The Seaforth News, 1948-06-10, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 WALTON Mr. Frank Marshall received hal won d on Tuesday that he had passed with'. honours in his second year at -Tor- onto University in the Civil Engin- eeri1ig• Course. Frank also received honours in his first' year. He has a positiebr for' the summer vacation with the H.E.P,C. Richard Ross Bird received his Bachelor of Arts degree at the Un- iversity of Western Ontario Con- vocation, June 2nd, graduating with first class honours. Ross is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley H. Bird of Walton, at present residing in Kitchener Miss Mary A Smillie was Mr, and. Mrs. H. B. Kirkby and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Ki rkbS have e re- turned from a .motor trip through Northern Ontario. They went as far as Sudbury and Burwash, visiting with their son George, they .report the North very dry fon• this time o year, but ortherwise. a very pdeas- ant trip. • Mr. and Mrs. Johnston from hear W Ingham with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger at Kitchener. ' Me: and Mrs. W. J. Bennett at Mitchell. Miss Bernice Hackwell, who grad- uated •from Stratford General Hos tat on Jtitie -2ind, won' the 550.00 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT Tricycle or Doll. Buggy That you promised Judy or Sonny for passing their exams A full line of Strollers, Toddle Carts, Junior Trikes, Tribe. Trailers, Tricycles & Doll Pralns Box Furniture Store—Funeral Service PHONE—DAY 43 NIGHT 18 OR 287 J Nursing •Registry for proficiency in we bedsiden congratulate ursun • nursing, Bernice on her success. - YIr. and • Ms. Andrew Coutts in Cellingwood, With friends Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rae, and daug- hter Eleanor with Mr. Joseph Hack- well Mrs. Emily " Naylor of Rochester N.Y., Mrs. Peter Gardiner of Tor: onto and Mrs, John S. Buchanan of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley C. "Hackwell. Mrs. Gordon Holland, Miss Phil- lips, Mr. and Mrs. James Coutts, in London. Mr. Harold Cunningham and. Miss Gareth of Blyth, with friendshere, for Huron County in Goderich a few weeks ago, Special numbers are be, ing prepared also, and all are look - Mg forward to a fine helpful ser- vice. All neighboring and "visiting friends will be warmly welcomed: Lorne and hear' our boys and girls and encourage then in their fine, work. The W.M.S; and. W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop,' Met in the church on June 2nd when they entertained the ladies from Burns, Bethel and Duff's societies. The 'guest speaker was Mrs. Rogers of Blyth. Mrs. R. Bol- ton presided: and Mrs. J. Little was pianist. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. G. Smith after which Mrs. W. Church led in .prayer. The words of welcome were given by. Mrs. W. Little. A solo by Mrs. Ro- bert McKercher of Duff's was much enjoyed. Mrs. Roges brought an n inspiring message to the meeting choosing as her subject ''A Personal l God." Burns' contribution to the program was a duet by Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Shepherd, and Bethel's was a solo by Miss Ruth " Dennis. The Misses Joan and Loi?S_ Ann Somerville of Winthrop sang a duet "When the Heart is Full of Love." Mrs. R. Bolton expressed the -appre- ciation of everyone to' all those taking part. After the worship per - nod a bazaar and .social time was d held in the basement. Mrs. " E. Toll closed the meeting with prayer. The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church met in the class- room of the Church on June 5th. The scripture was read by Ronnie Davidson. Betty Campbell gave a prayer. The offering was taken by Bobby Campbell. The minutes of the e last meetingng were read by Iris Byer - mann, followed by hymn 673. The study period and business was by Mrs. Dodds. Mrs. Ralph Davidson read a story. The meeting closed r- with the Benediction. one of his guests at the graduation. award of the 'Stratford Community • M. alid Mrs. Douglas Lawless in Peterborough. Those attending the graduation exercises of Nurses,of Stratford General Hospital on June 2, were as follows. Mr. and Mr's. • Nelson Reid, Mi'. