HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-05-13, Page 3What Goes On In . The World By Norman Blair United States Talk of drafting General, Eisen- hower as a Candidate for President tppears to be dying down. The General's closest friends continue to insist that neither party could have him under any conceivable circum- stances. But many of the Democrats - who feel that they haven't got a ghost of a chance with Truman tlt.the head of their ticket- are still .Moping for some -kind of a miracle to'happen. • Before the present session of Con- gress is over a bill is likely to be passed which may have far-reaching results. It is one which places some SOO government-owned war planta on a "national industrial reserve," This means that such plants cannot he sold outright to' private industry Qut must always be available for government use in case of war. South. America The Pan American conference at Bogota, Colombia, seems to have ended'on a note of harmony. But the harmony was achieved, in all probability by dodging most of the controversial issues. The insistence of. some Latin American countries that all European nations -Great Britain especially -be ousted from Western Hemisphere possessions was quietly by-passed; and the South American demand for more Sconclude assistance than the United tates is willing to give also re- ceived a non -committal brush-off. Actually there were only two ac- coniplislunents of the Conference that could be called at all positive. A charter was adopted together with the formal title The Organiza- tion of American States; an agree- ment was reached by which the different North and South Ameri- can States would defend themselves collectively against outside aggres- sion, much along the lines outlined. in the 1947 Treaty of Rio Janeiro. When it was all over Secretary of State George C. Marshall rose tether abruptly and said that he was returning to Washington, pressure 9f important matters there demand - in his immediate return. Germany In Germany, and more especially irl and around Berlin, the Russian ntinue their policy of "needling" e French, British and United Cates co -occupants - on ever os Y P ble occasion. New regulations have tied up Izonia-Berlin traffic on which the titer city depends for much of its !!!food. Drastic regulations on west- ern air traffic into the German capital have been threatened. In spite of British denials the Rus- sians continue to insist that the fatal crash with a Soviet fighter plane on April 6th, was the Eng- lish pilot's fault. And General Clay, American commandant in Berlin, told some of the families that had been showing signs of the jitters, "If anyone is nervous they'd better go home' to the United States, I'd be just as happy not to have ner- vous persons around," Russia "Doses Russia *ant another war?" and "What sort of shape would Russia be in to fight another war?" -these are two of the questions that come up in almost every dis- cussion of world affairs. A recent report made to the United States House of Representatives by the Select Committee on Foreign Aid paints a picture of what goes on behind the Iron Curtain. On the whole it is rather reassur- ing, from our point of view. For while total industrial production in Russia is said to be as large as it was before World War Two, and the, Soviet budget for 1048 calls for the' spending of 51 per cent more of resources on national defense than in 1040, everything doesn't seem to be going as smoothly as Stalin and his cohorts would wish. Steel production is the major bottleneck. Although there have been improvements recently, pre- war figures are not expected to be reached before 1950; and there is little prospect that the goal en- visaged in the five-year plan -26 million tons annually -can be reach- ed for a long time after that. Great Britain In a recent international Gallup. poll one of the questions asked was "Would you like to go and settle In another country?" Almost half 42% -of the British men and women to whom the question was put answered "Yes". But although such a large pro- portion said they'd like to try an- other country, only ten per cent said they'd like to move to the United States. More than three- quarters. of the would-be emigrant's specified Canada, Australia, -New Zealand, South Africa or some other country within the British Empire. American moving picture stars are likely to be flocking to Britain in large numbers during the coming months. To use up funids, "frozen" over there, Unite States film