HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-06-10, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 THE SEAFORTI-I NEWS .rn a•11.112. WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR Specials THURS.. FRI. SAT. JUNE 10-11-12 Apple Strawberry JAM 4 Ib. tin 69c Borden's for delicious Chocolate MILK 1 -16 -oz. tin 410 MoLAREN'S Hi Ho SWEETENED PUDDING POWDERS 3 for 25c MAPLE LEAF FLAKES large size 79c Campbell's Totnato'SOUP 1 tin 1Oc TENDER LEAF TEA, yz lb. 47c For Lunches & 2 PKGS. 29c RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. 27cEntrr bhenks eon bo Cold Meals obtnined at the Store 3 -12 -OZ. tins 1.00 HILLCREST SHORTENING 1 Ib. 29cona. Car. Radio & Bot o We Deliver ART. WRIGHT PhoCneon77test DANCING! Stratford Casino Ballroom ORCHESTRAS FOR WEEK JUNE 15 FRIDAY BOB . TUR'NTBR SATURDAY BOB TURNER WEDNESDAY JOHNIE DOWNS ADMISSION 50c A.. Closing DACE of the season IN LOOBY'S ' NALL DUBLIN FRIDAY, JUNE 11 To the Popular Music of VERN BARNETT and His Band Dancing 10.15-1.15 Adm. '75e Northside United Church JUNE 13th STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY Morning Service 11 A.M. Guest Minister REV. HUGH. WILSON — of Brussels Evening Service 7 P.M. OPEN-AIR SERVICE On The Church Lawn Conducted By The YOUNG ADULT GROUP Guest Speaker MR. ERNEST CLARKE Student for the Ministry Conte and enjoy this Open -Air Service In case of inclement weather the Evening service will be held in the Church Auditorium REV. H. V. WORKMAN Minister 1110,nnuun11u11nn1111ur111101111111111111111111100111111nwm 1110, Annum 0u1111uu1no1a1n11o1111111111111111111111.1nunu Notice Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1948 licenses for same on or before July 12th. 1948. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. CASH FOR YOU! OLD, DISABLED ,OR DEAD FARM ANIMALS With Undamaged Hides and According To Size and Condition Cows up to $0.00 Horses up to $7.00 Hogs (300 lbs. each) $400 Plus $2.00 per 100 lbs. for additional•weight AT YOUR FARM Phone Collect STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 SEAFORTH 390'W MITCHELL" 219 45 FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE LUMBER A SPECIAL BARGAIN We still have on: hand a quantity of the reclaimed siding and sheathing, 2x4's — 2x6's and B.C. timbers on hang. The price range is from $40 to $65 Get it while it lasts If you are ' going to build we will gladly give you an estimate as to materials, prices, etc. Our materials are priced low for your benefit and our large variety of stock will fill any orders in lumber and building supplies. Lumber, Doors, Shingles, Sash, Siding, Lime, Plaster, Plywood, Masonite, Insulation. Ask for it: We have it. Seaforth Supply & Fuer Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" Phone 47 Seaforth. See Blondie celebrate her birth- day by playing an hilarious joke on Dagwoodl Be in on the fun: See the big Blondie page in PUCK, The Comic Weekly, with this Sunday's (June 18) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Tiines, -ONLY Michigan paper with THE BIG THREE - The American Weekly, Pictorial Review and PUCK, The Comic Weekly. TOWN TOPICS Miss Jean Turner, Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. Mr, and Mas. D. Cooper, Kippen, were Sunday guests at the: home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham Sr. Miss Lois Whitney, Wingham, spent the week end With her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Whitney, Miss Doris Ruston, London, spent the week end with her parents,. Mr, and Mrs. John Ruston. Misses Ethel and Florence Beat- tie visited Miss Olive Scott in Blue- vale. luevale. Miss Pauline Matthews, St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs.',„Graham Vance and family, Toronto; spent the week end with Mr. ,and Mrs. E. L. Box. Mr, Jack Cleary, London, spent the week eiul with his parents, MT. and Mrs, Wim Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coffin, Tor onto, were week end guests. at the hone -of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc- Iver, Miss Mary Neville, Sarnia, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, J. M. McMillan.