HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-05-27, Page 1h HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 71, No, 22 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948 OFFERED HIGH SCHOOL GOLDEN WEDDING OF KIPPEN COUPLE FACILITIES TO TEEN-AGERS A .letter was printed in these col- umns last week which would indicate that there was a definite misunder- standing as to the content of an ad- dress recently given by Principal E. Lorne Fox of the Seaforth )high School to the Lions' Club. Included in the address was a discussion of Teen-towgn and all the problems arising from such an or- ganization. Mr. Fox, in an interview this week, stated to the News,. that he had pointed out that nothing had been done about providing a Teen - town since the request was received two years ago. Also, that he had re- commended that, since the greatest need was for the out-of-school teen- agers, a second alternative would be for the Lions Club to appoint a "Very Active Committee" which could work with the High School and. use. the High School facilities. This committee could hand out -"Admit Cards" to suitable teen-agers to at tend all High School parties and dances. A representative of the com- mittee should attend all the major functions. Any outsider whose ac- tions were not suitable for such a group would have his privilege card withdrawn. It was Mr. Fox's opinion that if two or three cards were withdrawn, to show that the rules of the school were to be ob- served, b - served, h t almost every teen -aged boy and girl in Seaforth and -the surrounding district could be admit- ted to these functions. ALBERTA COAL Is the Fuel after every Spring Rain Cheaper than wood E. L. BOX PHONE 43 & 18 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Workman of hipper, who are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Tuesday, June 1st,, will be at home. totheir friends from two to four ancl from eight to ten p.nt. MRS. ROBERT ARCHIBALD The death occurred on Wednesday of Lucy Lorena Hillen, widow of the late Robert Archibald,in her 47th year. Mrs. Archibald was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital four and a half years ago, following a severe stroke, and had been there ever since. She was born in Mchillop, the third daughter of the late Mr. and, Mrs. James Hillen, •and was married in 1898 to Mr. Archibald who prede- ceased her in 1944. She was also predeceased .by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Else, who passed away in 1933. Surviving are one brother, Mr. 'Calvin Hillen, of Mchillop, and a :sister, Mrs. Martha Kerr, of Sea- forth. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald moved to Seaforth in 1919 and had lived here ever since. Mrs. Archibald was a faithful member of Northside United Church and also a member of the W.A. and W.M.S. The funeral took place from the G. A. Whitney funeral chapel on Friday at 2 p.m., with Rev. H. V. Workman officiating. Interment Theal t- in Maitlandbank cemetery. p bearers were R. McFarlane, Ed. Miller, Dr. Harburn, Jas. Morrison, H. Glenn Hays and Robert Smith. Flower bearers. James Partridge, Howard Kerr, Stanley Hillen, ,James Acheson. Those from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig, Fordwich; Mrs. Stewart, of Fordyce; Mr. and Mrs. McBride and Geo. Johnston of Varna; Mrs. Walker, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerr and Mrs. James Partridge, Toronto. Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., and 7 p.m., services as usual. Stewardship Sunday on June 13th Egmondville United Church 10 a.m., Sunday School Young People's Anniversary Ser- vices, Special Speaker, Mr. H. G. Meir. 11 a.m., "The Apostles Creed". 7:30 p.m., "Communion". Anglican Sunday, May 30th St. Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Morning Prayer 7 p.m. Evening Prayer St. Mary's, Dublin 3 p.m., Church Service Rector: Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. $1 a year • LEADBURY SCHOOL MAKES FIRE DESTROYS' '!a GOOD SHOWING DRIVING SHED 1' Fire destroyed a drive shed at the j farm of Mr. Peter McCowan at Rox- :1 bore, Tuesday afternoon. Cause of!' the fire is unknown. It was discover -- ed by children returning from school.i about 4:30. Mr. and Mrs. McGowan were working on the opposite side of the house at the time. Mr. Mc- Gowan was able to get his 'car and tractor out of the burning building. Neighbours formed a bucket brigade to save the nearby