com- panies have scheduled more than 40 pictures for British production this year. Among these stars is. Bing Crosby, who will make "Beiga- doon" in England and possibly, while over .there cross to Ireland to film "Needle in the Haystack". A cheering note is seen in the re- port that, for the first time in 25 years, Britain became the leading passenger -car exporter in the world, Balances Budget While most other hospitals in: Ontario were piling up deficits in 1947, Kicllener-Waterloo General balanced its budget although increasing its staff and payroll. Economies were effected for the taxpayers by doing other civic departments' laundry" at the hospital, by making its own soap, floor wax and several drug compounds, besides buying milk direct from farmers. Stanley Statia, hospital pharmacist, makes a germicide, on which several dollars per gallon are saved. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Before the next hockey season is upon us - and the way things go it won't be long now - there is probably just about sufficient time left in which to take a fleeting back- ward glance at the one which has just passed into history. And what stands out most proininently in the welter of our personal memory is not the easy manner in which the Maple Leafs outclassed their oppo- sition'- not some a the hectic h h cti c . moments during the Barrie -Port Arthur junior series -not even the gallant one-man stand made on the behalf of a 'lost" cause by Mr. Schmidt of the Boston Bruins. * * '* What we seem to remember most clearly was how many goals were scored and games lost because of de- fence men committing what many consider the worst possible sin of which a rear -guard can be guilty. We refer to the increasingly -com- mon fault of backing in toward your own goal -tender until his vision is obscured, thus causing him to fan on shots which ordinarily he could catch with his teeth. As a former honorary member of the now -defunct Goaltenders Froth Blowing, Liter- ary and Benevolent Guild we feel it is high time some of our modern twine -minders took drastic action in this matter -• and if they don't know just what sort of action to take, we shall be glad to tip them off. * * * For after all the cure is almost absurdly simple, We are thinking now of a famous old time goal -tender - pronounced in those days "gool-- tender" - who, at the start of each season would call his team-mates to- gether. With special emphasis to- ward defense -men, he would ad- dress them something as follows: "Youse guys are out there to score gaols and to stop the other guys. I'm here to stop pecks. And if any of youse ever backs in on me so close that I can't see what goes on, I'm warning you here and now you're going to regret it." * * * Sometimes a new defense man would forget this solemn warning; but not more than once or at the outside, twice. You'd see him back- ing in, backing in, closer and closer to his own nets. Then, all of a sud- den, you saw him rear up like a yearling colt stung in the caboose by an angry r that g y horse -fly. Forgoal- tender carried a special stick 'Which must have weighed all of seven or eight pounds. He had a powerful swing and was uncannily accurate in his aim. It was drastic treatment, and sometimes the erring defense - man would prefer standing to sitting for the next day or so. But it was. effective; and we recommend it highly to the much -sinned -against net guardians of the present era. * * * We have long maintained that baseball - minus all the false glamor and ballyhoo with which It has been surrounded - is just about the slowest game there Is so far as realaction is concerned. Once upon a time, having nothing better to do, we took a stop -watch to a game with the intention of clocking just how many minutes, out of a game lasting two hours or so, the' ball' was actually in play. *-' * * But the sun' was warty out there back of third base. The game was even shower than usual and we were drowsy. $o our noble experiment only lasted an inning and a 'half or so, and the results, of our experiment in scientific baseball research came to nothing. But we will go so far as to say there's more real action in five minutes of good soccer foot- ball than in most nine -inning ball games - and if this be treason, Mr. Chandler, make the most of it. * * Radio announcers, who have to try and make an event sound ex- citing even when it's deadly dull - and magazine gwho picture a aze writers, t s eachhl at ate they deal with. as some sort of Superman - have put sport in real danger of being oversold to the public. As an instance of what we mean, take the recent Ken- tucky Derby - the tamest sort of an affair, with Citation winning as he pleased. * * * But after it was over the Micro- phone Maestro had to go into a mild sort of dither regarding the masterly ride Eddie Arcaro gave -the winner. "He didn't make a single mistake" was one of the phrases, if we recall correctly. Actually, as the jockey would be first to admit, all Arcaro did was just sit still and let the horse run his own race. We know a couple of 14 -year-old girls who have been attending Riding School for about six months who would probably have done just as well, and brought Citation home just as easy a winner as did the great Mr. Arcaro. No Trouble At All A sentimental woman was mar- ried to an unromantic man. One evening she said to him with a sigh. "Would you mourn for me if I were to die?" "Oft, yes" he mumbled, "of course I would." "And would you visit the ceme- tery often?" "Certainly,". he said, with a lit- tle more animation. "1 pass it on' my way to the club; anyhow." T • HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention ConAuIt' your nearest Harn about Stacie lia'necs pp- -, We sell our goods only pgg-�, your local 8taco Leattliti' Goods dealer. The goods eie right, and so are oils prfe*it. We manufacture in our fit tortes - Harness, Horse lots, Sweat Pads, Horse B keta, and Leather 'helve, Goods. Insist n &I mo 00 Dir Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 20 - 1948 OM CLASSIFIED .ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED. AILS, GREASES, TIRd, DictA , p�l'leotjtrlo Fe os' Controllers, u 6 8'pn WfI ace Cgeltlnse, exp Lit t7 ted. r de arca Ciroo:4 & 1 i _ ikle- �'fizzntg, DAR]' DEICES PULLET bargain. Ave week old, wblle they lest: While Leghorns, Black Minorca, 131aek Minorca. x White Leghorn, White. Leghorn x Barred Rock 60.06. White ,Rooks, Barred Rooks Black Apstralorps, New.. Mamnehiree, New Hampshire x Barred Rook, Light Sussex x Barred ,Rock 48.06, .Aeoorted breeds 1.00 per' hundred less. Mao 6 week old 4 week, 8 sonic, 2 week pullets, cookerele and non- sexed at bargain prices. Also day old cockerels: Black Minorca x White Loghorns, White Log - horns L00. Barred Rock x White Leghorns 2.00. Send for complete prlceliet, Tweddle Oh1ek Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. -4%-Heavy Breed Cockerels -6c - Sussex. Sussex x New Hamp; New Ramps,, Prompt delivery: So. Atter April 20t5: May led to May 1000; 6o, Rhode Island Reds 41e, ]took x Leghorn and Sussex x -Leghorn 2a, Leghorns lc, Fast Feathering Rocks and Rock x New Hantps to May 0th 60, May 1 -10th: 7c, TO receive these specials enclose thio ad with order. All prices subject to 'cheese without -notice, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. FIVE week old pullet bargains while they last: White Lesbians, Black Minorca x White Leghorns, Black Australorpe x'White Leghorn, 40.08. Barred, Rocks, New Rampehires,. Black Australorps, Light Sussex x Barred Rocks, White wyandottes, White' Rooke 47,06. Assortad Breeds 1,00 per hundred lee,. Also 2, 8, 4 week old pullets, cockerels or non -sexed. Day old codcerels: White Leghorn x Barred Rocks 2.00, Black Minorca x 'White Leghorn. White Leghorn 1.00, other breeds at reduced prices. Send .for pricellst, Top Notch Chick. Sales, Guelph, Ontario, FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED COCKERELS with every order of 100 pullets, Large Type White Leghorn pullets 828.60, New Hann). 828.00, To - reeeiVe this special enclose thin ad with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 0E1 PRICELTST on epeclal cluck bargains,. dayolds, started, Immediate delivery, Don't be left short -you may and shortages In eggs and poultry later. Be ready with .Bray chicks, Bray Hatchery. 130 John N., Hamilton. BEST in years. That 1, what the Dominlon Deportment of Agrloulture Marketing Ser- vice says about the poultry outlook. Looks Ince a real chance for turning Odle brooder space Into money matter. Some smart people will make real money that way this' Beason. Shortage of early hatched pullets makes Fall egg market outlook exceptionally bright too. •Start vigorous fast growing Top Notch chioke, We can give prompt delivery on day old, started and older pullet, eight weelcs to laying. Send for reduced prices for May. Top Noteh Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested, banded and in0peated. Many customers have had year. of continuous success, with Lakeview chicks. You can'. too. Prom John Coles, Gravenlmret, Ontarlo- Many thanks for tine shipment. I have 100% livability." "Wonderful success. 