- Mrs. J. H. Best, Toronto, visited with friends over the week end. Mr. Edward Devereaux and Miss Alice Devereaux of Toronto spent the week end with their mother; Mrs, F. Devereaux. Mr. Donald MacTavish, Toronto, spent the week end with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Keys visited their son, Mr. G. R. Keys of Wind- sor. He and his family accompanied' them on their return, and visited here over the holiday. Mr. and Mr's. Basil -A. Brown and daughter Donna of Toronto were guests at the hone of Mrs. James Murray over the week end. Mrs, Arthur Kersey and Mr. and Mrs. S. Milward of London were Sunday -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Trott, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Brough, Mrs. Victor Nimrno and Allen of Toron- to visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mr. Duncan McCowan, MT. and Mrs, Peter McCowan and Mr. John Mc- Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrison. Sea - forth, and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Harri- son. Science Hill, attendee the Worth- ,7arvie wedding on June 6 in the Stud- ents' Chapel, Ann Arbor, Mich. The bride is a niece of the fernier. Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., Ottawa, spent the week end at his hone. Miss Gertrude Crich, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Crich. Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent the week end at her home. Miss . Lois Harrison, Stratford, spent -the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McFadden were in London last week attending a wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond St. Ger- main, sons Roger, Robt. and Ross of Espanola were weekend guests of Mrs. Sykes and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Sproat. Mrs. Wni. Cameron and Miss Ma- bel Cameron were in Fenton, Mich., this week attending the funeral of ilien' aunt, the late Mrs. -E. 0. Ro- berts. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merriam, Mr. -unci Mrs. Arthur Stroh, Irene Mer- riam and Dorothy Devitt, of London visited My. and Mrs, Foster Bennett and Mel Merriam and other friends. Miss Mona Bennett underwent a tonsil operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams of London and Rev. and Mrs. George. Lamont of New Brunswick were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar and hlrr. Williams at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown and Mrs. J. C. Brown of Lobo visited Misses Becky and Belle 'McClure, Jervis street, over the week end. Mrs. Dorothy Moore is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gordon Nelson, at Olds, Alta, • FALCONER —PEPPER Beautifully decorated with bridal wreath, spirea, iris and ferns, Turn- er's Church, Tuckersmith, was the. scene of an early sunnier wedding on Saturday, June 5, when Eleanor Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Oakshade Farm, Tucker- smith, became the bride of Franklin Murray Falconer, son of Mr, and Mrs.. Win. Falconer, Stanley, with Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, pastor of the Church, officiating, assisted by Rev, G. G. Burton, Moorefield. The wed- ding music was played by Miss Hel- en Jervis, Clinton, and the soloists were Edward Hay, Toronto, who sang the Lord's Prayer before 'the ceremony, while Erlin Whitmore, Seaforth, sang "0 Promise Me" dur- ing the signing of the register.'. Given in marriage by her father the lovely bride was gowned in floor length white satin with fitted bod- ice, lily point sleeves and high neckline set in with net and crystals. Her long veil of -tulle illusion was held in place with a beaded tiara, A. double strand of pearls, the gift of the groom. was the bride's, only orn- ament and she carried a cascade bouquet of briarcliffe roses. The bride's two sisters attended her. Edith as maid of honour wore a floor length dress of blush pink moil' silk with • matching shoulder length veil. Gladys as bridesmaid wore the same style dress in powder blue with matching veil. Each car- ried colonial bouquets of Premier pink roses, Marian and Doris Pep- per, Zurich, nieces of the bride were winsome little flower girls wearing floor -length dresses of pink floral organdy with tiny snatching veils, each carried nosegays of white roses carnations and lily of the valley. Mervyn Falconer was his brother's best man and Clifford Pepper and George Falconer, were ushers, Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception and dinner were held in Clinton Hotel. The bride's mother