barn from sparks At the Music Festival held last week in Goderich; Leadbury School was successful in every class they entered. Ruth and. Beth Boyd won first prize for the. vocal duet clsas, 14, years and under. Lois Ann Som- erville came first in the younger girls' class and Joan Somerville was second in the girls' 11 years and un- der class. The boys of the school as- sisted in the McKillop boys' .chorus, taking first place among the six townships that competed. In the other choruses they were chosen to sing again in the finals. Much credit is given the teacher, -Mr. Edwin Litt, who conducted the choruses and to Mrs. Wendorf, the music supervisor. MAE LANE AUXILIARY The Mae Lane Auxiliary held their May meeting on Tuesday even- ing. Mrs. Norman Knight opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Our garden of Peace" Hymn 146 was sung after which Mrs. Moffatt led in prayer. Mrs. Close gave a splendid report of the Presbyterial. Mrs. Helmer Snell, captain of Circle 1 took charge of the second part of the meeting and hymn 116 was sung after which Mrs. Chamberlain led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Kaiser. A quartette consisting of Mrs. B. Christie, Mrs. Mrs. Knight, Moffatt, M. N.Kni s g , Miss Jean McLean, sang "Saviour Thy Dying Love", and was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Roy Lawson gave a splend- id report of the Conference Branch of the W.M.S. which was held in Exeter. Hymn 221 was sung follow- ed by the Mizpah Benediction, BROWN—BAKER The marriage took place in St. Thomas Rectory, on Saturday, May 22, of Clare Bernice Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Zur- ich, and William Charles Brown, -Younger son of and Mrs. ward Brown Eemod- ndville. Rev. D! F. L. Gilbert officiated. The hrirle wore a brown check taffeta snit. blue shortie coat and matching ac- cessories with a corsage of nink and white roses. The attendants were the groom's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chambers, Seaforth. Mrs. Chambers wore a grey figured jersey dress, grey coat and accessories and corsage of yel- low roses. A buffet luncheon was served afterwards to the immediate families at the home of the groom's parents. O.R.M.T.A. LUNCHEON Members of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association enter- . twined at a luncheon at the Park House, Goderich, Thursday, May 20, during the Huron County Music Festival. They had as 'their guests, Miss Margaret Butler, and Mr. G. Roy Fenwick, both of Toronto, Adjudicators. W. I. NOTES. Any members of Seaforth,.. Wo- men's Institute who would like to go to the District Annual at Zurich on Tuesday, June 8, please call Mrs. Leslie McClure, phone 320-W and leave your name by Saturday, June 5th. .ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Duncan McNichol,of Walton wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter Wilma Jessie, to ener, sen of Mr. and Mrs. George Wildfong, of Kitchener. The marri- age to take place around the middle of June. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer, Eg- mondville, wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter Anna Emily, to William Robert Wal- lace son of Mrs. Wallace and the late William Wallace, of Tucker - smith. The marriage to take place early in June. WALTON Visitors at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Geo, Dundas: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Proud of Stockton, Calif.; Mrs, Neale Reid and son Dennis, Mr. Frank Dundas and Miss Evelyn Dun- das, of Toronto. Mr. Bill Holman- of Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Holman. Mr. Frank and Evelyn Dundas of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Proud of California with Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Dundas, Mr. Proud is a former Wal- ton boy and has not been in the vil- lage for 35 years or more. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie of Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. James Humphries of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Watson of London, with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Mr. and Mas. Glen Fraser of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Fra- ser of Morris Tp. Mr. Donald Shaw and friend of Toronto, with friend here. Mr. John Cook of Hespeler with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackwell and other friends. Mr. John Steiss of Niagara Falls called on friends here. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge of Niagara Falls with friends in Brus- sels. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Love and Mr. and Mrs. David Love of New Market, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Travis. Mr. Campbell Wey in Stratford, oh business. Master Ronald Smith, son of Mr. a�td Mrs. James Smith of the 16th of Grey, in Wingham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie of Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. • Miss Bernice-Hackwell of •Strat- frod General Hospital, in London, completing final exams for her R.N. The annual church services of the Brussels Masonic Lodge A.F. and A,M.- will be held in Duff's United Church, Walton. on Sunday evening, May 30, at 7:30. Rev. R. Y. Hazle- wood will be the special speaker. In the Huron Festival of Music held in Goderich, June Hackwell re- ceived a mark of 88 in the piano solo "Marching Trumpets". Mr. apd Mrs. Joseph Baillie, Jack and Betty of Woodham, spent Sun- day at the home of Ma. Geo. Jack- son. Mr. Alf and Miss Mary Hudie of Bayfield spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo. Jackson. Humphries Mr. and Mrs. James p of Windsor, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and children of Hamilton, with relatives.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pollard, attended the Synod in London last week. Miss Sadie McNair and niece Mar- ilye McNair of Hamilton, with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Proud and daughter of California with relatives ENNETT—ECKERT A pretty wedding took place in St. James' Church, Seaforth, Satur- day morning at 9:30 o'clock when Rev. T. P. Hussey united in marriage Edna Mary, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, Mchillop town- ship, and Mr. Walter Ennett, spn of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ennett, Sarnia.. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a floor -length gown of white satin, with headdress and veil. She carried red roses. Mrs. F. Devereauxplayed the wedding music and accompanied Mr. Frank Sills, jr., who sang at the offertory and during the signing of the register, "On This Day, 0, Beautiful Mother." The bridesmaid was Miss Teresa Eckert, sister of the bride, wearing a floor -length blue gown and carry- ing pink roses. The little flower girl, Cathie Eckert, niece of the bride, wore a long frock of pink satin and carried a nosegay of pink roses. The groomsman was Mr. James Ennett, brother of the bridegroom, and the. ushers were Mr. Richard Ennett and Mr. Thomas Melady. Following the ceremony, a -recep- tion was held at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, where Mrs. Eckert received in a pale blue printed frock with gardenia corsage and the bridegroom's mother wore a blue printed gown and also wore a cor- sage of gardenias. Later Mr. and Mrs. Ennett left for Niagara Falls and Northern Ontario. The couple will reside in Sarnia. Guests were present from Detroit, Dearborn, Toronto, Sarnia, London, Ridgetown, and Dublin. STANLEY A very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey, Goshen Line, on Mon- day evening, when a large number of friends and neighbours gathered in honor of their daughter Doreen and presented her with a miscellan- eous shower in view of her ap- proaching marriage. A very pleasant evening was spent." Mr. Lee McConnell was called suddenly to Minneapolis owing to the serious illness of his aunt, Miss E. Esler. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and babe of Egmondville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Scotchmere, on Sunday. The May meeting of the Goshen W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Robinson with MTs. Elmer Hayter's group in charge. The meeting opended with piano music by Mrs. Elmore Keyes. The first hymn "Jesus, Thou Divine Companion" was sung after which Mrs. Harvey Ifeyes gave a short reading. Mrs. Jean McKinley gave a report on the Sectional meeting which was held in Jaines St. Church, Exeter. "Christ for the world, we sing", was sung. Mrs. Harvey Keyes took the scripture from lst Cor. 13 'chapter, followed by a short prayer by Mrs. John Armstrong. "Break Thou the bread of life" was then sung. Mrs. E. McKinley took • up the business. Mrs. Wm. Hayter took the roll call and read the minutes of the previous meeting. "Take time to be Holy" was sung. Two members, Mrs. Robt. Robinson