HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-05-27, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948 HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS . THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION JUNE 7" Friday, May 28th 8.30 - 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 1st '10.30 - 11 p.m. Friday, June 4th 10.45 11 p.m. 'CBL -740 Vote PROGRESSIVE ,CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Published by the Progressive Conservative Parry of Ontario THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns, Bruce - field, were recent vsiitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Chas, Dol - mage. Bobby Betties and Douglas Keys took in the trip to Niagara Falls on the 24th. Mr. Russell Bolton is erecting a new implement house. Mrs. Irene Trimbach and a friend of Stratford were holiday visitors at the homes of Messrs Charles and Austin Dolmage. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Maddess and Lillian of Milverton, visited with Mr. and Mrs, R. K. Davidson. Miss Dorothy Grainger of Agin- court and Miss Doris Broadfoot of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr, Ross Montgomery of Brant- ford spent the weekend at his home. Miss Isabel Betties of Toronto and Mr. Gordon Betties of London were holiday visitors at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert ivlcSpadden of London 'visited relatives over the weekend, The Helping Hand Mission Band met on Saturday. Meeting opened with the thence hymn followed by call to worship and hymn 597. The scripture was repeated in unison, 23rd psalm. Prayer by Irene Mont - A 'ew Worth While A FREQUENT ELECTIONS In the last 45 years the average time between elec- tions was 31/2 years. Great projects require fre- quent endorsation of the people. That is democracy. European countries would be glad to have the right to hold free elections, BY -ELECTIONS. The people of each riding have a right to have a representative in the Legislature at each session. • The Liberals could have refrained from nominating a candidate last February, then there would have been no by-election. Scores of people in the riding can testify that Tom Pryde has been of service to therm as their representative in the Legislature. Let him carry on the work. TOM PRYDE Progressive -Conservative Candidate THE HYDRO CHANGE -OVER from 25 to 60 cycle will not cost the domestic (home) consumer one cent. That is definite. After the change -over, motorized appliances will cost much less—up to 33 per cent. THE AMUSEMENT TAX The continuance of the amusement tax will enable the government to increase the maintenance grants to hospitals from $2,200,000 a year to $5,400,000 a year. THE GASOLINE TAX The continuance of the gasoline tax will enable the government to give larger grants to .the counties and municipalities so that we can have our county and municipal roads kept in better shape both Summer and Winter. Then, again, why shouldn't the man who drives 10,000 miles pay more than the man who drives 2,000 miles? And why shouldn't the American tourist pay something toward the upkeep of our roads? THE EMBARGO which prevents the shipment of cattle and certain other products to the United States is purely a Dominion Government affair— and the Provincial Government has nothing whatever to do with it. THE AIRFORCE VOTER If he and his wife are living OFF the station he has the same voting privilege as the civilian. If he lives ON the station he must have been in Ontario one year. Re -Elect Tom PRY E and• keep the highway Improvement up, help the hospitals provide services to the sick, advance and improve the hydro system, and keep Ontario strong. Published by Huron Progressive -Conservative Association gomery and minutes were read by Iris Byerinan. Roll call was your favorite bird. The study period was by Mrs. Wm: Dodds. Mrs, Ralph Davidson 'lead a" story. Meeting closed with benediction, The W.M,S, and W.A. of Caven, Winthrop, are having a specialmmet- ing on Wednesday, June 2, in the Church, when they will entertain the ladies from Duff's, Bethel and Burns' societies. The guest, speaker for the meeting will be Mrs. Rogers of Blyth. After the worship period a bazaar and social time will be held in the schoolroom. HULLETT Many parents as well as pupils enoyed therecent music festival in Goderich. Mrs. Wendorf, music teacher, Miss Edith Beacom and pu- pils of S. S. No. 5, and Mrs: Watson Reid and pupils of S.S. No. 11, de- serve credit for winning shields for their schools besides the other hon- ours anti certificates, Misses Doris and Helen Lear spent the weekend at the hone of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Miss Erma Watt of London, is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt. BRUCEFIELD The many friends- of Mr. Thos. Chapman will be glad to know that he has recovered enough to return from the Hospital in London to the home of his niece, Mrs. P. B. Mof- fatt, on West St., Seaforth. Mr. Chapman underwent a very seriods operation in St. Joseph's Hospital some four weeks ago and w.e are glad he has made such a good re- covery. DUBLIN Misses Teresa and Mary Margaret Ryan, London, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. ' Miss Bridget Costello at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Katharine Byrne in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and son Joseph, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Feeney. Mrs. Islwyn Young and :Diss. John Lannin, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph O'Rourke. Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, London, with his brothers and sisters here. Miss Velma Moore, student nurse, Stratford General Hospital. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moore. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Roney, Im- perial, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Roney. Robert Gibb, Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker at Bur- ford. B1essiouB- Mi A1&' ss Browning knows how easy it is to forget she's on a party line... and that others may be waiting. So she keeps a watchful eye on the clock — and limits the length of her calls. PARTY LIN. E COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to emergency calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA DEG ENT THEATRE SEAFORTH • NOW PLAYING IN TRUGOLOR: "SPRINGTIME IN THE SIERRAS" with Roy Rogers and .Iano Frazee. Thrills galore, when they bait a death-trap tor death -dealers. Be sure to see Roy with Trigger, the smartest horse in the movies MON. TUES. WED. 'THE PDXES OI'' HARROW" with Reg Harrison and Maureen O'Hara This is one of the warm, moving stories, of the Mississippi, combining surprise, humor and, action in 0 way that is hard to forget NEXT THUR. FRT. SAT. "DRIFTWOOD' with RUTH WARWICK — WA'LTEER BRENNAN — NATALIE WOOD A heart-warming stmv of a little girl and her dog.—Natalie Wood the delightful new child star, In a picture for the whole family COMING: - "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" wil. LANA TURNER - VAN HCrLIN TOM PRYDE'S SEAFORTH COMMITTEE ROOMS In the former Hugh Thompson Shoe Store, one door north of The Seaforth News PHONE 349 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux at Zurich: While a group. of boys were play- ing with fire -crackers on Main St., Dublin, on Victoria, Day, Bobbie, the .four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton sustained se- vere burns on his leg when .a fire- cracker was inadvertently thrown.. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrisson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrisson Sr. VARNA The W.A. of Varna are having the Play, "Grandpa's Twin Sister", from Elimville, on Thursday evening, May 21, in Varna town hall. BORN KLEBER — At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on May 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleber, Seaforth, a son. O'LEARY—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on May 21, to Mr, and Mrs, Andrew O'Leary, Seaforth, a son. ELLTOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on May 20, to Mr•1 and Mrs, Lorne Elliott, RR3 Dublin, a son. FITZPATRICK — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 21, to Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzpatrick, Seaforth, a son, ELLIOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on May 22, to Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Dublin, a daughter, BURNS—At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns, Seaforth, a daughter. I3ABKIRK—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on May 24, to Mr, and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Seaforth, a son. AGAR — At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Agar, REB Seaforth, a son. McNICFIOL—At Scott Memorial Hos. pital, on May 25, to Mr. and Airs. Boss McNichol, Itit1 Walton, a daughter., DOLAIAGE—At Scott. Memorial Hosp- ital, on May 25, to Mn and Mrs. Stewart Dohnage, RR2 Seaforth, a daughter, CHIPCHASE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on May 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chipchase, RR2 Hensall, a son. Owing to the kindness of Mr. Abbott we can now sell you the finest in Silver Plate without charging an exorbitant 25% tax as in the past. J. A. Westcort, Jeweller, Terms to suit your income, oar. bealors, Bakers, farmers & Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top. Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right Excellence Feeds Calf Meal Pig Starter Chick Starter Hog Fattener Chick Grower Hog Grower Laying Mash Sow Ration Dairy Ration EXCELLENCE in Name and Quality Turge�n Grain Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd.