HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-06-10, Page 3What Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Moslem and Arab World There are something like 900,000 Jews living in Moslem and Arab countries stretching from the At- lantic, along the Mediterranean, to the: Indian Ocean. Zionist leaders today are afraid that the position of these people is one of grayest danger, Now that the end of the British mandate has precipitated at least local warfare in Palestine, it .Is feared that there' may be terrible repercussions in Moslem -controlled lands. French Morocco, ,Iraq and' Alger- ia are the countrieshaving the larg- est Jewish populations, numbering over half a million altoether. Iran, Egypt, Tunisia; Turkey and Iraq are some of the others. In Syria, where there are only some 11,000 Jews, a policy of econ- omic. discrimination is already in effect. Practically all Jews in the employ of the Government have been discharged, and freedom of movement for. Jews is practically abolished. In Iraq, no Jew is allow- ed to leave the country without depositing $20,000 with the authori- ties as a guarantee of his return, and no foreign Jew is allowed to enter Iraq, even in transit. "Unless pleasures for their pro= "tection are taken immediately, the very survival of Jewish communi- ties in certain lands is in serious danger," was the way, a prominent Zionist put it some weeks ago. Now that the State of Israel is an accomplished fact, the danger is even greater; anit would seem that the only effective solution would be to arrange for a quick transfer, insofar ai is possible, of all these people to their homeland in Pales- tine. Palestine -1882-1948 • Now that the British have at last left Palestine, a brief summary of what has gone,on in that unhappy $ountry during the past sixty years Or so might be of interest. 1882. Zionist colonization of Pale- stine by immigrants from Russia is begun. 1897. First Zionist Congress forms world organization. Jewish population of Palestine about 60,000 out of a total of 650,- 000. )017. Balfour declaration affirms British approval of Jewish National Home In Palestine. 3922. Churchill White Paper reaf- firms British recognition, but would limit future immigra- tion to "absorptive capacity of the country". 1909. Bloody rioting between Jews and Arabs in Palestine fol- lows long period of increas- ing tension. 1988. Riots and strikes accompany Arab protests over Jewish immigration and land purch- ases. Andy Clarke—Sometimes af- fectionately called "the mayor of the little places" no Man was better known, and better liked, throughout rural and small - town Ontario than Andrew David Clarke, whose unexpected death on May 19th. will be deeply regretted by hundreds of thousands. Born, ., /raised and educated 111 Grimsby Ont., Andy early in life deter- mined to be a newspaperman and worked' in various capacities on the old Toronto World, The London Adver- tiser, and The Toronto Globe, acting as News Editor on the .:tatter for over 13 years. It was as the creator and broadcaster of Neighborly News, however, that he gained an audience un- equalled in numbers as far as CBC -programs are concerned. I -Ie spoke ` of the things that • seldom hit the front pages. The farm homes of two. provinces— and thousands who had left the farms for the cities—listened every Si.inilay morning .to his voice --a ;v€iice which never failed to bring a feeling of the real friendliness, sincerity: and humanity of the man behThd it. 1985. The Haifa section of the oil pipeline from Iraq is opened. 1986. Arabs declare "national polis tical strike" to enforce de- mands for Jewish immigra- tion restriction, 1987. British Peel Commission re- commends partition of Pale- stine with Jerusalem under international control, Both Arabs and Jews reject this proposal. 1989. British issue white paper re- stricting Jewish Immigration to 75,000 within next five years. 1940. British allow resumption of immigration at rate. of 1000 per month, after stoppage due to the war. Jewish Pale- stine population now 450,000 out of a total of a million and a half. 1945. League of Arab states form- ed at Cairo. President Tru- man calls on Britain to open up Palestine to 100,000 Jew- ish refugees. Britain refuses and Jewish extremists stage disorders in retaliation. 1946. Anglo - American Committee recommends admission of 100,000 refugees; that Pale- stine be a state neither Jew- . fish nor Arab; and that Brit - mandate be extended. Premier Attlee says recom- mendations cannot be imple- mented without American support. Committee then pre- sents plan for partition into Jewish and Arab provinces operating under mandate. Jews, Arabs and the United States all reject this proposal. 1944. Secretary Bevin announces Britain to submit whole problem to United Nations. Latter names special com- mittee. Refugee ship with 4600 Jews aboard captured by British. Refugees refuse to land in France and are later removed at Hamburg. Jewish extremists hang two British troops in reprisal for prison executions. United Nations Committee recom- mends partition of Palestine into two states also admission of 150,000 extra refugees. Britain announces decision to end mandate and remove all troops. 1948. U.N. Security Council studies problem of how to enforce partition in face of Arab opposition. In March Ameri- can delegate to Council an- nounces reversal of United States stand on partition, asks suspension of plan and establishment of temporary Palestine trusteeship instead. In April Arabs threaten invasion as soon as British leave. May 15, British man- date ends, and Zionist state of Israel is proclaimed. 1949. — ? ? ? ? ? France The cost of living in France is now just about 15 tines what it was in pre-war days. The past year has been a drastically tough one for ordinary people. On paper the rations allowed to the French citi- zen doesn't look too bad; but the trouble is that most of the rationed articles are almost impossible to get. And the disastrous crop fail- ure of 1047 produced an epidemic of farm hoarding — with foodstuffs being held back from the market until, at times, there was danger of widespread suffering, even starva- tion. In recent weeks however things have brightened considerably. Crop prospects are exceptionally good, and food prices have stopped rising and are expected to take a down- ward trend before long. And with ERP help coining through soon, the economic situation should be relieved, although it may be quite a while before the French people, as a whole, realize that it has. .For the inflation has had disas- trous consequences for the savings of many millions of thrifty French people, especially the white collar workers, who have seen their cost of ,living multiply itself 15 times, while wages and salaries didn't in- crease with anything like the same speed. Government policy has been to remove price controls while keep- ing wages pegged. The rationing system never even approached working efficiency and has now been almost entirely given up. About the only thing a tourist has to give up ration coupons for is bread—and French bread, accord- ing to those who have been there recently, right now is the very p o o r e s t bread in all Western Europe. LIFE'S LIKE THAT "It's :tny new lather guns" Earlier Than Usual—Tobacco planting got under way in Brant and Norfolk Counties a week ahead of time this year, despite rain and cool weather. A $40 million crop is expected. One of the first to get going was John Yearek, on his farm near Waterford. The tractor at left is being driven by Sam Beker, while Mrs. Yearek and John Yearek Jr„ are planting. Sports -And One Thing or Another By Frank Mann Harris Starting in 1942, and continuing for almost two years, Greg Rice, great middle and distance runner, chalked up a string of consecutive track victories which, for a while, looked as if it might go on in- definitely; Sixty-five times in a row the Notre Dame speedster was off with the flash of the starter's gat, and hot -footed it to the wire ahead of all opposition. Then, on June 89th, 1943, the string was snapped when Gunder Haegg, one of Miss Garbo's countrymen, headed Rice in a five thousand meter run, * * * When Rice finally did end up in the place slot, many doubts were expressed as to whether his feat would ever be approached, let alone topped. Track and field competi- tion being as keen as it is these days, it seemed impossible that any human could go to the post sixty or more times without a single defeat. But now, less than five years later, such a man has popped into the picture. He is Harrison Dil- lard, sprinter and hurdle -hopper out of Baldwin -Wallace College. Just the other clay, out at Oxford, Ohio, at a dual meet with Miami Univer- sity, he ran his consecutive victory line by scoring three wins in one afternoon. * * * What is more, Mr. Dillard smash- ed three existing track records to do it, showing that he really must have the stuff. He coasted to vic- tory iatory in the 220 -yard low hurdles in a mere matter of 23.9 seconds. It took him 9.8 seconds to win the hundred yard dash, which isn't ex- actly 'dallying. And he skimmed the bars in the 120 -yard high hurd- les in 14.4 seconds. * * * Altogether, we'd say, a pretty fair afternoon's work for one young man; and just another example of why so many of our boys are won- dering what ever possessed the folks when they abolished the old color lines in sport. For Harrison Dillard is another of the great and growing contingent of top athletes who own a deep, natural and perm- anent sun -tan. * * * - Th