received wearing blacic brocaded sheer with black and white accessories assisted by Mrs. Falconer, wearing navy sheer with navy and pink accessor- ies. Each wore corsage of red briar- eliffe roses. Over thirty guests sat ,u1111n111111111111uauu,u111111naiuu uu,un111,n1nu uu.i,i1 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Saturday, June 12th JACK McLACHL1N and his Orchestra 111111"1111 111111, 11n1,1n 11nn111111111 ,,,1111,,,,,, down to a chicken dinner. The br'ide's table was attractively decor- ated with bridal wreath and tulips centred with a three-tier cake and white candles. Rev. Burton proposed a toast to the bride to which the groom fittingly replied. Following the dinner the happy young couple left mid showers of confetti and good wishes for Wind- sor and points soath, the bride tra- velling in a coral herringbone wool suit with black and white accessor- ies. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm on the second concession of Tuckersmith. Oti Monday, prior to the mar- riage,the bride's mother entertained a number of guests to a trousseau tea, Miss .Edith Pepper displaying the trousseau and gifts in the after- noon. Miss Lois Crich and Miss Gladys Pepper served lunch while Mrs. Frank Layton and Mrs. Erlin Whitmore poured tea. In the even- ing Miss Helen Turner assisted in gift room, Margaret and Kathryn Falconer served and Mrs. Howard Crich and Mrs. George Falconer poured tea. KIPPEN tended conference in Windsor. Mr and Mrs. Wm. How and Miss Primrose How spent theweekend at Niagara Falls. Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Dolmage were Sunday visitors in Tavistock. Mr. R. K. Davidson and Mr. Alex :Keir attended the Elgin teen-, _ion at St. Thomas. Mr. Roger McClure who spent the, winter in Seaforth left for Rus- sell, Man,, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley and Mas. C. Hawley spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs, J^ L. Brown and Mrs. J. C. Brown, London, and Miss Belle McClure, Seaforth, visited Mr. and Mrs, John McClure, Miss. Isabel Betties R.N. has re- turned to Toronto after spending her holidays at her home here. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. A. Mustard has returned from Clinton Hospital and is now doing nicely. Teachers who spent the weekend and holiday at their homes were Miss Margaret Henry of London, Miss Janet Watson of Alymer and Miss Betty Allan of Hyde 'Park. Mr. and Mrs, John McIntosh and W;M.S. Meet The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's United Church met on Wednesday afternoon last at the hone of Mrs. Robt. Elgie with a good attendance of members and several visitors. The president, Mrs. R. Elgie opened the meeting with g poen, hymn 252 was then sung. Mrs. Winston Workman react the 21st Psalm and led in pray- er. Business was then disenssed con- cerning supply work. Mrs. Charles Forrest, Mrs. Clark Kennedy of Hensall favored with a piano duet. Tho study "No Trespassing” was given by' 1VIrs. Arthur Finlayson. Mrs. C. Kennedy, Hensall, sang the 'beautiful solo "Jesus Lover of my Soul" accompanied at the piano bY Mrs. C. Forrest. Mrs, T. Kay gave an interesting reading on the Book of Books, the Bible. Hymn No. 202 was then sung. Mrs. Elgie closed the meeting with prayer. A . dainty lunch was then served by Circle Z, There will be no church services or Sunday School on Sunday next in St. Andrews United Church here due to decorating of both the church auditorium and the Sunday School. Special invitation has been extended from Hillsgreen for Kippen Congre- gation to attend thein services at eleven a.nc. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlene of near Bayfield, Miss Ellen Love and Mr. Clarence Love of Hillsgreen were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones. Miss Isabelle Alexander of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Metz of Crediton. Mrs. W, Horsey of Exeter visited recently with her niece Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. Mrs. Elizabeth McKibben of 'Tor- onto, who has been visiting for se- veral weeks with Mr. Henry Ivison and Jean, left Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Gauld, at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns and 1 Michael moved last Saturday to Ex- eter. Mr. Burns is now on the staff of the Centralia Air School. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. Wm. Ivison and Mr. Henry Ivi- son and Jean were Mrs. H. G. Walker and Joy of Peterboro; Miss Margaret Walker of Toronto, Mrs. Bertha Brownlee and daughter, Mrs. Myrtle McDole of Salem, Oregon, Mrs. Fanny Barnby and' three daug- hters of London, Mrs. Brownlee and Mrs. McDole are remaining for some time to visit friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dinsdale of Brandon are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Robert Dinsdale and other friends. After a further course at Chicago University, Mr. Dinsdale will take up his duties as Professor of Sociology at Brandon College, his home city. Walter is a son of the late Mr. George Dinsdale M.L.A. of Brandon, Man,, well-known bY many in this district. Sgt. A. M. MacKenzie is smiling these days—a little brother for Ro- bin arrived at Clinton Hospital, last week. • At the morning service in St. An- drew's United Church last Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Dinsdale of Brandon, Man, delighted the con- g'regetion with a duet. On Tuesday evening of this week Mrs. R. Dinsdale and her sister en- tertained' for 1VIr. and Mrs. Walter Dinsdale of Brandon, Man. An inter- esting program of music and moving Pictures were enjoyed. Walter Dins- dale showed pictures of his experi- ences overseas in the .R.C.A.F. 'and also of his family and friends in many places. - WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Syd McCullough of Blyth spent Sunday with Mr. John Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Brown and daughter Mess Olive Brown, R.N. of Regina are visiting their daug- hter Mrs. Gordon McKenzie and Mr. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coxon and family of Milverton spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Z.C. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murdie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kerr. Mrs. Dr. Harburn of Seaforth visited her daughter Mrs. Irwin Trewartha while Dr. Harburn at - family spent the weekend, with Mrs. Mclntosh's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh and other relatives. Mrs. Fisher is visiting with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffatt and family. Prior to Communion service next Sunday, preparatory* service will be held Friday at 4:30, a good eongre- ation is ex ected g P • DANCE! SAT. NIGHT in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, JUNE 12 ROSS PEARCE & HIS MI7STC Admission 50c WANTED IMMEDIATELY Young Women 16 Years;` of age and over for Fruit & Vegetable Work Accommodation in Farm Service Force. Camps For full particulars write:, Ontario Farm Service Foce 9 Richmond Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee ,111 111111,1„11111111111111111111, 1 111111, 1111uu111uu11,no111 FOOTBALL AT WINTHROP MONDAY, JUNE 14 ETHEL vs WINTHROP Admission 25c Game called at 7.30 d.s.t. 1111111111111,110111111111111111111111111111111,11111,,,1111111111101111 n 1, 1 WANT TO SAY TO ALL MY WORKERS AND SUPPORTERS IN HURON It will be my constant endeavor to represent all the people of the riding TOM PRYDE • Step right in... • There's a place for you cm this team. Take your choice! Do you like to organize and direct ... would you like to learn a useful trade , . . or, perhaps , you. like outdoor activities with action aplenty? There's opportunity in the Canadian Army Active Force— including advancement to commissioned 'rank—if you have what it takes. The Canadian Army Active Force offers more opportunities now than ever before, and to complete the picture you are assured of lifetime pension when your service is completed. Step right in l—Ask the nearest Recruiting Depot or Armoury for enlistment particulars. Bring with you certificates of age and education. Veterans should write direct to the nearest depot listed below:— No. 5 Personnel Depot, Ring Street West, KINGSTON, Ontario. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park Military Hospital, TORONTO, Catario. No. 7'Peesonnel Depot, Wolsely Barracks, Elizabeth Street, LONDON, Ontario. 22-0 r fort' , e ,S 'HE RESER, ep to learn °who wish to rue, 70gt the fettowah,p a and share "0bleof ArmY 17fa,d °duan• det0r& to so active. bot ore I:, Ask for For a life of comradeship and security Join the Canadian Army Active Force NOW