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan Mr. and Mrs, William Dennis and Mrs. Willis Dundee, Mrs. Ethel and Margaret Hackwell, Mr. and Mrs James T. Hackwell, Mr. Joseph Hackwell, . ,Mr, and Mrs. W.. C Hackwell and son Reid, Mr. Doug- las Frazer and Campbell Way Walton School Wins Music Prizes At the fourth annual musical fes tival for the schools of Morris and East Wawanosh townships held at Wingham on Friday afternoon an evening, Walton school won the following prizes: Double Trio, 1st prize --Leone I Johnston, June Hackwell, Marga• McArthur, Doris Johnston, Louise Shortreed, Doris Stevens. Two-part chorus -2nd prize, by Walton - school. Unison chorus -3rd prize, by tli Walton school. Solos of Grades 2 and 3 -3rd prize, Audrey Hackwell, 4th, Joan Shortreed. Solos of Grades • 4, 5 -4th, Her- bert e bert Kirkby. Grades 6, '7, 3 -1st, Louise Shortreed. Lorne Willits of Listowel was adjudicator. We congratulate the teacher, Mr. D. Lawless and Music supervisor, Miss E. Walsh and pupils on their success. WINTHROP McKillop charge of the 'United Church will observe Flower Sunday next Sunday, June 13th. It will be Children's Day and will be held for all three appointments, at • Caven Church, Winthrop, at 11 a.m. d.s.t. A number of children will be pre- sented for baptism and the music throughout will be furnished by the combined choir of the boys and girls who sang at the music festival Bringing amnicomi votes ►lk to Canada. In 1947 Canada's trade with the United States exceeded two and three quarter billion dollars. It is the heaviest two-way trade in the world. Canada's need for American dollars to sustain this trade is vital. Who brings American dollars to Canada? People who make and export goods; and people who cater for tourists. _ And, of course, your bank helps ... by financing business and industry to expand' production for export. This is one of the many ways in which Canada's system of competitive banking serves the Canadian people. s PUNS('1An Er 'OUR a.4 Nx CONSTANCE , Mr. Alfred Buchanan and Joyce spent Saturday and Sunday with rel- atives in London and Nilestown. Miss Fiances Downey of Ajax spent the weekend with Mrs. Leo Stephenson. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot of Walton visited with Mrs. Buchanan �. THEATRE it SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING,: THURS. PRI. SAT. "WYOMING" with Wililem Elliea Vera Ralston — John Carroll Per those Cans who appreciate ' a good Western story be sore to see this thrilling picture of "Wyoming'-" .;•.,., :'. MON. TUES. WED.- "DEEP VALLEY" Demo Cinrko • Ida Lupino,. Wayne, Morris Mountainous Thrills—Wild Adventures—Plunging them over deeper.; into desperate danger. .. NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. IN TECHNICOLOR "THE,YEARLING" with Gregory Peek and Jane Wyman One of the great Pictures of all time—because its indomitable courage, its humanes, its man -woman love and sheer down-to-earth to -earth honesty, are timeless,. COMING: "THAT TLICEN GIRL"' .... with. Shirley Temple — Ronald Reagan.... Mr. and Mrs. D. McConnell at London. Forty Hour', Devotion was con- ducted at St. Patrick's Church this week by Rev. Father McGuire, C.S. &R., London, He was assisted at various times by Rev. A. Durand; London, Rev. Father Harrigan, St. Marys, Rev. Father Veitenheimer, Kennicott, Rev. Father. Corcoran, Stratford, Rev. Father MacDonald, Clinton; Rev. Fattier O'Drowski, St. Columban, Rev. Father Hussey, Sea - rs :.a forth, and Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, P.P. Miss Louise Feeney entertained eight girls on Saturday in celebra- tion of her 13th birthday. Ganes were played including bingo; prizes ' were won by Mary Morrisson, Alice Ryan and Joan Evans. A dainty lunch was served. The guests were Eileen Whethamn, Joan Evans, Ther- esa Feeney, Anne Tomlinson, Rita Murray, Dorothy Ann Costello, Mary Morrisson and Alice Ryan. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dale spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Guelph. Miss Frances Downey, Mrs. Leo Stephenson and. Bill spent Sunday at Port Credit. The open meeting of the W.M.S. of Constance United Church will be held in the basement of the church on Friday, June 11. We are pleased to know that Miss ' Doneida Adams who suffered a se- vere attack of poison ivy was suf- ficiently recovered to resume her duties on Tuesday morning at Clin- ton Public School. DUBLIN John P. Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tames Morrison, Dublin, gradu- ated from St. Michael's College, Toronto, and received his degree of Bachelor of Arts, (B.A.) at the Un- iversity of Toronto Commence- ment on June 4. Mr. Monism re- ceived his early education at S.S. 2, Ashfield, S.S. 2, Dublin, and Dublin Continuation School. In 1943 he joined the army and after complet- ing his advanced training was sent to Barriefield to study Radar, and obtained a certificate in R.C.E.M.E. '(Royal Canadian Electrical Mechan- ical Engineer), After his discharge from the service in 1945 he began his studies at St. Michael's College. The Baccalaureate Mass was of- fered in St. Basil's Church, Toronto, at which Cardinal McGuigan addres- sed the graduates. After the Mass the graduates proceeded to Convoca- tion hall where the „degree of BA. was conferred on each by the Chan- cellor of the University. Relatives present for the cere- monies were Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Dublin; Rev. Fr. M. J. Dalton, Windsor; Mrs. J. P. Sulli- van, Bolton; Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hughes, Mrs. Thos. Joy, and Miss Antoinette Dalton, Detroit; Mr, Leon Sullivan, Toronto; Miss Con- stance Cleary, Wallaceburg; and Miss Helen Rose O'Connor, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Radscheidt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trotter and Judy in Kitchener and Waterloo, on Sun- day. Mrs. George Byers returned home after spending the past two weeks in Kitchener. Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, J.C.D. was appointed President of the Alumni Association of St. Peter's Seminary, London, for the ensuing year at the. Annual Reunion held in London last week. Mr. and MTs. Hubert Miller and family, Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Zette and son, Galt, with Mrs. Mary . McGrath and Mrs Charles Malone. Albert Jordan, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan. Peter Dill, Detroit, with his fath- er, Peter Dill and Joseph Dill. Miss Jean Costello and Gordon Costello, L ondon,'with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Misses Mary Margaret and Teresa Ryan, London, with :their parents Mt. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. Miss Loraine Jordan,. London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Jordan. Mrs. Kenneth Etue and two sons, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux. Frank Evans, London, with his mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans. Mrs. Louise Flanagan, Mr's. Pat Flanagan: and son, Bobbie, in Tor- onto. Patrick O'Rourke at Port Dovei'. Miss Marie Dillon, Ingersoll, with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Louis Dillon. Representatives -of the Holy Name Societies in this district will attend the annual rally to be held next Sunday at Clinton. Rev. A. Durand was in Hamilton on Sunday attending the Ordination of his nephew, Rev. Carl I•Iartleib at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Mrs. Ghas. .Strubb, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Flanagan. The Pew PRECISION -BUILT GARDEN TRACTOR PLOWS! CULTIVATES! CUTS GRASS! CUTS WEEDS! PLOWS SNOW! Yes, at last—an effi- cient, easily handled Garden Tractor is available at . . . . • • • Attotlii; feature of tlie CHOREMASTER Garden Tractor—you can quickly and easily convert your own hand mower into an efficient power mower, as shown above. Amazing low cost! Now you can do plowing, cultivating, grass and weed cutting, snow plowing and other garden chores with this all-purpose, all -season Garden Tractor. Illustrated above is the CHOREMASTER equipped with "Duck Feet" for efficient "Between the row" culti- vation. Other rear attachments include turning plow, furrower, hoes, sweeps, 5 - tooth spring cultivator, etc. The CHOREMASTER is extremely easy to handle and will save you hours of back- breaking labour 1 • FRED HURST 11 1 MILE WEST OF SEAFORTH — HY. No, 8 PHONE 851 r22 SEAFORTH R.R.2 THEY LAST LONGER BUYTHEMBYTHONAT YOUR HYDR.QOFFI4 Proclamation TOWN OF SEAFORTH On instructions from the Connell, I hereby pro- claim that no dogs shall be allowed to run at large in the Town.. of Seaforth during the period from May' 21, 1948, to September 1,, 1948. Under authority of By -Law No. 111 for the Town. of Seaforth, any dogs so found running at large con- trary to this Proclamation, shall be liable to be killed and the owner or harborer prosecuted. M. A. REID MAYOR