the Library 55.00 as being their share of the auditing expenses, carried. R. L. Mc- Naughton, Assessor, appeared and stated that he would be compelled to resign as assessor for -the Village and stated that he was very .sorry, but would give the new assessor all the help he could free of any charge and asked for• a letter advising the Insurance Company of sante. ` Mid- dleton and Blown, that we, the Council, regret very much the resig- nation of our assessor. P. L. Mc- Naughton. Carried. Miss C. Mitchell appeared re the drain in front of her property, no action: Mr. C. P. Die- trich, contractor, appeared re the drain recently completed and pre- rented bis account in full. Brown and Jones, that the treasurer be in- structed to return the marked cheque for 5450.00 to C. P. Patrick. HULLETT The regular monthly meeting of the Hullett Towns11iy3 Council took place on June ,3 in the Conununity Ha11, Londesbm•o, at 12.30. The Reeve and three members of the council were present. Mr. Jewitt was absent be- cause of illness. The minutes of the last regular meeting of May 3 were adopted. At this time the Council interviewed Mr. Gordon Jewel on the renewal of the compensation insur- ance policy. TL was moved by Wm, J. IN MEMORIAM Jr., .1 c, $9; Bart Gaunt, do„ $3; Bern- Mt:GU pxEY-In loving memory .of our Sanders, fox bounty, $3; • Wm. Craig f t aro 1 Tighe, $6` A 1+7 Wilson COM- - dedr parents Georgo MCClinehey, who o , peneation' insurance, 567.35; ' Dom, lpassed away Jene 17, 1939, and Annie lades' repair, Mc01150500, who passed away June 14, Road Machine ,Co„ g i 1947. As ie r we - - for' In niemoty we see Chem ever the came. June 21st. Mrs. Hedden sang a solo entitled "In The Garden The study book chapter was taken by Mrs. R. A. Brook. Meeting closed m sinning "Jesus Lover of my Sour" and the Mizpah Benediction. The Hensall United Church anni- versary services will be held on Sun- day, June 13th at 11a.m. and 7 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. V. T. Mooney, B.A., D.D., of Toronto, Treasurer of the United Church. Music will con- sist onsist of quartette, duett, solo number by choir members, choir anthems by the choir in full. Miss Greta Lam- mie at the console, Mr. S. G. Ronnie, director of music. Rev. R. A. Brook in charge of the services. Miss Helen McNaughton and Mr. Glenn McNaughton of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Miss Roberta Kirby spent the weekend visiting with relatives and friends in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shortt and fami- ly were weekend visitors with rela- tives in Detroit. Mrs. A. L. Case returned home after spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, in London. Mr. Bill Elliott visited recently with relatives in London. Council Meeting The regular meeting of the Vil- lage Council was held on June lst at 8 p.m. in the Council chambers with all members being present. Minutes of the last regular and two special meetings read. Park and Brown, that the minutes be adopted as read, Carried. The auditors -re in the policy. Carried. Mot'ed by Geo. C. Brown and J. Ira Rapsom that we accept the petition Of Clifford Addison '10 be changed front S.S. 6 to S.S. 11. The Clerk to send the papers to the hist/61,00r for approval: Carried.. At this time a delegation met the Council with a petition to have certain of the Township roads put in shape Lor the High School Area bus to travel on the year around. This peti- tion was laid over for reference. The tenders were then called for on the Dodds Main Municipal drain. There was only one tender, that of Geo. Radford, Blyth. Rapson -Daae, that we accept the tender of George Radford for the cleaning and repair- ing of the Dodds Main Municipal drain at 54,500. Carried, Moved by Geo. C. Brown and J. Ira Rapson that we adjourn for half an hour to have lunch with the Ladies of Burns Church who are holding a meeting at the Parsonage. Carried. Council re -opened after a half hour adjournment at 6 p.01. Moved by Geo. C. Brown and J. Tres Rapson that we accept the report of W. S. Archibald, C.E., on the Neilans Municipal drain and the reading of the report be held June 