76 to 80% production tvtth. your Sussex," reports Arthur Arycre, Osgoode, Ontario. • bio,EGG SHORTAGE • Total chick hatchings down 60% from year ago. Feed prices wtl be lowor and egg prices POULTRYEA M T SHORTAGE Reports: chow cockerels started tad to date down 70 tos 8ng from to year ago. 2.4 el broilers.100 are in of for 26 to 40c ]b live weight. The margin of profit ie stealer than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 60,000 Lakeview chicks weekly. Wo can give prompt delivery 1n moat broods. Give 2nd choice of broad, If possible. Breeds available Sussex, Sussex x N. Hamm., B. Reek x Haeme„ Barred Rocks, N. Hamas., Rhoda Deland Reda, Large typo W. Leghorns, Rock X Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn, N. Hamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Get a bead start with started pullets or look order for future delivery 8 weeks to ready to lay. It looks like it will be irnposeible to buy well -started pullets later on. All older pullet's raised on free range under Ideal conditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Seed for special low prices on largo orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE Thera IS good money 1n raising Capone. Sell for as ;much per ib, as turkeys, 86 to 400. Per lb. alive now. Send for large Illustrated catalogue and man- agement book and weekly special list of day old, started pullets and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY , 1234c - Hurondale Chicks - 12r/c All Breeders double-bloodtested and banded, banked by high pedigreed foundation stock. ,Many .customers report Best chicks I ever had, and pricesso reasonable". 'The: chicks I had from you have done splendidly" sport. James Wright. Owen Sound, Pure Sussex mixed: 14c; Sussex x New Hamp, Rock x New Hama, Barred Roo1c and Now Hamp mixed: 12390; pullets: 24e. Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, New Hamp x Leghorn to May 20th: mixed: 14o, pullets: 27c, cockerels: 2o. After May 2000,, Mixed 12300, Pullets 24o. Large type White Leghorn Pullets 24c, mixed 121/4c. Fast Feathering Rock and Rock x Now Hamp cockerels 60 to May 1st; Sussex X New Hamp and Broad Breasted New Hamp cockerels to May let: 6%u. May 1 - 10th: 8c. Assorted Mixed chicks 110, assorted pullet.: 220, Aeoorted heavy cockerel,, 60 when available. All prices subject to change without notice. 100% Live Delivery to your Station. 51.00 Per 100 depoolt, balance 0.0.0, Order from and enclose this a4. HURONDALE. CHICK HATCHERY, LONDQN, Ontario. DPPORTUNITY in knee/tins at your doer. This le the year to make real money In Poultry meat and eggs, It never looked better, reed price. - are going down and poultry meat Woos aro up. There le certain good money in ralatng cookerele for broilers or roasters, The margin of profit is bigger than ever. Don't delay, send for our reduced pricellet for May. We can give prompt delivery on day old, two, three, four and Ave weep old pullets, teekerel, or non -,axed. Also older pullets tight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Twaddle Dhlek Hatoherles Limited. Fergus, Ontario. DYEING AND GLEANING HAVE 20U anything, needs dyeing or clean- ing? 'Writs to us for Information. We aro lad to simmer your questions, Department H, Pasl,*r'e Dye Works Limited 791 Unice Street, Toronto', Ontario. FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Part. and Saralee. Bert E, Kennedy & Son, 4O1t College. St„ Toronto. EARLY Kellogg Premier Strawberries, 600 QpUlants 30.00 1,000 810;00. Elgin ,ate, 62,00 010 0. 8f. 8m11h, Scotland, Ontario. A L-6ANADIIN Milking Shorthorn Breeder's ale 1014 at Alderlea Farm, Hamilton, May 97th. 40 choice females, 6 outstanding butte. For eatatogues write Alan Alderson, Rte, 4. Hamilton. Pian to attend. POS SALE BiZOA-131;2E STED R OltM j2114,1% aA41%Tp Ue DREAlersf_BONZ 661 Y, wi TIDS and SMALL 111.1I.13,' THIS dooke theyear to make real money 1a turkeys. Send for our . Turkey anlde and 1e4 ter to get all the details, There is. it geed American market and demand, The duty Is down .6 cents per lb. Feed prlcee are going down. Quotations for Mao' delivery forgrat4 are down 918.00 to 617,00per ton.' Ameri- clan Breeder flocks aro down 40-60 per dent. Poutt production will bo away down, It Is expected that 'Canadian poult, will be ehlpped to 0.8.A. by May or before at good prices. Plan to raise poulte! This 4e the