other night we heard still an- other argument over one of the most famous incidents in sport—the time when Fred Merkle failed to touch second, and so won for hhn- self the enduring though largely - unmerited tag of "Bonehead". As usual, some who took part In the argument claimed that the bates were loaded at the time; others that only one was out at the time and that Merkle was in the middle of a threatened double play; still others that Merkle was actually declared "out" on the play. * * * Such debates and disagreements have been going on for many years, and will probably continue for many more. So here, in case you're interested, or even in case you're not, is what actually came off at New York's Polo grounds on the afternoon of September »3, 1908. * * * The Chicago Cubs, New York Giants and Pittsburg Pirates were all practically tied for first place. With the end of the season so close every,game was a "crooshal" one, with World's Series gold and glory riding on every pitch. When the Giants—the. home, club --came.. to bat in the ninth inning, the score stood New York 1, Chicago 1. * * * With two men out, the Giants had McCormick on third, Merkle on first. Al Bridwell, the next bat- ter, singled. McCormick crossed the plate with the winning run, standing up. And Merkle did exact- ly what 99 out of a hundred players of that day would have done. When he saw McCormick safely across the plate, instead of continuing down the baseline to touch second, he turned and headed for the club- house, to escape the hilarious atten- tions of the victory -maddened over - Row crowd. * * * So that should make it all u clear as mud, or even clearer. But, now. we come to think of it, there's still a third version. Roger Bresna- han, the Giants catcher that day, swore forever after that Johnny Evers never did get hold of the ball that Bridwell actually hit, but that Joe McGinnity, on his way to the clubhouse, picked that one up and pegged it into the left -field bleachers. So, ladies and gentle- men, in spite of our best efforts, let the argument continue! Baboons used to be native to Africa but now have spread into portions of Asia. ROLL YOUR OWN PPTTER CIGARETTES win/ c GARETTE TOBACCO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, lnoeoticldee, Electric Fence Controllers, Hous. and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, eto, DDeal- ers wonted. Write Waroo Grease & 011 LInd- ted, Toronto. BABY CHICKS FREE 100 COCKERELS With every order of 100 Leghorn Pullets Will give 100 Rock X Log, Sussex X Leg, N. Hamp X Leg pullets priced at 16a. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. EGG prices willbo higher but that won't mean a. thing unless you have eggs to sell. We not too late if you get the kind of ehloke that will grow and develop' fast. Before you know It they'll be Shelling out ogee for you,. Tweddles are a eafe bet, you can't go wrong with time tested chicks. Our 24 .year.' to the hatchery Industry le your guarantee of male- faction. Don't delay order yourchick. to -day. We can ship prto,,ptly day old, .two, three,. and four week old pullets, Cockerel,' or non - sexed. - Mao pulleto eight tveelte to laying. Free catalogue. ' Twoddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Ferguu, Ontario, 22c — Heavy Breed Pullets — 20c All heavy breed pullets 22c, After June 6th: 20c. See other advertisement for particulars. Assorted Pullets 20c, after June 15th: 18c, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT, WE 1IAVE most breeds, Chicks, pulleto, cock- erels. non -sexed, Immediate delivery. Started too, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. We or YOU can still get those fast maturing Top Notch clicks. When egg and poultry meat prices are high next Fall and Winter, don't be one of those wishing You had bought. Decide now to. Guy, your usual number of chicks. With prospects of n good crop with lower feed prices and all indication, pointing to high egg and poultry prices you can't help but make money. Witte to -day for our reduced price. for June. We have day old, two, three and four week old .started. Also pullets eight Weeko to laying. Ton Notch Chick Saleer Guelph, Ontario. BARGAINS HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Send for special prlcee! I Rock x Leghorn; Sussex x Leghorn: New Hamp x Leghorn Cockerel.: 2 1-2 cent.. These medium -bred cockerels are suet the thing for Broilers! HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LON- DON, ONTARIO. 6 WEEK old pullets: New Hampshire., White 'Rocks, 61.95. Black Minorca X White Leff_ horns, 68.95. Assorted Light or Heavy breed., 1.00 per hundred less. 6 week old New Hamp- shire pullet., 60.06.. Also two, three and four week old pullets. non-00xed or cockerels, to many breeds. Day old cockerel. June prices: Barred Rocks, Light Stumm, Now Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light Suess, X Now Hamp- shire., Black Australorpe, 5.95; .New Hamp- ehlree, 8.96; White Leghorn., 1.60: Black Australorp X White Leghorn., 5.00. Send for complete Micelle. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. 1014c — Hurondale Chicks — 11%c Assorted heavy -breed mixed chicks 11140. As- sorted light -breed mixed: 1014o, Pure Sus..,. Symms X New Hamps, New Hammm, mixed: 14o, Pullet. 28c. After June 6; mixed 18c; pullet. 220. Barred Rook, Rock X New Hamra 160: after Juno • 6: 14a. Rook X Leghorn. Sueeex X Leghorn, New Hemp X Leghorn, Leghorn,: mixed 16o: pullet. 17e. After Jun. 6: mixed '180, pullets: 14c. After June 16: mixed Ilex pullet. 22c.. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 20,000 PULLETS 13 -10 -12 -WEEKS -OLD, TO READY -TO -LAY For delivery in May, Tune and July. These pulleto are not surplus. They have been definitely set amide to meet the big demand for title age of 001Iet% All floor rained under the most Ideal Conditional Send for full parllcuare. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, WEIN BROS., EXETER, ONTARIO. FIVE week old pullets while they goat: New Hampshire., Rhode Island Redo, White Rocks, 62.96, Black Minorca X White Leg- horn, 64.96, Light Sumer X Barred Rook, New Hampshire X Barred Rook, Barred Rook X Now HampobIres. 60.96, Assorted Light or Heavy Breeds, 1.00 per hundred lees. 6 week old New Hampshire pullets, 67.96. Ateo two, three and four week old pulsate, cockerels or non -sexed In many popular breeds. Day old cockerels• Stine prices: Light Sussex, Barred Roolte, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hampohiree, Black Auetralorp., 9.05. Leghorn., 1.60: Whit. Leghorn X Bar- red Rocks, 1,60. Send for complete prtcetiot. Twaddle Chick Hatcherie. Limited, Ferree, ontnrlo. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested, banded and inspected. Many cestomoro have had year. of continuous' 000080e, wta Lalwvow ohl,1,., You can too. From John Coles, Gravenhurnt Ontario — Many thank,' for find 'shipment. I have 1000) livability." Wonderful /macees, 76 to 80% production with your Stumm" report. Arthur Aryere, Osgood°. Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total Chick hatching. down 60 percent from Year ago. Feed prlcee will be lower and egg Prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports slow cockerels .torted to date down 70 to 80 percent from year ago. 8-4 Ib. broiler. are gelling for 56 to 40o lb. live weight. The margin of profit le greatotethan ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 60,000 Lakeview chick. weekly. Wo can sive prompt delivery In most breeds. Give 1011 choice of breed, If poaelble. Breed," available Sussex, Sussex x N. Hamps. 8. Rook 1 Hamm, Barred Roche, N. Hamm., Rhode Island .Rede, Large typo W. Loehorne, Rock x Leghorn, Sueeex x Leghorn, N. Hamp, x Leghorn• STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Got o. head start with started pullets or book order for future delivery 8 Weeks to ready to lay, It 2001,,. like It will be 1mpoesibte to buy well -started Dullote later on. All older pullet. raised on free range under Ideal conditions, HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousand,' ovallable weekly. Bend for special low prices on large orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There le good money 1n raking Capone, Sell for 0e much per Ib. as turkey% 86 to 400 per ib. alive now. Send for large Illustrated catalogue and man- agement boost and weekly epeetal list of day old, started pullet. and Capone. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY EXETER, ONT. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or Maul. Ing7 Write to ue for Information. We are glad to enpwer your question. Department 21, Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Cones Street, Toronto. Ontario. FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES 9,1te and Service Bert 11 Kennedy & Soo, '416 College. St„ Toronto ACCORDIONS BUTTON 10 keys 1 bas. 21 iteye 11 base Marazza, 808 Ste, Catherine W, Montreal.' FOR SALE dLETRAO growler tractor. DM Veal, A, 4-oy1., used 4 menthe. APO, Carded* A Lpmher Company, Port Perry, Ont. EI -POWERED Rlaee—Write for de0orip fj s folder. and prloee, SCOPE 04—LBS 04C.'l 888 Queen At., Ottawa, Ont.• EAT HONEY, Nature's finest .west, we will supply a case of 12 .four -pound cans of fly +• Belem' fine flavored clover bonny for asap 910,00. Ordertoday while this bargain pries lasts, Big Rook Farm, Mille Roches. Ont. 160 -ACRE dairy. farm, 4 1-2 mile. fro Caledonln on Bounty road. Good be imp house, big bank barn. 12 sores 'melt. Emmen• ate poeseesion. Box 7, Caledonia. Ont, MAPLE Syrup. 