28th at 9 p.m, d.s.t. Carried. Accounts—Geo. W. Cowan, part sal- ary, $75; Frank Tamblyn, auditor, $225; W. Shanahan, rebate on tele. phone, 52; Clarence Ball, fence view- er, 54.10; James Jackson, do, 54.10; Leonard McNeil, do, $3.60; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, 53.53; Geo. W. Cowan, Neilans drain, $5 Peter Tay- lor, do, $8; Thomas Beattie, do. 55; S. W. Archibald, do, 5150; Luther 524.50; J. Wright, steel for bridge 1live we will cherish their name 52228; Burlington Steel Co:, steel bridge, 521,67; Fred Johnston, road signs, $5; George Radford, bulldozing' & gravel, $1,514;10; Alex Manning, cement for bridge 5531; Geo, W. Cowan, freight on steel, $1,30; Bart MacLaren, grader supplies, $21.28; Percy Vincent- washout,. -52;- Art Weymouth, grader operator, 5145.20; J. -P. Bell, washout, :530,50; George Radford, Flynn drain, $1;000; Thomas Beattie, brushing "51;. Ben Riley, do, $1; John' Riley, do 51; Len Caldwell, road supe., 5118.80; Jack Brown, pull- ing posts, 52; ,Gordon Radford, gas and oil for grader, 5139.86; Ray Ilan- na, bridge repair, .511,164.70; Cana- da Culvert Co., sewer pipe 578.00; Geo. W. Cowan, Clerk. HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS Continued From Page 1 Still in our hearts they are living yet For we loved thom too dearly to ever forget. —Sadlr missed and 'always. remembered.. 50 the family. IN MEMORIAM BOLTON—In memory . of Mr. and Mrs. Ie.,ac Bolton.: Ono byone our loved ones leave, us,. And the pain of bitter toss Teaches os -that the heart's best; shelter Is the Shadow of the Cross.. . Lovingly remembered by. the Family. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Fred Burdge, IIrucefiolil, wishes to thank all relatives and friends for cards, gifts, flowers and fruit sent me hien, a pat•. tent in Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth, .with special thanks to Drs. McMaster and. Brady and the nursing' staff and Rev, Mr. Stanway. _. MRS. FRED BURDGE Brucefield Joe Laudenbach, two fifth form stu- dents. Joe led the . students in the. "Lord's Prayer" and gave all neces- sary announcements. Jean read the. scripture reading. The pianist for the assembly was Peggy Willis. Peg- gy has been the pianist at most of the assemblies this terns. Her .substi- tute was Norma Leeming, the pian- ist for the Glee Club. - The Friday assembly was also taken charge of by.Grade XIII stu- dents. The students were Mary Mar- garet Cleary -and Donald Hillis. Don led in the prayer and told its all the necessary announcements. Mary Margaret read the scripture reading. Talent Friday morning was Miss Audrey Hall,'a teacher on the High School staff. She played two violhB solos. The first' was "Ave : Maria" the second was "Minuet in G". She was accompanied on the piano by Norma Leeming. >* * FOR SALE Calf. ..for: sale. . GORDON . REYNOLDS, Seaforth. Twenty-eight plots consisting of seven varieties of soy beans have ueen planted in the S.C.I. gardet,. The varieties are Pagoda, I{abott, Flambeau, Goldsoy, Mandaren, Ca- pital and the latest soybean variety O.A.C. number 211. Thin. experiment being carried on by two grade 10 agricultural stu; dents, Arthur Bolton and Don Mc- Clure, is, to see which variety of soybean grows the best in this lo cality. Also planted in the gardens were' 50 strawberry plants. ♦ * 4' Mr. J. A. Slattery. Miss A. Hall, Mr. L. B. Morrison and students under their guidance, are busy get- ting their entries ready forithe Sea - forth fall fair. The fair s 'being held September 9th and 10th, earl- ier than previous years, and only leaves the students four days to get entries ready after the summer hol- idays. Students will be awarded 25 per cent. of their next 'Christmas term mark for entries placed in the fall fair. * r * Exams start tomorrow' morning for all students. Exams for the Lower School and Middle School. end on June 18th while the Upper School exams will finish June 23rd. FOR SALE Good motor on chassis with four tires, suit, able for portable saw or spray, etc., reason- able. GALLOP'S GARAGE, Seaforth FOR .SALE Good Clyde work mare, quiet and sound. S. McBRIEN, phone 540 r•3.. FOR SALE