year! Book Your order novel B15 dlscounte for ADrtl delivery. Send for Turlcey .Management Guide and olreular which tells all about profits, Prevention of disease. and rearing methods, LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH. EXETER ONTARTO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Buy Superior :Quality, Extra Profit, day-old chicks and duck.. Our chicks aro purebred and healthy. Coming from docice inspected, approved' or certified blood -tested breeders. The reproducers are R O.P. or descending from R.O.P, cockerels, assuring at the same time healthy and vigorous phlcke, well known for laying large eggs .from 24 to 82 ounces per dozen. You can always depend upon a full egg basket when you order your chicks from us. Auk for our price list. For tmmedlate or future delivery, Wilfrid Lefebvre, 2026 Amherst - St„ Montreal, 24. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING STALE NEw . pot -type Queen Olt Burning Brooder stoves, new 820.00 or 121.00 delivered to your station. Act quickly, while they last. Subjsot to change without notice. Toreceive thin bargain price enclooe this' ad with your order. Aloo ROOM HEATERS as low as 182.00 and New .Pot -Type QUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- ERS, 546.00 while they last, LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO BEMIS ONE AND TWO -ROW HORSE AND TRACTOR -DRAWN TOBACCO. AND TOM- ATO, ETC., TRANSPLANTERS ;A•VAxLABLE Now. BEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER on W. F. McKENZIE CO., DISTIOBUTORS SINCE 1866. PHONE 26, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO. HI -POWERED R1Ace-Wrote for deeoriptive folders and prices, SCOPE SALES CO., 826 .Queen 8t., Ottawa, Ont. SENATOR Dunlop strawberry plants. well rooted, heaviest produaere, hundred $1.60, thousand 38. Order early. Perot' Yarrow, Route 0, Trenton, Ont. EAT .HONEY, Nature's finest sweet, wo will supply a caee of 12 four -pound cane of de- licious fine flavored oloverhoney for only 310.00. Order today while this bargain price lasts, Big Rook Farm, 58111e Roches, Ont. WEED control with ohemicalo Is may, quick offeottve and economical with use of Ben- son sprayers and chemicals. Write for In- formation to George White & Sone Company Limited, London, Ontario, n HIGH PRICES - USED BAGS Minimum quantity 900 bags, Write WESTERN BAG & BURLAP COMPANY 87 Front Street East Toronto, Ont, alAOIHMIIRY NOW IN STOCK, Beatty deep and shallow tve11 pressure systems, dean well Hand Pumpo. and Pump Jacks. Air Compressors, all .teen both stationary and portable. Complete line 00 woodworking machinery. Eleotrlo Motors, all sizes in 26 and 00 cycle. Portable 811eotrlo Welders, 100 amp, capacity. write for pylons and descriptive me Electric to: Wigwam ElStree Limned 70 Klan Street rot Hamilton. Ontario ROOFING - SIDING Bargain - MI11 Ends - Factory Secoo4o 110 lb Asphalt Shingles 84.76 OI. 126 lb. Asphalt Shingles 9.06 eq, Colours ---Green, Red, Slue, Black, Green Blond, Red Blend. 70' thick Brick Siding, Red or Red .Blend 18.06 Sq. Smooth' Rolled Roofing 46 lb, 61.06, 66 1t', 12.10. Rock faced 00 lb. Roofing 62.60 80. Red, Green A. Black, 10,0,B, Hamilton. . These are real e•auee pt the above prices, Order Now. Stock limited. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTON ONTARIO WHIZZER motor to put on your own b1 - cycle 0100.00. Whiner, oomplete with Chieftain heavy duty bicycle„ with heavy duty tires, -heavy duty , Coe end heavy duty oaring Locke, le, 6286 Corgi naa Barnett fi,awur-g motorcycle 32r Francis Barnett " motorcycle, (20d i Frnnole Barnett .M. We motorcycle (made in England), 3460.00. we nay.Ili In charges pn g s Rae , Watson, 1, Wellington dquarte St,. London, Ont. Offi,lo. cycle headquarters for Western Ontario. ART HALLIWELL AUTO • WRECKERS ALL PARTS Thoroughly guaranteed, wrecked and catalogu- ed. Shipped with no mistakes anywhere. Mall ordor, a specialty- All correspondence an- swered dally. No part too board to get. Try our fast and accurate eorvlee. We clean, re- pair, or recore any .make of radiator, Glaea Installed while you welt. Lakeside 4488. 1400 Bloor 8t, W., Toronto, Ontario. Write . Wire Phone FOR BALE -One 86 x 84 Goodteon Steel sep- orator, clover attachments, Grain Register, Elevator, In real good running order. 9860.00. Ono 82 x 50 Salver -Massey separator elevator with tilting swinging conveyor. Bagging scout. 