and Mrs. John Armstrong were presented with life membership certificates. Mrs. John Keyes gave the morning report of the. Presbyterial which was held in Seaforth and Mrs. Clare McBride, the afternoon session. The offering was received and Mrs. Ebner Hayter sang a solo. "Lord of the lands" was sung and Rev. Miss Hem pronounc- ed the benediction. A dainty lunch wag served and a social half hour was enoyed by all. EGMONDVILLE The May meeting of the W.A. '& W.M.S. was held Thursday, May 20, at the home of Mrs. Andrew McLel- lan. The meeting opened with the President, Mrs. McLellan, in the chair, by singing hymn 148 and the President leading in prayer. Mrs. McGregor conducted the worship service from the Missionary Month- ly, and Mrs. Weber read a poem Lilac Time". The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad- opted and: the roll call taken. Follow- .ing the business period, Mrs. Forbes took the topic "I am part of all I have met". The W.M.S. -vice-presi- dent then took over the devotional part of the meeting. Mrs. Clemence gave an article on Christian Stew- ardship; and Mrs. Keyes, the Temperance. Mrs. Ed. Boyce took the topic from the Study book, ''The Book men died for". Following the meeting Mrs. Stevenson conducted a contest, and lunch was served by group 1. NOW THERE'S NO LUXURY TAX ON SILVER . PLATED FLATWARE We have a very heavy stock of all popular patterns in silver-plated flatware and can fill most orders from stock. Patterns include COMMUNITY PLATE: Morning Star; Lady Hamilton; Cor- onation & Milady patterns; sets in cabinets, 39.75 and up TUDOR PLATE.: Fantasy; Fortune S: Sweet Briar patterns; sets in cabinets, $23.75 and •up. 1847 ROGERS: Remembrance First Love, Eternally Yours and Adoration patterns sets in cabinets $39.75 and up. WM. ROGERS & SON: Exquisite & Gardenia patterns; sets in cabinets, $24.75 and up. KING'S PLATE: Inspiration and Mayflower patterns; sets in cabinets, 935,00 and up. • Other well known patterns priced as low as $12.75 for 26 pieces. All patterns now obtainable i11 open stock. Savauges' - Jewellery, Watches, Fine China Expert Watch Repairing Phone 194. Seaforth HARLOCK Messrs Archie Watt and friend from Centralia, Messrs Donald and Jimmie Watt of Toronto, spent the weekend and holiday at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt. Miss Jessie Watt was also home, returning to Clinton, Monday night. Mrs. Lockhart Johnston and son Donald, and Miss Doris Lear of Hamilton, the former visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and other friends, Miss Doris at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knecktel of Lon- don spent the weekend and holiday with Ma. Reece Ferris and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox and fami- ly spent Sunday afternoon at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox, in Londes- boro. Miss Levine- Knox of Toronto, was also spending the weekend and holiday with her parents. Miss Jean and Kenneth Gibbings of near Clinton, spent the weekend and holiday with their grandmother Mrs. Isaac Rapson, while their grandfather, Mr. Isaac Rapson was spending the weekend and holiday in Toronto with his sisters Eva and Nellie Rapson and other friends. Mr. Will Knox assisted with the milking while Ike was away. Mrs. James Watt visited for a few clays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Watt. Miss Helen Lear spent the week- end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Knox and fam- ily spent the 24th at New Hamburg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox. Mr. Knox, Harold and ;Mar- jorie also took in the races. Times are looking up in the -neig- hborhood, 'Mr. Bert Beacom, Arthur Colson, Reece Ferris, Win. Bell and Eddy Pell are all getting the hydro. Bert has had the lights no -y for a few days. Congratulatibns to you all. Congratulations to Mrs. Watson Reid and her pupils of S.S. No. 11, Hullett, also to Mrs. Wendorf of Clinton. their music teacher for their. success at the recent music festival at Goderich. The number of entries were great- ly reduced this year. The following is their standing: Hullett Girls' Chorus, let, 85 points 'Hullett Boys' Chorus, 3rd, 83 points; Boys' solo, 9 years and under.', Buster Shaddick, SO marks, thereby obtaining a certi- ficate; Two-part chorus, 4th in class of 21 entries with 8.8 marks; Double trio, 2nd in class of 15, 83 narks: Unison Chorus, lst in class of 26 entries, 86 marks for this chorus they won the shield. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence and family of St. Columban - with Mr and Mrs. Bill Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert, in TinmmTIs with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckert. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flanagan over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. 'Karl Steinbach and little son and Miss Doris Flanagan, London; Miss Joan Flanagan and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and fami- ly, Bamberg, Mr. Joseph Flanagan Jr., of Kitchener. On Sunday, 64 students from Dublin Continuation School travell- ed by bus to take part in a Students' Congress at Jackson Park, Windsor, on Monday, Victoria Day. The stu- dents were billeted in private homes in Windsor. The Congress celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Young Catholic Students' Organization in the Diocese of London. The students returned on Monday..•night. Mr. and Mrs. Albert'Rock have moved to a residence on No. 8 High way. Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Atkinson. Misses Katharine and. Dorothy Jordan, Kitchener, with their mother Mrs. Loretto Jordan. Miss Jean Costello, Gordon Cost- ello and Peter Graschok London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Carl . Steinbach and SOIL Kenneth and Miss Doris Flana- gan, London, Miss Joan Flanagan, Bamberg, and Joseph Flanagan, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Flanagan. • Mrs. Lucy Woods and Miss Helen O'Reilly, Seaforth, with Mrs. James Jordan, Martin and Peter Feeney, Kitch- ener, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gallant, Wind- sor, with Mrs. W. Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Steinbach and son Ronnie, London, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mrs. Thomas Holland and two children, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Flynn. BLAKE Many of the scholars from the Blake School attended the Musical Festival at' Goderich Tuesday and Thursday afternoon with their teacher Miss A. Heinrich, all enjoy- ed the festival as well as being on the programme. The many friends of Mrs. Doug- las are pleased to hear that she is up and sitting in a ehair awhile each day at the' Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. Desch were visit- ed by friends from Toronto on Sun- day. Miss Hope Hamlyn of London visited her sister and brother-in-law Mr.. and Mrs. F. Bancroft. HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS • Top athletic stars from -high schools in W. 0. gathered in London last week for the Leader's Club an- nual gathering. They participated in and observed the track and field W O.S.S.A, meet at the University of Western Ontario. More than 60 members including Jim Chapman, Seaforth, participated in the day's events which saw them tour the Free Press and the university. R. J. Churchill, executive editor of The Free Press, addressed the club at the banquet in the unversity din- ing hall. The university athletic coach conducted the boys on a tour of the university stadium, training grounds, science building, museum and campus where the banquet was to have taken place but due to rain it was held in the dining hall. Jack Stevens, university athletic director, said there was no greater achievement than to be chosen the leading athlete of your school. Members were presented with chili certificate by Charlie Box, sec- retary of W.O.S.S.A. Films of the famous Western ,Mustang rugby games were shown the boys by coach Mutras. Other officials present were Claude .Turner, Jack Fairs, Alex Dewar and Murray McNie of the U. W.O. and also Jack Park' and W. G. Trestain of the Free Press CONSTANCE Miss Roxy Ball of Goderich spent the weekend with Misses Norma and Fern Dexter. Mrs. E. Harding of Toronto and Mrs. F. Harding of Philadelphia ere recent guests at the home o Mr. and Mrs, 0. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and family of Bayfield, Mi'. and Mrs. David Anderson of Londesboro and Miss Helen Schaeffer of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holden and family of Lucan spent Sunday with the formers aunt, Mrs. Alfred Bu- chanan. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and Joyce spent the weekend visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Donald Stephenson of Toren to spent the weekend at his home. Mr. Dollimer of Toronto arrived at his daughter's, Mrs. Donald Bu- chanan, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dollimer intend to spend the sunnier here. • - Mr. and Mrs. Andy Reekie and of Brantford spent the week- end end with Mr. Win. Britton. Mr. Leo Stephenson' of Trenton spent the weekend at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Iloggarth of Wallaceburg spent the weekend with Mr. William Britton. Miss Frances -Downey of Ajax, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mr. Gordon Buchanan and Miss Florence Young, of Toronto;, spent the weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dale spent the weekend in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Art Bromley. Mrs. Levitt of .Ingersoll visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke over the weekend. Mrs. Coleman Sr. of Tuckei'smith. is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ephriare Clarke. * * * The annual inspection of the Sea - forth Collegiate Cadet Corps was held on the S.C.I. grounds on Friday. The inspecting officer was Major A. Reid of the Western Ontario Div trict Headquarters, London. Major Reid was accompanied by Lieut. I. W .Irwin, also o London. There were 49 boys and u3 girls on parade. Tho programme included a ceremonial march past and drill, physical training and precision drill. The following were the officers of the Cadet Corps. Company Com- mander, Sgt. Maj. W. Butchar•t; C. S.M., Sgt. Tack Wallace; No. 1 Pla- toon, Lieut Earl McSpadden and Sgt. Howard Hackwell: No. 2 Lieut. Jim Chapman and Sgt. Glen Nixon; No. 3, Lieut. Leona Stevens and Sgt. June Snell; No. 4, Lieut. E. Huisser and Sgt. Margaret Stevens; Nn. 5, Platoon, Lieut Shirley Ben- nett and Sgt. McIver. Following the inspection a pre- sentation of awards was made by the visiting officers. The following re- ceived a cash award. The best boy cadet officer on parade, Lieut Jim Chapman; the 'best girl cadet officer on parade, Lieut Shirley Bennett(` the best boy cadet on parade, Sgt. Maj. Butchart and the -best girl ca- det on parade, Cpl. Madeline Wil- son. The inspection ceremonies were completed by noon and the remain- der of the day was declared a school holiday by Mr. Barber. A cadet dance was held in the evening with about 50 cadets in at- tendance. * * * Friday afternoon 24 boys made a tour of the Radar School at Clinton. They were greeted by W/0 I. Wat- son, who conducted the tour. The boys were shown how the airmen are taught and also the places of amuse- ment supplied for their use. These boys were then shown a film on re- . dar and a comedy on the use of cam- ouflage during the war A radar of- ficer spoke to them on the use of radar. Following the tour the boys returned to Seaforth by an R.C.A.F. bus. * * Plans for this year's cadet camp have been completed and three S.C.I.' cadets will be chosen to go to this camp easy next week. KIPPEN miss Mabelle Whiteman spent the holiday weekend in Stratford with her niece, Mrs. Eddie Taylor, and family. Mrs. Alice Dinsdale, who has spent the past couple of weeks in Stratford, returned homo with her. While there they attended on Friday night last the premiere performance of "Les Sylphides" Ballet and Tap Dance Revue in which Patty Taylor took part at the Avon Theatre. Many took advantage of the holi- day to go fishing or visit friends. Mrs. .4., Dinsdale and Miss M. White- man spent Monday, the 24th, with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aikenhead in Seaforth. Miss Jean Alexander of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Smith of Guelph spent. the weekend with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlien of near Bayfield visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride, Sharon and Wayne .spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love in Caro, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. A. Gackstetter visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al- `.bert McGlinehey.of Carlow. St. Andrew's United Church here, is at present closed for redecorating. Sunday services' are being held in the Sunday Scholo room. RECEPTION The friends and neighbours of S. S. No. 1. Hullett are holdine a re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin, newlyweds, in the community hall, Londesboro, Thursday night, June 3rd, dancing will commence at 9:30,' donations will be received at the door, good music will be sup- plied, everybody welcome. Colne and bring lunch.