One Beatty electric wnsldng machine in rood shape. cheep for quick Cale, Arse 2 11 -Inch town mowers in good'shape. Jack Pethick, N. Mein St. Phone 111R Seaford) FOR SALE ORVILhead Raymond n0RS. LALN,main 0,,Seaforth 11riutantathin WHEREAS, tuberculosis is a communicable disease which took 6,000 lives in Canada in 1946, and WHEREAS, there is a very definite danger of infec- tion to our residents if active cases are allowed to go undetected, and WHEREAS, being facilities are made available whereby all residents of Seaforth and adjacent area may obtain a free x-ray, THEREFORE, We, Reeves and Mayor of Seaforth, Tuckersmith, and McKillop, do hereby officially designate Friday, 11th June 1 to 9 p.m. and Monday, 14th June 10 a.m. to 3 p.rn. as the period for this free x-ray clinic and earnestly request that every citizen respond most wholeheart- edly to this campaign, first by having an x-ray and then by supporting the project among their friends and acquaintances by word of mouth. By so doing, you will not only protect yourself and your fam- ily, but make our communities healthier places in which to live. (sgd) Reeve A. Nicholson, Tuckersmith Reeve D. Beuerman, McKillop Mayor M. A. Reid, Seaforth CARD OF THANKS The -familyof the late Mrs. Mary A. Coleman .desireto express their sincere ap- preciation to the many friends and neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them during ' their recent. bereavement.: Special 'planks to Rev. Reba Hern end all those who .assisted in any way with the services FOR SALE 1 Graham 8-vused, 60. MatyDuty 20ol, ALFRED BYERMAN, Market street, Seaforth FOR SALE Buckwheat 'fit for seed, used side delivery rake and some good sows; also a. big driving mare, work single or double. HARVEY DI ILWAIIN. phone 802 r 23 Seaforth 'FOR SALE A. few Tomato plants and Cabbage plaits. CLIFFORD BROeADFOOT, Jarvis 01., STRAYED Strayed from Lot 20, Con. 7, McKillop,year-old Hereford a B01(1)DRISCOLL.phone sV042t112 left ear. FOR SALE Engine drive washers: 1 rebuilt Connor, Stainless practically new. SERVICE, SALE Your choice of red or roan. Shorthorn bull, serviceable age, Phone 660r25. J. A. Mc- KENZIE, box 27, Seaforth. FOR RENT 5 roomed house; hydro, handy water sup- ply, l'J miles from Seaforth town hall. Phone 16625; J. A. MCKENZIE, box 27, Seaforth Nomination Meeting Township of McKillop A meeting or the elector's of the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall at Monday, June 21, '1948, for the purpose of nominating a Councillor. Nominations will bo received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon, D.S.T., In the event of more persons being nom- inatedthan are required to fill the office, an election will be held on Monday, June. 28, 1948. Polls will be open. "from 9 a.m. until 6: p.m. D.S,T., at the .following places: No. 1, Jas. Carlin's house, lot 10, eon 6, Jas, Nolan. DRO, William nloMaloney, op4 James 1. Mogg, er Scott's Alex Kerr, PC; No. 3, Jos. Smith's -house, lot 11, S. 13 eon., Elmer Dennis, DRO, Ste- phen Murray, PC; Poly No. 4, School House #7. con. 12, lot 26, Willis Dundas, DRO, Ross D scl, PC. J. M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. - TENDERS FOR WIRING AT FINNIGAN'S PROM 01)R SCRAP BOOK This above all—to thine own self, be true and it must follow, as the day, the night, thou canst not then be false to any mean. WM. SHAI{ESPIEARE ATTENTION FARMERS Arrived this week, shipment of Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts, offered at sale prices, If interested purchase at once Sat. only No.'1 Creamery Butter, 65c W. J. FINNIGAN & SON HARNESS TO CLEAR AT BARGAIN PRICES W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE' REPAIR SHORTHORN .BULL FOR SALE herd To avoid inbreeding I am, altering my Bull for sale. 6 yea Ie o11. Sir dbreedery Royal at Edwin (Imp.). RR4 market Welton, lnOnt. 