8400.00, Geo, W. Hunter, Rogersville, Ont. CHESAPEAKE Bay retrievers, rogtetered, 4 months old, Will make good hunters and excellent companions. D. Nash, Stoney crook, Dntarlo. LUSO109S ripe berries 'this .ancon, 3u17 00 October. Genuine Gem Everbearer straw- berry plants half former prloe, A11 can aflot'd thin hardy. Prolific easily grown variety. Mapl6 syrup, honey accepted in trade. 66 fox :1,00. 60. 98.00. 100, 84.00 prepaid. Excellent plants. One hundred, 84.00 PreDald. Excellent plants, L. W. Phillipe, Box 11, Welland, Ont. 90713A1. Farm h160 acres, 1t aoree Blear, 6 -roomed fr'ame house, 8 log bane, roogt� house, Temiskaming Highway % Milo, Nprth Bay 11 miles, good schools, near poeqt Woe and stores, 1000.00 cash. William Phillips, Redbridge P.O., Ontario. BUILDERS' Supplies available Immediately. Nails - Caet-Iron soil -pipe and Fituw(.. Pumbing fixtures and eleotrioal appliances. Send stamp for circular. Economy Dletrlbu- tors,Kingston, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on roomed regarding chose., Robertson's Halydreesing Academy, 189 Ave nue Road, Toronto, HAIRDRESSERS start a busine,e of your mp. own giving Arlo Cold Waves In the Ho Arlo Cold Wave Co., 106 Adelaide 8t. vV Toronto. MEDIOAL DON'T Delay! Every ,utterer of RheQumatic Paine or Neuritis ehoel4 ter Dixon's Remedy. Munro'. Drug Store, 886 I11151n, Ottawa. Poetpald 61.00. MIDD;0 7j done pr Nei/rt•itle roIt10d tqy o j401019p's area Ste a, 889 IQ _g9ptjisl0e 11,00, • Thon'aa0o !Onley k0ew Verret FER-BEK 10 /0111 TABLETS 08E11 ingredients necessary Tor a Penang s'5 `'wellbeine' and for vigorous -good Heatti.. l -dare SUPPIY, yearn ld m.08.. BEK HEALTH PRODUTS Box R6. Station E, Toronto. OPPORTDNITIE6' FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 808001. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant Pleasant dignified proteeelon, good wage0/��.,.. thousands aucceesful Marvel graduates America'. greatest eyatem, Illustrated ea loges free. Write or Call - MARVEL HAIRDRESSING. SCHOOLS 868 Bloor St, w,. Toronto. Branches: 94 King 8t., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, OPPOR'TUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN BARN MONIOY AT HOME Spare or full-tlme money -making, Learn 64' Matte candy at home and earnas ydu leaf* correspondence course. National Inetltute Confectionary Reg'd, Delorlmier P.O.. Bax 162, Montreal, Qua..- ,,'PATENTS . FETHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patelif Sollcltaro, - Eatabushed 1800. 14 1C108 West, Toronto, Booklet.,of Information on request. • 1 Ht1•rOpuAPEY FREE o$1arlatte t wrih roll 300, or with 10 rearInts-.890.7.. h elude this ad, Aft Photo, Box 178,•`Statlaa B, Montreal. FREE COL'RED ENLARGEMEN A heautlful 4 x 0 "enlargement, hand color.; r in ells with each order.; Films developed an999 printed' 20c, Reprints 4c each. Della aerates. quality guaranteed, Sun Photo Servlet, Sta- tion H.' Toronto._ WANTED WANTEDI Muskrat aro In good demand. For top price. and prompt returns slip your raw furs to: Man James, Lindsay Ont, WANTED. Jeep snow plow, Hydraulic, used, 1n good condition. Advertiser, 48 Dar Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, HELP WANTED PROTESTANT teachers wanted for Township Seho61 Area of Icennebee. State quaUAoe- tlone, name of last Inspector and .alar' expected. DUTIES to commence Sept. 1, 1949. Apply S. E. Rushee, Sec: Trees„ Arden. Ont. ROOFERS, CARPENTERS, Etc. The fastest, easiest and cheapest way to make a profitable buelneae 1s in our new type INSULATION Every community should have an ap- pltoator. We train 100. We have the maehtnery. Write and set full Inform- ation, to C. A. HURLBUT 15,0 Cowan Ave. Tor nto, Ont. - 4 Pal- 0 Pak Manufacturing tur ng Co. of Canada. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "28" For The lend Of Relief That Helps Make You Rana' To Go A2oro than half of your difee on le do w !ho belt -in yonrl28,fDS 04 mbowq that h00990 dmigcetuto0 in the' elomaach AN below the belt. 1,�� Who! you Mee a Che the "'f�oott04 Pula to give b needed he that "f tta6t 28 teat" of bowels. Take ono Carter's Little Liver Pill bofmly and ono after meals. Tale them �000r� mg OD directions. They help woke up a larger tl of the 8 main digestive /Woos in yomretoma AND bowels -help you digest what you have oaten in Nature's own way. Then most folks get the kind of mild .meakes you feel bettor from your hmd.$0 Little Liver I,i ueter 1.11, fromlthe genuine Oart your druggtet For Oualityn Mildness - Value. Canada's Fa stest 'Selling CIGARETTE TOBACCO POP -High Fare odet The PI(W RIRDIiC1Nei Q9VMNASILIM I'M 52NeenelEi YOUR 151t.t- aAGK TO YOU By J. MILLAR WATT