1048 crop. Reaeooable prlo.l. Order early, John -21. Gillespie, Abbotsford, Quebec, PICK-UP BALER, Cane, on rubber, good cap dition, Wisconsin Motor, Wire tied, folded. 100 lb, bales, H. Lee, Thorndaie, Ontario. REGISTERED American blank and tan 1 and coon. hound pups, 6 months, 826. Frani[ Dewey, Gooderham, Ont, STEADY buotnesa, good turnover,. good farm- 1ng locality, 46 miles Toronto,' chopping mill, /steel and cement, 46' x 86', hydro power. poultry, livestock, feeds, farm euppllen, ea. Coal, gasoline, oils. $10,000.00, Fun partiau- Tare• Afro. Annie B. Leckie, Zephyr, Ont. CONCRETE DRAIN TILE 4" to 18" dia. Continuous supply. Brantford' Builders Supplies Ltd., 46 Bruce St., Brant, ford, Ont., Phone 160021, OLIYER 70 Row Crop Tractor, nearly .new, With New Row Crop Cultivator. See the. now Gilson Refrigerators, starting to arrive. Basil Bell, Cnmpbelloroft, Ont, 100 ACRES, suitable for market garden er tobacco. About 61 acre,' bush. 860 loss cut. Cookstown vicinity. W. 71. Keown, Grand Bend, Ontario, BOATS 47 New Deluxe Cabin Cruloer. Sleeps two, Fully °Quipped. Length twenty feet. Speed twenty mllet, Operation twenty. hours. Mea, extra°. Reduced to $3400. Terme. Box 669, Parry Sound. 200 -ACRE farm, 80 acres cleared, 6 -room frame house, small barn, 11/4 mile* north of village of South River, on South river. Writs H. W. Wilson, South River, Bax 105. GENUINE Gem Everbearer Strawberry pleats. Bear this year until late fall. Sell' berries when they bring real money. Easy to grow. Hardy, great multiplier% Should do well 55 Northern dletrlete, 26 for 61.00: 60 roe 15.0, or 102 for $4.00 postpaid. Ruth order. L W. Ph1111ps, Box 11, Welland, Ont. FOR SALE, 1946 Massey -Barri. 81 tractor plow and disc. Harold Ives, Route t. Leamington, Phone 661W4. COMPLETE Home Insulation Service west of Brantford, south of Goderlch. Free estimates on blown in, Rock Wool or Fiberglas. 21elkar Robfing Ltd., 612 Waterloo, London, TURKEY POULTS Sorry we are sold out of points to June 10th. Aot quickly If you want Poulte for June. Hatching Poulte for July. Auguot and Septem- ber. Send for lnformaton why there is more Profit In raising Summer or Fall Pettit. ani book your order' now. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH, EXETER, ONT. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on request regarding ola.sea Robertson's Ralydresstng Academy, 187 Ave nue Road, Toronto. 'MEDICAL NATURE'S HELP—Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- matic Pains, Neuritis. Thousand. pealing It. Munro'. Drug Store, 656 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 61.00. HUNDREDS ENJOY GOOD HEALTH from the combination of ingredients used la FER-SEK TONIC TABLETS. These ingredi- ents are being used by modloal 'mimeo to oor- rent 100. of appetite and run down conditions. If you are tired, hatless or run down, -16 you feel the need of a quick pick up SEND for FER-BEK today. 2 weeks 000517 postpaid 11.00 BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Box 86, Station K, Torottto GOOD RESOLUTION—Every eufferor of Rheu- matic' Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon ■ Remedy. Munro'. Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00. OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or full-time money -making. Learn to make candy at home and earn an you learnt eorre0Dondence course. National Inetltote of Confectionary Reg'd, Delorimler P.O., Box 152, Montreal, Que. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profeeoloo, good wages. thou meld,' 0ucces0f01 Marvel graduate.. America's greatest system. Illustrated cats, logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Bloor Bt. w„ Toronto Branches: 49 King Si , Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottowa, PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on reuueet. PERSONAL MARAZZA'S MUSIC SCHOOL Course by mall, with or without instruments. Write for free folders. P. Marrnzza Inc.. 808 Bt. Catherine West, Montreal 18, PHOTOGRAPHY FREE COL'RED ENLARGEMENT (, beautiful 4 x 0 enlargement. band colored In oil. wltb each order. Fllmo developed and printed 800. Reprints 4c each. Dally service. Quality guaranteed, Sun Photo Service. Ste,. non H, Toronto. HELP WANTED OAPABLE experienced girl, general hou'. work, fond of children, private room. Refer- encee, 429 Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto. LIBERTY Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for a heritage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty. From—To Althea, From Prison by Richard Lovelace, The snake -killing mongoose is readily tamed and makes a good though mischievous pet. ISSUE 23 — 1948 POP—Meat The Folate NOW LOOK HERE & I ,NEVER:, SAID NE WAS A CANNI DAL, By J. MILLAR WATT -x SAID NLS LIVED ON Mie WIFE 8 RELATIONS (4,,0 rTI, ga.M0.12.581