834 • 4 C. MSeaf GORY, WOOD FOR SALE 1 card. Buzzed hardwood, 12 inches long, $r GEO. C. DUBS, Londeshoro, Phone 27 .9 6 Tenders will be received by the under- signed until June 28th for wiring any one. or all of Schools #f1, 4 and 0, in Tucker - smith School Area in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the H,E.P.C. which the office of the Sea t nn: rbe see n n y retary—Treasurer. Work to include connect- ing schools to Hydro line and to be subject to the approval of the wiring inspeete, and to be completed by Sept. 1st next. Tenders aro requested. to state on tender price for each school, number of outlets, type of fix- tures and proposed method of installation. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., Tuckersmith Twp. School Area. TENDERS WANTED Auction Sale •O1' LUMBER, FOX & POULTRY EQUIP- MENT, Farm Machinery, etc., at Lot 3. Maltiand Concession, Goderiah Township, on No. 5 highway, one half 1 mat 1 east tln f shade- rieb, on Thursday, LUMBER & EQUIPMENT -Colony house 12' x 20' ; Colony house 16' x 18 2 colon houses 3' x 14' ; 90 wire mesh fax pens 16' x18'; 30 wooden doe housea s�(suiabalo for poultry). Barn 3U 13'; a large 12 poultry feeding crates boxes; 50I1"0 . 40 rod of 7 strand. fence ; a number of cedar -posts; 5 rolls of., chicken wire, 2 pig crates; oak panel door ; 20 ft. ladder cedar siding high `•3 00 board 'f) otherlumber 2'^4'. scantling. ETC.—Fairbanks Morse gas engine ; (51 lip.) : largegang Universal plow grinder; eagle horse platy; 5 g p sulky rake; 3 -section harrows; Renfrew dream separator (550 lbs capacity) ;& stock row cart; Cutter; cutter pole; rank; 2000 lb scaled cutting box; wheel. nerrovv; ter ; .32�calls ibretof W nchesterrtrreP g har- ness: :halters int; rifle; cartridge making machine; Prin- ces* Pat enamel range (nearly new) ; laundry stove; day bed; 2 couches; rocking; chairs; child's wagon and other :articles too numerous to mention.. Sale is being held due 'to fit health. No Reserve—Tereus cash. MRS. L. J. MUTTON, Proprietress. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer NOTICE To Owners or Harbourers of Dogs in the Township of Tuckersmith Owing to excessive damage being caused by dogs throughout the Township of Tucker - smith, through suclhnddo Chicknworrying cog nd o owners kill- ing cattle, sheep and harbourers are requested to glue theft full co-operation to curtail the damage by keeping. their dogs tied or shut in every night and carder proper control in the daytime. For the information of owner's or harbourers the. Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, R.S.0.. 1937, is set out below and will be strictly enforced if such co-operation is not forth- coming: Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited for the construction of the Bell Bridge, Lot 13, Con, 2, L.R.5., Town- ship of Tuckersmith, such bridge shallbe of reinforced cement construction containing -ap- proximately 170. cu, yds. of concrete, 8 tons reinforcing steel and will require approxi- mately 1600 yds. of fill. Contractor to furn- ish all necessity machinery, tools and other means of construction, doall work, furnish all material except reinforcing steel and cement, which will be supplied by the township. Marked cheque in the amount of 10% of the amount of the Tender must accompany Tender. Tenders must be submitted on forms sup- plied by the Township and siiitil be sealed, marked "Tender" and delivered to the •Clerk of the Township.. Tenders will be received. up to 9 P.M., June 1915, 1948. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith - R. R. #4, Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS T10 PROTECTION OF LIVE STOOK 8. In this Part "inlured" and "injuring" shall apply to injuries caused by wounding, wo1•iying,. terrifying or pursuing. -. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300, e. 7. - 9. Any person may kill any dog.— (a) og;(a). which isfound killing or injuring live stock; or (b) which in a. township or village Is found between sunset and sunrise straying. .from the 011001ises where the dog is habitually kept; or (e) which is found straying at any time, and not under proper control, upon kept isR R.S.O. 19where 27, eve tack 300,nr a. habitually 8 ; 1986, e. 18. s. 3. killing any do g 10•—(u) Whether the owner knownno Y g or not the or ici ant live stock is municipality, re which the live stock were killed �or injured shall be liable to the .Owner. of the live stock forthe amount of damage ascertained as hereinafter provided and shall pity over such amount to the owner "within thirty days -Fifer siiol("olvner has filed with the clerk an affidavit^that to the best of his knowledge and belief the live stock were killed or injured by a dog 'hitt not by a dog owned by him. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300. a. 9 11) ; 1036 c. 18, as. 3. 5. (2) The cannon of a township in unorgan- ized territory with the assent of the municipal electors secured at any annual municipal election may pass a by -late providing that the municipality shall not be liable to the owner of the dive stock for the amount of the damage, unless such owner tur•n:Sires. proof to -the satisfaction of thecouncilthat the live stook were killed or lnjured.by dogs. and not by wild animals 1929, c.. 78, s. 3; 1036, c. 18, 5. 3. (3) The municipality shall not be liable under subsection 1 if at the time thelive stock were killed or injured they were run- ning at large upon the highway or un- enclosed land, provided that the council of a township in unorganized territory may with the assent of the municipal electors •pass a by-law declaring thatthissubsodtion shall not ,apply in determining its liability. R S 0 In the Estate of Lucy Lorena Archibald. All persons having claims against the Estate of Lucy Lorena Archibald, late of the. Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 1015 day of May, :1948, are hereby notified to send' in full particulars of their claimsto the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June, after which date theassets. will ,be distributed, having regard only to claims then .received. DATED at Seaforth,. this 26th day of May, 1948. 565000NELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator NOTICE WOOL WANTED ALL WOOL SHIPPED. TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTII, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J' CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Green Mountain and Sebago Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative PHONE 9 NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN4 Arrangements for payment of all ac- counts owing to Scott Memorial 'Hospital must be made by :July 1st, after which date steps will he taken to enforce pay- ment 01 same. SCOTT MEMORIAL' HOSPITAL L:' H. DE LA T ILANIER, Business Manager • JUNE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next. meeting of the the Huron CountY9 Council will be held in tle Court House, CaderIoh, commencing Monday, June 14th, at 2.00 P.M. D.S.T. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Jure 12111, 1948. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario FOR SALE One Auto Tractor; one heavy duty a,5 electric motor, slightly used. Phone 666 r 24. • BERT HANEY The Purebred Belgian Draft Stallior•WEST PINE SUPREME —6249— Enrolment No, 3017. First Class, Form I. The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion WINSTON V -E —29929— Enrolment No. 4588.. Secant Class. Forme 2. Tho. Purebred Percheron Stadion REFINER' —15280—Enrolment 44-234, 1st class. Form 1. Route for 1945—Mon. & Tues., vicinity of Dungannon, Lucknow, Brussels, 2lyth, •, Wed. $z Thurs., vicinity Seaforth, Clinton, Dublin. Friday & Sat•, vicinity of Kippcn, Iiensnll and Zurich. Terms $17 to insure, payable March let. 1949. T. Z. McMICHAEL, Prop. and Manager Grad.) A—Premium, No. 181. First Class Form 1. Enrolment No. 4310 The Purebred Black Pct'cltero Stallion 9T BLAIN MARQUIS. Mon,-Tues.—Vicinity of Exeter and Lucan. Wed. Thurs.—Vicinity of Dashwood, Zurich. Fri.-Sat.—Vicinity of Seaforth and Dublin. Terms $2 down ; 512 April 1st, 1949, Phone 88 924 Hensall or. 14 r 14 Dublin. WILLIAM COLE, Prop. and Manager 1927, c, 000, 1. 6 (2) ; 1036, a. 18, s. 3. LIABILITY 01' OWNER OF 1100 12.—(i) A municipality having paid to the owner of the live stock the amount: of dam- age ascertained as' above provided shall be enthral to recoverofto dog the amom inrt so psid from the ownm' any califs of cam• Potent juisdletion without proving that it amore vietous or accustomed to worry live stook. (2) In order to ascertain the owner of the dog which killed or injured the live stook the clerk on the instructions of the head of the municipality may issue a subpoena calling upon any persons to attend before the coun- cil and .the member of the council presiding may administer an oath to such person and any member of the council may examine such persons touching his knowledge of the matter. R.S.B. 1927, c. 300, s. 11 (1, 2) ; 1936, c. 18,' s3. (3). When it appears that the damage was. caused by more dogs than one the court may apportion the damages as may be deemed just, having r'egar'd to the strength, ferocity. and character of the doge concerned. R.S.O.' 1927, 0. 300, s. 11 (3). (4) When a dog is known to have;killed -or injured live stock the owner on being duly notified shall within' forty-eight hours cause the dog to: be killed R.S.O. 1927, e. 300, a. 11 (4) ; 1986, a; 18, s. 3. (6') When the owner refuses or neglects to kill the dog he may be. summonod:befo'e .any magistrate who may order that the dog be killed and in such case -a constable may enter upon the premisesof the owner and may kill the Clog (6) The magistrate may direct the owner to pay the costs of theproceedings' and of. the destruction of the dog and if he deems the neglect orrefusal of the owner to have been unreasonable may impose on him -a pen- alty. not .exceeding $10. R.S.O. 19471 0. 300, s. 11 (5, 6),_ 18. The times andthe method of-Moced- aro sot out in this Act shall be regarded as merely directory and a proceeding which is in substantial conformity .with this Act shall not be oven to objection' on the ground that t. le not in 00010t compliance therewith. R.S.O. 1027, c: 300, 0. 12: FOR 'SALE Hayloader, International, steel frame, Phone 848 r 16 Seaforth. ROY PATRICK. FOR SALE' Trucking business with "Class P" License (Dublin District). Consists of 1935 . Ford.. Heavy Duty truck with loading equipment and other accessories. Lleense in effect for over 15 years. For full information apply to JOS..MATTHEWS,- Dublin. FOR SALE tion, u9n1d xtataNewsOfficen good condi- FOR SALE ' Olivet tractor 18-28, in firstclass shape. Apply ; o John Sanderson nlerson Jr., phone 21 rBlyth 7,. yth RADIO REPAIRING Repairs to all makes, pick' up at E. H- Cose's Barber ahoy on Mondays and 'Thurs- days. Glenn Kechnlo, Blyth.. • TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted, Protestant.. for S.S.ald 11, :Mullett, located on County.. road. Hydra radio, piano and toilets in school. Dutiesto. comma eexperrience 1�and salstating ry ti exxpected Hato Was, Sec.-Treas., Londeshoro, WM. HAMILTON, Ont. TENDERS WANTED i ne,., aidegd Tenders will be receivedy he For the purchase of the b t undersigned. Constance (I{inbutm) church shed, said shed being of square timber, frame construction with swing beams, 80 feet long, 45' feet wide and onBn4j foot pasts. All materials to be removed from the church pro- perty. Tenders tot -be in the hands of the under- signed by June 21st. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. R JSeeccretary oaaf the Trustee Board. FOR SALE A quantity of straw.. Also a Moffat range with warming closet and reservoir. Apply to 23 r 20, Dublin central, GILBERT MURRAY'. FOR SALE 11(storey frame seven -room house ; bath room; hydro;.. situated on Jarvis street; im- mediate possession.' E. C. -CHAMBERLAIN, Insurance Broker, Seaforth, Ont. Phone Off. 384, Res, 220 FARM FOR RENT 30 acres pasture for rent for season, plenty of spring water & shade, on Lot 12, Con.. 13,. KRAEMER,C721 reRichardsonO St Gait.MRSJOHN FOR SALE Modern brick duplex on West William st. 10,5 story. frame dwelling, new furnace, village of Egmondville, early possession. Frame cottage, garage, South Main street. Immediate possession. 1% storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth.: Modern a dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth,. M. A. REID, Seaforth • E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of. •Tnekeromith SALES,,'SERVICE EXPERT REPAIR REPAIRS TO. ALL MAKES LEAVE CALLS AT SILLS: H•DWR., SEAFORT¢ HAWI{INS HDWR., CLINTON. DATAR & O'BRIEN HDWR., ZURICH Beatty Washer Service - - GODERICH